Bella Ramsey from 'The Last of Us' reveals the most important thing: what Pedro Pascal smells like

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hello I'm Bella Ramsey and these are apparently very important questions what surprised you most about the reaction to the show I was surprised that people um liked Ellie so much initially like me and Craig amazing the creator of the show we were thinking like it would take a couple of episodes for people to be like Ellie's okay but they seem to they seem to sort of like dig her from the get-go so I was I was surprised about that like pleasantly surprised don't just put it here what on the show has helped you prepare for a zombie apocalypse I know how to curse at zombies now and I feel like I've gained some experience in stabbing them in the head so that's all you need how does Pedro Pascal smell this is an interesting question he smells great he always says that my hair smells nice but this is I'm fully making it about me he smells great and um he always worries that he smells bad but he never does he knows much better I feel like I should describe how he smells but I don't it's Indescribable actually his his like jacket that he wore is Joe like he's in like a leather jacket a lot of time and that was like his smell for me because there was one time like distant devil um would be saying that in his coat and I like it smells like did you follow the social reactions to the show each week yes and I vowed that I wouldn't but I did and it was actually it was actually great A lot of the time I did have to like like delete Twitter and Instagram and then re-download it just in time to like post for the show and then delete it again because I would get like quite sucked in it's pretty addictive what have you stolen from set nothing I need to get better at stealing things from um from sets I literally have nothing they gave me actually like I went out and bought my own Ellie jeans I feel like I just should have stole a pair of Ellie's jeans but I wouldn't have bought them from Eddie Bauer I still have them they're like my favorite jeans what piece of advice were you given that you still think about oh I actually have an answer to this a director called Stephen Dunn said to me once when I was like I think I was 12 and I was auditioning for like a film and he it was the first person to to tell me to use my eyes and like that I don't need to like think about what my face is doing at all if I like feel it in my eyes um then that tells like the entire story so yeah like using my eyes and I still I still do that today like I feel like if your eyes aren't alive you're not No One's Gonna believe you like yeah I feel like the eyes of the gateway to the Salt right so use your eyes that's that's what I think about foreign
Channel: Los Angeles Times
Views: 38,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, LA Times, L. A. Times, bella ramsey, the last of us, pedro pascal
Id: FyFc09x72jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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