documents to the special after a
judge rejected claims of
executive privilege. Tonight, a judge rejected claims of
executive privilege. Tonight, a
crime alert has police searching executive privilege. Tonight, a
crime alert has police searching
for the shooter who gunned down crime alert has police searching
for the shooter who gunned down
beloved business owner. And the for the shooter who gunned down
beloved business owner. And the
victim was shot dead in his own beloved business owner. And the
victim was shot dead in his own
office. Local ten crime victim was shot dead in his own
office. Local ten crime
specialist Bridget matter is office. Local ten crime
specialist Bridget matter is
following this one for us live specialist Bridget matter is
following this one for us live
from Miami. And one of the following this one for us live
from Miami. And one of the
employees that we spoke say this from Miami. And one of the
employees that we spoke say this
could have been a result of some employees that we spoke say this
could have been a result of some
sort of dispute between the could have been a result of some
sort of dispute between the
owner and a customer. It all sort of dispute between the
owner and a customer. It all
happened his own office and owner and a customer. It all
happened his own office and
people that we spoke to say that happened his own office and
people that we spoke to say that
this business owner was a really people that we spoke to say that
this business owner was a really
good guy. Now, police are this business owner was a really
good guy. Now, police are
searching for the shooter. Loved good guy. Now, police are
searching for the shooter. Loved
ones are mourning the loss of a searching for the shooter. Loved
ones are mourning the loss of a
man they knew as Bubba. He was ones are mourning the loss of a
man they knew as Bubba. He was
an extraordinary person. He had man they knew as Bubba. He was
an extraordinary person. He had
a hard gold and he would take an extraordinary person. He had
a hard gold and he would take
the shirt off his back for a hard gold and he would take
the shirt off his back for
anyone. Not a way dog. The owner the shirt off his back for
anyone. Not a way dog. The owner
of Bubba’s Supermarket It and anyone. Not a way dog. The owner
of Bubba’s Supermarket It and
the nearby body shop off seventh of Bubba’s Supermarket It and
the nearby body shop off seventh
and 75th Street was murdered on the nearby body shop off seventh
and 75th Street was murdered on
the job morning. Richard Rios, a and 75th Street was murdered on
the job morning. Richard Rios, a
friend and employee of Bubba, he the job morning. Richard Rios, a
friend and employee of Bubba, he
was killed inside. His office friend and employee of Bubba, he
was killed inside. His office
possibly during a disagreement was killed inside. His office
possibly during a disagreement
with a customer. They screamed possibly during a disagreement
with a customer. They screamed
at me to call the police and. with a customer. They screamed
at me to call the police and.
That’s what I did. Rios was in at me to call the police and.
That’s what I did. Rios was in
the paint room when the shooting That’s what I did. Rios was in
the paint room when the shooting
happened. They were trying to the paint room when the shooting
happened. They were trying to
revive him. But I saw. I walked happened. They were trying to
revive him. But I saw. I walked
through the office. I saw his revive him. But I saw. I walked
through the office. I saw his
out of it was gone. Miami police through the office. I saw his
out of it was gone. Miami police
surrounded the business evidence out of it was gone. Miami police
surrounded the business evidence
throughout the day it appears surrounded the business evidence
throughout the day it appears
that the victim was well in the throughout the day it appears
that the victim was well in the
community and it just appears be that the victim was well in the
community and it just appears be
another act of senseless community and it just appears be
another act of senseless
violence, which has to be another act of senseless
violence, which has to be
stopped. Bubba’s businesses have violence, which has to be
stopped. Bubba’s businesses have
been open for decades. A face in stopped. Bubba’s businesses have
been open for decades. A face in
the neighborhood. Dozens been open for decades. A face in
the neighborhood. Dozens
gathered around the businesses the neighborhood. Dozens
gathered around the businesses
after hearing what happened. gathered around the businesses
after hearing what happened.
Trying To make sense of it. He’s after hearing what happened.
Trying To make sense of it. He’s
a beautiful. May God keep us Trying To make sense of it. He’s
a beautiful. May God keep us
soul forever. Love You both. We a beautiful. May God keep us
soul forever. Love You both. We
are waiting on Miami to give us soul forever. Love You both. We
are waiting on Miami to give us
more information as far as a are waiting on Miami to give us
more information as far as a
person of interest or is more information as far as a
person of interest or is
concerned. For now the love of