Before LIV, Greg Norman Received Advice from Nick Faldo | Undeniable with Joe Buck

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so I just quietly rode off into the sunset I never retired from the game of golf I never said I quit I just quietly rode off in the sunset and and I here I am but you got to 1996 at the Masters how are you feeling physically going into that um I was hurting my back was hurting um I had bad hip I had bad back just from all the rotation and hitting the ball as hard as I hit it um I was still I was feeling pretty good but I knew there was something not right with my golf swing and I couldn't put my finger on it Butch couldn't put his finger on it um you know I was working the work to try to understand it but I I couldn't get it even though I played well I got to myself put myself in a position so you're surprised you're playing that well those first three days yes I I was actually um because I I just didn't feel like my normal golfer body me what was said the night before with your you're around friends you're leading by six shots um anybody coronating you and saying oh no look there was a British journalist called Peter de Brina a crutch the old you know Palm great guy got on very well with him and there's Peter on the end of the bar drinking his scotch and he says yeah not even you can up a six shot lead tomorrow excuse my French so I walk out and I go oh my gosh why did they even say something like that right because you you don't want to have that yet and so I walk out and I'm going forget it forget it forget it forget it get in the car and just just just go home and um so anyway that was that was Peter but he meant it in in good you all in good faith and honesty and uh but that was the last thing that I remember that really rattled my cage a bit you know when I looked back on it falo didn't want to let go of you it really looked like that that he was holding on and I I don't know what was said but I think that was like a genuine I I'm excited I just won the Masters but I don't know what to say to you yeah know I'll tell you what he said he said um it was about the media he said don't let the bastards get to you because you know you have to go to the media room you have to face your music right nothing wrong with that that's that's part they got their profession I got my profession um but that's what he he didn't want them to get into my head you have a great quote it's one of my favorite quotes with an athlete you expect success you respect failure failure can humble you it can and and that that tournament there um I still have probably 8 to 12,000 letters from people from that tournament um who who wrote to me that because I want to save each and every one of them because it was really important because most of them were like you taught me so much you've helped me teach my children so much I went to the school where my kids were at the following week and I went to the soccer field where my son was playing soccer and this guy came up to me and he put his arm around me he said you've taught me so much I to teach my child about the game how to you know respect and and treat and even in failure how you carry yourself um so I actually won that golf tournament a lot of ways uh because I learned so much from the outpouring from people around the world they wanted me to win they people wanted Nick to win too but at the end of the day from that moment on my life changed why don't you still play people love you the way I'm fit today and my flexibility if I decided to go out and start hitting balls for the next 3 to six months I think I could get out there and compete again but I just don't want to do it what's next for you I would love to instill a little bit of the experience and knowledge that I have developed whether it's through failure or whether through success I see great players today on TV making fundamental mistakes and it just irks me where I just want to jump through that TV screen and just hey you crazy idiot this is what I can help you I can help you I can help you but you know but imagine if somebody wanted to do that to you back when you wereing jack did Jack Nicholas did but that was the one guy you could listen to yes there were other players too Raymond Floyd was a great one Tom Watson he's great comment to me once you bite that snake's head off that snake's Dead Forever that's all he had to tell me nothing about my goal swing anything like that it just get whatever demons in your head bite that head off and throw it away so um you know when he told me that I had a couple little things I used to do mentally when I wore a hat I used to squat down on the side of the Green close my eyes no the TV couldn't see you because of the hat and if I was in such a bad mood there'd be two things I'd do to myself I'd take my thumb and I'd shove it underneath my rib cage and it really hurts by the way really hurts as hard as you can to take all that pain and just take that everything bad you got in your head and it'll come out in here and then you go okay and the other one was a close my eyes and the old toilets with a chain on it I would close my eyes and I pull the chain and I'd flush all the out of me mentally picture everything everything bad in my body I would just dump it right out there and then and my body would go done
Channel: Youth Inc.
Views: 61,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greg norman, greg normal golf swing, greg normal highlights, greg norman masters, greg norman interview, greg normal liv, liv golf news, jon rahm liv, liv golf highlights, jack nicklaus, pga tour, golf major championships, us open, ryder cup, dan patrick, dan patrick show, dan patrick interview, dan patrick show interview, Greg Norman, Greg Norman Liv, Greg Norman Golf, Undeniable, Undeniable with Joe Buck, Dan Patrick, Undeniable with Dan Patrick
Id: nTMh1oY6i9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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