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Hello, this is codemod :) This time, I'm going to make a cup that's used a lot as a basic tutorial. I thought a lot about which of the many ways to make cups would be easy and cool. From cup modeling that even beginners can easily follow, to texturing various basic materials such as ceramics, glass, and metal! Please enjoy it. :) The version of the blender used is 3.01. Let's start with General! I can take it out when I need it later, so I'll erase it all. Drag and delete! Don't forget to save it when you start. You can use the cylinder, but I started with Circle because I wanted to put Origin on the floor. It's convenient to always work on the X-axis horizontal and Y-axis vertical. It's a function to add thickness to a thin cup. Raise the Thickness value as much as you want Shortcuts is Ctrl + 2 (number you want to subdivide) It didn't work because the cup wasn't selected. Select the cup and Ctrl 2 Subdivision Surface Modifier has been run. It's a function to break the mesh into small pieces. Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth It's a softening function, but it looks weird like an acorn, right? You have to put the loop cut where the faces meet and the edges are made. Ctrl R - Like where the sides meet the bottom of the cup. The bottom is still an acorn. It looks okay just once, but I'm going to do one more time. The inside part is bent too sharply. It doesn't matter if it's made of invisible material, but if it's made of glass, it will affect it, so I'll fix it. Click the triangle 'On Cage' icon next to Solidify Modifier. You can see the mesh inside that was thickened with Solidify. I found the culprit! I got you! This part was bent like this. There are two solutions, and the first one is to solve it while maintaining the Solidify Modifier. Select the center face of the floor (since Solidify, all the way to the inside) Ctrl Numpad+ twice Select the entire floor as a shortcut to expand the range of choices. The side that was bent outside came inside, right? Press Alt and select the outermost roof of the floor. It should go upper than the inner loop, right? The inside of the cup is also soft. It's soft now. However, in this case, the bottom of the cup becomes a little round. The following methods can be modified while maintaining the cup shape. I'll go back and try another way. (As if it's the first time) The inside of the cup is bent a lot. Solidify Modifier - Arrow Down Direction - Apply The faster method is hover the mouse over the Solidify Modifier and pressing Ctrl A. Solidify has been applied, so the inside of the cup is made of mesh. Ctrl Numpad+ Twice - S (Scale) The bottom of the cup's outside was also selected. I need to keep the cup shape. Ctrl Z... Deselect (Click vacancy space, not object, or Alt A) Select the center inside the cup. Ctrl Numpad+ Twice The inside needs to go lower, right? Ctrl Numpad- Twice I think the bottom of the cup got too thin. - Ctrl Numpad+ Twice The edges are not round and too sharp. - Ctrl Numpad- Let me check. It's gotten softer. If it's an opaque material, you don't have to modify it! If it's a transparent material like glass, modify it! Let's make a handle! Think about the shape and location of the handle. Press Alt Shift at the same time and select both loops (Alt = Loop Selection, Shift = Multiple Selection) Shift click on the 4 compartments that will be the handles on both sides of the X-axis Make a hole like this. Place the 3D cursor in the center of the two holes and I am going to spin around this point. I'm going to spin based on the Y axis, so press Y. (If you don't know, press it all.) Press the + button and drag as many times as you want. Don't make it again just because you put it in the middle. Please click Spin on the bottom left. I want to spin 180 degrees, so I'll enter a number. Angle: -180 (- is the direction) Step is how many Spins will be divided. The larger the number, the softer the curve. If it's too high, the file will be heavy, right? I'll leave it at the original value of 12. Let's connect this part. 1 (Vertex Select) Magnet icon (Snap) - Click the magnet right icon - Vertex It's a function that makes it snap like a magnet at a nearby point. Auto Merge Vertices (function that combines points together) Click the vertex - G It automatically sticks to the nearest point, and when you click it, it merges. let's combine the rest of the dots. It looks like there's only one vertex in the middle, but it's not, so please combine it. It looks nice. The handle is too round, so if you don't like it, you can modify it. It becomes more natural because you can modify the selected area and its surroundings together. Adjust the range with the wheel and move it without touching the cup. Tab (Object mode) - Cup modeling is complete! Let's make the background now. You can choose the boundary between the wall and the floor and Ctrl B (Bevel). but today I'm going to use the Bevel Modifier. Please raise the number of counts and segments. Mouse R Click - Shade Smooth Modifier may be cumbersome, but it has the advantage of being easy to modify. Let's find a camera angle that looks good on the cup. The camera's view is the same as the angle I saw. If you press G (move), you can move the camera view. It's not smooth, it feels like moving one space at a time. This is because Snap is turned on. Press the magnet icon to turn it off. I pressed G and put the cup in the middle. G - Mouse Wheel Click - Zoom In / Zoom Out - L Click. Zoom in as much as you want. I am going to select the background and make it bigger. S (Scale) If you leave the screen by clicking the mouse wheel, you can leave the camera view. If you have a different angle of view you want, then Ctrl Alt Numpad0 again. I'll press Ctrl Z to go back to the original view. If a simple object, 32(or less) is okay. I'll show you the number of samples at the end of the video. You can adjust the figure as you want. It feels like the light is shooting from above, right? Adjust the light while checking the camera view. I want to remove a little shadow behind the cup, so I'll add one more light. Select the light - Shift D (Duplicate) I'll reduce the right light power to 500W. You can also see it neatly without any noise in Viewport. Let's make the cup texture. You can choose the color you want from the base color. Roughness most frequently used. 1 is matte, so it feels like clay. 0 is glossy and looks like glazed pottery. It's transparent towards 1, so I use it to express glass material. If you adjust the roughness in this state, you can make opaque glass. It's a little weird if I raise it to 1, so I use it up to 0.5. Let's set the transmission to zero again. The closer it is to 1, the more metallic it feels. This is also possible for glossy or matte metals through Roughness. Like glass, Roughness 1 looks strange, so use up to 0.5 only. Make a cup made of the material you want! I made a porcelain-like mug with a roughness of 0.1. I'll color the background in the same color as well. Mouse over Base Color and Ctrl C Select the background. Mouse over Base Color and Ctrl V Unlike the cup, matte background Press F12 to render. When the Render is finished, you can save it by Image - Save. I hope it was a fun and informative video. I'm going to think about what kind of video I should bring next time! If you don't understand or if it's difficult, please leave a comment. I'll help you as much as I can. :) I like the cheering comments, too! See you next time!
Channel: CODEMOD | 코드모드
Views: 22,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3d, 블렌더3d, tutorial, 강좌, 강의, cup, 컵, 블렌더 기초 강좌, mug, 머그컵, 유리컵, 재질 표현, codemod, 코드모드
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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