"Beginner's Luck" | Little Rascals Shorts | FULL EPISODE

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foreign [Music] [Music] chestnut tree The Village Smithy standing the Smith a mighty man and he been large and silly hands he came to Barry Caesar [Music] oh yeah the muscles on his brownie arms stand out like iron bands [Applause] well Grandma I'm glad that's over well ladies I know you've all enjoyed this very much so I have a big surprise for you Spanky is going on the stage no yes where I've arranged form to appear at the Ritz Theater I'm sure he'll win first prize but of course what next time daughter we've never had an actor in the family yet why pick on him well what has Clark Gable or Barrymore got that Spanky hasn't a mustache foreign [Music] hey spank you still have to go on the stage tonight yeah my mom's trying to make an actor out of me all actors are sissies yeah sure you don't want to be no actor do ya of course not but I'll be reciting the rest of my life if I win at prize tonight where you won't win no no siree well I'll be in the front row and we'll make you flop yes sir we'll hear someone who's off the stage won't respond yes sir give you the works oh boy that's real fell asleep everything to us oh boy I know a secret I know a secret mama I know I know a secret mama Spanky Spanky mother can't hear you [Music] Freeman lend me your hair that's much better darling foreign [Applause] just stand over there oh I go around first oh with my dear sir he's not ready he's not ready besides my son has too much bananas to open the show oh he's too much of an artist Walton's show why don't you put all the sheep herders my word partner look Cowboys from the mountain huh from the drugstore oh come come now son don't do this all right Boys Follow Me ladies and gentlemen the first number on our amateur weekly program will be Tom and Jerry the Nevada Nightingales Arizona the Arizona Nightingales [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't rush me Big Boy listen one more peep out of you and you don't go on at all say that again one more peep out of you and your don't go on pay no attention to him that's part of his act [Laughter] I don't think this is so funny I do we will now hear from the [Applause] Florida dollies [Music] [Music] a sunny smile oh [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] thank you's ready now well I'm not all right children follow me we now have the five little uh Kevin kids cabin kids [Music] Diner [Music] with the Texas blazing games [Music] [Applause] [Applause] listen you kids are beginning to get into my hair [Applause] they'll win first Pride it's okay for me why don't you want for a surprise I should say not well I sure do you do yes because if I do mother says we'll be able to buy this dress you're next oh mother I'm scared but darling we can't buy the dress if you don't win the prize oh go ahead kiddo don't be scared go on darling the girl right up here introducing Miss Daisy dimple [Applause] Miss Daisy dimple dancer power excellence foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you oh it's on your neck [Music] a harmonica solo [Music] 's located what they're just pretty bad don't you I sure do but I haven't got a chance now [Music] how about Shakespeare he's next well it's about time Spanky [Music] come on Spanky you're on it Hey listen mom but when the fries can do anything I want with the money well certainly Frankie all I want you to do is to make a hit girly the dress is in the bag [Music] [Applause] I'll tell you tell them what I want to lose now I want to win of course and what are you gonna say to him I'm gonna tell him that you've got to win all right here take me to Grandma listen boys don't forget now we want Spanky to win do you understand [Applause] remember he's depending on you [Applause] does that mean Spanky wants to win the prize no he still wants to be a fly sure if you see him give us a high sign yeah don't pay attention what is more awesome okay we'll give him the works ladies and gentlemen introducing the Spanky Jr the the noblest Roman of them all [Music] we can get started first okay [Music] laughs why don't you give him some life what for so he can act oh shall we connect yes and [Music] um [Applause] [Applause] here [Music] I must not lose I've got to win [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] he came to Ferry he came today ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] hahaha [Music] okay why listen honey he won that prize five minutes ago [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: The Little Rascals Show
Views: 87,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The little rascals, little rascals shorts, little rascals full episodes, little rascals full episode, watch little rascals, where to watch little rascals, little rascals free, alfalfa, darla, waldo, classic comedies, little rascals classic, black and white comedy, little rascals, lil rascals, little rascals beginners luck, beginners luck, little rascals spanky episode, little rascals spanky, little rascals play, little rascals stage episode
Id: MEKAS0ke6U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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