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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Branch today we're going to do the beginner guide to cutting a tree uh we have a nice white pine here it's super easy we have all the room that we need here plus it's got a little four lean right where I want it to go so we're going to do a traditional face cut and then just a nice easy back cut I think it's gonna flop down and then the machine is going to drive away with it later first thing you're going to consider when you're uh coming up uh to a tree like this we're just gonna look at the whole entire tree we're gonna see what the see what the lean is and see where we want to go and we we've had those established we want to go right that way right into the wing of the tree so basically I'm gonna approach this tree and if I am the tree I'm gonna come on its right side the reason why I come on to its right side is so that way I can tuck right in here because my saw makes a nice 90 degree corner right here and the tree fits in here right really nice so that way I can aim the tree because when you do your face cut that's when you're establishing the direction that you want the tree to fall we're going to show you how to do it I'm going to basically it's gonna I'm gonna basically just gonna kneel down just like this put the tree right in tuck it right in nice and close I'm gonna be behind the tree so that way I can use my sight line which is right here to guide the tree in the direction that I want it to go when I establish my face cut what I'm going to end up doing is I'm going to do my down cut my top cut of my face cut first so that way I can cite it easily go through make my uh make my bottom cut of the face so that way it's at least at least 80 degree or 70 degree angle anyway so that way when it's going uh we have control most of the way most The Descent to the ground basically so let's do uh let's do that and then we'll uh say we'll talk about the next step [Music] [Applause] right here is where a lot of people uh start to go wrong you can see that my saw is that quite a bit of an angle my tip hasn't got uh down so that way my bar is parallel or perpendicular to the grain of the tree what I want because I know that the tree is straight up and down and I want to make a nice 90 degree Corner between basically my chain here and then the tree you can see that we're at the priesty finagle especially if you have a doll chain the tip of your saw is not going to cut quite as fast as the part that has the pressure on it which is which is right here so what I need to do what I need to do is I need my my saw to be right around here or so so that way that way when I make my face cut everything is nice 90 degrees 90 degrees to each other from the axis the tree is going this way and then my my saw is perpendicular to that so that way I'm utilizing the fibrous of the tree to their highest strength possible because as soon as you take an ax and you put a chop of tree this way it doesn't go in but if you put some angles that it goes right into the right into the fibers of the tree we want our uh our face cut and our back cut to be nice 90s so that way as the tree is falling those fibers are there's no Shear forces on them sideways if you had a slant to your face cut or your back cut so I'm gonna fix my fix my my uh my top cut here and I'm gonna just look down my sight line when I'm when I'm where I where I think I need to be make sure everything's good come through do my face do my bottom establish my face and we'll look at it [Music] [Applause] reason why I do my top before first because it's easy the tree holds my saw so when I'm looking down this spelling line right here my sight line I know exactly where to go and I don't have to hold it all I have to do is have a pressure and it's right where it needs to be that's why I tend to do my top cut first and then my face I'm just connecting the bottoms and it's much easier that way when you're doing your bottom first you're kind of hitting your target you can't see plus I'll show you a cool trick when uh so that way I don't bypass my my uh my cut and then have to mess with it later basically I'm going to line this part up uh I'm gonna basically put my saw here try and hit to this over here but as I'm coming through I'm going to look through my cut of through my top cut until my bar gets where I want to be then that way that way I don't go past that and have to have to do a Top Cut again [Music] all right because you can see my bar how it comes right into that cut when my bar comes right into the cut that's when you know to stop not then they don't go too far [Applause] [Music] and now I have a nice 90 degree face and basically if you go in uh if you go in basically your chain width into it that's totally fine you're gonna chain height if you go in a quarter or 3 8 of an inch it's not going to be in the end of the world or anything if that happens so now that I've created this my face cut here this plane as the tree falls this plane and this plane will slowly get closer and close together when this is near where it will touch before the tree hits the ground and then it will cause this these fibers that you leave inside the hinge to break so it makes it so like when I'm in the tree if I want it to be a little bit narrower so that way the bot the bottom the the butt pops off it creates more of a roll um or if I want a tree to be held all the way down so that way when it hits the ground my fibers are still intact I'll have this closer to 90 if not more than 90. so that way that way that board that's still in there is is basically attached the whole entire time and I want it so that way this basically is right on the edge of breaking when this Falls basically so now we're going to go through just do your traditional uh back cut the way that uh way that we kind of in school when I went to uh do one of these classes to get a close a close uh kind of reference for what plane you're on is basically hold your saw and have it so your bar is touching your face right here and when you back up just hold that and now I'm actually really close really close to the same to the same uh angle as this one is for uh so that way I keep these two cuts parallel so one of one of my uh classmates just did this held it went right around and then started in his back cut right here that that made it so that way that way these two planes are parallel to each other not doing this up or down sometimes if you have uh really stiff knees you'll have a tendency to have the the engine of the saw higher and the tip down so there'll be an angled side cut so you want in a situation like this you want to get nice and nice and comfy get down nice and low when you're cutting so that way that way you're not uh you're not stressing and straining to do this kind of thing and as soon as you get close you're gonna pick this back knee up and get ready to run for this one I'm going to be on the other side of the tree mostly because then that way I can use my dogs to really bite into the tree and it can hog right off and I because I want to I want to cut this part back portion kind of quickly because we're starting to get In the Heat of the summer so these fibers have a tendency to want to uh to split a little bit and plus then that way I get some speed so that way uh that way you'll get through there's a couple branches up top I'm going to try and get pushed right through now let's make it happen oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see how that guy kind of popped up and went backwards a little bit when you're planning your Escape Route for these trees you want to be at a 45 a lot of times if you're at a 90 degree if I ran 90 degree here I would have been in the path of this tree but if I ran out of 45 it's easy because the tree is falling this way and I'm running away from it that way you're out of the canopy throwback plus plus you're out of a little more of Harm's Way when you're at a 45 from from the direction of the tree basically super nice super easy um they're a little bit uneven but it's because we're just kind of going fast and this was not uh was not that big of a priority you can see when you have these higher uh sticks that are sticking up on on top of your your uh hinge here this is called what they call fiber Pole where the fibers instead of breaking they're actually pulling out because they're holding so good because this hinge is relatively big so this hinge was just probably a quarter inch too big for the the diameter or for the diameter of this tree but we had so much force pulling it backwards that we ended having some Fiber pole here to get away from that you would actually bore into this tree establish your hinge and then come out the back side especially if you have high value trees or anything like that because this uh if you had really long fiber pole here then it would end up making it so that those boards that are inside of there are actually devalued so that's just uh some of the things but that's a little bit more advanced stuff but this is a this is your beginner beginner tree uh felling kind of tutorial like And subscribe guys also down in the comments whatever you guys want to see for the next videos put them in there and we'll try and bust those guys out as uh as we kind of do things because we've had a lot of had a lot of these good uh these good trees lately and we want to show you guys how to do them so that's one less treat I have to cut because there's a lot
Channel: Top Branch
Views: 489,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut down a tree, tree cutting for beginners, tree cutting, tree felling tutorial, how to cut a leaning tree, how to fell a leaner, how to cut down a leaning tree, chainsaw for beginners, how to cut a tree, tree falling, how to sharpen a chainsaw, chainsaw skills, chainsaw tips, tree removal, tree cutting climbing, stihl chainsaw, how to use a chainsaw, how to put a tree where you want it
Id: 3mTd8ZTG_cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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