Beginner - How to Play the E Blues SHUFFLE - Blues Guitar Lessons

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hi welcome to guitar lesson fast fun and easy here we are again on location uh hey this lesson is a quick one a quicky fast lesson here it's on What's called the blues uh Shuffle some people like to called The blu's Boogie uh or it's kind of potato potato Shuffle Boogie whatever you want to call it uh you can see an example of this if you uh go on the side and and uh click on Rio blues and doing that um little quick for fun song on the beach in Rio De Janeiro Brazil uh the thing that goes Rio de Janero R here I come that type of thing uh I want to show you how to to do that okay so to do this uh Shuffle blue Shuffle we're going to start here on the fifth string second fret first finger and we're going to play that note and the open E string here string number six so it's these two strings we're going to play only not these other strings right here my right hand going do down Strokes going one 2 playing both those strings at the same time one two we're not doing them separately like [Music] this but at the same time so we're going one two then you're going to go here and you're going to take your third finger and you're putting it on the same string as the first finger which is the fifth string but you're putting it up two Frets to the fourth fret the second here the fourth and you play again these two strings and and at the same time and we're counting it 3 4 so I'm going to put that together 1 2 3 4 like so this is uh basically almost everything you're doing throughout the whole song and so we're doing that okay every time you count to four 1 2 3 4 we're going to count that as one okay so you're going to do that 1 2 3 4 thing uh twice 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 and then we're going to and and that's that's an e by the way this is right out of an E chord there's an E chord we're playing this note only and that one out of the whole eord we only want that so we finger it like this not like that because we want to go like this it's hard to do too hard so we're then going to take this and move this across to this string we're actually moving up across the neck cuz that way is up cuz we're going to higher sth ing strings this is going down the lower strings so we're moving from here right AC up across over to here which is the fourth string second fret still with the first finger this is uh an a cuz it's right out of an a chord see there is the a chord we want this note and this open a string going to do with the first finger so uh this is out of an a those two some people uh might call this an a power chord other people might say it's an A5 just same with the E you might say it's an E power chord or an E5 a potato potato anyway back to the a so you're going to do the same thing with the a you're going to play again these two strings only one 1 2 3 4 and you're going to do that twice also 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 now you're done with the a you move back across now down across back to that e no longer here over to there that e and uh this is played for four times that Boogie or Shuffle you're going 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 that e then you go back to the a this time it's done for Four 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 yeah so back to the uh to the E and it's four times 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 so I'm going to go over that it's like or whatever you want to sing there was two times there we switch to the a r there was two times on the a back to the E come this is four back to the a arrows four times Rio here back to the E four times come four [Music] times all right so that's that section now we come to the hardest part of the tune we got to go up the neck here to the seventh fret I'm on the sixth string 7th fret it is my second uh uh yeah my second position marker there the dot position marker see there's one twoo if you have a guitar that has a position marker that starts here in the third fret it would be your 1 2 three your third position marker if you have a position marker that starts like me here at the fifth fret it also is going to be your second one but if you have a position marker that starts in the first fret it'll be your 1 2 3 4 your fourth position marker that you're starting on whatever the case it's the sixth string seven fret first finger and this one here is the fifth string ninth fret third finger you're playing those two notes only at exactly the same time this is a b power chord or a B5 potato potato going to play that twice those two only not these other strings just those two at the same time here like so one two here comes the hardest part got to take that little finger and you got to put it here on the fifth string 11th fret fourth finger see it's the same string as the third finger and the same string that's why they're going back and forth to those two notes you put that down and you play that 3 four so you're playing uh those two notes again only at the same time so you're going 1 2 3 4 and uh that too is played two times so it's like 1 2 3 4 that's one and then you do it again 1 2 3 4 that's two so in other words you're counting to four twice you're playing two times that b so kind of the part the song that goes down and then we go all the way back down here to where the a was if you remember the A and that also is played twice going to have a whole L see 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 going to have a whole lot of and back over to the e four times counting to [Music] four you know counting to four four times 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 uh now it would start all over again right there playing the everything we just did all over in just doing another verse uh on the uh one in Brazil I I ended it there I just went to a B7 to end it and went and then to e so I went like back to that e to a B7 so this is kind of a new chord the B7 is a fifth string second fret second finger fourth string first fret first finger third string second fret third finger second string is open and the first string second fret fourth finger string number six is muted either with the tip hair or your thumb you just just gone and ending on E you can end just on E you don't even have to go the B7 if you don't like just do that on E it's kind of up to you whatever you want to do okay so that's uh the Little Blues Shuffle or Boogie uh I call it the real Blues you can call it anything sing about anything again that you want to make a song yours have a blast with it and again it's an e Blues so if you got a friend you have a friend that's with you and knows your the scale while you're doing that someone can take a little bit of a of a lead there uh and have some uh fun with it or you teach your friend how to do the shuffle and you take the scale uh all right as always have fun with this bye
Channel: Gene's Guitar
Views: 250,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shuffle, Blues (Musical Genre), Blues, Guitar, blues guitar, how to play the blues shuffle, learn acoustic blues, learn to play the blues on guitar, E blues shuffle tutorial, blues guitar lesson, blues video guitar lesson, free guitar lesson, online guitar lesson
Id: E6eevqUlr3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2012
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