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Hello, this is codemod :) Let's make a cute cabin together From modeling to rendering, and there are tips for looking pretty, so please enjoy it Let's get started First, I'll set up the add-on settings Add-on is like an additional function I want to try everything, so I'm checking everything and using it There's a collection menu in the upper right corner Collection is like a folder containing various objects Mouse R click - New Collection I'm going to put the light and camera in the new collection that I'll use later Click the two objects with Shift Drag it into the new collection Double-click the title of the new collection and change the name. Name - Camera&Light , Uncheck and deactivate. The X-axis is red from left to right / The Y-axis is green from front to back / The Z-axis is blue from up to down Mouse wheel click & drag - Screen rotation Mouse wheel up & down - Zoom in & out Shift + Mouse wheel click & drag - Screen moving Inside the circle with the axis drawn, the screen is rotated by mouse L click Start with the X-axis left and right and the Y-axis back and forth Save it before it starts. Because your work is precious. Let's really make it now Click the cube and press G. G is moving button If you press G, it moves freely, and if you press Z, it moves only on the Z axis At this time, press Ctrl to move one space at a time Click the mouse where you want To edit the cube, you have to in edit mode Click on the object mode and change it to the edit mode This can be quickly changed to a tap key Shift + Click the two vertices - M - At Center Make a tent in the same way Click the two vertices above and lower them slightly. In the edit mode, you choose one of a vertex, a edge, and a face. Shortcut keys are 1, 2, 3 3 - Click the face - Shift D When duplicated, it moves freely, but press the ESC to leave it in its original position Modifier gives a convenient function or effect Bevel is to cut corners Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth After that, it becomes convex as if it were made of clay Then a warning pops up It is a function that reflects the X, Y, and Z axes based on the object's center point There is also a way to reflect based on other objects, but I'll let you know later The center point of the object is called Origin. It is orange color Press all of them. It's easiest to understand when you see it works Now we only use the x and y axes I'll change the thickness Pulling with E is fine, but not putting it in If you want to make it thin, use G - G To make it thick, use E and erase the loop Select a loop with alt I'll make it thin again with G - G Press and hold A key Put the mouse on "Select all toggle" and take your hands off If there is already a selected part, the entire selection will be released, so you have to do it one more time Reduce the size. You can set the bevel and mirror in modifier properties tab, Let's replicate the modifier we used earlier Shift + Click on the object that has already been applied Bevel and mirror have been copied Uncheck the unnecessary Y axis The main selection(light orange color) was incorrectly applied. Choose again and uncheck the Y axis Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth And then, I'm going to change the angle slightly Click on the empty space(Release the selected object) - Press and hold A key - Select all toggle When it rotate by pressing R If you press Y, it rotates around the Y axis Array modifier is the effect of repeatedly arranging objects Try it yourself The order of modifier is very important If you drag here, you can easily change the order You need to do Array before Mirror to get you want In Array modifier, Factor X/Y/Z is the distance that falls in that direction. Try it yourself I'll adjust the Factor and make what I want I increased the count I'll extend the length as much as there's no space The way to adjust the number is to click the arrow next to the number Or you can click on the numbers and move left and right. In case of sensitive numbers, please enter it directly Satisfied :) Now, I'll make a bar on the roof Let's reduce the size of only the X and Z axes except for the y-axis I'll make the shape I want I applied it, but it looks a little weird It's still strange to adjust the figure The reason is that we use Scale in Object mode, not Edit mode We will correct the things made in Object mode Well done! Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth It is cool! Now, Let's make a door Ctrl R (Loop cut) - If you draw a line in the direction you want, press enter key If you move the mouse and the line isn't exactly in the middle, press ESC key Drag the bottom two vertices and erase it Drag the upper two vertices Ctrl Shift B = Vertices Bevel Mouse wheel up - Bevel count up / Mouse moving - Bevel amount Two vertices in the middle - M - At Center Choose the vertices on the top and raise it up Press the Numpad / key to see only the selected objects If you don't have a Numpad on your keyboard, press View - Local View - Toggle Local View Select the bottom two vertices Ctrl R - mouse wheel up until it's divided into 5 pieces Select the top and bottom vertices and connect them with J key I widened the gap to make it parallel (use S - X) If it doesn't widen, press . key and set pivot point to median point It doesn't have to be perfect I narrowed down the middle a little I'll separate the second and fourth doors Modifier time is back Select the door, door frame, cube house body Lastly, the board on the roof quickly and easily modifiers duplication Let's combine the doors divided into three and two Select together - Ctrl J I think the door fits too tight, so I'll size down a little It's decreasing based on the bottom, not the center The pivot point is well applied as a media point we have to do at edit mode It's a trivial but satisfactory result Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth It was done separately in the video, but it can be applied together It looks like it's made of clay. so the middle part should be flattened I forgot and did it later, but I think you'd better do it now Auto Smooth should be applied separately Now, Let's make a doorknob Ico sphere is made up of triangles Make it the right size where you want it with G & S I'm going to make the handle smooth and round. Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth Let's make boards under the house I'll divide the board into several pieces. Ctrl R - mouse wheel up until it's divided into 6 pieces Select all except the left board Select the bottom board(dark orange) and roof board(light orange) together with Shift Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth oh, I made a mistake The direction is wrong Let's make a column under the board Make it the size you want in the corner with G & Z Use G&S in editing mode to avoid moving origin I'm going to apply a mirror based on origin Select the column(dark orange) and the roof board(light orange) with Shift Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth Copy the floor and make stairs Shift D - If you press Y while copying, it moves only on the Y axis In array tab, Reduce count to two Make it the right size where you want it with S & G In array tab, Adjust the Factor Z and make it into a staircase shape I want to make it more accurate from the side Pressing Numpad5 turns it into orthographic view If there is no numpad on the keyboard, it can be changed in the view tab To see from the side, press numpad3 or click View - Viewport - Right Let's make cool Copy the tread and make a riser I reduced the size Select the bottom of the column I reselect with vertex select mode If it's not transparent, you can't choose the back, so choose carefully You shouldn't make the all select like this Click an empty space and A - Select all toggle Select the side face and down with G key Use the toggle key to see where you can't see The shortcut is Art Z In mirror tab of Stairs, uncheck the Y axis. I just discovered it and didn't do it in the video I'll make the boards look more natural In array tab, click the apply button Then, we can modify each of the boards at edit mode I'll select the sides and make it natural Let's make the background now I'll make there's no boundary between the floor and the wall Collection clear up time Let's make trees Let's move the cursor to the front. Shift + Mouse R Click The most representative function of a cursor is to create an object there Use it when it's angled. Modifier properties - subdivision surface Shortcut is Ctrl 2 It looks weird I chose a comfortable way Erase the bottom. I will change my mind later I'm going to make other types of trees This time, I copied it as Alt D (Duplicated Linked), not Shift D (Duplicate Object) In the case of copying to AltD, if you modify one, the entire system applies Use Shift Z to move it to the same height Let's use the second function of the cursor Cursor has been moved to Origin of the selected object Select the ico sphere The reason I'm doing it in Edit mode is because I want to leave the origin on the floor If G key is used in object mode, origin moves together Let's connect the top and bottom of the tree, it makes easier to move Select together Let's connect other trees in the same way Then, when you choose the top part and move, the bottom part follows, too I'm going to set up the camera now I checked the camera & lights collection that I released It's toggle key and a small rectangle (bright part) on the screen is the the actual render scene Press N key to see a hidden menu If it doesn't come out, press it with the mouse on the main screen Use the mouse wheel to set the angle and view you want When the decision is complete, Uncheck Camera to View Put the background in the camera screen with R-Z When moving the tree, use Shift Z to stick well to the floor When copying a tree, please select both the top and bottom parts before copying it I'll add some light Select light and select Area from the bulb-shaped Object Data Properties Grab the square and make the size bigger There are four circles, which are Viewport Shading There are four ways to look at the object, mainly modeling with Solid (2nd) After light or color is applied, use Material Preview (3rd) or Rented (4th) I'll choose Rendred (4th) Adjust the light After selecting light, Color and Power can be adjusted in Object Data Properties I duplicate the light. It can be illuminate from other directions Please check the actual camera screen with Numpad0 from time to time One more was copied (Shift D) and a total of three lights were used Work with light in many directions, including color, intensity, distance, angle, etc. until you like it! Let's coloring Select the roof, and go to Material Properties tab I named it Dark Wood(It's your choice) Choose the color you want from Base Color If you want to use the same color, choose an object Select the material you want from the material properties After coloring, I saw the door Auto Smooth didn't work, so I fixed it What if there are many objects that you want to do in the same color? In that case, select all object. the colored objects as the last I'll make the door frame a little brighter Name is Light wood I didn't color the wooden pillar under the house.T-T Everyone, color it in advance... doorknobs and wooden columns are also painted light wood color Raise the Roughness value because I want to reduce light reflection. (Choice) Same for Light Wood If these adjustments increase, it would be better to copy the material and change the color After choosing the existing material, Click the Copy button Change the name to Green and choose the color you want! Create Pink in the same way Create Purple in the same way I think it's going to finish soon. cheer up! Detail Light Adjust distance of background Now, the magic of becoming pretty is going to come in. Open your eyes wide! Select camera - Object Data Properties - Depth of Field This is the camera's out-focusing function Aperture-F-Stop is similar to F value of camera The lower the number, the more defocus it becomes Focus distance is the distance from the subject where the camera is focused Adjust it until the desired distance comes out I focused on the doorknob Detail Color each light It's a really good way to improve completeness The light made this beautiful mood The second magic to make the work pretty is to make a light ball! Organizing the collection Emission is a good material for expressing light emitting objects I colored it light orange Strength : 5 I'll put it here and there It's really over now! We only have the shoot left! In the blender, the render engine is composed of eevee and cycles Eevee is fast, but It's too bad for the glass and shadow expression Cycles are more realistic but slow. It's glass and shadow expressions are accurate At first, Eevee If you check these, you can better express shadows, light, refraction, and reflection In the case of this work, only Ambient Occlusion and Bloom show good reactions If you press the shortcut key F12, the render proceeds It took about 4 seconds I'll try the cycles, too In the case of Cycle, Viewport Shading is not always placed in Rendered, but in use with Material Preview. Denoising. I'm going to render right away, so I only did the renders. Please choose contrast you want I ended up choosing None Well done! Thank you for watching and see you later! :)
Channel: CODEMOD | 코드모드
Views: 65,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: codemod, blender3d, 블렌더, 블렌더 강좌, 블렌더 기초, blender tutorial, blender beginner, 오두막집, Hut, Cabin, 코드모드
Id: M_DlneK0DBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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