Beginner DIY ESPHome mmWave Presence Sensor | HLK-LD2450 + ESP32

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today I'm going to show you how to build a crazy fast ESP Home mway Presence sensor with sound support presence count and pretty much every sensor you wanted the aara fp2 to have for just a fraction of the price and if you're ready let's go to build this we are going to need an ESP 32 30 pin development board and a high link mwave sensor I recommend for you to buy the sensor kit that includes the PCV antenna for better coverage and the four pin wire so you can just connect this to the ESP 32 board but to be clear you just need the sensor the Bluetooth functionality will still work without antenna just with a shorter range and instead of the four pin wire you can just chuse a female to female dupon cable just bear in mind that for this you may need a hot glue gun to secure the cables inside the case I will show you both installations and of course a USBC cable and a 5 volt charger and to protect the electronics you are going to need the fix SE DIY sensor casee this is a remix of the ESP 32 room case and the everything present light it's a versatile pressure fit wander requiring zero soldering or specialized tools just snap the ESP 32 board with the high link sensor flash it with ESP home using our custom frameware and voila you created the foundation for your smart sensor you can get the files directly from printables or you can order it from our sponsor PCB way they are not just any PCV manufacturer they are the OneStop online manufacturer with 247 customer service PCB W provides lighting fast PCB fabrication and assembly along with offerings in 3D printing and CNC Machining they provide the easiest way to make your smart home projects come to life whether you're a student tinkering in your garage or a SE engineer working on the next week thing PCB way has your back wow thank you PCB way for sponsoring this video you can use the link in the description to get a $5 discount on your first order now to Wi it up we are going to use this table let me show you first get the case we are going to use the esp32 housing put the board inside and just press for it to fit then connect the four pin cable to the sensor and just push it a little bit and now we need to connect this end of the cables to the esp32 board if you hold the sensor like this the order of the cables will line up with the table so first let's connect the 5 volt cable for this just grab the esp32 board and look for the beam pin then just connect it now let's continue with the next one and connect this to the tx2 pin on the [Music] board now the next one and connected to the rx2 pin on the board that happens to be next to the last one and now to finish just connect the last cable to the ground pin and that's it and now if you want you can order the cables using a zip TI or whatever you have at hand and now it's ready to install just grab the case put the Joint inside and secure it with the lock nut then connect the PCB antenna the antenna goes right here just push it there and then just peill this off [Music] and now just put the sensor in the case and you can paste the antenna right next to it like this and now to fully close it you need to bend these pins a little bit just push it inwards and then just press it to close it and then just put the lead of the esp32 port and last connect the base and that's it now if you don't have the four pin cable you can use female to female Dupont cables if you hold the sensor like this the pins will be 5 volts RX DX and ground so you just need to connect the female cables to the pins on the sensor sadly the pins on the sensor are a little bit shorter and they fell off pretty quickly so for this what we are going to do is remove the plastic part of the cables I'm just going to use toothpick and one by one just remove the plastic part [Music] and now we need to connect the cables first 5 volts then our X then DX and at the end ground that's it you can see that this way they hold better to the sensor and if you want to secure the placement you can use a hot glue gun that will also help with the isolation now that we have removed the plastic part and then just connect the other part of the cables to the esp32 board and that's it you can use the hot glue gun to secure the parts like this I put a little bit on the corners of the sensor and some more to secure the connection to the pins on the sensor and now I'm going to show you how to install the ESB home firmware for this we have two options with Bluetooth proxy or without it so if you don't need it just use the version without Bluetooth proxy you can learn more about Bluetooth proxy in the documentation now to flash the firmware we need to connect the esp32 board to our PC for this we are going to use the USB type-c cable now click on the version that you want select the device from the dropdown and click on connect now click click on install here it warns you that all the data on the device is going to be erased this is normal just click on install and now on my case I have to press the boot Button just keep pressing until installing appears and then just release now we just need to wait and that's it now click on next and here we need to connect it to our Wi-Fi network for this just select the network from the drop down enter your password and then click connect and that's it now we need to add it to home assistant for this this just click on the add to home assistant button then click on open link click okay and if everything went well we should see our sensor here then just click on it and click on submit and then finish now go to ESP home click on one device and that's it here we have control over one lead on the board if you want to use it for some reason and if you scroll down you can see all the information that we have available from our sensor now if something went wrong let me show you some things you can try for example if you can see the device when you click on the button you might just be missing the drivers for this just click on cancel and here you can find the drivers for you to installed just download the drivers according to your device install them restart and try again now if something goes wrong while you are installing the firm War try to disconnect the device wait a few seconds and then connect it again sometimes after a flash failure the device need to hard reset before trying again another thing that might happen is that the message might get stuck on erase if this happens to you just disconnect the device reload the page and try it again and if everything was successful but when you click on the connect to home assistant button the device didn't appear just disconnect the board wait a few seconds and connect it again sometimes the autodiscovery fail so we just need to restart the device and try it again and now I'm going to show you the easiest way to configure songs for this we are going to use the high link radar tool you can use any of these buttons to install it on your phone once installed just open it and wait for it to detect your radar sensor then just touch it now to create SS just click on set here we have three options the first one deactivate SS the second one will only allow to detect movement on the created Zone and the third one will ignore everything on the created SS so you can choose what options fits better to your needs in my case I'm going to select area detection One Thing Worth mention is that the SS can overlap and then you can create your songs once you're finished just click submit and that's it now go back and here you can see your newly created songs and now to use it on your dashboard we are going to use ploty graph to install it just cck click on this button click on open link and then just click on download and download after it's finished just click reload if this happens to you just click on cancel and now go to overview here click on edit then click on add a card here look for manual click on it now go back to my website and here we're going to copy the code for the custom card then go back to home assistant Select everything and just paste it then just click on Save if everything appears red that's okay now just go to settings devices and services click on ESP home click on one device and here just click on the first sensor click on the gear and we are going to copy the base name now go back to overview click on edit here press contrl F paste the name and we are going to erase the last seven digits now on replace we are going to B the same name and then just click on replace all and now click on Save now click on done and from here you can look at the SS and the targets that the sensor detects if you want to adjust this configuration from home assistant just click on settings devices and services ESP home click on one device scroll down and from here you can change the default settings and edit the sounds any change will reflect immediately on the card and that's it and now if you want to automate with it you can use the sensor like blueprint by black key if you want to know how to use it you can watch this [Music] video for this you will get a crazy fast ESP home mway present sensor that you can just connect and configure on home assistant the code that I use to create the framewor will be available to the members of the channel and to my patrons if you like my work please consider joining the channel or becoming a patron like flip and if you can do that don't worry just remember to give this video a like and share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe for more content like this I'll see you on the next video bye
Channel: fixtSE
Views: 14,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Soldering, DIY, ESPHome, mmWave, Presence Sensor, HLK-LD2450, ESP32, Tutorial, Smart sensor, fixtSE DIY Sensor Case, Wiring, Dupond Cables, Hot Glue Gun, ESPHome Firmware, Troubleshooting, Zones creation, Dashboard integration, Home Assistant, Automation., 3d print case, printables, diy smart sensor, create your own smart sensor, home assistant custom device, home assistant, diy sensor, home assistant sensor
Id: cPac-9K2xEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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