Beginner tutorial for Grid Modeler (blender addon)

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hello everyone welcome in this video i'm going to talk about the basics of grid module i'm going to show you the basic operation keys and i will try to create a simple spaceship or roblox some hard surface mesh to show you what can you do by using grid modula okay so let's get started here we have the default you can start quick model by right click but i always add this to the quick menu if you like grid modula then you can add the menu item to your quick menu so what is quick menu click menu is that when you pass q key it will show so this is my quick menu i put the most use that function in my quick menu so you see that i already put grid modula in my quick menu okay then i select this face any face and start here i enabled the on screen key press you can see my plaster key on here and then here is the quiz i can enlarge the grid increase the grid or decrease it i can increase the grid by control and throw the mouse decrease it and i can change the grid size by alt key and then go the most okay so i enlarge it a little bit and then i can use my mouse to draw some shapes the shape has to be closed so i have a string and i join another ship okay then i have to commit commit means execute the operation grip modula has four basic operation if i pass q key it will execute the default operation you can see them here the default operation is boolean cut it use the brenda's built-in boolean function to cut by your shapes so it was cut i can change to other function the most important function is create phase it is the highly used function the most creative function in grid model if i use create phase function then i can pass e key to extrude them it's very convenient to create shapes you mesh on the top of another mesh so you you will see i draw another shape on this face and then i create a face pass q and then select your face it's very convenient if i barefoot it baffle this edge and then i use grid modula i can draw many i can create new mesh on top of them so in fact i have a more convenient method to select the functions the operations i can pass the key free to create the new phase directly the keys one two three and four represent the four operations if i pass three it will greatly face if i pass four then if your boolean cut okay i have already showed the real face function the boolean card function is convenient for create details so i pass 4 4 key then it rebooting cut but how to change the depth of the boolean cut i can change it here in the property window i can change the depth to make it smaller or very deep if i keep increase it it will cut to the bottom so you see the mesh has a hole let's say i select this face and then i run the two i draw the shape on the edge and then i pass four key i'm using the depth i set previously so is it a very high number so it cuts full all the mesh i can decrease it okay a little bit is enough so i demonstrate the two important function but what are the remaining functions okay the remaining function cuts the selector phase and then fill by n gone or triangles in fact grid mode dollar has the ability to cut on the selector phase directly without pulling substation so if i pass one key it will split the selector phase but not cut by bullying so this is the resulting phase i can extrude what is to be negative you see okay so the one and two operation are the same they are only different by the result filled by angola triangle so this is fiber triangles triangles seems ugly but in somewhere case it may be useful okay so our choice angle okay that's good okay so the most important power of grid modula is that grid modula can be run on multiple selector phase so you can keep cut it by boiling or end gone cut it repeatedly and then select all of them and then keep cutting it or creative things on top of them for example here i cut it but there are some very ugly end guns it is the big problem in other modeling method but for with modola it is completely okay no problem at all i can select the end guns and then run the two on top of them without any problem so i can draw the face and then i can pass the q key or four key to cut it low problem for example this face i can also see the demo and then i just cut on top of them i draw the shape and then cut no problem at all so we only have to care about the overall shape of the geometry of the mesh you don't have to care about the face topology at all just keep it handguns and gun is good this is perfect for grip model okay for example here i can select this this and this and then show the shape and then cut it no problem at all but the real power of grid modula is not boolean cut the most important power is that i can enlarge the grid pen and then create leave shape real mesh on top of them and then extrude this is a very powerful modeling method as you may see in my other video i create spaceships spacecraft or model models of robots i create them by using this method i create new face on top of the existing mesh so i will try to demon demonstrate some simple modeling and at the same time i will talk about what functions i use okay so i did it i have a new clip i always like to use vlog viewline viewland modifier so i create a mirror modifier okay i move the mesh on the excesses so whatever i do on this face it is mirrored okay perfect so i move it little bit i try to paint for it to make a good good shape i want to create a simple spaceship maybe i i'm not sure okay so i select this face and then i try to create a new mesh on top of it okay i draw a new mesh u-shape when i use the viola modifier mira modifier one important tips is that i never show my shape light exactly on the neuralink ss why because it has a strange limitation for vendor spooling okay so if i am not showing this trick but if i draw exactly on this edge i can still create a mesh no problem but if i pulling cut it it will become a big hole so it is a little bit tricky boolean limitation of pen of blender okay so i draw it again so you see that the grid is not aligned to this axis if i want to align the grid line i can hold ctrl and then click the edge so you see that it is a light i can conjugate this edge to align to this edge and then i can click it again control kick it again to our lights to this okay so i am not going to talk on the birling access because it caused problem the bull the boolean operation may have bug so i cancel it i draw a little bit overlap on the boolean on the new running axis okay so i pass key fee and then extrude perfect so i want to cut it on this corner to make it a little bit sharp because this is a spaceship what can i do in fact for quick modular there is a special function if i do not select anything and then i run modular it will use my current view pen to execute kit modular so i will show you how to do it first i do not select anything then i switch to fv the left remote then i run grid modula you will see that there is the low probe and then i can draw shapes this way this way okay if i do anything wrong in clip model i can press ctrl set to undo it so you you can see that i pass on some set to undo it no problem okay i draw the shape here i want to bring cut the corner i draw the shape here you see that here is the wheel pen okay i pass four key to boolean cut please note that if your depth is not enough for example if your depth is default one you will not see anything you have to increase the depth in order to cut it okay perfect so this is the cut corner i want to do it again okay i hold off to enlarge the wheelband then i want to create a code font of the for the spaceship maybe here okay key free and then extrude and then do not select anything long have three and then one grid model this time i want to cut it by irregular shape this way okay then pass q it was cut how about the button i do this again to cut the bottom i draw the shape and then q key okay perfect so but i i think this corner is a little bit sharp so i pass the key 7 or numpad top wheel and then one gig modular to cut off from the top shoulder shape and then q key increase the depth okay perfect it was cut so this is the base of the spaceship so how about the back i want to extrude it a little bit but it seemed looks like a rectangle i barefoot a little bit so i want to add some burner on the back of the shape how can i do that on this phase the real power of grid model is that i can add anything to anything for example i can run grid mode on this face and then i can pass key c to change it to circle two i pass c you see that i plus c now it is using circle mode the current circle as shown here is 12. i click on here and then i can hold shift and then scroll my mouse you'll see that the number of size is being changed minimum is free it becomes a triangle but i we are not looking for triangle i want a circle i increase it to 20 and then i left cake to confirm it okay i use i created a circle with chantil size i click again here and create a circle with same size okay perfect this time i press key free to clearly face extrude it stupid again and now she scale it up it's stupid and then i fold it select it and then insert it let's keep it led and then insert it create a hook okay oh i forgot to do it in here do the same thing here okay that's great so we created a basic burnout photoshoot but if we want to add a wing on the burner i can select the face and then create a ring i will show you how to do that let's say i want to create a little ring on here so i select this face and then one grip model you see that us very small click so on this face we don't have to worry we can hold alt and then scroll to enlarge it perfect we can work on here but the grid line is not aligned to the edge we can do that i click ctrl click the edge to unlike the gridline and then i draw a little bit longer rectangle and then pass three key okay here is the new face i can extrude and then select this edge to play for it maybe we have to make this smaller on this face i select both edge and then scale it down so we have a small ring okay maybe i want to baffle it at this edge too bad for it a little bit nice okay so and then i want to add some details on the model for example i want to add some cuts on here i can select both faces 1.2 and then i draw rectangle on here but i want to draw a number of the same rectangles from here down to here how can i do that in fact another most powerful function of kit model is that it supports many kinds of copy and array it is the expert of array okay i can right click my mouse to enter to another mode of git module it is called selection mode selection mode is for some control function of shapes for example rotation copy cut paste away scale etc those functions can be accessed in selection mode so how do i enter selection move you just have to right click the mouse on the grid pane for example i work in my mouse you will see that the yellow text selection mode is so here now you are insulationable if you use your cursor to kick on the keypad you cannot draw anything you cannot show leave shapes instead you are creating a selection when a selection rectangle yellow rectangle if your yellow rectangle hits the shapes the shape will be sealed it is select in yellow color you can pass g key to move it okay you can pass r key to rotate it there are many kinds of functions many useful functions in selection mode okay the most interesting function is away copy how to do it just part d key d is for array copy so i create a copy of it but how to create a number of copies it is very easy i just have to throw the mouse i scroll up i create a number of copy i can create them in any direction this direction no problem this direction any direction if i pass c key it will be inner circle of course we should change the python pawn before using this function so if we click to confirm it then we can cut it by passing q key okay so we have to decrease the div a little bit by one decrease it a little bit so we have some details on both faces we can do the same thing here select this face on the two okay if we try to add the details along this edge we can first ctrl click this edge to rotate the keypad by this way you can create the shapes alone in this direction it is very convenient way to create details i can increase the density of the git by holding control dance rule and we can draw shapes on it for example i can draw this strip and then right click to enter selection mode and then just click on the shape to select it i have selected this shape it will be in yellow color okay so i can pass d key to duplicate are we copy roll the mouse so it will be copied i pass q key to confirm it okay so we have a nice detail on this mesh okay so this is the basic operation and functions of grid module hope that it is helpful for you but i will talk about it more details in the future videos so hope to see you again
Channel: Kushiro Kushiro
Views: 8,094
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Id: 2gpfivcYPXU
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Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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