Beginner's Guide To Ankle Holsters - Alien Gear Holsters

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hey what's going on guys I'm Tim and I'm made form alien gear holsters today we are giving you a beginner's guide to ankle holsters okay if you're in the market for an ankle holster or maybe you've just purchased an ankle holster and you're looking at how to make it more comfortable why you would wear it when to wear it and all that this is a perfect video for you watch to the end we've got all sorts of great advice on carrying with an ankle holster Nate what's the first thing you look for when you're carrying an ankle holster probably first thing is comfort also safety is important to me but comfort and safety yes definitely you're gonna be wearing an ankle holster all day and you're gonna be moving around a lot you really don't want to have an ankle holster on that moves around so at alien gear holsters we actually have a an ankle holster that we've designed that's very very unique and different from most a typical ankle holster has a calf strap and it is a got the gun holster with a like a garter almost that goes around your calf and we found that those typically will move around as you move around so we've decided something that is a little bit different they also tend to slide down or drop down you know how you're all of a sudden it's around your ankle and you want to hold it a little higher up for ease of access - which is something else we're going to talk about but definitely you want to watch this yeah okay so when you're talking about an ankle holster you need to prevent movement up and down and side-to-side so the calf strap it you're basically relying on your calf so that's an ankle holster with like a piece of fabric that goes up to another piece of fabric that wraps around your calf and that's giving you most of your security and with our ankle holster at alien gear holsters we've designed one that has this bar right here that goes down to the sole of your shoe so that it's got the security and how well it holds onto you down ways and then up ways actually has this little piece right here that goes around your foot and ankle so that you put your foot into this and then it doesn't come up and then this little bar right here goes down into this little pocket so that it stays secure going down and puts that pressure down to the ground so that's got the up inside are they up and down and then the side has this strap that actually goes right around the bottom of your ankle where your gun is and it also wraps around and it pulls the gun back into your calf it even has a built in pant to the gun intentionally so that it will sit in your calf to better conceal it that's something that you're not going to find with other ankylosaurs if you look at them you're gonna see most of the guns go straight up and down ours has this natural camp built into it so that it could suck in more and then that the strap pulls the gun in more so this all leads to more comfort and then safety is actually quite a big big thing when it comes to ankle holster so on a lot of ankle holsters you're gonna see soft padded holsters that hold your gun and then you put your gun in there and what happens you've got your trigger guard area that has just a piece of fabric over it and if you step on like a stick and it breaks and jams in there that could be dangerous so a tailing or holsters all our holsters we sell with the rigid shell that goes around the trigger guard to make it so that nothing gets into that trigger well area even on the back side of it it's got this thing we call a quarter shell on the back side of the shell so it keeps you safe and you can carry a gun on your ankle run around do whatever you need to do and not have anything possibly get into that trigger guard area yeah okay so we are going to put this on show you how it works and Nate here actually already has why don't you show us what yours looks like here well as you can see not much difference between the ankle here with the holster did you think it was that one well it's not it's actually here and I'll show you how that works just like that and as you just talk about the cat it actually makes the you know very easy to wear all day because it's designed to go this way instead of this just sticking right into your leg that's right okay I'm gonna demonstrate for you guys how to put this guy on we got our little nifty floor camera here I'm gonna take off my shoe and we're gonna get you a nice little walkthrough of how this works so one of the first things that you definitely got to look for when you're carrying an ankle holster is you need a pair of pants it can actually house an ankle holster in them if you have a pair of pants that are tight-fitting then what you're gonna see and find out really quickly is that if you want to access your gun you need to be able to release the pants from the gun by pulling them up and over the gun so you've got a you've really got to get kind of high here to be able to get the gun out so if you have a pair of pants that is tight and it's gonna be tricky to get that over the gun so you want something that is loose and loose fitting Jean is good standard fit might be okay but if you wear slim or skinny jeans or skinny jeans or slim jeans then those are a bad choice for ankle carry today we both have on I have on tactical pants you wearing jeans or these tactical pants here no he's just a regular pants bike cool and this is good and these are also good as well this would be enough to release so if you want to put this on the first thing that you're gonna do is you're gonna grab this piece right here yeah you go take that and what you're gonna do is you're gonna step into this little slot right here and then you're gonna take this guy right here you're gonna pull that around make that tight just like that you can see that what that looks like there and then you are ready to put the ankle holster on this is pretty easy a lot easier than it looks this got this long strap but it's very simple you just slide this little bar into this pocket right that and then you just put this strap around you want to do this without your gun in it and there you go now you've got your holster on and you're ready to get your gun in there so then you could take your gun today I'm carrying with me torch slim and just like that you have your guns and what the way I like to carry is as low as possible for the gun so in this shoe that is going to be right about here and if you have a longer gun or a higher shoe this holster has adjustable height on it that I'll show you in a minute so you could bring this up higher or lower then you can see what I mean by meeting a pair of pants that's a little bit looser so this was tight you'd be seeing a print on that and it'll be tricky to get that puppet over it so when you want to draw what you're going to do is you're going to first that we make our holster specifically for your left ankle if you're right-handed and so that it fits on your calf just like this so use your left foot if you're right-handed right if your left and then what you're gonna do is you can use either hand to grab at the pants that's get a big handful and just going to on the inside of your pants pull it straight up like that if you try to pull it on the opposite side you'll be possibly catching your gun which is not good so you want to grab the inside your pants pull it straight up go as high as you can so you can release that handle to get a full grab on your gun and then you'll be ready so if you want to carry higher or lower and this is going to depend quite a bit based on what kind of shoe or boot that you're using they won't you show us boots that you've got on today this is a little bit higher so yeah Justin if you go up a little bit higher as you can see it's it's still perfectly fitting right here super snug I can shake that it's not moving anywhere it's again this is a higher up here so I just adjusted that can actually go higher to so this isn't is all the way up I could actually move it up I think two more slots holster right there one thing I want you to also notice is when Tim when he was putting his firearm back into shell you want to make sure you remember to put your thumb behind here but the ankle holster you know it's pretty snug see that like that's pretty snug so what are you pushing it in sometimes I don't want to see that push that back just a little if you keep your thumb on there your slide it's gonna go in perfectly and it's gonna go right it's not quick perfect just like that okay I want you to stay there for me okay so we have now if you have a boot that is four point seven five inches high from the the sole of it what you want to do is carry your gun into the boot right now Nate's gun is just a little bit into the boot and then you can tie your your shoe so that it kind of goes around the gun if you have really tall boots and if you don't obviously you could carry it like I was carrying it but if meets holster could go a little higher I would recommend that he carried it the gun a little bit higher so that his boots can fit normally and if you have a boot that is four point seven five inches or higher then you just got to carry your gun inside of your boot and lace up your boot around the gun so that works like this this is how this holster works he's got this adjustable height adjustment right here and it's got this little thing that we call twist lock you just twist that off and then it's got this piece right here that comes off and then you can move this whole piece as high or as low as you want so if you've got taller shoes right there got the really tall shoes you can go straight up to the top and then if you have a boot that is four point seven five inches or taller then you want to carry it somewhere down lower so that you can wear it inside of your boot and grab the gun handle off the top again keep in mind you want it to be comfortable so you're gonna have to adjust it accordingly and if it's not comfortable you're not gonna want to wear it all day so if you try it inside the boot and it's not fitting quite right or you don't feel the ankle support or maybe it's rubbing against you somewhere just adjust it until he gets to a perfect position to where you're gonna be comfortable and you're gonna be able to wear all day and forget that you're even wearing it in there for a lot of people an ankle holster is not your primary carry if you want to carry two guns most people carry the second gun possibly on their ankle and but as a primary carry it could be a little tricky if you're standing up you got to reach all the way down there you don't want to spend that precious moment reaching down to your ankle so a lot of times it's great if you've gotten knocked to the ground or you're sitting down somewhere and you can reach it maybe not in your car but if you're sitting at a desk then an ankle holster is a very great choice so yeah as a secondary carry excellent choice this holster is very comfortable for an ankle holster but yeah you got to think what kind of situation am I going to need an ankle holster in because if you're in a firefight it's great to have a backup that's on your ankle absolutely okay let's talk about drawing from your ankle holster typically if you're gonna be drawn from an ankle holster it's a little bit trickier to get to and it is not as quick access it is on your waist line so what you're going to need to do is you're going to have to preferably get right into your firing stance grab with your left hand so that you have your right hand available and yank your pants as high as you can so you can clear that handle grab your gun draw and then you're good to go so that's if you're standing yeah well keep in mind before one thing you don't want to do is you don't want to if you're standing there in a position you don't want to lift your leg and try to balance while you're reaching for your gun like Tim showed you already be ready and then go for the draw and you're already ready don't try to balance and maybe fall over or whatever that's the not the proper way to draw when standing that's exactly what I was gonna recommend yeah so if you're standing you're gonna have to lean over so if you're a really big guy that might be you know a hazard of carrying ankle carry but if you're sitting down then you have some other choices and if you get knocked down then the best thing to do is just and then you're good to draw and fire so from from the ground or from a chair it's a it's a excellent carry because it's so easy to access from here and imagine if you have an eye WB holster on then you'd have to come around here it's sticking out got problems with your shirt but an ankle carry it's a great great quick access from the ground yeah yeah also I think when you're taking cover you know a lot of times in a real life scenario you're gonna be trying to find cover or backing away from the threat and know a lot of people think that they're going to approach the threat in one of these situations when instincts kicked in you don't really know exactly what you're gonna do so you might be looking for cover trying to get around something or duck behind something and you're gonna be in that good position to just quickly draw from your ankle as well and here's a good look at how concealable this is with a pair of pants that's like tactical pants such as these very difficult to see that's there so a great choice for carrying yep all right guys thanks for watching this beginner's guide for ankle holsters if you got any questions leave them in the comments and we'll answer them thanks for watching
Channel: Alien Gear Holsters
Views: 105,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginners guide to ankle holsters by alien gear holsters, beginners guide to ankle carry, guide to ankle carry, starting ankle carry, ankle carry how to, how to use ankle holster, carrying with an ankle holster, carry with an ankle holster
Id: KMPBgoXsbzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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