Before and After House Flip - Project T | TWO RECORDS BROKEN! | Sold in 1 Day

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Uh bad decisions from my side,  you know trusting people too much The amount of filth and the smell, it  probably hadn't been cleaned in five years Again it doesn't look safe, it  doesn't look structurally sound at all This is the best job I've done on a house at this price point And a few records were broken Welcome to the next flip I completed this renovation in record time and that's not the only record that got broken I've got lots to share with you guys including an interesting story about the previous owner who actually features on this video I'm Steve and this is Flipping Johannesburg so about a year ago the previous owner John  sold this house but the other party breached   the contract so I helped him get out of this deal  because he didn't want to sell to them anymore but   the problem was he owed them money and was unable  to pay them back. I was interested in buying this   house from John so I structured a deal that was  beneficial for both of us with the main conditions   being one: that part of my purchase price would  go towards paying back these people that John   owed money to and two: that I would help him find a  smaller place to move to. Now finding a place that   matched John's requirements was tough. He needed a  townhouse that allows two pets and has a private   garden all for around six hundred thousand rand.  Now this is very rare to find but after looking   long and hard I found only three properties  on the market that matched this criteria   so there was a bit of back and forth but eventually John made an offer on the one that he liked and it got accepted I'm standing with John here I've just purchased this house from him and it happened to be a win-win for both of us: he needed  to sell for various reasons and for me it's a nice fixer-upper for my next project. So john I know  you've been through a bit of a tough time recently tell us why you needed to sell this house  exactly. Uh basically a lack of funds, I paid   for the house, got a few tenants who didn't pay  correctly or didn't pay on time or didn't pay at all   and what would you say led to the the state  of disrepair of this house because the tenants   were renting um in the cottage is that right? Cottage and three rooms. bad decisions from my side you know trusting people too much, that's basically  what led to this. Okay and I'm glad I could help you thank goodness find a new place,  thanks to my contacts in the industry and such and   I think it's going to be nice for you to move to  something smaller, it's just you and your pets   and um you don't need all the space and I  think emotionally to move on from all of this   is a good thing as well. Yeah absolutely. Steve was a total gentleman, took me to look at a few places   he went out of his way to help congratulations on the new purchase and good luck. Congratulations on your purchase. All the best this is Project T, it's going to be an interesting flip because the budget's quite tight so I've got to get  creative in saving a bit of money it's a small house but there's so much value here. I'm very  excited to take you guys through, let's do it so this is a 738 square meter stand, four bedrooms,  two bathrooms, a cottage or staff room, garden space   in the front and back and a single garage so as we walk in, if we turn to the left we've got the lounge / tv room through this side leads to the kitchen and if you look past the furniture and the mess, it's really not that bad. Okay besides this stain on the carpet, it's a bit rough so if we head back through this way, through these round archways we head to the dining room and I really don't like these round archways. A simple solution is just squaring them off and it makes such a big difference. If you compare those round archways to the squared-off look here, you can see what I mean so this side we've got another lounge or study area - there's quite a few reception rooms for a compact house, so let's take a look these tiles throughout are actually perfect, I don't think there's anything wrong with them in this room there is a bit of ceiling damage up top which um it's not too bad but I mean  this mess, look at all these feathers oh   there's a dead, there's a dead bird there,  shucks. Ya and this natural light   flows in through these bay windows and they're  such a cool element, really nice design feature so come this way, let's head past the dining  through to this side which is actually a guest   room or fourth bedroom but to get to it you walk  through this bathroom which is in the passageway   and it doesn't actually have a toilet it's very  very strange but what I think is that because   there's a door leading out here, I think this was  always an outroom, it was never joined to the main   house and when they knocked through to join it  they knocked through by the bathroom there and   then obviously just removed the toilet so it just  needs to be fixed. I wouldn't even call this a   built-in cupboard, it's more like a freestanding  cupboard but something we can work with so the kitchen doesn't actually  make the best use of the space   you can see the only top cupboards are  these here on either side of the extractor   and this side here and then in terms of the  cupboard doors I'm going to have to replace them   as an example if you look at these, the style at  the bottom is different to the style at the top   so that doesn't work. I think the only thing that  I might be able to work with is a backsplash tile so let's have a look at the bedrooms,  I might have to replace these tiles because they're a little bit patchy and cracked heading  through to the bedroom here so the room's quite small but it's cozy, the carpets definitely have to go and then the cupboards need a bit of work this is the first bathroom it is really small,  I think I'm going to keep the same layout but   obviously modernize everything and make sure  everything's new - the bathrooms really have to   be brand new. So if we head to the main bedroom  there's a section of tiling that's different   to the passage tile so it really looks patchy  it doesn't look great at all. Then in the main   bathroom - it's an exact replica of the first  bathroom but here it's important that I put a   new shower in so we've at least got one bathroom  with a shower. Ya it's really small, we can't both   fit in here actually. And then the main bedroom,  nice size, we've also got the bay windows here once again the cupboards need quite a bit of work so all in all you can see the house is really  spacious and offers a lot of accommodation for   the compact size. Let's head outside. This door handle is very high, look. Unusually high there's quite a few interesting patio structures  here, I mean look at this one, this is attached to   the guest room with that funny toilet set up and  you can see it's very lob-sided, it looks unsafe   and in my mind you don't actually  need a covered patio here   because the main entertainment area is this side  and this is a nice area to have a covered patio but I don't know how I'll work with this existing  structure because once again it doesn't look safe   it doesn't look structurally sound at all, so I'm  probably going to end up just taking this down   and building a new one. Some nice  speakers here, they've being cable tied on   ya so this is your garden, I think  with it being clean and some new lawn   it can look really nice. You've got a fire  pit here which will also be a nice feature   and then here, there's actually a cottage so if  you look at the main house which can be a four   bedroom, you've got a cottage as or a staff room. A  lot of accommodation. The cottage is quite spacious   but fairly basic, I'll be keeping the floor tiles  here and generally a bit of a cleanup and a new   coat of paint. There's a little kitchenette and a  decent sized bathroom. The house also features an extra length single garage with direct access to the house this is the entrance of the house and have a look at these trees, they are huge and they haven't been maintained for so many years   absolute monstrosities so they need a lot of  trimming and then have a look at this section here  this can add a lot of value because it's an extra  parking space, the driveway is not that big but   this concrete's a bit unneat, needs to be leveled  off and neatened along the sides and then here   we need some decent steps going down here at  least. Let's have a look at the front of the house so it's a lovely little house and picture this  cleaned up, neat, trees trimmed, house painted   it'll look really really nice and the plan  is obviously to paint the entire house   but I think the roof is okay it looks  fine, maybe it doesn't need to be painted   but very very excited to get started, it's a lovely  cottage style house, let's get stuck in John really let this place go to ruin, the amount of filth  and the smell it probably hadn't been cleaned   in five years. Helping him out was a lot of work  though for me because I had to do everything, he   didn't lift a finger. I arranged the purchase of  his new place, I packed all his old stuff, I paid   for the moving costs, I even transported his dog. He really was appreciative though and it was nice for   me to be able to give back, put him back on his  feet and really make such an impact in his life so the plumbers are here to the rescue and  we've got a blocked sewerage line. So the   tree roots have caused the blockage most likely. Ah this is so rough. Smelling good Smelling great we managed to clear the blockage you can see we've started trimming a bit,  we're gonna put electric fencing on the   front side of the property here but it was a bit  overgrown so we're clearing the top of the wall   and then we can start with the electric fence You see the little section above there? That's going to be like an extra parking space   Okay. So we're going to neaten up the cement  work there but then the tree's in the way   Okay. So it's a monstrosity. It's also getting dry on one side hey, which means   it's coming to the end of its lifespan. Trimming obviously all the dead leaves. Yeah. Clearing all   of this, taking all the garden rubble. I saw there was  some outside as well, this old bamboo everything? Ya  Neatening the beds. I think it's nice to have these  three palms here, I mean it can be the palm tree house  And check how it's right up against the house.  It's just too big, it's planted in the wrong place   Yeah it's a pity hey. But I agree with you, those  need to be trimmed up there. Yes. Then Clive, the main section of garden here, this grass - I'm hoping we can just revive this grass and not have to put new what do you think? Let's rather look at the grass when everything's   been cleared. If I remember very well you  said this one you're moving it away. I want to remove the shed yeah because just to  increase the lawn space. so that branch is going through the other tree through.  And out on the other side yeah   have you seen that before? I haven't seen this before. cutting down the big conifer I think it's pretty obvious which house  on the street's doing renovations   crazy - all that garden rubble's come from clearing  this side, the front side. Looking better. okay so it's this patio structure here, I think we can use  some elements here, mainly the roof. Yeah the roof   sheetings you can. It's too big this thing and I was  thinking now let's say it starts from about here   and goes this way. Okay. Because it's also giving  a bit of shade into the kitchen. Yeah you're not   getting enough natural light going in. Exactly.  So from here basically all the way to there   um and then what I'm thinking is to go with the  steel. Yeah. On the uprights. The structure with   these poles I would say take them off. Yeah. And  go steel. Steel uprights. And then I don't   know if you would do the lip channel? Lip channel is  best and then you can use the IBR's   Use the existing and it looks fine, there's one or two  holes. No that's fine. Would you say the steel   lip channels is the most cost effective? Most  cost-effective in terms of longevity, maintenance   this is high maintenance. You do the same with the  gutter. It doesn't have to be hidden. It doesn't   have to be hidden, we can put it on the outside which is far quicker and easier   and let it match the existing gutters on the  building. I forgot to mention - that structure is   coming down. So you've got plenty IBR there as well. Take the best and it looks like there's   some downpipes sitting on top there. Yeah we can  check on what we can salvage. Yes basically carcasses need to stay, I initially  thought about changing layout. Yeah. But   because of budget I think we keep the layout and  if you look there it's really fine it just needs   a bit of a cleanup. It's not as bad as it looks  on the outside. I mean we've worked with worse   before. Yeah look because sometimes you just need  to change the rails or some new components   Yes. We need to put new doors and the reason  is these, look, these are different to these   different to those. Yeah I mean even painting these,  they look a little bit shot as well. If you look   this side, check here, the splashback hasn't  gone all the way up. Yeah. The floor tiles are going   okay. They need to be changed and then I want  to just do a feature splash back here guys have starting with the kitchen carcass taking the doors off and they're just uh  doing some repair work on the carcasses   As you can see the layout is exactly the same as  the other bathroom but here we need a shower   because obviously you have to have a shower  and I think it makes more sense in the main   bathroom. I've been looking at ideas on layout  and to me I first thought of the shower screen   you know just the glass but access is a bit  of an issue. Yeah because of the basin. What I   thought - just a normal enclosure in this  corner. Corner. Yeah the issue is though 900 takes us to there. Comes out pretty far. Mmm, unless  you do a rounded. That's exactly what I was going to say next   But then that's going to cut down on the  space of the shower. I think that   rounded enclosure makes the most sense here so much dust so we're sorting out the  big cracks here and on this side the guys are making good  progress with the painting painting looks good. Yeah yeah. You like  the color? Yeah Yeah. This is one coat hey Yes one coat kitchen's coming along, almost ready  to put the tops on and the doors tiler is moving very quickly, we've already  tiled all three bedrooms basically   and the passage and now they're moving to tile the bathrooms let's see how the new patio is looking the project ran smoothly because I planned it  very well. One of the challenges I did encounter   though were the contractors and workers being  quite busy on other jobs and it's definitely   this time of the year before closing up for  december guys get very busy. So Paul my kitchen   guy had a gap in his schedule to come and do the  kitchen but at this stage we were still busy with   some of the build work so we ended up having a  completed kitchen while we were still chopping   and chasing and generating dust around it so it  was a bit stressful I was worried it was going to   get damaged but it was all fine in the end and it  actually had the effect of speeding us up in other   areas and then some other contractors actually  let me down due to other jobs but I overcame this   by always having a backup guy in case which  meant there were no delays thank goodness in terms of the numbers I knew from the beginning  that the margins were tighter on this flip   it's a smaller house so it does  have some inherent limitations   which put a ceiling on the  sales price that can be obtained   some of these are: the stand size is compact, it  doesn't have a pool and it's got a single garage   however the flip side of this is that the buyer  gets really great value at this lower price point   and I know this part of the area very well,  I've flipped a house on this street before so   I had those sales numbers in mind during this flip  knowing that I needed to keep the budget in check   and the discipline paid off because I  actually didn't exceed budget on this flip let's look at a breakdown of the renovation costs  from the most expensive category to the least   expensive. The painting material and labour is the  most expensive fix-up item. Kitchen and bathrooms   are next on the list and you could argue that  they are the most important areas to spend on. The   extensive garden cleanup explains the twenty thousand  rand spend. Next is electrics and plumbing, very   crucial areas to sort out. Then the new covered  patio, floor tiling, construction and build work and   tools and miscellaneous. Interestingly the first 10  categories make up 77 percent of the entire spend. Here are   the other categories bringing the total cost of  the renovation to just over 305 thousand rand. here it is. Project T, completed in record time and it  is really a dramatic before and after house flip so here it is, the completely  new and renovated Project T this tv room has been staged so functionally  and cleverly, it actually makes the room look a   lot bigger. Such a breath of fresh air from  before, no more stained carpets and filth and if we head through to the  dining room you'll see here this   is where the round archways were and we  squared them off. Neatens the look a lot such an inexpensive and simple renovation to do to  square off the arches, has that modernizing effect   let's take you through the spacious formal lounge   we fixed the broken ceiling from before  and we actually kept these old floor tiles an interesting thing is during  the renovation we had some water   seeping through the skirting at  the bottom there during some rains   so we fixed that and that is one benefit  of renovating during the rainy season so you'll remember there was a bathroom here  without a toilet so the hard decision was do   I keep this as a bathroom or do I get rid of it  entirely. So obviously you can't have a bathroom   in the passageway leading to a bedroom and  building a bathroom elsewhere would cost too   much when it's not actually necessary because the  house already has two bathrooms so this would be   an additional one. So the final decision was to get  rid of this as a bathroom and keep it as a passage   but then I added this linen cupboard here  to keep the space nice and functional and there is lots of value here with this as  a guest room, fourth bedroom or study. It's nice   and neat, we fixed up the cupboards, it's got its  own entrance and a nice surprise - when we pulled   up the carpets there was this tile underneath  so it saved me a lot of money, didn't have to re-tile I didn't think the kitchen would turn out this  amazing, a big contributor is this new backsplash   tile because I was going to keep the old one but  I'm so glad that I didn't. And then in terms of   the layout, it stayed the same. We worked with the  existing carcasses but we put new doors. You can see   this nice wood grain finish on the doors. And then  new rustenburg granite tops, brand new appliances   and over this side we added a new water point so  you can run your dishwasher and washing machine so the floor tiles from the kitchen this way are  all new and we ran them into the bedrooms for that   seamless look. Those old carpets were an absolute  no-go and they were just a collection of filth   and then in the bedrooms we neatened up  all the built-in cupboards, fixed them   and repainted everywhere obviously. So this  is the first bathroom, looks nice and fresh hey   the layout stayed the same but everything is  new and the old bath was a cast iron bath so   they're very solid and nice to keep if you can  but it was chipped in quite a few places so   the cost and mission of fixing it exceeded that  of just putting a new bath in. Let's head to the   main bathroom, you can see it looks even fresher.  I changed the layout here and we added a shower   a nice compact, round shower design and this  white tile is lovely if you go close you can   see it's got a little pattern to it, so I'm really  happy with my design choices for the bathrooms   here's your main bedroom. Wow these blue  accents are really cool I love them, it   gives you that Mykonos, Greece feeling. Vanessa  you've done it again with the staging wow   and you know this is the first time I've  staged a lower value, smaller house like this   but it's making me realize how important it  is and I really want to stage on every flip so let's take a look outside you can see we removed this funny lob-sided  structure that was joined to the guest room   it was really not necessary and it  made the space feel quite cluttered   the big change is this side where we took down the  old covered patio and we built a new smaller one   and the span ends here whereas the old one, I don't know if  you remember, went over this window blocking in a   lot of the natural light from the kitchen. What was  really really amazing with this build is that we   were able to reuse a lot of the materials so this  IBR roof sheeting is from the old roof and then   these steel lip channels that run inside, we found  the exact number that we needed just lying around   on site so thanks to reusing materials we saved  about eight thousand rand on this build, amazing so this paving never looked great before, it was  worn, it had a washed out terracotta color, there   was a large crack running through the middle and  one of my contractors actually suggested that we   seal the crack and actually paint the paving this  this grey and I'm so glad we did because something   this simple has such a big impact, looks great. So  previously this section at the back of the patio  here wasn't actually covered, in essence there  was a big hole in the ground and it's where these   toilet waste pipes link up to the drain below and  it goes down to ground level but what we did is we   needed to cover it because you don't want to be  chilling on the patio and fall back into a hole   so we covered it with timber pieces that  are supported by some cleats below and it   looks quite seamless now because we painted the  same color as the pavers and if need be you can   actually remove these pieces to get down to the  drain let's say if you've got a blocked drain for   instance and then you put the pieces back, so a neat  little solution. Let's look at the garden we've   put some new lawn, um nice and green and there  was an old shed here which we got rid of because   it was taking up a lot of the lawn space.  These wooden structures are quite neat   it's a nice simple cost effective solution to  create a bit more privacy because that wall   with the neighbor is quite low that side. And  overall it's quite a dramatic before and after you can see the cottage looks a lot  cleaner, new paint has a big effect   it was lacking a clothing cupboard so we  added one and generally we didn't do a lot   of renovating for budget purposes but it's neat  and the new owner has many use cases for the space so you'll remember there was a big conifer  tree here but it was in the way of us sorting   out this landing area and what we did to  fix it is we built a wall along the front   and along the back side so that we could  fill it and level it off, make it a bit neater   and then we built some nice steps going down so  it's nice and presentable the front of the house this grass is all new and you can see on the house  we painted everything except the roof and we went   for that charcoal look on the external doors  and window frames but I mean this contrast from   before, this big dumping ground now it's this green  lushness and it's been realized its full potential when deciding what to price this house at my  starting point for comparatives was the house   I'd flipped before in this street, very similar house  to this but it had a few pros those being: it had   a double garage (this has a single garage),  a bit more parking space and it had a pool   but it also had a few cons: it was a three  bedroom house (this has four bedrooms),   the entertainment area was not as nice  as this and it didn't have a cottage   so I had to factor all these in when pricing  this. Now that sold for 1.56 million in 2019,   two years ago so already an upwards adjustment  needed to be made on that price. Another thing   that was important was I looked at what  houses are on the market for in the area   and then importantly the most recent sales prices  that were achieved in this area. So you can see   a lot of analysis goes into this and at the  same time I had to keep in mind my margins   and the fact that the house needs to sell quick,  so you can see it's a dynamic approach as well   this is the best job I've done on a house at this  price point and a few records were broken. Firstly   this is the quickest I've renovated a house, I  had one week of planning and then four weeks of   work until completion. we pushed really hard. Then  with the listing, I wanted to put the house on the   market at a competitive 1.75 million however after  consulting with the property pro Arthur Baron   he suggested we go to market at 1.8 million and  so that's what we did. Then came the other record:   one day after listing the property we received  an offer of the full asking price - 1.8 million   I actually still cannot believe it, this is a  first. In addition to that we also received five   other full asking price offers. Absolutely  crazy. I guess there's so much demand for   brand new houses and there's not a lot of them,  the market is competitive at the moment and the   interest rates are at an all-time low so all of  this lends itself to a record-breaking sale I purchased the house for 930 000 rand, there were  some transfer and finance costs involved, renovation   costs came to just over 300 000 rand which brought  the total cost to just under 1.3 million rand   in one day the property sold for 1.8 million rand  and after the sales costs, the net profit figure   came to 426 thousand, six hundred and seventy five rand. Now the time period from cash outflow for the purchase   and cash inflow from the sale was four months  therefore this flip produced an annualized   return on investment of one hundred percent.  These figures are in South African Rands   here are the figures in US dollars  for those that are interested if you haven't already, make sure you click  above to watch the Project H house flip where   the profit was double this one and I had to deal  with big problems like theft. so congratulations on your new purchase, you must be really really excited and I mean you were quick out the gates   I think you you viewed the day we listed and then  the next day your your offer came in so tell us   how did you find out about the house so  quickly? Okay so I'll be 100 percent honest - with the help   of Arthur Baron obviously, I have a family member  working there and we coordinated and viewed the   property same day, we did the offer same day and we  prayed from there and everything kind of went the   way we wanted it to go because honestly I fell  in love. And how did you feel when other offers   came in and there was a lot of other interest,  did you think you were going to lose the place?   Yes I did actually. There were plans set in place  from the estate agent already obviously to have   an open house and that all went ahead so here's  me thinking as a first-time buyer you know   someone's gonna fall in love like I did and say  like I'll offer you like three bar and then what   am I gonna do? But yes to answer your question  I was a bit scared of that part but here we are   so nothing bad happened. That's awesome. And what stood out for you, like what really sold it for you   in all honesty I would say the outside, the  lights and the bay windows and the beautiful   palm trees, everything was just perfect and  then when you came in the house I was like   I don't remember what I loved outside because you  come in here, you're like new kitchen, new bathrooms   that's probably the most important because you  know cost wise buying a property and having to   redo things like that. That's awesome, ya it's cool  for me to get that feedback because I often don't   being a renovator I don't get to see what people  really really enjoyed you know, so that's pretty   cool. Yeah and then are there any changes you  would make, obviously it's newly renovated but   what would you add or change? so back to bay windows, obviously, that's sort of the perfect   area to add seating and storage. That's a good idea. You know, pillows and I'm the decorative type of person that   would want those kinds of things so yes that's  probably the only thing I would add other than   that I think I would be a bit stupid to want to  add anything because there's nothing more to add   ah that's amazing, that's awesome. And then yeah  lastly, on the house, so it's three bedrooms, there's   a guest room and a cottage, will you be using  all these rooms? Will your family be with you?   so my son and I will be moving into this house  alone believe it or not. And the cottage will   generate an income. Wow. So we'll be renting it on  an airbnb basis. That's so cool to hear. Airbnb   is probably the most noteworthy thing about this  house and for a first time buyer. It's amazing for me that I got to obviously create a house that is  your dream house, so it's really fulfilling for me   so congratulations again and all the best. And the same to you I mean you have to also note that   you need to know what you do, you know what you're  doing, the capabilities of renovating a house because   you did this as part of your job, you do this for a  living but in essence all the money that's gone   in, all the efforts, all the hard work literally has  made somebody's dream come true and I don't think   you always go into a project thinking that because  as long as it comes out better than you got it   your job's done but in terms of  making people realize their dreams,   knowing what you want, everything's perfect, I  think it's a real massive gift on your part   so I need to thank you as well. You're welcome, you're giving me goosebumps. No that's really cool like making an   impact is I mean making a difference is amazing  and that's what is fulfilling for you know doing   what I do so thank you. the sales transfer takes a  few months so we carry on with maintenance right up until ownership has transferred. Now usually it's small things like garden service, cleaning, general maintenance but it also gives us time to  iron out any other issues that may crop up so in this case there's a few areas of damp in the house  and there has been a lot of rain in Johannesburg recently so in this formal lounge if you look up here there's a bit of moisture that's come through the wall here, it's not a lot but it is noticeable  and it's a similar thing down at the skirting here and then in the kitchen, on the ceiling there's  a bigger leak there which needs to be sorted out   so let's get the professional's assessment of  this damp here. So Praga, what do you think this is  Okay from what we see on the outside it  looks like the water is just seeping through   the rafter join on the plaster, so it's not a  major leak we just need a little bit of sealing between the rafter and the plaster and  should eliminate that problem. Same with the   bottom it's a very slow seep but it just  needs a little bit of sealer at the bottom   cool well let's go have a look outside and see what it  looks like from that side okay if you look at that point, it's where the water runoff from your roof valley comes down so the fact that it's been   running there quite often, sort of, you know uh  damaged the timber a little bit but not too bad   but it just needs to be sealed up. That's the point  where it could be soaking in if you look at there you just probably need to put a little bit of  sealer to seal that little gap to prevent the water from soaking in so, Praga what do you think this most likely is? Okay, most likely, it could be from a roof tile, maybe a cracked roof tile or roof tile that moved off with the heavy winds we've had recently but we'll assess it, we'll get on the roof and see exactly what's going on and uh take it from there. Okay and then we'll also have a look in the ceiling to see if there's any other damages that we can see so we're in the roof and we're having a look just above this bit of damp in the kitchen you can see the damp spot there So does it look like a leaking pipe? There we go, it's a leaking pipe. Oh there's the drip. Very small leak So to fix the problem you can see we've sealed around this rafter where the gap was where the moisture was coming in so here we've actually chopped quite deep, we've sealed off with some damp seal and now we're going to fill again with   concrete so that the damp will be a thing of the past so you can see we've sorted out the problem and we've sealed up around this rafter on the inside we did a light sand on the damp areas we then applied damp seal and then the finishing coat and in the kitchen we sorted out the leaking pipe so the damp is a thing of the past my philosophy is doing things properly and taking pride in your work otherwise what's the point I want to say a big thank you to the guys on the ground that actually did this amazing work - my team is the best This was such an epic flip, I enjoyed every minute of it so thank you for watching. Please subscribe to my channel: Flipping Johannesburg and follow me on social media and  stay tuned because the next one's coming very soon
Channel: Flipping Johannesburg
Views: 528,169
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Id: 0k2iWULf0Jo
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Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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