Believe God for a Breakthrough! | Prophetic Offering Time

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah father thank you for this chance we have to serve you we are grateful in jesus name amen you may be seated and turn with me to isaiah chapter 54 we are receiving our offering and isaiah chapter 54. today i want you to believe god for a breakthrough what is a breakthrough a breakthrough is an act or an instance of removing an obstruction or a restriction in your life amen it is a breakthrough everybody say breakthrough it's a significant or sudden advance and you are receiving a sudden advance a sudden and significant achievements amen a sudden or significant increase how many believe that there can be a sudden and significant increase yes you know when a woman is in labor she can be in pain for a long time then at a point there can be a sudden change of everything and then baby will just come out that's how it is you can be in labor for 24 hours of pain pain pain but then suddenly the doctor can say okay it's coming now and then everything will change and there'll be a sudden um change of the whole environment and the baby will just come out it's true that's how it works all right so i believe that breakthroughs changes in long-standing issues that don't want to yield themselves are things that god organizes amen and in isaiah 54 and vest three of us i said as i 54 from verse one from verse one sing o'barren verse two uh enlarge the place of your tent and then verse 3 says thou shalt break forth or thou shalt have a breakthrough amen thou shalt break forth which means thou shalt have a breakthrough breakthrough do you are you with me are you getting the english word break forth break through now that is a characteristic of many things that we experience in our lives thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left and thy sea shall inherit the gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited now god has a plan for your life you know this part of the service is a prophetic um word for you and the prophecy that you believe is the one that you are going to experience there are many times that we go through things not because you have done something wrong do you see not because you've done something wrong but because that is what is necessary for your life at that time now if you look at jesus in luke chapter 13 verse 32 he said go ye tell the fox that behold i cast out devils and i do cures today and tomorrow and then the third day i shall be perfected now he was describing his ministry and was describing his ministry in three phases one was casting out devils today chaos tomorrow and perfecting on the third day the first day was to cast out devils that casting out devils is the bible says the spirit of the lord is upon me to preach deliverance deliverance is the art and the act of casting out devils preaching cuts out a lot of devils so preaching then kills the next day the next phase solving problems helping people bringing healing but on the third day he was being perfected not that he was doing anything so in the third phase of his ministry he was experiencing things that would perfect him that's what he said and if you look at jesus you realize that he set his face to go to jerusalem and he had to experience all the things bible says all the things that were written of him when all of them had come to pass so in your life and your ministry there are things that you have to go through you know derek prince wrote a book called the grace of yielding it's actually a nice message if you care to listen to it the grace of yielding is that that a time will come where your accomplishment will be to yield to things but not to even accomplish something and he starts out in this message by saying that he was watching television and he saw a pastor preaching and this pastor was saying all the great things that god had done in his life and in his ministry he said oh he had done this he had done this he had been able to do this and he said it was a wonderful testimony but as he was watching he knew in himself that a time would come when this guy who was achieving a lot of things will not have to achieve but would have to go through certain things as a form of a stage of his life and his ministry first today i cast out devils tomorrow i perform cures but on the third day i'll be perfected to experience betrayal persecution hatred envy wickedness bible jesus was crucified because of envy envy is when people are not excited about your progress and most people in the world are not happy about your progress there are just a few people that are happy about your progress most are not maybe you don't know it's that discovery that is part of your education are you with me so there are things that we are going through that you have to go through as part of your education in god and then comes the breakthrough you see and that's why sometimes it's like for a long time things will be going a certain way in a certain way in a certain way but then comes the breakthrough now joseph for instance was in prison for 12 years and that's a long time to be in prison that's a long time to be in prison he was in prison for 12 years he was 17 years old when he was captured and so twice he was sold to the media knights and then the media knight sold him to the ishmaelites if you read the bible you see it's all there and the issue my life took him to egypt and he sold him again three times so it was actually sold three times yeah and he stayed in potiphar's house for one year it was at the end of one year that potiphar whose name is after zelika yes potiphar's wife approached him and the whole crisis began and when potiphar's wife took him up and he refused as he was running away from her his uh his clothes got torn i don't know why i'm telling you all these stories are you interested in all these stories his clothes got torn and then she realized that there was going to be a crisis so she started shouting and then the people came and then they called for potiphar who had gone to town who was not around so one potiphar came then they took joseph and they started to beat him and joseph explained and said look i've been here for one year i've not done anything like this have you heard of anything like this but they would not believe him and so many things have i don't know whether to bother you with all the are you sure you want to know all these things so they wanted to beat they were beating him and of course they were going to kill him and then according to the story there was an 11 month old baby child there the child was only 11 months old and suddenly the child spoke how old are you supposed to be when you start speaking one you start saying yeah this is 11 months and the child spoke and spoke and said this is what has been happening all all along yes and everybody will stand yeah because you see it it is it is amazing that joseph wasn't killed if you think about it a slave who was thinking he should have been killed and then the child spoke and when the child spoke everybody was stunned and then the child stopped speaking speak so they were confused so then they decided to call priests the priests of media and this priest came to come and judge in the matter so the priest said let us go for the claw that was turned and see which side was torn if it was thrown in the front or if it was turned in the back if it was turned in the front it means that she was face to face he was face to face with the lady and not that he was running or whatever so when they brought the clothes they saw that it was torn in the front and they realized that there's something wrong with the story so they sent potiphar to the prison and they sent joseph to the prison and joseph was in the present for 12 good years and it was after 10 years that the baker and the battler had the dream and when the baker listener is very connected to your breakthrough listen [Music] it was 10 years it was 10 years after that he was there now whilst he was in the prison whilst he was in the prison the baker had a dream the battle had a dream he interpreted all the two dreams and then when they were going out of the prison he told the butler remember me when you go and you are free now when the butler went he completed there was there was actually a feast pharaoh was doing a feast and he needed the butler to come back to help so and the reason why the butler was put in the prison was because flies were found in the wine that he was serving to pharaoh and the reason why the baker was in the prison was that some stones were found in the bread that he said to pharaoh yes please i hope you are listening to what i'm saying yeah now when the butler went out are you listening it's very connected to your breakthrough when the butler went out okay he completely forgot i think because of the celebrations or whatever but then as the book says it was of the lord that he should forget it because joseph trusted in man he put his trust in man so it was of the lord that he should forget about it because he put his trust in man you see when i read that i was really touched you see putting your trust out when you go you speak for me when you go you make the connection for me you help me to be to do this help me to do that and it was of the lord to forget about him for another two years you see and then two years later then he was remembered because what you call it had a dream pharaoh had a dream and the people came with all sorts of interpretations one of them said that these are seven the seven cows are seven wives you will marry i mean i don't want to bother you with all those the different interpretations that they had once said that these are seven cities that you will build in your lifetime one said that these are seven kings seven sons start to be born to you another son that will come and they will kill these ones all will happen in your lifetime differently but pharaoh said no i don't want to bother you with all this but what i want you to know is that when it comes to breakthroughs the power of god is very much you see there are supernatural things that have to do with your breakthrough in this life yes and you must know that there is a supernatural element in all the things and there are lines that are people that are chosen you see when you see [Music] when you read the history you see that noah was alive when abraham was alive noah abraham when abraham was born noah was alive you just have to look in your bible and see the dates in the times because noah lived 950 years so all the people were born his son shem was over 500. so they were alive for a long time this is from abraham equal that they started to reduce to less than 200 years and now you see what we are left with you see that no you are looking old is it not true yes mercy so there is a supernatural element and all through when god chooses you he chose abraham isaac and jacob there were many others but it was those who god chose and those who had he had blessed and he had a blessing that was planned for jacob and through his sons joseph was special he was the youngest or one of the youngest but there was a special mantle upon him to do well so even if you are the youngest don't worry or you are not the first in a certain order you may be the one who god has chosen and when the time comes for a breakthrough for the supernatural element you must respect it and you must also induce it by doing supernatural things for anybody sitting in this room to give an offering today it means you believe in supernatural things because there is not even one person here who doesn't need the money that is in your pocket have i told the lie i said that everybody here needs the money in fact if you think clearly you'll see so much that you need and that you need money for now why would you take 10 percent or more and give it to the house of god to the church and to the work of god the only reason you do something like that is because you believe in the supernatural why jesus says give and it shall be given to you giving will cause supernatural things to work in your life you don't have to believe it but if you believe in supernatural things which i do now if i look at this church and i see the way god has worked with us from cologne and man probing to where the church is today i can only i mean not i can only say that i feel there's something supernatural about it oh yes even in the pandemic and in all that we've been through the church has rather increased and done so many things which are still amazing to me so i want you to actually believe that there is a supernatural element i don't need to really convince you much about that but i'm sure you do otherwise you wouldn't be here there is a supernatural element in everything you see when joseph get this interpret when i said this would be seven princes that would one said you will be serving queens once there will be seven cities you build once i do seven children we are going to give birth to and another seven children are suddenly in calcutta several bad children will come and kill the seven good children a lot of interpretations so when dave when joseph came and said these are seven good years and the seven evil years of farming are coming to eat up then pharaoh asked him that so how do we know that what you are saying is also true yes it is the supernatural element that is present and you see god does not need to and does not produce his supernatural input in a way all the time at your at your women fancy when you feel like but as and when he chooses to so when joseph when when he asks jose if you look at joseph's live you see that when he was put in the when he was put in there in the pit it was food there were serpents there were snakes there were scorpions and all those and he willed and he cried nobody came to save him it was when the media nights were passing that they had him crying they pulled him out when he was going he told them my father is a rich man he would give you a lot of money if you take me to my father i promise you nobody listened to him then the methodist at the point became afraid of him of of this person because he was a nice person he doesn't look like a slave then they sold him to the ishmael but they didn't want they didn't want to keep him and the experience also didn't were not happy there was some thunderstorms on the way and they said there is something about this guy yes there is a supernatural element in your life when god's hand is over you all through your life give the lord a shout of hallelujah i tell you when joseph was asked so this one says seven queens this one says seven prison this one says servant whatever how do we know that is true then god gave joseph a word of knowledge yes and joseph said one of your wives right now is sitting on a stool giving birth as we speak one of your children who is two years old will die today and one would be born today she's sitting on the stool right now and you will be comforted by the one that is born and pharaoh was in the house when he had lamentations and this he said what is it they say the child is uh one of the children had died and one had been born by that time they had sent joseph back to the prison joseph was in the prison they took him back straight back when he came he gave his reputation back yes so he was back there when they came and brought him again charlie the breakthrough is real look as if it wasn't coming but it is real give the lord a shout for your breakthrough which is coming online [Music] there is a supernatural element in your life and you must believe it there's a supernatural element in the church years ago i drove to man probably i was driving by my problem and i saw a church there and i heard the holy spirit saying to me your church would have been just like this it was made of wood our boat small church because many churches do not blossom do not flourish cannot grow cannot develop it doesn't happen no matter the preaching and as i speak from the south of mozambique to the north of mozambique to nampura cathedrals are being built and churches are in all through the town different different different cities in kenya in every just mention the country so what a blessing and i believe that when you take your seat and you say that is my belief in the supernatural is to give but if you don't believe the supernatural i would advise you to work very hard and very diligently because that is also necessary but there will be no supernatural element in anything just your hard work is the main thing that and that one will also yield a lot because you need to be diligent to prosper that's what i'm saying that when joseph was being taken all this he was in the pit no one was it was very dark there were snakes that were the snakes even went to hide you know there was no help his buddies wouldn't feel messy so things looked natural but then when they needed to be a miracle are you listening to me when they needed to be a miracle just a small introduction of a small supernatural element at a particular point and god released the supernatural because as you understand that somebody said seven princesses seven queens seventy seventy you two you say seven years how does it help us i feel that today when you take your offering in your hand and you place it those watching online from wherever when you take your off frame and you place it i feel that you are introducing a supernatural element to your financial situation in jesus name and your life will no longer be governed by just your physical human ability and effort in jesus name amen take out your special offering take out your tithe take out your gift for the lord what did he say the more you give the more you receive according to the measure that you give so you're tired there is nothing like prosperity without giving at least a certain type of prosperity take your tithes take your tithes your offerings everything that you have let us assume even that there's only one offering and just give everything today supernaturally you there will be a supernatural dimension dimension i mentioned if i have prospect today it is not from salaries when i was coming to full-time ministry there was nothing like a salary that i was looking forward to it's the power and the grace of god amen father i thank you for today's powerful expose on the breakthrough just as you give a breakthrough to joseph and for joseph make a breakthrough come for everyone that is part of this great offering we give you thanks we give you praise for what you have done lord in the mighty name of jesus amen ashes also no ashes come forward and with your tithes your offerings and it's a quiet thing for us at the same time choir is going to come forward sinking beautifully [Music] you
Channel: FaithDigital Network
Views: 402
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 9-13-21
Id: __8-zmpOK7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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