BEFORE YOU BUY an AV Receiver! (Part 2) Onkyo TX-NR7100 TX-NR6100 & TX-NR5100

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they are finally here it's the tx nr series from onkyo the 5100 the 6100 and the 7100 and we are gonna help you decide which one is best for your home theater [Music] if you enjoy the content that we give be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you're new to the channel hey subscribe there's so much hi-fi and home theater coming your way and if you see anything in these videos whether it's new or vintage that you're interested in purchasing be sure to go to or give us a call but now it's time to go into the onkyo's but just so you know after we dig through these and talk about the differences we will take you guys in the back show you the tech base see what kind of cool stuff the technicians are working on today now if you're not familiar with this line of onkyo's because it is brand new i'm going to just kind of show you some of the models and prices before we break them down right so we're going to start over here with the value edition as i would call it the onkyotx 100 now this one comes in at only 5.99 from there we're going to go up to the 6100 that comes in at 799 and then the top of the line the tx and r7100 comes in at 10.99 first things first guys let's talk about wattage and let's talk about channels and then i'll show you guys i really want to show you guys the back because i think that's where most of the differences is going to be but starting in wattage and channels on the value 5100 you're looking at a seven channel 80 watt receiver moving up to the 6100 you're looking at a 100 watt seven channel receiver and then when you go up to the 7100 you're looking at a hundred watts in a nine channel receiver all right now let's talk about the warranty because at hey as a repair center warranty is important because at any time with hdmi receivers you can get a lightning strike and that's it so you want to be covered as long as possible now the entire tx nr series comes with a two-year warranty from ankio so you know you don't really have anything to worry about for the first two years now when you move up to their premium series the rz it actually goes up to three years so the premium series the tx rz50 that we talked about in an earlier video that one actually had one extra year of warranty behind it all right so we're gonna start with the nr5100 now you can tell on the back this is a more simplistic layout so those are you looking for a value and a receiver at 599 this is going to give you just that you have four hdmi inputs and two out a digital and coaxial input you have your antenna plugs and then you have three audio inputs a zone b pre slash line out and then two subwoofer outs so the next thing we're looking at here is the speaker terminals on the back now you can see on this model it actually has your front left and right in the larger standard speaker terminals and then you have your smaller push button terminals for your center your surround and your height speakers or your zone b speakers right here and that's it now what it also gives you is a layout of how your speaker should be in your theater room or your living room or wherever you are putting this receiver so i think this receiver is meant for those who are more price conscious maybe they have a certain budget that they have to stick to to the receivers and 5.99 hits that price point and i think it gives you a lot for that price point i mean you're getting the 4k if four hdmi inputs which is plenty i mean i don't have four hdmi inputs being used on most of my stuff at home myself so uh you get the wi-fi now one thing i think this one might be lacking is i'm not a biggest fan of the push button terminals but again if you're doing a value receiver you're not probably going to be running you know heavy gauge wire or anything and you just want a simple layout and i think it's pretty neat that they actually show you how to lay out your room and exactly where to plug each one of those speakers in so for those of you who are looking for a simple design and easy to set up home theater the tx nr 5100 does just that at a great price now let's see what you get if you jump up just 200 to the tx nr 7100 now the tx nr 6100 is a larger box than the 5100 and also comes with a lot more features on the back for only 200 dollars more so we're gonna start with the hdmi input so you have six now now three are gonna be your 8k inputs and three will be 4k only you will still have two outs that do both the first one does 8k arc and e arc and then you have your 8k sub and your 4k zone 2. it also features the same digital inputs and antenna as the 5100 but now included is a phono preamp in here so you can use the phono input and use a turntable with your receiver and then you're also adding another analog in so four inputs plus a phono for all you vinyl enthusiasts now the biggest difference on this receiver compared to the 5100 is the addition of all the large five-way binding posts on the back so every channel has its own set of larger higher quality binding posts which you can put banana plugs in for ease of use now this being a seven channel receiver does feature nine uh channels of outputs and that's because one of them acts as a zone two so if you turn the zone two on you actually will be losing your height speakers so you can only use seven channels at the same time so don't be fooled it is not nine channels on the back it is only seven it's either you're going to use your height speakers or your zone two so the 6100 incorporates a lot more on the back but there's still more if that's not enough for you that's where you'll jump up to what we're going to show you next in the 7100 but there's one thing i want to show you on the front first one other main difference between this and the 7100 and it's going to be the same on the 5100 as it is this one is the listening mode button so you have three buttons right here so if you hit game over here you're gonna actually switch the types of uh game modes on this side of the receiver with these separate push buttons on the 7100 all the controls are going to be over here to the right so we'll check that out now so on the 7100 you're going to have the addition of these two knobs right here and that's what's going to take the place of the buttons that we saw on the 6100 and the 5100 to change between your listening modes in both game music and movies there's a lot on the back of this compared to the 6100 and especially compared to the 5100 so a lot more features so let's dig right into that and we're going to start in the hdmi board right here so there's actually six inputs just like the 6100 but unlike the 6100 all six are going to be 8k inputs and then you still have your two ak outputs same digital in same antenna tuner but you do have the addition for those of you that still use component video to have the addition of component and analog video as well now in doing that it also is going to add more analog inputs to your audio input so you're actually getting two extra audio inputs as well as still having that photo there for all you vinyl enthusiasts which i said earlier but hey who's counting now the real difference the real difference you may look at the back of this in the back of the 6100 and be like hey they have the same amount of speaker terminals and they do but they don't act the same so this is a true nine channel receiver so all nine sets of these binding posts are going to be active so you can hook speakers up to all nine outputs you don't need a separate preamp for that ninth channel you straight have nine built right in plus you still have your zone two out and two sub out so this will power nine speakers and what that will do is that'll do your your five speakers your front left and right your center your rear and then your four atmos on the ceiling or at my speakers on top of your front and rears so this really gives you the entire home theater experience all in one box so now you're saying yourself well that's a lot of information what do i really need to do with it okay so here's how you're gonna pick your receiver okay either you want all the features in the world future proof yourself get the 7100 so that you can have a nine channel even if you don't or you can get the one that matches what you have in your house and what your needs are so if you just have five speakers you just have the front two a center and two rears or maybe you have three speakers the 5100 is going to give you plenty of functionality for what you need though a little bit less power if you want to add more power that's where you'll go up to the 6100 and you'll have the additional outputs for atmos and add other functionality into that receiver with the phono input have a little foam with vinyl and also the addition of two more speakers so that you can incorporate at most if you want to do that if that's not enough and you need five speakers plus four atmos and you want the entire nine channel experience that's where you go up to the 7100 so it is the same wattage as the 6100 but it does give you more inputs overall in general plus if you have like a plethora of 8k devices i just see you like zooming in on my face when i say that because nobody has any of that it has the ability to do up to six 8k devices at the same time so it's kind of future proof shoe i mean in a couple years we'll be laughing i'm saying nobody has six 8k devices at once but hey right now it's not really a thing now if you have questions about any of the onkyo's that i didn't answer because let's face it i didn't get everything maybe need a little more help give us a call give me a call give mike a call get spencer call one of us will pick up and help you find the right receiver for your home theater you know there's not a lot of people that have all three at the same time they can show you in one video so hopefully i accomplished that and have helped you make a decision between the three receivers and if you did go over to shop just audio and support us by buying your receiver or any of your hi-fi home theater audio component needs uh through just audio to support us um but you know maybe maybe you don't know the other stuff we do so let's go check out our tech base and check out some of the cool vintage stuff maybe we'll find it on cue or two uh over the rest of our shop what you got ed uh yamaha c8610 i was at the one carl was working on yeah when you were working on the other one that was the same thing yeah i got i got it working but when i turn it up it it's clipping real bad there are some girls we showed in one of the other videos where you're turning them is that the input selector yeah so it goes all the way back to the end so you see when i turn turn the back it actually turns it right here what's that one uh that one is a model 11 3. oh we yeah yeah i think we've done a lot of work to this to get it working and i still have an issue i got to figure out so and you get that calm then i got the icon open i haven't really done much is that a surround amp yeah it's not a two-channel oh it is a two-channel actually three oh no oh it's it it's it's a three-channel center rear amp that's that's an eyeball that is a strange one strange bird talking about strange birds um that's a good question so i have two of these sx9000s so um one of them's the customers and one of them's ours the customer unit had some issues because someone had gotten in there oh yes but those other repair centers do work that's never good yeah it's not so i'm using the one that we have to cross-reference um not only uh leads that were just completely like wires that were just completely disconnected but also to check voltages on the power supply board the main issue that the customer is having is that the tone color presets which shows kind of a eq curve one of them wasn't showing up so uh basically there's there's an issue with one of the power supply sections or the sections of the power supply board so um i'm just actually in the middle of doing a recap i did this sign and i'm going to do that side and this is super unique yeah that it's very interesting it's got a spring reverb in there it's it's a really weird yeah like i think i i really am not sure why they have that like that that's the speaker switch that's just an odd setup to have right does that go right here like i don't know we're getting so much interference that they needed to do that that's probably what it is because of the spring the problem is this one too you haven't looked at this one yet that one i haven't truly uh tested i'm i'm assuming that it actually works that has an issue oh it does oh yeah it does before we mess with these guys carl's got something cool over here now this one this one's actually coming out for sale um you see this has a custom wood case this is kind of what ed was working on this carrier 1003. uh so pretty much the same model he was working if not the same with a nice gun metal face plate but look at the inside i mean that's just a nice heavy duty belt receiver you've got the amp module right there some large caps to transform you can barely see but it's back there it's fairly large now this is going to come with a custom wood case that'll be available soon so you done this one carl uh i'm almost almost yeah which guy left uh just to test the uh a b switch record out yeah yeah it was a little can we yeah no don't say that no hold it all right go ahead that's nice some of stereo lions right there look at that all the lights work good you can see it we can put it on phono you can you can see the meters start to go ah we can listen to static there we go it looks good oh yeah some good stuff right there okay yeah don't drop it i won't mike's got another big one this is an interesting setup what you got here a g6700 i've just finished that 7 500 for you that's already yeah i was hoping to get over here in time to see that already sorry i'm working too quickly and efficiently good years work it looks like christmas music station oh yeah oh yeah check out this one has the power meter right in the front there this is a nice one of those like digital analog mix analog tuner with the digital i think we did a video on one just like this not too long ago but probably i think it was a pioneer but that's an interesting layout with a rather large transformer it yeah it's massive so um you got your display board your meter board tuning board power supply here driver board output transistors input output board there me and mike are kind of at the same time today because yeah no sleep for me and i'm trying to keep it more more calm for you so you can just relax and watch these videos dave is working on turntable yeah yeah turntable timetable yeah i see a ton of sansui turntables well the alignment of the speed yeah the speed is not locked you like this new album i got you yeah thank you the goodyear christmas who's on that out bart look at these pictures there you go yeah got everybody barbra streisand frank tony bennett julie andrews you get to listen to me randy williams it's gonna be great it's it's just only the best it doesn't hit the same as missy nothing's that good all right guys i hope you learned a lot about the new onkyos if you're looking for them we have them at give us a call give me a call hey if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and if you're new to the channel be sure to hit that subscribe button and that bell so you can be notified when we send out new videos but hey that's all i got for today so stay tuned
Channel: Lenny Florentine
Views: 137,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AV Receiver, av receiver 2021, av receiver buying guide, av receiver review, dolby atmos, 4k 120, onkyo receiver, home theater, hdmi 2.1, onkyo tx-rz50, dirac live, onkyo tx-nr7100, 9.2 channel, onkyo tx-nr6100, 7.2 channel av receiver, onkyo tx-nr5100, hdmi 2.1 ps5, home cinema, onkyo tx-rz50 review, new onkyo receiver, budget receiver, new onkyo av receivers, onkyo or yamaha receiver, hdmi 2.1 tv, 4k 120fps xbox series x
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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