Beginner's Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint ✅ FREE Slides

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen i welcome you to the practical beginner's guide to microsoft powerpoint in this tutorial you will learn how to create this awesome slides in powerpoint step by step don't worry if you're just starting out your powerpoint journey i will show you how everything works you will learn how to design slides how to add animations icons slide transitions editable charts and much more so let's go [Music] before we get started i want to say huge thanks to skillshare for sponsoring today's video and supporting one skill channel skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators explore new skills to deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity you can learn many new skills such as animation design illustration and many more i have recently started a class on skillshare called productivity4creatives build a system that brings out the best by thomas frank and right away i have picked up one awesome idea and that is when you're starting some kind of creative project writing a book creating a song or anything else and feeling stuck because you have so many ideas so many options in such a case thomas suggests introducing some kind of creative constraint for example if you're making a song use just only three music tracks and one instrument and right away you will know what to do next so definitely check out this class if you would like to improve your creativity with productivity by the way skillshare is created specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the video description will get one month free trial of skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity today and now let's continue with the video alright and here are all of the slides that we'll be creating we have our performance slide with editable charts we have our services slide with photo rings and icons we have our values with a cutout person in the middle and finally we have title slide with a full screen photo and a nice gradient so what's special about this powerpoint tutorial is that we will not be going through all of the buttons and what they do we will jump straight into the action and you will learn all of the tools that you need along the way powerpoint version that i'm using is microsoft 365 and in this tutorial i'm working on windows feel free to follow this tutorial with any powerpoint version that you have and by the way this tutorial is going to be pretty long and if you'd like to quickly jump to different parts of this video you can use the timestamps in the video description and since i'm still recording this video here's an example of how timestamps look in my matrix code animation video one last thing you can follow all of the keyboard shortcuts that i'm using on the left side of the screen alright i think we are ready so let's open up a fresh blank new presentation let's go to file and click new here you basically have two options you can use one of the premade templates provided by powerpoint or you can create your own design from scratch using a template is good when you want to create a presentation really fast and when you don't mind if someone else has a similar looking presentation however in this tutorial we will choose blank presentation and we will create our own awesome slide design all right and here's the first beautiful fresh blank new slide this is where all of the magic and creation happens as you can see powerpoint has generated a couple of fields you can insert some text here and on the left side we can see a preview of this first slide so let's just try inserting some text let's just type in slide 1 into this top box and here below let's just type an awesome subtitle and as you can see on the left side this preview or this thumbnail immediately updates that's awesome to insert a new slide just right click and choose new slide or you can hit enter as many times as you wish alright so let's go to slide number two let's type in something here as well slide all right to exit the typing mode you can just hit escape or you can just select any other object on your slide all right let's go to slide number 3 and let's type in something right here as well and after that we will play the presentation and check what kind of result do we have so far so to play the presentation you can click on the small button or you can go to slideshow and choose from beginning alright so this is slide number one you can use your mouse to click and advance the slides or you can use your keyboard arrows left and right to move through the slides and as you can see slide number four is absolutely empty because we haven't inserted any text we have these two automated fields but they will not be visible unless we type in some text into them so if i would play the presentation from slide number four it is absolutely empty so keep in mind that these automatic fields they will not be visible unless you type in something all right and if you'd like to rearrange your slides you can just select them drag them and change the position so let's bring slide number two to the position number two okay and now if you would like to delete any of the slides for example multiple slides so you can select slide number two hold down the shift key select slide number six and now you can just right click and choose delete easy peasy lemon squeezy okay and now let me actually delete these two text boxes let's leave them empty and once you open up a fresh blanket presentation powerpoint automatically generates these two fields and actually you can go to layout and you can choose different combinations of these automatic fields and for this tutorial i would like you to start with the blank slide layout so in case we will need some text we will just go to insert and use the text box tool to create some text so i want you to feel in control of everything what's happening on the slide so that's why we will be starting with the blank slide layout and if you have a couple of powerpoint presentations open at the same time you can always go to view switch windows and switch between the presentations so let's check once again how the first slide should look like and as you can see on the first slide we have this full screen photo with a color gradient as well we have a place for a logo and we have two text boxes alright so let's get back to our presentation and before we continue let's open up a few additional options here on the right side of the slide so let's just right click on the slide and choose format background so in the format pane we will see all of the options that we need to fill our shapes with colors so that's super awesome next let's go to arrange and let's select selection pane so in the selection pane we will see all of the objects that exist on our slide so for example let's just insert a rectangle and right away you can see there is a rectangle in our selection pane and if we would insert a text box we will see that there is a text box as well so it's really useful to see the full list of all of the objects that exist on your slide and finally let's go to animations and let's open up animation pane this will be really useful when we will be adding animations a little bit later on in our tutorial and now let me make sure that all of these panes have the same width i just like when all of these panes have the same width so as you can see the zoom percentage is 80 percent so let me make sure that we have the same 80 percent zoom for all of these panes on the right side looking good all right and now let's check once again how the first light should look like as you can see there is a full screen photo that we have to insert into our slide so to insert a picture into a slide we have to go to insert and click on pictures here we have a couple of options we can insert directly from the computer or from the stock images but let me show you the way i usually insert pictures into powerpoint let's jump to my favorite place for free awesome photos let's just right click on the photo let's get back to powerpoint and hit ctrl v to paste the photo that's how easy it is but as you can see this photo does not cover the whole slide if we would play this presentation right now you can see we have these white gaps on the sides which means that we have to increase the size of this photo we can grab any of the corners and increase the size but before that we can crop our photo so that it has the same aspect ratio as our slide and to quickly find out the aspect ratio of your slide you can go to design slide size and here you will see widescreen 16 by nine standard 4x3 was used in the old days alright so the aspect ratio is 16x9 and now let's make sure that the picture is selected let's go to picture format let's go to crop and let's click this little arrow below the crop button and let's go to aspect ratio and let's choose 16 by nine let's click on the crop button again to apply the changes and now our picture has the same aspect ratio as the slide and now we can select those bubbles at the sides of the picture and drag this photo so that it covers the whole slide that's awesome we can play the presentation and check if the photo covers the whole slide everything is looking beautiful and now we can continue with the next step so let's check the final slide once again and as you can see we have this beautiful color gradient on top of the photo and this is just a simple rectangle over the gradient film and as well you can see that this photo is blurred a little bit so i'll show you later on how we can add a little bit of blur to the photo let's get back to our slide and now let's go to insert let's go to shapes and let's choose the rectangle tool alright so let's just draw a rectangle let's make sure that this rectangle covers the whole slide you can grab the corners of the rectangle and drag those corners until the rectangle covers the whole slide the air sauce and currently as you can see this rectangle is filled with solid blue color all shapes in part one have a fills and lines so this rectangle has a line as well but it's very small we can't see it let's make it orange and let me increase the width to 20 points and now you can see that this rectangle has an orange line but in this case we don't need a line so let's just choose null line and now let's just go to fill options and let's choose gradient fill alright and here we can see a gradient slider with four colors so in this case we need just two colors so for these colors in the middle we can just select them and drag them down to delete okay so let's select the first color let's go to more colors and let's pick any color that we want for example this purple click ok and now let's select the second gradient stop and once again let's go to more colors standard tab and let's choose a second color that we want for example this hot pink click ok that's looking beautiful and as well we can change the direction of the gradient so let's try this one looking good as well and as you remember we have a photo just below this rectangle and to see that photo we have to add a little bit of transparency to both of these gradient steps so for the purple color let's try using 50 looking good and for the hot pink let's insert twenty percent with uh different transparency percentages you can achieve different looks so just experiment and see what you like all right you're doing wonderful so let's check what do we have to create next let's jump to the final presentation and here on the first slide you can see we have a sample logo and we have a couple of titles and the sample logo is actually created in powerpoint so i think it will be a good exercise to create it step by step together so let's go to insert shapes and let's look for an oval tool and now just insert and drag an oval and make sure you're holding down the shift key this way you will maintain the proportions of this circle and now let's set the fill of this circle to no fill you can do it right here or we can use this format pane that we have on the right side let's go to fill and choose no fill and this time we will need a line so let's make sure we have a beautiful white line for the width we can leave it at one point and for the dash type let's try this square dot dash type looking beautiful and now let's add some text inside of this circle so to add some text into any shape you can double click the shape or you can just right click on the shape and choose edit text and now let's just type in your logo okay let's double click this first word and as you can see the font currently that we have is calibri so let me change the font i'll be using monster red semi bold by the way if you don't have this font this font installed in your computer you can go to google fonts and you can download montserrat so in this tutorial we'll be using a monteret cimabold and monsterat regular and if you would like to increase the size of your text you could enter the exact size that you wish or you can just click on this little button with letter a and now as you can see this word your doesn't fit into one line since we have increased its size let me show you how we can fix this issue we can go to text options and let's go to text box tab and here you will find margins so margins are basically some space between the letter and the circle so for all of the margins let's just enter 0 and click enter for all of these fields now as you can see this first word your fits perfectly right and for the second word logo let's use uh montserrat regular so just a simple monster rat and for the font size let's leave it at 18. looking good all right ladies and gentlemen so this sample logo is completed and now the question is how we can align it precisely to the center of the slide so there are a couple of ways how we can do that we can go to view and activate guides guides will show us where is the center and middle of the slide and now we can just select the logo and drag it until it snaps to the center of the slide easy peasy lemon squeezy and the next option is go to align and just click on the button align to center and now the logo sits perfectly in the center of the slide alright now let's check what do we have to create next so for the first slide we still have to create these two beautiful titles so let's jump back to our slide and let me show you how we can insert these beautiful titles alright so let's go to insert and let's select the text box and now if we click on the slide powerpoint thinks that we want to type in some text directly into rectangle but actually we want to create a separate text box so for this reason i suggest just clicking somewhere outside of this slide and now we can type in anything that we want for example presentation title and after that we will be able to drag this text box into the slide so this method is better when you want to have more control on how your text looks like on the slide of course you can type in the text directly into the rectangle but sometimes creating separate text boxes gives you more control and for the presentation title text box i'm using monster at semi bold for the font and for the font size 44 alright now let's center align this text box you can actually align the text inside of the text box itself you can align it to the left to the right or to the center let's leave it at the center and let's make sure that the text box itself is aligned to the center of the slide so let's go to align options and let's choose a line to the center that's awesome and by the way if you would like to move your objects up and down in a straight line you can just hold down the shift key and your objects will be moving in a straight line so that's really useful shortcut all right and one more awesome thing that you can do for your text box you can add some space between the letters so let's just use this loose option to add some space between the letters and to create a little bit different look for our title alrighty next we have to create this awesome subtitle okay so the font is mozzarella regular and the font size 20 so let's get back to our slide and now we could repeat the steps we could go to insert text box and create a second text box but since we have already created one text box we can just duplicate it so we can hit ctrl c ctrl v to copy and another quick way to make some copies we can just select the first text box or any shape hold down the ctrl key and drag and this way we will make a copy even more awesome way to make a quick copy is to hold down the ctrl and shift keys at the same time and this way you will make a copy and drag it in a straight line this is my favorite way to make some copies in powerpoint so for the second text box let's make sure that we're using montserrat regular for the font and for the font size let's insert 20. let me make sure that the font is set to monsterat that's good as you can see monsterat regular has this thinner look compared to the semi bold and let's just type in awesome subtitle alright so we are pretty much finished with the first slide we can turn off the guides and one more thing that we have to do is to add a little bit of blur to this photo that we're using sometimes it's good to blur a photo if you want your text to stand out a little bit better so in this case i think the text is pretty much readable but still we can add a little bit of blur and sometimes it's really hard to access those objects or shapes that are behind other shapes so in this case as you can see the photo is behind the rectangle and in such cases it's really useful to use the selection pane here we have this button hide all and now we can unhide only the picture that we need to edit so that's really useful thing to keep in mind and now we can select the photo and go to the effects tab here it is let's go to the effects tab and here at the bottom we have artistic effects and now we can expand this menu and look for blur effect alright so you can use any radius that you wish let's type in 15 and that's looking awesome now we can get back to the selection pane and let's click on this button show all and now all of the objects are visible once again alright so the first slide is finally finished i know it took some time but that's because i'm trying to do my best explaining all of the steps and i'm sure when you will be working with powerpoint more and more it will be faster and faster alright so let's just hit enter and let's insert a second slide let's check once again how the second slide should look like so as you can see we have a title a subtitle we have a cut out person in the middle we have a couple of bubbles with icons and text boxes we have a clickable button here at the bottom left corner a logo and a slide number so as you can see there's a lot going on on the second slide so let's jump back to our slides and let's start creating this slide number two and to save some time we can copy this presentation title from the first slide and let's paste it onto the second slide and it was white so of course we have to change the color of the text let's make it black and i think we can reduce the size of this title so let's just use this small button to reduce the size to 32 and let's just change the title to our values or anything else that you want now let's hold down the shift key and bring this text box upwards just like that you can leave as much or as little space between the text box and the top edge of the slide just make sure that the position of your slide title stays consistent across the slides this way it will look more professional and now for this subtitle let's choose a different color let's use dark green and let's type in anything that you wish i'm just leaving subtitle and now we can hold down the shift key and bring the subtitle closer to the slide title and you can probably see these small red lines when i'm dragging these text boxes around so these lines are called smart guys they show when two or more objects are in alignment so you can activate them in grid and guides options if you like to use the smart guys personally i think they're really useful all right so let's check what do we have to create next and as i can see we have this beautiful sample logo so let's get back to our slides and let's actually insert a real logo so this time i will go to insert and go to pictures and choose a picture from my computer and let's find oneski logo here it is and let's just click insert and now we can resize this logo just hold down the shift key to maintain the proportions and drag one of the corners and now let's position this logo at the top left corner of the slide of course you can position your logo wherever you wish i just think it looks really nice here at top left corner of the slide and let's see that you have a couple of slides let's say 10 slides or 20 slides so one way to insert your logo into the rest of the slides of course could be just using ctrl c and ctrl v to paste the logo to the rest of the slides but let's say that you change your mind and you want the logo to be on the right side of your slide so this means that you'll have to go through all of the slides and move the logo manually and this is not ideal so let me show you a better way how to insert a logo into multiple slides so first make sure that you position your logo where you want it to be let me adjust the positioning of the title and subtitle as well and now let's select the logo and let's hit ctrl x to cut it and now let's go to view and let's go to slide master this is a special place where we can set global settings for our presentation so let's just scroll up and this first slide is our slide master it's really special because whatever you place on the slide master will be visible on all of the slides of your presentation so it's a really good place for the logo so let's just hit ctrl v to paste the logo and now the logo should be visible on all of the slides of our presentation so let's close the slide master view and let's check how the slides look like in the normal view alright so as you can see the logo is visible and when we create new slides the logo is visible on all of the slides that's awesome and if we change our mind let's say we want the logo to be on the right side we just have to jump to slide master view again let's scroll to the slide master and let's just drag this logo to the right side and now when we close the slide master view the logo automatically updated its position to the right side that's super awesome and let me actually bring the logo back to the left side i think it's looking better right there and with the slide master it's really easy to do that okay and now we can delete the rest of the slides and let's continue working on slide number two and now let me show you how we can insert a slide number so let's just go to insert and let's click on this button slide number here we have this checkbox slide number so let's just mark it and let's click apply and as you can see we get this little slide number at the bottom right of the slide so let me show you how we can make this slide number look a little bit more interesting as you can see in the final slides the slide number has this gradient rectangle so let me show you how we can create the same effect in our slide and once again we'll have to jump into the slide master so let's go to view and let's click slide master and now let's scroll up and select the top slide which is the slide master and here at the bottom you will see this special field which is responsible for the slide numbers as you can see here is a special symbol which represents the slide number so let's resize this slide number field let's make it smaller it doesn't have to be so wide and next let's insert a rectangle so let's just go to insert shapes and let's find a rectangle make sure you're holding down the shift key this way you will draw a perfect rectangle that's awesome and now we can go to format pane fill options and let's choose no line first of all and for the fill let's choose gradient fill and as you can see powerpoint remembers our last gradient that we have created and as you remember we have added some transparency so this time let's remove the transparency from both of the colors and now let's select this beautiful rectangle and let's drag it to the bottom right corner of the slide just like that now let's select the slide number field and let's drag it over the rectangle but as you can see it goes behind the rectangle so for this reason let's bring the slide number to front and now we will be able to drag it over the rectangle so just keep in mind that new objects always go on top of the old objects in powerpoint so in case you want to bring the old object on top you have to bring it to front so for the slide number let's use monstrous semi bold font size 12 and for the color let's use white alright and now let's select the rectangle hold down the shift key select the slide number field and now let's make sure that both of these guys are aligned to the center and to the middle all right and now everything should be looking beautiful all right so let's get back to the normal view and let's check out our beautiful slide number alright here it is and as you can see the slide number is slightly aligned to the right side i would like it to be centered so let me quickly jump back to the slide master view let's go to the slide master let's select the slide number field and let's check the alignment of the text let's go to home and yes it was set to the right so let's set it to center and now everything should be perfect so let's get back to normal view and yes the slide number is looking beautiful it's centered so now let's just hit enter a couple of times to insert a few more slides as you can see we have the rectangles but these slide numbers are missing so let's go to insert slide number let's make sure we have the check box and let's click apply to all now the slide number should be visible on all of the slides let's insert a few more slides and as you can see the slide number is automatically updated that's awesome so let's delete the rest of the slides and let's continue working on our beautiful slide number two we have the logo we have the titles we have the slide number and let's check what do we have to create next so let me show you how we can create this cutout person and those icon bubbles alright so let's get back to our slide and now we'll have to find a photo that we could use so of course you can go to insert pictures but let's just go directly to link is in the video description if you would like to use the same photo and now let's just hit ctrl v to paste the photo into our slide now let me show you how we can remove the background so let's just go to picture format and click on remove background so as you can see powerpoint has made a pretty good selection however those likes at the bottom are missing so we can use this tool mark areas to keep and let's draw here at the bottom and tell powerpoint that we need you know the bottom of this picture as well and as well let's select a couple of places on the camera just like that and if you'd like to remove any of the areas you can do that as well for example this place between the camera and the sweatshirt so let's just select this tool mark areas to remove and let's just select that area all right and once you're happy let's just click on keep changes and the background will be automatically and magically removed that's awesome and i think we can crop the bottom of this picture as well so let's just select the picture let's go to the crop tool and let's use this black handle let's drag it upwards and let's crop the bottom of this picture just like that and now let's just align this picture to the bottom of the slide looking good we can activate the slide guys to see where is the center of the slide and now we can fine tune the position of this picture we can resize this picture we can move it right and left and i think it looks awesome the way it is alright ladies and gentlemen next let me show you how you can create those circles with icons so let's go to insert shapes and let's look for this tool called oval alright so hold down the shift key to draw a perfect oval or circle and for the height and width if you're wondering i'm using 2.3 centimeters of course you can use any size that you wish okay so for the line let's use no line and for the fill let's choose gradient fill and as you can see powerpoint still remembers our awesome gradient that we have created alright so now let's insert an icon so let's go to insert and here we have this icon tab and in case you don't have an icon tab in your powerpoint version you can go to websites such as and here you will find a bunch of free awesome icons and make sure that you are choosing svg format and in case your powerpoint version doesn't support svg you might need to convert svg to emf first and you can create all of the conversions that you need on websites such as cloud convert and in my case i'll just use the icon tab to make it faster so let's just type in anything for example a bulb and here we have a couple of bulb icons let's click insert and here we get this bulb icon so let's just move it to the side so that we can see it and let's resize it a little bit so that it fits inside of our gradient circle and of course we can change the color of the icon let's just go to graphic fill and let's choose white and what's awesome about the icons provided by powerpoint is that you can quickly change these icons to other icons so that's really awesome so let's stay with the bulb icon and let's make sure that the circle and the icon are aligned to the center and to the middle that's awesome all right now let's talk a little bit about grouping shapes and powerpoints so let's make sure that we select the circle and the icon and now let's right click and choose group or just hit ctrl g so grouping two or more objects into one group makes it very easy to move them around the slide so that's super awesome alright ladies and gentlemen so let's jump to the final slides and let's see what do we have to create next and as you can see we have to create a couple of smaller text boxes so let's jump back to our slide and i'll show you how we can quickly do that so we can actually reuse our title and subtitle but currently as you can see we cannot select the title because the picture is on top so we can go to selection pane and now let's select a picture and let's drag it to the bottom of the list and now we should be able to select the title that's awesome all right so let's just copy the title control c and control v and let's drag it here to the left side alright so let's make sure it's aligned to the right side and let's make the text a little bit smaller let's make sure that we select all of the text hit ctrl a to select and let's type in 16 all right that's looking good and now we can type in anything that we want i'll just type in info and let me reduce the width of this uh text box it doesn't have to be so white so let's just reduce the width and let's bring it here on the left side of this circle with an icon all right and now we can just use the shortcut ctrl shift to make a quick copy and now let's create one more smaller text box and this time let's use a different font color just for fun and let's set the letter spacing to normal alright and let's reduce the font size for this second text box to 12. now let me quickly copy this text and let's just paste it to our slide to save some time let's select everything and let's paste in the new text and now let me adjust the position of this second text box all right and for this first text box i think i will set the letter spacing to normal i think it looks awesome this way as well and now let's make sure that we select both of the text boxes and align them to the right side that's beautiful alright so a few more adjustments and by the way if you'd like to adjust the line spacing of your text box so just right click your text box and go to paragraph and here at the bottom you will see line spacing options so now it's set to single let's try one and a half lines as you can see the spacing got wider and this time let's go to paragraph once again and this time let's try multiple and let's type in 0.8 and now as you can see these lines are closer together and i think this way it looks even more awesome okay so now we're finally finished with these two text boxes and this circle and this icon so now we can group all of these guys into one group okay and now we can use the shortcut ctrl shift to make some quick copies so let's make sure we have three groups in total and now let me show you how we can make those gaps between these groups equal so let's go to align options and let's choose distribute vertically and this way we have made those gaps between these groups equal that's awesome and really useful and now let me quickly change some of the icons and that's really easy to do if you are using icons provided by powerpoint once you select the icon you'll get this small button and you can quickly change that icon to any other icon that you wish but when i insert a new icon that new icon moves a little bit to the left side but that's not a big problem i just select that a new icon select circle go to align options and choose a line to the center and align to the middle alright ladies and gentlemen next let me show you how we can create more of these beautiful gradients so one awesome website to find some inspiration for gradients is and you can directly copy the hex codes of these gradients so let's just copy one of the hex codes now let's get back to powerpoint let's select this second circle let's select the first color in our gradient let's go to more colors let's go to custom tab and here we have this hex code field so let's just paste in that hex code from the click ok all right now let's select the second color and once again let's open up the hex field here it is let's get back to the color scope website copy the second hex code let's get back to powerpoint and let's paste the hex code once again for the second color stop click ok and now we get this beautiful gradient alright so let me repeat the same steps for the third bubble and this time i'll be using these beautiful blue colors all right and now we have three beautiful groups of icons bubbles and text boxes so let's use ctrl shift key shortcut to drag a copy to the right side of the slide that's awesome and now we can ungroup these groups by right clicking and choosing ungroup or just clicking ctrl shift g shortcut that's awesome now for these text boxes let's align them to the left side we can go to line options and align them to the left as well all right and let's move these text boxes to the right side of the slide alright so next let me show you how we can position these bubbles on the left side and on the right side so that there is equal distance to the slide center so let's make sure that the slide guides are activated and now let's go to this center guide let's right click and click add new vertical guide so now let's select this new vertical guide and now let's drag it to the left side until it touches these circles on the left side and as you can see the number is 7.4 so let's add one more vertical guide and let's drag it to the right side until we see this number 7.4 and now we can select these three circles on the right side and adjust their position so that they are touching this vertical guide on the right side and now all of the circles on the left side and on the right side have equal distance to the center that's awesome all right and now let's align these text boxes as well so let's move the left vertical guide to position 10.2 so that it touches these text boxes alright and let's do the same for this vertical guide on the right side 10.2 all right now let's select all of the text boxes on the right side and let's bring them closer to this vertical guide on the right side all right and now everything is perfectly aligned we can delete these additional guys and we can turn off the center guides alright ladies and gentlemen we are pretty much finished with the second slide we still have to create a clickable button at the bottom left corner of the slide alright so let's jump to the final slides and let's see how this button looks like we'll have to use a rounded rectangle to create this button and before we jump to that button let's make sure that we save our powerpoint presentation so that we don't lose all of our work all right so this is the button we'll be creating and what's awesome about this button is that you can actually click it and you can jump anywhere that you wish depends on the link that you insert into this button all right so let's jump back to our beautiful presentation and let's go to insert shapes and let's look for a rounded rectangle tool here it is and now let's just draw a rounded rectangle you can use this yellow point to adjust the roundness let's make it fully rounded all right so for the line let's use no line and for the fill let's choose gradient fill and as you can see powerpoint has applied the last gradient that we have created and let's say we'd like to use this purple gradient so let's make sure that this purple circle is selected then select format painter and then click on the rounded rectangle and this way we can quickly paste the style from any object to any other object you can as well use a shortcut select the first shape hit ctrl shift c to copy the style select the second shape and hit ctrl shift v to paste the style easy peasy lemon squeezy now let's double click this rounded rectangle and let's type in the name of the website for example alright and now we can format this button the way we want so for the font i'm using monserrat and for the font size i'm using nine and if you wish you can resize your button easily just grab one of those bubbles and resize your rounded rectangle alright and if you would like to align the logo and this rounded button you can just bring this button closer to the logo and once you're happy let's just bring this button back to the bottom of the slide just like that and if you would like to be super precise you could activate slide guides and insert additional guides that will help you to align your button perfectly with respect to the logo and with respect to the slide number right so now the button sits in the perfect place and now we have to actually insert a link so first of all let's just copy the link of the website that we would like to insert now let's make sure that we have selected our rounded rectangle let's go to insert choose link and now let's just paste in the url the address of the website let's click ok alright and now let's test out if this button is working so let's play the presentation and as you can see we can click this button and we jump to one skill website super duper awesome all right ladies and gentlemen and now we're finally finished with a slide number two we will still have to add some animations later on and now we can duplicate slide number two you can just hit ctrl d to duplicate or you can just right click and choose duplicate alright so we will reuse some of the things that we have already created alright and for the slide number three we will have to create these photo rings with some awesome icons inside of those rings and as you can see one of those bubbles have a gradient so i'll show you how to do that and let's actually delete slide number three and let's just hit enter to insert a new slide and as you can see part one automatically adds our logo the slide number but as you can see this rounded button is missing because we have to cut it and paste it into the slide master if we wanted to appear on all of the slides so let's just scroll to the top and let's paste in this beautiful button and now this button should be visible on all of new slides that's super duper awesome and by the way we could insert slide title and subtitle into the slide master as well so that they appear on all of the slides for that we would have to insert special text placeholders but that is a more advanced topic and you can learn all about that in my skillshare class on how to create modern powerpoint templates and for now let's just do it the easy way and let's copy these guys from slide number two and let's paste them right here and now let's change the slide title let's type in our services or anything else that you wish and let's ungroup these guys you can hit ctrl shift g to ungroup that's awesome and now let's bring these text boxes somewhere right here let's align them to the left side all right and for this first text box let's increase the font size a little bit just like that and we can always jump to the final slides and check what do we have to do next i can see there is a little bit of letter spacing applied to this info text box so we can do that as well let's jump back to our slide select this beautiful text box let's go to home and for the letter spacing let's choose loose that's awesome alright so let's bring this bubble just below and now we will have to insert four circles with photos so first of all we can just draw a nice circle hold down the shift key to maintain the proportions and for the height and width i'm using 6 centimeters feel free to use any values that you wish and now let me quickly make three more copies just to see if all of these bubbles fit into one slide all right everything is looking good and now let's continue working on this circle so now we have to insert a picture inside of this circle so one way to do that we could go to fill and choose picture but let me show you another way which i believe is more flexible let's just copy this beautiful photo from and let's just paste it to our slide now let's make sure that we send this photo to back as you can see it is at the bottom of the selection pane that's good and now let's resize this photo a little bit and let's just drag it below this blue circle now let's make sure we select the photo hold down the shift key select the circle now let's go to shape format merge shapes and choose intersect and this way we have placed that photo inside of the circle that's awesome and now we can go to crop tool and we can always adjust how this photo looks inside of the circle we can zoom in we can zoom out we have a lot of flexibility that's awesome all right so let's click on the crop button to apply the changes that's good and now let's select this gradient circle with the icon and let's bring it on top of this photo now let's make sure we select all of these guys and align them to the center and to the middle so that everything is aligned and now let's ungroup this circle with the icon and now let's make this gradient circle a little bit bigger so if you would just hold down the shift key and increase the size as you can see this uh circle is growing to the right side so a better solution in this case would be holding down the control and shift key and this way you can grow your circle from the center that's awesome so in the same way we can resize this beautiful icon as well and let me actually change the style of this icon so let's just go to all icons and let's type bulb again and here as you can see we have this icon with thinner lines so let's try this one i think it looks minimalistic it looks awesome so let's use this one and let's make a few more little adjustments to the size of our icon and our circle let's make sure that we like what we see so always feel free to adjust and readjust until you get what you like and now let's add a color gradient on top of our photo and for that purpose we can reuse our gradient circle let's just check what was the size of the photo it was 6 by 6 so let's add the same height and width for this gradient circle as well let's make sure that we add some transparency to both of these gradient stops let's add 50 transparency that's awesome and now we can bring this semi-transparent color gradient circle on top of the photo but before doing that let's make sure that we select the icon and we select this first gradient circle and we bring these guys to front we can jump to selection pane and see if everything is the way we want everything is looking awesome and now we can bring the semi-transparent uh circle on top of the photo we can use the align menu to align to the left and to the top now everything is perfect alright so now we can select all of these guys and let's hit ctrl g to group them into one beautiful group now let's make a quick copy let's drag it to the right and for this second copy let's ungroup everything we can delete this color gradient and let's make this icon black and for this circle in the middle let's fill it with simple beautiful white color that's awesome and of course feel free to insert any icon that you wish this time let's try searching for camera and let's select the same style icon with those thin lines all right looking good okay so now we can group these guys into one group and now let's make two more copies let's hold down ctrl shift key to drag those copies in a straight line and now let's select all of these beautiful groups and let's make sure that they have equal gaps between them so let's go to align and choose distribute horizontally all right now all of the gaps are equal and now to align all of these icons to the middle of the slot we can group them into one big group and align them to the center that's awesome and if we would activate the slide guys as you can see all of these photo rings are sitting perfectly in the center that's awesome now we can ungroup them into separate groups let's deactivate the slide guys and let me quickly change those icons and now let me show you how we can insert a new photo inside of those photo rings so let's just copy a new photo from right click let's choose change picture and select from clipboard and this is how easy it is to change photos inside of shapes and powerpoint and if you wish you can always select your photo and go to the crop tool and adjust how your photo looks inside of the shape you can reposition the photo zoom in zoom out and once you're happy click on the crop again alright ladies and gentlemen so i think we're pretty much finished with slide number three however there's one more important step waiting for this slide number three let's jump to my final slides once again as you can see i have duplicated slide number three a couple of times and i have changed the position of this color gradient and with the help of the slide transition we will make this kind of moving gradient effects so let me show you how everything works let's just duplicate slide number three and on slide number four first of all let's just ungroup all of these groups so that we can access all of these separate shapes now let's just move this gradient to the right side let's just make sure that the second photo is sent to back so that we can you know bring this color gradient on top once again we can use the align menu to align all of these shapes now let me just copy the style from this first bubble and let's paste it to the second bubble and of course let's change the icon color to white and now for this first circle let's make it white and let's change the icon color to black alright so now we have two almost identical slides however with different gradient bubble position and as you can see once we're moving between the slides back and forth this bubble is jumping so that's awesome and if you'd like to create or to make this effect a little bit more subtle you could use slide transitions so let's just select all of the slides and let's click on the fade slide transition and now let's check out this presentation from the first slide and as you can see once we're moving through the slides we're getting this gradual fade transition that looks awesome so now let me duplicate slide number four and adjust the position of these color gradients in the rest of the slides i'll meet you in a second all right so the slides are ready and now let's check them out on the full screen and as you can see once we're moving from one slide to another we're getting this beautiful fade effect the scala only gradually jumps from one photo to another that's awesome and if you would like to change the speed of your slide transitions you can do that by going to transitions and changing the duration of your slide transition so currently we have 0.7 seconds for our fate transitions so for these last three slides let's try using 0.4 second and let's check it out how it looks like and as you can see now this color gradient is moving a little bit faster between the slides that's awesome pick any duration that you like alright ladies and gentlemen so finally the our services slides are ready and now we can jump to the next slide so let me check what is the next slide and in the last slide we will have to insert a couple of awesome editable charts so let me show you how this slide looks with animations once we are finished with the slide design we will add animations to all of the slides in our presentation so stay tuned for that and now let's jump back to our slide and let's start creating these beautiful charts alright and now we can duplicate the last slide let's just delete these photo rings we will not be needing them in this slide and now let me quickly update the slide title let's just type in our performance and now we can start looking for those beautiful charts so let's go to insert and here we have this button chart so let's just click it and first let's choose this simple line chart let's click ok and as you can see powerpoint has inserted a fresh new chart with some random data as you can see we have three lines in our chart and i think two lines will be enough so we can delete series three so that we have only two lines and to save some time we can jump to my previously created charts and let's just copy the data from those charts so let's just right click and choose edit data and now let's make sure that we select all of the cells and hit ctrl c to copy alright now let's get back to our slide let's right click on the chart let's go to edit data let's make sure that we select all of the current data and hit control v to replace the data with data from my previous slide that's awesome and now we can resize this chart as we can resize all of the shapes in powerpoint and here we have this little plus symbol this is like a little selection pane you can hide any of the objects that you wish for example we can hide the chart title and the gridlines and make this chart a little bit more minimalistic and of course you can select any of those text boxes and change the font and the font size all right so now let me show you how you can make your lines smooth so let's just select one of those lines and now let's go to fill tab and here at the bottom we have this option smooth line so let's just click it and as you can see the sharp line becomes smooth that's awesome and as well we can change the line color now let's make the other lines move as well all right so let's take a look at the final slides once again as you can see i have mixed up the colors of these lines so we can fix that no problem and as well we have this little blue shadow behind the chart so we will do that as well so first let me fix the colors so for this line let's choose blue line color that's awesome and for the second line let's choose purple alright and next let me show you how we can add a little bit of shadow below these lines so let's go to the effect tab let's go to shadows and let's choose this preset called offset bottom that's awesome now for the color let's use the same purple color for the transparency let's use zero percent for the blur let's type in 15 points and for the distance let's use six points alright and now let's repeat it for the second line that's awesome so now let me show you how we can add that subtle blue shadow just behind the chart and for that first we need to insert a rounded rectangle alright so let's just find that rounded rectangle and let's make sure that it covers the whole chart alright let's fill it with white color and let's send it behind the chart just like that and as you already know you can use this little yellow point to adjust the roundness of your rounded rectangle and now let's make sure that there is no line so that we have only white fill and now let's go to effects shadows and let's choose this preset called bottom right and now for the color let's use the same blue color that's good for the transparency let's use 90 for the blur let's insert 35 points and for the distance let's use 20 points all right now we have this beautiful subtle blue shadow just below our first chart that's awesome and now we can actually duplicate this rounded rectangle with this beautiful shadow and let's drag a copy to the right side we will use this one for our next chart and now let me quickly change the color of the shadow to purple so that we have a little bit more variety and as always you can select anything that is on your slide and resize and reposition until everything looks the way you want it to look alright so now let's insert a second chart let's go to insert charts and this time let's pick a bar chart alright and let's click ok and once again powerpoint inserts a randomly generated chart we can resize it we can deactivate any of the elements that we don't need for example chart title and gridlines and as before we can format all of the text boxes let's use montserrat regular and font size 10 and as we have done previously let's copy the data for this chart from my previous chart so let's just right click and select edit datum and now let's make sure that we select all of the cells and let's hit ctrl c to copy that's awesome and now let's get back to our slide let's right click edit datum now let's select all of the current cells and let's hit ctrl v to replace them with new data that's awesome okay now let's resize our beautiful bar chart so that it fits nicely into the purple rounded rectangle and now i will quickly recolor all of these bars with our favorite colors blue purple and hot pink and after that i will add a subtle shadow to all of these bars and the shadow settings i'm using are the following so for the transparency zero percent for the blurred 12 points and for the distance three points all right ladies and gentlemen so the last slide is finished and now we can jump to the first slide and as you can see the slide number is visible on the first slide and if you'd like to hide it you can go to slide number and uncheck slide number and click apply so this way the slide number is not visible on the first slide while on the rest of the slides we can see slide numbers so that's awesome alright now let's check out the whole presentation from start you have done a wonderful job you have designed awesome slides and now the last touch is adding animations bringing these slides to life so let me show you how we can animate those separate shapes on each of the slide so let's jump to my previously created slides and let's check what kind of animations we'll have to create for the first slide as you can see the title and subtitle are flying from the sides and logo is just fading in and now we will be using the animation pane where all of the animation magic happens you have a bunch of animation options here you have durations you have delays you have the possibility to start with click with previous and so on don't worry i'll show you and explain how everything works so let's jump back to our presentation all right so first of all let's select this sample logo and let's go good animations and let me first explain what kind of animations do we have in powerpoint so in powerpoint you have three main groups of animations you have entrance animations you have emphasis animations and you have exit animations so entrance animations are responsible for how your shapes enter the slide a text box could fly in or it could just gradually fade in next we have emphasis animations and these are responsible for what happens to the shape once it's on the slide so for example you could make a photo spin around so this would be an emphasis animation and finally we have exit animations which are responsible for how your shapes exit the slide so they could fly away or they just could fade away slowly so for our sample logo let's choose this entrance animation called fate so here it is let's click on the fade animation and it will be applied to our sample logo we can go to animation pane and we can preview how this animation looks like and here in the duration field we can type in the desired duration for example one second and as well you can set how this animation is being started so you can start it with a click so it means you'll have to click with your mouse or you can start with the previous which means it will start automatically so as you can see now this fade animation has a played automatically and if we set it on click and if we check out this slide once again as you can see nothing happens until we click with our mouse okay and now let's select the presentation title and let's add a flying animation to this title let's choose fly-in and now you can decide on the flying direction so let's pick from left and for the duration let's use one second and let's make sure it is started with previous which means once the logo animation will play this title animation will play at the same time so let's just check it out on the full screen so once i click the logo animation and the title animation are playing at the same time that's awesome and if you double click the animation in the animation pane you will get additional options such as move start smooth n and bounce sense so let's just try inserting a little bit of smooth end so smooth end basically creates this kind of slow down effect and now let's make sure that the presentation title is selected and now we can use the animation painter to quickly paste the same animation to the subtitle and of course you can change the flying direction let's pick from right and now let's check out all of the animations on slide number one so once i click the sample logo fades in and those beautiful text boxes fly in from the sides that's awesome and now let's animate the second slide and since we'll be using some flying animations on the second slide we can grab this flying animation from the first slide and let's make sure that this time we double click the animation painter this way we'll be able to paste this flying animation multiple times and now let's just paste this flying animation to all of the shapes that we wish let's just make sure that we group these little text boxes and these circles with icons on the right side into groups because we want to animate groups as we have here on the left side so let's make sure that we select these guys on the right side of the slide and group them into groups so just select them with your mouse and hit ctrl g to group all right so once again let's just select the title in the first slide and double click the animation painter to copy the flying animation now we can paste this animation to all of the objects on the second slide that we wish and as you can see once i'm pasting the animation the animation pane is filling with beautiful animations and now all that's left to do is to change the direction of the fly-in so for example for this person we can choose from bottom so these guys on the left side have the direction left so that's good now let's select these guys on the right and let's set the direction to right that's awesome all right so now we can check out the animations let's play them from the start and as you can see these animations are happening pretty fast and if you would like to slow down the speed just increase the duration for example to 2 seconds and as you can see all of these animations are happening at the same time and let's say you would like these bubbles to fly in only when you click with your mouse so that's really easy to do let's just select all of those bubble animations and let's choose on click and now as you can see those bubbles are waiting for your command and only once you click those circles are coming in so that's awesome okay so once again let's make sure that all of these animations start with previous and as you can see now all of these animations are happening at the same time and let's say you would like for all of the animations to happen at the same time but you would like to have slight delays between the animations and this is actually what you can do in this field so for this orange bubble on the left side let's add a delay of 0.25 seconds and for the next animation let's add a delay of 0.5 seconds and so on and this way all of these animations will be happening at the same time but with slight delays and this way we will create this kind of waterfall animation effect so let me finish adding those delays and let's check out the final result so as you can see all of these animations are happening at the same time but with slight delays so if you would like to create this kind of effect use delays and next we have our services slides and these slides are pretty much animated with the help of the slide transitions i guess we could add additional animations to the first our services slide and add a zoom entrance animation to these beautiful photo rings so let's do just that so let's use half a second for the animation duration and let's make sure that the first animation starts on click and the rest of the animation starts with previous let's just add a little bit of delay for the rest of the animations alright and this is how the animated second slide looks like on the full screen that's awesome okay and now we can jump to the last slide which is our performance slide with two beautiful charts and i'll show you how we can animate those charts so first of all let's select this rounded rectangle with this beautiful blue shadow and let's go to animations and let's add a fade animation to this rounded rectangle alright so we can check it out how the animation looks like looking good next let's select this line chart and let's add a wipe animation to it so let's click on wipe let's choose direction from left and let's make sure that this line chart is animated after previous which means that first the rounded rectangle will be animated and only then this line chart will be animated and if you feel that this line chart is animated too fast you can always increase the animation duration so let's use one second and as you can see right now the whole line chart is animated at once so if you'd like for the blue line to come up first you can go to animation options and choose animate by series and now the blue line will be animated first and only then the purple that's awesome alright and now we can use the animation painter and paste the same animations to the rounded rectangle and the chart on the right side alright ladies and gentlemen we have finally finished creating and animating all of these slides now you have all of the knowledge needed to create an animate awesome slice and powerpoint thank you for watching stay happy stay healthy and i'll see you on my next video that's good [Music] uh you
Channel: One Skill PowerPoint
Views: 359,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginners guide to powerpoint, begginers guide to powerpoint, powerpoint for beginners, powerpoint for dummies, powerpoint tutorial, how to use powerpoint, one skill powerpoint, powerpoint basics, powerpoint, power point, ms office, microsoft office, microsoft office tutorial, using powerpoint, make presentations, powerpoint presentations, powerpoint tips, powerpoint help, making powerpoint presentations, intro to powerpoint, Introduction to powerpoint
Id: 9l5IRE-cOLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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