Be Faithful with Money - Zac Poonen

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I want to say it's a little more about this money how shall we since you're about being faithful with money faithful with money now if you want to be faithful with money you got to first be righteous with money you can't go to college before you finish school school is being righteous with money college is being faithful with money please remember don't try to be faithful with money before you're righteous with money don't try to go to college before you finish school to be righteous with money means first of all that you give all money back that you cheated somebody off we may have all cheated I don't know about you but the rest of us have all cheated in our unconverted days could be taxes or somebody else we took money never returned it and or we have stolen something from someone I remember when I was 12 years old and I used to collect foreign stamps doesn't have a hobby and we used to exchange stamps with others and when when somebody else was not looking when I was exchange time so then I stole one of his stamps I wasn't all that spiritual just by the way when I was 12 years old I wasn't even converted and about eight nine years later when I got baptized the Lord said you remember that what you did nine years ago one worthless dam I'd stopped collecting stamps ages ago that person I knew and also stopped collecting stamps ages ago the Lord said apologized to him I looked so stupid to write to him and say I'm sorry nine years ago I stole a stamp from you please forgive me it doesn't matter if it cost nothing it was not mine the Lord was testing me the value was 0 but the humbling myself boy that was more difficult I decided I'm gonna write it taxes that I owed to the government in my unconverted days the Lord said return it and I had to say four months salary to return it and took a long time and one day I saved it emptied my bank account and said this here it is I give it away if I had not done that 56 years ago I would have been dragging a chain on my foot all these years and trying to run the Christian race and I know where I would have been and that's where some of you are you got chains on your legs I'm just encouraging you to give him up I was glad to give away four months salary because I wanted a clear conscience I was glad to give away that mud in order to get more of the breath of God are you you cannot serve God and money there may be people you have cheated who don't even know that you've cheated them Zacchaeus you read in Luke 19 a cheated people and when the Lord came to him he said Lord I'm going to set everything right why did he give four times back what he took from people you heard me say this many times because that kiyose was a great mint I mean he was a very intelligent man he's a tax collector he knew how to calculate interest very quickly and he knew that money means interest if you take money from somebody I've seen people borrow money from others if he borrow money from a bank try and go and borrow money from a bank they'll charge you twelve percent if you put money in a bank they'll give you seven percent at the most one year deposit if you borrow from them they'll charge you 11 percent 12 percent that's how they make money righteously so you don't borrow from a bank you borrow from a brother in the church and you cheat him you cheat him of that 11 percent ah he's a brother you know that eating you God will never bless you you can make your money brother you and your children will find financial loss you believe my word I don't want my children suffer because I cheated somebody of interest or tax or anything I decided that I will not bring a curse upon my children like Jesse brought upon his children through taking money wrongfully and I believe some of you are going to do that and you may you may not live to see that curse coming up on your children but it'll come ten years after you're dead in gone I don't want that to happen I don't want a single paisa in my account that I did not earn righteously I do not want a single paisa that is I owe as interest to somebody from whom I borrowed money you know why it is righteous if I borrow let's say I borrowed one rupee from a brother I'm just taking a small figure so that we don't go into high figures 50 years ago I borrowed it I never returned it and I'll tell you about the manly value of money changes if I give him one rupee back today I've not given him one rupee when I was in the Navy 55 years ago petrol with which I used to fill my scooter was believe it or not 80 paisa for a liter of petrol I used to fill my scooter for 4 rupees 80 paisa a liter I remember it so clearly today it is 80 rupees almost a leader the petrol hasn't changed but the value of money what was 80 paisa then is 80 rupees today 100 times so if I took one rupee from you 50 years ago and I give you a hundred rupees back today I haven't given you any extra I just returned your money and if you add on that the interest I should give you for 50 years it'll become immense but if I just give you back that one rupee it is 100 rupees I have to give that is a simple principle of economics if you haven't understood it it's good to understand it I cannot borrow one rupee from someone and give him back one rupee after one year I've got to give him one rupee and ten paisa at least if I borrow 100 rupees I must return 110 rupees after one year that is righteousness otherwise you are cheating him yes of course you may borrow 100 rupees from a person and not return it that's another thing but I want to explain something so clearly to you at least those in CFC in future cannot say I did not know unfortunately you came to this meeting and now you know you can't escape I always tell people that if you have no interest in obeying God better not come to this church go to some other church you won't be condemned for anything but if you if you're serious about following the Lord this is the best Church to come to but if you don't want to obey God it's much better to go some other church otherwise I guarantee your condemnation will increase in the day of judgement and all those who listen online as well and listen to these messages online your condemnation will increase a lot of people say open this joke I'm so excited to hear you fine but do you realize that your responsibly before God is also increasing as you listen to me proclaim the truth of God your life can go to great heights or it can sink to great depths you know a donkey could never become the devil because not smart enough you know who became the devil the most intelligent most capable of all the Angels became the devil the highest of the angels they call him Lucifer he had opportunity to go to great heights but because he used his intelligence the wrong way he sank to great depths a donkey can never sink and become a devil no but a donkey cannot be the leader of God's worship team either so when we are at a very low level we can't increase go up much and we can't go down much but the smarter and more intelligent and more capable you the higher you can go in the lower you can go as well so faithfulness is very very important what is the Bible saying this is what the Zacchaeus did he gave back he calculated and said so many years I borrowed from these people I've got to give back four times today I told you a hundred times over fifty years he was saying four times because he hadn't borrowed for a 50 years he calculated and say yeah I took a hundred did denarii from there now got to give 400 back because interest has come to that over so many years and you know what Jesus said when he heard that in Luke 19 and verse 9 salvation has come to this person he just heard that one thing that's all he heard Zacchaeus calculating and saying I'm gonna give back not only what I took but I'm gonna give back with interest and Jesus said salvation has come Luke 19 9 is he gonna say that about you you think salvation is just breaking bread here saying I've accepted Christ don't fool yourself where did Jesus say the only time in all the four Gospels where Jesus is salvation has come to this house was when he saw a man being absolutely righteous with money when he saw that Zacchaeus could have eased his conscience by saying I took a hundred denarii and I gave back a hundred denarii but when he saw this man such a lover of money saying I took a hundred denarii from him but that as many years ago and I know the value of money has increased now I have to give him back four hundred denarii to help him to have what he what I took from him she said boy salvation has come to this guy without a doubt salvation from what verse 10 the Son of man has come to seek and to save those who are lost lost in what lost in the love of money let me tell you something every child of Adam is lost in the love of money every child of Adam loves money the richest people in the world don't you think they love money of course they do the poorest beggar in Bangalore he loves money too show me a beggar who doesn't love money every human being loves money and I read that verse I said Lord I love money if there's anybody here who thinks he doesn't love money you're fooling yourself I went to the Lord and said Lord I am lost in the love of money will you please save me like you saves a kiyose because it says the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost I said Lord I am lost in the love of money will you please save me completely 100% I don't want a 50% salvation from it I want 100% salvation from it I was determined to get it and that's what God did in my life I hope you'll do it in your life otherwise I'll tell you you will never serve God you will never in your life serve God you will not be a disciple of Jesus Christ Jesus did and taught this is how he lived himself this is how he lived himself he never took advantage of anyone it's a wonderful thing and the other thing was she Zacchaeus said half my goods I give to the poor verse 8 and that's because he did not know the mailing address of so many people he had cheated from what do you do with if you have money which you've stolen from someone and you don't know his mailing address now you don't know where he is maybe you stole it 25 years ago you don't even know where that guy is but you know you have with you a thousand rupees that you took 25 years ago which you don't have you got to multiply that and say well I've got that's probably worth about fifty thousand rupees today what shall I do with the fifty thousand rupees in my account I can't return it to him because I don't know where he is I'll tell you what you should do put it in the offering box give it to God that's what in those days they do give a gave to God by giving to the poor that's why Zac he has decided to give half to the poor he said there are so many people I borrow took money from I'm not I can't keep it it's not my it's not in my it's not righteously earned have you prayed to God like this Lord I don't on a single rupee in my bank account which is not righteously earned I pray that many times I said lord I don't want show me what it is I want to give it away and if I don't know where the person is I'll put it in the offering box if I know where the person is I'll return it I want to hear the words from Jesus salvation has come to Jack Coonan this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased that means more to me than having a billion rupees in my bank account I'll tell you before God it does mean more to me than that I don't know whether it means more to you but that is true Christianity and that's the Christianity that Paul lived as a preacher he says in 1 Corinthians and sorry 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 that's a great word here 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 2 Paul was saying this to the Corinthian Christians he says make room for us in your hearts you know they despise Paul even though Paul sacrificed so much for them risked his life for them was beaten up preaching the gospel for them and yet they didn't value him it's a great tragedy that so many people don't value the true servants of God they did not value Paul and look what his testimony to them he's his test he says here is my three-fold testimony 2nd Corinthians 7 verse 2 we did not wrong anybody we did not corrupt anybody we did not take advantage of anybody and you have that testimony I have not wronged anyone I have not done any harm to anyone if I accidentally hurt someone even stamp their foot I apologize but knowingly I have not wronged anyone I have not taken advantage of anyone I've not corrupted anyone do you know that you sisters listen your sisters you can corrupt a young man by dressing him modestly yeah your cup that young man because you want to wear these tight fitting dresses with blouses that show half your back and tight-fitting dresses and exposing more and more of your body okay you cannot say we corrupted no one you have you have corrupted a lot of people when you walk down the road when you go to work in the office when you go to college when you come to the church you're corrupting people all the time and if your parents don't have the sense to teach you to dress modestly go to the Bible yourself and learn yourself so what do people don't think you're stylish if God will approve of you God will say this is my beloved daughter in whom I'm well pleased I'm not asking you to wear 18th century clothes but I say don't corrupt anyone don't provoke people and when you put on your dress don't ask your mother your mother doesn't have the eyes of a man ask your father a man has the eyes of a man ask your father to tell you dad do I think do you think this second dress of mine is sexually provocative your mother will not be able to tell you maybe she will if she's a godly woman oh they're very few like that but your your father will be able to tell you even if he's an unconverted person because a man's eyes can immediately detect in a way no woman's eyes can that is sexually stimulating because there's no way to define it but there is something that's sexually stimulating and a man can see it immediately that's why I say ask your dad the way you dress if you're serious if you're a serious Christian and you don't have to listen to me we can listen to yourself but this is if you want to don't corrupt anyone and we took advantage of no-one that's another thing Paul never took advantage of anybody you know Paul said that I have every right as an apostle to be supported by you people of course the Bible says he who Labor's in the gospel is worthy to be supported to the gospel Paul had every right to be supported but he didn't do it he didn't take advantage of it see for example he says in Galatians in chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 verse 6 let me paraphrase this if somebody teaches you the Word of God you must share your material things with him to support him Galatians 6 verse 6 now Paul is writing that he's the one teaching God's Word was he trying to hint give me some money he says no I don't want any money I'm just telling you God's law is that if you'll receive something spirituals from somebody I mean you go to a doctor and you get healed of a physical disease and you pay him here's somebody who's healing you of a spiritual disease Paul says don't you think he should be paid but he says I won't take it I won't take it because I want to be an example to you and that is how you have seen the elders in this church Ian Robson and I all these 42 years we have taught you the Word of God exactly like it says there we don't take money from you if you come and give it to me I'll put it in the offering box go and ask brother Sebastian how many lakhs I and my children I put into the CFC offering mugs wait we don't take it we're an example but he says it's right but he says we have not taken advantage of anybody but in a church like that some of you go and borrow money from others in this church please give me money why can't you live within your income you want to build a house and you want to build it bigger than you have money for so you go and borrow go and borrow from the bank that's okay and pay them their interest nothing wrong in that or from somebody outside but you go and borrow money from somebody within CFC because you know you can get it without interest shame you are you a believer or an unbeliever are you talking about new and living way and all this high styling stuff and when it comes to money you're worse than an unbeliever that's what I mean in a church where you have exemplary elders or set such an example for you you want the honor of belonging to CFC and you take advantage of the goodness of somebody else in CFC dear brothers and sisters take this seriously this is why you have not grown spiritually even though you acquire so much knowledge of so many things knowledge is not spirituality please remember this I'll tell you how faithful Paul was let me show you second Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 it says sorry chapter 3 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 8 we you know this is when Paul was staying in Thessalonica for some time preaching the Word of God he had every right to be supported and so somebody supplied him with food Paul couldn't cook all the time because you're so busy traveling preaching that there were good believers in the church in Thessalonica who would come regularly and give him food probably every day breakfast lunch and dinner and he said we paid for it 2nd Thessalonians 3 verse 8 we did not eat anybody's food without paying for it can you imagine an apostle whose blessing people with teaching them teaching them praying for them praying for the sick and healing them and and that when they come and give him some food he pays for it I don't mean that he you know he don't pay for it don't mean we're not being ridiculous here that somebody gives you one meal or some guy no he was staying there safe for some years and every day somebody was supplying him food in such a case definitely he should pay for it as a Christian he need not because he's an apostle but he said no we pay for the food we got and how did we get that money to pay for it we worked hard and earned our living ourselves so that we may not be a burden to any of you please show me some preachers like that in the world today I would like I really would like to meet some if you find someone like that who's preaching his soul away and does not take any money from the people but even pays for the food that he receives I really would like to feed meat some people like that in the world if you come across someone anywhere in the world let me know that I'd like to at least correspond with them and learn something from them yep sometimes we don't you know like to be say children sometimes don't appreciate their parents till they go away from home or till they hear stories about how some other parents have brought up that children then they begin to appreciate their parents and I feel that for many many people who are grown up in CFC for 40 years I sometimes wish that you would go away from CFC for five years to some other church you'll come like they say running back here with your tail between your legs and saying brother this is where we want to be you don't realise what it is out like they're out in the rest of Christendom especially in the area of money they'll keep on taking money from you and they won't even give you ten percent of the things you hear here learn to value the church and I want to say to you don't take advantage of others learn to live within your income if you can build a house holy this size build it that size why do you want to build later bigger one and burden somebody in the church who's building it for you that's a crime it's absolutely evil and I ask those who are build as I said these brothers for whom you're building houses do they pay you your Commission you ask he and when he made some carpentry work for me in my house and asked him if I didn't pay him as Commission not just the amount he paid his laborers and the wood material I said put your commission put your 20% and add that he's a brother of mine I worked with him 42 years but I won't take advantage of him anybody it's wrong just because a brother is in the church doesn't mean you don't pay his commission he's got to take care of his family and that guy can't beat your house and say just a collie exact amount of material you pay for that he's got to support his family you got a payments 30% commission if you're not doing that you're a crook you're a cheat and if you hold him that five years ago calculate the interest and give it back this is righteousness I'm not preaching some heist and I'm still talking on the subject of not faithfulness I haven't come to faithfulness yet I'm talking about righteousness faithfulness is college let's finish a school education first before we go to college you don't need to know about faithfulness you just need to know about righteousness right now this is very very very important so this is what righteousness means that I don't owe anybody anything I clear all my whole debts and I don't take advantage of people in the church saying can you give me this gonna give me that and I want to tell you also those who are very generous in your heart please be wise in giving money we made a rule in CFC many years ago and we still follow that rule if anybody asks you for a loan of more than one thousand rupees please ask the elders first before giving that money let me repeat if anybody in this church I mean if you want to go and give the beggar ten thousand rupees that's okay but someone in this church asks you for a loan of one thousand rupees or more please go and ask the elders permission first and if anybody has taken a loan from you and has not returned it within one month please go and tell the elders who that person is and how much the money is we're not gonna put him in jail we're gonna help them to be a better Christian that's all we're not police people but we want people to enter the kingdom of God joyfully and not miss out on God's kingdom not go to hell because he didn't settle a debt with you we're trying to save people from hell that's the reason why we give this instruction and that's when people are spiritual babies you got to treat them like babies if they were mature there's no need for such instructions these are very simple things by which we can help people to be free and say what about when the Bible says we got to help the poor I'll tell you how to help but this you read in the Acts of the Apostles how we should help the poor please turn to Acts chapter 4 in Acts chapter 4 is the time when they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they really loved one another and they wanted to help because many of them in that church were poor so what did they do it says in verse 34 acts 434 that was not a needy person among them but all who were owners of lands or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the Apostles feet and it was distributed to each as any had neat acts for was 34 and 35 there were a lot of poor people in those in those among those Christians and some of the rich people what they did was well acquainted I don't agree with this but I'll just tell you what they did they sold all their lands this is in Jerusalem they sold all their lands and all their houses in a great zeal and gave all the money away you know the end result of that was many years later 15 years later they became rockbot and poor they couldn't survive these Christians and Paul had to tell the Christians in Corinth please send some money for those poor people in Jerusalem and to the Philippians he says please some money to send some money to the poor people in Jerusalem okay and they got other Christians provided for them that's okay so what I learned from that is I don't have to sell all my lands and houses and end up rock bottom poor and then I have to wait for the Christians and corinth or philip i to send me money no it's much better to if you have something to invest it wisely so that you don't become a burden on others that's what I decided that I will not be a burden on others if I receive something from my parents I'm going to invest it so that I don't become a burden to anybody at any time some people are foolish like that they say I'm gonna trust God and they got give everything away and afterwards they become helplessly dependent on waiting they are always waiting for a handout from somebody else No so I'm not saying you should do that but I see one thing there and that it there was a goodness you know sometimes in our zeal we can do something with a good heart but it's pretty foolish it's like these people who say I'm gonna trust God I'm sick but I won't take medicines I don't trust in doctors I don't trust medicine and they die that's foolishness God is also given as common sense common sense didn't come from the devil by the way in case you didn't know this God was given us common sense and by the way all these men what things would you call medicines they are all minerals and from plants which God created do you know that the devil never created any minerals or plants everything that you find inside a tablet inside an antibiotic everything inside that was found some some plant or metal that God created on the earth its food so if you can eat oranges and vegetables and chicken you can certainly eat that tablet that was also created by God the only thing man is done is put it all together because they know it's good for your body so that crazy people who say no no no we won't take medicine then you know then you shouldn't be eating food either that's what I mean by sometimes people are very zealous but foolish and are calling in the churches to put some instruction in their mind and Steve some common sense is also a gift of God yes you read in the Bible that Philip was once lifted up by an angel and transported 50 miles away if you start praying lord I want to travel today and I'm gonna hurry to go please do what we did for Paul I'll tell you it won't happen you know what you did for Philip it won't happen you know once when Paul was caught in Damascus and he had become a Christian and the Jews were waiting at the gate to kill him and he was hiding in a house fortunately the house was on the compound wall of the city that was one person who could have prayed Lord please take me up like you lifted Paul they Philip please take me out out of this place but he didn't do that you know how he escaped from there they put a rope outside the window and here's Paul climbing down apostles remember climbing down to escape from the Jews common sense that's how he lived so I'm just saying there are a lot of situations where you got to use our common sense and don't say I'm trusting God and do something stupid I'm gonna jump off the roof of the temple and I think the Angels will protect me no they won't you'll be committing suicide so what I say is be wise in what you do so what did they do with this money that's what I want to point out when you want when they wanted to give to the poor what did they do they said we don't know who the really poor people are listen to this one person who's poor who is a bit of a crook may and Cookman convinced me in a very subtle way in a spiritual way that he's needy but he's convinced 25 others also that he's needy and he gets money because he's a very smart guy he's got money from 25 people and the simple guy who doesn't come and advertise his need gets nothing and he may be more needy than that guy that guy's got 25 times more than he needs because 25 stupid people gave him money or his poor let me give him he you don't realize that 24 other people have also given him it's like some of these orphanages in India this is the absolute truth the Catholic orphanages are the best by the way Protestant orphanages most of them are crooked except one or two and those orphanages what many of them do is they send a photograph of an orphan and they send it to Netherlands would you support this orphan another one goes to Britain another goes to Australia same picture of same person into Australia different parts of America and so one orphan is getting from 25 people but he and each of those 25 people think I'm supporting an orphan in India they don't realize that the other 24 people are supporting him that goes into the man's pocket who's running the orphanage it's a racket I know because I live here a lot of people living abroad don't know it they think I'm supporting an orphan they're being cheated so the same thing happens can happen in CFC where somebody gets from here and from this and that person that person you don't know that twenty others are giving that guy some need who is in need and that some other really needy person gets nothing for that the only solution is you the rich man the rich philanthropist the rich benefactor who wants to help people and get a name that you are a helper of people let me give you a little advice please humble yourself and say I may be rich but I'm stupid lord please help me to humble myself and let me give it in a godly way and you know the godly way they laid it was 35 at the Apostles feet they gave it to the elders they were humble enough to say we are rich but we are foolish we give it to you elders you decide who are the really needy people so that some crooked fellow does not collect from 25 people and some needy person stars we don't want that what wisdom these these believers are not as smart as some of us but they have more common sense and the Apostles the elders distributed to each according as each person had a need so that is the best thing to do but put that money in an envelope market for the poor and let the elders distribute it don't put somebody's name on it and put it in the offering box it will not be given to that person because we don't do that we are not a distributing agency know that we are not courier service that you got to go to the courier service we're not courier service is distributing envelopes if you put an envelope with a name on it it'll just be opened and add it to the poor fund and the elders will give according to there's need we do it the godly way because we are not a courier service so the right way to do it is you put that money in an envelope and put in the offering box and the elders will see who is neat and if you know sometimes the elders don't know if somebody's in need you know somebody who's in need please tell the elders they will investigate it they'll make sure there's an rightful distribution according to the need do you know that we give not just lakhs millions of rupees every year well over a period of years to the poor churches in Tamilnadu to build their halls to educate their children in schools and colleges it's been doing we've been doing it for years we don't advertise it but I'm just mentioning it at this point to say that we believe in caring for the poor but it is not by any Tom Dick and Harry going and giving here and there we investigate who is the needy one what their fees are what is the expense they have and according to the needs so that there's a wise utilization of God's money this is just being righteous we're still in school righteousness with money so I want to encourage you to do that in future so that we are a church that cares and that we care for all equally otherwise if you're a father and you find that once a your children are all left home and they are all needy no say one or two are needy and some are doing well don't you have a concern that the one who's needy should be helped more this guy's earning a fantastic salary let me help that one was more needy that is right that is how God is God is a loving father so that's exactly how the elders our elders are like spiritual parents who want to help those who are needy in the church so brothers and sisters I want to encourage you to please be faithful in this area begin by being righteous and then faithfulness let me give you one sentence about faithfulness and that is faithfulness means even after I finished with righteousness I paid back my debts I'm not in debt I stopped cheating everybody I'm paying incorrectly then I recognized at that point even what I have is not my own and I say Lord this is yours tell me how to use it tell me how to use the money you've given me I'll give you one closing illustration people will say didn't Jesus say give to him that asks of you and if someone wants to borrow from you don't deny then there is a verse like that you read in Luke 6 when I was a young Christian there's a true story I was 23 years old I was very zealous Christian I read that verse give to him asks of you and him from him that would borrow don't turn away and that was a you know a young married man was not young he was a middle-aged married man converted from a Catholic family I was an officer he was just a sailor I earned a lot of money a lot a lot of money so this chap was in the same church and he came to me one day and say brother Zack can you please give me some money I'll return it to you next month I said sure how much do you want remember the worse I had in my mind give to him ass of you I gave him whatever he wanted so the first of the next month he said brother Zhang I'm sorry I couldn't make it this month can you give me a little more I'll give it to you next month I said sure the verse was give to him worse of you and so I gave him first of next month he comes along since brother I still couldn't make it there's a gramophone record you know which is stuck he's just going round and round and round same same thing same tape playing again again can you give me some more so the worst was give to him a loss of you I gave it and after four or five months like this is the same old story you never returned anything then he got transferred somewhere else and I heard he had backslidden from the Lord and was drinking then I said what's this he's got money to buy alcohol and drink but he can't return I mean if he gave that money back to me I'd give it to some other poor person I didn't want it I was not in need but I was furious that money that I earned which belonged to God was now going to the devil to the alcohol industry so I wrote to him and I said hey brother I mean if you're going to spend money on alcohol you better return that money to me because I can give it to somebody else who's needy and he replied to me eh even the Catholic priest in Haris me like your harrassing me oh my harrassing you by asking you to not spend your money on alcohol would return what you borrowed from me is that harassment I said okay I won't ask you again I never asked him again and I never got the money back but I did go to the Lord and I said Lord what does this mean I did what your word said give your money to the one who asks of you and the Lord taught me something in 1963 which I have never forgotten you acted as if that money was yours that's why you gave it away I learned my mistake I thought I have the money I can give to anyone who asks that is also in Scripture and give to him that asketh there's another verse you know how the devil tempted Jesus with one verse his angels will protect you but the Lord said there's another verse thou shalt not tempt a lot i guard that's the balance of scripture there is a verse which says give to him that I'll save you but there's another verse which says nothing that you have is yours so if you balance the both you know what to do then I realized that the money I earned every month as a naval officer in the first of the month was not mine it was God's and if somebody gave me you gave you ten thousand rupees to keep saying just keep this I'll come back later and take it and somebody else hears about it and say hey brother Zak I hear you have some money with you yeah can you give me three thousand rupees from that I'll say sure but let me ask the one who gave me this money and if he allows me to give it to you I'll give it to you that's what I should have done when this man asked me I should have gone to the one to whom the money belonged it belonged to me so I didn't ask the one to whom it belonged God I just gave it away and I learned a lesson but I'm glad I learned a lesson just giving out about fifteen hundred rupees or something those days but I learned a lesson for life that what I have did not belong to me that if I wanted to give it I should ask someone and after that I did that that when somebody came and asked me I would go to the Lord and ask him sometimes the Lord say yeah many times the Lord say no you know you shouldn't give it to him do you do that when you don't do that you're acting as if money is mine I've got plenty and you sisters you are even more foolish if it is your husband's hard-earned money that you go around distributing to others utterly foolish so I've spoken words which are to help you to a higher Christian life if you are faithful here you can enter college you don't want to wait Li or 60 years old to enter college spiritual college I mean take God's word seriously
Channel: A True Christian
Views: 373
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Being faithful with money, Best church in Bangalore, best church near hennur, best English church in Bangalore, church where we get spiritual food, Zac Poonen's church in Bangalore, true word of God
Id: CSuMxjmyEVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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