BEHIND BARS - Germany's Most Dangerous Jail | Full Documentary

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achen prison is both germany's most dangerous and most secure prison it houses murderers sex offenders and pedophiles their cells are inspected regularly we've had hollowed-out cans of fish for example once i even found money in the soul of someone's shoe which you really wouldn't expect peter was convicted of murder now in his mid 50s he's serving a life sentence it sounds like a cliche but not a single day has gone by where i haven't thought about freedom dutch german inmate falca nero was also sentenced to life for sexual abuse he no longer thinks about freedom as long as there's an element of uncertainty i don't want to cause anyone more harm surrounded by unscalable walls and razor barbed wire [Music] riddled with cameras and motion sensors and lit up both day and night achen prison looks like a fortress dania emmons has been in the prison for eight years but by choice she works as a prison officer her most important tools a set of keys and a personal alarm device um this is our personal alarm device called a png i have to log in so that if something happens we can raise an alarm to the whole ward and then they announce where help is needed another officers the officers are not allowed to carry firearms tasers or pepper spray running around here with a weapon would be too risky when we're taking someone outside then we have to be armed but here in the building it would be very easy for me to lose the weapon if i were alone on the ward with 20 men barred windows and locked zones the most frequent task which dania emmons does every day is opening and closing the doors there's already some bad news waiting in her office good morning good morning hi hello um were you with prisoner he got into an altercation do you know what happened yes i was there and the two of them had a little fight in the showers the issue still hasn't been resolved they're both still telling their sides for now they should be locked in so keep them both shut yeah okay okay let's do that first records are kept of every incident which occurs in the prison so that the early shift is aware of what happened the night before they're both mildly injured with swelling around the eyes and cut and a small cut above the eyes so we are keeping them locked in their cells to separate them from one another the warden block managers will resolve this and listen to both their versions of the 800 inmates in achen prison 130 highly dangerous criminals are serving life sentences with preventive detention they're convicted pedophiles murderers and sex offenders the inmates are let out every morning at six i go to open up just before six i go from door to door and do what's called a life check the prison houses exclusively male convicted criminals [Music] good morning first of all i let out the inmates with jobs in the kitchen or maintenance so they can get to work first the cells have different sizes and house different numbers of prisoners here we just have singles and over here is a group cell there's space for four people but right now they're just two good morning most of the single cells officially called holding rooms are seven square meters in area some of them nine the prison officers can look into the cells through a spy hole and secure the cell by locking the door thirty-year-old inmate christopher ostau has a clear layout for his holding room that's my bro let me introduce my office my quote-unquote dining room here's the living room bedroom and bathroom you have to divide it up a bit sometimes i see other cells with completely empty walls with no pictures or anything i couldn't have that i have to make it a little cozy so i can feel good the 30 year old father must stay behind bars for almost 11 years he's one of the few inmates who will discuss his crimes openly yeah i shall i've committed all sorts of crimes i started early at around 14. i've done robbery theft grand theft auto breaking and entering assaults that's what i'm here for in a few years christopher ostrow will be free again other inmates will be locked in here forever good morning good morning are you working today i'm going a bit later today i have an appointment with the barber since he's coming from seven okay i've told my boss good so i'll take you to work afterwards exactly thank you you're welcome former trucker peta tranqvalda has been sentenced to life with preventive detention for murder my mom is right behind it if you ask me why i'm officially here i can say from my perspective murder and self-defense i want to make clear that that isn't sugar coating my crime on the contrary um there are also cases where in my experience the verdict isn't what it seems that's what i need so if we're shined peter admits he killed someone just not planned cold-blooded murder many inmates claim not to have done what they're accused of and that they have been punished too harshly psychologists call this repression there are definitely a couple of cases here and there where that is the case but for everyone who claims to have an unfair sentence to be telling the truth something would be going very wrong so long as it's important in his 50s is serving a life sentence he has decorated his room completely in blue from the blankets to the coffee pot everything is color coordinated i'm not a fan i chose blue because i don't like to have too many different colors green yellow red black i don't like that having everything in blue for me creates harmony i only say harmony because it's just one room so it all looks a bit more harmonious than if it were multi-coloured that's why i chose blue it also means hope right but that's not why i chose it right next door to peta tranqvada there is in fact a schalke fan and somewhat unusually for achen prison he happily invites us into his cell [Music] so hello there welcome to my kingdom let me introduce myself my name is folker i'm a citizen of germany and the netherlands you can see my german side the cell or the holding room is in beautiful blue because at the national level i'm a huge schalke fan and if you come in you can see that on the international level i support the dutch soccer team [Music] i also have a friesian flag here on the right shadka scarves flags baseball caps and jerseys this cell looks just like a fan store fei caneda is also serving a life sentence with preventive detention got nine years and six months for sexual abuse i was also given preventive detention that means next year on july 4th i will have served my sentence and from july 5th i will serve my preventive detention does not want to divulge the nature of his sexual offense in prison that can be dangerous many inmates have wives and children the additional preventive detention means that even though the 56 year old has served his prison sentence he still poses a threat to society my problem is and i was honest about this at my hearing in court i still have too many fantasies and my head still isn't free so for now there's no possibility of being freed and for my part i told the court that i'm not pursuing a discharge right now because as long as there's an element of uncertainty i don't want to cause anyone more harm straight after waking them up prison officer dania emotes brings the first prisoners to work [Music] the man in white is the maintenance worker the others are going to work in the kitchen maintenance worker christopher ostrow takes a small tray with some butter slices of sausage and cheese most of the prisoners eat breakfast on the job meanwhile prison officer dania emmuts deals with the inmate's mail this is where the inmates in the open block can send their mail over here is a therapy residence and downstairs is an open block we structured it so that we don't have to collect them air from them the whole day but it's also like that in the closed areas they send off their mail at 6 15 in the morning when they get their breakfast the open shared residences house trusted long-term inmates with good behavior records their cells are only locked at night during the day they can move freely through their living area in the mail they send letters to family applications for a doctor's visit or requests for the prison library we always check the content of the letters first we have to check that there aren't any blueprints or escape plans what dania reads the most are love letters other dust isn't these are real displays of affection written over multiple days and one to an inmate's daughter how does it affect me well it depends sometimes i can't help but feel bad when i see what fate has dealt them they're not just people who were born and decided i'm going to kill someone now we have everything here when you look in most of their files you can see that they often grew up in homes or were abused themselves as children the next task of the day is sending off the checked mail and picking up the incoming mail we have to check that they have been stamped because some of them will have forgotten then the postal service comes to pick them up you also have to check where it's going and put it in the correct compartment she's barely back in the office when the telephone rings good morning the prison repair service reports that a cell lock needs to be replaced in living block one often often in the open block there handed their own keys to their holding rooms an inmate has lost his key one or two weeks ago and now must apply for a new one he'll have to pay for it of course i'm not sure of the exact price a colleague is coming now to get a new key fitted in the open blocks the cell doors have two locks the bigger one can only be opened and closed by the officers the smaller one is a latch lock the inmate can open it from the outside but cannot close it from the inside it's kind of socialism i can also lock it from the outside he can try to turn the key from the inside but nothing will happen he can use his key to lock his door to stop other inmates from stealing anything many of them are in here for theft so we need to ensure there are several large workshops on the prison compound from the joinery to the locksmiths ten different businesses produce their products here they range from packaging jobs to complex assembly lines the prison also has its own utility room a laundry and a warehouse i have to note down from my colleagues how many people were sent off it's harder to see in the dark but my colleagues are behind receiving the inmates so we have to wait until they're past the yard and in their workstations not everyone in prison has a job there are also unemployed inmates as well as those who must still attend school please release inmates for classes now we're taking everyone who has classes or cleaning jobs in the education center one student has registered us sick so he won't be going today no one from the upstairs block is going one or two from downstairs houses over 60 nationalities many new arrivals don't speak a single word of german as an incentive to learn the inmates are paid 34 euros a month to take parts in classes course einstein's first there are the beginners courses for people who can't speak a word of german mr silvan teaches those they start from hello how are you mom and dad then there are the intermediate courses where they form their own essays and write out dictations now we can see all the students coming the class is filling up as well as language courses such as german spanish or english there's also a computer course in the computer course inmates are introduced to computing so that when they're released they might at least be able to apply for jobs some of them have been in here for 10 or 15 years so they've missed the whole digital age when some of them were incarcerated tvs were still black and white so the computer course is there to bring them up to speed [Music] today peter tankwada an inmate serving a life sentence can come to work a little later he has an appointment with the barber the barber isn't here yet we can hear when the door opens and go and see if he's arrived or not but this morning the barber who is self-employed doesn't arrive peta tranqvalda must get ready for work from most of the inmates perspective this 50-something has a dream job working in the warehouse so this is my daily route to work eight doors are opened and shut in front and behind him in the prison warehouse peta tranqvalda is the maintenance worker meaning he's a jack of all trades he cleans the uniforms washes dirty dishes and keeps the whole warehouse clean it's a good job i always say that good is relative working in the chamber here is quite an independent job you can work by yourself and you know what needs to be done i prefer that to working in a workshop where someone is always looking over your shoulder fortunately that's not the case here there are extra prison cells in the warehouse they are for inmates who have a lawyer's appointment for example or will get day release from imprisonment soon these for example are probably the clothes of an inmate who has an appointment since he's had his clothes for a few years i wash them one more time so that he can wear them fresh again warehouse manager thomas magne is aware of his employees long prison sentences still he judges them not by their past but by what they are today i see the workers here first and foremost as people mr clinkvalde is calm quiet he has prison experience of course but also life experience as well he's tidy and easy to get along with and works here as a cleaner we don't have any problems with him whichever job he's assigned to practically every inmate thinks that he earns too little for the task he must perform here after camera i earn 100 euros a month is it enough i don't think so it's tight for me i don't get any support from outside so i have to pay for everything myself even postage stamps is familiar with the issue concerning low pay but there's something the inmates like to forget [Music] if he says that 100 euros isn't enough he's not counting the fact that people on the outside pay for his rent for example he lives here cost-free and is fed three times a day for free some people could only dream of that all of the visits to doctors specialists dentists that all adds up so i think his 100 euros are actually enough for him to buy tobacco or candy or whatever else he wants to buy [Music] is also a maintenance worker responsible for the open living area he washes the inmates clothing and cleans the cell block the 30-something earns much more than the other inmates 140 euros a month but despite this position of trust he must always be ready for a cell inspection mr austral we have to check your holding room quickly okay the officers check three to four cells per day at random first a short strip search this is normal for me you definitely get used to it they have to check to make sure you're not hiding anything so my colleague has to perform the search since it's meant for men and women for women we are in a fully male prison so unfortunately i always have to fetch my colleagues a full inspection of a holding room would take a whole hour so the officer focuses on the essentials the window bars and outer wall are always checked we just look for any security threats things that aren't allowed to have in the past officers have found weapons or escape tools experience has taught them which hiding places the inmates prefer we always have to look in the corners that the inmates don't want to be seen or where they don't think we'll want to look trash cans are very popular for example after all who wants to look in a trash can dirty washing is another popular spot i'll say i believe first rule of holding room inspections anything can be a hiding place we've had hollowed-out cans of fish for example that you think still look like regularly packed cans of fish once i even found money in the sole of someone's shoe which you really wouldn't expect even the mattresses are popular stash spots it doesn't take long to cut a hole and stick a cell phone inside what's what i want to teach you my bison off person of course you always have to be careful not to catch a syringe or anything like that inmate austral's room like many other inmates is covered with photos of naked women [Music] i usually look behind family photos and i check their criminal history for example if anyone has previous history with children or something i check that there aren't pictures of small naked children on the walls especially in these residences but otherwise they should know for themselves they haven't seen any women while they have been here so if they want to decorate their rooms like that young female prison officers in particular often experience sexual harassment at the hands of inmates i can't really describe it someone would say something dumb like nice butt or whatever some of our female colleagues would attest to that but in that moment you have to step in and say that's enough now no more convicted felon christopher ostrow's walls are not just covered with pictures of naked women there's also room for photos of his family wife children and stepchildren [Music] i wouldn't say they were thrilled it just happened luckily they're still standing by me despite everything they visit me once a month from touring every time they drive 800 kilometers 400 here and 400 back which is a long way to go so it's easier for me than it is for them [Music] is one of the highest security correctional facilities in germany why it has infrared motion sensors complete camera surveillance and a huge body of staff with over 400 employees for around 800 inmates this is the final destination for convicted felons a food delivery has arrived verna masak is an industry leader in deliveries for german prisons he delivers to his clients in achen prison once a week now we're unloading the inmates commissary which they ordered on friday it's been delivered now and will be divided up between the blocks a huge truck full of all kinds of supplies during unloading it becomes clear that even in prisons things don't always go according to plan a crate falls to the ground once a week the inmates can buy almost anything of course they can't buy drugs alcohol or cell phones but apart from that they can buy anything shower gels all kinds of candy shaving products which you can imagine tv magazines anything change of scenery the closed section of block 5. here untried prisoners wait for the supplies they've ordered different safety guidelines apply here as you can see the whole hallway is a bit more sterile and the feeling of distance we spoke about earlier is more pronounced here sometimes you just know their names since the turnovers so high a lot of them are imprisoned for failing to pay a fine or something like that so they're gone after a day and then the next one comes it's a mad house right next door is occupational therapy where inmates gain their first experience working with tools alongside hobby horses and wooden motorcycles this is also where achen prison's best sellers are made we're mainly building bird houses nesting boxes bat for the forest service and then feeding troughs for the bridle or even posts to put the saddle on johannes tunisian from the achen area used to work in the sex trade and was sentenced to six and a half years in prison for attempted murder i used to be a part of a biker gang and we were involved in drug dealing prostitution pimping all that crap it's time for inmate peter tranqvalda to tackle the prison library the books need dusting and the floors need mopping thoroughly as long as i don't bust my back it's okay [Music] the prison library stores 8 000 books and around 5 000 dvds there are books in several languages including religious texts from the bible to the quran but if the only thing that we don't have is pornography prison celibacy reigns supreme that gives kindness there's no pornographic material no dvd stash maybe some erotic novels but very mild convicted sexual offender falca nadel works in the core area of the prison warehouse he's also hung up a shagga crest in the tailoring workshop i'm the prison tailor for the convicted inmates we have two tailors one for convicted inmates and one for inmates awaiting trial who's only there for when the clothing and laundry stack up we don't make anything new we only do repairs and patchwork lunch is served at 11 30 a.m in the past the inmates had to be brought to their cells to eat their food but that required too many staff members now there are break rooms in the workshops and the warehouse most people complain about the prison food me included of course you can't make everyone happy but it's quite the combination sausage with white cabbage and vegetables it just doesn't go together one friend today we have tomato sauce and pasta mixed with eggs for example some like it some don't it fills you up if you finish it but i usually don't it's enough to survive and if he's starving then i'll come over in the evening i trained as a cook so for example last night we had hamburgers which we made in the block this large kitchen is where 30 inmates prepare the day's lunch from monday to thursday they serve pasta sausages pesto and meatballs on fridays fish is on the menu saturday is soup and sundaes are for roasts the menus can be adjusted to meet vegan or religious dietary requirements like in all kitchens special food regulations apply we have to be careful to take what i call retain samples which are stored for a week in case an entire block reports a salmonella outbreak if there is a salmonella the samples from the previous day are taken to the lab to see if it came from the food or elsewhere prison officer dania aymunds is going back to the warehouse again there are countless doors which need opening and closing there are also famous criminals in achen prison a former soccer pro a corrupt politician and the mastermind behind the glatbeck hostage crisis hans jurgen grisner but for dania aymunds murderers are not all the same i'd say if an inmate is a serial murderer he'll probably keep coming back if he ever gets the chance to leave prison and someone who just acted in the heat of the moment in their own home who may have been tortured for years and then hit someone those are the people we probably won't see again he has a doctor's appointment and the barber has shown up and since he only comes once a month to block one inmate tranqvada is allowed a visit even during work hours but before the 50-something can leave the warehouse he has to give in his work tools i have to give in my work stuff before i go to my appointment my box cutter which i use for work and the keys to the locker where i keep my hand tools cleaning equipment clothes etc [Applause] see ya see prison has two sick wards where several doctors run a clinic from monday to friday another colleague takes care of emergency service which ensures round-the-clock care a dentist also makes regular visits peta tranqvalda has arrived at the clinic and is now being met by a medical assistant mr trunk valder yes hello hello sit down thanks good morning good morning what's the matter i feel like a dying swan today i'd like some painkillers for my headaches how long have you had them for days i'll give you something for that but if they stay longer you'll have to come back if possible in ibuprofen any allergies ibuprofen none 400 horsepower 400 horsepower okay four should be enough inmate tank valder needs to hurry so as not to miss his haircut and the next patient is already waiting for medical assistant thomas klaus we don't have normal patients and i mean normal in quotation marks because there's a lack of gratitude for what we do for the inmates they want more than what they are entitled to or require to be frank sometimes prisoners are the best doctors so it's always difficult that kind of thing happens less in hospitals another big difference is that we have a lot of drug addicts who require daily doses of methadone thomas klaus has seen it all in prison from resuscitating an inmate to treating an officer whose neck and inmate had attacked with a fork but there's one thing he still hasn't gotten used to we have to open and close every door i've heard people say they even do it at home now but that hasn't happened to me yet meanwhile inmate peter tankwalda has returned to his cell where he's awaiting his haircut for the convicted murderer television offers a glimpse of freedom as a father he doesn't want to go into detail about the murder i've been dealing with the crime for the last 16 years there's hardly a day when i don't think about it of course i regret it i never wanted that outcome i didn't plan it beforehand either contrary to the court's verdict there are situations in life which you can get pulled into and then your life can change within five minutes peter's wife left him following his life sentence he hasn't seen his son and daughter now nearly adults since 2003. he's completely alone without any help from the outside i think someone watching from outside would see my prison cell and think tv radio he has a dvd player as well which one if i can't but people don't realize that i also worked for these things as an inmate and i had to say for months to afford each one there's no contribution from mom dad or whoever else i work for all of it myself and i think i have the right to that even if i'm in prison the inmates don't have to pay the barber instead the barber takes a small red chip which he can exchange with the prison administration a relief for peter tankvala the convicted murderer was worried that he would have to wait another month for the haircut thank you you're welcome see you next time bye bye [Music] meanwhile prison officer dania emotz is handling office tasks working in a prison was never her dream job but dania who's in her mid-30s and married to a colleague wanted a career with job security then i applied here and it all went pretty quickly i haven't regretted it to this day and i'd happily do it all over again many aspects of working here are always the same wake up the inmates at 6am and bring them to work bring them back at 2 30 p.m then free time for the inmates and finally lights out at 9pm what makes working here so exciting is dealing with inmates for me personally at least here in the close residence the relationship is quite close it's completely different downstairs in the open block you know their stories a bit more how they live at home and what their situation is it's exciting to see have they developed at all and inmates who don't have work or who have been written off as sick are allowed to have their lunch in the shared living area mr austral yes are we going to get your food does mr heinrich also know yes mr heinrich again countless doors need opening and closing we're going to get food in the kitchen i'm dressed like this because we have to wear gloves and cover our arms when handing out food for hygiene reasons even the elevators are secured by a lock preparing lunch for 800 inmates at the same time requires a stroke of logistical genius i have to say in comparison to other facilities they really put in the effort here the food is pretty good i think you'll see that soon for example today is chicken nuggets there's definitely something i can eat let's serve the open inmates first enjoy your meal most inmates don't want to show their faces but maintenance work is a job everyone would love to do you're in your blog the whole day see a lot of people and make a lot of money at the end of the day so i can't in the open residences respect is the rule of thumb not just between inmates but also towards the prison officers this isn't the case in every wing of achen prison i think in recent years the proportion of foreigners has increased and of course they come here with their own cultures i don't know if it's always their intention for some it definitely is but i think that in their cultures they've never learned how to behave around a woman especially not to the extent where a woman comes up to them opens the door and says now we're doing this this and that can return to work with a fresh haircut but first he must retrieve his work tools hi hello you're already back for you thank you the inmate is not allowed to carry the sharp box cutter outside of the warehouse if i got off work now who was carrying the knife if i was stopped on the way for a pocket check for example they could find the knife and assume that i intend to harm someone it doesn't make a difference whether it's an officer or an inmate it would be a security risk and i would be immediately under suspicion whether or not i planned anything it wouldn't matter if it was true or not i would be immediately detained is going to meet her boss the director of achen prison is promoting a colleague to a permanent position dania emuz is acting as staff council [Music] so today is an exciting occasion it's always my job to hand out promotion certificates which happens far too rarely for my taste since i always just see beaming faces that wasn't always the case in achen prison in 2009 two inmates escaped with the help of a prison officer even today drugs and cell phones are smuggled into germany's most secure prison five-year-olds complete a problem which is something we want we encourage the inmates to have social contact with the outside world lawyers come in as do volunteers and we also have letters and packages arriving so there are many points of entry for drugs especially since they can be so small of course we take great care in checking and our visitation team is very well trained and capable they turn up a lot but not everything that's impossible [Music] see you tomorrow see you tomorrow have a good evening it's 2 30 p.m and inmate peter tankvalda has finished work for the day after a shower he can go back to his residence for some free time [Music] this inmate is practicing for a concert evening for achen prison's cultural week another is baking cookies for his family's long visit something wants to surprise his parents uncle and aunts for their three-hour long visit in a few days [Music] we came up with the recipe ourselves we kept trying it until it worked the former levakuzen drug lord shot a rival twice in the stomach at close range the victim only survived thanks to an emergency operation i'm in prison for three separate acts of violence which got me sentenced to ten years in prison i've served three years in three months so i have eight years and three months left like all inmates he dreams of freedom constantly the future i want is a sensible life to be reintegrated into society a crime free life that's the goal maybe even start a family bring kids into the world and work for my money to set a good example for them inmates are allowed to apply for long visits after serving three months of their sentence this is this is the long visit room inmates are allowed to meet their relatives here once a month unobserved they are shut in here for three hours there isn't much here couch a little play area for the kids a little kitchenette where they can heat something up and then a shower and restroom so they can get through the three hours prison officer dania imwitz's shift has ended for the day she just has to lock her keys in a locker and recharge her alarm device then wait at the gate which separates the prison from the free world [Music] considering that there was a camera around i'd say everything went okay apart from the weekend when there was a fight in the showers and we kept those two inmates locked up apart from that it was pretty relaxed as usual long-term inmate peter trenkwalda arrives back in his living area freshly washed following his shift in the warehouse first a cup of coffee otherwise he sticks to his motto passing time gets you through life by that i mean that monotony plays a role in all the daily hardships you go through but you always get through the day and hope to keep going and so i tell myself passing time gets you through life [Music] declines his permitted daily hour of fresh air he isn't interested in the opportunity to play sports three times a week either some inmates play basketball work out with weights or play soccer on the artificial grass others play card games in the common room or work on their hobbies like inmate volcanero stands all mindful this is my passion since i obviously can't just go to the training ground to get an autograph i wrote to some players and i'm the trainer and was sent back their autographs shalka as a team is happy to do this generally when i write to shalka i get a response within 14 days about to write a letter to his 16 year old daughter and his 18 year old son he hasn't seen either of them since 2003. i make sure to always write on special occasions birthdays holidays etcetera yeah i'm still doing freaking unless i've never had a response but my mail has never been sent back so i assume that it's been received so my hope is now that the kids are a bit older they can decide for themselves whether they want to come and see me at some point good evening good evening podcast i'm ready yes medical assistant thomas klaus and peter tranqvalda are working together on the podcast the prison cast project inmates film short stories about their lives in prison and post them online at for a start i was always interested in writing and when i first got to arghan they asked me if i was interested in taking part in podcast even though i had no experience with cameras sound and the technological side of things it was interesting to get to grips with it it's an interesting way for me to use my free time the topics are defined by the environment locked cells and closed off hallways today a fellow inmate is showing off some remarkable magic tricks how did i discover magic when i was eight i saw a card trick which fascinated me so much that i said i want to learn that too and then i began learning card tricks first with a magic set that children get and then i developed it further and uh now alongside chess it's my passion car tracks contracts it's what i live for it's not exactly common is it that kind of thing normally happens during free time activities like a prisoner will go to another inmate or during group activities like chess or the podcast and they'll do it amongst themselves but i've never seen a skill at this level and the inmates rarely come to me and say here i have to show you something it usually just stays between the inmates so a show like this is good to show off what they can do you don't normally get that in the daily routine stefanos is serving eight years for robbery enough time to practice his fellow inmates are enthralled they're all totally fascinated by it they keep asking me how do you do it but i'll never give away my secrets up to six inmates help out with the podcast project through working on the films they learn how to get on with other people have a nice evening see you next week you too thanks bye when the inmates spend their evenings in their cells their thoughts almost always turn to their wife and kids i differentiate between people who have planned to commit a crime whether it's robbery assault or whatever with the knowledge that if they get caught they'll pay the price and not be able to see their wives and children anymore damaging them in doing so i don't have any sympathy for people like that they shouldn't complain about it as opposed to people like me whose lives were suddenly changed within five minutes without having time to think about the consequences because i didn't plan the crime the last highlights of the day are dinner and a tv show whoever spends a night in a prison cell soon learns that freedom is the most precious thing on the planet throughout my whole sentence it sounds like a cliche but not a single day has gone by where i haven't thought about freedom and yen for the outside not a single day where i haven't thought about how my loved ones are my children whom we spoke about earlier there are a lot of things which remind me of it as well like when i watch tv and see a family my own desires and aspirations crop up again no questions good night good night this door won't open again for another nine hours [Music] you
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 883,974
Rating: 4.7673564 out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, behind bars, prison, german prison, german prison system, german jail, behind bars germany, jva wittlich, prison documentary, lockup, lockup raw, hard time, hard times, wittlich prison, german prison documentary, behind bars german, jva aachen
Id: UFlousfjsA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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