BEHIND THE SCENES | Tools We Currently Use at Flux

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hey designer friends what is up my name is ron segal i'm a designer and founder of flux academy and in today's video i'm going to show you all the different tools that we use to actually run flux academy which is a seven figure online education business and all of them run without code let's rock [Music] hey designer friends what is up and welcome to this video i know how you like to see a little bit of behind the scenes a little bit of how things work so i want to deconstruct our business for you so that you can see all of the different tools and techniques that we use in our business whether you want to build your own business or you're building websites for your clients and you want to understand how to integrate all of these different tools so that you can help your clients build valuable businesses today with so many awesome no codes tools you can actually help them set up a whole online business with your tools even if you don't know how to code let's dive right into it before actually actually actually before we dive into the actual things let me just basically explain the structure of our business so that you understand what we're trying to do with these tools so we are an online education we sell courses to designers so basically the way that we do this is we have our business website which is you can call a marketing website basically showing the different courses or different products that we have and this is where people people do not purchase on this website but they do sign up to a lot of different lists so we have we have all kinds of offers all kinds of resources and all kinds of downloadables or waiting lists so that people can submit their email to our email marketing platform and then when we do enrollments basically we link them into a different website which is the platform that we use to actually run the online courses so where we host the videos i'll show you how all of that is connected and then we have a third platform which we help to manage all of our community so let's dive into it and see how everything works so our main website our let's call it marketing website is build on webflow and you could have guessed that because we talk a lot about webflow here so all of the different pages all of the different what we call opt-ins where people you know we have some offers and people download stuff and they give us their email or the different pages showing our courses everything is here and each one of these different pages most of them have some kind of a form in them where people basically submit their their email if they want to sign up or register for something so that is the first step first step is to show what we have and do some kind of an offer with a call to action to submit your email and then what will happen is this is our email marketing software it's called ontraport this is another tool for us it's basically a you can call it the crm because it manages all the contacts but it's also email marketing because this is where we send emails so here's a campaign structure and you can see this is basically we just recently released a notion template so when people sign up when people submit some kind of a form from our website basically what would happen is they would be added into this system and they would get a tag so first of all how do you send these emails from webflow website to this email marketing software on report well you do this with something called zapier and that's another amazing software that we used for tons of different stuff and so here in zapier you can see how this is structured this is basically kind of like if this happens do this so in in the case of what we're talking about right now we're basically saying connect webflow to ontraport and let's click something here so that you can basically see how this is structured so this is again no quote is necessary you basically just connect these two platform and you basically say something here's a trigger if a form is being submitted in webflow and of course we choose the different form name right so this is a wait list for the six figure freelance designer and then what would happen so what would happen is we want to create or update a content a contact in ontraport and basically we want to pass the data and we want to add some kind of a tag in this case the tag is for the waiting list now when they get a tag they will be added to some campaign like we have here and then they're starting to get some kind of a campaign logic so here they will get an email with the template and then i'm doing a condition i'm asking if they were in our system before then we don't need to send them anything but if their first time in contact with us i want to send them a series of email introducing ourselves and sending them some more valuable emails so i'm going to create some logic here like wait one day and then send them another email and then send wait two days and then send them another email so this is how we basically structure our campaign and do email marketing which is super important in our business but in most businesses as well so these are kind of like the core functions of introducing people to our offers and then getting them onto our email marketing platform now the way that we manage most of the communication within our team is using a software called coda now coda if you you're familiar with notion it's pretty similar to notion but i prefer it a little bit but it's it's more or less the same it's basically documentation but you can also do project management as well so as you can see this is the dock this is the main hq dock for flux where all the basic all the initiatives are being run and you can see here for example these this is kind of a timeline of all the initiatives that we're running right now and you can see everybody's task here so we have basically a huge task list and each team member can go ahead and see what tasks is assigned to them when is the due date and what they have to do and so this is a view per person but you can also do a view per campaign and then you can click on a project and then you can see all the projects within you know this one specific uh project that we have here so this is basically how we collaborate and how we um and how we manage our tasks here's another example of a document that we run in coda this is our content creation documentation which basically here's the calendar of all the content that we're running and we're running content on instagram on youtube on tick tock seo and then we have a bunch of new initiatives and it's pretty similar because you know for each platform we also have a task list um we're collaborating with the editor and with the whole team here so here i am now right now recording the video for august 20 this is the folder will it will be saved this is the title who's recording this video for what platform so basically this is how we imagine ever manage everything and of course we have all the different you know ideation we keep ideation hashtag guidelines all of these different stats how things are performing and we basically manage everything from this one and in coda we have tons and tons of doc all the internal documentation and communication within the team because we are running and managing a remote team and a distributed team across time zones and countries uh documentation is super super important and this is uh one of the best tools that we have for that now this is the tool that we're running to actually manage and host our courses so this is a tool called teachable and this is basically a course online course creation platform basically you create courses here and then this is for example how we're building the curriculum so this is the place where you're basically saying i want to have a new lecture you upload the video you can structure you know what video is going to show up first and then manage the chapters or the different modules and everything so this is where we um this is basically where we people are actually seeing our courses and they we are also using basically teachable to do the checkout process for us so instead of having the checkout process on our webflow website and then we have to manage the checkout and then send people maybe through zapier into reviewing the uh the courses on teachable we're actually using teachable to do the actual checkout so basically when people will want to purchase we will put here um let's say here on the webflow course page we're going to connect the buttons here the purchase buttons here we're going to link them into a teachable checkout page and then people will check out here and then they will purchase from here um now here you can actually see here is let's do a preview so this is what a student will look like right so this is basically how they're watching all the videos and you can see that here at the bottom right they have this kind of like a chat icon and basically when they click this this opens up a community and this is where all our students you can see this one has 3 500 students in it and basically this is where they're hanging out asking for help creating relationships you know getting support from our coaches and everything so they have access to this and this is actually another platform here it is i'm gonna open it up it also has a domain on its own community at and this is a a third actually product this is a community product called circle um actually it's the some people who work that teachable the online courses started a new company focused on the on community so these are the people of circle and basically we've integrated circle into the as you can see into our teachable experience so people will have learning and community embedded at the same time but this is as i've mentioned this is a third product so we do have to create another zapier basically saying hey when somebody purchased a course on teachable also add them into a circle so this is another automation that we use zapier for to connect few more uh products so this is the let's say the customer experience for for online learning and then this is our support so we're using a tool called helps cup to manage our support if you are on our website you can see we have this help thing here and you can click here and you can write our support or of course if you just you know click support or write our support email this will basically send an email here and this will open up a ticket for our support system and from here they can each go and assign ticket based on the topic to make sure that the relevant person is going to is going to answer the ticket the last tool that i want to show you is this tool it's called video ask so here on our website if let's go here to our page our courses so on this page which basically show all of our courses we have this little video thing here and this is basically an experience if you click this it's a video experience i'm gonna stop this right now but it's basically a video recording of me talking and it's interactive so i'm asking you a question and people answer this question and basically it's kind of like a conversation where at the end once i've asked them enough questions and i understand their needs and their points i make the recommendation to what course i think will be the best fit for them so this is a we think this is really helpful in solving because one of the biggest questions that we had previously is which course is best for me for my situation so we've implemented this tool instead of having people to just reach out to our support so it really decreased support and actually creates a much better um user experience for the person who is thinking about enrolling in one of our courses so this is as you can see here it's a product called video ask that we integrate into our website and this is basically the you know the back end of that product where i can basically set up the state and i can also look at the kind of like the analytics so how people are how people are responding basically to our um to our questions and that's really interesting for us to know what people are struggling with and what what do they need help with and that's pretty much it those are the tools that we use as you can see none of them requires advanced coding it's basically embedding you know an embed code in our website to connect these two products together and that really helps us to build a business that can scale that can give service to thousands of customers with zero code and most of these tools don't have a huge learning curve right if you as a designer take a look at them or at least understand the tools that are available today you'll be able to help solve your clients problem and build these types of businesses online businesses for them which is highly highly valuable so i recommend understanding kind of the landscape of what no code products are out there that will allow you to do that yourself i hope you found this valuable if there's any tools that you'd like to dive more into or let us know in the comments below otherwise i'll see you on the next video peace out
Channel: Flux
Views: 10,316
Rating: 4.9692307 out of 5
Keywords: become a graphic designer 2020, freelance web designer, graphic designer job, ran segall, web design, web design business 2020, web design freelance, web design freelancer, web designer career, web design 2020, flux academy
Id: q6HRmW_-rG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.