Ben Nevis via The Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see it's quite dark I've got the head torch on the way off for a little morning Trek oh The North Face of Ben Nevis so I probably won't speak to you again until it lightens up a little bit here we go morning over Fort William I assume down there around there she is we're doing on the iPhone because it's much better at um night videography than the GoPro is GoPro it's just darkness it does appear to be darker out here than it does actually show on the phone there we go these views were better I suppose when I drop back off later on to well this afternoon and press it though it still seems to be actually quite a bit darker than it looks on screen but you can quite clearly see the snow patches still on Nevis now I guess this is the sheltered side as um the day warms up but this is where I'm heading first a quick spin around to see the orange Hue coming up carry on along there as well while I'm at it back to for William just a quick breather I found a perfectly sized Rock to fit my bomb and Fort William and again slightly more orange than it was excuse my Shadows from my head touch [Music] ing brighter now the head torch is off right so I'm onto the GoPro this is a path I've been following up Fort William there's quite a bit of um low bands of cloud floating about I'm hoping I don't kind of get flooded out and hope that doesn't look too bad but fingers crossed but here she is mostly if it's called Ben I should probably call it he she hit and at the back there the CM dret which I'll be following around to get up on top okay I'm not even going to try and pronounce that one because I'll insult there's a good Scottish Folk but at 1179 meters I'm currently the highest I've ever been lots of low-level cloud over that way the beacon of light coming up which I'm assuming will be the Sun when it pokes its head out around that's next and then up to there I can see people up there already and that was me hoping I'd have it to myself that you won't know you won't make them out up there but just somewhere yeah there are four or five people [Music] and pied my tail at the top and there we go boss been joined on the big yellow thing more than welcome I think that cloud if anything is pushing out which would make sense because that's the direction the wind is traveling logic back down while we started somewhere down there near Fort William the sun now gracing the top of Ben Nevis again I can just see people on the uh look at Tower which is about there somewhere the view is down then this is my path if you can call it a path over the same dearette more low-lying cloud in the valleys valleys you know what I mean that way and there we go right let's crack on across this Ridge there we go then this MDR act begins foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] view down the valley actually then nervous this side can't watch it out that side well I'm able to I'll give you a quick 360 over this side impressive stuff sunlight breaking through I'm lighting my way well I've made it to the can if nothing else foreign from here it gets a little bit steeper but it's fairly easy going up these on these boulders going pretty well from that can if you can't see it it's not the way this big pressure snow is a little patch just beyond it it's next to that there's a path up that's quite Dusty and scree-like which is not very easy going but I've just been going up the boulders so a bit more to the right and it's actually much easier going up the boulders I've joined up with a screw again but I'm gonna head back up this Boulder patch rather than up the screw puff just here can't find it much easier going look at the view no down like that look what I've found all right yes mate highest point in the United Kingdom lots and lots to explore wow how amazing is this to the memorial hit some bobs right Philly have a look in the observatory is it called an observatory I can't remember a few shelters there's something written on whether that one is over there but that's it the top of Ben Nevis the shelter foreign Britain's highest War Memorial I kind of just realized how much low level cloud there is so I've been extremely fortunate look how close that is to where I am as well but for my entire route there has been none I mean there's not a lot that way a couple of little patches that's why I'm heading off following them Cairns that's kind of the traditional way then I'll split away from the main path and head back to the North Face Castle but yeah there's been absolutely no cloud from the Fort William area which is down there somewhere and all around Ben Nevis but look at it all around this way makes me feel I've been rather fortunate there's your 360s [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right probably rather give them the meters it's time to warm up quite cold as I've dropped off there the breeze was picked up a bit actually as I came away from it started dropping off off the summit that is I can view it down that Ali as soon as the further you look down the trail the more consistent the trail of ants becomes there's obviously a shortcut here that a lot of people are taking as well and they're obviously struggling more than those that are taking the more Ziggy zag flatten it impressive Little Falls with nothing down just left the main trail and I'm back on the one now that heads towards the North Face car park quite a bit ago yet mine I think it goes right in and then these right back like a video right back out again doesn't it [Applause] so the chocolate continues and goes in a V and it kind of goes in and back out goes down there and although this isn't plotted on the map I had seen that there might be a root across here I think it's a very clear route so it's going to save me that big V in and out to cut across so that path down up here wasn't the easiest to follow if I'm honest it's not a well-made track but it's obviously been well shruttering because there are lots of footprints and everything else on it I won't fancy and wet weather I'll give you that much but now I've got to cross this stream thankfully there are a lot of Boulders that's cool yeah and this should get me back on to the track that I went off on there you go and I don't know if this is some sort of um number um I don't know but here we go I'm back on the track that I headed out on earlier the path that I followed comes down here you can kind of see it along there but it's um along the clearest path to follow and I maybe could have gone over that style down there but I've just crossed the stream on the uh Boulders it wasn't too deep and this is it dropping away from Ben Nevis looks more impressive in the daylight wasn't it [Applause] again the viewers here were a little bit different this morning when it was all lit up in darkness can't quite see nervous from here probably one more shot um to compare too early as I get a bit lower down here we go then this is this morning there's a viewers William and the last final view back for another it's about it then here we are at the car park as everyone loves some photos um the map um elevation gain and distance to the video and I'll see you again soon Cheerio bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Pipes Hikes
Views: 986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben, nevis, mountain, scotland, cmd, arete, carn, mor, dearg, hiking, walking, drone, 4k, scenery, clear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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