Behind the Aly Raisman interview on 60 Minutes

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inside a 60 Minutes interview with dr. Jon LaPook there you go we're good to go all right how many interviews do you think you've done over the years dozens hundreds hundreds at least is this one different yes I think it's probably the most meaningful interview I've ever done John in your sixty minutes interview with Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman she is speaking publicly for the first time seeing that she was sexually abused by the team dr. Larry Nasser you're saying you were sexually abused yes absolutely by the national team doctor yes while you were out there representing your country yes but she didn't want to talk in detail why I think she's still processing this she's young she's only 23 years old and this is her decision and we really respected that decision you know you you have a couple of warring things right on the one hand you have to be accurate you want to report as much as you can but on the other hand you really have to be sensitive to her I wanted to make sure that I did everything I could to not make things worse okay you're a teenager what was your typical teenager day so I would wake up I would eat I would go to practice the interview took four hours which is very unusual that's a long time a long time a gold silver and a bronze I have all the colors and I think one of the reasons why I took so long was I was really trying to let her be a partner in the interview I didn't want it to be certainly not a grilling I wanted to see that she was comfortable and then fire a warning shot say okay now we're gonna be talking about Larry Nasser we're gonna turn now to dr. Nasir - Larry Nasir when was the first time that you give her time to react to that and to process that and then to go at the pace she wanted to go I think about you know this interview coming out with the book like that's my way of having control you know because obviously when you are a victim of any kind of abuse you feel very vulnerable you don't feel like you're in control and that's a really horrible feeling this is somebody your whole life is had a routines and she's in control and she does it the same way every time when she does the routine and and I think I felt during the interview I wanted to give her that let her do it her let her do it her way it's her story were you ever alone with Nasir yes I was along with him and I I didn't realize it at the time but that's already a violation you're never supposed to be alone with an adult where were you when you were alone with him the first time I think the the most important thing is that you should never ever be alone with someone and they should never be making you uncomfortable this is not something where we're trying to yank out something that she doesn't want to say that would have been the worst thing I'm getting that you're a little reluctant to talk about yes she felt it was sufficient for me to say I've been sexually abused I don't think I need to go into graphic detail about how 3 and E Court is the 60 minutes producer for this piece I think that next line is fine graphic details she's very determined now to chart our own course and she's kind of gone from someone who was impressionable and young and trying very hard to please everybody to finally growing up and realizing I need to please myself and I think what she's determined to do now is to just take charge of her own destiny you know she's such a strong fierce at the title of her book she is a fierce person and she clearly has a strong ethical background her parents are very supportive you know Ally was present for their interview they were present for her interview the mother the mom was and and during the parents interview was interesting there were times when Ally would say mom you Denese answer that question right what did you say or nothing me an Ally's in the background going no mama you know you're you should say this or you said that wrong and and I thought well listen you raised an Olympic champion that's pretty yes it speaks to her really wanting to control this narrative control her story and good for her think about the courage it takes to come out with this to be public about this you're so close with Ali why do you think she didn't confide in you right yeah I mean yeah I mean I I don't think she knew I don't think there was education I didn't know enough to warn her that it could be someone she trusted they want to get a message out right to to parents yeah one of their main reasons for doing this is they wanted to make it clear to people that stranger danger isn't the real danger that your kids are facing then is that the real danger is someone you know someone you trust someone who's a community leader and we know this intellectually but how do you talk to your kid about this without undermining their trust in everyone yeah that's I mean you don't want them to start fearing every adult right none of us want to say any one your life might betray you that's not something you want to say to your kids so the question is how do you flip that around in a way and from what I've been hearing when we talked to people who who deal with this it's about you you have a right to be comfortable if someone's making you uncomfortable you tell your mom and dad we tell our children use your words well we have to tell the parents the same thing use your words with your kids more than 90% of the time when a child is abused the perpetrator is somebody the child knows it's an awkward conversation to have with your little with your little kid whether it's a little boy a little girl but we have to talk about it we have to make it so it's not awkward because the more awkward it is the more it's going to happen
Channel: 60 Minutes
Views: 223,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, CBS News, Raisman, Aly Raisman, Larry Nassar, Nassar, US National Team, USA Gymnastics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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