4c Haircare-Using Fresh ALOE VERA GEL? Remove The Poison FIRST! | NO Itch No Flakes METHOD

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what's up kinks it is nappy food all up on your screen and today is a bad nap like video when you search for aloe vera natural hair you see plenty of videos about this wonderful plant but one thing even I'm guilty of this too is not thoroughly discussing the proper preparation for this healing plant when is prepped correctly you can have a very enjoyable experience with it well let's talk about it now have you full checking-in lega also known as burn plant lily of the desert plants of immortality and elephants call this 6,000 year old plant has over 300 species but the one that we know the one is very popular in the health and beauty world is the aloe barbadensis okay Obama de cysts however you want to say it aloe vera now what is the reason that everyone is so hints ojala vera everybody from mommy - daddy - cousin - uncle - grandpa well let's start at the inside the gel in the juice from the inside has become a very popular herbal remedy that helps to treat anything from skin issues to digestive problems okay this plant has a lot of great vitamins in it as far as the beauty work go it helps it helps to hydrate our skin and clear it up has vitamin A E e in seven of the eight essential amino acids now that's the part that I really want y'all to know about the side effects it out of there okay now we already said the gel is it is the best part right so that part is generally safe we're not worried about that part right there we worried about what comes in the green part the leaves known as the aloe latex it's that yellow jelly mucus looking part that is the part you want to be like Allah Allah hello now I've seen some people use the entire leaf and that's the part that makes it be light are they not aware of the aloe latex because that's where the yellow partly lives in in the leaf tea the green part of it so when taking internally you have issues like cramps diarrhea cancer kidney failure is so much more so do you before you start you know that stuff okay y'all not externally have you ever experienced it she skin it could because of the a low latex also known as a Lebanon okay so before you start dismissing the aloe vera plant saying I ain't got time for it girl let's get that yellow stuff out and you be a-ok I assume all right so here we are on the first thing you always want to do with your leave is a standard standard this has nothing to do with the element part you want to always clean this sucker okay you can wear your gloves to protect it from these little riches I heard little spikey-wikey bees you get spiked by one of these it hurts a little bit ain't gonna live so if you know you just not about their life wear them gloves alright so I did pull out a brand new sponge for this part but I do have a confession a lot of times the sponge I'm using to clean my dishes either saying when I used to clean this to Angola Angola I pulled out a whole new one for just for the aesthetics of this video but he'll so I'm cleaning it I think best practice is to use a whole new sponge so I'm just gonna encourage that alright it's shiny and new new and shiny and now it's ready to be demolished okay so one rule of thumb that I was taught is that you want to cut everything above everything in the white part everything below the white keep it use it my new breed's whatever you want to do everything below the white cut seeds let it go let it go okay anyway so I'm gonna cut this sucker very gently I'm not sure why I'm holding it like that but it's kind of weird and let it go and then there's yelling there you might feel compelled to grab that but let it go and this is the part we definitely want to let go this yellow highlighter mucus eg wookie to keep a looky this ain't your best friend you not invited to the cookout member of the hallow team right here we're gonna have to let this one go it's dragging the team that kind of me stop y'all sorry but yeah this is the part that could possibly could be causing it she's got for some of y'all you know if you in happen to include any of this in there so this is what I like to do cleaning option number one now this first option is very very simple very straightforward even a caveman can do it okay sorry anyway I'm gonna take a container this container is actually from a Thai restaurant no Vietnamese restaurant have you ever ordered to your house that's the container broad comes in okay so nothing special just some regular tap water to start us up in there and as you can see it fits perfectly with my aloe vera leaf and I put it into that container and I let it drain upside up that's it upside I let the second rain now what was recommended is for at least 30 minutes me being Who I am I go 24 hours I go the very next day is when I will use this so if it's not fully 24 hours it's definitely more than thirty minutes I let it set like that okay 24 hours later is when I'll come back and clean it only when I come back and use it okay one reason I started the whole 24 hours from because I was doing when I went and call it a day because this is it after an hour y'all after one hour this is how my water is looking so I figure you know well let me just be extra extra safe and I just started doing it for 24 because I feel like if this was coming out after an hour I can only imagine that the rest will be out by 24 hours right so let me go ahead and restart this and again I like before 24 but as you can see after one hour you get quite a bit that comes out so pick your time that works for you and stick to it speaking of sticking to can we stick together okay join team kinks at the subscription button and notifications alright next says you are notified that next time I'm on the phone your screen thank you now I want to go into cleaner option number two once again your girl is extra I actually do both of these options cuz I just you know just want to make sure I'd be careful careful you know saying might be too much for some of y'all which is fine I'm sure number two you can actually just start with you really could I really could just do option number two in color day but I wouldn't be myself if I did something like that's I must do the extra alright so I'm cutting off the part I don't need what you see me shaving off right now the shaving off the throwing part it's the section I am going to use okay so after I do that now let me show you a real quick after I did the first option and drained it for like 24 hours this is how much yellow stuff that well alone in came off now remember the first time I did this it was quite a bit now only anything but there's still something there right and I wanted to go my body got must go sorry anyway okay alright cut it up into smaller sections notice I'm chopping it up okay I'm chopping it like little cylinders and I'm placing it upside up again there goes my water I'm gonna put the water in there again make sure it's upside up and let it drain once again and yes as you know I don't do just one 30 minutes I go 24 the remaining that I'm not gonna use these you see I just fold it up alright 24 hours later technically 48 hours later finally it is ready okay sorry Yahoo I don't know how y'all do with me alright look at the water a little bit of yellow dust left over that's what's in it that's why I like the water option I can see the yellow come out you can do this without any water y'all y'all can drain it without any water but it just looks so much you know better when you have the water you can see it I just like to see it I guess now let's go ahead and get into the you know mouse we just do the whole thing right so here we go with the blending method that I use again is what works best for me not painful into the air to the PBY fu but I'm not really cursing about okay so when it comes to blending it of course you know just get yourself a little blender the one I use I think is bright austero one of them people you know nothing major it is a 900 watt blender I do like these maybe because of my smoothies not really for like hair products like that you know I like the pillar with my fingers I don't know I think when I soak it it makes the leaf even easier to take off so I don't need to use a knife I just use my thumbs or my nail bed yeah as you can see and I think sli's like a bit oh come on sliding right off come on yeah you almost there yeah okay sliding yep there we go okay so yeah it comes comes right on off of there so yeah I'll just peel the lead as you see fit as you are comfortable doing um I do like the way that I do it just something about that Louie Dewie feels good in your fingers - they don't know just something about it I don't know sorry my these leftover leaves because I know this Allanon leftover I feel even more comfortable using it on my face so now here we go when it comes to blending up the Jill I don't like just to hit blend and let it flow actually do the pulse option so I'm consistently pressing it you know one at a time like like natural 85 says it's almost like you're poking little holes in it let me become more gel like more slimy if you will don't go overboard I Chi be okay I don't want it to become watery I wanted to keep that gel form as long as possible so the more foamy it is no better to me now here we are straining now this is the part that we know is a headache when it's not strained well what happens Tim cakes what happens you get all this white crap in your hair and then you know as kinky hair girls that is like a nightmare okay so I found this item that has taken care of all of that for me it has changed my life can I give a testimony real quick I have used the nehi option I have used a regular strainer but nothing gets the pulp out like this beauty right here it is known as the milk bag y'all a milk bag people use when they want to make their own almond milk or cashew milk any type of nut milk is a nut milk bag this sucker strains my gel whether it's flexi whether it's the aloe vera gel whether I'm making a DIY kit conditioner and I'm using avocado in it all those things that will leave particles in your hair if not strained right this gives it note like this shows those things know what matters see no mercy okay so as you can see I'll just pour it right in there and like you will with the knee-high or anything else drain it just drain it on out squeeze it on now and y'all I'm telling you I do this twice but really one time is cool but of course you know in true nappy food form I gotta be extra so I do it more than one time okay so that's the first time I pour it back into my own Bowl or into my container my splendid blender cup and then I pour it into these bag again as you can see and just drain it one more time one more time this VXR shirt and after all of that look look how much put let all of that all that would have been inside of contour disrespectful but the milk bag said not today not tomorrow and not ever it gets it all out all right and that's it y'all I put in my little applicator bottle okay and we just won't get y'all playing so yes y'all don't sleep on these unconventional ways I would not have thought about the milk bag I was just on Amazon I saw and I said let me give this a try it has changed my life thank you thank you God why'd he do it okay anyway so again this is washable it is reusable I do have a link to the one that I use in the description box so check it out kings alright and now it is time to apply this pulp-free okay out of there treatment now keep in mind that this is a treatment y'all I know for relatability some people in their videos they call it a pre-poo but it's really a I mean it's a step you do before pre boo but it's not your pre-poo as in it can't replace the step of the oil in the beginning I've showed y'all the oil I was still going to use for the pre pre pre pre cooling but the aloe vera is a pretreatment it's definitely something that treats your hair prior to shampooing but aloe vera this step you can actually do anytime you can do it after you wash before you wash during your watch however you want so yeah it's more of a pretreatment just want to kind of make that clear pre-poo will qualify as a pre-poo technically isn't oil oil that penetrates to the hair shaft and protects it from what we call hydro fatigue I have many videos about this and make sure you check out my playlist I'm gonna put a link in the description box and in the right-hand corner so make sure you check it out yeah just work that sucker I definitely focus it towards the scalp quite a bit and then I'll take it down my kinks okay doing this over time consistently I personally have not been as consistent as I should be you know sometimes you just don't practice what you preach but just shoot it right anywho so after all of that you know plastic bag it up I let the plastic bag be in my head for a couple of hours and after that I took it off at night and let the whole treatment just sit overnight I started off with six ounces and I ended up using a total of three ounces and now we have come to the NAP chat question of the day do you use aloe vera gel or juice in your regimen if so let us know how it has helped your natural hair journey I also want to know to those who do use aloe vera what's today's video helpful to you let me know in the comment box below trust me and your response will definitely help another kink out thanks in advance I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did please go ahead and help your girl out by hitting that subscribe button and make sure you hit the bell right next to it so you can be notified the next time that I am all up on yo screen also if you're bored during the week come on to hang out with me on Instagram snapchat Facebook all of that all of that and I will catch y'all on the next one until you see this kink you have girl I love playing your screen once again remember I my sister my brother my cousin my friend in order to have healthy hair you gots to do healthy things consistently no matter how hard it is okay now be full check it out [Music] [Music]
Channel: NappyFu TV
Views: 185,330
Rating: 4.9110923 out of 5
Keywords: african american, 4c hair, natural hair, nappyfu, kinky hair, 4c natural, moisture, aloe vera gel for hair, aloe vera gel for hair growth, aloe vera 4c hair, aloe vera 4c hair growth, aloe vera juice 4c hair, aloe vera plant 4c hair, aloe vera hair mask 4c hair, aloe vera deep conditioner 4c hair, aloe vera on dry 4c hair, how to clean aloe vera leaf, aloin, aloe vera gel, aloe vera on natural hair, aloe vera on 4c hair, aloe vera on 4c natural hair, 4c hair growth, Houston
Id: AomXm6BmYzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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