Beginners Guide To 3D Printers In 2023

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if you're new to the world of 3D printing it can be very overwhelming but don't worry with the right tools and a little bit of knowledge you can easily get started creating amazing 3D projects here is a simple guide on how to get started in 3D printing first you'll need to choose a 3D printer now there are several different 3D printers out there on the market and the best one for you will depend on your budget your experience level and what you want to print now a couple of my favorites are the Ender 2 Pro by Crea Audi because this thing is about a hundred and seventy dollars right around their us and it is a great starter printer and the bamboo lab p1p now this one's about seven hundred dollars but it has so much more Tech and it's so much faster that this thing is really worth the money now once you have a 3D printer you need to get some filament filament is the material that creates the objects on your 3D printer it comes on a spool something like this and it looks kind of like weed whacker line when you pull it out that's what she said now this feeds into the 3D printer and the 3D printer melts it to create the object you're printing now there are many different types of filament out there but I highly suggest starting with pla it's going to be the easiest to print with and most of the time it's cheaper than the other materials some of my favorite plas to start with are filament especially if you want a matte finish they're really good Proto pasta for some amazing quality and if you like the 3D printing nerd you can get some high five blue polymaker makes some just amazing filaments all around they come on a recyclable cardboard spool and this stuff is some of my favorite to use ever and also don't forget about the th3d spaghet I really love this they have multi-color filaments that print more than one color at one time so when you turn that model around you can actually see different colors it's so good and also coex 3D because they're local to me and a very good filament especially when you're starting out don't worry if I went a little bit fast there I'll have all of that Linked In the description below so you can get started on the Journey of buying your first filament next you only call your 3D printer you usually do that by following the manufacturer's manual that came with your 3D printer and that walks you through the assembly the software or slicer setup and configuring your 3D printer for the very first print now most 3D printers these days are mostly built and they would take you roughly around 30 minutes to get fully set up now there are some kits out there that could take you much longer and there are some that come fully assembled that take you much shorter but I would definitely plan a roughly around an hour average to get yourself set up with your brand new 3D printer now once your 3D printer is set up and you have your filament you need to choose your first 3D model to print now there are many websites out there where you can get free and paid models like this awesome stormtrooper helmet right here some of my favorites include things and my mini Factory I'll have those Linked In the description below you can also create your own 3D models using a CAD software something simple like tinkercad or something like blender or or SketchUp or Fusion 360 allows you to create your own models your own designs and print them on your new 3D printer now once you have your 3D model you need to prepare it for printing this process known as slicing uses a specialized software to convert your model into a file that the printer can read basically it slices it up to a bunch of layers and that's how your printer prints it this 3D printing software known as a slicer will allow you to change how big the model is the layer Heights the infill and the support structures to optimize your model for 3D printing now a lot of these softwares have printers built in and a lot of the general profiles for the printers are very good so it's a great place to start and usually the manufacturer includes a slicer on the SD card with a profile for the machine you just bought to get you started real quick if you're getting value from today's video please hit that thumbs up that like button it really helps out also if you want to see more videos about 3D printing lasers and CNC hit that subscribe button now if you haven't already done so I really appreciate it now back to it now with your 3D model sliced you're ready to start printing now normally you would just save that file to an SD card that came with the printer in some cases like the bamboo lab p1p that was here earlier you would send your file directly to the printer right over the Wi-Fi if you want to now once you have it on your SD card if you're going that route you'll put the SD card into your printer you'll turn the printer on and then use the control panel to load your filament to level the build plate and get your 3D print started now the printer will start building your model layer by layer just like the slicer told it to do and you're now 3D printing now while your 3D printer is printing you'll be able to monitor the process of the print on the control panel of the printer itself in some cases on software on your computer or even a phone app this will allow you to make the necessary adjustments if needed and see the general status of your print while it's printing maybe how much time you have left how much time has elapsed stuff like that now once your 3D print is finished you want to remove it from the build plate as soon as it cools down now it's very important that you make sure your build plate cools all the way down before you remove it from the plate I say that because you could damage the plate if it's not cooled all the way down then what you want to do is remove any excess material or support structures if there's any printed into the model and this will typically involve tools like maybe a needle nose pliers a tweezers and the side Cutters that probably came with the printer you bought now just be very careful with using the side Cutters because these will cut you so you don't want to do that finally admire your finished 3D print you'll probably want to show it off to your friends and your family and anyone who will listen and that is perfectly normal because the first time you get something off that build plate the first thing you ever print it feels just amazing now with many prints you can use it as it came off the printer or add additional details and finishes to make it even more personal to you like my death racer here [Music] with a little bit of knowledge and the right tools you can get started in 3D printing and that will allow you to create some amazing 3D objects pretty much anything you want I really hope this video helped you out on your journey into 3D printing and for more information you don't want to miss check out this video right here
Channel: The Edge of Tech
Views: 412,986
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Keywords: beginners guide to 3d printers, beginners guide to 3d printers in 2023, guide to 3d printers in 2023, guide to 3d printers 2023, 3d printers in 2023, 3d printers, guide to 3D printers, beginners guide in 2023, beginners guide, 3d printer beginners, 3d printer beginners in 2023, beginners guide to 3d printing in 2023, beginners guide to 3d printing, 3d printing for beginners, 3d printing, 3d printer, 3d print, begginers guide to 3d printers, 3d printer beginners guide
Id: m12bX1eEVDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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