Beijing doesn't think Biden and Trump administrations are good for China, professor says

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so Beijing has now seen a trump Administration and a Biden Administration from China's leadership perspective which US leader do you believe Beijing prefers well first of all the short answer is twofold on the one hand they uh they really don't think any of them are good it's good for China and U uh I can't explain the reason uh the second part is they don't know yet because inform is incomplete particularly regarding Donald Trump what kind of team he will form now let me explain uh uh in a longer term why uh neither of them is really looks good for China from Chinese perspective now Biden you will see the continuity of policy on on the positive side uh Biden is not going to completely decouple with China he used of the the risking and also that uh will continue engaging with uh China under at least under educational and culture exchanges that's very clear that he's Capital member since San Francisco there is dialogue there is diplomacy absolutely now of course he will not a change the direction to slow China down the slow down China's development but it's not completely you know uh uh uh kind of destroy China some of the Republican hard lines will probably argue that so you can see the kind of a stability but what CH make China very uncomfortable is Biden's Coalition uh build a kind of uh containment of China in term of limited but still to deal with China's everg Growing Power now this Coalition uh Le um approach to China it's really um you can see uh numerous ways but one is the democracies versus authoritarianism China does not like that frame they think it's a too narrow too simplistic too ideological and too dangerous now actually I'm not the person to say it's too dangerous Chinese government is not the only the person to say too dangerous brazinski the National Security advisor for uh President Jimmy Carter said 27 years ago in his Masterpiece he talked about the scenario that the US should avoid when China Russia Iran come together not a group by ideology but a group by share interest deal with us pressure but unfortunately what he want to avoid want the US to avoid is exactly happening yes now China think that China pushing the quter this is the kind of semi Coalition is not China interested to to create but you force China into that corner when xiin ping send his daughter to study overseas he did not send her to uh Moscow University but to Harvard that tell you a lot when he refer to Major power or major country relations 15 years ago largely or or 12 years ago largely refer to United States and China not Russia not Japan not EU but now certainly he has to need to change because environment change so China putting in the corner so this is his uh view or China's leadership view about uh uh Biden Administration now I will go to uh Chun
Channel: CNBC International TV
Views: 5,303
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Keywords: Capital Connection, CNBC
Id: 68fpAXi6Ir4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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