Bellwright - Is it Worth Buying? (Early Access Survival)

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okay what up friendos we're talking today about a new game b r you might have seen it pop up on your steam it was on my you know front page is a uh popular it seemed like a lot of people were buying the game it was like third or fourth on most purchased and uh I've got some things to talk about this originally I was just going to make this video to I I guess shine a light on the developer and the problems that may come from you know the game being by this developer but then I thought you know I might as well buy it put some time in and see what the game's like um as well as talk about that just so I can give a contrast between um what I expected and and what it is and what I expect going forward so that's what I did I only played for about 5 6 hours uh I feel like that's obviously not enough time to review the game but I can give you my first impressions uh and then why I wouldn't recommend this this game because obvious viously people are going to be asking the question is it worth buying cuz why would a random Survival game appear on on the most popular section of theme it's because people love this genre uh now if you don't know anything about this developer um man where do we start so this is donkey crew uh which is a pretty fitty name if you're a big fan of Gordon Ramsey because these people are donkeys these guys have developed multiple games and when I say developed we're using that term a little a bit Loosely because what they typically tend to do they have an actual track record not once not twice but three times releasing a game in Early Access and how' that work out for the other two they released well they're still in Early Access well actually one got pulled off steam and just abandoned completely of kings and Men it was originally called which people didn't like and obviously failure is a part of progress in life I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to fa and Early Access is a venue to release an unfinished game and then hopefully iterate upon that and deliver on the full vision but I'll give you one I'll give you one chance on that and then obviously they released last Oasis as well a game that I uh played at the beginning thought it was a fairly decent game for for what it was in Early Access and then that essentially also got abandoned and within the time frame of of donkey crew and last Oasis um fizzling out of for many years there was multiple issues and also the developer was caught in Discord basically lying about who owns the company right because originally obviously if now you go on Steam and click on them as the developer it'll take you to a section that shows all these other games that are snail games is the big Chinese company that owns them and owns all these other little Studios originally people said you know are you owned by snail games and they said categorically no and then if you went and looked up the snail games SEC reports you'd see that they literally tell the US government the US Securities and Exchange Commission we wholly own donkey crew so when the person in charge of the company goes in Discord and says no we're not owned by them they just invested in us it's frankly ridiculous to to tell that lie so then of course it got discovered that they were making Bell right and obviously some people are going to say oh I don't care if the game's good the game's good but it's another ear access game so this is all context you need to understand before making a decision on whether you want to buy the game or not um with it being an early access and why that plays a factor is because what the game is now means that it might stay this way or only marginally get improved and have content added for your box price of like $25 or whatever it is I'm just checking now the game's uh $27 right now with the 10% discount so basically if you buy B on Steam now there's a good chance that what you're getting what you see is what you get and personally I have like a scale like I I tend to judge games in Early Access on in three different categories one being it's just outright dog never worth buying don't consider it whatsoever just shovel wear or whatever else the second in the Middle Ground one where I usually spend a good chunk of my money is the games that you're buying that are okay now they might be a little bit of fun but might get really good later on and then the Third third one games like bannerlord when it came out or War band originally which was one of the Pioneers for Early Access on Steam you know Manor Lords when it comes out in a couple days which I've been playing as well which I'll probably also drop a review on games that are right then worth the money regardless of if they get a single patch extra so you don't ever feel bad whether or not the game gets finished or not I'm going to say b r is in the second group right it's one of those where you can see what they're doing and it's okay in places it's actually fairly uh fun to play in kind of a slow paced relaxing way the game is not too demanding it runs fine at least on my system I've had no issues but then there's things in there that you're just like man this really needs a ton of work and are these developers the ones who are going to put in a ton of work considering their track record have repeatedly abandoning games now what I will say is that good for them I guess they've actually scaled back the idea of what they've done before of kings and Men was a multiplayer supposed to be on servers and people battling each other a much larger scale than than what this game is last Oasis was supposed to be a huge open MMO which was stitching a bunch of servers together kind of like like what Atlas does to be in MMO uh with small servers that allow you to travel between each other making it seem like a big persistent world this is a solo or small Co-op Survival game so scaling all that back might allow for a team that have bit off more than they can shoot repeatedly to actually deliver a a serviceable game and and maybe even you know finish one for once so they've got that going in their favor but there's just some things about the game that just the AI is bad the AI is really bad the combat's really really not good that needs a ton of work the general movement and everything is just super clunky the building system seems like a novelty in terms of like con recently click in oh place this here place this here and you seen it build uh Brick by Brick essentially or piece of wood by piece of wood in my game currently that seems cool the first couple times you do it and then when you building your like 15th building that requires you to click a 100 times in random locations on your screen while moving around that's way less fun later on one big thing is that they're trying to tell a story within the game which I don't think is necessary for the type of game they're doing cool if they do I guess but you're walking through the game well and every NPC is I don't know if they've confirmed it's AI but it's AI like every NPC is speaking to you with like the most monotone I Know Rich coming from me right the most monotone bored just voice acting the writing's obviously not very good either your journey the keeping them fed and War don't try anything come closer looking for trouble obviously this is an area of the game that it's just like I understand not wanting to pay for voice actors and stuff but if you're going to have it in your game you're going to have it I don't agree with a company that's funded by a big massive uh publisher that's that's got a bunch of games that make a lot of money releasing something that's using AI for all the voices in the game that just seems like a cop out and I'd prefer to have no voices in the game as opposed to somebody using AI it's jarring the quality from voice to voice is incredibly different it's really really not good it's just really jarring like I said so what the game actually is I guess that's a good place to go is like any other Survival game but you're building a village if you played medieval Dynasty uh it's kind of like that it does some things better than that it does other things worse uh and then it's kind of like pal World in a way where you're getting workers and they have stats and skills and they can level up those stats and skills and you can level them up for them and you're essentially giving them a priority list of what do I want them to do which sounds great and in practice just really underd delivers because they'll just do random um you can obviously give them a priority to do stuff but the AI will just get stuck sometimes and they'll just do things that they don't need to be doing uh there'll be no food to cook but they'll constantly refuel the fire uh you'll tell them to cook wood and then it should be getting moved to a certain area and then they won't they'll pick up tools and walk away with them and then not use them so nobody else can use use the section because there no tool there like there's just a bunch of stuff I could go in with like a million uh details and examples but it's obviously just really early as as an idea it's also incredibly slow paced as a game which if you like that if you're looking for a relaxing game cool I guess um but you just have to know that 5 six hours in you're basically going to be doing the same things running around picking rocks up off the ground because for whatever reason you don't get pick pickaxe for quite a while in the game the material unless you go kill the bandits you're just not going to get for a while everything is at a snail's pace which makes sense considering it's coming from a a publisher called Snail Games whether they want to say it is or not the game has like 60% review score right now on Steam after like 5600 reviews there's 3,300 people playing the game on on Steam as I speak it's a second day release and it's probably going to have roughly the same amount of players as it did on the first day it doesn't seem to have grown massively or drunk massively so the people that are trying it and playing it are somewhat enjoying it the mixed review despite the fact that developers got really checked history might say that people are enjoying the game more than what they thought they were going to but overall I could never even if I had a ton of fun with b w which you know I had a decent time playing on my own and I probably would have had a much better time playing Co-op if the servers worked which I don't know whether they do didn't try that but even if I had the best time ever with this game I still could never recommend anybody buy it uh this is one of those that obviously if you want to support it cool but just know you're supporting a massive publisher that has allowed this developer to do this repeatedly they don't need the money if they wanted to support the game to finish then they could do uh they don't need you for that just know you're basically throwing your money in and hoping that third times the charm they actually finish the game I personally would never recommend anybody do it just because they've already had two opportunities and completely failed at doing so and at no point did they the developers really seem like they're uh trying to make amends for any of that stuff they're banning people who mentioned their previous games on the discussion board and have been doing for like a year now since B appeared on the uh steam platform so yeah even if the game was amazing I definitely wouldn't recommend it obviously if you're into this type of game there's a bunch coming out all the time I don't think this is one that you have to you know go out and get right now if the game gets finished and they improve on all the things that currently don't work amazing ly they've got the foundation here of something that I think could be a fun game um but it's again it's always going to be do they actually ever build on that Foundation how much did they do it and I I just can't give them the benefit of the doubt on this one they've had two opportunities this is the third and hopefully they prove me wrong and they go on and finish the game completely and it's great and it's another example of Early Access doing what Early Access should do and allowing for a developer to fund while they develop and really release a game that's that's good and finished and people really enjoy I don't think that will be the case uh and obviously less people are buy it means it's less likely for for them to finish the game last Oasis had hundreds of thousands of buys but there we go uh thanks for watching as always hopefully you enjoy there will be more gaming content on this channel going forward I'm going to be doing some reviews and stuff and go buy gamer Subs anime go thigh Focus uh and other flavors they also do like a sleeping one now called AFK pretty damn good you can buy gamer Subs you can buy their cups their merch whatever it's going to be you can use my link in the video description you'll get a discount I'll get money back win-win for everybody and that's it for this one guys so if you buy it best of luck hopefully it works out I wouldn't recommend it personally even if the game is at the very beginning you know fairly decent maybe I'm going to continue playing and maybe I'll post like a full review when I get more into it but knowing me I'll probably drop it at this stage and just hope that they develop I'm pass my refund window but I wanted to be able to try the game before you know talking about it and saying don't buy just based on the company if it would have been an amazing game and not really need any patches to be super enjoyable and worth the money I would have given you that context and said yeah you can buy the game have a really good time and it doesn't really matter if they do more but this game needs more done uh before it's worth the money so there we go thanks for watching see you next time peace
Channel: Kira
Views: 68,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cxMzqgYioj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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