Being Faithful With God's Gifts - Zac Poonen

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so I'd like to continue from what we have heard and I want to turn first of all the Matthew's Gospel in chapter 25 one of the parables that Jesus spoke is called the parable of the talents I'm sure you've all read it many times he's talking about his second coming this whole chapter and three parables they all relate to the second coming of Christ the first one is about the waiting for the bridegroom and here it says it's like a man about to go on a long journey that's Jesus who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them to the one he gave five talents to another two and to another one each according to his own ability he went on his journey we had to read scripture carefully because these are the words of Jesus Christ story books or even my books you can skim through this paragraphs doesn't matter but when it comes to the words of Jesus Christ you must not miss a single word because he spoke as he heard from his father so it's very important and to study carefully the parables that he spoke to learn from these parables what the Lord wants us to learn from them so here it says here he gave one person five talents and that man went and traded with them he did business with them and you know Jesus himself was a businessman he was a carpenter he sold whatever he made stools and benches and tables and earned his living Paul was a businessman he made tents and sold and there's a lot you can learn when you do business where you have to learn to be faithful with money that you don't cheat anyone you take a certain amount of risk but you can be cheated by others but ultimately if you do your work in your business trust in God it will always prosper I love that verse in Psalm 1 which says blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the way of sinners that means whatever he does he doesn't do in any unrighteous way he doesn't sit in the seat of the scornful despising others but he his delight is in the law of the Lord he tries to follow the Lord and says there in Psalm 1 what ever he does will prosper I have taken that verse for myself for many years I say Lord whatever I do whether it's spiritual physical earthly I do a business to support my family it must prosper because I will never stand in the way of sinners I'll never do anything unrighteous I'll never cheat anybody I will never take advantage of anyone I will help the poor and I will meditate on your word day and night I won't read it day and night I may read have very little time to read it but I'll meditate on it throughout the day if I wake up in the night think about some word and seek to walk in the light of that and then I can say Lord I've done my part I've not walked in the way of sinners I've not sat scorning despising other believers in other groups or saying lord I thank you I'm not like them none of all that and I have meditated on your word whenever possible now you have to do your part make my way prosper everything that I do prosper that's his part I can't make everything I do prosper it but he can so here's a person who went to traded and I'm sure he followed those principles now some of you may not be familiar with what I read in someone so perhaps I should turn there for the benefit of those who are not familiar with that verse I'm sorry externally someone it's a beautiful song there are certain songs you must remember Psalm one Psalm 23 psalm 46 Psalm 91 it's it's almost double of 23 is 46 and the double of 46 is almost 91 okay someone how blessed and some translations are paraphrase it says to be envied bless it means to be envied if you really want to envy a man don't then be a man who's got a lot of money got a big job and be the man who does not walk according to the advice of godless people and says tells us we can cheat a little bit here and cheat a little bit there no sorry he does not sit in the seat of scoffers who make fun of others there are you know a lot of young people like to make fun of others don't ever join them you'll destroy your life don't make fun of those who stutter stammer who limp Oh God who got peculiar habits who dress in a peculiar way teach your children never to scoff at others unless you want them to destroy themselves don't make fun of people's accents unless I mean you can be humorous but don't humiliate people don't sit in the seat of scoffers it's very simple just don't stand in the path of sinners don't walk in the counsel of the wicked and don't sit in the seat of scoffers but positively delight in the law of the Lord means you value God's laws and meditate on it day and night what will happen that's all just two verses you will be like a tree firmly planted you won't shake have you seen you heard of treason Bangalore that fall in the storm and there are other trees which are much older that don't fall firmly rooted and not only firmly rooted but this is planted by streams of water it's a picture of the Holy Spirit and the thing is it's not outwardly that the tree is dipping into the water no no you don't see a tree's branches dipping into the water no its roots go into the water but you can't see that what you see is the fruit it's leaf never withers I like that I said Lord I want to be like that I never want to be a gloomy person a gloomy person is like a withered leaf or a withered branch of a tree when does it tree branches and leaves wither when it's not getting water the roots are not getting water that means the hidden life he's not connected to the holy spirit it's not the outward this does as I remember this the tree does not dip its branches into the river you don't even see what those roots are doing day and night going into the river going into the river and say hey I want some more water I want some more water it's so different from a tree in the desert it's in your hidden life brothers and sisters where you got to let your hidden life reach out to the Holy Spirit the times when you're alone when you wake up in the middle of the night or when you're all by yourself alone even when you're sitting in the toilet or having a shower when you're alone reach out to the Holy Spirit that's the roots your hidden life talk to the Lord and what will happen if you're reaching out and receiving the conviction of the Holy Spirit I can promise you I've discovered this in my life Alif will not wither it was a great longing in my life because I used to be a very discouraged person in the early years of my morning in life even the early years of my married life my wife will tell you that frequently had in the hands discouraged gloomy it's gone it's gone from my life for years because I pursued it I said Lord I want a life where I would rejoice in the Lord 24/7 not in my circumstances I don't care circumstances are like the waves of the sea one day it's calm one day it's blowing wild but in the Lord there's no change he says I am the Lord I do not change we every good gifts from up comes James 1:17 from a father of lights with whom there is no variableness and no shadow caused by turning you know in the son if you turn the shadow turns but it says about God there is no shadow caused by turning he doesn't turn he doesn't change and that's why we can rejoice in the Lord and always rejoice if you try to rejoice in your circumstances our own people it'll be difficult sometimes they're good to you sometimes circumstance are ok sometimes they're not will rejoice in the Lord is there a single time when you cannot rejoice in the Lord tell me did he change and if my heart is set on the Lord I can always be in a good mood I'm telling you from my experience you can be in a good mood morning noon and night every single day no matter what happens around you your leaf will not wither and whatever he does he prospers whether it's a ministry whether he's growing older whatever he does he prospers he does a business it prospers he preaches the world it prospers I believe that for myself it's impossible then I can fulfill my conditions and God doesn't fulfill his how can that be you ask yourself why is your leaf withering why is it what you're doing is not prospering go back to verse 1 and 2 in your life and where's 3 whether your roots are going out to the streams of water are you trying to claim a promise without fulfilling the conditions are you planted by the streams of water do you seek to be received from the holy spirit all the time not satisfied with one baptism in the holy spirit long ago yes turn back to Matthew 25 that is why this man prospered with five he got 10 he traded and whatever he did prospered he gained five more talents in the same way the other man who had two talents Matthew 25 verse 17 he got two more talents he also was faithful he could not produce five because he had only to God gave him only to God gave the other man five and he did not sit and envy that other more gifted brother oh I wish I could preach like him I wish I could do things like him I wish I could travel like him I could he didn't end me that he says God you give me two I'm happy if he had envied him here I got zero he was happy that he had what God gave him he fulfilled those verses in Psalm one and he prospered in everything he did it's very clear that all of us sitting here we don't have the same number of talents it's very obvious that some have more than others don't envy the one who has more God will require more from him if the fight talent man came with two talents it's not good enough and then it says there was a man with one Talent what did he do he dug a hole and hid his master's money that is a picture of a man whom God has given something there's nobody without a talent the only three people mentioned here and everybody had something and I want to say to everybody sitting here every single child of God that's God something God has given him nobody can say God's given me nothing he's given you more knowledge of the Word of God in this church than a thousand other churches what are you doing with that he's given you a tongue with which you can share you're not dumb that itself is a talent he allows you to meet people who are needy and what what do you want why not to reach out to the river say Lord give me something I can't do what that brother does he's got five I can't do what that brother does he's got two but I've got one I can use that do what you can it's like it says in Ecclesiastes whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might because once you go to the grave you can do nothing very good advice but he didn't do that he dug a hole and buried it he said I better keep the safe and after a long time the master of those slaves came that's when Jesus comes back and he settles accounts with them do you think the Lord will not settle accounts with every single person I believe that everywhere in scripture it says we will stand at the judgment seat of Christ to give an account of everything we have done in our body good or bad everything and each person comes one-by-one you don't come together when we stand before the Lord we come by one you and I and everybody sitting here we go one by one by one to the Lord and the Lord will require how much did I give you he says five Lord Master you interested five talents to me verse twenty I have gained five more talents and the Lord's replies to him as well done good and faithful slave I'll tell you something I've meditated on that I said Lord Jesus one day if you can look at me despite all the failures of my early Christian life before I knew what it was to follow your wholeheartedly if you can look at me and say well done all the criticisms of men and all the people who call me the devil and servant of Satan and everything else will disappear in a moment that one well done from Jesus will make up for every evil thing anybody ever said against you or did to you live for that look for a well done from Jesus not a well done from some brother in this church no say Lord I want to get that well done from you good and faithful not successful this is the important word not successful the Lord's not looking for what it calls success in verse someone is what God gives but I have to be faithful then he will make me successful in my ministry in whatever I do whatever he does will prosper but God the God I have to be faithful faithful means with whatever little I have to be careful with that not wasted I think a lot of people waste when they get too much when my wife and I were married we had very little I think many people they marry in the beginning they have little now we have so much more that God has given us we are not supported by anyone in the world we don't get any monthly donations from anyone we've done our own work and our business and God has prospered it through the years our investments have brought in more of God's blessing but we still live in the same simple way that we lived when we were married nearly 50 years ago why should we live luxuriously with the necessary things without wasting I want to be faithful that's all I'm not here to tell you how you should live that's your business understanding how I sought to live before God I remember God a man of God brother buck Singh who was the only one who ever I respected in this country older than me when I was a young 23 year old man he told me he was 37 years older than me he said I'll give you three bits of advice 1 never in your life tell your physical financial earthly needs your financial needs to any human being you've got a father in heaven tell him I followed that or all these 55 years since then secondly he said live very simply don't buy unnecessary luxuries you need a few clothes you need some toothpaste and soap and few things in life you don't need much I said sure and third he said when people accuse you just make sure you keep shut don't reply don't defend yourself by a letter or by words those were he he was a prophet and what he said to me really stuck with me all these years and I tell you it was prophetic advice he didn't know what my future was gonna be but I needed all three I want to say to you longed for Jesus to say to you well done faithful man faithful woman if others if God can use others more than you don't just say they are gifted that is one thing it's true God gives others more but also remember that they are probably more faithful than you have been so don't just sit back and you can be lazy and say oh well I don't have those gifts okay but what about the secondary area of faithfulness now I'll show you the man who had two talents he came back and said to this other camp Jack gave a fine chef gamma2 and he got the same commendation exactly the same commendation from God well done verse 23 good and faithful servant you've been faithful and a few things I'll entrust you with many things enjoy him to the enter into the joy of your master compare that with verse 21 word for word exactly the same is it possible that you who got 10% of the spiritual gift that another brother has you got only 10% or 1% that in the day of judgment the Lord will give you the same reward that that fellow who had a hundred times more gift than you he's gonna have you believe that I believe it there are many people in Christendom who probably got 10 times more gift than me it's ok I don't envy them I don't compare myself with them I'm not competing with them if I am faithful God will give me the same reward as that man who's got 10 or 100 times more than say that to every one of you some of you may feel I'm more gifted than you that's God has done that that's his word but what I want to say to you in Jesus name is you can get exactly the same commendation and exactly the same reward I get if you are faithful you don't have to have the ministry I have you don't have to preach like I do you don't have to travel like I do you don't have to have any other gifts I have but you got to be faithful it's faithfulness that matters and you'll get exactly exactly the same commendation it's a wonderful thing to know but if you spend your time gossiping I don't do it you spend your time gossiping backbiting and finally you say oh brother Zack is more gifted you're just fooling yourself God is not able to use you because your gossiper and you're a back biter you're not serious you're not faithful you're not faithful with money you lavishly spend on yourself unnecessarily okay you weren't much one of the saddest things I have seen in this church and I watched it for 42 years people who grown up who were born in rock-bottom poverty have come to this church and been blessed been helped spiritually financially and the children have grown up and got educated and got big jobs and they become proud arrogant and think that they know more than the elders fallen away train up a child in the way he should go and when he's old he will not depart from it I blame the parents who did not teach their children humility they were proud you who came to the church in poverty and have been so blessed and it's gone well with you even financially materially ask yourself are you the same humble person you were when you first came to the church it's gone so well with your children your children are earning ten fifteen hundred times want more than you earned has it popped you up you glory in your children in their earnings they are not spiritual you should be hanging your head in shame and weeping every day why don't you do it because I'll tell you when your children children are on the way to hell and doesn't seem to bother you wake up before it is too late wake up before you actually find them in hell and discover that you were the cause of it you didn't weep you didn't cry out to God God gives grace to the humble that is a universal law there's no partiality with him he will discover in the day of judgment that every human being who got in grace was a humble person and if somebody got more grace than another person it was because he was more humble only reason we will discover that when you evaluate all the people in eternity and you meet the different believers from different parts of the world and you saw that you look at their past life and you'll see the video of their past lives I'm looking forward to seeing the video of all the lives of the great Saints through the ages and I'll discover how in the world did this guy accomplish so much because he was humble God gave him grace you always humbled himself he never exalted himself he never wanted to push himself up and become somebody over others God just kept on giving him grace my brothers and sisters pursue that way we have taught it for 42 years in the church and I'll tell you honestly please listen to me some of you don't know how probably you are some of you senior brothers and sisters do not know the pride comes out of you I never tell you I can see it I can sense it I can smell it I don't say it because it's not my job the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin it's not my job I can only tell you but I have seen people who've been here for years they have not lost grace completely but it has gone down they used to get 90% now they're getting 60% they haven't failed we haven't come to 35 still passing but they should have gone from 90 to 95 from not 90 to 60 consider that so faithfulness faithfulness and this man who had one Talent see the reason why he buried that talent in the ground was he had a wrong understanding of his master he said in verse 24 he one Talent he can master I know you were a hard you read where you don't soul you expect a crop when you have not sown anything you gather when you never scattered any seed and I was afraid oh you would treat me if I didn't I took a little risk with this and I lost it I knew you'd come down hard on me so I just was scared and I went away and hid your talent in the ground you know you are you gave me one here it is you got nothing from it no I didn't get anything and the Lord says what is he saying what is the opposite of faithful unfaithful no you wicked lazy the opposite of faithful is wicked and lazy you knew that's not true but he sarcastic he coats his word you said I don't reap I reap where I don't sow and gather when I'm Scott at least then you should have at least given my money in the bank where you wouldn't have got a hundred percent you'd have got 10% well Jesus taught us is not wrong to her get interest put it in the bank and get some interest if you had invested it you regard 100 percent perhaps okay you didn't have the wisdom to invest that money at least you could have put it in a bank and got ten percent why don't you do that no you didn't do that either take it away from him the Lord says in verse 28 give it to the man who's already got ten talents why doesn't that look a bit unrighteous that a man has already got ten and God gives him one more which this fellow supposed to have let me paraphrase verse 29 to you because everyone who has and is faithful work with what he has more will be given do you know that your 10 can become 11 not only your five can become 10 your 10 can become 11 that means the God gives you one more he gave you five initially he gives you one more you get six you can go and produce another six if you are faithful with what you have it says more will be given and he'll have an abundance but from the one who is not faithful with what he has even what he has will be taken away that means you can start off with one talent and you're just careless and unfaithful even that's taken away throw out that worthless slave into the outer darkness verse 30 where they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth it's a pretty serious thing to be unfaithful with the talent God has given you to accuse god of being a hard master he's such a loving father so that I learned something from that that if you want to really use your gifts God has given you for his glory in if you wanted to be faithful also you have to begin with the proper knowledge of God this is eternal life that they might know thee the only true God what he's like who is like and Jesus Christ to me a scent and if you got and this is possible you get the idea that God is a hard demanding God now you have a fear that some of you are like that why do I say that because I had that feeling for many years after being born again who is such a hard demanding God I slip up once and jump on me and I didn't read my Bible this morning and he's frowning at me he's a hard demanding master in those days I was fruitless what I did did not prosper why because I never sat under the smile of a loving father I have a picture in my house of the prodigal son coming back and the father the tears in his eyes welcoming him I like to think about that and I have another picture of Jesus picking up a child saying don't be afraid trust me this is the picture of God and Jesus that I always want to keep in mind he's not a hard demanding master he's a very gracious loving merciful forgiving father who if I slip up doesn't come and say why did you do that no he says don't worry son let's fix it after fixing it I'll tell you how to be more careful next time this is all my dad speaks to me and it's made my life so enjoyable when I get up in the morning I am not in a bad mood because I don't have a frowning policeman looking down at me I have a loving father it's not a hard taskmaster and therefore I know that whatever I do that day will prosper I don't condemn myself at the end of the day saying I didn't spend every moment profitably how did I spend my dear from 7 to 8 I tell you sometimes sleeping because I went to bed at one o'clock or 2 o'clock sometimes it's true sometimes I go to bed at 1 or 2 o'clock I don't condemn myself I used to and it always led to discouragement I don't condemn myself I have a father smiling at me I have my aches and pains getting older but he's merciful I have hardly ever been sick in 78 years I got to be thankful for that and it's preserved me in all my travels with all the hundreds of accidents that are in the world and God's preserved me and I'm thankful right I don't get upset with myself because I didn't do something perfectly mmm I'll never do anything perfectly till Christ comes I am pressing on to perfection in this church too and the fact that we still have that board in front of us shows that after 42 years we still haven't got there I started pressing on to perfection but all these years we moved forward because we are under the gaze of a loving father who's his son I delight in you many times I asked the Lord father can you say about me what you said about Jesus this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased I want to hear that I don't want to make more money what do I do with it buy enough if I have enough to take care of myself if you have enough to take care of yourself and feed and clothe your children and give them a house to live in and educate them what are you gonna do with the rest what do you do with that extra amount in your bank account when Jesus comes to save for the future excellent to provide for your children excellent but don't pursue that just avoid walking in the way of sinners avoid doing unrighteous things be careful with your mouth especially and let the roots go into the rivers of water whatever you do will prosper and don't ever think of God is a hard taskmaster he's not so one day as you and I will stand before the Lord I hope we will hear those words well done good and faithful servant what a tremendous blessing you can be not only we may think of our own faithfulness and the Lord commendation I mean it's not only the lord's commendation we look for because the purpose of our life on earth is not just to get a commendation from the Lord we are to be a blessing to others you know what the Lord told Abraham I will bless you Genesis 12 verse 2 and 3 and you will be a blessing to every family on the earth and do you know that that promise is for you and me did you know that do you know that's why Jesus became a curse on the cross read scripture exactly Galatians in chapter 3 why did Christ become a curse on the cross to be a cursed not just crucified the pain of crucifixion a lot of people think of okay but to be a curse it by God how many of you knew till today till I just said it that Jesus was cursed by the Father readeth Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law becoming a curse he became a curse for us because it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree see there's a law in the Old Testament you read it in Deuteronomy 21 and verse 23 everyone who hangs on a tree is curse it and when God gave that sentence to Moses who what was God thinking of he was thinking of Jesus 1,500 years later hanging on a tree he was thinking of that when he gave that curse to Moses curse that is everyone who hangs on the tree and the father looks forward fifteen hundred years and say that's referred to my son so Christ became a curse for us and now you say why Lord Jesus so that the blessing of Abraham what is that I will bless you and you'll be a blessing to every family can come upon us who are not Jews I'm not a descendant of Abraham but it can come upon as Gentiles through the promise of the Holy Spirit aha so that is why God fills me with the Holy Spirit for two things that he might bless me and make me a blessing to every family that I meet in my life I want to be that not every family will accept what I say not every family accepted what Jesus said well that's if they rejected that's up to them as far as I'm concerned God's calling me I'm I'm convinced God has called me to be blessed by my father in heaven and to be a blessing to every single family I meet on the face of the earth in any part of the world or with who might correspond who might never meet I don't have to meet I can be a blessing to families who might never meet just by correspondence that is the purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit that's the meaning of rivers of living water flowing out from you in many directions is that only for one or two people no my brothers and sisters he who believes in me jesus said he who believes in me heart of his innermost being rivers of living water will flow why don't you claim it why not isn't it worth being faithful what do you gain with all that gossiping and what do you gain with all that lavish spending on yourself what do you gain by it what are you losing by tremendous Lord be faithful in your home let your home be a holy sanctuary in the conversation and the things you do and the things you talk about you accidentally hurt your wife or husband with a word immediately apologizes yeah I'm sorry darling I shouldn't have spoken like that forgive me and move on Jesus will be there immediately otherwise the spirit like a dove will fly away from your house he doesn't like jarring words the Dove is not like jarring words he'll fly away as soon as he hears it I heard a story a true story of a man who a Christian who discovered there was a dove sitting outside his house but if he banged the door in the house that would fly away the banging of a door was enough to scare thee darlin if he raised his voice at his wife the Dove would fly away and he learnt a lesson there's a dove fly away from your house now and then then it would come back but another banging of the door or harsh word and it fly away again that's quite amusing I didn't even know that it was like that this is a true story and he told his wife hey let's let's make sure this dog never flies over here I want to say to you brothers and sisters don't let the dog fly away from your house the Holy Spirit came like a dove and rested upon Jesus never left him I say Lord Jesus I wanted to be like that I wanna this is what it means to walk in Jesus footsteps some of those things we heard from the beginning are very important for that submission to Authority submit yourself to your husband's I know there are husbands who take advantage of that God be merciful to those husbands he'll judge them I'm not saying that you must submit your husband's cruelty your husband is cruel I still will not encourage divorce but I've encouraged wives to stay away stay apart from your husband because he may kill you he is cruel but otherwise try your best to be in submission being especially in submission to the elders in the church there are people who bypass the elders in this church and try to come to me and I tell them you got elders go to them learn to submit to them there you will find help I remember reading a writing of madame giry a great saint of God who lived in the 1600s in France and she says I had it written at the back of my other Bible she says sometimes we may think that we progress most by spending a lot of time with great Saints and very mature godly people but it's not always true he says sometimes God can bless us so some ordinary believer was not such a great Saint was not about such a mature person and but in fellowship with our honourable ear because the blessing comes from God I read that years ago and I believed it and I can tell you today after all these years I've experienced it I have been blessed by philosophy with people who are not as mature they learned something I'm if I'm looking for the source of the blessing in Christ I'll get it we can send an ordinary brother to me to bless me if I'm humble enough to receive it see if somebody has sent me a money order I don't carry the postman or the courier this young boy what's it matter I don't say hey you're a young boy I can't take well sir I've got a check for 10 lakhs no no you're a young boy going foolish why can't God bless you to someone young he doesn't so question Oh where is it coming from I believe very often our humility is tested there and I really thank God for that word I heard from Madame Jeon years ago it taught me never to despise any believer and I I have to confess that I've become very rich spiritually but my wealth has not come just from the great preachers it has come sometimes from very ordinary brothers and sisters and sisters to Madam Geass a sister so I've learned through the years not to despise anyone even from nominal Christians think of a man who was determined to crucify Jesus Christ Caiaphas do you know that Caiaphas prophesied a true prophecy says in John 11 Caiaphas said verse 49 and 50 fire first was the high priest and he said to the other priests this is this is the guy who was out and out to crucify Christ you don't take into account verse 50 you don't see it as expedient it's good that one man dies for the people one man dies for the people he accidentally prophesied he did not say this on his own initiative an ungodly man was saying something it's just unconsciously as it were he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation it's an amazing thing that God can speak throughout not just an unbeliever but someone who hated Jesus Christ there's no limit to what God can do can God speak to me through a non-christian if I'm humble enough he can I'm not saying I believe what others believe but I learned something there this man was so evil God could even use his mouth say Jesus would die for the whole nation so what I say is my brothers and sisters learn to be faithful don't compare yourself with others who got more gifts God is not looking for success looking for faithfulness submit to Authority humble yourself and be grateful I've often quoted Romans 120 which says they were not grateful and because they were not grateful they began to backslide backslide backslide backslide the first step is they were not thankful Romans 1:21 they did not honor God they were not thankful and then you find a slide that goes all the way down to make them envy verse 29 and they do unrighteousness wickedness greed evil envy murder strife verse 29 Romans 1:29 deceit malice gossips slanderers haters of God arrogant boastful all these things where did it start what is the first step downwards verse 21 they were not thankful and so I read that many years ago and I said Lord I want to be thankful I want to pray to God when I'm all alone all alone because what'd you say to God when you're alone you mean it lord I thank you for my wife you've given me such a wonderful wife I thank you for my children each of them by name it's even ice if you pray along with your wife and say thank you it may be just you want to avoid a fight or something you just say something nice and keep her happy Saint when you're alone but I thank you for my husband thank you for my children I thank God for my fellow believers here learn to be thankful I've tried my best not to forget the little things that people have done for me a cup of cold water somewhere a trip somewhere people taking my children to school when I was out of town I never want to forget it it happened 40 years ago I don't want to forget it till I die and I want to be grateful to them I mean some of them have left the church who helped me in some ways but I'm thankful for what they did learn to be thankful to God and to men don't take your wife for granted don't take your husband for granted he works hard to earn the money your wife slugs away looking after the house cooking looking after the children it's not an easy job you think your work is tougher than your wives have you heard of the man who told the Lord one day Lord can you please this is tiring getting exchanged jobs with my wife for me and he decided one day he would do look after everything in the house and of course his wife couldn't get the job but he said he tried to take over after one day he said lord I better go back to my job learn to be thankful the man and to God don't criticize people who preacher you think it is easy to stand up here and preach you try it try for five minutes so don't be so quick to be judgmental on people who preach they're trying they're trying to give to you God's Word and if it's not always perfect pray for them don't just criticize the idol of boring my sister is the man an unfaithful man that is one thing but just because he did not have the gift or he struggled but he didn't do it perfectly your wife had a tough time and is busy with many things and the food was not perfect a sermon which is not very good it's like a meal that your wife prepared which is not all that perfect what do you do not so good I hope you never say like that to any meal you get at home your children especially teach your children to be thankful they won't go down all the way to be evil slanderous murderers like you read in Romans 1 just teach them not just to say sorry and thank you like civilized people but to be really grateful when they say thank you very much god bless you
Channel: CFC India
Views: 3,077
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Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: c-DS1DOU86c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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