Behind the Seams: Join Kimberly for a live tutorial of Sewcialites Block 21 and more!

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(bright upbeat music) - Hey guys, it's March 5th, 2021. I'm Kimberly Jolly from Fat Quarter Shop, and we're continuing sewing on Sewcialites. And Sewcialites is a program that Fat Quarter Shop put together where we give you free blocks for three-inch, six-inch, and nine-inch. And what is so great is if you're ever doing another sew along or another quilt, and you might not love the block, well, you can fill one of these blocks in and we're gonna do a Sewcialites too, also. It'll be in 2021. Yay! So I'm gonna show you the blocks from today that we're gonna be working on. The block name today is called Zest and the designer is Brigitte from Zen Chic and we're gonna pop up her block real quick. And so that's one of her blocks. And then if you go to her blog and her newsletter this morning, she has a yellow version. That's just two colors. So that's kinda showing you how you can take the block and do lots of colors, or you can do one color. And on the Sewcialites, we kinda just did one color just to simplify. And this is a three-inch block and quotation also by Zen Chic. And she has lots of colors that really pop. And this background is also Zen Chic. This is Figs and Shirting by Fig Tree. And this one is FolkTale by Lella Boutique. And I'm planning something with Lella's next collection which is called Christmas Morning. And I'm gonna talk more about it in a couple of weeks but I'm gonna take her Fat Quarter Bundle and do something really fun with it. This one is Shine On by Bonnie and Camille and this one is cider by BasicGrey. So you can kinda see all of the different colors. My advice would be for the three-inch, when you get into something this small, a darker color is gonna look better than a lighter color because it's gonna pop more on that really small size. So that would be the difficulty with working with the three-inch just throughout is that size. And then, because the block is named Zest, we did these blocks in yellow. And this fabric, let's see, my fabric is Homestead by April Rosenthal I think that's what it's called. And the background is 2708-39. Now, one thing that I did, you can see. Look at that. So you can tell that I must have stretched or something but when that gets quilted, you won't see it. And yeah, so this is an April Rosenthal fabric and you can see that I trimmed on the outside because I don't have any leftover threads comin' off. So this block, I would say it's intermediate and it's block number 21. And I'm gonna show you just some different tips there's lots of things you can do with this block and I'll kinda tell you what I think you could do and some shortcuts. Let's see, so what size are we doing today? Nine? - [Lilly] Nine-inch. - [Kimberly] Okay, so we're gonna do the nine-inch, which is this. So I'm gonna show you a couple of things, and then I'm gonna tell you kinda what we're doing and then what you could do at home. So this is a flying geese and I'm only gonna talk about the nine-inch here, but you could do the same thing with the other ones. So for the nine-inch, you can do this through a traditional way which is if you follow the instructions right here, C and B, for all sizes. You can do this flying geese paper for the nine-inch. Now for the other flying geese, the three-inch and the six-inch, I don't think we have It's Sew Emma paper for that size, I think they're too small. Or you can use the Eleanor Burns ruler to do these or you can use the creative grids flying geese ruler. So there's lots of ways to do flying geese. Lots of options. What I'm gonna do today is our new paper and on one of the other days, I'll do the Eleanor Burns method. And so there's that, so lots of options. I'm gonna use our paper. Actually, hold on. We do have it. Hold on 1 1/2 by three. I'm actually gonna do this ruler instead, I decided. So I'm gonna do this ruler instead because I need to press open because they're touching so I'll do this ruler and show you how to do it. And first what I'm gonna do, I'm not gonna cut the whole block, I'm just gonna show A and D first and the reason I'm gonna do that is if you look at this, one, two, three, four, they're all the same. So if we chain, no, if we strip piece this, it's gonna look more accurate, it's gonna be really quick. So what I'm gonna do is think this through. So I have to think my math out in my head and I never do it right on camera, but that's okay. We're gonna pretend that I do it right. So these are two-inch squares so I need two-inch strips times one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, times eight is 16. So what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna cut 2 1/4 inch by the fat quarter and we'll see if that works. And when I do these at home, I kinda just wing it. I just do whatever and then sometimes I have too much, sometimes I have too little. So what I'm gonna do is put... These are my fabrics I'm using today. And I'm gonna put the selvages together and I'm gonna iron, and then we'll cut. So it's not gonna work as good since we don't have a lot of space but I'm gonna get this nice and flat and then I'm gonna put the selvage of this one right on top of the selvage of the other. I do tend to do that. And just get it nice and... Now, I've already starched my fabrics. And then here what I'm gonna do, just make sure it's nice and flat, and I'm gonna cut a strip here, just one strip. Now it's supposed to be two inches, but when I strip piece, I make it bigger and then trim down and that's an extra step and it might... It's going to take longer, but that's okay. This is not what I would do at home but I don't have any room here so this is what I'm gonna do here. I'm just gonna cut one side. - [Lilly] Wait, hang on, hang on. People are saying stop, you need 2 1/2 inch? - [Kimberly] No I don't, nope. - [Lilly] Okay. - [Kimberly] No. So for D and A, two-inch squares. So I'm gonna cut 2 1/4. I don't think so. We'll see. - [Lilly] Yes. - [Kimberly] I'll bring my block out and look. Okay, so then I'm gonna go 2 1/4. And cut. Now, I would not do this at home but I don't have any room here. Okay, I'm gonna look at my block and it finishes at 1 1/2 so I've got plenty. So now I'm going to take this, it's already right sides together 'cause I cut it right sides together and I'm gonna sew with my quarter inch foot on really fast and it doesn't have to be accurate 'cause I'm about to turn it down. (sewing machine whirring) Okay, somebody has been messing with this. Okay. (sewing machine whirring) Okay, I'm gonna move some stuff. I'm gonna move some stuff over here so we have some room. Okay, so what I'll do here is I'm gonna set the scene. I'm trying to think of the word, press the one side, then press open, and then we'll cut it down. And that I will need the full length of the table so that's why I kind of moved everything. And you'll have to stay tuned because Lilly has on her Moda dress. And I didn't notice it when I first came in because she was behind the, she was in her cubicle and then someone said, "Did you see Lilly's third dress?" And I said, "No." (Lilly laughs) It's fancy. - [Lilly] Oh thanks. - So I just go pretty slow when I do this. And you can see when you look at this block right here that I did, you can see that I have a bunch of stuff all messed up here. See that? That's all bent, this is crooked. This must've been a day where I just didn't have time to fix that. So you don't have to be perfect. You can do it however you want and that's what I mean about sometimes I'm a perfectionist, sometimes I'm not, depends on how much time I have. So now I've got this long piece. So I'm gonna kinda do it this way so you can see what I'm doing. So this should be, if I would have cut it two-inches... See, I've got 1/4 inch extra. So two-inches minus 0.25 is 1.75. So I'm gonna put this line on my ruler on the 1.75 and you see how I had just move it with my nail. Trim that off. And then it's gonna come out the exact size it needs to be. Now this side, it should be 3 1/2 inches wide. So on the second side, I'm gonna just measure from here, not here. And then I'm gonna sub cut these into two-inch strips or two-inch segments, I guess, and I need one, two, three, four, five, I need eight of these. So I will use this line trim, and then sometimes when you do a strip set when you get to the middle or you get to a certain area, it might start being crooked. You just kind of cut a new piece and start over. So here, like when I go to my six, see how that's off? It's off, so what am I gonna do? I'm gonna cut a straight line here and start over 'cause that's what happens with strip sets is they get a little bit off, but even doing it this way is gonna save you so much time. I mean, if you did it the other way, you would piece forever. Now we write the blog, just the traditional method. It's a free pattern. I just take these free patterns and show you ways that I would do at home to make it easier. And so we actually need four that are like dark, light, dark, light. We need four of those. So dark. Dark. So now I'm gonna chain piece that way and then we'll almost be done. Yep, and hopefully I did it the right size. So when I chain pieced before, you saw how fast I was going so when I cut my thread it came unthreaded, which does happen a lot because I go so fast. And the one at work, it's a little bit more finicky. The one I have at home doesn't cut as much. So I'm gonna just chain piece these real quick. (machine whirring) And since we're pressing this block open, which you don't have to do, but for our setting, that's why I'm doing it that way. (machine whirring) Whatever stitch or length you normally use, you wanna go down a little bit. So I usually use a 2.0 or so, so I did like a 1.5. (machine whirring) So that your threads will not come undone. And I'm using Aurifil color 2000 today. That's pretty much what I use all the time, except we have a sew along coming up with Lisa Bongean and I'm gonna use a different color and I tested a couple of grays and I'm gonna show you what I came up with for me. So here I'm gonna seat my seams all at one time and then go to one side and then press open. Hey guys, sorry about that. So I guess our internet went down in our building. We're not really sure, so I hope you're still with us. If you're not, I'm so sorry. So I was wondering if y'all could comment and let Lilly know where the internet dropped. I think it dropped about right here. So I'm gonna just keep going but if I miss something, we can go back. So basically where we're at is this is the center of the block. So I'm gonna separate and I'm gonna stitch these and then we'll press, and then I'll stitch this. So I'm just gonna put these right sides together and I am going to pin in every intersection and just make sure it lines up and right here when you're doing this, and if you're pressed open, if your seams start splitting apart that just means next time do your stitch a little bit smaller. So there's that and then we'll do this one and then are people on or did they drop off? - [Lilly] I think people are still on, yeah. - [Kimberly] Okay y'all comment and let us know if we're still on. That's about my luck for this week. - [Lilly] People are like yay, you're back. - [Kimberly] Yay. - [Lilly] Yay, you've returned. (laughs) - [Kimberly] So maybe it was just a little temporary. - [Lilly] Yeah, I think the internet just went to bed for a second. - [Kimberly] It just took a little nappy nap. - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] Oh my gosh my day is so busy today. So I don't know I gotta take Emma to get her hair cut. She hasn't gotten her hair cut in like, I don't know, nine months. (machine whirring) And we just go to Ulta 'cause it's like right by the house and she just has like straight hair. She doesn't want anything done to it but they had no online bookings so I have to call. So Lilly, my kids don't have school today. I wonder like when they do have school because they're off all the time, it's driving me crazy. Like you have off again? Okay see right there. see how that... So I'll fix it, I'll just pull the little threads out real quick and just kinda go over that one more time. Now like I said, sometimes I leave it, sometimes I don't. Most of the time I don't leave it, most of the time I don't. But sometimes there's deadlines that just have to be made. And if it's like 10 o'clock at night and I wanna go to bed, then I'm gonna leave it. So let's just go back over that seam. (machine whirring) Okay, it looks pretty good. So I'm gonna press these and then we'll put that together and then we're gonna use the Eleanor Burns ruler. And I don't know if you have ever used it, but I found her in Paducah in 2002, I went to the Paducah show and she does like a tent and she calls it a tent, something. So it's like, she's speaking and she's doing like a whole show and it's in a tent and she showed that ruler and ever since then I've used it so much, I love it. So we can show that today. And she's very funny if y'all have ever, if you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak or anything like that, she's hilarious. And she's got a great story. I mean, I'll let her tell her own story but it's a very inspiring story. - [Lilly] Hmm. - [Kimberly] Okay. So that's all we have to do, this is the last one. So we'll do that and then we're gonna move to the flying geese. That will be super quick. And then I have lots of sew along blocks. Lily has a dress to show you. And like I said, I came up with something yesterday for the Christmas Morning. I'm probably gonna use a fat quarter bundle. So I'm excited I took that bundle home last night and I gotta get it starched. And the serendipity kits, the charity kits, those have shipped. So if your credit card processed then you should be getting your kit any day. - [Lilly] I'm so excited. - [Kimberly] Yes, I haven't starched my fabric yet. So I'm just like you guys, I haven't starched my fabric. It's literally been sitting in my bathroom for six months. Like literally just sitting there looking at me, like, please, please starch me. So I'm going to talk a little bit, we have to move one of the film dates and I'll talk about it in a little bit, but that definitely needs to be done. So. (sings) So there is our one to four patch, whatever 16 patch, whatever that is, it's done. And that's a quick way to do something like that. That's the way that I always do it, fun. Now we're going to look at the ruler. There's my block. Look at the pattern and figure out what else we need to cut from our fabric. So we need to make eight flying geese. When you cut the squares from this you cut a light square and a dark square, that makes four. So I need two light squares and two dark squares to make eight. Now this needs to be unfinished 1 1/2 by three because it says cut two by 3 1/2. So two minus 1/2 is 1 1/2. 3 1/2 minus 1/2 an inch is three. So it needs to finish at 1 1/2 by three is my finish. And so sometimes I'll write that down so I don't have to keep looking at it. So that's my finished. And right here, 1 1/2 by three finished. Now, if you wanted to make sure it's the right size, see it says two by 3 1/2. You can put this on the ruler and you can see that unfinished it's two by 3 1/2. So you can look at the ruler and if this section measures where you're at in your cutting it's the right size. So here we go, this is what we need. So when you buy this ruler, there's a large and a small. You have to keep this paperwork because if you don't, you can't really use the ruler. Now one time I couldn't find it and you can Google it. You can Google like Eleanor Burns flying geese method and there is a PDF of this somewhere online but try not to lose your paper. So I followed this right here. This is this little box and for the 1 1/2, can you scroll in a tiny? Not that they're gonna be able to see but it says 1 1/2 by three. You need to cut a six and a 4 1/2. So what I do is I write that down six, 4 1/2. And the six is your background. So the six-inch would be this piece and your 4 1/2 would be this piece. So this, I'll right white and orange but because I'm Kimberly and I like to complicate everything in my life, I don't cut that. I cut 6 1/2 by five because I don't want any mistakes and I don't wanna have to think and I wanna be able to go as fast as I can. So scratch that out, I'm gonna cut a 6 1/2 white and a five-inch orange times two. And then I'm gonna show you, now you can follow this but I found a shortcut to this where you don't have to draw a line and I'm gonna show that to you. So I'm gonna just keep complicating the day because that's what I do. Complicate, complicate. Okay. That piece is not big enough. So, that's gonna be great. Okay, let me see if I can find that other piece. Oh, that is somewhere. - [Lilly] The background or? - [Kimberly] Yeah, it's right here. I know I tucked it somewhere. So I need a 6 1/2, I need two 6 1/2 inch squares. So now we're gonna show you what you really do when you make mistakes, try to make it work. Can you cut me a piece of that yardage that we had? Yeah, cut like a seven-inch piece real quick. I'm gonna have to starch it and make it work. Okay, so here's some scissors. Just cut a big old chunk. - [Lilly] You said a big old chunk? - [Kimberly] Yeah, sorry Lilly. - [Lilly] You're good. - [Kimberly] This is called Kimberly was not prepared today. Okay, so I'm gonna cut a 6 1/2 inch square. I need to cut one more. - [Lilly] Are these okay? - [Kimberly] Just as big as this hole right here. - [Lilly] Oh, okay. - [Kimberly] Okay, so I need two of these but this piece right here is not big enough and this is what I starched before we started 'cause I wasn't thinking about it. Yeah, okay thanks. So now I need another piece that's about this size but it needs to be starched. This is unstarched. So what I'm gonna do is just cut a little piece. Yeah, this is really improv today. Where's the starch? - [Lilly] I think it's way, way low on there. (both chattering) - [Kimberly] It doesn't have the top on it Let me see here. Thanks, so this was starched, this is not starched, and I'm gonna starch it real quick and I'll show you how, if you're trying to improv, like me today, then you can do it. So what I do is, so you can see the difference in the starch and the non-starch, see how that's floppy? Flying in the wind. And this is not, this is like hard. It's not too cardboardy, but it's a little bit. So when I starch at home, this is exactly what I do. Now I soak it. Now I would have normally a piece of fabric here so that I don't ruin my board I don't have time to mess with that today. So I soak it. So I do this. I try to get it even and soak it and I'm gonna talk more about this in a little bit because I've got a video for you to watch. Now, that is pretty soaked. So you can see it's soaked on the front, it's soaked on the batter. Sorry, it's soaked on the front and the back. Now it doesn't matter to me, which side I starch on. I starch wherever because to me, it goes through to the other side. So it doesn't matter. Now I would normally take this in my bathroom and hang it on a clothes dryer. What do you call it? - [Lilly] Clothes dryer? - [Kimberly] Clothes rack or something? - [Lilly] Drying rack. - [Kimberly] Drying rack, yeah something like that. And then I would come back in a couple of hours and it would be done but we're live on video and it's going great today. (chuckles) I'm cracking myself up. So now what I will do is I will just put this iron on here and I'm gonna just iron it until it is dry. And sometimes I do have to do this in my sewing room if I miss cut or run short, I will have to do this. So it's not, this is not something that doesn't happen, I mean, this is something that does happen. Now I want it to be 100% dry. And you'll know when it's dry because it won't be floppy. See how that's still a little bit floppy? I just keep ironing it. But normally when I starch, like I starch and then I just hang it dry, come back, now depending on how big the piece is, is how long it will take to dry. So sometimes it can be a couple of hours. Now what I do do is I have like a vent, I guess you call it in your bathroom and I turn that on and it helps. And I open the windows so that if it's sunny, that will help it. So this is actually quite funny. So it's just a little bit wet over here. Okay so now you can see it went from floppy to not floppy. So now I need to cut a 6 1/2 again. And it doesn't have to be exact and you'll see why but I'm just gonna cut it up at a square. So basically when I use the Eleanor Burns rulers, the size that she tells you, I add half an inch, no matter what size you're doing. And that's just what I've done for years and years. So I bought the ruler in 2002, so 19 years. Cut it half an inch bigger. That's just what I came up with 19 years ago and, woo, I'm getting old. So now I need to cut two five-inch squares from this. So to do that, I'm gonna just put the selvages, not the selvages, but just put two together and I'll just cut off right here. So I'll just kind of follow this. And going forward from here, I'm doing it a little bit different. You're gonna get the same exact result but you're gonna save time because I'm all about saving time. As you can see, I've been saving so much time today. It's so ridiculous. I'm being a smart alec too. I'm trying to be funny. Okay, now that's not we wanna do. Okay. So one thing that I learned over the years of doing this, where I've done, like if you do like 100 at a time or something, 'cause I have, you wanna keep, once you cut this, your pairs together. You wouldn't wanna cut this and put it with this because sometimes it'll be off. So what she tells you to do is, I'm gonna show you what she tells you to do and then I'm gonna tell you what I do. So what she tells you to do is take this little creative grits ruler, or any ruler, and draw lines 1/4 inch away from the center. That's what she tells you to do. I don't wanna do that because I don't want to have to take more time than I already don't have. And I'm gonna just cut it. So just cut and it's gonna give me the same thing because I'm gonna sew 1/4 inch away. So I don't have to draw the line and then worry about that later. So that's one thing that I kind of came up with in the last couple of years. And you just wanna keep this, like you know, somewhat in the center, it doesn't have to be exact. And because I cut it bigger you definitely don't have to do that. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sew 1/4-inch seam on both of these but I'm gonna keep this together and this together so that when I do the next step these are together and these are together. Now I just start right here where the smaller fabric is. You don't have to start all the way on the edge and I'm just gonna go real fast like I always do. (machine whirring) So there's one, and this is quick. I mean you're gonna have eight flying geese in no time. So I'll keep those together. So at home, I usually have a design board and I'll keep them on the design board together. (machine whirring) So, almost done. (machine whirring) So in that quick amount of time, even with adding that extra starch, still quicker, you're halfway done with eight flying geese. You don't see it yet, but you are. So keep these together and I'm gonna iron and set my seam on this one. Press to one side, then press open. Now I do think this is good to press open on this because you're gonna have a lot of seams in the very center of the block and if you didn't press open you're gonna have a lot of bulk. And again, one set of these makes four and we need eight so we have two sets. Are there any questions? - [Lilly] Yes, we have lots of questions, super chats, new members, so I'm gonna go down the list from the very beginning. New YouTube member V Perry100 welcome and then new YouTube member, Tracy Mango, welcome Tracy. - [Kimberly] Thank you. - [Lilly] And then Linda Gillespie had said, "It's almost our birthday Kimberly happy birthday week friend although I barely celebrate the day, let alone the week LOL." - [Kimberly] Thank you. Yeah, my birthday is Sunday, I'm gonna be 47. - [Lilly] Ooh. - [Kimberly] I'm gonna be 47. I feel every bit of it too. - Oh. - I'm just bein' funny. But I'm excited because Kevin asked me where I wanted to go eat and I said PF Chang's. So hopefully we can make that happen. - [Lilly] Puff Chang's is nice. I just said Puff Chang's. - [Kimberly] You do what? - [Lilly] I said Puff Chang's, PF Chang's, silly. - [Kimberly] So now what you do is you put the two together and you want it to look like this. So you have one, all your colors don't touch. So you put it there and you're gonna see how it's not exact, it doesn't matter because I've cut it so big, it's not gonna matter. So again you do that and then we're gonna cut here now again, in her instructions she tells you to draw the lines and then stitch on the lines and then cut. But I don't wanna do that because I don't wanna draw the lines, I just wanna cut one time to save time. So again, cut there, cut there, and then once we sew and iron, we're gonna have eight flying geese that we're gonna trim down. So now I'm just gonna sew with the 1/4 inch seam and let Lily talk and I'll try to sew a little bit slower. - [Lilly] We had a super chat from Margaret Forest for Canadian $27.99 and she put a little dancing pear that says you are amazing. - [Kimberly] Thank you. (machine whirring) - [Lilly] And then our next super chat was from Debra Wildrick for $5 and Deborah says, "Receive serendipity, beautiful fabric and box. Kimberly, do you cut the background fabric into smaller pieces before your starch? And if so, what size?" - [Kimberly] I would cut two half yards to start and starch those, that's what I'll do. I'll probably cut two half yards off, starch those, and then starch as I go. I'm not gonna starch that whole piece. That would be too much. And I will talk more about it on Thursday but the one thing that I will do... In the serendipity section, can you just write down on that document right there borders and then I'll talk about starching and all that. Ashley, can you pull me a kit too? And then that will help me explain what we're doing when we get to that section. (machine whirring) So you just press, just keep pressing, set your seam press open and then we're gonna trim them down and you're gonna have eight flying geese and then we can finally do our block. 'Cause you know, it's like 9:50 a.m. - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] And oh my goodness today is.. - [Lilly] We have another new YouTube member, Theresa G, welcome Theresa. - [Kimberly] Thank you. - [Lilly] A new YouTube member, Sulha Alnabani. Welcome Sulha. Also, if I ever mispronounce anyone's name, please feel free to correct me. I want to pronounce everyone's names as they are. - [Kimberly] So I think, okay. So I was thinking about this, this is funny. If there was a YouTube award for people who live stream and know how to say names, it would be Lilly. - Aw. - [Kimberly] Because I watch a lot of live streams and nobody gets as close as Lilly. - [Lilly] Thank you. - [Kimberly] So she should get like, there should be like little YouTube awards. - [Lilly] Like the Oscars but for YouTube. - [Lilly] Yeah, for YouTube or Zoom. - [Lilly] There we go. - [Kimberly] You go live and the internet cuts out. That should be an award too. - [Lilly] Oh, thanks that's very sweet, I do my best. Superchat from Judy Hampton for $10 and Judy says, "Thank you, Fat Quarter Shop I look so forward to Friday morning to see what you have for me. If only I was rich." - [Kimberly] Aww. - [Lilly] Well you're very generous, Judy. I really appreciate it. - [Kimberly] Yes, thank you. And a lot of what we do here is you don't have to buy a kit, you can use fabric from yourself. That's why we're offering lots of freebies so that if you are on a budget, you can spend it more on fabric. Now I am going to use a rotating mat on this. Yeah, I'm gonna get my ruler and we're gonna cut it down real quick and then I'll show you one and then Lily can talk. Okay, so this is the perfect size for this. Okay, the one thing that I would do on this ruler is I would add the little cardboard dots to the back. I don't have those here right now but at home mine has cardboard all over it. Just when you're putting those dots, the grips, just don't put it where your words or your lines are, that's all. And it's very clearly marked so you want to line up the angles and you want this top right there to touch. So you have to be careful to not cut into the next flying geese over here. So I don't cut here first because if I do, I might cut into over here. So the first thing I do is I cut this top and bottom and that way I don't interfere with my other and then I rotate. Now, you have to flip the piece to do the other side and the key to this is, this line goes here and this right here should hit your points. So that hits that point, that hits that point, and you have a perfect flying geese and you have wasted less fabric than doing it the traditional way. Now the one thing that you do have to do when you do this method, and this is pretty important. This little piece right there, you want to cut it off because if you don't, you're gonna have a lot of bulk right there. So just cut that little tab off, kinda like a little dog ear, and you're gonna do all eight this way. So now Lilly, you just take the show. - [Lilly] (chuckles) All right. - [Kimberly] 'Cause I'm gonna try to concentrate and not make any more mistakes. - [Lilly] All right. We had another super chat from Lori Roth for $9.99 I'm gonna try to turn this out so super piggy doesn't block, the action happening on screen too long. Perfect, thank you. And she put a pear that's laughing? I think is what I'm seeing. - [Kimberly] Maybe my jokes are funny today. I'm trying to be funny, I'm not trying to be smart, I'm trying to be funny, but I don't know. - [Lilly] And then we have another super chat from Eliana Fernandez for $4.99. And Elieana says, "I love our Friday mornings together." Thank you, we do too Eliana. And another super chat from Dan Keller for $9.99 and she put a little like super pear, like superhero flying pear. - [Kimberly] Oh, thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you so much Dan. And a new YouTube member, Pam Meyers, welcome Pam. - Woo-hoo! - Thank you. - [Lilly] I think the confetti cannon's one of my favorite things here. Okay, and then super chat from Randy E for $5. And Randy says, "Kimberly is making it work." - [Kimberly] I am. - Yes, she is. - That's pretty much what everybody needs to do right now in life, is make it work and stop complaining so much because you know what? If you can't find the funny in your life and joke around, then you got nothing. You gotta just be like, okay we're gonna go, I always say go with the flow, get through today. If I'm having a really bad day, I'm just like, oh we're just gonna get to tomorrow, when we get to tomorrow, it's gonna start over. - [Lilly] Yeah. Okay, and another super chat from Shannon Doolittle for $5. And they said, "As a beginner y'all have been super helpful. Hello, from your neighbor in Pflugerville." - [Kimberly] Oh! Pflugerville. My best friend lives in Pflugerville on second street, downtown Pflugerville, second street. - [Lilly] My favorite thing about Pflugerville is all the PF bumper stickers everywhere and like the, everything written. 'Cause you know Pflugerville is working with a PDF. - [Kimberly] Yeah. - [Lilly] Then there's like little jokes everywhere for things that are pronounced just with an F like Pflugerville is, but it has an extra- - [Kimberly] Right, my friend is also from that family, the Pfluger family. - [Lilly] Really? Wow. - [Kimberly] The house he lives in was his grandmother's house and she lived in it her whole life, I think. I don't know. - [Lilly] That's super cool. - [Kimberly] And what was cool about it 'cause I called him during the thing to make sure they were okay 'cause they have two little kids and they had a, what do you call it? Like a stove, like an old tiny stove still in the house and so that's how they stayed warm. She was like, "Oh yeah, we're fine, we have all this stuff home." - [Lilly] Oh like a woodstove? - [Kimberly] Uh-huh. - [Lilly] Oh wow. - [Kimberly] Yep, so his kids just slept by the woodstove. I mean him and his wife and his kids, they just slept. I mean, it's a pretty big room it's like, yeah. Sorry, I'm just going on and talking about random stuff. - [Lilly] You look good. Also I wanna say thank you to everyone in the comments. Everyone's being real sweet right now so thank you for that. And then another super chat from Shelley Murphy for $2. And Shelly says hello from Fort Worth. Also a neighbor, thank you. - [Kimberly] My brother lives in Argyle, which is right by there. - [Lilly] And new YouTube member Linda Phelps, welcome Linda. And then we had a super chat from Marcia Baker for $5 and she says, "Happy birthday Kimberly you are a young chick, but you don't realize it until you're about 70. Y'all are awesome." Thank you so much. - [Kimberly] Thank you. I'm surprised somebody even remembered my birthday. To be honest. - [Lilly] I was thinking about that yesterday. I was like, it's the 7th, right? - [Kimberly] Yep, it's the 7th. - [Lilly] Yeah, 'cause your birthday's on the 7th and my birthday's on the 7th. Easy for me to remember. Okay, and Alicia Mullins had said, "I don't know how she cuts around that ruler so well. I've tried it, can't do it. My blade doesn't stay against the ruler as I go around. Maybe there's a trick?" - [Kimberly] I would say it's probably time. It's probably just practice. I really do well with this ruler, which is the ergonomic. I'm cutting the four squares that go on the corners by the way. I really struggle with the ones that are not ergonomic. So I think it's just whatever holds best in your hand. But I mean, I also, one thing I do is I press this down pretty hard. If I've been quilting like a day, my arm will hurt because I press so hard on here because then it makes this, it won't move if I press hard. So I do press pretty hard and I can tell the next day. That's my exercise. That's my cardio right there. That's my cardio for today. Okay, so these need to be together right here. We need to make four of these so I'm gonna just make sure the points are all going the same way, so you don't wanna be like this. That would be funny though. And I'm gonna just pin these and then stitch them with 1/4 inch seam and then we will be ready to do the final block and this is gonna be the all-time record for the longest block ever. But this block is really cool, I like it. And again, it's designed by Zen Chic. And when you try this method you'll have to see if you like it but you can see that you get perfect flying geese and you don't get floppy, you know, you don't have to draw it on a line, you don't have to do any of that funny stuff. And you can knock out a bunch doing it this way. - [Lilly] Question from Candice K which is actually a question I've had before so I'm curious. "So we'd need that specific size flying geese ruler to do just that size, right? There isn't a ruler that cuts multiple size flying geese?" - [Kimberly] Correct, and she has a small that has two and she has a large that has two. Now do I use it and cut different sizes? Yes. And when I do that, I just have to use one of these rulers and I have to be real careful. So if I'm doing a weird size, I'll make the next size that bigger and trim down. But I'm hoping to make some more triangle paper on the triangle paper... I must so that I don't have to do that or some smaller sizes. 'Cause that is, I usually do make mistakes when I do that. Maybe when we do the American culture sew along, I can show that. (machine whirring) So hopefully my points match right there. And since this is kind of a lighter fabric, if your points don't match, it's not gonna be as noticeable and just do what works for you. I mean, some people are super OCD, some people aren't. Do whatever you think is good for you in your house. - [Lilly] Rawleen H. said, "There's a ruler called calling all geese by Eleanor Burns that cuts multiple sizes. I love it and use it all the time, including today." - [Kimberly] Okay, I haven't tried that one. - [Lilly] That's cool. Funny comment from Tina Rutin. She says, "Maybe they sell on fast in Pflugerville." - [Kimberly] Huh, that's funny. I've never seen the bumper stickers with the P-F but I don't pay attention that much. That's probably why. - [Lilly] Yeah, sometimes when you're going to Pflugerville or if you are closer to that area, you'll start seeing them. And it's literally just a circle and it says PF on it. - [Kimberly] Oh, that's where my dad is buried. Actually everyone in my family is buried there. - [Lilly] Oh wow. - [Kimberly] Yep. It was like, 'cause we're from Austin, you know, most people who live here are not from Austin and my uncle died when I was four months old and my dad bought like four plots or something and so he bought some plots. and so that's where everybody is. And it was kinda like, you know, back then, Austin wasn't what it is now. So there weren't a million... All the, what do you call it? Burial places that there are now. So I'm sure that's yeah. 'Cause my mom wants to be buried by her brother. So now my dad's there, both sets of grandparents. I mean, everybody, I haven't been to a funeral that isn't there. I'm not kidding, I've not been to one. Every grandparent, everybody. I mean yeah, woo! - [Lilly] So does that mean your dad's dog is there as well? - [Kimberly] Oh my dad's dog is there. Yes, he is. My dad's dog, that stupid dog. He was a stinky dog. Okay, so I'm gonna stitch down here. Now he had a dog and his dog's name was Chewy. I'll tell you this, this is a funny story. So when I was in high school, I was a senior. Now don't start putting comments. Back then there used to be things called pet stores and they sold dogs, okay? We're talking about the 1990s. My dad, there was this pet store in the mall and we always had a lot of dogs, like a lot, but my mom always hated dogs. Oh my gosh, my mom, she just, she was not a fan. Well he kept, I don't know, he never even went to the mall but he kept going to this pet store. I have no idea why. And it was driving us all crazy and we're like, "Just go buy the dog." So he bought the dog 'cause I was going to college and I think he wanted somebody to hang out with. And that dog, he fed that dog so much stuff. One time I almost killed the dog with chocolate almost, gosh, I wouldn't have done that, it was an accident. I had left out some cookies and he ate them. - [Lilly] Oh yeah, you've told that story. - [Kimberly] Yeah, but the story is that I guess him and my mom had made an agreement that whoever... So the dog died right before my dad did. And so I guess my dad had the dog cremated and I didn't even know that was a thing 'cause this is a while ago this was before all this kind of stuff got popular. And I guess they had an agreement that whoever died first got buried with the dog's ashes. And so my dad died. I mean, we didn't know he's gonna die so we're at the funeral home, my mom pulls out these ashes and I'm like, "Oh my God y'all have lost your mind." And I guess my dad had made sure that somebody else knew because you know, he wanted to make sure it was really done. So my sister-in-law, out of everyone in that room, was the only one who knew what was going on but me and my brother and Kevin, my husband, we're just like looking at each other, like what is going on? And I thought, "Oh Lord is, this is..." Yeah. He loved that dog though. It was a Lhasa Apso, the fat one, a little fat Lhasa Apso. His name was Chewy. - [Lilly] Chewy. - [Kimberly] I think I named him, he looked like Chewbacca kinda. Like with the hair, you know? - [Lilly] Yeah, fluffy. - [Kimberly] Yeah, like the same color too. But yeah, no, he bought him at a dog store when that was a thing, I know that's not appropriate now. But that used to be a thing. I'm old, see? I was telling Lilly and Ashley that like I was watching something, I think it was Netflix and they were saying a word and I was like, "I don't understand what they're talking about." They were using a word that's not appropriate. Like it doesn't mean what it used to mean and so I had to Google it. I'm like, wait, what? That's not even supposed to be a derogatory word. That's supposed to be like something else. That's how old I am that I don't know what's going on. Sometimes I ask Emma, "What does this mean?" Emma's like, she's trying to explain something to me. And I was like, I even think you're confused because I don't think you're explaining it right. But I just chose to let her think she knows what she's talking about. Because you know when you're 13, you think you know everything. So I was telling Lilly, her best friend, okay, so she's 13. She's about to be 14 and her best friend is 16. And they were supposed to have a party last week. Well, usually the parties are just at these little, these girls' houses. So I just assumed, you know, they're just gonna go to this little girl's house so the mom said, "Drop 'em off at the dance studio at such and such time." I put them on a party bus. I'm like, you are what? You're going on a party bus and you are, she goes, "Yeah we're just gonna drive around and sing songs." I was like, "Okay, you just do that then." I've never been on a party bus in my life. I don't even know what it is really I've never been in one, I was like, okay. I mean, the parents are super conservative so I'm sure there's nothing else going on there. Okay, so look that happened. That is the same exact spot right here, see? - [Lilly] Oh, uh-huh. - [Kimberly] Yup, I'm gonna leave it. And I'm just gonna leave it. Yeah, so she's going on a party bus tonight and I'm just like, oh, I gotta press these open. I don't know what to think. When you have kids, you're just like, "Oh, I'm worried, can I just get through, can we just get them to college? Can I somehow get her to be an adult?" - [Lilly] We do have a question from Elliana Fernandez. She says, "Can I use flying keys for the six-inch block the one-inch by two-inch?" - [Kimberly] Can you pull up the flying keys paper, or pull it up on the website real quick? 'Cause we need to put a sign with the sizes on the screen 'cause I don't have them memorized yet. And I'm gonna look because I'm not sure. Yep, you can, you can use the ISE-774. Now for the three-inch, we don't have paper that small. We eventually will though. Yes, no I need to memorize those. I don't have those memorized or the square in a square so we can maybe put those right there and I'll have a clue. - [Lilly] All right, we have a new YouTube member, Weber Campos, welcome. - [Kimberly] Thank you. Yeah so I'll tell you all what I'm gonna do for spring break. My kids are gonna either love me or hate me, I'm not sure which. We're gonna go to Enchanted Rock, which, okay, to me that sounds like the worst possible... Like I have zero interest in going to Enchanted Rock. Like when I say zero interest, that means like negative 20. I don't like to be outside, I hate it, and I'm so out of shape. But we're going to Enchanted Rock and then we're gonna go to a ranch and we're gonna like stay on a ranch for a couple of days and I'm gonna make 'em turn off their phones. Actually only one of my kids has a phone, I guess. I'm gonna make 'em turn their iPads off. Emma's so bad, she's an instigator. She's like, "I got a phone when I was 11, the boys need a phone." I'm like, "No, they don't." I'm like, "They do not need a phone you need to hush your mouth." She's like, "Well, they think they're getting a phone." And I'm like, "Why 'cause you're running your mouth and telling them?" I'm pretty sure that's why they think they're getting a phone. And I'm like well, 'cause she had dance and like she would always have to call and then one time she had to call using like the dance director's phone number. She's like, "Mom, I'm a little embarrassed." And I was like, "Okay, fine I'll get your phone." (machine whirring) And you can see, see how I left this connected? I left it connected so I don't make a mistake and accidentally put it on the wrong way on the next part. That's why I leave it connected. - [Lilly] We have another new YouTube member, Ruby Stephanie. Welcome, Ruby. - [Kimberly] So right here when you look, can you zoom in a little bit? - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] It's a little bit off right there but I'm not gonna change it because it's such a light fabric, you'll never see it, but it is a little bit, like there's like a 16th of an inch too much here but because it's light, I'm gonna leave it. - [Lilly] Let's see. Earlier, Theresa was asking when my birthday is, it is in September. I will be 27 this year. - [Kimberly] Are you serious? - [Lilly] Yeah, we're 20 years apart about-ish. - [Kimberly] Oh my God. (Lilly laughs) Oh my word. You know, one time Lilly was like, you know, I don't know, like I would never wanna go back, no matter what I think, I would never go back to that. I would never go back to the 20's. I would never go back to high school, I would never go back. Because when I look back, I'm like I was a fool. You know, like when you're in high school, you think you know everything. When you're in college, you think you know everything. Now I'm just like, can I get through today? Can I get through today? Let's get through today without one of my kids emailing my other kid's teacher that they're not doing their homework. How about that? That kid, I swear. I cannot believe he did that. But Kevin and I, we just laughed. We're just like, "Oh my goodness." You just have to like, make a joke about it because they're only 11. I can't imagine what those boys are gonna be doing when they're older. I think parenting would be easier if kids were similar and I have four kids that have nothing, I have two that are similar but they're such a different age that, yeah it doesn't help. My twins are like opposite, completely opposite, but they never argue and I think that is just crazy. They never argue and they don't have anything in common. Okay, I'm gonna press these open and then I'm gonna trim it down and then we're gonna, woo, an hour and 15 minutes for a nine-inch block. That's a world record of the slowest block I've ever made in my entire life. 'Cause it's really not that hard of a block. I mean, hopefully something I've done here has been helpful. I know that some people say I really wish you would just do the block the way it is, but that's why I do these videos because we give you that block the way it is and I wanna show you something different. If I just got on here and cut fabric and never showed you any tips, there would be no reason for you to watch. I'm going to move the sewing machine. Yeah, so we can like get that out of the way. And then I'll put this here and then I'm gonna trim it up. So when I'm trimming this one, you do have these points. So you wanna make sure you don't chop them off. When I was a beginner, I would chop them off a little bit on accident. So when I'm trimming this block, I will use one of these lines on this seam or this seam, one of the seams. Make sure it's straight on one of them. and then just trim down. And I'm barely gonna cut anything off. Really, I'm just gonna be cutting these little threads that are sticking out off. So, I barely cut anything off. And that is because we just did the Eleanor Burns method, and when you do that, you're not gonna have a lot of waste. You just wanna make sure, like right here, your ruler doesn't go past your point. You would rather cut off less than more. And this is a totally optional step, to be honest. Your (indistinct) is going to look exactly the same, even if you don't do this. I do it because I just, I think it's like a satisfaction of, "Oh, it's done." So now I'm gonna show you all the blocks I've done so far from this collection. This is Apricot and Ash. - [Lilly] It's the box you threw. I can grab that. - [Kimberly] I'm sorry, I can't get to it, sorry. - [Lilly] It's good, it's fine. - [Kimberly] Thanks. Okay, so we keep our blocks in this box from target. - [Lilly] Blocks in the box. - [Kimberly] Sorry, we don't have anywhere to put it. (Lilly laughing) It's the floor, it's not me. The floor is seamless, so I'm not throwing it, it's just dropping like that. When I'm done I'll have three green, three peach, and three... So yeah, I have three, three peach, three green, and then by next week I will have one more gray and then I'm gonna put this into something. Now I don't know what I'm gonna put this into but I'll put it into something and I'll probably use this as the background, but that'll probably be something that I'll have to figure out this weekend. I could do just a long table runner, like a farmhouse style. I could do sashing in between, I could put them on point and make it really big. There's all kinds of things you can do. So I will try to find a pattern or come up with something and I'll show you after spring break. So let me know what questions y'all have on this block before I move on to everything else. - [Lilly] I'll let any extra questions roll in. Okay, from Terry, sorry. Okay, Terry F. Think, "So which method do you recommend for beginners to make the flying geese?" - For beginners I think the paper is easier because it's gonna be more accurate but you would need to press that second seam to the inside for your seams to not be bulky but all three of them are easy. I've done the Eleanor Burns method for 19 years. I mean, if I did my math right. - [Lilly] Yeah. - Is it 19? Yeah. - [Lilly] Okay, and then Princess P Holly Martin earlier was asking, "Can you remind me which Bella or Kona is the whitest?" - 98. 98 is the whitest 97 and 200 are what I use the most. Okay, so I'm gonna take a little break and you get to see Lilly's dress. I'm so excited for you all to see her dress and I will be right back. - I'm coming guys, I'm coming. I'm gonna sneak up on you guys, let's see. ♪ Do do do do ♪ Crouching down, hello. (chuckles) Tadaa, hello everyone, let me take my mask off here. I'm Lilly for those of you who may not know and here is the dress made out of the yardage from the my favorite color is Moda. The skew number for this is 9900-10 and yeah, here is the dress. I made it out of the simplicity pattern number 8085. And yeah, she's got a little bows over here and this belt I actually just happened to have this belt. The pattern comes with instructions for a belts but it did not work out when I tried to make it the first time. So I was like, you know what? I'm gonna go for this pink belt I have, there's like bias tape that I made at home with some of the lavender bella. So that same color is one of these dots somewhere around here, yeah. Did I? Oh, my earring is still there. It looked like I had lost it for a second, but yes here it is. I will do one last little turnsy roundsy woo oh and then shoes I am wearing woo. All solids, all Bella style things. So very excited to show you guys that. Also wearing bright lipstick because what else am I gonna wear bright lipstick too? Matches the belt a little bit here. But, so yeah it's very exciting to finally show you guys the dress, big reveal for the dress. It fits very well. The only thing I would add is there is a separate pattern or like an alternate pattern within the pattern that has like these pockets you attach right here. I think I'm gonna attach them to this one because it did not have another way to attach pockets to this dress. So I think I might go that route. Yes, okay I saw a question earlier from Sew at Your Style. they said, "Hi Lilly, what machine are you using?" I use the Bernette B38 at home. It has a lot of funky features especially for garment making like zigzag stitch and all sorts of cool stitches. My only complaint is I wish it sewed faster, especially after trying the Juki here at work a couple of times, I'm like she needs to go faster. Like the bunny rabbit on that one is not like the bunny rabbit on this one. But yes, the other thing I wanted to talk to you guys about is Bonnie and Camille's Quilt Bee. They are on month four of the Shine On Quilt Along. You can follow Camille @thimbleblossoms on Instagram for updates on that and share your blocks to hastag, #shineonsamplerquiltalong. But yes, the Quilt Along follows this book, the Bonnie and Camille Quilt Bee, working on months March's blocks, March is month four, and they're working on the cross stitch block and I have a pop-up for that, but I will have to run back behind the camera to show you all. But the cross stitch blocks can be found on page 96. So I'll flash that up there real quick. 96. That block. And there's cute goodies to go with it, as many of you guys already know. The bag and the, sorry, this is hard, and the needle minder over here, I have this bag at home, I love it so much because it is like nice and sturdy and it's got that like inner lining with the zipper right here. One of my favorite bags that I use, especially to carry things to and from work. But I'm not seeing any other questions at the moment so I will hand it back over to Kimberly and pop this block up for you guys while I'm at it. ♪ Do do do do ♪ Yay! Reveal. (chuckles) - See, she's so cute. - [Lilly] Aww, and real quick here is the block that Camille posted on Instagram. - [Kimberly] That's so pretty. And if you are a cross stitcher, we are starting the sew stitch along with it next week. So that's awesome. - [Lilly] Oh, sorry there we go. - Yay! So if you don't know, every year we raise money for Make-A-Wish, we're over $27,000 right now. Thank you so much. We are gonna top that off with $20,000. Mark Dunn is gonna top that off with $10,000, we're hoping to grant 10 wishes. Now we have pushed this back several times because of what is going on and snowstorm and the everything. If you pre-ordered the kit, it should have shipped to you. You should be getting it any day. If it hasn't shipped, just call us 'cause maybe your credit card didn't go through or maybe you didn't see the PayPal invoice. Next Thursday I'm gonna do a live demo. We're gonna hope it goes a lot better than today with no internet breakage. We're gonna do a live demo and what I'm gonna do is show you how to cut all of your fabric for block one or row one, and I'm gonna piece just one block and I'm gonna give you different tips and I will talk you through, right now, how to prepare your fabric. So if you bought the kit, this pattern came with it. You, as a bonus for buying the kit, you get the full pattern upfront. Everyone else will get the pattern that week. So we'll put the instructions up there free for row one next week. Now this is your background right here. So I'm gonna tell you how I would starch it and it's gonna take me a little bit. I haven't starched mine yet. So I'm gonna look at it. So this first page, it has your fabric requirements, which is what's in your kit. Now, this year, we're including cutting for every single fabric so that you know exactly what you're cutting each month and you will see how much room you have leftover, and that means you have plenty of room to starch. So when you are starching the half yards, starch them as one piece, do not chop them down. So that would be what I would do there. These all are half yards. For the background, included in your kit is 5 and 1/4 yards. What I'm going to do with mine, now, this is not gonna be what the instructions are written because a lot of people do not like... When I have written instructions for length of fabric, we have gotten complaints. So I'm gonna explain it to you by standing over here and showing you. Okay. Let me see it. Okay, good so this person actually pieced it that way. So we write the instructions where you would cut your borders with the fabric and sew them together. That's fine, most people like that. I don't, I cut my length of fabric. We don't write patterns, length of fabric because customers do not like it and they think it wastes fabric and for, you know, just based on feedback. So what I'm gonna do, my widest boarder is 66 1/2. I'm gonna cut a 76-inch piece wide, put a note on it, borders, and I'm gonna starch to all the rest as half your pieces and then when I run out of those pieces I will cut my borders and then I will use the leftovers for blocks. So when I go home, I'm gonna cut. I'm gonna starch all of these as one piece I'm gonna cut a 76-inch piece, set it aside and then I'm gonna cut all the rest into a half yards and cut it up. And then this is binding, so that's how I'm going to starch. And then in your box, as you go, you can keep your blocks and everything in here after you finish 'em. And we do have some foundation paper in here for you if you bought the kit and I'm gonna demo it with those. Now, if you don't wanna do the paper, you don't have to, you don't have to buy the paper. We also include for free exactly how to do it if you don't have the paper. So you don't have to buy anything extra. We are just giving you some options. So next Thursday, I'm gonna go live. I'm gonna have all of my fabric starched but I'm gonna cut everything on camera and I'm just gonna assemble one block and then when I come back the two weeks later I will have my row put together. - [Lilly] All right, that's Thursday, March 11th at what time? - 9:00 a.m Central Time. It was supposed to be March 15th, but I've decided that I'm gonna take my kids to a ranch. And I'm gonna like, see if I can make 'em like feed the animals and stuff, I'm not kidding. Just, they need to get off their iPads. And I know two of them are gonna love it and two of them are gonna hate it and I think it's gonna be hilarious 'cause I'm not gonna do any of it. Okay, so I'm gonna put this inside, Stronger Together. So excited about this, we raised $13,000 for UNCF. - [Lilly] Woo-hoo. - That is way more than I thought we would so I'm so proud of us. And here's the quilt. - [Lilly] The top is what's on your right? - Yeah, I'm not gonna be too finicky today. To me, it looks good anyway. So thank you for that, the check has already been written and mailed. So we're excited about that. We went over Serendipity and if you haven't made your Make-A-Wish donation, please donate. Now, speaking of Serendipity, I wanna show you two different quilts that you can make with it. So the goal of Serendipity is to raise money for Make-A-Wish. We're offering you these free patterns, free instructions. Please donate to Make-A-Wish in our link below. We had two people make quilts for the charity to show you how you can make it look different than the one behind me. This one is Doug Leeko colored it. The fabric is Hopewell by Jo Morton, Dina Goia pieced it, and Doug quilted it. It's gorgeous. So this fabric and the fabric I'm gonna show you next is going to... Can we move this, Lilly? - Yes. - Sorry, I'm afraid. I'm gonna knock that iron over and I'm not standing up 'cause my back hurts, so sorry. So this is how you can make it traditional. And if you wanted to do something like this, just look at your fabric requirements, buy some half yards. It tells you exactly what background binding, what you need. And then, will you grab those two little thingies? And then I'll show you from the front in a second. So again, this is Hopewell by Jo Morton for Moda. and the binding is brown. Okay, so I will push this forward and then show you. It's so pretty. So thank you to Doug for putting that together and I love how the flying geese look in this quilt. Yeah, look at that. They're not next to each other, but oh my gosh, look at that. They're amazing. This looks so good. So if you want to join us, we're super excited. So that's the first quilt I have to show you. The second quilt was made by Lisa Alexander and the collection is Sanctuary by 3 Sisters. Now on the back, she did the piece backing. Doug did not. I'm gonna put it this way. I love the quilting on this. Okay, so from the top camera you can see, oh, that's so funny, okay. This is a piece backing. It's also a free pattern that will be offered at the end of the program and it's just a fun way to have a different booking. And then this is Sanctuary by 3 Sisters. Both Sanctuary and Hopewell both ship in March. - [Lilly] Your shirt matches this one. - [Kimberly] It does? - A little bit. - Little bit. Okay, so let me... - [Lilly] Ooh. - It's so pretty. - Yeah, it is very pretty. - Yes, I love this quilting. So those are two different options. So if you didn't buy the kit or you're trying to decide fabric, those are two options to show you. Okay the next thing I wanna talk about is... Oh my goodness. Okay so yeah, don't show me a little bit. I'm gonna go on the floor and do this now. Sorry, my spool of thread went on a vacation. It's going to the very back of the container. Okay, so this is a new book by Lisa Bongean it's called "American Gatherings." I'm gonna flip through it to show you the projects within the book and then I'm gonna talk about her sew along. And I'm gonna just flip fast because I don't want you to be able to get the instructions. So this book has lots of content. That is amazing. That is called Kimberly would never attempt that. That's what they should call that. I think that sounds cute. So tons of options in this book, I'm gonna come back to this one and the back has smaller projects. So you can make a pillow. Might have to make that too. This is wool. This is also wool. And then she's got some templates in the back. So this is going to be an upcoming sew along. So to put the quilt together, you do need the book. The book is, again, called, "American Gathering." The 20 blocks in the quilts are going to be free on Lisa Bongean's blog. Her blog is and then you click on the blog from there. Now on her YouTube channel, which is called Primitive Gatherings Lisa Bongean- - [Lilly] It's Stitch With Lisa Bongean. - [Kimberly] Sorry, Stitch With Lisa Bongean. I watched it yesterday. She shows you how to starch and how to get prepared for the stitch along. The fabric has not arrived from Moda yet. And so once the fabric starts arriving to stores and customers, she will start the sew along. So I am going to sew along with this and I'm gonna do exactly like she does. The Fat Quarter Bundle of American Gatherings is plenty to make it. Now, for the quilt top, this is what I'm gonna use. The skew is... Oh 1040-42. So I'm gonna use this color, 1040-42. It's gonna finish at 70 by 80, let me see. Oh, 67 by 70. So I'm gonna starch this. Now, I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna starch my borders first and then cut the rest down. So I'm excited for you to join Lisa and I in this. Now this is Lisa's stitch along, I'm just having fun with her and sewing along. If you want to know how I learned the starch method, go watch her video yesterday 'cause she shows exactly what she taught me. The only difference between what she does and I do is she uses the firm and I use the original. So mine is lighter and so her fabric is thicker. So it's up to you which starch you use, and you don't have to use starch, that's just something that I learned from her. Now I did test several Aurifils and I started, I thought, that using a darker gray would be better. But when I started, I had too many... Okay, I'll show you one block. Surprise! One block. When I was doing the darker thread that I started with I was seeing my thread come through here. It was just too much. So I ended up going with 2600 and I used a very small stitch length and you can't see it. You would think this looks so light, right? It looks like it's gonna show here, it doesn't. And you can't see my stitches, look, you can not see 'em. So I thought using darker would be better. Now I do wanna let you know Lisa mentioned the color number in her video that was not 2600, she's using a different color. So you can go check out her video which she suggests and then decide what you wanna do. But I decided to go with 2600 and I was shocked at how well it worked. It's just amazing that you cannot see it. I just, I was shocked. So that is what I'm going to do. Now I also wanted to let you know, she's making four versions of this quilt and she will be doing four different backgrounds. So she's got one, that's light, one that's dark, and then she's gonna do a grunge, and then I don't know what the other one is. She will be raising money for Hogs for Heroes. So she will be asking for donations for that. So once she has where she wants the money sent I will provide that on this channel also. And super excited about that. So let me know if you have any questions on that. Now, remember, this is Lisa Bongean's sew along. I have nothing to do with it, except I'm her friend and want to sew it and so any questions you have on it, I'm happy to answer, but definitely would direct you to her channel also. - [Lilly] All right from Debbie Semitic, Sematic, sorry, "If the pattern shows the same block throughout are each blocks supposed to be different?" - Yes, so that's the sew along part. - [Lilly] Ah. - So, in the book, it's one block. For free, she gives you 20 different stars and all of your blocks will be unfinished, 10 1/4 by 12 1/2. The one thing I would recommend is the CGR 12 ruler. It's just a 12 1/2 inch square ruler. That helped me square up my blocks because I did make my blocks and my stripes bigger and cut down. Now, I'm not gonna show that on here because she's gonna show you her method and what she does. So I'm not gonna start showing tips on what I do because I feel like that would be rude and impeding on what she's doing. But you do see that they came out perfectly, but I did cut and then I have one right here I can show you. This ruler right here. And the reason it's good is, okay, I of course made my stripes go over here bigger and over here bigger and over here bigger 'cause I'm kinda crazy. But look, it is exactly 10 1/4 by 12 1/2. And I was able to trim it down with just one ruler. So I did this one way and then when I trimmed this was this way. So this ruler's really good to have. And most people already have that ruler. I'm just writing some notes down, but that's... Go ahead, Lilly. - [Lilly] When does the sew along start? - It starts once the fabric, it ships from Moda, and you would just follow Lisa Bongean's channel, and she's gonna announce all of that. I'm just going to be sewing along. I am making this for someone else, actually. I'm not gonna keep this quilt. I know exactly who I'm making it for. I always like to support designers. I always want to support other people's companies and Lisa has been so great to me over the years and she's the one who taught me the starch method. I mean, come on, my quilts are amazing because she taught me that. So I wanna give as much credit as I can to her and, yeah. Okay, the next thing I'm sewing along with is... Over here, let me just put this right here. A Quilting Life. Now she is doing a free sew along. This is Sherry McConnell from A Quilting Life. She's doing a free block of the month on her blog, which is A Quilting Life. Just search A Quilting Life blog. And in her pattern, I printed this out. She gives you, this is completely free. She gives you a six-inch block and a 12-inch block. Now just like I showed you, I put my little sticky note over it so I don't make a mistake. I am making the 12-inch block. Now with this, I'm using the Flea Market collection by Lori Holt. I'm gonna show you the two previous blocks to the left and the right. And I'm gonna show you why I did and kind of my color way, what I'm thinking I'm gonna do. Now these are the only blocks I've seen. I have not seen the future ones. But what I decided when I got this first block done is I really thought this brown was really nice, and so I wanted to be able to figure out a way in every block to make this brown accent. So that was my first thing that I decided. And when I was looking at this block, right here, it is designed with no corners here. So this is designed to just be this fabric right here. But I felt I needed a little bit more pop of color because this doesn't have that much background showing and this doesn't have that much background and I felt like if I left this here background, the blue would not pop as much. So what I did is I cut four three-inch squares for these and added these as corner squares. The other thing that I did that's different than her is on your hourglass pieces that are C, D, and E, I cut them at 5 1/2 instead of 5 1/4 and then when I was done, I trimmed them down. So that's the two things that I did. It's exactly the same, it's just when I do hourglass I cut them 1/4 inch bigger, trim down with a square creative grids ruler and these are my first three blocks. And this is something where you can follow her YouTube channel. She did do a video on it yesterday. And this is all on her blog and I sew along with her every year. And what I do is I just pick a collection I like and stitch with it. Now the one thing that I do different, and she's okay with it, is at the end of the year, I put it into a different setting than she does to show it different, so that I'm showing you how I use my color and how you can do something else with it so that you don't feel like you always have to do exactly what the designer is doing. So those are my first three blocks and she releases those on the first Thursday of every month, I believe. I think that's right. - [Lilly] Yes, that is correct. - Okay, so that is one sew along that I'm doing that's completely free, you don't have to buy anything. Now of course this sew along is also free. It's just, if you wanna put it into the quilt setting she has, you do need the book, which I think that's fair. I mean, she is giving it to you free. The next free sew along (chuckles), I'm gonna show you some fun stuff in a second. The first three blocks are here. So this is one of the first blocks, second block, third block. And I am using the Prim collection by Lori Holt and I am only using four fabrics. So I'm using one, two, three, four. Now, this block right here, maybe let's say it's not my friend. I'm gonna show you how to make this work because I'm assuming some of y'all are probably like me and got lost. So I'm gonna walk you through what you can do. Can you grab me the paper that I was supposed to set aside that I didn't? Sorry, 'cause I knew that I was gonna forget that. And if you hand me like a ruler, like one of those square rulers. Let's see, a 2 1/2 inch square and a 3 1/2. Thank you, sorry. I totally forgot. Oh, and I'm also using the Sashiko machine to insert these stitches. And I got that idea from Beth McCullough. This block is designed by Sandy Gervais. This is the block. So on a Saturday, about two Saturdays ago, I made this and I'm gonna show you what happened. Luckily I have a lot of this fabric because it didn't work out so well. So what I thought I could do, well what I did do first is I did everything else except these. And then I thought, okay, let me try to figure out how to do it. So I cut the templates, which you can see they're cut out, but Ashley was so nice, she made me another one that you could see. So I tried to do it and I could not get this template to work. Now that doesn't mean that the template's not right. That means that Kimberly Jolly does not know anything about templates and I get flustered easy and I probably went too fast. I could not get this to work. So I decided to make my own template. Now, right here, I did use H200 triangle paper to make all of these triangles. I did strip piece this and trim down. So this is what I did. I took the paper from one of my flying geese pads because I know the paper can rip off. I turned it over and I made my own template to stitch on because I could not get this to work otherwise. Now that doesn't mean the pattern's wrong and I mean no disrespect. I am just saying, I was not able to do it. So I'm gonna show you how you make your own template. So just pull a piece of paper out. And this needs to finish 2 1/2 inches square. So by sewing, this, this, this, this, this, I knew this needed to be 2 1/2 inches unfinished and two-inches finished because I did all the hard parts first. So this needs to be 2 1/2 inches finished. So the first thing I did is I took my 2 1/2 inch creative grids, you can actually get two on this page. 2 1/2 inch square ruler and I drew it. Now, I am using a pencil, so that probably wasn't the best idea because I did feel like I got a little bit of pencil ink on here. You can see? Okay, yeah, you can see. So see right here, my thread? That's color 2000. See right there, how dark it is. That's from the lead on the paper. Went through to my thread. Yup, but I realized what I did and I fixed it here. So see how that's normal and that's not? So on these, I used a friction pin. Just had to be careful. I didn't iron it. I had to end up using the seam roller, the quick press seam roller. But I figured once I got this right, I'm not gonna redo it. So you can see my ink there. So I would use a friction pin, but I'm gonna just show you in pencil what to do, how I made this work. Now this is not scientific, this is just what took me three hours to figure out and I'm not joking. So you know that this has to be 2 1/2 and you know that this point needs to be 1/4 inch away, right? So at the top I drew 1/4 inch line and you know that these points are supposed to be 1/4 inch away from the points. So I drew little 1/4 inch points. And I'm not kidding, guys, this took me, I'm not kidding, like three hours to figure out. Like making the whole block. Now I need to find the center of this. So luckily in the center of your creative grids ruler there's a white line, right where the center is. So I drew the line where the center is. And then I drew a line from the center to the point. Now there are several variations of what I did with this. Okay, you wanna draw the line from here to here. You do not wanna draw the line from here to here because that will not give you this quarter inch point. Ask me how I know. Because this took me 3 1/2 hours to figure out because I majored in accounting, but not always the sharpest right off the bat. So if you draw your line from here to here, I'm gonna draw a line, you're not gonna hit your 1/4 inch. You're gonna be over here. You're gonna have some weird, funky thing going on here. So then what I did is I took them, sorry, let me grab it. I just saw it, here it is. I took my handy-dandy out a quarter, creased it here, creased it here, and then I just cut some pieces. I cut like a three-inch square for this pink. And then I just cut some squares, I guessed on some big squares, cut 'em on the diagonal and use those. and that's how I got that. Now from the front, you can kind of see my pencil lines. I'm gonna be honest. You can see my pencil lines on that one and not that one. But that is how I made this block work. So I hope that that is helpful to you guys in some way. It took me forever to figure out, so I do hope that that is, but I did use the paper from my pad because I know that I can tear it off. And if I used paper from my printer, I didn't think I would be able to tear it off as easily. So that's how I was able to make this block work. Are there any questions on that big, old mess? - [Lilly] Yeah, Caitlin says, "Can you let us know the yardages one would need to use for (indistinct) project?" - Okay, so I have all of that information already done. Elva has it, so Kate, why don't you email Elva? Get that and we can post it on social media somewhere. And I wanna let you know, this is a guesstimate, this is what I bought. So I placed an order with Fat Quarter Shop and I guessed on what I needed because I have only made these blocks. Actually, yeah, I think there's 16 blocks, but I haven't made them all. So I don't know exactly what you need. So I gave Elva what I bought. We can put that into a document. Now it's a guess, so it might have way more, it might have way less. I would say it's probably gonna be pretty accurate because I do try to buy only what I need. I don't like to have a lot leftover. So I tried to buy what I thought would be enough. - [Lilly] And then for the previous sew along, Janet Gorsuch said, "Is Kimberly using yardage or pre-cuts of flea market?" - Okay I am using a half year bundle that I have and I will not... On that one, what I do is I draw it in Electric Quilt before I sew it. Once I pick my fabric, I starch that half yard piece and then I have a starched bucket and an unstarched bucket. And I just kinda keep 'em in each bucket because I don't wanna starch that whole 40 piece half yard bundle at one time. But you don't need a half yard. You just need like a fat quarter. You definitely don't need a half yard, but I always start with the half yard of everything of Lori's because I end up making with her stuff usually more than one quilt. And so I always just start with a half yard of her stuff. - [Lilly] All right, and from Nicole Meyer, "What ruler for Serendipity biggest ruler is needed?" - I would probably say the 6 1/2 by 24 1/2 inch ruler, which is right here. This is probably what I'm gonna use the most in cutting. Because you're working with half yards. So I would say 6 1/2 by 24 1/2. That's probably what I'm gonna use the most. For my big strips, and then I'll probably sub cut with 6 1/2 by 12 1/2, these two rulers plus the pack of five square rulers we sell, that's what I use 99% of the time. Okay so I'm gonna show you one more thing and then we're gonna wrap it up. I've got one more thing. I am sewing along with the stitchery sampler. So I'm gonna show you where I'm at. I showed you this last week, this is my first rows put together, keeping it in my little bucket. I went home and I sewed these together. These are the last two weeks. Now, last week, I did not add my cornerstones here, I just made it a little bit different. This week, I made this block, which is block nine, very easy. This is just simple, straight piecing, nothing to it. Now today, I'm gonna take this home I'm gonna add sashing and then I'm gonna add that whole row to the bottom. So when I come back next time, all of these will be together. And this is a booklet and a quilt kit that we do have plenty in stock by Joanna Figerola, if you wanna join us, and she has information on that on her blog and her YouTube channel and this, I just use some leftovers for my backing. So that is where I'm sewing. I did wanna announce one other thing. So last week, David's wife works for Rodeo Austin, and he had asked me if we could donate to that 501C charity. So I said, yes. So we donated a $500 gift certificate and a quilt that we had Gina Tell make. And I'm proud to announce that Chris Vine, who was a huge fan of ours, purchased it. And we really thank her for the support. David and his wife thank you for the support and so excited that, I was so worried that it was not gonna sell for very much and it sold for more than a lot of the other things sells for, so we were so proud to be a part of that. - [Lilly] All right, few things before we wrap up. New YouTube member Barbara Adams, welcome Barbara. Yay! - Thank you. - [Lilly] And then another new YouTube member, Sandra Cedar. Welcome Sandra. - Thank you. - [Lilly] And then we had a super chat from Lisa Smith for $4.99 and Lisa says, "First time being able to watch live today. Thanks for doing all this, I just love it." - Aww. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. - [Lilly] All right, a few people were asking. "Where's my matching face mask for my dress?" I need to make one. - Oh, I thought you had one? - [Lilly] It doesn't match. It's a Ruby star. - Oh, okay. Well to me it matches. - [Lilly] It goes with it, yeah. How much fabric did I use for the dress? About 4 1/2 yards. - Oh my goodness. - [Lilly] It's the skirt. The skirt's just- - Oh 'cause it's like fluffy. - [Lilly] It's a circle skirt, yeah. - Oh my gosh, I could never make that. - [Lilly] And then Nancy Roy had suggested adding pockets to the side seams, 'cause I had talked about adding pockets. The seams are on the front and back, not on the side. So that's why I was like, oh you can't just add them on the sides. 'cause the seams don't open up there. But yes, I agree, Nancy, that would be the easiest. And then question from Diane Craig, "Have y'all decided if we can add EQA to offer their collaboration and providing their drawings for our sew alongs?" - Okay, so on that, we are going to, on the next Sewcialite, we will offer that for the next Sewcialites. That's the only one we're gonna offer it on and we'll see how it goes. That's gonna be in 2021. We're already on to other stuff so we can't go backwards and do that. But we'll do it, we'll try it on 2021 Sewcialites. It's already on our base camp and whatever you call the air table, but not the current one. - [Lilly] All right, and then just one last thing. "For Serendipity, when we get to adding the borders, will you show us how you do the borders?" - Yeah. I will show you how I cut and everything. And I'll even show you. after I assemble that first row together, I will not add the bottom. Let me show you right here. So this is the row one. Under here, I will show you how I add that to this before we go on to this. And I will be straight honest. I don't do it the way that you're supposed to do it. I do it like a modified Kimberly way. So it might be a little, not controversial, but a lot of you might not like it. It might not work for you. Just to be upfront about that. So, guys, have a great weekend and I will see you next Thursday. - [Lilly] Bye, everyone.
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 45,583
Rating: 4.9657631 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop live stream today, quilting show off, quilting items for beginners
Id: StvS7Gr8DAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 20sec (6620 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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