Behind The Scenes Of An Aircraft Carrier | Warship E3 | Our Stories

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this is HMS illustrious a billion pounds worth of War Machine plus these home to nearly 1 000 sailors and is Heading an international task force halfway round the world on a mission to flex their military muscles the deployment's about to enter the sun-soaked Middle East but danger is just around the corner if someone's shooting at you you can see muzzle flashes you can shoot back foreign [Music] and while the captain calls the shots from the bridge the buffer coordinates the operation on the lower decks but how do you get a 20 000 ton aircraft carrier through such a narrow port it's easy just give it a little tug we have to be very careful with foreign tugs although these are very very experienced tug drivers you just have to pay that little bit more attention to them because if we start to pull them rather than putting us it could be quite catastrophic for the tug it's nice to see so many people turned out looking up at the uh at the castle buildings there seems to be hundreds of people there just to wave us off which is fantastic what a brilliant run of Shield we've had these stopovers are a perk of the job for a crew that often Spends months at sea why did I join the Navy the age-old question you get to travel the world you're getting paid for it good weather being on a ship you do travel around to a lot of places get to see a lot of foreign ports [Music] but life on Border warships no holiday especially for the new recruits every day for the last five weeks has been an eye-opening experience for people like 27 year old ex-roofer Darren Marshall you've got a message 20 000 ton ship and um and I'm steering it so the first time I was doing it I was quite nervous it's a lot different from being a roofer and down in the optimum fellow newbie Steve Deans also learning fast it was a bit daunting at first when I got on and getting used to how everything run and what procedures are in place and everything bad point about being on a ship has been away from your family and friends but if you can get get a grip on that you're right it's a massive learning curve straight away they were thrown into the deep end and they probably would have thought what the hell's going on and they were a bit Shell Shocked two of us being seasick but um especially you know especially me but getting used to it now Darren and Dino were part of five Delta mess down on five deck it's one of 33 messes on board each home to up to 25 Crews sharing a bedroom bathroom and living room which mess is given a sea Daddy to look after its new boys so how did Mo Morrison land this job Wrong Place Wrong song of a mess they'll say that's probably the worst job because not only have you got your job throughout the day you've got to look after them as well and as any daddy will tell you just keeping the house clean is a constant battle gotta make sure the mess is totally basically ready for Rounds because it's me that gets it in the neck if it isn't holiday or clean this is a good example of seat cover changing thank you well not that good example with 25 sweaty Sailors sitting on them it's a necessary fortnightly chore but not what 18 year old Taft Edwards had in mind when he joined the Navy this is what it's all about see all the Soaps come on the sinks and Taps have been scrubbed off now I caught a toothpaste and soap scum all the pubes are out of the scuppers down there that's usually a good pube Haven down there and the ginger ones are Taps yeah yeah some of them I'll be sad to see him go you know they're they're good lads and you know you could you could tell good lads they're just they just get on with it without any problem whatsoever and you know some of them you know see you later not bothered illustrious and her crew are traveling through the Mediterranean but in four days time they'll have to navigate the narrow 101 mile sewers canal and the ship's company will have to be ready for any potential terrorist attack Readiness increases we we've become much more focused and continue training so that when we hit the canal we're fully ready and prepared to do what we may need to do [Music] anyway but Captain chick has got a more immediate problem it's one of your legs one of the crew has gone missing last scene last night worst case scenario they're not gone over the side at some point in the night so what we then do is invoke operation thimble hunt this is the next size we go through if someone can't be found on board and we think they might be missing in two minutes time for a man overboarding these Waters the chance of survival is Slim So the ship immediately swings into action the messes they're mustered by mess and that way we check that everyone's available logs apartment fully closed up more present olly Junior WS are wrestling correct executive warrant officer Russell Billings is the linchpin of this operation receiving and broadcasting details of the search you hear that this is anyway all personnel with the exception of ab Southworth have been accounted for therefore commence phase two commence phase two each department has an area of the [ __ ] they've got to search all the little areas cubby holes throughout the ship do we know when the last time you've decided 1930 last night now they've reported that their areas have been cleaned but no one's actually visually assigned to them doing that on a ship this size phase two could take up to two or three maybe four hours um and then we're running out of options really as the ship prepares to turn around the crewmaker last desperate search for Abel Seaman Southworth anyway you found him where was he right can get him to the red office escort him to Reg office please thank you I found in the senior behind one of the senior Eight's bulkhead smooth his head down yeah here this is operation thimble Hunt is now complete while he was where he was we can deal with that but the main thing is he's well unsafe investigating the circumstances of Southworth Siesta will be Master at Arms Dave Harris given we just had a couple of nights in Malta there's a few tired people about so it's not entirely unexpected it's unfortunate if that's the case because as you've seen from the captain down 45 minutes worth of uh inconvenience to everybody on board we take a pretty dim view of that if there's no reason for it uh yeah it will be subjected to the disciplinary process which is where I'll step in come on in excuse me sleepy Southworth may be in for a rude awakening life on Lusty has a daily routine like any other and for Steward Rachel Wright the first job every morning is collecting the officer's dirty washing it's just part of our job and they bag it all up and share it for us and then leave it out and we pick it up and take it for us it's one last thing for them to do I suppose lusty's got her own Chinese Laundry handling up to 400 loads a day the laundry is run by key and [Music] and basically spend all their day washing our clothes and pressing their Quake flowers keeping 1 000 crew in clean clothes and bedding is a never-ending task the machines go on at seven every day and run till nine at night but for Jackie Lau it's a labor of love uh I am Joe yeah I really enjoy yeah I'm working over 10 years they spend even more time away from their families than the rest of the ship's company do sometimes if you go home uh two times one year Christmas and sometimes summer leave so two times yeah Jackie's Elite Squad of fearless laundry men need to wash dry press and dispatch every item on a 24-hour turnaround this is a 13 30 long laundry this is a van bundle today we feel it's about a about [Music] to keep tabs on this mountain of clothes is a military operation in itself so Jackie needs good men at the front line and who better than x Gurkha Dobb I joined uh in 1982 and saw for 15 years and retire on 1997 and got this job in uh Army actually we have a good discipline obviously in a long day as well we're about four or five people working here in Military Way Salt cotton yes it's clean one towel yes and another black trouser yes and two number four trouser yes correct we work in the morning like after six and went busy we cannot think about anything just work finish work laundry normally as well correct so I put here and roll it over like this I'm proud of this myself and working South with the Navy tidy up they're looking nice so you will be happy about it with the clean laundry as the main decks are Runway most of the crew rarely see daylight so today see Daddy Mo's got a treat for a handful of raw recruits been of course because we've got to go through the sewage and we have to we have to protect ourselves all the upper that weapons Crews have to be manned and the moment we haven't got enough you see so we've got to get a load of people qualified for the optimum newbie Dino it's all come as a bit of a surprise um to be honest with you I didn't realize I'd be training on the weapons I just thought I'd be in the option most of the time but apparently it's all part and parcel of it doing the training on the minigun it's forced protection weapons for uh small Fast Craft basically jet skis like arms with RPGs thank you these rookies have never had their hands on live ammunition before what do you know if you're ahead so the flare goes up as a practice Target [Music] it's an experience because it is quite scary when you first pulled the trigger but once you get into it it's good fun or in your hands it's quite good you know gives the lads a break from the normality of everyday life in the Navy where it is just clean and making sure everywhere is squared away correctly foreign they've actually fired the gpmg and the minigun they've actually done pretty well but will they hold their nerve when in two days time Lusty hits the sewers canal and they have to man their guns for real [Music] the crew's still breathing a sigh of relief after the earlier Man Overboard scare but all that's about to change so we'll just pick Fred up throw him over this over the side and watch for the ship's reactions it doesn't sound like much fun for Fred but don't worry he's done this before ready one two three Man Overboard Man Overboard Man Overboard Man Overboard starboard side when there's a cold sea you only get a couple of minutes due to hypothermia and anything below sort of 16 degree temperatures uh every second counts basically 15 degrees start your engine okay sit down there it's a nervous moment for the rookie Cox at the bridge of steady lines [Music] he may be a bit apprehensive yeah um but with the leading hand sat on his shoulder it'll prompt him if he does forget anything during the drills somewhere aren't we as I hit the water the sea boats engine is already turning five minutes after Fred fell overboard the teams on their way to rescue him it'll make his approach onto the Man Overboard doing that in a safe manner obviously trying not to run the Man Overboard over at the same time I'm just watching his drills at the moment to make sure he's doing it safely as soon as he's got the man in board we'll make all preparations to recover the man and the boat as quickly as possible at the moment they're just bringing the casualty into the boat they're administer first aid they'll find out what the initial symptoms of the casualty are whether it's suffering from cold shock whether he has any uh physical injuries gradually is unconscious unbreathing what we have here is a boat on initially go onto a boat rope which is down on the bow of the boat and this holds the boat into position underneath the crane first aido is not even holding on hold on Cox and cut your engine done it and that line is the only stealing line there is 14 minutes after he fell into the sea and Fred's back on board safe and sound straight into the hangar please and for the new coxson it's a job well done it's a black car on the way to do it in rough weather [Music] this is 814 Squadron the Flying Tigers flying I guess is inherently dangerous everyone's life in that aircraft is in your hands it is glamorous and a good fun job but the reality is it is does hold um it's it's dangerous moments as well it's first line of defense the Tigers need to be ready for anything and it's no easy job just ask one of their pilots snacks who's still hitting the books cramming in as much extra revision as I can now in and around the flying so we've got quite a busy flying program on at the minute when we get this qualification it means that we can actually be the commander of the aircraft that in charge it's quite a lot of stuff taken quite a lot of stuff to remember [Music] illustrious is home to six Merlin helicopters the biggest in the Royal neighbors Arsenal it's just over 22 meters long and it weighs nearly 15 Tons the Royal Navy Merlin is designed for anti-submarine Warfare with state-of-the-art radar and sonar systems and able to carry either four homing torpedoes or depth charges it's also equipped for surface combat with the general purpose machine gun or gpmg we can operate out to around about 200 miles on a single sortie without refueling however do need to extend that range we can refuel alongside a majority of ships and that's just done by hovering alongside the ship and winching up the fuel hose from the side of the aircraft and taking fuel from there but keeping this complex piece of Kit in the air takes teamwork the Merlin's designed to be flown by a three-man crew One Pilot will fly the aircraft one air crewman will take care of all the winching Mana gpmg and also one Observer who'll take care of the navigation and the Tactical side of the sortie and back on board there's an army of Engineers working around the clock to make sure the Merlin's ready to fly at a moment's notice we were the routine required for the flying hours but the engineers generally do a eight hour about day so it's quite a tough routine for them pilot Jack Ryan's one of the more experienced members of the 814 Squadron I have operated the Merlin in in uh in operations from both ships and land base whether that be chasing drag traffickers in the in the Caribbean or whether it's engaging Pirates off the Somali Coast there's countless different opportunities where it could be used today Jack and his crew are being sent on a reconnaissance mission to make sure illustrious has safe passage in the waters ahead we're trying to build up the picture ahead of the task group um so we can identify whether they're Merchant vessels contact with interest or military vessels and it isn't long before they spot a possible candidate different angle I'm looking forward [Music] dismissing the first ship was no possible threat the crew head for the next Target on their radar [Music] a lot of things I'm coming up this way now in my one o'clock 100 yards [Music] get his name as well yeah [Music] as well as identifying The Vessel they've got to record anything suspicious so it can be analyzed back on board illustrious [Music] oh no we're just Trucking the ship keeping an eye out while we return back to the entire mother vessel if you get a nice clear image that is then useful to the intelligence communities then on the face of it that is the successful exercise unlike the rest of lusty's crew the Tigers have only one job on board because we try to have the ethos in the fleet arm of working hard and playing hard then obviously we're quite often seen in the bar oh they all come on in their green overalls and fly around and we actually call them waffles for wet and everything useless another thing that sets them apart from the rest of the crew is their bizarre taste in soft Furnishings we went to India and whilst we're there we got some tiger curtains made up which Adorn our cabins in fact one member of the Squadron has taken the fetish for all things tiger are a bit too far tiger man is our mascot so he's very important to us as a squadron the Legendary Tiger man has been around as long as anyone can remember and can pop up anywhere at any time when I was an 814 Tigerman was there and he seems to have got a new coat now which is not a bad thing he hasn't aged at all which is remarkable maybe nose who he is nobody knows where he lives hey shut himself off it's Judgment Day for sleepy Southworth off the cap you have the white turtle acts we tried by court marshall if you so desire alternatively you could be tried to smelly by me do you wish to elect for trial by Court martial I shall try this case myself if I find you guilty I may punishing myself or pass you on for punishment depend on your record southworth's disappearance sparked a full-scale Man Overboard alert involving the entire ship's Crew He was caught keeping in a locker sat in there like he fell asleep Angie plead guilty or not guilty to the charge Master arms is affected the ship's policeman so he presents the case as in the prosecution Jackson was searching in the vicinity of six Romeo heads when he was called Over by petosa Drake who said that he had found sir for sleep in the cleaning gear locker and he shook him on being shook he states that the EQ said quote Oh [ __ ] I'm late he then saw surf worth climb out of the uh the void space and he stood there while he was explained to him that the entire ship was looking for him according to Jackson it was obvious from his demeanor that he'd just woken up south of his interviewed under caution on the 8th of March 2008 by myself during an interview he maintained it he wasn't missing during the Fallen at all only that he had been working between the showers and the mess and each time Jackson had gone to found him he called him to him he had been moving between the two and that's why he couldn't be located at his effects of the case so yeah what have you got to say about this one maybe Southwest has been on board approximately one year during which he's established himself as a hard worker took me on part of [ __ ] and he completed his Warfare task book ahead of schedule he's told me that he is sorry for disruption he calls it took me during the thimble hunt and also to others who are affected by these events so it's now changed jobs back to uh folksall and op through and we'll be working in a watch again they've always difficulty in waking up you can no longer be an issue um rest assured it won't be the first of March you calls this ship an awful events I've seen the compartment you could only have deliberately gone in there to get your head down young man that's not good enough a day worker you should have plenty of sleep we were that close to having to turn the ship around can you imagine the impact on this deployment because we care about you now you need to look in the mirror young man and decide what you care about get a bit of pride in the ship back is it there will start showing it I don't want to see you again do you understand that seven days nines I gave him seven days number nine it's essentially the next Port visit we've got he won't be going ashore and that might make him realize next time he should do his job properly um sort your life out young man left turn left wheel quick March weight outside my office it short opens up yeah thank you all right Sam I'm sure he's a good guy all right you just need a little Shake yeah he's got one all right thanks enjoy that sir get onto that side of it there nice good answer thanks master ton right Commander Johnston May wield power over the crew but there's one person on board who answers to a higher authority and Father David Yates I'm the ship's chaplain testing testing one two three is that loud enough I I can't hear it at all we've got a helicopter burning and turning the chaplain or the Bish as he's better known isn't just there for the religious members of the crew there's two distinct strands to my to my job um on the sort of the public side of things uh I take church services We Begin our service this morning with our first home he who would Valiant be and then on the the more private and confidential side of things I'm also available for anyone on the ship who's having problems to identify ways of solving you know the said problem [Music] you knew that the Sunday morning with the service and the refreshments afterwards it does make a nice bracket a step change in the routine from the rest of the week gives those that wish to chance to pause and and think their thoughts most of the time I thoroughly enjoy it but every now and then something comes up and at the front of my mind I'm talking to the person in the back of my mind and thinking to myself gosh what do I say to this one the analogy I sometimes uses it's a bit like watching um a swan you know it's gliding along the water quite confidently but underneath it's loads of pedaling like mad [Music] neighbor chaplains don't have military rank therefore we take the rank of the person we're talking to which I always mean as you know I just treat everybody with respect and treat everyone as an equal how are you doing hello if I was Finding Hard Rock set I'll actually go to Chaplin I'll go and speak to uh the dish which I've done quite a few times so far we're a safety valve in the engine if you like because people can come and let off steam to us before it becomes a big problem but in the ship's Chapel down on seven deck finding a quiet moment for reflection can be difficult if you happen to look behind me at the um the raised area behind me it's where part of the the drive shaft of the ship runs through so the noise we're hearing is actually the shaft turning and the propellers moving on the under the water we have learned to tune it out but if the ship's going particularly fast it does get very noisy down here I believe very strongly in the Democratic Freedom that we enjoy within our country not too bad and I also believe that if we value that freedom we should be prepared to make a stand and in defense of that freedom now as a priest I'm not allowed to take up arms but uh it is my place and my role to help and support those that do we've been quite quite Alive's good yeah no no problems with that when you guys get busy the rest of us get worried once I'm in the Navy I can't then say oh well I'll do the mess dinners but I won't do the wars thank you very much it doesn't work like that um you know the choice was to join once I've joined I go where I'm sand um and you know I I don't have any moral problem with that view because lust is heading headings waters for five weeks the crew have trained and drilled but now they're preparing to defend themselves for real because in 10 hours time they hit the Suez Canal located in a volatile region much of this Hundred Mile Waterway is too narrow for Lusty to turn in making her a Sitting Duck if she comes under attack the fleet regroup ready for the challenge ahead amongst their company is the USS Cole a previous terrorist Target in October 2000 the cold was attacked by Al-Qaeda suicide bombers who blew a hole in a hull killing 17 of her crew now in desert camouflage and given a no-nonsense talk on the Rules of Engagement in all situations you ought to use no more force and absolutely necessary right so someone's blotting at you right on automatic doesn't mean you switch to automate it means you engage with single shots remember you've got to justify every single shot that you fire if you kill someone you will have to justify that in a court of law if you've got it wrong you will go to prison on the outer deck it's Ned turbot's job to check and arm the mounted defenses all the upper deck weapons all the four mini guns gpmgs and the forward goalkeeper all going to be loaded ready to go just in case anybody decides to attack us with all this amount of Manpower on the upper deck of the weapons that we're going to have nothing's going to get past this one at Delta Oscar for Echo for power over relaying information between the Ops room bridge and the centuries will be crucial and is the job of warfare Officer Phil Dennis there are terrorist organizations within Egypt itself sinking Us in the canal would be a big hit for them a lot of those organizations are islamist as well so they see us as part of the Coalition with the Americans and the other nations in the Gulf which is uh working in Iraq and Afghanistan so they could see us as a target for those sort of reasons as well a challenge must be given before opening fire you're the challenge by shouting navy stop right fire in in English right they may not understand what you're saying but the forcefulness of you saying it right will mean they'll probably get a general idea when you're pulling a rifle at them the rate this fires out you know three thousand rounds a minute so you've got 60 seconds worth of firing in there it doesn't sound a lot but all you would really need is about three or four seconds worth and that would be enough to take out any Target but many of these young Sailors will be standing Century for the first time including Dino and Taft from five Delta mess still under the watchful eye of C Daddy and Gunner mum you're looking at the small grass people on the jet eat RPGs that type of thing however if you see anything that you think might be of that description give someone a call first all right if someone's shooting at you and you can see muzzle flashes coming towards you you can shoot back okay when you're out there make sure you're Vigilant because the time you're not being vigilant is when the guy's gonna come in on his craft and blow himself up on the side of the ship there's a lot of young Lads on board be a big wake-up call forwarding looking forward to a good experience of me to see what's going on up there and hopefully not get shot after this is what we signed up for this is you know we're ready for it so see ya as it comes [Music] yeah there come on speaking good evening just want to discuss uh the next 36 hours as we uh Transit the Suez Canal Lebanon remains quite sense and uh well you've got to bear in mind as we Transit pursue is it's a real threat out there there won't be any exercise scenarios if the alarm sounded it's surreal bit uh far flood or or even worse if there's any instance deal them quickly and efficiently but above all be safe let's get through the canal safely over the next 36 hours in for legacy and continue with the deployment that is all [Music] right foreign the canal in the dead of night as Taff and the other new recruits assemble on the deck the gravity of their situation begins to Dawn on them seems a bit a lot different it seems more real now it seems as if you're actually doing it the main effect will probably be someone on the Shore Fire Manassas especially yeah someone popping off in there fly with an RPG towards the ship of what would be the worst thing we could see pilot transformation yeah still 198. I'm just going through the initial part of the Suez Canal Transit the Deep ship gets a local pass on board who gives his advice the pilots have extreme experienced so we take their advice that's how we turn control of the ship obviously foreign this is real now this isn't fast anymore so they're a bit more wary of what's going on there's a little bit of sense of anticipation yeah ever since September the 11th and the terrorist threat's gone up it's always like this now I remember the first time went through here no one was close like we were sunbathing on the flight deck and playing Flight Deck volleyball on the way through but uh not anymore it's all hands to the pumps everywhere though Roger thank you [Music] lusty's made it through the night and though vigilance is still required with sunrise and clear visibility the threat against her is greatly reduced half minigun Bridge expectant pilot boat around the corner that's five ten minutes time it's only now the new recruits can take in their unique surroundings let's win it is every red flag we read flag as a Squatty you've been here all know I think we're getting off today Egyptian government and Egypt the country owns a huge amount of foreign revenue from ships using the suicide I think it annually it's about two billion dollars so a big input for their economy so they're very keen of course that one of the canal stays open and secondly that there are no incidents relationship's going through trees are still the only crew allowed up top below decks cabin fevers taken hold and the cooped up crew are challenging Lusty to erase we're rowing the same distance as the series which is work it out you've got to stay actually indoors you can't wander around the upper deck off the guy Target as you can see his confined it's working when it's 18 seconds unfortunately it's 10 week 7 15 but hey I'm getting older I'm gonna die now foreign the fleet have put danger behind them clearing the sewers canal and entering the Red Sea [Music] his flight deck those off duty are soaking up the Sun as others prepare to let off steam and party military style go forward stay a step back take a step back okay where are the shop mats fitness instructor Billy May has organized it's a Navy knockout there's about 200 competitors and probably about another 400 good people watching and after they're fun they'll want feeding below decks that's the unenviable job of this man the wardrum's turn to put on a flight deck barbecue today um to that end the Wardrobe I've pushed out a number of jobs I need everybody in the world to do to help set up it's a big evolution feed just under 800 people in two hours on the flight deck using a Barbie yeah big job fortunately Lieutenant barfoot's used to having a lot on his plate I'm senior fighter controller I'm also the battle watch director I'm an officer of the watch I'm also a divisional officer I'm the ship's senior boarding officer I am the folks or part of ship officer I'm the electronic chart display information systems office so I'm the ship's rugby officer I'm the ship's band officer I'm also the Wardrobe social secretary and we always put it out to the wardroon votes and I kind of won by a landslide so I had to say that one right go off to see how these barbecues are being set up if they are at all right it's all right one of the concerns was that um we had some of the flight deck damaged when the Spanish harriers were on board last year and they basically put two holes in the deck at the moment got a bit of time to spare so I think I'm going to watch the flight deck cruise and the rest of ships company in this uh it's a knockout tournament thank you foreign [Music] on the flight deck the fans in full flow although the improvised bobbing apples are leaving a sour taste in Sid Little's mouth yeah it's not the best apple dunking because it's not apples and masking tape doesn't taste quite so good yeah massively all guys chaos but [ __ ] have you ever seen him smiling so much since we left from the UK Wars I get in a few supplies Avery assisted by Lee the only officer to have turned up for this so surprise surprise there yeah everybody's got a chance to have a shot of the title well done a fight with evil on the slippery fold a bit of water at the moment that's my probably my favorite one Evo Russell Billings is the reigning champion on the slippery pole but there's no fear fighting today not the only one taking an early bath sorry Mr Clark tiger on the deck okay no animals on the Fly deck um it's a little bit behind time but um hopefully we can pick that up I have every faith in my sheds but then Barfield would say that considering who his chefs are our chefs are never let me say that too many cooks spoil the broth certainly on the top echelons we have Commander we the commander commander Logistics Harry who's uh Lieutenant Commodore 814 all the uh ingredients for a disaster no joking don't say that because I'll get the blame right fingers crossed um it's quality so it's quantity uh control I know uh so it's obviously well on it here um but it's one sausage one sausage one sausage one Burger one piece of chicken again they can help themselves obviously to bake potatoes and salads and stuff when does their barbecue start 1800 the booze is due to come up at about 1800 funny enough [Music] foreign [Music] after a stressful couple of days the barbecue is a welcome release but although lusty's crew can turn in after their Tucker for one person the knights only just begun next time on warship illustrious is invaded hurry boys kind of arrogant and cocky an 814 Squadron are on the defensive we're still the top tigers
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 402,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes, hms, royal navy documentary, navy documentary, british navy, life in the navy, navy training, royal navy training, warship, aircraft carrier, life on a warship, life on a aircraft carrier, inside a warship, inside an aircraft carrier, hms illustrious
Id: uIkPBozcGzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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