Beijing Knockoff Market Bonanza!

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I love this guy, I wish there were more people in China who did these types of videos.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/aylmao123123123123 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

$215 for 2 pcs rep?!!! I can get the authentic for less at outlet stores!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/blue_pink_berry 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I see collin.. I sticky.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/ZatJingle 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

you want joke price?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/wagwonmandem 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

what's the address?

Also big props to asking for consent to be in the video to the Americans. 1:1 respecc

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/luckyvb 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

If you're ever in China, know how much a piece costs on taobao, and then haggle the price to around there.

I doubt any of the repfam could get hustled over there lol.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/party-in-here 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Stumbled upon his videos last week and has been a fan ever since. Glad to know that this sub likes him too. Wish he would do a review on the products that he copped too.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Animemeup 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
oh yeah that's funny you know this sums up our game they're bagging the price you know something is a little buggy and uh oh I saw that video before welcome back guys it has been a crazy week here in Beijing not only since the last upload not only did that do really well on YouTube but this actually got picked up by like like started trending on Chinese Twitter and it hit twenty five million views in the span of three days and that's what right now I'm kind of hesitant going to this market because I feel like they're gonna recognize me and like Beijing with these markets it's already ruined for me and they're just gonna be ignored get out of here can't sell you but we'll see what happens I'm gonna go through with it we're going to a place called pearl market which is the there's two big markets here in Beijing silk le pearl market so we're gonna go to this one I think this is pretty similar I've never been to it yet but anyways it's getting late it's 5:00 I've got two hours first place closes so I'm gonna forego the subway I'm gonna try to get on a let's try to haggle actually yeah I'll do that I'll try to haggle with a tuk-tuk or a black taxi hello [Music] okay what good deed goes well chance what G 120 oh you do like our show our Sheila okay are you all I'll do 40 40 washer washer washer okay alright 30 that's pretty desperate so I just took it if I took the subway they took a lot longer to get there I mean I could have took a taxi and it would be like half the price of this but actually wanted to ride this some reason they're just calling my name on let's get some cool shots on here so with that being said let's turn this around and go [Music] hey much for that off-white how much for the off way price real Joe price I want joke price what's uh what's the real price what's the diff okay eighteen hundred to four hundred why would you ask me joke price okay you want my joke price or real price real price I could be like 50 yeah UN 50 and no what's your what's your real real price Tony no you can't do 75 no I'll do 100 no you won't do 100 for that huh yeah what other you have different colors of these what colors okay I tried on yeah alright yeah dark gray and black Thanks yeah same exact side there blue green okay I can do green yeah yeah okay zero okay I'll take home nine 1904 - it's way too much for me it's way too much two pieces literally like a hundred I live here in China oh yeah I lived here I can do like a hundred just these ones right here I'm not joking with you are you joking with me 1350 or whatever I can only do like a hundred can you do a hundred what can you do wait what no I'm so cold hundreds from watch I'm sorry it's like 120th really like 1.8 look like 120 you give me your minimum 124 two pieces is that over your cost do you still make money on 120 okay well I don't want to spend more than 100 like 120 120 915 though my max is 120 no it's okay it's just quality I mean I'm sorry I for two pieces one funny 120 120 120 120 for two no okay 120 oh you just agree doing funny I'm sorry I'll do one thirty one thirty you do 130 yeah what the one thirty I figure out we chat alright quickly in my last video a lot of people are saying oh we must be sponsored by WeChat because he keeps mentioning WeChat first off I wish because we chats literally like the biggest app here in China but it's just because I got to let these sales people know that I'm paying with WeChat because they don't expect tourists to have their WeChat set up so in China the top forms of payment would be a cash WeChat and then nine credit card it's like number three right with that being said let's get right back into this and get some deals no one-thirty alright thank you how much for this give you 120 [Music] [Music] like this white one just one yeah [Music] how much oh that's too much for me I'm sorry yeah I know it's just too much for me no I'm good like 50 I think I got that for 80 down in Shenzhen that's my serious that's my maximum that's my maximum like 80 okay no finish finish 100 no I know I that's okay I just got one for a funny guy gonna do if you do 100 I can only do 100 I I can only do 100 I just got one for a hundred thank you oh thanks for the I want it no I'm saying I'm just I'm saying oh because you packaged it nicely it looks good usually it's just a plastic bag I don't know let's see what do you have over here well what about like these diesels yeah I like this one yeah how much for this one I'll do 100 for this no okay okay it's okay it's okay what's your cost for this what's it what's your cost for this what's your cost for this okay I'm sorry okay I'll just I'll just take this one just like 120 no I'll just take this that's that's your cloth okay I'll do 130 130 130 140 140 what okay 145 I'll do 145 yeah yeah that's what I do that's my job okay can I tell you been watching it for like the past two days yeah we just say like we like having our prices really doing we're gonna do this do that so cool I said Carson Carson Colin nice to meet you three days so I thought it was like really you guys want to be in the video all right cool got a shout out or something hey what's the game man the game yeah take care nice meeting you bye bye how much you do like time let's get it how much 20 35 25 oh you're very you're very kind thank you so you can see a place called pretty jewelry but there's a rooftop we're gonna go up to and uh looking pretty nice so let's go check this out I thought I got this idea after meeting Carson it may have a sorry I got this idea now if you do see me when when I'm out bargaining whatnot first of all don't be afraid to say what's up like I'm [ __ ] I love meeting you guys second we can go to a shop when we can bargain that'd be cool itself so that's an incentive if you're out and about and you see me hit me up in our [ __ ] yo Colin was talking like oh [ __ ] what do you want here I got this I got that I got this well maybe not like that also I want to say ladies I am listening um I got I get I get a lot of comments you always do guys stuff so right now we're still gonna go look for some kind of like girly [ __ ] so let's do this how much yeah too much for me I think 50 yeah no you can't do a fight for 50 at 75 I lived here so I know like the prices I'll be like 100 that's a just a hundred hundred hundred yeah all right just one yeah I want this one do you 25 for the off white belt TZ 25 for this no I'll do like 30 30 30 it's an off white belt 30 all 35 35 35 plus 100 yeah we chess okay can you put that in my backpack all right thank you what do you got behind let's see can I see them yeah like wallet you got Timberland not Giorgio Armani it's okay what about this DNG how much that's a lot I'm sorry it's like 30 yeah no you can buy asking for three for three years yeah go to McDonald's okay but yeah what's your minimum 150 uh I'll do like 50 top that's it 50 I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah we checked yeah yeah no way no girlfriend yeah really a Chinese girl for me can you help me find the Chinese girl you can you guys can help me I'll come I'll come back tomorrow and then you have a Chinese do all right okay all right no I'm good if you give me a Chinese girl I'll come back and buy a paper okay how much a lot still yeah I know it's cool like 75 okay like 80 like to see 80 is probably my best I'm okay with eighty eighty okay is this my size okay okay designs this is the Under Armour Under Armour can I go try these on okay well I'll go to the I already paid I'll go to the bathroom run if I'm up if I don't come back then they're good alright yeah they didn't fit so we're gonna go back down there and I'm gonna test what I hear a lot is once you buy there are no refund so there are a couple options because she was gonna give me a pair of zara branded pants like we're gonna test it and see what happens so i'll you there take it it's not on a different pair of branded pants that were like pretty much exactly the same just different brand or don't try to get a full refund so let's see it and go test this out yeah they don't fit you don't have you don't have this brand bigger size this one know how sorry mother are there yes would you like well what others how many bigger you need is just one okay yeah I'll take these yeah thank you alright so I got the bigger size now protip so what happened is now oh they don't fit now she's like oh I'm gonna lose money because he doesn't want the other Zara branded pants whatever those are now I'm gonna work harder to make sure I don't have to give him his money back right so now oh all of a sudden oh I have bigger sides now for you see the thing is protip these people do not give a [ __ ] these cells do not give a [ __ ] as long as they're making money protip you do have to be adamant with these sellers do not be afraid to offend because that's just the way it is here in China and Asia so if you've come into a culture that is a bargaining culture it's expected to be a little pushy be adamant because that's just part of the whole game I do get a lot of comments of people being like oh my god you're such a dick for bargaining bla bla bla no like you literally just never been to China I know back in the West back home we're more of a polite society when it comes with things like that but uh that's just there's no other answer but that's just how it is so when you come here not be afraid [Music] now this is take of the video is worse I want to buy it I want to buy do you have a sausage oh no yeah 38 37 36 both sides of that will have your size oh my god I want the green ones how much surprised that's not gonna work that's not gonna work that's not it's a couple of years oh yeah family hello I'm Carolyn he's my shopping bag and I'm you to do a good job doing it brother nice all right thank you guys have some good deals all right cool thank you all right yeah how much this way too much okay closes okay you got it southwestern we do you yeah if you get WeChat yeah all right tell me that on WeChat great cool man I got these for 120 300 too much how much can he do minimum how much your your final how much 150 150 150 before a friend to this one you know like visa no no we we see I it's like this but that now are we if we friend have like this with a hurry I show you see this one oh yeah that's funny you see you know no I found it it's not that you cheated Aziz no let's down the parking in the back in the price you know something rock in the Milwaukee Anna I saw that video before oh yeah no that's not me I'm saying I saw it before alright thank you don't pat me on the butt with that all right guys that's it for this market if I had to rank each market I would say the silk alley market in the previous video was more for like clothing and a lot more shoes whereas this is more electronics jewelry pearls random other little electronics like Bluetooth speakers things like that so I would highly value what do you want okay how much gold trim in detail lady I could be like thirty thirteen why are our 70 L Calif at 70 all right I'll give this guy's someone will be on YouTube though that's alright so yeah with that being said don't forget to like share comment subscribe just me just me okay okay what don't forget the life state say subscribe oh thank you send you guys watch subscribe subscribe yeah subscribe well what is the meaning follow follow follow opposite for like our YouTube looking kale Billy Billy I'll be beating yeah yeah so what do you want to say alright anyways uh yeah I don't know where I'm gonna be player we're cool yeah great yes John board number one no no no yeah China no gone right no what's number one then why not you're number one yeah you heard of here first I will see you guys next time okay here
Channel: Collin Abroadcast
Views: 8,072,924
Rating: 4.8502846 out of 5
Keywords: Beijing, supreme, dolce gabbana, china, hypebeast, Fake markets, d&g, sneaker shopping, haul, GSHOCK, clothing haul, counterfeit, try on haul, fake, designer haul, yeezy boost, imitation, adidas nmd, pearl market, black market, adidas, sneakers, Hongqiao, adidas boost, underarmour, luxury, luxury vlog, shopping, vlog, belt, fashion, designer, trends, shopping spree, jordan, how to, bargain, cheap, bargaining, asia, adventure, travel vlog, travel, replica, pearl, prada, watch shopping, haggle, diesel
Id: bzNtOQw2cOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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