Belong Church ATL Worship January 23, 2022

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do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are so excited that you guys have decided to tune in with us this morning my name is zoe hello i'm cordyce and we are your hosts for today and if it is your very first time tuning in with us today we want to welcome you probably so drop a number one in the chat yes yes and let us know where you're tuning in from south side east side out the country because you know belong we global we we belong beyond listen we literally have people tuning in from all over the world and we are so excited because you know god is everywhere so we got to represent him everywhere too absolutely absolutely and you know what we're almost at the end of month one and we've been off to a strong start this year yeah speaking of strong start have you guys been enjoying the fast i know i have how about you zoe i have today is the very last day i'm super excited because i'm ready to eat but let us know in the chat what your favorite day has been so far courtney's what's been your favorite day that's a hard one but i think my favorite day was day eight which talks about the strength to surrender and um you know the way my life has been set up is always god is snatching me and like he snatched his earring but he's snatching me and putting me where he wants to be as a result of purpose so i have to have my faith and my trust in god at all times to know that he got me no matter what no matter what the situation looked like he don't look like the past but my future is in god and it's good and i'm good you know it's all about what about you you know you talked about surrender which is has not always been the easiest thing for me i think my favorite day was day five which was the strength for impossibilities and i i consider myself to be a pretty independent person so having to relinquish my independence so i could be more dependent on god so that he can make the impossible things that he's laid out for me more possible more tangible yeah so man but speaking of um our strong start you know we've been building something strong here at belong you know our word for the year is strength absolutely yes yeah so we've been building a strong culture strong vision strong people yeah what is our vision for the church absolutely our vision we exist to be a bridge for people to experience and belong to christ in community speaking of community yes there are like a million and one different ways that people can get plugged into our community go ahead and shameless plug if you guys have a heart not just a want but a heart to serve and build up the next generation of kids i want you guys to text or to email generations that we belong that church to serve with our next generation ministry groups that's our nursery kids and teens yes also if you love welcoming the people into the house of god if you love ushering parking lot ministry hospitality security we have a place for you to serve so please please sign up yeah yeah and if you just want to serve but you don't know where you want to get plugged in you can always text belong atl to 9400 it's going to give you a couple prompts and a lot of different ways that you can get plugged in with what we're building here at belong and also if you want to sow a seed if you want to give please text belong atl to 77977 so i'm really excited about worship today about the word are you excited i am i'm ready i know passing on as you say cook it up i know you know what it works for all of us so just be open and i'm ready yeah if you guys are ready we want to we want you to let us know in the chat so just drop some fire emojis some uh confetti emojis and we're gonna uh pray in absolutely courtesy you wanna pray soon might as well they snatch me and i'm surrendering obedience i love it go ahead dear heavenly father we just thank you we thank you for just being god of our lives we thank you for giving us another opportunity to worship to praise you and to honor you we thank you god for your provision we thank you for your protection we thank you for your wisdom heavenly father we thank you for you just being daddy in our lives we come before you right now and we ask that you be present in this in this building in this sanctuary in this service we ask that you touch the van we access you touch the worship team we ask you that you touch every home that is watching today with us we thank you for our pastors we thank you for the ministry and we thank you daddy for making us a strong a strong a strong ministry a strong impact for the kingdom so we thank you right now we thank you for the lives that will be changed we thank you for the minds that will be renewed and we thank you right now for the impact we will make for you we ask all of this and we love you in jesus name we pray i was glad when amen said unto me let us go into the house of the lord good morning belongers are you glad to be in his presence right there where you are he's going to meet you right there this morning [Music] yeah [Music] come on [Music] is coming on the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down [Music] and every chain will break as broken hearts declare his praise for who can stop the lord is [Music] [Music] his love breaks the chains and every knee will bow before the lying [Music] [Applause] [Music] the god who comes to say [Music] for who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] that who can stop the lord almighty come on sing a church tell me who can stand before us [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] we win is [Music] our god is a lion lion he's roaring with power and fighting our battles every knee will bow be for him come on our god is the lamb our god [Music] [Music] [Music] knee will be [Music] he will be yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] all to peace the storm surrounding me let it break and your name still cause the sea to still [Music] jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus silence fear jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus breathe call these bones to live call these lungs to once again i will praise jesus [Music] oh jesus jesus you may lord jesus jesus [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Applause] the shadows [Music] is [Music] is jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my provider [Music] jesus jesus you are all things to me jesus jesus everything that i need oh jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] nothing more nothing lest we say jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus this is a heart song to you this is a love song to you we acknowledge your greatness we acknowledge you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] cannot is overcome oh jesus [Music] sweet jesus there's no one like you jesus [Music] jesus you are here [Music] and he's meeting you right where you are there's nothing too big there's nothing too great for him [Music] invite him into where you are [Music] open your heart in this moment and receive jesus let's receive jesus in your hiding place invite jesus in the secret place invite jesus he wants to sit with you he wants to know your hearts jesus [Music] [Music] we once you jesus [Music] worthy of every song we could ever see [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] breathe jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one that could ever say [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Applause] [Music] there [Music] who is are [Music] [Music] jesus the jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] won't you lead me [Music] let's sing i will be [Music] [Applause] and i will [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] there is [Music] i see i will be will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] again foreign [Music] [Music] to jesus oh to jesus unto jesus [Music] no to jesus [Music] to jesus [Applause] [Music] to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give yeah everything [Music] sing my [Music] [Music] so [Music] all [Music] i'm trying with everything in me to pull myself together [Music] because there's only one safe place that we build our life on that safe place is not our security it's not our strength it's not our ability it's not our wisdom it's not our will it's not our desires but the safest place to build our lives our name on is the name of jesus wherever you are for just a moment can you lift your voice can you raise your voice like a trumpet in zion even if you're at home i don't care if you're in the grocery store can you take a moment and raise your voice because there is still a name that's safe to build all this there's still a name that has credibility and credence there's still a name that has survived every struggle and survives every test there's still a name that's strong and fortified and mighty and that name is not buddha that name is not in heart but there is a name that's above every name and this sunday we declare that there's no god like ours and his name is jesus we lift our voices in worship and adoration to the one true and living god as we declare all the days of our lives all the days of our lives every moment you deserve it every second you deserve it we will build our lives [Music] [Music] [Music] because if i haven't discovered anything else is that his love it is a firm foundation his love carried me it kept us it supported us when everything else around us shook his his love was that firm foundation so we're gonna make sure we start this year off right in worship in january has already been amazing but i am so grateful i'm so grateful for his presence and i believe that whoever you're watching in the world right now a presence that's in this room it's just sustainable in your house i'm sure some of you have crawled underneath your bed you have found the closet i pray that the presence of god that we feel in this moment is as real to you as it is to us can you help me thank god one more time just for the splendor of his presence can you thank him man [Music] i think okay i'm trying to remember what i'm supposed to do i literally got lost i almost rolled under a speaker stage i almost lost myself um offering that's it amen if you're ready to give let's get ready to give i want to remind you very very quickly and i want you to put it in the chat this is our year of strength the year of strength and i believe in god to provide strength to your resources i want to read one verse out of psalm 84 and 11 and it simply says this believe us in the a-clause that he will withhold no good thing from you man i i want you to settle in your heart that you don't serve a stingy god and you don't serve a god that is going to hold any anything back that your life or your future needs he's withholding nothing from you we can give freely because we know he's going to hold nothing back so today i'm excited for the opportunity to sow to a god that souls back into me for in far greater measures than i and we could ever imagine if you believe in god to put something special on your resources this year your provision your family your children your giving i've already said it i've declared this year i'm going to sow the three biggest seeds of my life i don't know where they're coming from i don't know what it's going to look like but my prayer my faith is i'm showing the three biggest seeds of my life i'm believing god that on the other side of what's been a normal we're going to see supernatural even in your finances and i want to pray that through for you and your family really quick again if you want to give text belong atl to 77977 again belong atl it's on the bottom of your screen right here to 77977 and i want you to agree with me in faith right here father we honor you for the opportunity to give for the joy to give we don't have to give with grudging hearts and we don't have to give with minds wondering if you're going to do what you said you've always been god and you've always been faithful to us concerning our provision so today we trust you even more than what our bank account says and what our job saying even with our pay stubs say we trust you as jehovah jireh the lord who provides father for those who have been on the edge contemplating trusting you in a tithe but still feeling like they're not gonna have enough father i thank you that you always show up miraculously in the midst of our faith that when we choose to step out and trust you bigger and deeper you're the god that always shows up miraculously i'm asking you to do it in the finances of those who are watching now from all over the world as they teeter-totter from faith into a place of unbelief i thank you that today you're gonna push them over miraculously to believe you all the more concerning their provision and you being the lord who provides and for that we thank you we love you and we celebrate you in jesus name amen if you believe that just type a man in the chat really really quick [Music] amen we are almost at the end of january and it's funny january normally seems like it goes by really really slow but it feels like this i don't know about anybody else like this month has like flown by blinking and the month is almost over um this week and next week we're going to start a series the first week in february so i've got a little bit of space and time i think to just kind of speak to your year and speak to what i believe god's going to do in you throughout this year over the course of the next couple weeks so i'm gonna take that time that liberty and i'm actually gonna teach through a couple of um a couple of stories with jesus that i think are pertinent to your 2022. go to matthew 17. [Music] matthew 17. [Music] i'm going to start reading at verse 1. it says six days later jesus took with him peter and james and john the brother of james and led them up on a high mountain by themselves this is really the whole i'm going to preach 12 or 13 scriptures but this is the whole thought and concept that i'm gonna deal with it's really in verse one and his appearance changed dramatically in their presence in this face shown with heavenly glory and clear and bright like the sun and his clothing became as white as light and behold moses and elijah appeared to them talking with jesus then peter began to speak and said to jesus lord it is good and delightful and auspicious that we are here if you wish i will put up three sacred tits here one for you one for moses and one for elijah while he was still speaking behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice from the clown said this is my beloved son with whom i am well pleased and delighted listen to him and when the disciples heard it they fell on their faces and were terrified but jesus came and touched them and said get up and do not be afraid and when they looked up they saw no one except jesus himself alone and as they were going down the mountain jesus commanded them do not tell anyone what you've seen until the son of man has been raised from the dead and the disciples asked him then why do the scribes say that elijah must come first and he answered elijah's coming and will restore all things but i say to you that elijah's already come and they did not recognize him but did to him as they wished the son of man is also going to suffer at their hands then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them about john the baptist and for just a couple moments again from verse 1 it's really where i want to pull my thought my idea that i'm going to go with for the next 20 25 minutes six days later jesus took with them peter james and john the brother of james and led them on a high mountain by themselves and i want you all to put this in the chat you can even say it in the room uh here's the thought we're gonna work with everybody can't go everybody can't go okay everybody can't go it's a real simple thought it's a real simple idea but as we package it together over these next few moments i want to go ahead and alleviate some of the pressure and the frustration that has the ability to migrate itself into your life and your journey by trying to bring people with you that are not assigned for the current season and what i want you to understand is just because god loves us all the same doesn't mean he trusts us at the same level and there will be things that he trusts you with there will be things that he shares with you there will be things that he unveils to you that he may not give to everybody but i don't want the pressure to bring everybody along that started it to make you miss what god is trying to do in this moment one of the major ways i believe god is going to bring you strengthen this year is in the place where you set boundaries over who has what access points to your heart and your life and i know that for many of us we talk about boundaries we've preached about boundaries we've talked about this and or that as it pertains to it but the truth of the matter is some of us have consistently allowed foes that have loved us at one juncture to continue on in spaces that they should have been removed from a long time ago and what often happens is we find ourselves drained trying to carry individuals that are not assigned for the season what i'm believing for your 2022 is you're not gonna have a moment called drained you're gonna find yourself recuperated rehabilitated and restored in the presence of god because you're gonna manage what you can you're not gonna try to pull everybody along for the journey and you're going to be okay when they don't understand that you're about to go a little bit higher i want you to everybody say it up up up up up everything around me is going up and i can't expect everybody around me to understand where i'm headed right now and just because i'm going in a different direction doesn't mean i left the one that started the journey with me i'm still going with jesus matter of fact just shouted with me i'm going with jesus i know that it might sound old and it might sound antiquated but i never want us to lose the passion or the desire to go with him wherever he's going to take us i want us to keep it as a central point and a central place of focus that wherever he goes i'm going up and i'm going with him everybody shout out i'm going with him i'm going with him so i want to just take a couple moments and just kind of break down several pieces of this in matthew 17 because the truth of it is jesus had more than three disciples and he had more than 12 disciples he had more than 70 disciples but at every juncture at every level there were spaces that people could be trusted with roles and responsibilities but it didn't mean everybody had the pleasure of going up right whenever jesus was getting ready to do or deal with something significant there was always the three that he would call out his peter james and john now just type into the chat peter james and john i want you to know that i'm believing god this year to assign three voices to your life and to your future that i'll be willing to go wherever the lord leads you i want to tell you that this next juncture of your destiny and your journey you're not going to have to do it by yourself god is going to send the right ones that'll be willing to go up he's going to send the ones that are not just there for the fanfare and not just there because everybody else is around he's going to send the ones that actually want to be there and are willing to go up now what i love about this first verse is that when we see jesus call peter james and john out there was not a moment where these disciples asked jesus why are we leaving the others behind okay because the truth of it is there are certain places of understanding and revelation that are reserved for a few everybody cannot handle every season and every juncture of your life and i would dare to say that part of your issue and part of your problems over time have been you have tried to share too much with those that could not handle this moment and whenever you find yourself sharing your heart sharing your wisdom sharing yourself with those that are not prepared to handle it or manage it appropriately you'll feel like you're wasting yourself on stuff you highly invested in how many you all have ever said i invested in a relationship that did not work i invested in a friendship that did not turn out the way i thought i gave all of myself to that job and they still fired me i gave everything that i could i poured everything out and it still did not work out what i want to prevent for 2022 is unnecessary bleeding both publicly and it's on social media letting everyone know your pain points when god will give it to the privilege he will give you and assign you a pair a cup of three people to walk with you intimately so that they can no understand and see what everybody else can because i would dare to say that everything that's going on in your life is not meant for everybody you call a friend or an associate some stuff god is going to reserve for those that can see you different but won't see you different the way god is going to send strength to your life is he's going to assign individuals that can see you differently without looking at you differently the truth is many of us have been afraid to be transparent enough to allow people to see the totality of who we are because our fear has been if they really see us will they still want us i want to say for 2022 what god is going to bring strength to you relationally is people that can see though what you would consider to be the worst part and still choose you still support you still affirm you and not expose you to those that would see it as an opportunity to know the ugly sides of who you are because when god sends the right relationships into your life he doesn't just send relationships he also sends influence everybody shout influence what peter had that a matthew didn't was a different space of influence what a james and john had that was different from a judas was influenced the lord knew he could trust you with influence here's what i want to ask you and i want you to start affirming over your life and your journey this year lord you can trust me with influence i i i want you to just kind of say it at home i want you to whisper it in your room or affirm i want you to write it somewhere in the mirror lord you can trust me with influence listen you only have trust me with money give me the influence i would much rather have the influence and better yet not just the influence with people give me the audience with you that changes my life so he took peter james and john up everybody shout up he took him up into the mountain and as he takes them up into the mountain and they arrive at their point of destination jesus shifts who he's been or who they've known him to be all this time and elijah and moses both appear representing the old testament and the prophets right they both are revered in the law and the prophets they both appear standing with jesus and watch the the biggest challenge or the biggest mistake that happens at the point of revelation is the fear to or the desire to speak too soon how many of you all have ever had god show you something and as soon as you got up from prayer you were calling people talking about what you saw have you ever heard a moment where you were so excited over what god was doing in your life and those around you that you began to speak too quick about what was about to transpire without giving it space to come to full maturation what i i've shared with our staff one thing i'm believing god for for our lives this year is that we're going to be able to manage with what god shows us without the fear of sharing it too soon he's going to give everybody shout timing everything that he does everything that he's about to show you in your life is going to have divine timing is going to have a divine moment and you're going to be able to give it at the right moment but don't speak too soon don't let the excitement of what you see in a moment make you forfeit what god is actually trying to do because you talked about it too soon don't be a big mouth in 2022 some stuff you just need to ponder in your heart y'all remember how jesus would do little stuff and the bible would say that mary she wouldn't say anything she would hide it and ponder it in her heart i want you to remember part of how god is going to bring you strength this year is he's going to teach you how to ponder on and meditate on what he shows you every prayer is not meant to be revealed to the masses as soon as you pray it everything that god is giving you today is not meant for today's consumption you've got to allow the perfecting of time to transpire so that when you do it you're doing it in season in the right moment and i want to declare you're not going to miss any moments this year your timing is going to be on pace all right you're going to find yourself in the divine timing of god for everything that needs to transpire peter opens up his mouth and speaks and instead of jesus responding the lord responds from heaven and says look this is my beloved son i'm well pleased and delighted fear hits their heart they find themselves bowing when they stand back up jesus stands alone jesus stands alone because both the prophets and the law fulfilled in jesus jesus showed them a picture of what was and the fulfillment of him therein but listen to me the the real essence of this text is not even the the vision or the appearance of an elijah and moses the real beautiful picture of the text is that jesus chose to share himself with just three he chose to give insight revelation to just a few he opened up his heart his life his story but he only gave it to a few this year i want to declare there will be no mismanaged relationships there will be no mismanaged moments and everything that god does in your life you're going to give it the opportunity to grow and mature and have its fullness in him you're not going to do it too quick you're not going to shout about it too soon you're going to give god time to perfect what it is that he is saying about you finally and i'm going to bring this all to conclusion jesus or disciples say to him you know describe say elijah's coming first jesus says elijah's already come and they just didn't know it speaking specifically of john the baptist there will be spaces that people in your proximity will misinterpret and misunderstand what god's already trying to reveal in and through you i want you to take it off of your heart and out of your tongue to overly explain to people what they want to miss i want you to be able really to understand this year that there are some things that people are just going to choose to not understand there's going to be some stuff that people are going to choose to misinterpret they're going to be some moments that people make a willful decision to not see it for what it really is their lack of revelation and understanding can't stop your progress the if you don't get anything else out of what i say today and this is why everybody can't go what they don't understand can't stop you from still going forward what they don't see what they can't comprehend what they don't have language for can't stop you from going to the next place you're called to you have to be so secure and who god has called you to be and what god is calling you to do for this moment and this hour that even those that have rocked with you forever that don't get it you're still willing to go even if there arises moments of challenge and conflict born out of their misunderstanding you still gotta ride with what god showed you because everybody can't go but the beautiful part is is that when you choose to go god will have already prepared those that need to keep going with you it's kind of like what he did with moses after he talked to moses at the burning bush he said when you start the journey aaron is going to meet you he has already assigned people and spaces that are going to understand you appropriately once you make the decision to say i'm going to go even if i don't have all the answers even if i don't have all the understanding and i'm willing to leave behind whatever wants to stay may your desire to drag people into your future be completely cut off may your desire for everybody to get you and get what god is showing you and get what god is saying about you may your desire to be understood by the masses be completely alleviated may your anxiety around what they don't understand about you and the desire to keep explaining over and over again what's happening in this moment of your life to people that want to misunderstand it may your desire your anxiety over explaining yourself may be completely thrown out the window may you never find yourself in a space may 2022 never find you in a spot where your focus is deterred because of what they've misplaced on you and what they don't understand about you i i really believe this that if you hone in this year and focus razor sharp on what it is god has assigned for your life you're going to see that by december some that did start may not be with you but what's really going to matter is that by the time you get to the end of this year you're going to see such a pronounced advancement on everything that god has assigned you to touch you're going to see how god and the backing of heaven is going to help push you into spaces and places that you dreamed of but now your dreams are going to come to reality because everybody just can't go and it don't make them bad it just makes them unnecessary for your next step and if you try to drag them there you're going to hurt yourself in the process trying to move people with you that choose to not go so it's a simple prayer for you today father i thank you that every person on this live right now doesn't just have a divine assignment and not not even just a purpose that far exceeds what they've seen and or felt i thank you that in this moment every person on this live every person that is watching and under the sound of my voice they understand the urgency of this moment to go up higher there's something in the mount of god that you want to show us that we have not seen and or felt and some of us have tried to wake people up so that they could go up higher with us that we're not ready to get up and go i declare in jesus name that this year is gonna be so full of fruit and it's gonna be so full of focus that we won't try to bring friends along for spaces that our future does not need them better yet father we'll understand how to properly place every relationship in our lives so that we see your hand we see your strength and we see your glory i declare that there will not be mismanaged expectations there will be moments where we clearly state what we can and what we cannot do what we're called to fulfill and what we're not called to fulfill where our yeses are yes and our noah's are no and anything that blocks us from going with you it is considered an impediment and a stone meant to make us stumble but this year we declare that we want to be so close with you and we want to be so much like you and we want to follow in what you've created for us that whatever gets left behind simply gets left behind we want to go wherever you are so father across the world across this country i pray for those that have been stutter stepping into tomorrow those that have been pacing back and forth in the same spot out of fear of what movement forward would actually look like and i declare the boldness to go after it even on days where they don't feel like they're qualified or they don't feel like they're good enough i thank you lord god for filling them with the type of faith that makes them take the journey even when their feelings say the complete opposite and father i thank you that as we go there are new places of revelation that we're going to see and new ways that we're going to see you come to pass even as you show the three moses and elijah we thank you that every step of our journey we're going to see a side of you that we've never been exposed to you're gonna show us your heart your mind and your wisdom and you by your spirit are going to reveal to us every portion and every part of what our tomorrow calls for today i declare no roadblocks no stumbling blocks to the destiny of those that are under the sound of my voice and we declare that we will have the boldness to leave some stuff behind father i thank you that even as we leave it we won't take our hands off the plow we won't look back over our shoulder we will be so focused on the future you've called us to that we will see only what you've designed only what you desire and only what you've apportioned for our life for this season and this moment father thank you even our pursuit has a pace to it so i thank you that we understand your rhythm we understand your movement we understand and are seeking to understand all the more how you're moving in our midst both privately and corporately and we declare today that everything you want to do we're submitted to it every way you want to go we're willing to follow we just want to be where you are and we understand that everybody won't want to make that journey so give us the courage give us the fear faith and give us the stamina to keep journeying even when it doesn't make any sense and for that forever we'll love you we'll thank you we'll follow you we'll trust you we'll we'll stay hand in hand with you until we see every good thing come to pass that you promised in jesus name if you believe that at home and you're willing to follow you're willing to go no matter what i know the times may get challenging moments make it difficult but this is a year we're choosing to lean into god's strength and believe that his strength is going to support us for the next leg of the journey now for some of you today the next place of strength and the next place of relational equity that god's gonna do in your life it's gonna happen because you choose to partner with the community that's changing your life i'm not even saying that belong is a perfect one i'm saying that if you feel in your heart today that the lord is calling you to be a part of a community that's going to help transform your life i don't want you to spend another moment sitting on the fence sitting on the sidelines waiting and hoping that something magical happens today i want you to open up your heart the day you hear the voice of the lord hard not your heart i want you to open up your heart to the opportunity that you may live in atlanta you may live somewhere else across the globe but wherever you are there's a space where you can be connected god simply has called us to be a bridge for people to experience and belong to christ in community and i believe today that part of the way you cross that bridge is through the worship we've already experienced through the word of god that has gone forth and you having the faith to say that this is where god is calling my future to be so if you've never accepted jesus if today you're making the decision for the very first time to let them into your heart we celebrate you your life and your journey and we thank god for what's about to unfold in your life if today you're saying you know what i've just needed a place to say this is where i belong in a community to be a part of that was going to help change my future we say to you today welcome to belong if it's you um any of these places match where your heart of your life is i want you to text the long atl to 940 again the long atl to 94 000. you're going to get a couple of text prompts from us leading you into your next steps and more than that we are excited and ready to celebrate what's to come all right i love you all i'll see you all next week [Music] what a word he said everybody can't go everybody can't go you know i think a lot of times we get so excited about us progressing and what god is telling us to do and our understanding of what he's laid out for us that we want to tell everybody and we want it to be known but everybody can't go and so i just pray that you know we have the discernment and the intentionality to know who to let in and to journey with us as we're navigating this thing called life and divine timing yes because he he may let us know to share it but not on our timing that's what i took away like god moves and he does great things in our lives we want to share like zoe said but it's not for everybody it's for you and you alone so pastor thank you thank you holy spirit for that word he always comes right with the good words i think pastor went through all of the prompts but again if you want to partner with us in community you can do so by texting belong atl to 9400 and also another chance to sew text belong atl to 77977 and we also want to remind you of our next in-person gathering which is going to be february 6 here at the riverside epicenter and we'll meet you guys here at 10 45 a.m until then have a blessed blessed week [Music] you
Channel: Belong ATL
Views: 1,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zydraOS6Lx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 28sec (4348 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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