Behind the Scenes in Jay Leno's Garage

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you've nearly blown me up several times check this sweeney peter is pretty amazing this is like Jetson check out it really is I am Dennis gage welcome to my classic car well I'm back out in California check out with Jay Leno has gotten in his shop he's always got fun things and he got some stuff in pieces now Jay well it's a rainy day it's a range and whenever Dennis comes it's always really Dennis so we thought we'd show you some of the project working on this is Jim Hall he's our chief fabricator Jim Janus does all the wonderful fabricating we do here the garage and you know what this is a chassis for Dennis see how good you are I wouldn't have even recognized this as a chassis okay well this is the Lotus Elan chassis 1964 this is sort of a revolutionary chassis so it made them so lightweight you see not a lot of door guard it's just old backbone right at the all backbone but no no side protection you get hitting this thing you're over but it made it lightweight and fast and a production along with a radio and heater and everything in a top weighed what 1,400 pounds well your white one was 1508 with fuel in it 15:08 with human okay so what we're going to do here is try and replicate one of the most famous racing lotuses in $26.00 we've got that the R stood for racing and that was what they did the factory to create race cars out of a Ilan's which were street cars well you've done I mean I see a lot of weld spots in here yo you just stiffening it up it's stiffening it up I mean this is if you look at the gauge of the metal it's pretty thin these are pretty flexi flyers they're way stronger because of the fiberglass body when it's all bolted together but for racing we had all these gussets in if you flip this over their gussets underneath and it's in gussets at the back where the differential bolts in just everything to make it a little bit strong how about this piece here that's our new engine or transmission mount right and one of the things you wanted to do it's like okay it's a great car Jay's described them as being like the Bugatti of its era oh I think it is yeah lightweight dream fast power-to-weight they know there are very few cars in the real world in real world road driving that can keep up with a Lotus Elan you know when I was a kid you know the Corvette with the 427 was like I know $5,200 and the Lotus Elan a little four-cylinder was about forty four hundred dollars so why would you buy this little English thing with 115 126 horsepower you can have this monster car and it was until I got older I really appreciated the finesse and the handling of the Lotus Elan and I realized it's really nothing much more fun I mean we have McLaren f1 we have the zr1 Corvette so those are all fantastic but you've got to travel at such a high rate of speed to have any fun with it you know the lowest you can literally slide around in your lane and hardly anything can keep up with you they're very very quick cards so you're beefing it up but I think I bet you got more in mind first of all Jake ordered from Bernards engine builder an all aluminum block two litre twin cam engine will show you this as you know the original engine was cast-iron right uh this is aluminum so you save a little bit there it's a little bit bigger it looks like a 1600 but it's 2,000 CCS is it too later but let's not get electric the body your body over here and this is the this is the the white one I mean when we did lightweight cars we did the white and a blue one right at least a look at him anyway did we take my white one out we never took him out okay well this was the white one and we realized could turn this into a 26r would have had to add these fender flares and all this other stuff and Jim had a guy a Lotus racing guy who bought a bunch of these bodies from the factories a number years ago so he picked us up pretty reasonably Jim just did this beautiful fabrication here I got kind of big feet so he's made the box to fit my feet see we got my shoes in yeah I mean I don't always have J to help me out like okay Mary I've used to drive these things these little dainty feet you hit all the pedal where is this he made this box he made the pedals good sign hit that shoe right innocent that ship so this is going to be like a Kerala made suit by the time with no work so this is the lightweight body as you can see Tony this isn't actually the white body no you save the white body have the white body yeah this is a this is the the Racing 26 so in this body only weighs seventy four kilograms no pull body yeah whole body so what you do the math that's like a hundred and fifty pounds yeah a lot pretty amazing pretty amazing it when you get hit by with - you being this baby you know it oh that's actually you don't cuz you're not here anymore this is where obviously the roll bar is gonna go mm-hmm the 26 are do not have the flip up headlights so just going to go Plexiglas or size two glasses won't have it either but come on we'll show you that engine and transmission combination we were talking about here is that engine that we had made it's 2 liter it's well over 200 horsepower which is a lot better than 115 it's probably two and a quarter or something like that it's got the big Weber's on it and where is our gearbox gearbox is on the pallet next here we go here we are this was I was one of Jays other things he heard that there quake made a 6-speed sequential gearbox sequential as you know the original owners was a 4-speed this is a 6-speed sequential bang bang bang bang bang so this car should be pretty pretty fast and pretty pretty bulletproof - I mean it'll be just be ready fast yeah but as you can see this isn't beautiful yeah yeah so and it's pretty light - it's not that heavy a motor you can see you oh yes that's not bad not that heavy you know that's an original valve cover and that's about the only thing left on the engine this is original that's basically where we are here okay so that's the Lotus that's the Lotus what did you have ripped apart beside it all right beside it is a car most Americans have never heard of me I'll show you that back out of the engine room well this car here you got here a little late we just took started to tear into this this week kind of a fixer-upper well this economy hasn't been started since mid-50s it is a 1935 Frazier nash TT special TT replica this is not a car that is well known here in America it'll certainly Frasier and Nash no no you're not that's not even not done not even not in the same company this is an English car right English car yeah a totally English car and the phrase in a club in England is very over there years ago to try and buy one they don't like him leaving the country a little bit they show up at the dock with sticks that's not going to happen so I knew there were a few in the United States and I found this one up in Washington State it's the real key to these things these were incredibly fast race cars especially when tracks were sort of semi paved or hunt because it had this gearbox this is your gearbox here they call this a fraser nash chain drive somewhat primitive but you can slam ship bang bang Banga Stephen shifted as faster you could shift any modern car that's the cool thing about it is the change would jump here with these dogs and makes all sorts of cool noises it's a solid axle so you I mean that there's not this almost like it's locked up so you you tend to eat two tires when you slide around corners yeah but incredible traction and corners and you could slide around them and they were really fast very lightweight about the size of an MG TD what a crazy setup though and it looks like it slings an awful lot of oil it does sling an awful lot of oil yeah but that's all right you see the oil it yeah it's in fact is that what these are those are so it's got ya chain Luger photos there if you move them you can move that gear shift the other way this one that's the gear shift to see the you can engage it's disconnected I'm just gonna I'm sorry it's disconnected right now but that gives you some idea how it works here's the it was a radiator for day what is in here that's your drive shaft Wow connects right to there in the spring on it that's the spring on your drive shaft this is a Blackburn engine twin cam three carburetors aluminum block aluminum block very sophisticated yeah you know Frasier Nash would use whatever engines were available some had Meadows some had Blackburn some head and Sami and that's what this is and what you would vintage engine is this well same as a car 35 35 everything on this car came with it from the factory they built what 83 of these lady replicas here we've got a design and make a new piece I'm here some of the water inlets all rotted out we will design those on our 3d printer again you're not gonna find parts for this in jani we're at least certainly not in the United States this is a really interesting design too when this thing is basically a 1700 cc engine I mean it's a 6-cylinder engine but it's a all motor yeah yeah it looks like a Ford and it does it's really it's an odd design tiny little side draft carburetors but you know if this said Alfa Romeo or Ferrari on it cost a fortune but it was pretty advanced you know like you say twin cam three carburetors it makes some horsepower so when this thing gets back together it'll go pretty good Dorothy Hamill the ice capade this 3d printer is pretty amazing there it is right here let me show you this thing I still don't understand these things this is like Jetson technology is you know we're a kid you'd watch the Jetson you press steak dinner and a baked potato in a stage because the chocolate cake would come out you know in two seconds it's making a part right now and the way it works is well here let's go to the computer it scans apart it scans it a million parts per square inch and it will make you an exact copy you put a wrench in and you get a wrench out that functions like you don't get the funds that's why you did you put an extremely complicated piece like this in you design this on a computer you press the button it makes it for you and it comes out like that comes out exactly like that you broke your wife's vash she's here in a car just scan it you make a new one you can even put the design on the inside which the original artist couldn't do the way it works is for example just to see a chain we put a chain and obviously wouldn't make a chain out of plastic but we put a chain in see the way it does is you have this okay here we go essentially this plastic and what this does is it scans it at a million points per square inch 3d and this laser not eat meat meat meat meat meat meat you'll see everything going by by layer by layer by layer by layer it does it in this kind of a wax type material though not wax then you put this in hot water in a solution this melts away and you're left with your finished piece so that in there is laying down both the white and the black right and it's calculators calculated all the space right exactly between the chains so when the black stuffs gone it functions example here's a fitting for a Stanley Steamer this is made of brass you're not going to find one of these so you scan it and then you take it to a machinist this is a feed water heater for a white steam car a 1907 you're not going to find one of these you design it on the computer you can either copy the original one and scan it yeah or you can draw your own and make a new one it'll make you an exact there's not a piece for your car you can't make you can do connecting around you can if you have you have a car and your door handles are missing you got a picture of the original door handle scan the original picture it'll make you the original door handle now it'll make it in this plastic and then like everybody you can write the mole for example if I was to take the metal original piece to a pattern maker they wanted $4,500 to make the pattern for this I got it made in metal for $200 everything done ok you saw the point in plastic here it isn't metal the guys designed it on the computer we took it to a guy he made it for us we now have a brand new 1914 water pump water pump for premiere car car that was off the road not usable anymore can now be driven and used again and this way you can also with that prototyping imagine you'd test fit and stuff yes if you're for example for example we made some mistakes on this cover going to make another cover II made it too thin yeah so if you put some more metal in there to strengthen up I'm going to make a new kind of casting to cover a nice finish ones but that's that's basically it we just said you didn't want to be blue I don't blown up again that's what we know and then my smoke signals she'll clean up you want to thrown it on gas natural gas it'll quiet down advance it and this would run for 24 hours a day what did this thing do this came out of the oil field and out here in California 1800 cubic inch single cylinder yeah but very smooth put your hand on it yes lose it I was like put your hand on a big rhino or something shut up well you know I mean all this stuff careening around and with really no shields or no no I wish you would not like the OSHA back then does this fire every every time was this business oh now we're going the other way can it do that well you tell it no no I'm not arguing with this thing and this is what you do on rainy days in Kelvin side and you run your stationary engines you want to rotate it dance all this work and this is just using foot oil there to just yeah but I could tear you to pieces yeah look at this piston and you'll see she's got a thermometer on there to gauge your water temperature tenders not under load it won't really get that hot so that's that's a water cool it is water cool water cool yeah what does that jacketed then yeah jacketed these are all your Oilers Magneto cam these used to run in 24 hours a day all day they just never wear out guy would come around and refill the oil cups every now and then but they're just beautiful built machines because they wear all their machinery on the outside you know you can see everything moving well you know you never cease to amaze me Jay kind of fun rainy day for any day fun
Channel: MyClassicCarTV
Views: 188,931
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Keywords: My Classic Car, Classic Car, Dennis Gage, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, 3d printer, Jay Leno 3d printer, Jay Leno stationary engine, stationary engine, Lotus Elan, Jim Hall Jay Leno, 1964 Lotus Elan Chassis, 1964 Lotus, 1964 Lotus Elan, Jay Leno Lotus Elan, Jay Leno Lotus, 1935 Frazer Nash TT Special, Frazer Nash, Frazer Nash Jay Leno, Behind the scenes Jay Leno Garage, Blackburne Engine, Blackburne, 1964 Lotus Elan Body
Id: HXkL148qi1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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