Behind the Seams: Live with Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts!

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[Music] hey guys welcome to the fat quarter shop livestream today is August 30th 2019 and we have special guests added to Satar of laundry basket quotes hi thank you so much for having me it's such a pleasure so she has so many things um we're just gonna like start just showing you all her quilts and then some of our YouTube members submitted questions and then well we're gonna let this go a little bit longer today so that you can ask as many questions but I'm just gonna jump into light quilts and stuff oh that sounds wonderful so this is her brand new book pillow talk it's coming out next month it has 25 pillows and we have a ton of them on the side I have shown them previously in another livestream um she used her laundry basket favorites yes and so all of those colors go kind of um with all of her collections so they're like solid ish and they mix with all of her to have a like a linen print on it so they're also called linen texture because of the look they're not a linen they're just regular cotton for quilters but they look like a vintage linen and but it's just amazing when you do a quilt and the show quilting so well when you finish so for example this quilt righty you can see it the quilting so well on it and I just love it you know and if that Baskar is that pert what is the background art oh yeah I used two different colors for the Center used a lighter one and for the glow around the stars a little lighter to have a little sparkle and then for the background area I used a little darker one but the quilt was rather plain when I finish and then when I went ahead put it on a frame and I use this bedding this is the newest bedding from Hobbes it's a mixed cotton and wool the wool gives you like a low loft a low fluff is just wonderful to give a path to the quilting yeah and then all of the all 25 of beanie pillows will have a kit and inside the kit it's just gonna have everything for the front and so if it's got applique it's gonna be pre-cut if it's got strips it's gonna be pre-cut um it doesn't have the binding or the backing but there's gonna be 25 of these and they will be in stock very soon and we didn't include the binding on the are backing because I'm hoping that if you make a pillow and you really love it but you wanted to make MO and we want to make it to a table runner so you can take that same pillow front put two together and have a really nice table runner or four make a great baby quilt a six of them wonderful couch girl toddler quilt and then nine a great queen sized quilt and they all finish eighteen inches north eighteen and a half unfinished 18 inch finish yeah so you could kind of if you had a finishing already that had a 18 inch square block you could throw those applied to it yeah another border in a border and you're gonna have a great quilt so if you like me once you taste one you can stop so you're gonna want to another one or now not the one and for the applicate kids we chose the fusible applique in the kit so it should go really nice and fast and they're explained how they're like on the edge what they do so just say oh all our kids are laser-cut for example we have a bigger kids like the Alaska what all the pieces are pre-cut for you and because they're laser cut the edges are fray and the edges are little burned so they don't fray as much and it's really really nice so when you open this kit every single piece is pre-cut and you can really quickly go ahead and make a quilt like this and this is Alaskan holiday where I just love it I'm ready for the holidays and here's the backing so I it's so organized girls when you try it and you can try it with the pillows we have a kaleidoscope pillow that uses this block there are four blocks that make it one pillow also all pre-cut ready set go super super cool and on our website we have two kits we have the blue kit and the holiday kit so we have both of these we're almost selling out of the blue ones okay so then Alaska one I know we have few more available and they're just wonderful special before holidays when you don't have as much time to cut and do things you get it off in the box everything is in it and we included a small plastic templates in the box those templates are not for cutting the only for marking your points so yeah and I have a low YouTube channel and I did a video how to do it as well as we have a video coming out for the pillow so either one you can watch it and then you get to see it how easy it is to make the blocks so she has other fabric collections and so I'm just gonna show you cuz she has like a million fabric questions so she's got a brave heart which is red so if you liked a little sweet heart which is still available but some of the SKUs are getting discontinued you can replace them with this this is brave heart this is evergreen and so they mix really well together yeah and it's also nice to know that because I designed the fabrics and I designed for you girls but also designed for myself and I met my collections to each other so if you have purchased a little sweetheart just the big prints you can get a bundle and match it it up and it's gonna work really nice together I stay true to what I love so all my fabrics kind of go together and notice that in a fellow book we have this wonderful ohoho quilt where you can match it up with all your holiday stings and Kimberly just put it next to me this is the book so in love that we're talking about everybody loved that medallion quilt from this one their piece version and applicate version of it we just really really enjoy making it there are 12 blocks and you will definitely find your favorites in that is this one of her this is Tannenbaum isn't that sweet what is awesome about this one it's row by row by row by row and as you progress in a quilt your skills are growing and it's super fun there's a little bit of applique and we have a cute little package it calls mistletoe and in this package all your appliques are in it so you just get one package and just open the appliques fuse them down iron it down remember iron with steam for this one because we use steam a seam - for the fusible so you need a little steam to get the cooking out and that way your needle is going to stay really nice and use the new nonstick needle when you applicate around the edges so your work would be beautiful here's the academic stitcher who joined a a little while ago and then tyra us so you both get a confetti cannon at home or the membership these are the confetti cannon that's great and then we also got a super chat for Mary Erickson for $10 thank you nobody came for Mary as well thank you so much that's always a huge help put it back it's pretty but I want to know how the quote what it's wonderful to know is every collection that I design I design free patterns wizard and you can download them for free you can make those quilts and then those patterns are used a whole collection and this is a free pattern that comes with our evergreen and brave heart so it's super cool to know that and it's perfect for beginner or advanced quilter and speaking of beginner advanced yeah isn't it gorgeous like the back yeah many times I'm being asked you know how do I do it my quilts are so you know have a lot of pieces they're difficult where I when I design a book or design patterns I always put varieties of techniques in it so it's good for beginners and advanced but I like to talk to my girls and tell them just like a puzzle when you're making a quilt think of a puzzle you start with a simple puzzle then you are excited about a little bit more difficult puzzle and more difficult puzzle just includes a little bit more pieces and in the end the simple puzzle of the more difficult puzzle you just have to do one piece at a time you don't take the whole puzzle and throw it on your table and it's done you take a one piece do it one at a time the differences between the easy and the difficult is that as you working on it the easy takes you shorter time so the build up of excitement is a little shorter and then you finish your puzzle the more difficult one the build up of excitement is so much longer and then the reward feel even so much better so don't shy away from those difficult puzzles just one piece at a time and you can do it and then the quilters patch was our very first book that we did what it did so and yes yeah I was just looking at pictures when I come and visit you first time were just the cutest little chickens we were yeah we had so much fun doing this book and it was just a wonderful combination of different blocks and speaking of this book this fabric is no longer available about all the colors and everything you can get a bundle like this and put it into this quilt and it makes the most beautiful beautiful quilt just apply where there is a purple you use a purple where there is a yellow yellow green green and you're gonna have a just a stunning quilt with a little bit more modern flavor to it because it's gonna have those more crispy edges around it so this bundle is actually really good for this one and then those so those are our three books with edita and she also does bucks with martingale so her first one was more matches of blue real yeah partially no they're not they're from our newest fabrics but if you have the book and looking for a good collection the royal blue is the newest fabrics that we have available and I brought just few quilts from the royal blue we're gonna show you those including the free pattern one and that just arrived last week yeah the royal blue so this is her first book this is her second book patches of scraps yep and then this one is coming out next month and that's our new action star yeah and you know I love stars so each book have 17 patterns in it and the patches of star is my pride and joy it has one of my best best patterns I ever did and it's just one of them is the cover quilt cold stars upon stars and like I said it's like a puzzle this is a few thousand pieces puzzle you just take a one piece at a time and do it yeah I love using of fun baking's this is this quilt belongs to my daughter Anna and she's the one that actually chose the backing for it so she loves that teal but it's very doable follow the pattern that new book is gonna be your favorite I'm telling you if you ever love stars it's amazing so a lot of scraps in dead one but we have a new collection that it's gonna come out in a fall you're gonna be so excited about it I think that collection will be perfect with this new book because it gives you an awesome variety of fabrics so this one is the new book let me show you a little bit inside then sylvania star oh thank you look at this gorgeous pictures right in the front of the book I always put a few antique quilts because I do collect them and I wanted to share them with you and merica VALIC have shared few of her beautiful antique quilts she's amazing antique quilt collector and she was so kind to do that and then so those are 1800 quilts this one came from monopolies where the Naval Academy is so there are just a few of those and then we go head into patterns all of the patterns are in color it is just wonderful book and you have difficult easy my Elden quilt one of my most popular quilts so you have and there you have milky way what I absolutely love this also started so to start and then you have stars upon stars up and if you ever wanted to make a 60-degree star you have to do it with me look at how easy it is it's just a 60 degree triangle so know why seams on that one yeah I have all this beautiful and one of my first star quilts I ever made my first class I ever taught so I'm so proud of that one I can't believe what if time flew by I was quilting the whole time so there it is all of those wonderful I hope you grab the book and enjoy it and if you need a signed copy just email us and we send you a really nice sticker that you can put it in your book and then you have a signed copy oh you pulling the royal blue I love that so this is one of the quilts that I have made with our royal blue collection isn't it adorable and this one has just a wonderful backing on it notice the back oh yes Kimberly you got it the look when I design quilts I do them from my home i decorate with blue and white quilt so and then I love decorating for 4 of July so just adding if you have a blue and white quilt just adding a pillow with the red stripes and the pillow is from our pillow talk book so that one and I love this one this is the free patterns that I was telling you about this one called Norway I hope to go to Norway sometimes just like I hope to visit Alaska and this one is just wonderful you have a little 9-patch in it and then a double nine patch and it's a free download and notice how I just quilt it with a braids right through it just to give it a little different flavor to it I really like that one and if you want something oh we have to show this and some of the pillows from our pillow book this is my Anna's favorite again I have three children and two of my my oldest is a girl then my middle is a girl and then I have my son Michael and both of my girls love love what I do and quilt and have some fun and notice this medallion quilt isn't it beautiful so it's a pattern that we have it and this one is the royal blue collection sometimes I put a big print on a back sometimes I put something a little bit less busy because when you flip it over with all this big print here and all these colors I want something that will calm things down and make a little simpler and I love this one because he has a larger pieces so really shows off the group of fabric and makes a lovely big quilt so I can't wait to decorate for holidays with this one around Christmas time I just put my blue quilts no silver white tree and I'm done and then in a spring I take the trees and the silver away for the yellow flowers and I have a farmhouse so blue and white quilts are very nice did you want to show this one what oh yes so if you have ever proaches any of my blue and white fabrics from blue sky royal blue and maybe you are thinking about getting this cute little bundle from Braveheart notice that how nice you can put both together and this is a combination of all different collections that I designed for and over from like I said royal blue blue sky something blue and then all different pinks and Red's the leftover from sweetheart I have a spots and dots here I have some pieces from the new one so it shows you how nice they're mixed and this one calls perfect union a little bit a block and I'm gonna give a shout out to my buddy Debbie that inspire me to do this quilt and the pattern so I'm super excited about it and we will have the pattern in stock early next week when is perfect union yes and not as the binding I used the low stripe on the binding and then for the backing I have some fabrics that have like really nice long lines and that one worked really nice for me I thought was beautiful do you want to talk about some of the threads you use oh yes I don't yes yes yes let's talk about talk about it just from you see I love it we have so the newest in threads and do we have I think it was right in the front you must have those we told you if you like applique embroider yeah so um I always love using or fill threads one of my personal favorites but you know like girlfriends you want more and more and more of them so I recently start doing more embellishing and other things to my quilts so I start getting threats from wonderful and now I just love them so if you like you know if you open this package it really shows it off some of the threads so there are some for embroidered deco bob just beautiful colorful sparkly threads but this two packages are perfect for applicators so if you want to do a little bit invisible applique and you want to hide your stitches this pocket will be perfect for you if you want to match to the colors that I have this package is just wonderful so notice that all the colors just go really nice together and those are invisible so those threads are invisible and then if you love embroider and many of you have such awesome sewing machines where you can do those satin stitch blankets that those threads give you that low Sheen to it and a little bit more glamour to the edges so if you want to grab the little card pillow when I'm gonna grab this other pillow over here where you can show it you notice that not a said the little shine right into it right around the edges how sweet it is so I have took those threads the pink one and stitched it right around it yeah so on this one she used the shinier embroidery floss and then this one she used just the applique thread you can see that this one she pops a little bit more and I love that she mixed all the different threads within so that there's like a mix of you know subtle pop so I actually went and lay out my quilt then took all my threads and put different threads on different blocks so that way I have a true sewing basket that's the name of the quilt and in your sewing basket you have such a nice variety why not use it so Sun hides Sun you know I have a little more glamour to it and a little bit more sparkle when you open it up so it's really nice as it was more of a pop this is the embroidery yes right here it has little bit more of a sheen and notice how this one is just hiding you can't even see it but it's fun to do this because when you come up to the quilt it gives you like it's not all the same every handle is shiny you want to do a little bit different because maybe some hand off somebody hold it a little bit tighter and worn out so I always like to tell myself that but also yeah and then we're gonna get these next week you know I forbad buy them yeah they're the kabob threads and they're really nice for your bobbin so if you want something super turn I would recommend those for you to use it and for paper piecing they're really work nice so they don't build up in your edges and for anyone that likes to do triangles on a paper they're very nice and there come in those four colors what goes really nice I love those I'm so glad you have those I'm so excited we had our book patches of scraps come out and that one was the second book in a series of our books purchase of scrubs right here and when I finished that book I was so happy because there were such a beautiful pictures with it and we took some of the pictures and created those note cards and in the set you have multiple note cards with envelopes there are nothing inside so you can send our lovely messages so in love in it and send it to your friends and they're perfect for birthday Christmas thank-you cards anything you would like to really write you you know I like them and I usually have seen somebody take them and frame them yeah because they're just really nice for your song room as well so those are those few things in threads and the little cards that we have coming up look at all of those wonderful things oh I want you to talk about this close oh I love this quote I made the sheet makes it easy oh well when I wasn't the pattern you're gonna notice how easy it is because I didn't do this in one big sections I broke it to smaller diamonds sections so remember like a puzzle one diamond at a time one section at a time and bubble you have the whole puzzle put together but what I did is made a smaller section and what it's special about this one I use the linen texture laundry basket favorite this is this fabric right here I cut my strips but I also add some of my big print from my bed of roses as well as some spots and dots from another collection that I did for and over and I love weaving that big print notice it's in a binding it's in two different areas of the diamonds it just gives me like a suddenly unexpected effect from my quilt once I did my sections I sewed them together and then I trim off the diamonds that were on the outside done that was the easiest way to do it and there wasn't that much waste a little bit and the stuff that was extra I'm making a jacket for myself so hey yeah and what's the name of this one and this one is our wild wild west yes see thank you girls and it was like a Wild West when I was making all my strips whatever where so starching your strips being organized make sure you make sets of your strips and I use those cute little our clips wonderful want the clips to keep my strip sets together I just clipped it it was so easy to do it so by the time I walk from my cutting table to my sewing machine it was all organized and also this cute low table is really nice when you cut ink on your dining room table first of all shout out to Kristen Reagan's between few minutes ago Thank You Kristen and Ileana sing Killick welcome Ileana and we got a twenty dollar super chat from Karen Carolyn LeDoux she says keep your videos and tutorials coming Thank You Betty Cantor for Carolyn so much again all of that is such a help for everything we do here Betty I want real confetti one day Lilly's gonna have real confetti yeah she's gonna get like a what do you call those Easter eggs and just crush it that's our conversion of confession that's gonna be fun we should do a confetti scraps yes so this is something new that we have we have a new selection of our tools and different things for your sewing table and this one calls make space because I want you to make space for everything and this is the ruler holder so not only you put your rulers you can put your templates but notice I have a room for the rotary in the front but it's really nice to to have it then we have this little cutie notice it this one is a low low tool I love this one oh my gosh and it's with time as you use it it's really gonna wear it out to your hand and what I do is was that it's I do my cold pressing when I have to open my seams I just rub it with that low tool and I'm ready set go for the next step I don't have to jump and run to my ironing board and also sometimes when you press it when you do foundation piecing if you press it too much you're gonna shine up the edges so this really helps just open next piece next piece and have some fun but my personal favorite is this cute low table because I'm always don't have enough space and I don't like cutting when I have to bend because my back hurts so my dining room table is not high enough so this gives me that height notice it it has low legs right there on the sides and then when you're done you can fold the legs and they're magnets did you notice and it stays and you can grab it and put it next when you sewing so it's lower down and then you can grab your pieces and start sewing from it or even when I'm sitting in my bed don't tell Michael I like to quilt in my bed where sometimes when he's on a business trip I bring my sewing everywhere with me now you know it so I can take this and just work it put my computer I'll put my pieces and it's organized and then I just grab it put it away and it's not lost in my sheets or someplace else and it has inches and the best thing about this is they're made in the USA yes yes yeah we're so proud of it and you know all the things that I make I make for you and I make for myself and I pay attention you know the finish on it how it's done that it's really feels like somebody that loves you and care for you made it so when you touch your table and you notice it and the low tool every single one is handmade it's not machine it's just handmade carved up for you so that way you have a really really nice - and everyone it's gonna be just tiny bit different so it's really nice to see that and we use a beautiful quality of wood I hope you like it and like I said the finish is just beautiful on it so do we have anything else that we want to have a little pillow fight oh no it wasn't like a fight fight we were just throwing pillows really nothing yeah oh this one is a really good one to show because notice how many colors I have in this pillow and all that I did is I grabbed this thread guys you're gonna love this green this one right here this funky low green is the only thread that I use around all the edges and Stitch that and I noticed this one is gonna be one of my favorites for like multi uses because it just blends so nice with beings with greens with blues it had that really like a funky character to it that it worked very well and I just used this exact to stitch around the edges you don't have to do a lot sometimes let me see there was a pillow with the flowers on it oh it's this one no this and this was a question that I get quite often i fuse my pieces and I don't stitch all that I do is quilt over so the quilting holds the pieces but the edges are raw that calls raw edge applique so you have all different fusible applique techniques fusible applique breaks into raw edge where there is no around the edges or you can take wonderful time choose beautiful threads and stitch around all the edges and that calls finish edge fusible applique so raw edge finish edge absolutely love it all of the projects that you see can be hand applique on machine appliqué this one has a really nice stitch around it with the blue thread and notice this one has their raw edges so for uses I would say two to three times washing but how often you're gonna wash your pillows really wanna just enjoy it and like I said with time you're gonna expect that it's gonna not fray a little bit lift it up and any time you see something lifting up more you can press it again to push it it down so but I just make them enjoy it and when I am ready for a change I make another pillow and with those little cute kids that we have you can make them really really quickly notice that this one is the one you were holding with the flowers look how cute this is so in a package you get your background all of the pieces fusible webbing already on it and I love and again made in USA I am so proud of this because I know the people that make it I know the impact that this makes on this community that the kids are made it's just wonderful I remember like today when we start making the case the kids the person Debbie dead is in charge of it was telling me that there was a line of gross warning the job to park them and it was a tough time because the economy was down it was just amazing to make that difference notice how nice the girls practice and if you buy it and you're not ready to make it right away keep it in the bag because it keeps your fusible webbing fresh and also advice if you doing your own pieces when you purchase fusible webbing keep your fusible webbing in a bag why because it dries out with time and you don't want that do that before you get to use it so look at on the back you have the fusible webbing and all that you do open the package I'm gonna take one of the cute low leaves and all that I do is roll up a corner just like this look how nicely separate so don't play with the edges just separate it pull it away and voila it's stuck and that's a little sticky that it's gonna hold the pieces in place only so you can lay them out there are girls that stitch without ironing I don't like doing it because I don't like wiping my needle all the time from the googy so what I do is I just put it down I earn it like I said make sure you follow direction on the package for the iron a iron it down and start stitching if your needle is sticking and you have the Guga it means you did not press enough so you have to take the project repress it and I like to press it from the front and from the back remember don't over press because then you melt that fusible right through it so you want to be nice and gentle but enough and one of the things that I noticed was fusible applique I'm gonna touch on it for one minute the best place to iron ear pieces it's either on an ironing board that you have made out of wood a little bit of bedding and a carton because you don't want the ironing board with a silver cover because the silver reflects the heat so fast that he pushes it right through your fabric so you want an ironing board that it's a little bit soft a nice one that you can make or you know those cutting boards that have an ironing board on the back those are fantastic for fusible applique because the heat doesn't go so fast back mm-hmm so that's all and then if you don't like this leave here you rather have it on your shirt look how quickly I was able to move it isn't wonderful yeah so you can move it multiple times and they are just wonderful we have that same shape in this fellow right here another super chat I hope I say your name right up Raphel guy gave us a super chat for 49.99 they say love the pillows is so generous thank you thank you tank to confetti cannons for yourself Oh does confetti oh just amazing haha and then she's got some foundation paper and then she has English paper piecing yeah she so all the things that you're gonna need for the book and the book will be coming out next month it's almost September almost September yeah and we have 25 pillows so 25 cat urns yeah 25 kids 25 patterns so many nice things to choose from get the book do one pillow at a time if you want love one nobody said you cannot have nine butterflies on your couch I mean it's your tank you know do your thing or nine of them sewn together to a quilt but just doing one at a time and I really paid attention I did our we did different videos but in each video I show you multiple pillows that using the same technique from a beginner to more advanced quilter and what that means is not just that advanced quilters a better quilter has no bit more experience where do you start with the simple one keep growing your skills and then you can do those harder things I'm telling you you can do it start climbing those high mountains really feels good yeah so um I hope you enjoy it and with the videos gives you a little bit of extra tips but when you open your books you have a cutting directions or you can get a kit and then on the Left look at my little tips don't miss them because many times in those tips I'll give you an idea hey use this needle did you try to do this you know did you ever use this tool it just really is helpful to to read those and then follow step by step so this is gonna teach you the paper piecing then we have English paper piecing applique strip piecing oh we have a beginning strips in it yet this one is a wonderful so anybody that loves grandmother's garden we have those for you and you can do it by hand or by machine if you wanted to I show you how to do it by hand because that's how I did it something else I just applicate boom done some I wanted to have a project for a longer time when I go on a little trip and I want to stitch when I'm writing in a car or I got in a hotel room one flower at the time and then you come back from your trip and you have your flowers to put a pillow together so having everything ready said go in those little kids you know just like I was showing you you package your kid you take your little threads with you and you can go into retreat oh my gosh your girlfriend's will be so jealous I'm telling you yeah you grab a little kid everything is in it put your tools go to the retreat and now you have your project already pre-cut and ready set go for you I'm really excited about that and like I said we have a larger kids so if you like the small pre-cut pieces then you also and then we always include 1 2 extra pieces and all the kids if you ever need another piece do not hesitate just email us we will take care of you that's how much we want you to be happy with what you do and enjoy it and of course it's human made so if we miss a piece just let us know we're there to help you out so you have fun are you gonna make some of those pillows yeah yeah so in January we're gonna do a little so long with the pillow talk book and so it is just gonna put together some different finishings of course those finishings we put together the finishing instructions will be free and then you can pick the 12 or 9 or 8 or whatever we end up doing and so I'll do the easy ones because we all want to yeah I might do the applique I might do like one applique oh my gosh I'm so proud of you yeah I might try these I also noticed that you can take because it's a very nice size 18 and 1/2 unfinished 18 inch finish you can use your Center medallion take one of the pillows use that front of the pillow as a center of a medallion do loan nine-patches around and you have an awesome quilt so easily to use in other combinations and table runners I cannot wait to yeah for Valentine's I'm definitely using two packages and have a nice table runner yeah and this one is it perfect for a center we have a video that I did with you that it's just amazing if you have never made eight point star Kimberly and me have worked so hard to put up a video on eight point star you must see it you have to see it you have to learn how we did it it's just wonderful we get great reviews from that one and our girls that made it first time their common that they really like it so go and check that video on the YouTube channel and enjoy it for eight point star we have some of those that you do we want to show those now you know Halloween is coming yeah I have a healthy pumpkin yeah and the other orange ones are so cute yeah and something with some fun colors look at how sweet this coming you can R do three pillows for your couch and in the book when I photograph the book I kind of paired him up together to show you the combination and the mood that this set for your household but let's say you don't want to do the solid fabrics you have your own stash I got it I have one too and you want to use your favorite fabrics and you like a little bit brighter color or happier fun and exciting just apply those colors so if you have fabrics there are multi colors have oranges on it put right here just apply the colors where I have it with your fabrics you're gonna get a great project and remember any time you want something to stand out and bounce use a lighter background the backgrounds are really the key to your quilting how to set the color mode for your quilt I'm ort I set back notice my clothes so I like the darker backgrounds but the second I want to show off something notice what I did I use a sparkly light background noticing that start because I wanted to color bounce forward and do a really nice job for me so and this one we were talking about it if you have a low favorite little tiny square put it in here this is gonna be a pillow talk your conversation piece I can guarantee you that there will be friends that's like did you know you have a blue square right there I do it on purpose it gives it a nice conversation oh this one is fun because we did it with the triangles on a row yeah so triangle paper for this one this is super cool one I'm gonna give a shout-out to my friend Sarah she's amazing she helped me with this one it was super cool so this one is one of my favorite because you would learn how to do triangles on a row with triangle paper but also traditional way triangles and this time we're opening the seams so in the book I show you the way how I will do it but as I have been making the pillows I noticed that you can break the rules don't even you know try what works for you so if I say push this seam this way and you put your finger over and it does not please this you open that seam that's you know we're not writing a quilting Bible here we're trying to help you and give you suggestion but in the end your quilting journey needs to be the pleasant one your results need to make you happy so I always feel like I give my best foot forward trying to teach you and show you how I do it but guess what sometimes I change my mind and want to do things different so you're a free person you can do it too I love those strict pillows where you just start up in a center you can do multiple color option from Pink's with lighter blues I'll already do reds with yellows like I did it I mean this one really is fun and super simple for a beginner so this is a good one remember every time you finish around square things up another round squirt things up this was one of the first lesson that I learned in quilting and I think that's what everything began for me that I got to make something and even when it was not perfect knowing that I can fix it and squirt things out give me a fresh start for my next round and I highly recommend this for beginners or advanced quilters squirt things up yeah so we have all different ways that you can finish and in this case we did just an overlap so in the book we have three different ways and Sarah would you throw a shirt for me as well thank you sir on the zipper yeah because we have 18 inch square pillows in all 25 and we didn't eat eggs always afterwards because we didn't want to buy 18 and we want to display all of them for your weight you have 25 but 25 yeah I mean 18 inch square pillows yes thank you no there no no and I think they're a few dead out I brought that they didn't have the plastic in it but yeah we want to display all of them for you guys so yeah that's why the plastic is in it but check this out so you can do in a book you have three ways of doing the bags first simple my mama taught me when I was little you just take two rectangle one both of them a little bit bigger than a half and you sew them on a bed and overlap and this is how you get you fill up in and out okay now second way to do it we showed you how to do any other full zipper and you're gonna have to get the book and watch the video because this is a little bit more intense but so doable I made it so easy for you guys so you're gonna get a zipper in a bed and it has a flap that covers the zipper and it's so elegant or your girl you won't see a zipper they're gonna be bragging about it there's gonna be a little pillow talk about you because you did such a good job with the zipper so that's the second way to do it but it also you know living in California are trying to recycle and doing different fun stuff has um and one of my friends I have brought to my attention that you can take a oversize big shirt cut a rectangle out of it right a cutter square I'm sorry cut a beautiful square out of it and make sure you take that eighteen and a half inch ruler put it right over press your shirt before and I did show you that in one of the videos that we did you right away have a backing and guess what you have buttons and you can just open the button slip your pillows right through it and I love this lo pocket you can live a little love note on Valentine's for someone in a back of the pillow what a cute lo gift you know when my daughter Delphina went to college I actually made em on one of her couches we repost their couches with old pair jeans and I left the pocket on one of the genes that we reposted the couch and I always slip her a loan out so if you have a kid that it's gone to college no message I'm proud of you in a pocket really gonna make their day you know or maybe a twenty bucks that they can buy a lunch but um that is a fun way to do and I was so thankful that one of my friends was willing to share that with me and I put it in a book so that you guys can enjoy it as well so upcycle an old shirt another way to do it and you would have a perfect buttons on the back of your pillows so we have all different ways this one is a super cute one and I'm actually definitely doing a quilt out of this design because it was so much fun little three and a half inch blocks right here with a circle in the middle so nice to practice your stitching around the circle because that gives you most likely the hard time when you have to take a curve when you going around it you don't like to stop and turn so remember your machine is not a steering wheel so don't grab your pieces and start doing this with it you need to learn when you're going around the curves when you applique needle position down so your needle hold the spot lift the foot stop turn put the foot down why am I doing this because if I try to just go in one round around it that's how the edges get ruffle and your stitches are not gonna be nice so when you stop and get a chance to lift that foot up turn your piece you get a really nice stitches and no ruffling edges around your applique so this is a perfect practice and can you imagine a whole quilt in all my little rainbow circles that I have collected you know there's no candy squares from Mona I love them I always love them and their perfect size for this so you can you can make those so this one another favorite of mine what do we have anything else that we want to show to the girls this one innocent oh yes so this one very important then you do your husker triangles traditional way just sew them together there are combinations of colors notice that it's blue with light blue with the darker a queen but who is this fellow I want to teach you the difference between half square triangle and quarter-square triangle so many of us forget about those that they are different and when I first learned how to quilt my grandma was reminding me never bias on an outside of your block on the outside of your raw on an outside of your quilt at first I wasn't sure what she was talking about it but with time I noticed that bias in quilting is just as important as in fashion and outfits so you don't want to bias edges on the outside so this triangle will be cut from quarter-square triangle where the triangle inside the pillow will be cut from half square triangles so that way we keep a straight grain on the outside because the bias stretches we want a straight grain so our project this beautiful square flat and it looks perfect when we quilt and finish it up so that one was and this is that Alaska one I know so if you like this you're gonna love this kit because that's the same blood just different color option and I wish we could open one so the girls could see it inside okay awesome and I'm gonna talk about this pillow right here so this pillow is made from for exact same blocks there just rotate and in the book we show you step-by-step how to do it and what I love I don't use my templates only for cutting I use my templates from marking let me show you a template so this is one of the Alaska template and notice the low horse right here what that means that I put a pencil through that hole and I mark my piece this is the area where I need to so from here to here from here to here so then on another piece I mark those points and then I pin on those points so my pieces match perfectly and after you do two or three you know where to position your pieces so that way you know it's like dancing the first few steps you need to know where to go but then you naturally you look up I know exactly and once you do few of those you will always be able to kaleidoscope look oh I'm so glad you opened that one so check this out this is so cool in the box when you open first you gonna get just a bit sick of cutting what pieces how many from which fabric there are and this is all the blocked combinations and the pattern you purchase the pattern separately yes yeah and the reason yeah you can open it yep I think it's just wonderful to see it when you open we strength wrap it so that way your pieces don't slide and move when you win the travel and in the box but it's jump come on you can open it's Christmas you can use the scissors if you want what Kimberly your nails are so beautiful you don't want to break you know when you're offering it but see it's sealed so no one can open it for you you get to do it but once you open big huge we put the dead binding and the border on this top let me help you with this you're gonna have to rip it just a little bit so when you opening do it gently this is your binding this is your border notice now this is your border right here all your pieces are stuck right together can we see this yeah oh that's awesome and notice it we include those little tiny plastic templates they'll say you're marking templates so when I take a piece like this and I'm ready to sew with another piece I mark those points for myself with a pencil and that way it's easier for me to match them up follow the pattern we press the fabrics before we cut so you can just right away go into sewing and everything look at how beautifully everything is lined up and you know you can see it on the lighter one and notice it look at this look at this I have to like really pull hard to fray the edges so no Frank as you playing and no Frank all on it I just brought this to my mom in pala and my mom just learned how to quilt I'm telling you she loved it she I was visiting with her she already finished her kveld and she called me and she was like what from now on don't send me fabric I only want those pre-cut kids I think I created a little monster she just she thought he was there fun most fun thing is she didn't have any leftovers to throw it around and storage and no and like I said we include one two pieces extra so when you finish your blocks or if you want a flower in the middle you got that you know you have that option to check change and we have plenty of everything in your kit for you to be able to do it there are twelve beautiful blocks your 13 block you only made one 12 blocks you made four times each block so with every block you really learning how to do it and I have a low secret you guys gonna be the first one to hear it there may be a rainbow Alaska coming out it is stunning so something new coming up I hope you do this one and then look forward to the next one so then you put this over and we put it away now since you often Kimberly you're gonna have to make this beautiful and it's such a nice gift and when I finish mine I have actually made three of the quilts and I quilted each of them different differently they're blue and white something blue I did a custom quilting with braids on the side and a beautiful feathers coming to the center this one that I brought it with me I just put braids through it not it's just very simple quilting isn't it beautiful yeah just um edge to edge braids nice simple quilting on that one and you can in the pattern I give you direction to spin your seams one direction like I said we have a video that you can watch as well how I did it so if you want it you spin your seams one way if you want it open the seams both we're way worked really well for our pillow I open the seams most of the time why because when you rest your head you don't want a little bumps here you want it to be nice and soft so opening the seams was the way to go and that Alaska pillow I open all the seams on that one I don't know where we put that Alaska too long now yeah oh it's right yeah let's do us so notice that when you put your fingers on it touch right there yeah so it feels really nice so it's not as bulky because sometimes when you push the seams together why do I spin all of the seams at the same direction because when I sew my blocks the seam would lock right in between here so those were the one I'm excited about this one I'm definitely gonna make at least one or two more of those because with every color combination you get a such a different results and I noticed through my journey in quilting sometimes I don't want to do the same quilt twice I want to do another one and another one and another one and with this quilt for some reason because of the colors and how different it looks every time you burst the colors I wanted to do it multiple times so do we have any question you get to answer all of them our YouTube members they got to submit questions early on to kind of guarantee that their question would be asked on the live stream so I'm just gonna go in the order that they submitted them in Kristen McCauley said hiya did so what is your favorite block to sew oh my favorite block so I have to say Alaska at this darn yeah I I'm staying by that one so I can we go home and do some more Alaska blocks but one of my favorite to go blocks is saw two star it's simple those for flying geeses are really nice and easy to make and I love to use the block lock rulers did you ever use those yeah super cute so I love to use those to lock my seams and trim my blocks but notice that sir two star right here many times you see so to star in my borders as an accent it just gives me a really cute look and recently or higher star have been just stealing my heart so I'm the star a star block girl that's why maybe patches of star book and then the next few are from Smitten Kitten she submitted a few questions hi it's so nice to meet you it's so nice you leave such a lovely comments oh my gosh Smitten Kitten said um do you ever make mistakes while sewing your work is the most perfect I've ever seen I do I make mistakes when I sew and I'm not happy about it and what I like to do is if I ever make mistakes I learned from those and you know just like in life you just have to learn from it and move on and don't be tough on yourself I just sometimes when things don't match and I'm so tough on myself are you yeah just I want everything perfect what it doesn't go that way just like in life you just have to accept it and I look forward to my quilting sometimes I know that there was a second chance of squaring up the blocks adding quilting cover with the applique see you have to learn how to applique it just helps to put a little bird where the pieces didn't mean so there you go now you know it her next question was what other hobbies do you do I love cooking oh my gosh girls I love cooking I am crazy about cooking and I love gardening cooking and I love my doggy so I go for our nice walks with Oliver I my kids are now all in colleges so Oliver is it for walks listening to me and helping with quilting so in that our pillow talk book you get to see a picture of Oliver he was part of the photo shoot and the sewing as a profession ever get old no it's just yeah no no and I want to tell you something about cooking because it's just in my brain come back to me you know I approach quilting just like I approach cooking I take simple ingredients and put them together to create something special and I think in quilting I try to do I take what I have I don't look for fancy tools or extra stuff just take the simple ingredients fabric thread needle and try to make something special and the same in cooking a go to farmers market on Sundays pick up my veggies and try to enjoyed that simple ingredients I don't look to add so much to it I just you know slice the tomato put a little bit of feta cheese and tiny bit or olive oil and voila I'm good to go and then who next question was - you ever experienced creative slumps and if so how do you get over them oh so I try to be nice to myself and I try to take care of myself all because I know there are times that things you know don't come up as as quickly as I want it so when I have the idea for a quilt I write everything down and just I have a lone not book I put those sketch last night I had a really cute idea and I right away drew it and put it in my lone nut' book because on a days where I don't have an inspiration when things are slower I just opened my book and almost that wave of inspiration from my book comes back to me and like I put the juices back into it to float so I like to do that and be kind to yourself don't force it just do one thing at a time and things will happen and what is your favorite music oh queen I love it my kids know I love it I love Adele of it we listen in a car to listen since do I look I love Queen I just I rock to it when we do something in a studio I have a really nice staff of girls that work with me I hire Navy wives to work in my studio and they absolutely rock my boat they're awesome and we put on when we do some something like put kids together or we work hard we preparing for a class or maybe retreat I have a retreat coming up in September if you wanna you can join our retreat we have few places left so coming up visit with us in Oxnard California you're gonna have a great time but we put on the Queen music and just rock and we put it rather loud so we enjoy it and then the last thing she wanted me to tell you that she thinks you are one of the weight she is one of her you are one of her most favorite people sorry it's weird to read this like in third person and that she thinks your work is exquisite thank you thank you thank you thank you it's my pleasure over the years you girls have treated me so nice and Kimberly thank you so so much because of people like Kimberly I was able to enjoy my quilting journey and she put me on a platform to connect with you guys so thank you so much and then real quick I missed a couple super chats earlier one from Sally Nagel for $20 she said look forward to Friday's and livestreams so confetti cannon for Sally thank you so and from creation s PS 91 also use $20 they say thank you for all you do for us so I'm viewing for that thank you thank you I know some people were asking like all these super chats are it's basically like helps us I'm sorry my mic went out it helps us kind of fund everything we do for livestream like live streams or anything like 2 years ago on our YouTube channel so thank you so much ok next question from Donna regal have you always been creative even as a young child yes yeah yeah my mother had a handful with me I started yeah I I tell the story quite often of when I was very little girl I stood next to my mother and she just finished the drapes that she hanged in her window and I stood next to her she loved fabric she loved textiles she loved making things for me so I lived in a household with someone that already loved making things and dead loved spread around our household and when she finished those drapes she gently squeezed my arm and said to me didn't you love this fabric she was so proud of what she did and I did I love the fabric she used in her drapes she went into the kitchen to cook us a dinner and I took a scissors and I cut a square out of a middle of my mother's brand-new drapes this day is marking a calendar as a date that I almost died but oh when she saw what I did she was upset obviously but she also recognized that I had the drive to make and do things so she from then on made sure that I had low box of swatches and she taught me how to you know stitch and I just started that crazy journey of mine and there's after that yes I admit when I was 12 I took 4 of my mother's best sweaters cut them to pieces and made it one how there was another day I almost died but she swear that this was my first patchwork because I wanted to do something different combined and created I was like this since I was a kid and I was lucky that when I lived in Germany I work for Hamels I painted those little figurines and I learned a lot of about color and painting and all different stuff so of the years and I educate myself I tried to read as many books and look at go to museums and absorb beautiful things and if I don't have a chance to go to a really beautiful museum I go outside and walk down my sidewalk and pay attention to flowers and trees and leaves and that's what my mother taught me she took me for a walk every single day and pointed now notice how this branch have those low leaps on it and that's what everything began that inspiration in capturing that simple beauty in cooking in quilting in life just trying to do what it's around me and embrace that Tina's diamond says hello is it when did you start quilting and who has taught you thank you so um I was lucky that I married Michael not only because he's handsome and he's awesome father to my children our children I called him mine most of the time do you do that too well when they're good all mine when they're not so good they're his kids but um I Michael was related to two awesome quilters his mom Carol sitter and his grandmother an Isetta and NS sitter was the one that took the time and taught me how to quilt when I left with her she was so kind she welcomed us to her home and we got to live with her for six months and when I first stepped through her doorstep she looked at at me was not much help in her eyes and she said to me when you live with me you're gonna quilt with me and I had no idea what she was talking about because I was born in Poland and I've never seen the quilt so I was quilting what is that I glanced into her living room and she had a a blanket spread between two chairs and I taught until no old to build that tent you know I thought she was laying what that was a quilting frame that rested on two chairs and there was a frame that she was having a quilt on it and she was hand quilting that quilt she set me across from her and she taught me how to hand quilt and how to rock the needle and never to rock the family boat so she shared a lot of nice lessons with me and um she was an awesome quilter she made 50 quilts a year she donated all her quilts to her local bingo in a church and that people came from all over play bingo and won grandma's quilts so I was lucky that she shared her quilting with me how to make quilts and by the way grandma didn't use Rodri everything she did was templates and scissors because that's how she was tall she was taught to cut and it was quite interesting so when I brought a rod with to the household she was amazed with it by the way it changed her quilting forever but I just loved that she shared it with me because now I shared back with the family she didn't teach many family members how to quilt and I was able to teach her son how to quilt and my father-in-law makes quilts he makes quilts for a local nursing home he makes smaller lap quilts and he goes and visit all the guys in a nursing home and brings them a quilt so I'm super proud that we kind of close that circle and we shared it it's a sitter family tradition that we carry out and Melissa's what is your inspiration for your fabric designs so many times inspiration comes in from the nature of something that it happens so my next fabric collection is inspired by the super bloom in California if you ever come in a spring we have a burst of flower like you've never seen it before it is beautiful so out to me that flowers the super bloom is the inspiration from my next group but sometimes it's my daughters like Delphine and Anna my collection that are coming out right now they have polka dots anna is pink Delphine ice blue so I'll let you think about it a little bit so those are the inspirations sometimes it could be jewelry I had a collection called girls best friends and I took the inspiration from different jewelry different cards and applied them to a designs on the fabrics sue Klee says I am here's to know if it would be relatively easy to turn pillow talk book into a series of lessons not only about creating pillows but highlighting features and of a particular brand of sewing machine thinking of creating a series of classes around the book well we got your back already we just finished taping all of the videos and each video is gonna teach you a different technique and show you variety of pillows that could be made with that technique I am so excited for you and we have talked about threads needles and everything else that applies to it as sewing machines you know I have multiple favorites one of my favorites on machine is my old old machine that my mother-in-law gave it to me so that one is my favorite because my mother-in-law gave it to me for my wedding day for Marsha Baker's the high as I'd say you're so talented were your artistic as a young girl you're a dancer dancer Suzie Clary said what sewing machine is your favorite to use Marcy it's the one my mother-in-law gave it to you yeah it's it really is personal preference don't you feel it that way look um um you know if you get a chance to get a really good sewing machine I'm so happy for you and I wish I have one of those but because I get so used to it to that little machine that I have it's it's my girl you know it's my friend I spend time with her the Cheryl Crawford ski says how soon are you going to be able to order the pillows they are super cute and as per Kimberly rate the difficulty of them thank you Oh so the book is coming out in September the kits will be out in September and I would say the book ranges from beginner to intermediate I mean there's maybe a couple advanced like the this one I would say is advanced but I would say most of them are beginner and media and I am seeing lots of questions of people asking when all these videos that we're talking about her coming out but most likely I either along with the so long or along when the book comes out Oh it'll be September October yeah so so along will be next year but we're not gonna hold the videos so next year so I would say September October yeah it might be November we don't wanna we're not gonna put them all on the page at one time because then the videos nobody's gonna watch them so we have to like sit I mean she's just film done so we have to sit and like maybe you could ask me next weekend I can yeah that's that on the schedule for next week to tell you yeah they need to go through editing and all that good jazz um so if you subscribe to our YouTube channel you can get notified when those videos are coming out shameless plug but the book is done so well I mean the team that work on the book just amazing and we paid attention to everything Sarah done unbelievable job she's out just work on all of the details and I think you guys gonna love it so getting the book is a good start up getting a kid and then if you have little bit difficulties and you love listen to me talk got it the videos would be the next step also a confetti cannon for Sarah who is actually standing behind this girl Sarah Jennifer jungle says what is your favorite and least favorite part of your job and they shoes all Scott asking where you get information for creating patterns and fabrics which you already answered o my most favorite definitely making my projects oh my least favorite hmm it's I don't have one I thought there isn't I you know like as I grow in quilting industry and growing a business I noticed things mo odd then I have noticed when I was just at the beginning and I am so thankful them for those things and I embrace them because with you know when things are difficult I take it as an opportunity to learn so if you know I have a mistake or I made a mistake I try to learn from that and I don't take it as this is something that it's tough I take it as oh I'm gonna be challenged let me do it and then I go for it but I said to myself one day when I started the day I stopped making my own quilts my own pillows my own project that I show it to you this would be that day I will stop quilting so right now I'm still making my quilts quilting them and that's my most fun part of it designing the fabrics and teaching so yeah that's that's me and I I'm absolutely loving it I'm so thankful it's totally Cinderella stream Sheryl Thompson said you design seem a bit difficult for me what is the level of difficulty I am an intermediate quilter always love your designs I strongly encourage you don't think of the design as a whole picture when I approach a new design or I get an idea I get that same feeling in my chest like oh is this is gonna be something I wanted to do it but as I approach and I do one piece at a time and I just make the blocks for this section and I make the blocks for this section I square them up and things are start happening it pulls you right in and you will not even notice it you're making a difficult quilt so it is just step by step by step little bit at a time and things are happening really when you look at it quilting its from A to B if you can solve that one straight seam it's all straight seams just put together into a larger picture and I always think about that that you know choosing the right color switching techniques during the process very important so for example if I do a large applicate quilt and I'm worn out because I have been doing the same thing over and over using fusible I go ahead and sit down in my chair and do some hand applique on that quilt oh let me do some machine appliqué oh why don't I do some Broadway switching technique in a quilt as you making it really helps go through the process and give you a little bit more enjoyment and doesn't feel like an overwhelming thing because gives you a little bit different way different room different place where you sew from Chris II to you so over your appliques or just around them I so often my applique when I quilt uh or if I want to puff them up and really showcase them I just stitch in a ditch and do that I don't ever put myself in a box I don't tell myself you can do this I try to try everything possible and if it doesn't work still learn a lesson that I didn't like it so I'll and I try all different ways notice it how this fellow right here we have the quilting right over it many times we this gives us a little bit more option if you are a beginner and new quilting I did this on a long arm but if you quilting and on a smaller machine it would have been easier to go around the ditch and just outline I wanted to like mesh it all together and give a little bit more umph to those areas right here so I went with a circle design and just did low edge to edge on that one so for applique and notice the pillow right there flowers but it has the totally different design that it goes abroad and it looks just as beautiful as I would be doing you know outline and trying to do a quilting in a ditch and do more custom well thing also lots of people in the chat are wondering what machine you use when you quilt when I quilt I use ANOVA longer machine and I have one with a computer on it what it helps me really expand not only be able to do custom quilting hand guided quilting but also do some digitized design right on it and I have to be honest for some girls the you know the hand guided it's easier and for some the computer ones is easier so you have to really try it and figure out which one work for you I have to work for both of them it was not easy for me to learn machine quilting but I made it go and every morning when I come to the studio I take 10 15 minutes to do something on my machine and made myself doing it because it's like riding a bike when you get on it you unsure you need staring you need little training wheels you need little help you callin all your friends but then if you do it over and over and over you're like oh I got this yeah no handles hey I did it you know so it's the same thing out with machine quilting you really have to do it you know and do it every day for certain period of time on a big machine or small machine and it's with anything else and we haven't needed to remember Andreea shields welcome Andre or Andrea whichever way you pronounce it okay and then next question from cat Todd they say I'm wondering why the love of pillows or where that came from is it more a decorative thing that you enjoy or perhaps a comfort item you can never have enough of some people can never have enough blankets or quilts or warm fuzzy socks etc I'm just curious they are so intricate and beautiful thanks for sharing your love of creating all the things with us well I love the pillows because um over the years as I was making quilts I noticed that I would be saving a block or two for a smaller project and this is a project that you can finish over the weekend and display it I have a lot of quotes and most of my quotes are folded and put away where we spill oh I can put it on the couch in my husband is like oh wow you did this good job girl you know so he gives me a little luck I get to show it off a little bit of what I do not put it on a shelf I put my quilts on the beds on the walls but this smaller project easy to do when I want to learn a new technique I try a pillow and then I feel proud of it that I finished something so to me it gives you all the steps that a quilt will have from making the quilt up from layering quilting it learning how to make the back adding the touch of the binding so you still get to do all of it but in a smaller scale so this is a great way to learn practice if you teach in classes this is the way to go a pillow is really nice and I notice a full-on movement don't you notice it in quilting yes so I have been putting out pillow for quite a while but I noticed this is gonna maybe be something and yes also I moved to a new house four years ago we moved from Michigan to California and when I moved to California I noticed I wanted to spark up the house and decorate and it's so easy to do with all the pillows like for Valentine's I have my favorite boom I throw it on the couch I have you know I want a little bit more flowers and I don't have time to go buy them I get a flower pillow and throw it on my couch it really is nice and it's a really sweet gift to someone I cannot tell you how many friends already ask like and you're gonna get a pillow yes you will let me just get home and you will get a pillow from me but it's a really nice way to do it and for wedding the ringbearer that's the one we name this would be beautiful with the rings on it so nice gift and like I said if you use that shirt and for the pocket you can put a little knot with it also we have a super chat from todas prz for 1499 so thank you so much sodium or if it's thought these I can't tell thank you so much for that okay and then next question from Bobbi Weaver they say your work is impeccable what is your favorite quilt block we answered that okay and then from Ruth Yoder how do you learn how to put colors together for our nice quilt I have crystal farm and don't know what to make with it oh girl you better get into that crystal found fabric it is beautiful so what I do is when I design fabrics I pretty much color-coordinated for you already and my favorite quilt fur crystal farm is the wild flower I mean if you can make it a large one or you can scale it down to a smaller size if you don't want to do it as many strips but dead one was one of my personal favorites and how I color Corney eight I use rule of five big print medium print small print stripe polka dot so I not only look for the colors in my fabrics but I also look at for a variety of prints when I match fabrics together when I'm doing pillows like this I used a color wheel to color coordinate so I took a color wheel and on a color wheel you have all the colors and you have to you can do it like if this side has a blue you look at on an opposite side it had the oranges boom that's what I did green with red and you just look at your color wheel and cross from one color there is another one and you can do it you have color wheels on your website so you can produce a small color wheel and then work with it there are three way match too so you have a three way there is like a triangle that will show you which colors go together so this is how I met it up but usually I start up with the large print and I look at for the close and I start pulling from other fabrics so if I have a red flower with green Leafs in my big friend I would go ahead and look at for a red fabric with maybe a green polka dot on it boom I matched it up then I go head for green fabric with a low stripe on it then maybe I go for something light with green and red on it and matched it up so I look at for the clothes and try to pull everything together and then from Lisa closet I love the Alaska called suggestions for earth tones I am thinking Browns with some green for accent color oh that sounds wonderful girl you are into something there I tell you we were talking about you know all different options for that quilt and less possibilities just notice the recipe in the Alaska pattern there are six fabrics all that you have to do is if you want to make your own get six fabrics and notice I have a light medium light then for the and I would use their Alaska blue recipe the one that I did it with something blue collection and then you notice there are our four different shades of blue yeah and I would just shade it and you can take one of the blue one of the shades of blue replace every one with the colors that you planning and then take one and replace with your accent and you would just burst it up for you so the recipes done very very well so we're getting close on time here so I'm gonna ask a couple questions and I know several people had asked and then every lifestream I kind of pick funny comments or some of my favorite comment so I'm gonna shout those out but the number one question I've seen a lot is what kind of padding did you use and both the pillow and then what kind of pillow form did you use inside Oh wonderful so we use for the bedding we use hops bedding and I love this bedding girls Hobbes bearings are just wonderful you have there's a Tuscany collection has been eaten so Tuscany collection Hobbes bearings are just wonderful and what I like is they're really they're soaked there is whoa they're caught on there all different ones and I choose my bedding following the direction the company really writes down this is good for handpiece for hand quilting this is gonna be great for machine washing this is gonna give you the warm and a loft that you need the one that I really love it right now is that cotton wool mix 8020 and you have it right here in this quilt and notice how nice the quilting looks on it because the cotton allows you to wash it the wool gives you that low loft and a path to it so that's the one and you can get it a small size cut it to your pillows and then use the dead way or use leftovers from a big quilt and then the pillow form is just an 18 inch Hobbes pillow form born it's super cute and it looks nice when I travel with my pillows it stays really nice and on my couch and displays beautifully okay so then they're available on the web so yeah I don't sell on your website cute and funny YouTube comments went from Bridget Ashley saying at the very beginning of the livestream watching on my phone at work don't tell I'm hiding in my cube those hilarious and then Adam Weinstein said I need to find a couch big enough to have 25 pillows Oh Adam is uh he works at Andover let's see okay Gabriel said are you ladies crazy you ladies are still young crazy chicks in a good way when you guys are talking about being young crazy chick okay and from James Patrick handcraft it's so refreshing to see such a beautiful unique aesthetic love or all your work is it tough thank you thank you thank you thank you from Stephanie Matz oMG oh she did Kim really wants confetti do you know how messy that would be oh I'm yeah no yeah yeah that's true that's true okay let me see if it would be fabric confetti will work yeah you were taking all the pieces and making something right out of it so I had a really good suggestion for that and that's what I'm trying to find they basically said like we could like get a bunch of like fabric squares and apps and like sew them together and have like strips that fly out and the lab pull it back pull it back in yeah we do have a surprise for Super chats next week but I'm not gonna give the idea away oh yes it is halfway done that's gonna be very cute James Patrick handcrafted says you are either going to have to take that kit home Kimberly or give it to me the one that you open earlier thought that was really funny Oh lots of people were also asking is there a kit available for Oh Tannenbaum you have him right yeah on your site she had him on her site and I could order him from her yeah but you could order from her should I tell him the surprise yeah okay so we have there are two kids for Tenenbaum one of them is the traditional kid where you just have all the bundle of fabric everything the fat aids and all your squares everything is packaged we have a brand new kit for Tenenbaum coming up middle of September and it is all pre-cut for you it is Christmas I'm telling you it is gorgeous you open the box every single block every row is in a separate package and you just open it lay it out make it next day up and up lay it up it's gonna be 12 days of Christmas with every row in the quilt you're going to love that one so Kimberly is going to have them as well I'll just I'll stay tuned we will let you know as soon as there are put on the website you comment from Elaine H husband doesn't understand why there's so many pillows so you have choices you know look I want to give you as many choices as we can and we actually started with less pillows but as the book developed and we were working on it we want to have both beginner being able to buy the book and grow through it advanced quilters buy the book and have a beginner pillow just to refresh so we want to give you so many wonderful choices for different occasions for also different skill level and every single book that we have done we have paid attention so much to make you grow as a quilter so that way you can track out all different techniques and never be afraid and never put yourself like away from it yeah so we really work hard to give you everything we possibly can also people are wondering for the o Tannenbaum quilt where the pattern for that comes from right here yes we have the pattern right here and it is available on your website and my website and it has everything you possibly need on a back you have fabric requirements but like I said you easily you can do a kit and both of the kids are the one that is just fabric we include the laser-cut pieces for your applique binding and your background everything is included and in the laser-cut one a kid just like the Alaska one that it's everything pre-cut everything is included in also the appliques and I want to point to something that we didn't talk about it but was our I have we have a lo surprise for you in the pillow book we did not only made 25 pillows but we weren't and also folder with the pillow with the alphabet so we have a pillow that just says ho-ho and I hope it's gonna be perfect it looks so cute with all my Christmas stuff it is just adorable but we thought you would love to have the whole alphabet so when you open the book you're gonna notice we have made patterns for all of the letters so if you want to just write mom on the pillow for Mother's Day you've got those letters okay if you want to do mr. and mrs. or initials because that favorite couple is getting married you've got that oh if you would like to make all the letters and make it into a cute little quilt we got the directions for you too and the quilt is 35 by 47 and it is adorable so we made a rainbow arrangement on that one it is so cute perfect for baby room so you can make the whole alphabet and a megalo pillow for the rocking chair for a baby room if you would like that so many different options I cannot wait to see the pillows in your house and how you decorate with it and just have fun with it so you make it you decorate how can you go wrong so just two more cute little comments here from Kristen Reagan she said I just became you to remember her life streams are so wonderful thank you anything to help Kimberly and Lily keep the videos going so I thought that was just sweet and then from April Jackson she said I love that everything is made in the USA also we realized that it's it's a doesn't sleep so when is a prepackaged coffee caffeine cool kick combo beautiful work thank you thank you think this is my favorite one so with this one is my personal favorite too because like I told you guys all the girls that work in my office are Navy wives from the local Navy base the spouses that come in there sometimes look for a job and I'm so happy to be able to employ them when you a navy spouse you know that it's hard when you travel from place to place to start up and start up a new job and sometimes you don't get hired simply because you're gonna be in an area for a short period of time I love my girls love working with them and I teach all my girls how to make an American flag block and I'm super proud of this our journey that I'm taking in quilting that it took me to the point that I can make a difference in small different in just few girls lives so I'm glad you like this one it goes great with all of the red and white coats that I do and the new collection because they're this combination and we had the red bander I mean you can make so many nice quilt we had that brave heart what we really made a mess you know yeah it looks like we had a pillow fight instead of pillow talk yeah I don't know where the fabric whip well we had a Braveheart bundle that would go great with it so that's the ramrod yeah we're gonna find it as soon as we get off the couch oh look at $20.00 alright so that's all the time we have for questions today on livestream I know we didn't get to a lot of them so if you have a question that we weren't able to answer just wait about 10 minutes until the live stream is over put the comment below in the comment section and we will answer it afterwards thank you so much yeah and y'all have a great weekend thanks for watching we'll see you next week have a wonderful weekend thank you so much for having me thank you Kimberly very much appreciate [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 90,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Fj6h1UUGMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 49sec (5989 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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