Being a witness in court - Preparing to come to court

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if you are a witness for the prosecution in a criminal case you will be met by a staff member or volunteer from the witness service witnesses for the defense will be directed to a separate waiting area in family cases you will be directed to the relevant waiting area volunteers and staff from the witness service will greet you when you arrive and get you settled the witness rooms are safe friendly spaces where you can wait until it's time for you to go up to the courtroom to give your evidence if you have to leave the room for any reason please let the witness service or court usher know people involved with other cases as well as the case you are involved in may be in the witness room prosecution and defense witnesses would not sit together it's important that you don't discuss your case with any other witnesses in the room the witness service is completely independent of the legal system and they are there to offer emotional support provide you with practical information about your time in court and answer any questions you may have they will not discuss the details of your case you are welcome to bring a friend or family member to support you if you are a prosecution witness one of the witness service volunteers will spend some time with you explaining the way the court system works and what it may be like to give evidence at this stage it's quite normal to feel nervous or a bit apprehensive the witness service volunteers are there to guide you through what for some people can be a difficult time while you're waiting you will be given the chance to read through or watch your pre-recorded statement if you made one before the hearing the prosecuting barrister or solicitor must come to talk to you about your case if they are not available then this will be a crown prosecution service paralegal they will be dressed for court and will sometimes wear a wig and gown they might take a note of what you talked about when it's time for you to go up to court a court usher will normally come to collect you you will also be kept informed about any delays to the hearing you can ask for a witness service supporter to join you in the courtroom or video link room you
Channel: HMCTSgovuk
Views: 11,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coming to court, Prepare for court, crown court, uk, judge and jury, HMCTS, HM Courts and Tribunals Service, being a witness, what happens in court, united kingdom, how does a court work, witness service, witness room, what happens to a witness at court, what happens if I'm a witness, witness
Id: CShc5v043Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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