Behind the Seams: Join Kimberly for a look at the newly announced fall Moda collections!

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(bright upbeat music) - Hey guys, today is May 29th, 2020. I'm Kimberly Jolly from Fat Quarter Shop and on today's livestream, I'm gonna show you all of the quilt market releases from Moda Fabrics. So usually we travel to the quilt market and we show you all the booths. We show you all the fabric in person, and that didn't happen this year. So I thought I would just show you Moda because that is actually here on fabric. So I'm going to just kind of jump right in and you can ask questions. The very first section is gonna all be shipping in October. So nothing is in stock now, and it's all on our coming soon page, and you can either pre-order or reserve, it kinda depends. And that's that. So we're gonna start with Shine On. It is the brand new collection by Bonnie and Camille. The quilt behind me, I actually made. That is from their brand new book called "The Quilt Bee." So on that book, if you're interested, you can reserve just the book, or you can sign up for the block of the month. And if you sign up for the block of the month, which is a 12-month program, you would get the book with that. So don't order both. So I had shown you that a couple of weeks ago, so that is that. And I'm gonna just start showing you the fabric. So this is the Shine On collection by Bonnie and Camille. Again, shipping in October. And I'm just gonna kinda lay out the fabric. Y'all can ask any questions. So this one will have two kits. Well, actually one kit, one block of the month. So it's a bigger collection, super pretty. And this print is a little rainbow, and the background print is also a rainbow. It's just a white-on-white rainbow. So this is the very first collection. This is how it looks in a bundle, so it's nice and yummy. And we're, pre-selling this collection. So if you're interested, you can go ahead and reserve your bundle now if you're interested. And I love that the collection has so many prints that are usable and, oh my gosh, it's got so much color. So that is Shine On. So the block of the month behind me, that is a block of the month that comes with the book. The next item is a quilt kit. And we're gonna show you that on the image. That is called Summer Days, and that is designed by Bonnie. And that will be a quilt kit that comes with a box. And then we also, this collection will have a Jolly Bar. And the Jolly Bar quilt is the Beacon Quilt Kit. And that one uses two Jolly Bars. So that one is kind of a bigger kit. And that one was designed by, I believe Crystal. And that's the second kit. So we actually have three kits with that one. So let me know if you have any questions before I move to the very next one. - [Lily] I'm gonna let questions roll in here. We did have a question earlier from Janice Elder. She said, "If I signed up for "some of the monthly subscriptions last night, "will I get June's?" So I think maybe she means like the Sew Sampler or--. - Yeah, if it's, yeah, you should get June's. - [Lily] But correct me Janice, if it's about a different monthly signup. - Yeah, I think it's all the same. So, I mean, if you sign up now you should get June. - [Lily] Sally Johnson says, "Fall market is where I met you, Kimberly." - Oh, awesome. - [Lily] All right, and we got people joining us from all over the world, it seems. We've got people from Germany, from Australia. Lots of people from here in the U.S. from Nebraska, Pennsylvania. - Awesome. - [Lily] West Michigan. Welcome everyone. Everyone's saying good morning, Lisa Clark is asking, "What is a Jolly Bar?" - So a jolly Bar is double of a Charm Pack or half of a Layer Cake. It's a five by 10 inch cut of fabric. And it's something that we do that's exclusive to us. It's kind of fun. And every time we sell a Jolly Bar, on the back we put a free pattern. And then we have two Jolly Bar books that we only sell at Fat Quarter Shop that shows you how to use them. And so it's just kind of like a bigger piece of fabric. If you want a little bit more than a Charm Pack, or a little bit less than a Layer Cake, it gives you options. And on those, we've gotten lots of questions on how we select those. And we select them based on what we think is gonna sell the best. So you might see the same designer over and over and over get selected, and that's why. So we have to buy really big minimums to be able to cut those. So it's all based on sales. - [Lily] From Love Pugs. "Any wide backings in the Shine On collection?" - No, not on this one. - [Lily] From Amber Petty. "When will the Beacon pattern be available?" - That will only come with the Jolly Bar and it might be released in a book later, but it's only gonna be in the Jolly Bar pattern. So we keep those exclusive. And then eventually we put them in a book because then it keeps everybody happy. - [Lily] All right, from Julie Brooks. "Does the Quilt Along have videos?" - No. All of our books. It's published by It's Sew Emma. We have color diagrams, very easy instructions. I would say the quilt behind me, I would say it's intermediate. It might be slightly advanced, but a lot of the blocks are bigger. So because you're working with bigger pieces, it's gonna be easier to piece. So it's not a beginner quilt, but nothing in there is super advanced. It's more, I would say more just time consuming, just, you know, it's a bigger quilt, so it's gonna take more time. - [Lily] From Brandy Albrighton. "How does the block of the month subscription work?" - So on that, you would get each month, you're gonna get a portion. In the very first month you get the book. And then each month you get a portion of it to make. So you might get one block to make or two blocks to make. And it will have a cover sheet for you, tell you exactly, you know, which block you're making, and you make a little bit each month. And then at the end you just put it all together. So the next collection is by Cathe Holden. It's called Flea Market Moxie. It is nine pieces, and they're bigger prints. So on the left, what you see is an embroidery panel. So it's kind of like if you were in a flea market or, you know, an antique store, and you saw those tapestries that were popular in the '70s. That's what this is. This is a label print. And then this one is... On the left, this is more of a hunting manly print. And then this is a newspaper print. So I think this one will be really popular. I think a lot of people will wanna use that as a backing. The next three are wood grain, so three different wood grains. And then the last one is, this one has faces and these are bubble gum wraps. And that will be sold. Also, this is gonna be the precut. So it's a precut of bigger pieces, half yard pieces, and it's got all nine. And this is digitally printed, so you're gonna see that it costs more per yard, and that's because it's digitally printed so that you can get all of these colors and details. When you digitally print, you can get more colors and it looks more like a photograph. So that is Flea Market Moxie by Cathe Holden. The next one is Figs and Shirtings by Fig Tree, Joanna Figueroa. This one is awesome, and I have... We're gonna do a sew along with this one with her, and I'll show you that at the end. And this one, we're also offering a low volume bundle because this one has so many lighter prints. Our our low volume bundle has 13 of the lighter prints, if you're somebody who likes to collect backgrounds. So again, Figs and Shirtings, Fig Tree ships in October, and this is how it looks right here. And I'm gonna show you our kits with that. The first one is called Nana's Apron and that's a Jolly Bar kit, and that one uses one Jolly Bar, and then that background is the Bella print. And then the next one is super awesome. This is Stitchery Sampler. We're getting real photos of that quilt later this week to put online from Joanna. This is gonna be a pre-boxed kit. So it comes from Moda and I'm gonna do a sew along with it. So basically I'm gonna buy the kit and I'm gonna sew along with you and show you on the livestream each week what I do. Because I really like the quilts. I like that it's different. I like that it has a little bit of applique, but not too much, and then it looks like there's a little bit of English paper piecing, but I can do it. I just really liked it when I saw it from the sales rep, so I texted Joanna and said, "Hey, I love this. "Do you wanna do a sew along?" So, awesome. It's called Figs and Shirtings. The next one is Kansas Troubles Quilters. It's called Bittersweet Lane. And this one also ships October. Can you do the upper camera? - [Lily] Yes. - And these are just her classic, traditional colors. Also ships October, Bittersweet Lane, Kansas Troubles Quilters. And this one, she will have her little booklets that go with it. So that is Kansas Troubles. - [Lily] We've got a few questions here. - Okay. - [Lily] First from Natalia Nazinsky. "Is the Bonnie and Camille quilt for beginners?" The one behind you. - The one behind me, I would say intermediate, but if you're a beginner, you can definitely do it. You just have to give yourself time to do it. But I, yeah, I sewed it. It's not, there's nothing in there that's too, too hard. I mean, if you're a beginner, you can do it. I just don't wanna say like it's a beginner level quilt because it's so big, you know, it's got a lot to it and I don't wanna mislead you. But like, if you really like it, I'm sure you can do it. - [Lily] From Diane Schwam, "I love Jolly Bar's cute name too. "Wondering who chose the name?" - So Jolly is my last name. So, someone who works here picked it. I don't know if it was me or Jocelyn or Sarah. It was one of us 'cause at the time it was just us. So I don't remember who picked it, but somebody. - [Lily] All right.f rom Kimberley Michniac. "Does the block of the month, Shine On, "come in a pretty box?" - No. - [Lily] From Angela Staudinger. "What is the difference "between Aurifil white thread 2021 and 2024? - I think 20, hold on. This is 2024. Maybe we can have... I don't know, I think 2024 is probably whiter. 2024 is probably whiter than 2021. I think 2021 is a little bit lighter. - [Lily] All right, from Gail Steele. "Can you pre-order low volume bundle now "for Figs and Shirting?" - We're not pre-selling that one so you can just click to be notified. But what happens when you click to be notified is it tells us, okay, this many people are interested so that we can order accordingly, 'cause we adjust our orders up and down. - [Lily] From Catherine Jolson. "Will the stitchery sampler be sold as a pattern, "separate from the kits?" - Yes, and that is a pattern written by Joanna Figueroa. It won't be out for a couple of months. - [Lily] And also about the stitchery sampler, Julie Conway's asking, "Is a beginner friendly?" - Um, I would say no, I would say intermediate because it's got the English paper piecing in there. But, I haven't seen the pattern. I'm super excited about it because it's got a lot of movement. It's very sampler-ish. And I always love things that are samplers. I'm like a sucker for samplers. I feel like if you look at all my quilts, they've got either stars everywhere, or samplers, or just all kinds of stuff moving around in them. And so I just liked it. I thought it was different. I always like to do something that's got a lot of different blocks because I don't wanna make a quilt that has the same block over and over. I wanna do something where I can be challenged, and sit down and do something different each time, which is what appealed to me for it. That's what appealed it to me. - [Lily] All right, from Vanessa Blount. "When can we order individual pieces of fabric?" - Not until it comes out in October. - [Lily] Yes, so everything you've seen so far is an October. - We're just doing this because it's quilt market, you know. You're not getting to see all the pretty pictures of the booths. And we've got all this fabric here. So why not show you? - [Lily] All right, from Marge Amber Moreland. "What was the name of the Kansas Trouble again, please?" - Bittersweet Lane. And here it is in a bundle. So the next collection is called Folktale. It's by Lella Boutique, Vanessa. It is so pretty. I love it. I have not decided what I'm gonna make with this. But I can promise you, there will be something that I do with it that is shown in livestream because I always figure out a way for the collections that I love to somehow be incorporated in the livestream. I think it's fresh, I think it's different. And I don't have a quilt with these colors. So I'm super excited. So this one is called Folktale. We have two kits with it. So the first one is called Storytime, and that is a Jolly Bar kit, and that is the Bella as the background. And then the next one is also, it an It's Sew Emma. So Crystal designed this and that is the quilt Kit. So those are the two quilt kits with Folktale. And then the next collection, you guys are gonna be so excited. It's called A Blooming Bunch. - [Lily] Whoo! - It's by Maureen McCormick. So she is Marsha from The Brady Bunch. And on this one, we have gotten so many emails, guys, people wanting quilt kits. So we are actually working on two quilt kits. So I don't have any photos for you because we're still designing them, but we are working on quilt kits, and we are going to have a Jolly Bar of this, also. We just have to design. And it's just very Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. I love it. I think it's great. I think it's great. It's different. - [Lily] Um hum! - So those are still, we're still on October. Our next group is called Solana and it's by Robin Pickens. The sunflowers are very big, so you can really see the detail. This is how it looks as a whole, so you can see all that beautiful color. And then I'm gonna show you the two panels on the table. There's two different panels, two different colors. The first one is cream and it says, "Wherever life plants, you bloom with grace." And then the blue one is the same on the outside. But the text on the inside is different. It's a Helen Keller quote. "Keep your face to the sunshine "and you cannot see the shadows. "It's what sunflowers do." So these are the two panels for this group. And you'll see that the outside, this is what I meant like the outsides the same design, just different colors and different texts. So let me know if you have any questions before I keep going. But that again is Solana by Robin Pickens. - [Lily] Quick question about that one. Do the panels come with the bundle? Are they sold separately? - Every panel we always have is sold separately. The bundle comes with the white panel, only not the blue panel. And Moda, when they do bundles, they usually will just pick one panel, and they pick whichever one they think will sell the best. And all of this won't be online until, individually, until October. - [Lily] From Susan Cribs. "Is Summer Days a beginner quilt?" I believe that was one of the Bonnie and Camille ones. Can you? - Oh, yes it is. I think that would be beginner, yes, yes. That's like a churn dash. And then on the inside, one thing that you could do, for example, that very first block is flying geese. And if you think that's too hard, the very next center is, let's see, four by four patch. So if you felt like the centers were too hard, you could do all the same center. That heart looks super easy. So, you know, you could mix and match and change it but that outside's super easy. And if you wanted to make it more beginner, you could just pick the one inside. - [Lily] All right, next question here from Amber Leach. "Will there be Jolly Bars for Figs and Shirtings?" - Yes. Yes. - [Lily] A question from Julie Ann Tee. "Is notify when in stock treated as an intent to purchase?" - No, we just notify you and you can either buy, or you could not buy. Now obviously, we do use that click, as just an indicator of interest. So it's good for us to know, like, if you're really interested or really not, but you don't have to buy when it comes down. We just email you and it has like a link and you go there and decide what you wanna do. - [Lily] All right, from I'm a Gator Vet Mom. "When does all Hallows Eve come out?" - It should be coming out soon. - [Lily] From Ginger save-in-sticker. "When can we buy the Jubilee pattern?" - I don't know what Jubilee is. - [Lily] Jubilee was this (speaking very softly). - Okay, that one, the Jubilee pattern will come out probably in August or September. Yay, Lily. I was like, Oh, you don't know? It's hard to remember all the names of all the things. - [Lily] Yeah. From Catherine Jolson. "What size did you say the panel was from Solana?" - And let me look real quick. It is a one-yard panel, so 36 by 43. - [Lily] All right. And before we move on, we do have a few super chats that came in. The first one was from Catherine Jolson for $10. - Thank you. - [Lily] Thank you so much, Catherine. And then the next one was from Susan Rowe for $2. Thank you, Susan. Thank you. - [Lily] There's Super Piggy again. We got a super chat from Seven and the Littlest Mew for $4.99. Thank you so much. You guys are awesome. I think it's crazy when we just like start getting all of these things rolling in at once and I'm like, oh my gosh, like, people are so kind and generous. We got another super chat from Theresa Evenhouse for $10. - Thank you. - [Lily] And she says, "Thank you ladies for all," sorry, Piggy wasn't coming on. "Thank you ladies For all your hard work. "I love the livestreams and watch them over quite often." - Aw, thank you, I never watch myself. I don't think I could handle it. I would probably critique myself. - [Lily] Aw, yeah. From David Karcher, "Would the Sunflower fabric go along with the Sunflower Home cross-stitch? - Sunflower Home cross-stitch. - [Lily] I can show it from the Stitch Quarterly. - Oh, okay, let me put it next to it. Yay. Let me find the yellow. I think it would. - [Lily] Yeah. - I think it would. And I think the green would even, I think this green would look really good. Let's see, where is it, right here. I think that green would look really good with it too. Yes, and so if y'all are wondering, this was our first pattern release in our Stitch Quarterly subscription. And that is a cross-stitch subscription and the pattern is now available. So this is all cross-stitched, and then we added the fabric, and there is a tutorial on the Fat Quarter Shop FlossTube on how to make it a pillow. - [Lily] All right, and then a few things before we move on, we do have a new YouTube member, Julie Brooks. Welcome Julie. - Thank you. - [Lily] Yay. And then another super chat from Jess Berler for $5 saying thank you for all you guys do. - Thank you. - [Lily] Thank you, Jess. And then Shelly Burgoyne was asking, Can you explain the live chats? "Is it for charity?" So I think she's talking about like these super chats. - So the super chats, they just go and we get a portion of them. YouTube keeps a portion, we keep a portion and we use it for all this equipment. So I've got equipment up here. I've got equipment over here. So it's just all goes straight to equipment. Lily's salary, Ashley's salary. It just goes to producing all of this. - [Lily] Yeah, it's similar to a Patreon, but on YouTube. - Yeah, and you don't have to do it. You don't have to do it. - [Lily] Yeah, no. We will produce this content for free. - So the next group is called Animal Crackers. It's so cute, it's by Sweetwater. I am not usually an animal person, but I love it. It's like penguins, cows, giraffes and crocodiles. And it is so cute. And I love that there's two white-on-white prints because I of course love backgrounds. And this is cotton, and there's a lot of Colorways. And so if you're in, you know, if you're somebody who really likes farms, that would be great. This is a good gender neutral. This is super cute. So I think that this really mixes well, but also a lot of the Colorways stand on their own. And I really, just something about this crocodile print, let me find it, here. It's just so cute, I mean, - [Lily] Aw. - I haven't like, crocodiles and hearts these are little hearts. And there are some panels in this one. So I'm gonna first move this because the panels are pretty big and detailed. So actually I'm gonna, can I fan back, Lily? Okay, so this one, this is the first panel. It is canvas, and it is a lightweight canvas, so it's not too thick. And it's got five different panels in it. So you could do pillows. You could put it on the back. You could do just this alphabet on the bottom. There's so many things you could do with it. So that's the first panel. And again, it's a lightweight canvas. And then the next panel has two aspects to it. So you get both with this panel. You can't just buy one. So on the left, you're gonna see different animals that you could put into a quilt. You could sash it, or you could just put a border around that. And then on the right is the alphabet. It's just a running alphabet. It just keeps running and running and running. And it could be the very center of a quilt. And it is also linen not linen sorry, canvas. - [Lily] Canvas. - But it's a very, I'll put it here so you can kind of zoom. But it's very, it's lightweight, so it's not like, I don't know. - [Lily] It's not heavy. - [Kimberly] Yeah, it's not heavy. - [Lily] Oh, that's so cute. - [Kimberly] I know, I love it. And then here's the little animals. I mean, look at the little alligator. - [Lily] Oh, there's a cow and a penguin, aw. - [Kimberly] It's so cute. - [Lily] Did you ever see that Shirley Temple movie where she's like singing a song about animal crackers? That's all I can think of when I hear about this fabric collection. - [Kimberly] Now, Lily, you know my answer. I do know who Shirley Temple is, but I don't watch movies, so no. That's so funny though. - [Lily] Comment below if you know what I'm talking about. - Yeah, I'm sure everybody else, yeah. I've been well, yeah. I am so bad about, I don't know. - [Lily] Well, maybe it's just like a me thing. - Oh, and we do have a kit on this one, I forgot. Okay, so it's called Menagerie and it's a little P, which means it's just a smaller baby quilt. Little P is named after my son, Peyton, 'cause when he was a baby, we called him Little P. - [Lily] Aw. - I know, now we call, yeah. Actually Kevin still calls him Little P. He doesn't like it, but we do it. And so in the center we kind of just put that big, all over print just to kinda pop, and those little Ps are all meant to be very beginner friendly. - [Lily} Very cute. Okay, we got a lotta questions coming in here. - Okay, I can just stand here and answer them. - [Lily] (laughing) From The Pokey Little Pineapple, "Will Blooming Bunch be available in a fat quarter bundle?" - Yes, so Blooming Bunch will have all the pre-cuts. So this is the one by Marsha from The Brady Bunch. We will have fat quarter bundles, half-yard bundles, Jolly Bars, Layer Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Mini Charm Packs. All of the above. Yeah, I wanna meet her, I'm so excited. - [Lily] Sweet comment from Laura Austin. She says, "Your livestreams are the highlight of my week. "Thanks for all you do." - Aw, thank you. - [Lily] Thank you, Laura. Also from Wendy Artist, "Thank you for all the tutorials. "Just diving into the Jelly Roll quilt. "I'm a super beginner." - Yay, and we've got lots of beginner quilts on our channel. So if you go, there is a playlist called "Shortcut Quilts, and that's a great one to start with 'cause it's a lot of beginner, very beginner friendly. And if you got a pre-cut at home already, you can just start sewing, and they're completely free. - [Lily] Oh, lots of people are putting the lyrics to the song I was talking about in the comments. Thank you, everyone, that just made my day. - Yay, are you gonna sing it? - [Lily] Yes, that shouldn't be copyrighted anymore. So it's like, - Oh. ♪ Animal crackers in my soup ♪ ♪ Most of the rabbits looped the loop. ♪ And then-- - That's so funny, I've never heard that before. - [Lily] Yeah, Shirley Temple sings it and she's like walking down like a hall where everyone's eating or something. Anyways. Next question, from House of Stitch and Stash. "Are we able to pre-order All Hallows Eve fabric? - Not anymore. - [Lily] Not anymore. From Life as a Mom, great username. Does Fat Quarter Shop have a storefront? - No. - [Lily] All right. And from Christine Baker she says, "Couldn't the alphabet," hang on. She says, "Couldn't you the alphabet "on the back of the squares and make a wall hanging? - Yes. Yeah. - [Lily] We have a lot of new people joining in, so a few people have been asking, "Who's Piggy?" - Piggy's my little pug doggie. He's my little dog. - [Lily] He's a little piggy pug. - Yes. - [Lily] Okay. Ethan Homan says, "I love your house." - Oh, thanks. - [Lily] Yeah, we are on the sets, but yes, thank you. From Michelle Hardy, says, "Can we see the bottom of the first Sweetwater panel?" - Yes. Okay, so this is the top. And then I'll fold it and then I'll show the back. The bottom, sorry. It makes me wish that my kids were little so I could make them a quilt like this. But I think at this point they don't want a quilt with the alphabet. (laughing) - [Lily] Okay, from Renee Rankin. "Talk to me about starching everything. "Why do you starch? "What brand do you use? "How do you use it?" - So for starch, I have lots of videos out there. I learned it from Lisa Bonjean. And I starch, it does pre-shrink your fabric. I do it because it gives a stiffness to the fabric that helps me sew faster and have less mistakes. It's totally optional. The brand that I use is Faultless. That's the brand I've always used. And I use the original version, not the stiff. And I do use the aerosol, and I go through lots of cans of it. I probably have like four videos out there on it. But definitely Lisa Bonjean was the very first video 'cause she showed how she does it and that's how she does all of her quilts. And if you look at her Instagram or Facebook, you see that she makes super tiny quilts. That's what she likes, and that's how she's able to achieve that look, because when you starch you get a stiffness to your fabric where it doesn't move as much when it's on the bias. That would be my easiest way to explain that. - [Lily] All right. From Laura Ashcraft, "Will you have the Snowman Collection "for Adventure Making Friends?" - I haven't heard of it, so I don't think so. - [Lily] From Katherine Jolson, "Can you tell us where you are bringing back "your staff safely to take shipping back to where it was?" - So we are, but we're 15 to 22 days behind on shipping based on what you order because of social distancing. All of my staff is back. They are spread out. They are different shifts. It's a lotta stuff. I don't wanna spend the livestream talking about shipping though. That's not what I wanna do today. - [Lily] All right, no problem. We do have a bunch of super chats that came in. So I'm just gonna get through them, then we'll move on to the next fabric collections. From the quilted mule, $2. She says," I always love your livestreams." Thank you so much. - Thank you. - [Lily] And then we had a new member, Geanne Miles. Welcome Geanne. And let me just put the confetti, woo-hoo. From Patty Andrews for $4.99 super chat. And they say, "Great way to spend a morning, "seeing all the beautiful new fabrics and getting inspired. "Love all you share in the livestreams. - Thank you. - [Lily] Thank you, Patty. And then we had a super chat from Suzu. Suzu, oh, I love that username, $4.99. She says, "Hi, I'm new to the quilting world. "And my first preview, very exciting. "Love the sunflowers. Oh, you're so sweet, Suzu. it's such a cute name. Let's see, from Gabriel Fuentes, oh, hang on. There we go, for $1.99, and he says, "How's Piggy?" - Aw he's better, he's doing better. He's doing better. We had to kinda start sending him back, 'cause he's, he goes to daycare. I know he's a dog, but he would go to daycare every day. But since everything happened, we stopped sending him, and he really started acting up. So we started sending him back, not every day, but more. And his behavior has improved, so that's good. It's like a child. He definitely was acting bad for awhile. - [Lily] From Deb Keller for $14.99. They say, "First Friday livestream I've caught in a while. "Thank you so much for everything y'all do." - Thank you for watching. I still to this day, I'm like amazed that so many people watch. And I think that it's funny that people are actually interested in something that I'm interested in because sometimes I think I have bad taste, so it's kind of funny. - [Lily] All right, from Tracy Hagarbomber for $9.99. She says, "thank you so much for all you do. "I am so grateful. "I took up sewing a year ago. "Your store is amazing and I love the projects." - Thank you. - [Lily[ Aw, thank you. All right, and the last super chat here for the moment from Valeria Bauer for $19.99. And she put the little pair that says, "Thanks for being you," and the pair's like got a mirror and it's like looking at itself. - Aw, thank you. So the next collection is called Quotation. It's by Zen Chic and it is modern and awesome. So this print is gonna knock it out of the park. I think that's just gonna be in both. These two Colorways are gonna be amazing. And she added a couple new spotteds. So the spotteds are down here. That is a one six six oh dash. That's what her prints are. And so there's a couple new ones of those. She's got lots of color. Here's another spotted. And so the way the spotted will work is it will be part of the collection, and if it sells through really well, they will keep it in the collection. Same thing with Grunge. When they add a basic to a collection, if it sells really good, they keep it. Okay, here's the other Jack. I think that's gonna be what? Yay, so everything that I just showed you is an October ship date. This is probably Lily's favorite, right Lily? - [Lily] It's definitely in like my top five. - [Kimberly] I think she likes the Brady bunch. - [Lily] I was gonna say, I think that was my number one. - Yeah, so that is all October. So I'm gonna move to November shipments. So November, the very first one, I have gotten so many comments on this on social media. It's beautiful. It's called Cider, it's by BasicGrey. And again, new Grunge prints. And I think this one will mix really well, if you needed to mix two collections, with Folktale that I showed earlier. So pretty. So this group has a lot of really nice detailed prints, like that. I mean, it's just very... Let me try to pull the Folktale out. Actually I can show you right here. So this is Cider by BasicGrey, ships in November. And I think some of the colors mix well. This is Folktale, so if you look at kind of the yellows, the oranges, even some of the blues, obviously not the pinks. But if you needed to mix, like if you were doing like a really big sampler quilt, or Moda Blockheads, you know, something really big where you need a ton of colors, that would be two that you could mix. I'm always thinking of how I can mix things. So then I can have like more variety. We do have two quilt kits. The first one is called Pecan Street, and it is so cute. I think Angel or Crystal designed it. Can't remember, sorry. It is 56 by 56, and so that is our first quilt kit with Cider. And then we have Stars for Carter, and this is a Moda kit. So it's gonna come in a box and I love it 'cause of course, it's stars. And that one would be, I would say beginner, intermediate, and I love the movement of the fabric. And here it is actually in person. It's really big guys, so. Oh, I don't know if they can even-- - [Lily] Oh man. We'll make sure to have Skylar next time we have a big quilt. - And then I'll kind of show you the bottom. And the Grunge is really nice on this one. This is probably my favorite print right here, is this print right here. Let's see, that one. I love that. It's very seventies. - [Lily] Yeah. - So, and this one, I wanna give credit to who made it. Let's see, it was made by Shalare at Moda and quilted by Maggi Honeyman. She is a quilter in Dallas, Texas. So if you wanna look at the quilting on it, this is her quilting, and it's M-A-G-G-I. So, really pretty. Put this to the side. The next collection is for all of our 1800s reproduction lovers. It's by Betsy Chechen. It's called Elinore's an-de-vor, an-day-vor. - [Lily] Endeavor? - [Kimberly] Endeavor, sorry. (laughing) 1830 to 1910 is the time period. Sorry, I-- - [Lily] An-de-vor sounds like, you know how you can be a carnivore. - I wanna be a... I'll eat anything at this point. I didn't eat dinner last night, so I'm starving. So this is a true black, so, and the black, sometimes black doesn't print very well. I don't know if you'll have noticed that, but this is a very nice black. It came out really nice. And so this is Betsy Chechen. This is how it looks as a whole. So there's lots of backgrounds, if you're somebody who collects 1800s. So let me know if there's any questions before, so I don't get too confused. Oh, on this one, we do have a quilt kit also. And the quilt kit has some applique in it for all of the applique lovers. It's called Roundabout. The designer of the pattern is Bits 'n Pieces. And so you can see there are four, five, six, seven, eight, nine blocks that are applique. Now of course, if you don't wanna applique, you could always alternate a different block in there, if you wanted to get creative. I would say that's an advanced quilt. I would be scared to try it, let's say that. And it's 64 inches square. - [Lily] All right, yes. We do have lots of questions coming in. Lots of sweet comments from Gwen Smith. She said, "Starching makes such a positive difference "in my piecing," from when we were talking about starching. - Yes, and so like with starching, you know, it's kind of one of those things that you either love it or hate it. And so don't feel bad if you try it and you hate it and you don't wanna do it. You should definitely do in your sewing room whatever you're most comfortable with, and whatever gives you the best results. Don't feel like, because I do it, you have to do it. I've been doing it for years and I just love it. So just kinda keep that in mind when you're sewing or doing anything in life. Do what makes you happy. Don't do something because somebody else does it, because you're never gonna get joy out of doing something just because somebody else does it. So I don't want y'all to ever feel like I'm on here preaching, do this, do that, do whatever you wanna do. I just don't like that seam ripper. And so I feel like if I don't starch, that seam ripper is out all the time, so. - [Lily} All right, from Billy Laurie, "Is Witches Night Out pre-orders being shipped this month?" - It's coming in soon. So it's gotta come in, we've gotta cut it. It hasn't arrived quite yet, I don't think. Some of the manufacturers are behind, obviously because what's going on in the world. We are keeping our website, you know, like if a manufacturer emails and says, "Okay, we can't ship this in June. "We're gonna move it to July." We just update the website. But it should be, it's coming any day. And so like, if we're on May 29th and we know it's coming any day, we're not gonna go in every single product and click it to June because it's probably gonna come like within the next day or two, you know what I mean? Like, we don't get that technical with it, if that makes sense. And I forgot to show you guys, this is Cider by BasicGrey. I forgot to show you the bundle. - [Lily] They have a bundle. So pretty. All right, Kim West was reminding everyone to not forget to like the video, give it a thumbs up if you're enjoying what you're seeing at any point. From Sheila M. Taylor, "Do you wash your fabric "before you sew?" - I don't, so what I do is I starch. I never wash and it pre-shrinks it. And if you're using pre-cuts, you cannot always starch before because it does shrink. And if you need that full precut, you can't shrink. So you have to look at your pattern and see if you have enough. - [Lily] Gina Tell said, "I love Quotation, great colors." - Thank you, and Gina gets a big shout out. She made some masks for my kids. I'm so excited, but I am not sure if they're going to leave the house. I can't get them to leave the house. They are like, no, they will not go. They got their hair cut on Saturday. And one of the kids, we were like, we're not sure if he'll even go, but he did go. But she made masks, so I'm so that I have, 'cause I have masks, but they're kinda big for the kids. And I've been working so much, I haven't even thought about like sewing one or buying one. Let me tell you I've saved so much money in this quarantine. I mean, I haven't done anything. I might have enough to make an extra house payment or something. - [Lily] Whoa, that's awesome. Speaking of masks from Rebecca's Sewing, she said, "I've noticed some companies "are starting to sell acrylic face mask patterns." - Okay, so what they're doing is some people are making either acrylic or plastic face masks templates. And so what you would do is you would put your fabric down and trace it out. Moda has made two pre-printed panels. One is by Stacey Stacy Iest Hsu, and one is by Ruby Star. They will be coming in the next month or two. And they're basically where you can just cut it out and add elastic, and I will do a video when those arrive, I've never made a mask before, but I'm gonna figure it out so that if I can do it, you can do it. But it'll make it easy where, and that's something that I would be willing to do because you just cut it out. You don't have to think as much. - [Lily} All right. A funny comment from Gabriel Fuentes. He says, "Starching is my workout, wink." - That's funny. - [Lily} That's hilarious. - That's my favorite part. Like, I love to iron, starch, cut. Sewing is probably my least favorite, which is so ridiculous. But like my very favorite part is like getting everything ready. I mean, I do enjoy sewing. I think it's because when you start sewing, you can't hear the TV (laughing). So, I think that's kinda part of it. - [Lily] That's hilarious. See, I'm the opposite. I'm like, if everything could just be prepped for me and I could just sew, that's what I love. From Gwen Smith, oh, she was having trouble seeing the comments and I've seen a few people say this as well. Try refreshing the page, whether you're on Facebook or YouTube, that usually fixes it. And if it doesn't let us know and we'll help you out. Okay, from Donna Lynn Ozawa, "Would you starch for needle turn applique?" - I actually don't know. I don't know the answer to that 'cause I don't, I'm not good at applique. I mean, I probably would just 'cause that's what I do, but I have zero experience in that. So I don't want to lead you astray and tell you something that's not right. - [Lily] We can look into it. - And we do have some videos. We have some videos by Jill Finley, and I believe she uses the starch method, but I don't think she starches. So those are two different things. - [Lily] Oh. From Christina Fadden, cute comment. She said, "Piggy's such a cute pug name. "My Puggy's name is Beans." - Aw, that's cute. - [Lily] Piggy and Beans. Funny comment from Christine Baker. She had said, "Lovely, I'm going to be a poor lady, "but wrapped in pretty fabric and quilts." - Yes, I will say that like, since there's been quarantine, people are using up their stash and that's awesome. That's what it's for. - [Lily] Yeah. - It's good to have good stash of things. - [Lily] From Claudia Gonzalez. "Is it too late to order Jolly Bar kit "you are doing with Pat Sloan?" - I don't know what the Jolly Bar kit is with Pat Sloan. So I'm not sure. Can you put it in the comments and we'll try to look into it? - [Lily] Yeah, let us know Claudia, what the name of the kit is. - 'Cause we do a ton of stuff with Pat Sloan and I can barely keep it straight, 'cause we do so much stuff with her that I can't remember. So I'm sorry. - [Lily] All right, from Bonita Nans, "How can you reduce fraying of fabric? "Does starching help?" - So yes, I think it does. - [Lily] All right. From Tanya Hawkins Smith. "This is my very first livestream. "Will the Zen Chic be sold as a bundle?" - Yes, so all of the items that come from Moda, they will come with pre-cuts, all of the things. It just isn't gonna come out until October or November. And we're just kind of showing it to you because we want you to feel like you get to see something from market. Like for example, we haven't seen any sales reps today. After this meeting, we're gonna have three Zoom calls to buy fabric. So it's very interesting buying fabric right now because we're not having outside visitors still because we don't need to. And there's no reason to do that right now. So we're just ordering fabric through Zoom. So it's actually kinda, it's kinda different. It's kind of fun. At first, I was super nervous 'cause I don't, like technology and me are not really, I don't really understand everything, but it's been really unchanged. You can still do everything. - [Lily] Oh, a few people are suggesting maybe this person was talking about the Jolly Bar sew along. - Oh yeah, the Jolly Bar sew along. So the Jolly Bar sew along goes along with our Jolly Bar book. And there are .PDFs that go along with the book that are on our blog. Pat Sloan will be sewing along. So yes, you can always do that. And any of our, sew alongs that go along with our books, if there's like a .PDF that goes with it, we leave that online for you so that you can always go back to it. - [Lily] All right, and we do have more questions, but I'm gonna save them for after we've shown the rest of the fabric. - So the very last collection from Moda is a November ship date. It's called Bee Grateful by Deb Strain. And I think it's gonna be super popular. It's all the right colors. And you know, about two years ago, bees started to become popular. And I'm gonna be honest and tell you that the trend has not gone down. So on the panel, I'm gonna stand here so you can see more of it. Sorry, okay. - [Lily] Maybe if it was a little lower. There you go. Okay, so it comes in three Colorways and I'll show you those Colorways. On this one, the panels are 23 inches wide and they're all the same, they're not different. So I'll show you on the table now, the Colorways. So there's a cream, like a pale yellow, and black. And I can tell you, the black will be the bestseller. Black will outsell all of them. And then I will show you the bundle. So pretty, right? - [Lily] I love it. - It's really pretty. The bundle is here and the bundle comes with the black panel. I was right because they always put the panel that they think is gonna sell the best in the bundle. They don't put all three panels. So that is all of the Moda. There is a quilt kit with this one. So I'm gonna hold it up. Sarah Hutcheman sewed it. Maggi Honeyman quilted it. So you can see the quilting first if you want to look at that and then I'll hold it up. So this one, it is designed by Coach House Designs. This is the pattern. It's a Moda kit, and, it uses all those words or panels. So it's a way to take one panel and turn it into a quilt without wasting any of it. So really pretty. I'm gonna show you the bottom, too. There we go. Can you see all the way to the bottom? - [Lily] Yeah. - So that's kinda the bottom. Yay. - [Lily] Yay. - So that's all of Moda. And then I'll take any questions and then I'm gonna show you Ruby Star Society after that. Oh, and then yeah, that's called Sweet as Honey, the name of it, sorry. - [Lily] We had a funny comment from Teresa. She says, "I'm a home body nerd. "I've been practicing for the quarantine my whole life." I know, really. I'm good, I'm actually good at home. I will say the only thing is I have to have my tea because I get a headache if I don't have tea. Like if I don't have tea every six hours, I'll get a headache. I'm totally addicted to caffeine. But yeah, I love staying at home. - [Lily] From Chris With Many. "What is the text on the Bee Grateful print?" - There's a lot of text. Let's see. So on the panel it says, "Sweet as honey. "The flower doesn't dream of the bee blossoms and the bee. "Bee grateful." Let's see. And then let me look at the fabric. Maybe she means in the fabric. - [Lily] Oh yeah. - So let's see, do you see any texts? Let's see. Okay. So here. This text, it says, "Flower blossom, sweet honey, "smell the flowers, tiny miracles." So pretty. - [Lily] Suzanne Rocca Fontana was asking if there was something from Corey Yoder. - So Corey Yoder was a pre-market group and that was called-- - [Lily] Hang on. It'll come to me. - Apricot and Figs, or something like that. - [Lily] Yes, Apricot and Figs. - Apricot and Figs, or Apricot and Figs. - [Lily] Do you say ape-pricot, or ap-pricot? - I don't even know what I said. But yeah, so basically the big designers at Moda, they either get a Moda, sorry. They either get a pre-market group or a market group 'cause you wouldn't wanna buy their collections back-to-back in the same month or a month after, and I think they kinda switch them around. So yes, she has something new and I showed it on a previous livestream also. - [Lily] From Laura Swenson. She said, "I want you to know 'that your customer service department is awesome. "Tell them thank you." - Thank you. - [Lily] Okay, from Lisa Clark. "I'm sure you've shared it before, "but can you share how and when "you started The Fat Quarter Shop?" - It has been 17 years, and actually it's been 17 years in five days. So I'm getting old. - [Lily] Whoa. - Yep. I think Lily was probably not even born. (Lily laughing) I mean, she was, but... I'm joking. - [Lily] I was-- - I think you were like six. - [Lily] Yeah, something like that. - Right? - [Lily] Wait, 2000. - 2003. - [Lily] Three. I was nine, yes. - Okay. - [Lily] From Lori Ann Gaudier, "What are your favorite rulers to use?" - I only use Creative Grids. And I use, I would say mainly I use the 6 1/2 by 18 1/2. I use that one a lot, and then 6 1/2 by 24 1/2. And then if I have something really big, I'll use the 8 1/2 by 24 1/2. And then I'll also use the 6 1/2-inch square ruler a lot. I have a lot of rulers, but yeah, I, whatever. But yeah, I only use Creative Grids. - [Lily] From Sharon Berkemeyer. "Will you be getting more Bee Patriotic bundles "for Lori Holt's sew along?" - We are hoping to have more at the end of June and the background's probably sold out also. And so we're hoping mid to late June. A lot of the fabrics are sold out at Riley Blake. So they're getting a shipment in. - [Lily] Funny comment from Charmaine Williams. She said, "You're not getting old. "You're growing beautiful.' - Aw, thanks. - [Lily] All right, from mi-a-see-a Osby, "I had to miss a part of the live. "What are the panels used for? "Still need a quilting." - So the panels, you could put them, you could make them pillow fronts. You could put them, you could cut them up and sash them. You can do all kinds of things with them. There's lots of panel patterns. So I think we've done a video on a panel. Some of the panels, you could just put two borders around and be done. So you could have a lot of fun with them. And usually when the designers have a panel that are a Moda panel, there's usually a pattern that goes with it. So, for Sweetwater, they have three patterns that go with it that show you three different ways you can use the different panels. - [Lily] From Tammy Thomas, "What's your opinion on wool mats? "I'm considering buying one, but can't figure the thickness, "and if it makes a difference." - Okay, I'm gonna be real honest here. And, I don't like them, so I don't have an opinion. I am super sensitive to smell and like I can smell, if somebody's smoking, I can smell it like quick. So smells bother me a lot. I know that sounds diva-ish, but they do. I mean, some people have like a higher sensitivity to it. And so I bought one before they were popular, like a long, long time ago, and I took it home and somebody had said, "Oh, you know, you should try it." I think a sales rep said, "Oh, it'll help you flatten your seams." So I took it home and I just didn't like it because I use an Oliso iron so that iron stays down, and that heat is gonna stay on the mat. And it just smelled my sewing room, like a sheep because it's wool, and it was just gross. And I didn't like it, but yeah, so I don't like them, but there are people that swear by those. So maybe join Kimberly's Stitch Squad and Facebook and then there's different mats. I know some people prefer the ones that are 100% wool that have no polyester. There's all kinds of talk about it, but I'm not an expert. I personally don't like them. For me to get my seems flat, I use the Tailor's Clapper, or the Clapper. It's like a wooden piece. And I just put it on top and starch. But you know, like I said, if you wanna try it, try it. You don't have to not, you know, there's tons of people out there. More people than not like the wool mats. I personally just don't. I threw it away. I was like, I thought something was wrong with it. And then somebody was like, Kim it's wool, it's sheep. That's why it stinks. And I'm like, well, I just can't. It smells like, okay, so like when you wash your dog, you know how their hair, you smell their hair. - [Lily] Yeah. - That's what it smells like. - [Lily] Yeah. - Sorry. - [Lily] No, that's okay. Yeah, no, I know lots of people, especially here in the comments saying that they love their wool mats. - Yeah, so, I just try to be as super honest as I can. And I don't want to discourage you from anything. I just try to be honest. - [Lily] As you always say, you do you. - Yeah. - [Lily] From Janie, BC. "Will the Sew Sampler quilting subscription box "be available soon?" - We released some to a waiting list recently. So as people quit, we add people to the waiting list. So I'm not sure how long that list is right now. So I couldn't tell you. - [Lily] From Mary Morgan, "Is a Tabletastic book you showed a few weeks ago "back available or is it pre-ordered?" - It should be in stock. If it's not in stock, I know that it should show up any day because I ordered a ton of them last week. So yeah, any day. - [Lily] From Sharon Bischof Sobranski. "Are the blocks on the wall behind you available somewhere?" - So the blocks behind us are in the brand new Bonnie and Camille book called "The Quilt Bee." It will be coming out in October and that is a block of the month. So all of the blocks will be in there. We did do a trunk show of that book, if you want more information, and that was filmed a week or two ago. - [Lily] Yes. And just in case she might've been asking about the Red Rainboots blocks behind you, the wooden ones. - Oh, these wooden. - [Lily] Yeah. - Okay. Those are, can you tell them how to find them? - [Lily] Yeah, so we can post a link in the comments, in the chat right now, but you can find them from Red Rainboots Handmade. If you Google search that it brings up her website first thing. Yeah, and she got with-- - Camille. - [Lily] Camille of Bonnie and Camille, to produce those blocks, and they are like handmade, - Hand painted. - [Lily] Good quality, hand painted woodblocks. Very cute, as you can see. And we have the full set, we just interchange them on our sets. All right, oh, Pat Brough was very happy that I sang. She said, "Lily sings. Yay. - Oh, she sings. One time I stayed in a hotel and I could hear her singing in the morning. - [Lily] Oh yeah. - It was in, well, when we go to film with Lori-- - [Lily] Oh yeah. - We stay in a hotel room that's got like, you know, two bedrooms, one central room. And I was like, I think Lily's singing. - [Lily] That's like a suite, yeah, I do sing. And I, yeah, I just do it often. I don't notice. - It's good, I don't know how to sing, so I don't sing. - [Lily] From Tammy Raymond, "When will the Halloween Sew Sampler box "be available to reserve?" - It'll be awhile. - [Lily] Okay. Oh, Mary Rose Springs was saying "The two of you should sew together. "You compliment each other." I don't sew accurately enough to sew with Kimberly yet guys. - She would be hiding. - [Lily] I would be so scared. - I'm not scary. - [Lily] And then from Kathy Longo. "Would Sweet as Honey pattern "look good with a light gray background?" Here, I can pop it up. Okay. - I think so, yeah. I think it would, you just don't wanna get too dark because you don't want it to fight the black. - [Lily] All right. From My Chaotic Amazing Life. She says, "I always appreciate Kimberly's honesty." - Oh, thanks. - [Lily] Thank you. From Gail McDonald, "Will you have a quilt kit "for Cider by BasicGrey?" - So we showed two quilt kits. She can show you real quick, again, One of 'em is an... Yeah, that is an It's Sew Emma kit. And then the next one is a kit that is, I think designed by BasicGrey and that's gonna come, it's a Moda quilt kit, so it should come in a box. And that's one of the ones that I held up. The other ones, the ones that are It's Sew Emma, once those are sewn, we'll show 'em in a livestream. - [Lily] And then we did have a few members that have joined throughout our conversation here. So the first member that joined was Sue Ritter. Welcome Sue. - Thank you. - [Lily] Yay. And then a new member mi-a-see-a Osby, welcome, and please correct me if I'm mispronouncing your name. Other new member is Juliana Hedges, welcome Juliana. - Thank you. - [Lily] Everyone has such pretty names. And then another new member is Charmaine Williams. Man, everyone's got great name. And then we had a super chat from Susan McCallan for $4. - Thank you. - [Lily] Thank you, Susan. - So for Ruby Star Society, that is headed up by Melody Miller, and Moda distributes their fabric for them. So they're totally separate from Moda. But I wanna show you their stuff because it was in the same box. And I'm gonna show you, the first three are October releases. So the first one is called Florida. It is by Sarah Watts, and she was the designer of Tiger Fly. Tiger Fly or Tiger Lily. - [Lily] I think it was Tiger Lily. - [Kimberly] Yeah, Tiger Lily. And it sold really good. And so I wanna show you the detail on the metallic. It's very nicely done. It's not too thick, but it's definitely shiny. Metallic can go horribly wrong I can tell you that after doing this a long time. So again, Florida by Sarah Watts, and that is her collection. And then the next one is called Smol, well smol, S-M-O-L. How do you say it? - [Lily] Well, I wanna say it like schmal, but it's not. So I think it's Smol. Like it's supposed to be like a cute way to say small, I think. I could be wrong. - [Kimberly] And this is by Kimberly Kight. It's a smaller collection. These are little nuts. ♪ Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't ♪ (Lily laughing) - That's my singing. Okay, Whatnot is by Rashida Coleman-Hale. This is also October. And so these are her cotton prints. And then she has some 108-inch wide backings that are 100% rayon. And so these are thinner. You can see they're very soft. So you could use these for clothing. If you put it on the back, I would just be careful with the needle you use. So it's 108-inch wide rayon. And thenhe November releases, this is Golden Hour by Alexia Abegg. And this one also has the metallic. It's more of a bronze metallic rather than gold. And we do have a Ruby Star Society Quarterly Club that you can sign up for. And that comes with fat quarters as well as a pattern that always goes with it so you can know what to do with it. So this is the collection. And then she put together some really awesome panels. They're bandana panels. There's three colors, orange, rust and navy. And then the centers are different in each of the bandanas. So that's pretty cool. I haven't seen that done before, so that's cool 'cause I like anything different. And then she also has rayons. These are just regular rayons and they are so soft. So you could make a skirt. - [Lily] Yes, I love the rayons. - [Kimberly] Yeah. And then the very last collection is Rise by Melody Miller. This is the snake that people were talking about. I didn't notice there was a snake and somebody said snake. And we were like, what snake? - [Lily] Yeah, I missed it, too, and then we looked after and we're like, "Oh yeah." - [Kimberly] So this one has lots of... I would have never even noticed that snake. She has a double border. So on the double border, this is a thicker border on one side. And the other side I believe is skinnier. So it's, you know, you could make a table. You could basically make this a skirt. This would be the bottom of the skirt. And then she has some, she has five wide backs. These are 108-inch wide and they are 100% lightweight, cotton sateen. So all of these backings are thinner than a normal, but they are soft. And then she has one rayon print. That's really pretty and soft. So that is Ruby Star Society. Yay. - [Lily] Yay. So let me know if ya'll have any questions on that and then I'll answer whatever you have. We do have a quilt kit on this one? I forgot, it's called Equinox. It is 54 by 72 and Crystal designed it. And it's pretty awesome because it just looks very Ruby Star Society. It's good because those big chunks really show the fabric. - [Lily] Yeah, lots of people in the comments are saying no to the snakes. We do not like snakes. - Oh no, I don't either, uh uh, no. - [Lily] I feel that. Yeah, I used to be scared of them, but I grew up in the desert. So now I'm like that-- - Oh, I can tell you a funny story about snakes. So, it's not funny, but it's a real story and it is not... So when I grew up, I grew up in the country and we had like two acres, but what would happen is one of our neighbors, never, they got a divorce and like moved out and nobody lived there. So nobody mowed their yard. So it would just be like high of weeds. And we always had snakes. But I mean, like, we're not gonna just go over there and mow their yard, it's two acres. So my brother used to tell me, "If you ever see a snake don't run." He used to also tell me there were sharks in the swimming pools and I wouldn't get in swimming pools. So that's okay, I mean, he's my brother. So I was walking in. I mean, I can, my mom. Oh my gosh, she, yeah. Okay, so I'm walking in the very back of our house. And you know, there's just a door, it's a wooden house. It's not, you know, it's not rock, it's not... It's just like a farmhouse. Rattlesnake, and I'm right here, and the snake is right here. I'm talking right here. So I just froze, and I stood here. The snake is right here and I just screamed bloody murder. And then my dad said something to my mom and my mom opened the door. So she opens the door towards Lily and the snake pops in to bite and almost bit my mom. My mom was like freaking out. It was horrible. And then I think my brother got in a lot of trouble for telling me never to run. But I didn't know what to do. I mean, I was little, I mean, I'm talking like little, like I was little. But nobody got killed and nobody died. But there was definitely, and it was a big rattlesnake. It was not a little rattlesnake. But I mean, you know, that's what you get when you live in the country and people don't, you know, if you don't mow your yard. So I dunno, I think after that my dad might have mowed their yard. Then the guy eventually moved back in with the new wife. So like, after like five years. Like the house just sat there for like five years. It was so odd. - [Lily] Okay, question from Rebecca White. "When will Kaffe send all y'all the new fabric." Send y'all new fabric. - Kaffe? - [Lily] Yeah. - So Kaffe releases fabric two times a year because when he releases fabric, there's like 60 to 80 prints. Off the top of my head, I don't remember when the next one is, but we always buy it, but it is twice a year. And I think we just bought some. I don't remember like the dates and stuff. - [Lily] From Wilma Evans, "Is there going to be a special spring summer box?" - Yes, it should be soon, but because of delays and everything, that's why it's not out yet. - [Lily] Annie Shaw says, "Is the Halloween box "the new box that was mentioned on Facebook?" - I have no idea what we mentioned on Facebook, I don't think so. - [Lily] Yeah, we'll - I don't think so. - [Lily] look into it. - I don't think so. I think that was something else. I mean, I was on Facebook so I should, yeah, I don't think so. And that box would come after the next one. So it definitely wasn't that. - [Lily] From Cheryl Hanks Coathe. "What year were you in Houston for the quilt show?" - I have been to the quilt show for 20 plus years. So lots of years. I used to go when I dated Kevin. So like 98, 99, 2000, like a long time ago. I don't go anymore to the consumer show just 'cause I have kids and I'd rather be at home with my kids. But I mean, it's been, I've probably been 10 times. I can't remember what year. - [Lily] Did you have a booth? - We did a booth like five years ago or something. It was one and done. - [Lily] Okay, yeah, 'cause her next comment was, she really liked the booth. - Oh yeah, thanks. So the booth now all of that stuff is like around here. So over there I'm looking at the shelves that were used in the booth. - [Lily] Yeah. - We had bought a lot of Ikea. So now it's like desks, storage, that kinda stuff. - [Lily] Yeah, (indistinct) storage. Oh, Pat Brough says, "In 2003 I was buying "Thimbleberries fabrics and kits, at Fat Quarter Shop." Yeah, so Thimbleberries was one of the very first, it was Lynette Jensen. She was one of the very first quilt designers ever. She designed for RJR for probably 20 years. And she used to do a club every year. And so sometimes it would be like one big quilt. Sometimes it would be four small ones. So she always had like a club. She's retired now, but she was definitely very popular. - [Lily} From Nadine Merrit. She says, "Did you say rayon print? "Wouldn't that shrink in a quilt?" - Yes, anything will shrink, but rayon is thinner. So if you're gonna put it, I don't know that I would put it on the top of a quilt. I mean, you could, you just definitely have to use a different needle. It's definitely more of a garment fabric. - [Lily] And from Chris Eckhart, "What kind of needle should you use "if you use rayon for a backing?" - I actually don't know. I would probably go to They have really great, really great sheets that you can download that talk all about needles, what the colors on the needles mean, all that. - [Lily] All right. And from Terry, "Can you recommend a fabric scissor "for a newbie, a re-newbie who dropped the sewing "for 20 years. "I've been using dollar scissors "and somehow getting away with it." I do love Tula scissors. - So I like Gingher, and this is Gingher, and they seem to last forever. So Gingher always has like different, different, like this is a handle that was for one year or something. So I like Gingher. You can get them at Joanne's. You can get 'em at our store. I like Tula scissors. And I have about a lot of these. These are called Omnigrid, and I use these to cut my threads. So I will say that somebody got in my sewing room at my house and messed up my yellow scissors. So that means they were doing, well 'cause they're doing schoolwork at home. I mean, school's done now for us, but I caught them. And so my scissors don't cut my thread as good anymore, so I'm gonna have to... I was like, "who touched my scissors?" And they were like, "No, I didn't." They're never going to admit to it. Just like all the girl scout cookies that disappeared. "Oh, I didn't eat 'em. "I didn't eat 'em." - [Lily] (laughing) That's hilarious. Random, what's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? - Oh, the peanut butter chocolate ones. I had one last night. That was my dinner. I got home at like 9:30 and I had a peanut butter. I had to get tea 'cause I had a headache 'cause of caffeine. And so I got a tea, ate a cookie and then I got in bed and then something funny really happened. I don't know that I should tell the story on livestream, but it was really funny. I don't know if I should tell it. Some people might think it's bad, and they might think I'm a bad parent, but it is funny. We'll see, I mean maybe I'll tell it, I don't know. - [Lily] A few people in the chat were also recommending Kai Scissors. - Yes, so Kai scissors are, I think they're made overseas, and I know Anne Sutton uses that brand. - [Lily] Yeah. - And it's K-A-I. - [Lily] K-A-I, yeah. I use those for like garment stuff and that's amazing. - Yeah, I don't have any of 'em. - [Lily] It's like butter. Seven and the Littlest Mew was telling us "Smol is a Swedish word for small. It's spelled S-M, A with the little circle above it. - Okay. - [Lily] It sounds like smol. She said, "I'm guessing the name of that fabric "is pronounced like that. "I'm married to a Norwegian "who studied in Sweden for a year." - Awesome. - [Lily] That explains it. That's probably what it is. And from Sally Johnson, just to say, "I love how great your customer service department is, "super friendly and so happy my stuff just shipped." - Aw, thank you. - [Lily] From Birdie Cade. "Have they delayed line work from Tula Pink to November?" - I don't think so. - [Lily] Yeah. - But if they did, maybe I haven't checked my email yet. - [Lily] Yeah, and today we did just show-- - We just showed Moda today. - [Lily] Yeah, if that's why you were wondering. From Sharon Berkemeyer. "Can you tell us what is the Bella white "and off-white you use most?" - I use 200 the most. I use, if I want a white-white, I use 98 and I also use 97. - [Lily] All right. - And that kinda changes. Like a couple of years ago when white, you know, remember when white was like, it. I mean, everything was white. I used 98 for a long time and then I switched to 200. But you know, I kind of vacillate or whatever you call that, change with the trends. - [Lily] Yeah, Pat Brough was saying, "Lily, I hope you sent that email to Maureen McCormick "and asked her to come on the Kimberly show here. "We all want to meet this wonderful new designer." - Oh. - [Lily] That's hilarious. I mean, I'm not scared of doing it, but just after the pandemic. - Yeah. - [Lily] A few people are wondering if you could talk about rayon and cotton and the differences. - So rayon is, I'll show you a rayon and I will show you a cotton next to it. So let's see, can you do upper camera? So let me do like one piece. So you can see when I put my hand behind this, you can't see it, and it's just cotton and you can see how it drapes. Okay, so let's do the same thing on a rayon. So you can see my hand more, and it's not gonna drape as much 'cause it's thinner. I mean, that's the only way I can think of. It's just thinner and I have never used rayon in a quilt. I know some people do, so I don't have any experience with it. Yeah, I have zero experience. So I don't wanna act like I have like a ton of experience. But you can see how you can see through to the next print. So that's the difference between, when you're looking at a rayon, it's much thinner. It's very soft, much softer. But then when you look at a cotton, when you're looking at it, you can't see through to the next print. Even though this print is darker than this, you don't see this through here. Whereas on here, you do see through to the print below. So hopefully that helps. I think it's more of a garment fabric personally. - [Lily] Cindy P.'s asking, "When will we see Kevin?" - Oh my gosh, okay. Can you move the camera? - [Lily] Sorry. - It's gonna be soon, actually. I think it's gonna be in about two weeks. He is waiting actually until we get to $50,000. And so we're at 40, we're almost at 48,000. But he's very nervous, so what I told him we would do is the week that he comes is we will get all the questions beforehand so that, you know, 'cause he's like, I don't know. He doesn't watch these lives. He has no idea what I do on the livestreams. He doesn't watch 'em, so he doesn't know. So I think if he watches a couple, maybe he will, you know, see it's not really that big of a deal, but it's hard. It's hard to get on camera. It's not easy. I mean, you have to get on, you know, I get on camera twice a week. No matter what you have to be in a good mood, You have to like leave everything at the door. And nobody's life is perfect. Like, so it is not easy to come and get on a camera. So I always just do it. But to him, he's like, "Oh my gosh." Yeah, he's very shy, he doesn't talk much. I don't know what y'all are gonna get him to say, because I asked him if he wanted to do it with me or without me, and he said with me, so I'll try not to talk too much. He doesn't wanna do it without me, 'cause I thought he would want to do it without me And he was like, "Oh no." But it's gonna be soon. - [Lily] From Catherine Jolson. She said, "I don't know if you answered this or not, "but has the Granny quilt along long been postponed?" And I think she meant the Quilters Cottage. - Yes, it's gonna be later in the summer, and the reason why is the background fabric and that kit. It uses like five or six yards. And so when Riley Blake got their shipment in there wasn't enough, so we weren't able to cut as many kits, and that's just due to a delay in everything going on. And we're supposed to get more of that fabric sometime in June, and so we're gonna do the sew along, I think in August. And that way we can get our fabric. Other stores can get their fabric. - [Lily] Okay, from The Pokey Little Pineapple. "Kimberly, what is your favorite color?" - Pink. - [Lily] Ooh! - Aqua. [Lily] Ooh! So Fat Quarter Shop colors. - Yeah. Yeah. - [Lily] That's funny. - Yeah. I mean, I'd say aqua more than pink. But I do have a lotta shoes that have pink in 'em, I'll tell you. I mean, like right now my shoes are pink. - [Lily] They're very cute. - They're old, I've had those shoes for like four years. - [Lily] Really, I thought they were new. - No, I found them-- (Lily laughing) I was organizing my closet and I found them under some other shoes. - [Lily] From Gina M. "Can you make the Shine On sampler quilt "with a fat quarter bundle and background yardage?" - No, you will need some bigger pieces. So I mean, you could do it if you changed around some stuff, but it definitely will not work with just a fat quarter. And some fabrics are used a lot more than others. And some of the pieces are bigger because those blocks are really big. So some of the pieces, I mean, you might need a little bit more than a fat quarter. - [Lily] From Liz Henselmeyer. "Any news about Garden of Quilt class?" - So we're gonna do a Garden of Quilts class. It is in September, it's me and Lori. We're gonna be doing a cross-stitch class. Lori's gonna be doing a lot of other classes. And the cross-stitch is gonna be something that you get first. And I think there's only 30 people in the class and I'm only doing one class. I mean, I could do more, but I just don't really have the time to dedicate, to like come up with a whole classroom thing. So I just go along and do what Lori does. So as far as I know, that is still going on. I haven't heard anything different and we have not designed it yet. I do know what the theme of it's gonna be, and Lori's inspiration for it, 'cause she's a designer. But we haven't designed it yet. - [Lily] People are asking if they can see your shoes. - Yeah, but you have to bend down, Lily, and get it, because I can't bend down. I have a really bad back guys. And when I'm in this room I can't. Sorry, that's gross. - [Lily] No, you're good. - So these are my shoes, they're Sam Edelman. They're just pink shoes. (Lily laughing) Yeah, but I take em' off when I film and I can't... My back is really... So when I was having Christopher, what happened was they put the spinal in a nerve instead of the whatever. And so spinal didn't work. They had to put me to sleep. Ever since then, I've had to have bad black, bad black, bad back. And it cannot be fixed because it's in the nerve. - [Lily] Ooh. - Yup. - [Lily] I'm sorry about that. - So it's hard for me to stand straight, which is why I usually do the livestreams on the couch. But that's just, I mean, that's what happens, so. - [Lily] All right, I'm just gonna do some super chats that came in and some new members. - Okay. - So super chat from Michelle Lyonhand for $1.99 and she says, "Love you guys." - Thank you. - [Lily] Thank you, Michelle. And then we had a new member that joined. I think we have two new members that joined a while back and I missed their name, so Robbie Bo. Welcome, Robbie. Robbie Bowie, sorry. And we had a new member, Janice Stuff. Welcome, Janice. - Thank you. And so membership is totally optional. You don't have to feel like you wanna... You don't have to feel like you have to do it. There's no pressure. It pays for equipment, but it's totally optional. We're gonna read your question regardless. And the membership is something where we do like some coupons, some, you know, extra videos, but you know, behind the scene photos. We don't even have, like, our membership is super inexpensive compared to other ones that I pay for. But it's just totally optional. - [Lily] Yeah. Yeah. We'll still continue to provide like-- - All the content. - [Lily] the videos on YouTube, yeah, like no membership needed. Yeah, it's just extra stuff to help us out. And then we did, speaking of members, we had a members only video earlier this week. and Julia Washburn, I apologize to you. I missed your super chat for $5. So I'm putting Super Piggy out for you here for your super chat. - Oh, thank you. And on that video, what I did, I did the same thing as this, but I went through every single fabric so that you could see every single print. - [Lily] And I'll just take a few more questions here. Theresa Wert says, "What are the books in front of you?" - So the books in front of me are the catalog from Moda and the catalog for Ruby Star. So I have them in front of me in case I had questions. I won't go through them because it might have pricing, or it might have something that's only for stores. And obviously I don't wanna show that. But this was here in case any of you guys had questions on something, I could refer to it really quick. - [Lily] All right. Robin Malik earlier had said, "There are 14, "oh 100, wait, sorry, 1,493 people watching. "Does that make you nervous?" - No, not at all. - [Lily] Excellent. - No. It makes me just, I just still am like, I think it's weird that people, not weird that people watch me, but I don't find myself to be a very interesting person, or I don't know. Like, I just think it's like crazy that people would wanna watch me, like. - [Lily] (chuckling) Yeah, it's like something-- - It's weird - [Lily] that you wouldn't believe necessarily, yeah. - It's not like I started the store to get on YouTube. That's not-- (Lily laughing) - Do you know what I mean? Like, some people really want to be on the camera. Like I like it. I like it 'cause I think the best thing about it is I get to see like your feedback, like you like this, or you don't. Like, it really helps me when I read the comments, what you're gonna buy, or what you like, or what you want me to buy or what you, you know, the stuff you like and the stuff you don't, and it's a way to connect with customers and know what you're looking for, 'cause we don't have a brick and mortar, so that's the only way I can know what you guys are looking for. But yeah, I find myself to be a very boring person. And so the fact that y'all watch is kind of sometimes funny. But no, it doesn't make me nervous. - [Lily] All right. Pokey Little Pineapple is saying, "Tell Kevin he can watch and learn from Chase "on Stitching with the Housewives. - Chase? Oh, the babe Cash. - [Lily] Cash. - Cash. So I was like, yeah. So Cash is the little, he's so cute. It's Chelsea's little son. He's turning two next month. - [Lily] Oh my gosh! - Or in a couple, Yeah, July 4th. - [Lily} Yeah, July 4th. - Yeah. So cute. But yeah, he gets on there and he makes all kinds of noise and he's hilarious. - [Lily] That's all Kevin has to do. - Yeah, I don't think-- (Lily laughing) - That would be funny. - [Lily] I'm joking. But yes, we love all of you for watching and appreciate you. - Yeah. So guys have a great weekend. Have a Starbucks for me, and I'll see you guys next week. - [Lily] All right, bye everyone.
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 56,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop live stream today, quilting show off, new moda fabrics
Id: Nw-r1SkbwVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 5sec (5285 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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