Being Creative and Getting the Shot

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Great personality, but I was really unimpressed with the photos he showcased. What am I missing here?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/garenzy 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2014 🗫︎ replies
so the first thing I always say is I'm from the Netherlands sorry for that that means that I'm not a native English speaker for the guys who didn't notice that yet so sometimes my words will come out wrong that can be incredibly funny so let's make one agreement with all of you guys if something comes out and I offend you that was not meant that way however if it comes out and you like it it's probably meant that way so let's keep it today so photography and B&H asked me to do a seminar here and I was thinking like you know what it's like 6,000 miles should I do the seminar for you guys and because I like you guys so very much I got so many emails I decided to hop on a plane and do the seminar here actually I first was at Photoshop world and I'm gonna teach him Boston and we do New York in between but that's a I love being here because B&H is like you know it's like Disneyland I'm my wife is with me and that's my main problem at the moment or Mele I love having my wife but now I really hate it because I'm going in to be an agent like and she's like relax don't go into that department and I'm not but I want to look at the nice gamer no no no no I'm like ah so probably I will try to you guys in a moment after the show please take me somewhere and distract my wife because I want to buy something so what we're gonna do my model is very simple why fake it when you can create it and this means actually that if you do something and you know what you're doing you can make very beautiful shots however during all the workshops I teach and all the seminars I find out that a lot of photographers somehow doesn't grasp that meaning they just shoot look at their images and a girl like you know it could be better or it could be worse and it could be worse ends up in the trash of course so I decided to make some kind of a master class and the master class only works if you guys know what I'm so I'm going to start out with some very simple shots like snapshots just normal photography that I do on the street which I do during walking through New York which I love by the way those images aren't in there yet but yes they are because I was here before and during that whole set up I'm gonna go from step one all the way to the final step now which one of you guys is doing model photography you know I'm a model shooter all right okay cool so I included a lot of non model photography in there because I know when I ask a group how many of you guys do model photography only like two or three percent put up their hands the rest are ashamed and I understand so when you go on the on a tour like the white fake is when you can create it the whole workshop grows so after the seminar what we will do is we'll do a Q&A in which you ask me questions if there are questions there that I think you know what I should include this the next one that part will be included so let's start by very simple first defining what is photography shoutout what's photography oh by the way we're a very interactive group so what is photography well actually photography is telling stories nothing more we're storytellers and we've been doing this since the very very old ages in case some of you guys might remember that it's when we went out to hunt for food there was no subway there was no Wendy's well there could be a Wendy but it wasn't a fast-food sure it was your wife Wendy and she was home in the cave preparing your food so we hunt and even at those ages we were telling stories by cave paintings and we as a photographer don't do anything else with tell story so what is photography photography is storytelling now this is where it goes wrong because nowadays people think photography it's storytelling so why should I know all the technical stuff it's way too difficult you have those cameras and there's a P mode on for professional just put it on press the shutter actually that was not meant to be funny it was be different may find your own voice you know when you look at let's say in modern pop history lady gaga my wife actually really and this is no joke I'm not allowed to watch more than two video clips from Lady gaga the effect that has on me is really really bad after one clip I will go like you know I have a really good idea for a next photo shoot after the second clip I was sitting there like and the third clip I will just overload like I don't need a year to do everything that I'm inspired by now she's different and the funny thing is I don't even like pop music I'm more into Queen night which the more harder stuff however Lady gaga I even love her music and why because I love her style I love her whole approach to things and he's very smart and she's different there are so many artists out there Katy Perry's he's a nice song but that's it when I look at Katy Perry it's like you try too hard you just I don't know it doesn't succeed for me Lady Gaga's he hits it on the nail she's different so she will get famous so be different so the first time I was doing a live shoot sorry have to drink something in between let me see there's no logos on him from B&H actually I don't want to make advertising so I was asked by a good friend of mine from Frank I have a live show it's a big arena do you want to be there and I'm a huge Queen fan and this actually was Queen experience it's an cover band from playing music from Queen and then for a whole arena so they're really really good now he said famous Dutch piano play you're gonna see him in a moment and he said I have to do considered do you want to do concerts photography and normally to get into those kind of situations that's almost next to impossible but I was like okay they're all pros there why should I do life photography I know Ellen has is one of the best concerts photographers in the world I think and somehow I like I know his stuff and I'm like I can never pull it off but of course you say yes I'm gonna be there so what's there and you got three shots at three song sorry what I did is I wanted to do something different I didn't want to focus on the band so what I did is what I'm good at focusing on light focusing on composition focusing on feeling and I got a shot like this I don't care about him I care about this same here I don't care about the band I love this just a girl sitting there with a point-and-shoot making the image it's a queen Cooper band I don't want to see his face he's not Freddie now and nobody can be Freddie but look at this this is Freddie this is Freddie this is Freddie so why not shoot it from the back be different all the photographer's were on the front i'm the amateur at the back the funny thing is when Allen saw these images and I really really how do you call it find his opinion very important for me he said I love it and that's all what counts because he said the same thing as I did shoot it from a different angle be different same here use a long lens compress everything and get stuff like this now sometimes you do stuff that's really nice this is the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and before you think that's some kind of weird language it was Dutch it's called a concert building in Amsterdam and you can shoot there officially well you can but it's very difficult you have to sign like this big of papers and he's the famous Dutch piano player he's called vb schooi re and few years ago his friend of us he asked me Frank I really hate doing photo shoots and I said do you know that I shoot and he was like actually do you shoot yes do you want to do my photography and I was like yes of course now there's a one very big problem and I hope this don't leave this class please so keep it a secret and don't tell anybody about this when he asked I was shooting models for one year I've been photographing my whole life shooting birds sports a street photography I did my own developing everything but I never shot an artist and he said do you know how to shoot an art yeah I hang up the phone I was like oh what did I just do the main problem was however that I pulled it off and why because I knew what to look for I knew my angles I knew my technique they loved the images ever since my phone hasn't stopped raining my mail have hasn't stopped people wanted me to shoot the funny thing is when you shoot somebody like this people think you're really good and that's funny and if you then also perform people start hiring you and something really weird started I was doing photography as a hobby and before I knew it half a year later we ran a very successful IT company my wife had to take it over because I was never there anymore I was shooting I was living my dream but photography for me the reality and you all know this photography are two things work very very hard and earn less than at Wendy's or McDonald's if you earn and if you really want to do it probably get a job at Wendy's at McDonald's to pay for your photography because a lot of people are doing it and that's why it's important to be different and that's where this whole class is about I hope after this after these two hours you can go out and do stuff that other people don't so what's the special thing about these angles shooted wide include the flowers because it was an ink or and chorister correct term after the concert they all go like yeah and he comes back and know your subject I know he was playing here the Queen over to her was playing and playing it and I know at the end of the Queen f3 will raise up his hands go up all the way to the back and that's when I shot it and of course know your subject again he arranged for me to be done at the stage shooting up exactly at the point I wanted he said Frank where do you want to go as a joke I said under your piano he's a deal I said well you know don't think so now where do you want to sit and I said well maybe here just in this area and I get its shot same thing here what about the angles a lot of people would have shot it straight on those images are easy those images they all got but something like this exactly the right moment his concentration the profile the fingers the piano know your technique if you see a scene like this you see something's wrong this is to see you can't shoot it's impossible so then you shoot HDR later more on this but this is the introduction oh yeah find your light this is just at the zoo no Photoshop there was trees up here one beam of light like I'm a really lucky guy no you can force lock did you have heard it you really can force luck and some people don't don't understand this or don't believe this but trust me I force luck on so many times you know how you do it be prepared at the snap of a finger be prepared and luck will come to you so I'm gonna buy a ticket I heard four hundred million dollars I know what I'm gonna do with it come back here buy a point and shoot and then travel the world okay same here compress compress compress if you know what you're doing compress the scene later more but now we start with this the evolution of a photographer the first thing I have to say to you guys is I'm a shooter I'm a photographer and to be totally honest I have a Wacom tablet I love the Wacom tablets but somehow when I try to draw something really weird stuff comes out so again don't run away if you see this the other images will be better this is the evolution of a photographer yeah this is day one you go to B&H you buy a camera and because all the guys at B&H they're like you can do it you can do it by this camera and it's great and you get really good at five so when you go home it's not a normal camera story at the normal camera store they will say I have a commission on this camera so the show news the best and they sell you Sony the next week they get a higher Commission on Canon you buy a Canon with these guys and I've seen this really I've also very observed observed that a little bit you get shipped from one part of the store to the other until you have the camera that fits you so you have your camera and you feel at home with it because that's important it doesn't matter if you have a Nikon or Canon they're both good it has to be the one that fits your hands that fits your mind if I have a Nikon it drives me mad I can't figure the menu system out and I'm a smart guy really I don't get it whenever Canon is a moveable done so great so if you Canon or Nikon and you are the best photographer in the world after three days yeah you know the story when you buy a violin you're a guy with a violin if you buy a camera you're a photographer right so you're the best photographer in the world then you start seeing stuff by McNally Frank J my cell Ellen has and you start thinking about you know what I'm really not that good I'm like I don't know what's the stock that went down the hardest ever you feel like that so you go down and you're like you know what I really really am a bad photographer then you start seeing that McNally the world of uses Allen chrome gear all right ah so you take a kappa you go to B&H so you're gonna back to vnh and you're gonna buy an Ingram and why are you gonna buy elinchrom because Frank door of users al Ingram so I want to be frank door I don't want to be Frank trust me you want to be Frank Dourif you buy elinchrom gear and then you're the best photographer again well okay you bite it the right gear and you start learning it and indeed you're on your learning curve and then you got that the right gear and you started shooting and then you hit that wall again and it's like you know what I'm not a really good photographer now you go down a little bit then you start doing workshops and slowly and slowly you're starting to learn your gear then you go back to being age you know I have that new camera it's the 5d Mark 3 I have to ever without it with the - you can't shoot with the - you need to tree man come on you can't what camera is that you can't shoot with a six-cd you need a Nikon 36 megapixels man come on we wait five minutes get one now come on can be an a give one to him now this is really looking at him like should be now you can trust me it's just kidding so anyway you need that news camera otherwise you can't shoot and then suddenly there's one moment in time and this is here and now you realize and this is done really this is the best tip I can give you guys and don't leave after this it gets better but this is the best tip of the whole day probably maybe of your whole life if we hang a painting on the wall how do we do this we take a nail and we take a hammer we hit the nail on the head with a hammer it goes into the wall and we hang this the painting on the nail right now you have to start realizing that the nail and the hammer that's your cannon your Nikon your Hasselblad's your face one whatever your iPhone but the picture if it hangs on the nail you don't see the nail anymore if you start realizing this now you can go to B and H and now your question will be 100% difference you go there you first check out which camera you like let's say the Canon you don't buy the Canon yet you go to the lens department and you say okay I want the best lens I have $5,000 to spend give me the best and I'm a portrait shooter 70 to 200 they will probably sell it to 2.8 l image stabilized now get me the below debt but also very good 24 - let's say 105 and they will come with the f4 because it's image stabilized you can film with it and now the money that's left you buy the best prosumer camera you can get probably maybe the 70 60d whatever and then you start shooting great images how is it going now you go you want 5d Mark 3 and what's left to spend on lenses that's wrong the gear doesn't matter and the lenses make the image but even the lenses don't care some people see me shooting with telephotos like zooms they're like Frank professional shooting zooms you know I don't care yeah but if you look at the MTF chart the last time I shot an MTF chart let's see never I don't care if it's a little bit sharper you know what I care about that when I shoot you and I'm from this position that I can shoot it on 50 mil but I can also shoot it on 200 my creative process is different and I only can and I make all these different images now let's see I'm shooting Prime's 50 my mom boom dropped it sorry go to B&H buy a new one click it on walk through click go back drop it again because they like me set it up again getting 10% discount because I dropped my lens to show often make it again make it again and you walk like crazy in the meantime you're getting fed up with me you're tired and you're like I know I don't want to work for Frank anymore and I'm with tella lenses zoom lenses I just walk around my model and I shoot and some people will say they're less sharp so what I get images that you don't like street photography people are forcing themselves shooting with 50 mils why because it makes you think different then lock your camera around 50 million if you need it you can still turn and make other images I'm shooting in New York I'm shooting between 24 and 105 why should i limit myself to 50 then if you realize that your career and your knowledge will do something like this you will never hit a plateau anymore so let's go I need expensive gear of course you need expensive gear who's agreeing with me yeah why did all the guys from B&H put up their hands mm-hmm I need expensive gear so expensive gears in lighting yeah you agree like if you make images you need expensive gear otherwise the images won't turn out right so this is shot with a light bulb sorry light bulb light bulb it doesn't care this is like a five euro light bulb that's like six dollars you can make and really only a light bulb nothing more all the three images only a light bulb okay then it's the camera without any doubt iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone iPhone and iPhone it doesn't matter it's about the story it's about the images and a little bit of post-processing but all the probe post-processing you see here is done in the iPhone Nick Snapseed great what you need to know is know your basics and your basics is very important now let's start with the primary basic reaction time let's say you're walking on what's it called Rodeo Drive and you see an image like this for me it was an instant reaction shoot and why they're wearing in like I don't know what it is 120 degrees it's like 40 degrees for 40 degrees Celsius let's say it was hot I was wearing shorts Angry Birds t-shirt that kind of hot you know and I was sweating and I see those people and think wow big sunglasses big modern cameras modern sneakers looking into a Gucci store and she's walking behind it with a film camera that's something I like to contrast you don't expect that to see that and still it happens now if I would have oh and a week please give me my bag okay open up the bag take out the camera and if you can you please give me the manual Oh put it on P now where are they probably they took a flight to be an H to buy a new camera because this looks like a really old one I will stop promoting bn8 now reaction time an image should always be sharp and should be correctly exposed and should be correctly tilted no way it goes about the story this is New York for me it's a story about a guy lying here a woman walking by and sees out-of-focus you know I don't really care it's the story same here simple orlando seaworld be there at the right moment and you don't go to show twice but you can figure out what's going to happen be there at the right spot now the 70-200 2.8 is great because the guy in front of me he came up in our clique thank you and I was going I was sitting like over there so somehow they got into a fight with somebody else and I was like look on a big fight sometimes I'm also really antisocial I was talking with a student during one of my workshops and it was like you and me everyone okay and we just talking again he was like what did she do so well I saw a beautiful image I showed him on the back of my camera the image and he said wow we try to emulate it doesn't work it really doesn't work it's the moment if you lose the moment you're done now cropping always cropping camera no always cropping camera except if you don't crop in camera in this case if I would have done what I normally teach my students I would have killed myself and I wouldn't be here because he I and certainly he was thinking the ball was going that way he didn't expect it as did i him and he but because I always take a little bit more extra room when shooting sports I got it and I got it right straight on his face so yeah reaction time you don't have time to think about it now changing reaction times between me fast and this guy this is England you're shooting an old large format camera and I talked to him and one advice if you go to England some people they have a bad dental plan stand out of wind it's just those small tips that i share in between the photography stuff you know they can save your life really so anyway he was standing there and he was a great guy by the way there was nothing wrong with him and I talked to him I said you know how many shots you take a year said well I will be here approximately 200 300 days a year and I shoot three images so Wow every day he sets up everything is lock and loaded and he doesn't press the shutter and why not because the flag should be that way the clouds should be a little bit more fluffy or there should be an opening here that duck shouldn't be there the water should just be a little bit more quiet and the light hitting there should just be a little bit degree off and I'm like done I don't have time to come back my reaction time is quicker however there's a small tip in this one you know that I included him you see that that makes the image stand out from a standard snapshot I wouldn't like the shot without him in it I wouldn't have shown it in a seminar and of course if it's in a seminar I can make a joke about it and spend another three minutes having you guys laugh now the angle of you and again it starts really basic don't think it will stay this way it will get a lot harder in a few minutes but I have to start at the bottom up because I don't know if all the people here know everything the angle of you think about this layout camera on the bottom aim it up f-16 and just shoot it same here it makes the images look different same here not completely up but a little bit down to your knees and for me these images are iconic because we don't have something like this in the Netherlands for you guys to go you look free we shoot is every girl sorry we do this all over the world and really the American people you have a beautiful country especially for this kind of stuff and you see it probably as pollution you don't like it it's nowhere in the world you can see stuff like this and this is what drives me as a photographer to go back here every time to shoot because I love this it's leading lines to shadows everything is perfect now you're looking at your own country and a totally different way baby after the seminar you will start shooting something and I'll tell you not what it is yet but you will see in a moment I didn't place it there I saw it and somehow it it attracted me I liked it some people won't for me it was something special so I included it in the image and again a low angle very basic stuff but you know a lot of photographers and I walk around with a lot of them doing photo walks and they all know this after a seminar a guy came up to me like I did did a room like this everybody loved it he came up to me he said Frank the first hour everything you told I already knew I said okay but do you practice it what do you mean I said when I was on your photo walk like four months ago I never saw you going down on your knees I never saw you changing your position to something else you just shot gets a photo walk ah so realize it every time you press the shutter every time you shoot you're practicing your skills for when you really need it when I'm sitting somewhere I'm playing with my iPhone I'm honing my skills if I'm in a waiting room for a doctor and I see a magazine I started playing with my iPhone place it there mm-hmm play with the exposure tap tap camera plus play with the exposure to play with this make a shot looks crazy but it keeps you going because you know how to shoot something so this included shooting up change your angle of view I love this one Vegas I believe walking through the forest nothing to shoot dull day put your camera against the tree aim it up and shoot look at this there were only like six trees there it looks like you've been to the rim for a star son uh-huh that's where I found Jane now it's just a normal tree and you know how high these three is it's a little bit longer than you a tall now its tall but because it's a 15 millimeter it looks like it's really really tall it isn't it's a normal tree you see them all everywhere but because you place your camera against the tree shoot up you get something like this then composition which one of you guys has trouble with composition the rest of you are really good thank you you're the first group that doesn't have any problems with composition or the first group that don't dare to say it everybody has trouble with composition man it's the most difficult thing in the world but it can be easily solved always think about your attention point in this case this but be daring we all know how the castle looks so include something that gives depth look at the lines you see this and now look at the castle it breaks almost every rule of composition don't place anything in the center that's worth your attention now it isn't this is my attention this is my focus point these aren't these aren't but combined they make the image more pleasing to look at more than a snapshot place your composition beware I could have only included this but I want to include this and this I made a terrible mistake I don't know the name of the store anymore so I said ron jeremy and it is run but Ranjan why are you laughing that tells more about you then it tells about me because somebody explained it to me whoa I didn't expect that from you anyway composition plays it Center this is called something a little bit rule of thirds you know that make nine equal lines place it into one of the centers and you're done however this breaks the rule and still it works even better than the previous one and why very simple look at this this is my leading line aiming right towards the face of my model if I would have cropped it here the image wouldn't work if I would have placed a more down with the eyes on the rule of thirds I would have lost this and this for me is my leading line it tells the story now Frank you're losing a lot of pixels here zoom in no don't zoom in and I'm going to ask you a question and this is again very very important you have to answer within a early second I gives you two options the model or the background A or B and I'm going to ask you if you set up your lights or if you think about your composition where do you focus not focus but focus on in your mind lighting the background or lighting the model who says a the model who says B the background who's lying probably the same crowd because I found out and when I do portfolio reviews 99% of the people aim at their model and not at the background when I ask you during seminars somehow people I think read my mind and they say bead background when I look at your portfolios I can't see that and why because a lot of people think about their model first of course you put lights on your model first and then you look at the background no no that takes too long let's say I have a harbor and I'm using strokes very very powerful strokes and I wanted a two-night I'm not gonna put my strokes on my model look at management have to change it now I take a light meter reading off the background reflective make sure what my ami and light does and then I put my strokes on if have a model against the background first thing I do is light my background and my model will pop out automatically I do a lot with one light once I was talking to Scott Kelby a while ago and it just popped into my head he said what's your opinion about lighting I said well it's very simple if you think probably B&H is going to cut this out because it's going to cost that money if you need if you think you need to light try it with one if you think you need three three lights a lot of slept deportation or how do you call it we didn't sleep too much so if you think you need three lights try it with one if you think you need four lights try it with one and you see that I'm doing this one light most images that are stunning that our creative are done with one light you know why because those photographer think about the background first and if you think about the background first you don't need more lights so how many lights should you buy to get you starting no three no really get this if you know how to light with one light you will automatically know what the order to go and those are really important because those are your accent lights those are the lights on the background where you need them but it's not because you place them because you don't get your main light correct and that's when you need six lights because you already messed up with three do it one and then add the otherwise you will get creative images in this case I don't throw away pixels no C's in her position I taught about the background so the light fall off this gives depth and three-dimensionality to the image same here Frank why don't I see your face I know it's a model I see your nose I see air why should I always show the eyes make something interesting and now light is falling on please look at the screens you can see the image much better this has a more mysterious look for me I love it but again it's different some people and I think this is wrong but it happens if somebody would have posted this online that's just starting out with photography they would be killed it's a bad shot you never should take something like this now when I posted it on Google+ people were going mad wow I love this this is one of the most mysterious shots you've done look at the red hair and was thinking like you know maybe one day I will make an account not under my own name and just post stuff like this the more daring stuff and see how I got burned to the ground like hello my name is John my big examples are framed or off Scott Kelby chammak Nellie and as do the ole Kelby team and this is my first attempt oh you know we're near Frank no no no I'm like no really don't throw away pixels use them it's not throwing away pixels but Frank everything is white it's throwing away pixels no no it's including the background making the image more evolving so when we look at this image composition black no look at the screen there's barely detail there but it's there so it evolves you into the image now let's go back without model photographer asking people sometimes you walk on the street and you see this for me I just have to shoot this not literally of course but with my camera but I don't say hey lady you look beautiful with that dog I come on guys this isn't the dog right I've eaten a hamburger seen that up bigger yes sorry man anyway sorry so a beautiful dog can I make an image of your dog I know she's proud of her dog she's yeah so I'm going down shooting up including her in depictions she's like okay cool yeah that's what seated but I have my image of what I really wanted the combination of the both of them she thinks it's about a dog okay whatever makes her happy hey dude can I shoot you yes of course makes it more interesting talk to people just ask hey man what are you doing I'm making a painting okay tell me something about the painting I started talking with him and he gave me a lot of information about what he was doing I love speaking with people you figure some hour that goes without saying I think but also include the little stories like the women sitting in front doing Sukkot judoka reading the newspapers he's there for like five hours a day because then her husband is painting talk about dedication that's cool and I talked to him and at the moment I could just said okay can you move the pants a little bit again I already had some images of him taken secretly but then when I want to kill a shot I ask if they say no I already have four bye sorry for asking rude person this is one of those secret images just take it very quickly then talk to the guy yeah man you know it's this fish and it's these fish swims I don't cool and you can eat it cool and it's a it's a little one no kidding it's female ooh pretty and to be honest I love it when they talk stuff like this even if you don't don't show to the people you know you know the expression taking a picture you are if I walk up to you and I do this he's really pretty beautiful eyes oh thank you so very much I'm taking something yes I'm taking it from her if I don't give something back what am I now not a thief I'm not very nice I take your picture give something back if I let's say I hated fishing I don't I I don't fish myself because I think it's a little bit cruel to the animal but okay I don't hate fishing he was and I was really interested in about what he told me now let's say I wasn't interesting I would still let him finish his whole story because he gave me an image and that's very vital for me I have that image I love that image so let's spend five minutes with the guy and if you really want to go you can always do something like oh man I really are can I have your email address and I can email you the image I got a run sorry I do that a lot but I always give him five minutes because then they can tell the story and they love it and trust me they never mailed that's the weird thing you take the picture you give them your email address and enough a mail but if they mail they get the image somehow I don't think two people care and that's a shame because photography should be shared and sometimes you don't ask people this is New York and I loved it nuts for nuts are there any police officers here I have to say I've been in a lot of countries and in a lot of places the New York Police Department is without any doubt the most friendly Police Department I as a tourist ever encountered whatever you ask them whatever they're doing can I help you and they point you in the right direction yeah I want to shoot some gangs yeah go there here take my gun I like thank you so it's beautiful so they're really nice for us the American Dream but also the story behind it and for me again don't feel insulted it's how we Europeans look at this he's absolutely he's obviously injured counting his money not caring for his customers in this occasion and the birds are waiting for him to throw something it's sometimes how we approach it normally I find the Americans to be very very good in service in the Netherlands you go into stories like you know my girlfriend is pregnant yeah really did you hear about hello can you please help me I'm on the phone go away and you heard about Andrew he's really not well he's gonna die you think yeah he ate something really bad and miss I want to buy something go away and in America they come to you and they help you and everything but also what I found on Times Square and I don't know if you guys agree with him some of these guys they couldn't care less they're on the phone and they're giving you your hotdog and bye and that's something that in this image I found very interesting because really see was standing there for like five minutes waiting to be served and he was only counting his money and again this is a European look and it's 5050 for us but I loved it as a shot composition to customers but also this some people will look at the image is different for me it's I'm big myself so I didn't shoot it for that reason however this is something you have to be aware of this is why it's in and I don't take it out if you're shooting something always think about two ways to tell the story yeah I've been in doubt to include these images because for me it's I love this we don't have this in the Netherlands it's always modern and I love the more vintage stuff however some people could have said it's shot for him if you're in doubt please please take those images of line because what you don't want is that people be offended by your work and you can be offended by the smallest things if you're in doubt take it out yeah very simple sometimes you really shoot it for the person like here and excuse me if you look like this you're asking for it really I could say it's about the goalposts and the beautiful greens and he just walked into the image then I'm lying so in the previous one it was really about the building I liked in this case it's the person yeah Frank you can't shoot there nobody told me I was a week in Vegas I shot like 16 gigs in the casinos nobody kicked me out so why should I not shoot don't ask just shoot but don't shoot like this like you're walking to the casino thank you very much walking through soon don't shoot like that just shoot like this thank you that's the way I should and I never get into any trouble sometimes sure you can shoot here oh no really sorry and in the past I didn't do it and it run me into some problem you're gonna shoot it in a moment just shoot and the main problem is if people are acting like they're doing something they're not supposed to and I will give you a nice assignment and the guys from B&H are going to hate me for this when you leave me an H try to look guilty I double dare you that 50% of you guys will get up get picked up by security and of course you didn't steal anything but you picked out now walk out like to to do doing was a nice day bye probably if you steal something it will go off but don't steal it's the way your body language is and if you are in a casino as a photographer and you just shoot nobody will kick you out the worst thing that can happen is sure you can't shoot here okay Oh Sperry sorry you go to the next casino challenge yourself when I go somewhere and I'm like you know we're traveling a lot sometimes I just challenge myself I do stuff that I normally don't and that's how I started doing signs signs yeah we don't have them in us in our country it's a little bit illegal to put up billboards because there is something called the beauty Commission and they don't like it so it's called Horace on pollution oh you got a lot of those and I love it but I love the old ones so my challenge when I go to America is always shoot signs like this but I want to do it differently Tom and Jerry's I really try to find that stuff or something like this the old ones but also include for us the stuff that we don't have and make sure it's America go down on your knees shoot up include something like the Sun make its HDR this is how I challenged myself playing with what I'm getting and at first I didn't like two signs that much well it's just something you know what we don't have them with us that's my challenge I'm going to shoot signs at this time and on if we can confirm this I'm hunting them down I want signs if I go home and I have only like two or three signs I'm like hmmm I want more same here very simple sign but I love the way it turned out for me this is perfect see this all the signs in the bag challenge yourself try to find something with new eyes same here huh yes um I also like it that's why it's here all the signs here this one the shear gales of Gauss are the other brands Lee gales everything compressed with the long lens little joke the winning information go to the motel and there's a refrigeration and garage is there so I know this one you already saw compress compress compress long lenses and the funny thing is the guys that were on the bikes they came to me and they said what did you shoot and now the funny thing was the first thing I shot was them lying on the floor boom but because they were coming at me I also zoom thin and took the image of this and I took boom - they didn't see their image because otherwise you never know and the most funny thing is the most rewarding thing you can have is when somebody looks at your camera and they go like this you're evil it's magic it's something completely different because they don't see the world like this and this is what I meant would be different if you shoot stuff that you normally don't see people will start looking at their own stuff differently and I hope that when I do stuff like this at least one guy here in this room or girl is thinking like you know what although science I hate the next time I'm going to use a very long lens I'm going to compress him like frankly then maybe I like them and then I hope that see or he comes home looks at the images and start doing it also with their models or the sports photography or using wide angles which sport I hope I trigger somebody to do something different now what I really hate are people who are like this yeah I'm not inspired I'm in my hotel I look at stuff and I see nothing gets interesting I hate Barcelona I was not inspired I really it's weird a lot of people go to Barcelona and a man who cannot be inspired in Barcelona nights Wow and I'm like didn't didn't hit me then I saw this the girl and the sea girl I shot it not thinking about it I came home and I was like this is a really nice image some people say he's going to jump and he's gonna fly away it's your story one going down one going up my story was simple I like the composition especially with this in the middle but everybody can tell their own story and that's what we are storytellers at night I saw somebody sitting there this was hip shot a little bit of movement it's different sometimes you like it from these images 99% will be deleted because I don't like them but this one somehow stood out and I liked it so I kept it now this is for me the highlight of my whole vacation and no no no anything true or not for me it's the highlight you know I went there with a few photographer friends of mine and they all left the camera in the hotel and why we're only doing laundry Frank why are you picking up your camera they saw the images next time they will bring their camera because you know as I told you we don't see this stuff in Europe but if you look at it like this maybe when you do your laundry in a country mat you will also start shooting it and I love stuff like this one thing don't do this too obvious I don't know I don't think they would have liked it but I loved it look at this 125 pounds giant washer and she laid here and she was not small you see the two guys putting in coins and she did you joshing machine energy only she did and right why take the smaller ones maybe he would go in it woo I love this one look at all the repeating patterns and again the girl and the world she was using a lot of machines by the way I never got that because they didn't have much laundry but to use the big one and use the smaller ones weird same here look at all the patterns red white and blue in the middle no no this is really severals I always take my as I told you it's and this is really no joke for me I want to go to a laundromat at least once every few Asian otherwise I smelled really bad by the way but we never use the hotel you know they charge like 25 euros to wash one short I can buy for man so we go always go to these places but also I have to go to the restroom I'm only human take your camera with you you never know what you're gonna see let's be honest it's a nice shot right it's at the restroom and if you don't like it no problem I like it this is my hotel one of the hotels I love the repeating patterns how do you mean not inspiring Redrum Redrum for the people who don't know that turn that around you got murder now go to the shining Stefan King hotel you got it finally okay same thing here repeating patterns love it but also this one found this deflect all torn duct tape together lie on the floor shoot it something that I like I think it's it's another image it shows a different part of what you normally see not a touristy stuff not inspiring nightlife really I didn't shoot all day because in this case there really was nothing that was inspiring really hard for me but it was true go out at night set up a tripod I use the open I believe it is to be NH brand they send me a really nice one it's at the end of the show you can ask which one I have I Trevor with it it's really light it's cheap you can set it up in like a second and it shoots and all the other ones I got before they were too heavy because when we go on the plane you can spend like 400 bucks on like one of those fancy fiber car these are I believe 50 60 bucks and they're really open they're for tripod and effort here and it's really light after the show I can show after the seminar I can show you which one I own it's really nice so I shot it with the old one now bad conditions you know huh it's raining I don't want to go out why not there's only one thing I sit in the car because of course my equipment can get wet but my models can why not set her in the rain bad conditions we drove four hours for this one and it was weren't blue skies and a lot of photographers were out there nobody shot I drove for hours I'm sure and some really somebody came up to me knocked me on the shoulder said why are you shooting bad conditions and the only thing I said to him is why do you think the lighthouse was built it's because the bad conditions that's why it's built that's why I shoot it so challenge yourself same here a lot of clouds then you have to in realize okay tonal contrast Nick run it over can make an interesting image and it did forgot my tripod lie it somewhere bad conditions make it your own ISO 3200 try to balance it take the shot otherwise I would have come home and this one I found this very iconic but somehow I couldn't capture it by doing it ISO 3200 it's noisy but I cut the shot and a lot of people would have walked by I don't have no tripod with me don't do it that's a shame same here bad conditions Sun bright in the sky blows out everything with harsh shadows then include the Sun in the image shoot three frames two hundred two over one in the center shoot handheld Nick color effects sorry Nick's 8 year HDR FX pro it will balance everything for you and they have a nice clickity clickity until you like what you see a option it's like you see all those images and you just click on opt boom and like that change it a little bit done it's like HDR in two seconds snow zoom all the way in if it's not snowing that heart and you will compress again all the snowflakes and it looks like it's snowing really hard well in fact it wasn't snowing very hard if I would have shot this on wide-angle you wouldn't see any snow so bad conditions HDR now what does HDR stand for shout it out no highly destructive retouching sorry my opinion again I'm Dutch maybe my translations don't come over right highly destructive retouching why because a lot of people do HC air that way that way this is a one-shot HDR for me this is on the absolute limit that I like I don't want it any more this looks not really HDR until you start looking at this this is impossible this never can be shot this is a shot that's impossible and why because the Sun should be totally white or this should be totally blocked up with shadow handheld tttt done three shots looking forward to the 5d Mark 3 now I can take nine shots or six that's the only thing I really liked about Nikon more than Canon that you can do nine shots for HDR for I believe four - or three - in one row three - three - so I would just shot - 3 - 2 0 plus 1 plus 2 Plus 3 however now again I try to set it up on a Nikon took me 15 minutes and a youtube video really I kid you not I couldn't find it in the menu you have to do like three three steps ridiculous with the Canon I press one button and I turn my wheel press set and it's done but again this is not blaming Nikon or Canon it's the way you should choose your camera my intern knows everything about Nikon she looks mean no no no Frank you do it like this I give her my Canon and she goes like I like hello and she's frozen there for like ten minutes finding the power on button so yeah I can have HDR HDR but you don't see it as HDR it looks different but it's not that really highly destructive retouching HDR I love this stuff this is something I'm always very attractive to lens flares churches cathedrals I love that now is this HDR or not and this is a trick question is it HDR or not who says yes of course it's in the HDR section come on but it looks like it was shot during normal nice conditions however this is Salem we were there there were no nice conditions it was bright Sun I couldn't shoot anything normal my whole trip through Salem was shot like this did you do did you do everything with shot HDR and then I could make it look like it was okay HDR HDR HDR always carry your camera we're getting to the more difficult stuff after this inspiring locations are everywhere one day we wanted to buy a mannequin for our studio in the store I brought my camera with me shut this stuff the store owner loves it it's now on their website it's different next to the store we found this building we asked the person can we go in yes you can shoot it because I had my camera with me same here Florida just driving around if you camera with you and go off the beaten tracks of how do you call it the highways turn off your navigational system or program it this is a really good one we always program the navigational system as many not highways as possible then we go through this stuff it can take you longer a trip that normally takes one hour takes us four hours but I don't care because I come home with a lot of images and not with a lot of miles no your lights well ok natural it is this is 100% natural light Frank natural light is harsh yes and that's when the colors pop out Frank natural light can only be used when there's a big soft box in the sky no no because that's when the colors go down Frank that's your life gives a lot of our shadows yes play with it don't be afraid for shadows the only thing is your model has to look a certain angle just to get the cat slides from the Sun but not look like this she doesn't squeeze your eyes natural light natural light natural light and now we get there infrared now fingers which one of you guys know the inverse square law one two three four five which one of you guys says I don't have a clue what you're talking about okay now which one of you guys is a photographer are you sure I'm teaching the right class isn't it around the corner this is the painting class right or the sketching class yeah okay you're all photographers come on guys if we square low this is the most powerful tool you have in your toolbox this is photography infra scrilla and again I'm gonna cost my dear friends of B and H money there are companies and luckily they don't but there are companies that will sell you six softboxes the big one the even bigger one the slightly smaller run the even slightly slightly slower on a smaller one they're even more similar run and even even more smaller one am i on six and the tiny one seven so and they will all be a few different kinds of light now one of the most asked questions when I post images online what modifier did you use look at the image where was it placed look at the image if you have to ask me I can tell you you won't make it image you know why you won't make that image because you don't have a clue what I'm doing when I change my position and I do this during the live shoots from here to here the image is 100% different if you understand what light does and you know my light is always really dark moody high contrast if I change one set up it will fall flat but you have to understand is this 2 point 8 4 5 6 8 11 16 22 32 those are the fool F stops every time this happens light Hoff's half sorry when this happens lights doubles now you're all smart I guess you all finished elementary school right which one of you guys finished elementary school I think a lot of people are sleeping somewhere okay if you finished elementary school you should see something very weird weird if we go from 16 to 22 that's huge if you go from 2 point 8 to 4 that's small yeah meaning watch this distance versus light just translate it it's the most powerful tool you have and I can explain it first very difficult yeah baby it's in Dutch so I will take a five-minute break so you can take this in so now you get it yeah so we move on how what one minute more hey go you got it down cool can you please read what's there this is however the real impressed well meaning if you move light close to your subject it will fall off very rapidly if you move light far away from your subject it will fall off very very slow and it can take really long look at the Sun it's far away that's why we have time sounds light falls off over a distance and because the earth is around light falls off however not only do earth look at our other planets they have less light because they're far away now that's on a galaxy scale now go here if i push my light right here I'm really gonna sorry Musa I push my light here there's a small distance between her and my light this side will be lit properly that side will be very dark now place my light here see what we totally lit you will be dark I place my light all the way there at the entrance all you guys will be lit with exactly the same light source exactly the same one the only problem is I need more power Alena I need a lot more power but it's the same light source it's the same size it's the same everything but the light falls off totally different now this is the most powerful tool because if you understand this you can indeed with one light source create every mood you want you don't need six or seven place your lights further away from the model if you don't like the edge there move it further away and the edge will be here if you don't like it there you want it less move it closer play with this now metering the light which one of you guys uses a light meter Wow cool which one of you guys don't use a light meter all the other end should go up guys come on anyway this is the light meter it's a really big one you press there and it gives you a value and what value which one of you guys thinks a light meter is old-fashioned get out now which one of you guys thinks a light meter is difficult to use one two three that should be a lot more four five you know it's the most simple tool in the world can you operate your microwave yes you can operate your light meter don't put the light meter in the microwave please don't I know it's not in the manual it should be next to the kitty don't put it in the microwave it can be fun by the way to get a boom f ow there are two ways to meter light incident and reflective incident is very simple it's the dome it's extended you put it under the chin of your model aim it towards the light source never towards camera towards the light source light hits it it will give you a value it's that easy put that value into your camera shoot and you have proper exposure nothing more nothing less reflective now it gets a little bit more tricky you aim your light meter and it has to have a spot meter you aim it at something doesn't matter what it gives you a value if you put that into your camera that object that you meet it will be 18% gray so when you understand what you're doing with your light metering one of the most difficult things you can do is have a white background like you see here and if you would imagine a model in there yeah and the model is standing there she has hair and what most people will find out if they shoot that against the white background the hair will go all like blotchy or it will form blocks it will be burned away this is because people are over exposing the background I always say it going it goes nuclear it shines back a lot of light on the set and the model will be overexposed by the excellent light if you meter it correctly and it's actually very simple you have to understand that if 18% gray is middle gray you add one stop you're on 36 you add another stop you're on 72 you add another stop you're on 144 and that's too much so normally we say two and a half stops overexposing 18% gray will give you pure white now the other way around let's say we have a model on a staircase and a black background yeah and we want staircase to stand out and we want a model to be dark but not too dark now we meter the part that we want to go almost black almost that's four and a half stops is total black so four and a half stops down will be almost total black because 18 divided by one is nine four and a half to point to one point one and below that we call it pure black that's not the dynamic range of your camera by the way it's how we calculate so I know that when I have a model there and I want my background to be barely black I must make sure that when I meter it with my reflective meter reading it shouldn't be lower than four stops in other words if I shoot my model on f8 and my background to be 100% white I shoot it on f8 a my background metered reflective also f8 what will my background be 18% gray now go to my strokes I add one stop f11 one stop f16 one and a half oh sorry half a stop sixteen point five i meter it sixteen point five I'm a model f8 take the shot background is 100% white no problem with getting light back on your model no problem with the hairs disappearing it works now I have two black one four and a half stops down will be pure black and that's the way you can calculate very quickly with a light meter now a lot of people say light meter that's difficult I'd only use light meters it's too hard if you know this do you imagine how fast you can work it's ridiculous you just ain't boom boom you know everything about your light setup and you can shoot outside no problem at all you aim it at the sky you want the clouds to go barely white take a meter reading of the clouds on 125th your sync speed of your strokes you will see that the clouds are five point six at one hundred and twenty-fifth you know don't shoot lower than two point eight because then the clouds will go 100% white and that way you can set you strokes very quickly okay color checkers which one of you guys uses color checkers very good do it it will make your images stand out just a small tip in between same with calibration which one of you guys uses a spider X right X right whatever whichever brand which one of you guys don't calibrate your monitor do it it's the best investment you can do it's like 80 bucks and your images will look much much better do it twice each month each month twice otherwise you can just just could not do it now lenses some people will use lenses that are more daring like white angles why not use wide-angle lenses so when you use wide-angle lenses you can create really nice images like focus on the ice or accessories so when use accessories you can really make the wide angle work for you and there are a lot of people are the fashion never use wide angles do it special lenses which one of you guys heard of tilt and shift lenses cool try it in fashion can give you beautiful images try it a little bit less on portraits look at this gives you a very nice out-of-focus area same here now posing your model which one of you guys has problems with posing your model probably everybody because this is difficult this is how should you post your model should she just stand like this no should she stand like this it's the comedy cupcake mini writing start always comes back now try to do it offbeat do it differently like this make it a little bit more daring make it a little bit more you and not standard same here give it a little bit movement give it some action barely off the floor but just a little bit or make a little bit more movement in the image power power in the poses will make your images stand out it's different it's not standard throw away all the colors food or straight up and what do you have a boring image hire some professional dancers let them jump in your studio look at this stuff or at one more vital part expressions expressions are without a doubt one of the most important things in an image if you're in doubt build it up this one is nice I like this one more let somebody tear open shirt scream make it more dynamic also very important in a photoshoot styling and makeup hire dresses and you don't have to hire them of course hiring is expensive what we do is we go to a tier 2 club and we ask them hey guys you have a lot of dresses there if we give you like a huge print and on my website I mention your theater club when you have a new tier 2 show going can we borrow them we're Dutch for yes of course you can borrow them no problem they give them to you and normally a higher address like this because this was a really good quality will set you back like 70 bucks and we don't shoot one of those dresses we shoot like five it's a very very expensive photo shoot now we got them for free the only thing we do is we give them a nice large print and if they want one we give them two because the next time I'm there they say hey Frank come with some new dresses normally people move they're really expensive but you can take them giving back yeah always give back don't do Dutch don't think I you want one print I give you one a little bit smaller no no no given the biggest print you can because they just save you 300 euros and a big print cost me like 10 so give them - what's 20 euros but of course sometimes we're we just just visited bnh bought everything I'm totally out of money we can always use trash cans at respects I kid you not these are trash bags the model made a dress out of it and it looks stunning in my opinion or post bags put some cards on it and give new styling this actually was shot around Christmas this is Christmas paper it's leftover why not make a dress out of it this is actually a pantyhose or how do you call it what you wear on your legs yeah we were out of ideas and we're like you know what take those pantyhose put them over your head some people have called me about it and said man I love that shot where do you get that stuff I'm like I am NOT gonna tell you this is stuff in the Netherlands we hang this in front of our windows and you guys know it I just don't know the name for it in English curtains really curtain with us curtains are too thick once sheers that one I heard before yes it's just it's dead material we just took it off put it over her head and put it back on done zero investment the newspaper always nice when you've read it make sure there are no obituaries here that can be a little bit awkward a good makeup artist can help you with more extreme looks but also a simple finishing mask no problem at all it will give you another look you can also be creative with backgrounds we recently bought this one never talked about it it's just a sheet of metal with little holes in it put strokes behind it put some colored gels on it put one that's really on higher high output that's this one and you can create a new kind of image that nobody else has and people will come to you I want that background cool no problem we have two of those this is just a corner in our studio some wallpaper make the wall a little bit more grungy it's all this it's just one meter by one meter nothing more this one actually is only 80 centimeters in width but if you stand far enough back and you use a long lens you compress your field of view and you can fit your whole model in that place and also have nice light fall-off and it's only 80 centimeters wide in other words if the model is standing there she only is like this sides left yes now how do we get better models sometimes people will say the model has to look perfect it has to be a size zero C has to be 1.75 meters she has to be like this she has to be like that now this one is certainly not size zero and C certainly not 175 meters but it's one of the best models for Det location I could have wished for because he pulled it off so when you're on the street and you're scouting models always think what am I gonna do with the model and then choose your model because if I would have said a beautiful girl there what will you've got an image that didn't work beautiful location beautiful girl beautiful styling image didn't work now better locations we always need better locations of course no no be creative this is our hotel in Orlando a lot of stroke power from this side and it's just a hotel shame shame hotel it's the elevator they hated me by the way it's always the elevator got stuck no no it's Frank one stroke here that's all I used one stroke let the shutter open to letting the available light and done this is not one kilometer from our studio it's what we call a weed no not weed it's stuff you don't want in your garden weed okay and just place your model in it took some material about it this is what we call a fly net the only fifth it here Clem boo fly net okay mosquito net that's what it's called it retails in the Netherlands for about four euros put it over your model and she is a beautiful dress four euros same here this is a bicycle road totally uninspiring if you see it like it's normally there you would go buy now I can never do photo shoot there now you place your model in there you place your lights and you create the depth what does it remind you of Alice in Wonderland thank you exactly the idea is only she has a different dress don't be afraid for lens flares in this case the harbor of Boston straight behind my model the Sun aim you strop at your model from the same side as the Sun is coming otherwise it looks fake and shoot location simple location a lot of people walk by when they saw me shooting there it's like Frank why don't you go to the beautiful locations this is a beautiful location sometimes be daring I'm afraid of heights this is the top of an office building and you weren't allowed to be there so in other words hello let's say it was dead hide it if I would go down I'm an optimist I would say at half it's still going okay it's still going okay still going okay still going okay well probably not long anymore and then I probably would have said nothing because dead high but anyway it's the location and in this case it's not spectacular but if you light it correctly if you place your model the correct way if you make a composition it starts looking interesting very old train look at the monitors they're a little bit better the Train it gives you a lot of atmosphere in your image now you've heard me talked a lot about stuff and angles and putting it together so now we're going to put it really together the first thing storytelling I'm almost done don't worry storytelling composition make sure your composition is right in this case not the rule of thirds because he's almost dead center but why is she dead center because it's not her this is my point of attention and when you look at this image it works if I would have cropped it differently it wouldn't have worked and that's one of the most important things you can remember from today composition is not always having those lines there now it's about here it has to work up there same here storytelling make sure your styling is correct make sure everything is correct by the way we have the utmost respect for places like this I would never ever shoot in a place like this however sometimes I'm a big horror movie fan especially from the 70s I got this idea on my plate I was like you know I want to do this but on one condition I like my team and I know those are the people I work with on a regular basis and we have a permit and you don't need a permit for this in this case I wanted to permit and I instructed the team if you look very closely here you can see the headstones however this one is the old part and they are all turned around and that's why we scouted this location we didn't want anybody standing on graves so we've spotted a location and that was really hard to do but we could fake that you could see the text however that one part was inverted so we didn't have anybody there complaining we did have a permit there was two or three people coming up what are you doing they saw the images and the only thing they said was wow that's when you know you're doing all right don't stomp off stuff don't put your gear on there be nice and you can come back same here storytelling what's the small detail it's the heart now it was a whole story same here make it nutty the Nutty Professor and here try different angles with the wide-angle lens putting all those techniques together the smoke the wide-angle the colors the expression you know where I'm going now everything is falling into place composition tilt your camera why shoot the camera always be level smoke it's one of the most powerful things you can do if there's something you don't like about the setup get a smoke machine Frank they're expensive note bn8 sells them for $39 I think the cheapest one $39 around or let's say $50 we have actually two if one breaks down we just pick the other one up no problem at all we have a generator on location and we have smoke everywhere trust me it's the ingredient that you will love expression very simple setup tell your model you're gonna have dinner and you will be back in an hour it has to be real the new Photoshop especially cs6 compositing is a breeze you can pull this off in five minutes you shoot it against a white background what's this white background but without light falling on it one stroke white background no light falling on the background what will the background do it will turn light gray you're going to use your selective tool you select your model boo-boo-boo-boo-boo done go to refine edge two minutes later you have the perfect selection cut it out put it on a new background and start putting layers together I don't like the stuff where you put somebody in a parking garage but she's never been I like the more creative stuff so stuff like this and this was shot during one of our advance two workshops it's totally based on compositing and the challenge I put myself to and it's a really terrible challenge is my model is in make and then I will start doing some theory like this stuff I'm showing you guys now the first shot we take off the model then my students shoot the model goes into makeup and styling that takes about 20 minutes my challenge is when sees back on set the image has to be done if I don't make that I will try to fake it same here try to add some color without it somehow the image didn't work for me I put that in just like just for fun took a breast took my Wacom boom I looked at this was done you know sometimes something that like that happens you have an image you don't like to change one thing done believe it or not compositing out-of-focus stuff this one is composited it was sharp here I used an effect for it and this was actually my very first composite I never did it before Medicus Kowski wrote a book compositing secrets Matt is a good friend of mine he gave me the book and it inspired me because I'm the wife fake it when you can create it guy so why should I compose it I can create it well create something like this your mother won't like it if she's on fire ok Nadine you're burning up now jump and scream no sorry can you do it again my strokes didn't fire well I'm on fire you know actually I made this for my son somehow he likes it he put it on his wall and that's funny if you children like what you're doing normally they he doesn't exactly have the feeling yet with all the model photography and the artist we do every when I'm back I'm gonna shoot some Dutch famous rappers and I told him that and he was sitting in his chair and was going like you're gonna shoot him yeah and him and him in him it was like it was all his heroes in one place oh he was now like I want to be there ok cool finally like when I'm shooting we BSD piano player sorry my son doesn't care for piano players he's very famous but for him it's you know he's 13 years old just a piano player but those guys they yes them on his iPhone okay finally some business tips which one of you guys are running a business cool which one of you guys is running a photography related business same guys great okay do you have a website okay when did you update your website last a months ago really and before that okay I know enough one thing and it's very important your website and trust me on this one should be updated at least three times a week at least preferably every day there's one day I don't update my website and that's on Sunday and that's really because I know that that's my day off that's when I want to spend with my family do the stuff you do on a Sunday that's the day I don't update my website even if there's something really important I want to share know now what you see and it's I kid you not on those days the numbers go a little bit down but every day the numbers go up every day my website grows and why because every day I put something on there and people come there and it's not only an image like now I'm in the States we have every day with a guest blogger somebody who blocks about light shooting hair shooting models shooting night photography shooting analog photography we had Dave black on there doing light painting every day there's something there and you know why I do that because I don't believe in the yellow pages anymore there's nobody that will go to the yellow pages and go cheap photographer how Frank is first let's call him I mean the D first you have a for the people who are slow a B C D and I'm also door Hoff that's oh that's like ABC you know okay you got it so I'm all the way up there why do people choose me as their photographer because they like my work how do they see my work because they're online now let's say you visit my website and you're deeply impressed you like what you see go to your friend's house the next station dude you gotta see this door off its freaky awesome wow I love it you open up my website and the first thing you see is a new article you're like that wasn't there yesterday and your friend goes like dude this is really great man the door of rocks Wow now you go to your next friend the next day I said dude you really have to see this door of character what's this there's something new on there you know what's going on you're gonna check my website every day and you're gonna tell everybody about it because if I don't update it every day after three weeks you want to remember door off anymore you will have found something else because the Internet is going quicker and quicker and quicker and we don't have any time anymore we don't read newspapers we don't read books we have our iPads on the restroom that's where we do all our news reading because then we have time and we relax yes or no it's it's it's mother nature sorry modern nature not mother nature that's what you do of course but it's not what I mean so update your website because it has to be quick and if you update it every day people will come back or update it every Sunday sorry every Friday or every Thursday or whatever but one day it will be updated and that's constant if you forget it one day you will lose all your followers trust me it goes that quick I'm on Google+ but I'm also on Facebook and I'm also on Twitter and probably on Pinterest why is it so important to be everywhere because on Google+ I have 36 thousand followers but on Twitter I only have 10 thousand followers on Facebook I have like 2,000 and somehow that also determines why most of my followers are photographers and photographers I love it when the phone's goes off and I like the tune I'm not gonna sing that also photographers are photographers are the guys that are now exploring Google+ and Google Plus is going with it it's doing more and more for photographers some Google+ I am posting everything and I linked Facebook and Twitter to Google+ because I don't have time to do it all yeah just give me one more minute and I'm done so don't go please anyway beyond all those social media sites because if you're on all those social media sites you will have different groups of followers and some will overlap but you will also find new ones and believe it or not those are the guys that will get you your jobs if you're still waiting for the phone to ring sorry won't happen anymore everything now is based on internet and if you are high how do you call it high volume interest on internet you will get jobs you will be invited by B&H to talk or Photoshop world or any exhibition or trade show because people know your work that's the best tip I can give you okay so I'm almost through my time if you have any questions you can come to me after everything because I'm supposed to keep it at two hours and just ask me I will be here for a few minutes at least you can ask whatever you want I hope you guys liked it I guess so so thank you for your interest and shop at B&H shop smart shop B&H for more information please visit us online give us a call or stop by our new york city superstore you can also connect with us on the web
Channel: B&H Photo Video
Views: 292,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio, photo, fashion, BH, BH Photo Video, BH Photo, Frank, bhvideos, B&H, pro, b&h, space, Doorhof, street, event, bh photo, photography, video, and
Id: J2YFm4UkD5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 15sec (5595 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2012
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