Beef. It's What's for Dinner. 300 | NASCAR Xfinity Series Full Race Replay

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for the 60 first time the nascar xfinity series ready to roll here in daytona beach florida they call this place the world center of racing and now you know why it is spectacular and a look back at how things ended in 2021 we're discussing daniel hamrick because he ended a long windless streak and he picked a great time for his first career victory winning the championship at phoenix he's married to a racer kenzie ruston they have rented home she is no doubt their pride and joy and today daniel hamrick rolling off from the pole position for the sixth time in his career let's go from the driver's seat with number 11. danielle hamrick chad canals from the fox sports booth how are you doing today uh we're good okay yeah man thanks for taking a little bit of time with us today so how does it feel going from nascar champion to a new team sitting on the front row for the daytona race here in 2022 what's it look like out there it's always good to see you and see nothing but a baseball family yeah but it's not reality it's been a great transition obviously from what we're able to end of last year to make this transition over to colin grayson matt colley chris rice all the men to women colleagues foreign incredible opportunity fun to have a new partner to the sport in at once and yeah it's hard to start the season i'll be any better at this so still all day ahead but cool view for sure dh this is the other dh uh you got me yeah i got you there yeah we call them dh2 well you're with the team now that historically has got some great results on super speedways have you already had those team meetings about how you guys are going to work together today yeah honestly i mean it's a bit of an unspoken but yes obviously we all communicate a week leading up to this and obviously had many chances and got beat many times by the way college wrestling has operated with one another in the past so looking forward to you know putting that plan into motion obviously planning and executing a few different things so i could do our part today all right well you're my pick so win me some money now all right copy that as always look forward to it i think the two you should have asked him if he was nervous and and the reason i say is because we've got the heart rate today of both daniel hamrick and jeb burton 126 is his baseline i mean her baseline is 64 and he's at 126 right now jeb is ready to go i believe i'll tell you i mean being 125 and your body hasn't moved yet that just tells you how much adrenaline plays a factor in this thing we have a driver analyst we have a crew chief analyst we have a spotter analyst for the broadcast today coleman presley works with joey logano on sunday afternoons but today he's with us as a spotter what's on your checklist prior to the green flag coleman yeah adam we've uh prepared all winter for this uh watching film uh talking to our driver there's a lot of new spotter driver combinations out there today uh figuring out what the tendencies that they like what tendencies other people in the field have we're just constantly evolving like the drivers do and like the draft does for the casual fans i look at it as saying we're a coordinator like in football sometimes offensive sometimes defensive but our job is to give the drivers the best information let the quarterback do his job and maybe help the crew chief out a little bit too and let the head coach make the game winning calls so uh look forward to seeing it unfold up here at the best seat in the house besides the ones you guys are sitting in hey this is going to be awesome to have your perspective today we're glad you're here and by the way congratulations on winning this race one year ago he was upstairs saturday daytona weekend february 2021 when austin centric won that big cooler full of beef so i hope he shared with you coleman oh yeah we enjoyed our steak dinner and looking forward to see how this race plays out now let's go to the guy that won here in 2014 regan smith on pit road this afternoon well adam coleman presley just talked about offense and defense today i'm with a guy that knows a little bit about offense nfl hall of famer emmitt smith emmett part owner now of jesse wuji motorsports your first trip to daytona how does this event compare to other big events you've been at i mean this right here is the super bowl of super bowls in nascar and i'm excited about my driver jesse and what we are able to bring to the table it's great to be back here in the state of florida and daytona itself but this is i was at the super bowl last week this is just as big for what nascar represents emmett we appreciate being here good luck today vince well i think it'd be hard-pressed to find a driver who's any more in the spotlight than 19-year-old ty gibbs the phenom won four of 18 starts a year ago he has never raced in a super speedway event so you think maybe he'd have some nerves but i talked to him just before he got in the car and he said i just like to get in the car where it's quiet i don't really get nervous his team told him block out the noise listen to your spotter tony hirschman and be decisive and you might have a chance at the end keep an eye on the 54 adam so many firsts for ty gibbs first time he's ever raced here in an xfinity car but keep this in mind one year ago he had never raced one of these when on the road course goes out and wins in his first ever start and by the way when you look at our beef it's what's for dinner starting grid he's rolling 15th i like a young driver that's full of energy that's trying to get to the front it's entertaining for us sometimes what you don't know is actually good for you and we would have argued last year that he had no chance to win here at the daytona road course because i mean first time xfinity card never been on a road course goes out and wins it so who knows what happens today i think he'll have a great shot solid teammates right there with him as well so there's a lot of history that's there to help support him as he's going through this race because as a young driver this race is really exciting we saw the heart rate's already up on the drivers and you know his is up high as well just like denny spoke about earlier you can't help but feel the energy i mean anytime you're getting ready to go green at this place absolutely and i can tell you as a driver you feel the energy from the crowd we've had a great crowd here at daytona all week long the infield's packed the stands people can't wait for the daytona 500 but this is this is the last race until the big one so you can see how how many people were here today the drivers are going to feed off that they they know that this is a big event for them and denny you had to say it the big one i know watch out for the big one guys it's coming eventually and here we go coming to green take a deep breath it's time to go racing here at daytona the front row daniel hamrick and austin hill hamrick takes the outside lane it's time to get 2022 underway [Music] don't pass until you get crossed the start finish line and the cards that are going to pull out front here is the ones that are organized the most it's all about numbers it's all about the distance between the front car rear bumper and the ones that's following front bumper [Music] what a beautiful sound adam love it and it takes almost a full lap for these guys to truly get up to speed yeah it will it'll take a little time for the momentum to build and uh you can see already some cars saying i don't really want to be a part of this too early so there's going to be a lot of varying strategies that we're gonna see really play out in the first five laps who wants to stay up front and be aggressive who wants to hit lay back in the middle towards the back to keep the car around at the end it'll be interesting to see how much that lead card can control both lanes with this type of car we've seen that in the past he can really bog down the one lane let the other lane get up and get inside or alongside the outside just gonna be curious to see how that develops throughout the course of the day yeah what so many people don't understand is the draft really comes from behind it's not about you you would think what someone pulls up in front of you oh wow that's going to give your car an advantage because you don't have the air coming on the front of your car it's all about the back of the car it's whoever can get someone closest to the rear bumper it's like hitting the nitrous button many times that will dictate tempo on who you want behind you on a restart it's the guy that can push the best and look at that the right side window out of anthony alfredo's car comes flying out right now he's thinking dude he will get black flags first start for our motorsports in the 23 ran cup full time last year after a part-time xfinity schedule two seasons ago and not the way he wanted his afternoon to get started so the team will have to run down run back to the transporter either take the window out of the backup car or find another window that they can put in that car to replace it and it's really critical because the latches on those right side windows have to be able to be released from inside the race car so that's going to be a tricky one to get fixed the one thing i would say if something's going to go wrong especially mechanically have it happen early because you know you're going to get some cautions that will open the door for you to get laps back if you lose them coming down the pit lane and the stages come into play also that's another equalizer in this type of system the way the format is right now much like you said you get a lap down get your wits about you fix the issue and you can bounce back what are we seeing already two teammates the call of cards up top the rcr cars on the bottom that's something you're probably gonna see a lot of today and these are guys that weren't teammates last year bottom lane rookies together for the first time graduates of the camping world truck series at rcr the 21 is austin hill the two the guy that won the championship in the truck series two years ago sheldon creed and outside you got daniel hamburg landon castle neither one of these drivers were college racing last year yeah i think this is a great opportunity for sheldon creed um and and landed castle austin hill i mean they are deserving to be in this series they've accomplished so much in the truck series that this is a great shot for them they're with really great teams that they're going to be contenders week in week out not just what you're seeing today and we hear nascar has posted the 23. they will have to make a pit stop inside inside inside two by two here let's be patient for a minute go pick up my teammate here out the back brother ten car be coming to you huge push when he gets there huge push huge push here it is that's what i'm talking about just be patient help just ken carr behind you much as you can are 16 years yet coleman what do you think about what you're hearing there yeah you heard it there uh brett griffin calling uh that his teammates gonna come save him on the outside that all took place by the two rcr cars making sure they got both of their guys cleared to the bottom between the two organizations going uh top lane bottom lane and for now it looks pretty even but the key there was making sure austin hill got his teammate cleared for sheldon creed yeah and and coleman to correct me from wrong but really the spotters are the ones that are probably elbow to elbow with each other right now up there talking about how can they get together start organizing because communication is such a big factor in super speedway racing not just from driver to crew chief to to spotter but the spotters themselves because that's us drivers we can't speak to our teammates we rely on the spotters to do that yeah absolutely denny you're right uh um it's kind of the unspoken rule you take care of your teammates especially early in this race so at this point we don't know which lane's going to take off but the more you can keep each other together and each other happy [Music] are you surprised at all we're seven laps in and they continue to run side by side 10 12 rows deep you know i mean this is competitive right now it is and the the biggest reason for that is right now in my opinion is they've had this package we caught a package or this this configuration let's say of race car for quite some time so these guys they've worked on it they've perfected it i think that's why you see a little bit of dominance from the calling guys you see a lot of speed from the rcr guys they've really honed in on this and that's what makes that happen you really start to see a lot of separation when there's a major rule change or something like that happens and is initiated into the sport but right now this is exciting look at that third car on the inside row that's the 48 of jade buford noted road racer decides i want to go full time in the xfinity series develops this partnership with scott burchetta they start a team last year in year two they go full alliance with richard childress racing so basically he's running there with his teammates qualifying the top ten and he is having a day and he's got a veteran crew chief with him and patrick donahue as well so it's not like he's coming in without a wealth of knowledge patrick's been around actually patrick donahue and i started the exact same day at hendrick motorsports back in 1993. you've been around a while chad yeah yeah a couple years even prior to that buddy vince what's up with the 23. well anthony alfredo did come down pit road as you guys noted the right side window came out he was really upset wanting to know if they had another one wasn't getting an answer they brought it to pit road he had to turn it off they did have another window but it wasn't ready when he got here so he lost a lap in fact now he's gone down a second lap trying to get up to speed and i'm afraid based on where he is no drafting hell they'll run him down he'll go a third lap down but as we said we know cautions are coming hang in there it's a long day at daytona just underway your top five austin hill daniel hamrick landon castle riley herbst noah gregson on the move here at the world center of racing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're watching the beef it's what's for dinner 300 live on fs1 from daytona when we went away it was austin hill out front but he's dropping back a little drafting help from his teammate daniel hamrick back on point they are the only two drivers to lead so far this afternoon aerial coverage today provided by goodyear with you for every mile on the road to greatness good year more driven here's a driver i want to discuss and i mentioned him on the way to break third guy in line outside lane actually now he's the lead guy outside as we get a shuffle up front noah gregson into nine qualifies mid-pack but he's already making his presence known well we know he's had a history of being an aggressive driver but he's also a very good driver um and so i wouldn't doubt that he's going to be someone that we're going to be talking about and you can see right here he knows that the bottom cars are starting to get vulnerable and you're seeing them oh there it goes first crash of the day the 18 is true dollar so we're talking a break about how how the goodie was starting to wear off the tires and these guys were going to start moving around and what what the nine saw there is that the bottom cars are starting to be vulnerable off the corner so it comes down side drafts and then some cars get uh get sideways after that drew dollar making his xfinity debut jeremy clements a veteran both with big time damage not sure about dollar yet little doubt that clements has done for the day unfortunate for the driver out of south carolina who last year enjoyed a career campaign and that's sam mayer driving the one made 18 starts last year for junior motorsports [Music] oh yeah so so this started a few cars ahead so what happened is the nine came down to side draft which is totally good but what that did is it caused the inside line to check up as you saw when he went to check up a lot of times when you lift out of the gas here these cars will dart to one direction or another and obviously it caught the 18 and those guys off off guard and got our first wreck of the day two cars that were in the top ten and the first time you'll hear this but not the last throughout the course of the next two races is the accordion effect that's exactly what happened right there somebody checks up in front the next guy checks up and the next guy behind that maybe cannot in time and it just gets ugly but they were still running in a pretty big pack i'm surprised we didn't collect more cars than we did a lot of drivers in this situation saying i'd rather be lucky than good caution is out 14 laps in at daytona daniel hamrick is leading [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm right [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] heroes myself [Music] [Music] so many unknowns when you come to this place to race and let's face it in central florida some unknowns with the weather as well but i think this week we're winning it's been amazing so we're under caution halfway through the opening stage a few cars involved but those really banged up the 18 of drew dollar the 51 of jeremy clements here's the the replay we bring in coleman presley from the spotter stand your observations on this one coleman yeah you know i think denny called that correct you watch the nine car of noah come down and pull a side draft on the group and the accordion effect uh my question is just you know how important it is for the spotter to be counting the gap what's in front and in front of the car that you can't see and your visibility and making sure we manage that gap what's in front and just being more than an inside outside and clear guy well it's the it's the spotter's job to paint the picture for us so we don't have time to you know check mirrors you know listen to them check our mirrors and then make sure that that's all correct it's we have a picture that is in our mind that's going on and we know that when an injury energy starts to build the spotter's got to say okay here's what's going on behind you so make sure you get ahead of that line or or let them know when that big push is coming so the spotter's job is so much more than just spotting what's around you it's really about saying what's going on for the four or five cars that are behind you and this is what coleman is seeing from the spotter stand and oh by the way they have binoculars up there because it's a long way to the back stretch regan smith well i'm a bit busy on pit road here as this caution came out a number of our cars that we'd expect to see up front at some point hit pit road justin allgeier the nine of noah gregson the 16 of aj allmendinger all different strategies but what they all wanted to do was make sure that they had their cars full of fuel for the next pit stop it's all about looking forward in this race right now vince well in the incident that brought out that yellow the junior motorsports team of sam mayer felt like maybe their driver had gotten nicked up in that as well they brought him to pit road who looked at the body good the body looked good changed four tires made some pretty significant chassis adjustment but they dodged a bullet there and uh they are back out and didn't lose a lap so all good for sam mayer and i'm gonna guess the reason these guys are pitting now when you look at the lap count you can go roughly 45 laps that would get us to the end of stage two which means you pit here stay out at the end of stage one you gain some much needed track position we'll continue to follow up on sam mayer and we'll have the green flag when we come back [Music] brothers [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is goes up [Music] one there will be 11 laps to go stage one when we go back to the green flag and a couple of things to mention noah gregson and the team did get a tire penalty there uncontrolled tire so he starts at the rear the 07 of joe graf jr the free pass he made a pit stop he restarts just outside the top 30. jeffrey earnhardt is having some battery problems and also we'll let you know jeremy clements released from the care center drew dollar has gone behind the wall he too is done for the day you saw that shot coming off of turn four that sun is a beast here it is that's that's one of the spots especially for these guys up front they haven't pitted yet so they don't have a tear off off yet and the track is very dirty when you start so the vision is is worse right now than it will be all night good teamwork right there letting your team get down in front of your team make it down in front of you to kind of pull that bottom lane around ahead yeah it's a pretty easy thing to do and we communicate that through the spotters get up get up get up get up that you know we want to have what you call a teammate restart so whoever is controlling the restart will take the top and the bottom guy will just delay hitting the gas just for a split second to let that leader pull down as soon as they get past the start finish line the one thing you don't want to be here the man in the middle jade buford going in the wrong direction when he lost both the inside and outside lane and now have to settle in and regroup when we're thinking about handling of the cars chad too this is where we're going to be telling our crew chiefs we want tires because this is the most important time that handling will play a factor as the sun goes down and the temperatures cool off on the track it will not be as big of a factor so i can tell you this will be the worst that they drive uh all all night so you know that's why essentially we saw that wreck happen is cars started getting out of control that once the goodie had the tires started wearing away yeah and right there we just saw the nine and the one come down and get four tires so we'll see if those guys can manage to get back up towards the front of the pack before stage end which i agree with you denny the one thing that's really difficult with this series is they've only got three sets of tires laying so if you take the opportunity to put on tires right there you've got two more sets of tires the last year the rest of the race unless you flip around that set of scuffs and have them sitting there ready to go but still you don't have new tires if you have an unfortunate situation you run over some debris which could clearly happen here that's that could set you up for a bad time by the way the one and the nine they're both back inside the top 20. so how does that happen yeah mayor and gregson feeling good here's their teammate justin allgeier not yet i'd say about another five eight minutes uh we'll be able to see but it's right now it's like where you unload out of the banking and you start to transition towards the wall that's where it's the worst talking about that sun yeah it's tough right now and especially when it's a transition of you you know when you're you know if you flick on the lights at your house from darkness it takes your eyes just a second to get acclimated to that it's no different when you have the sun right in your eye versus then bam you're going right to shade it does take a second to for your eyes to focus sunset it's 6 17 p.m so we got a little bit of time before we get there about another 30 minutes or so we can see the intensity starting to pick up slightly we got eight laps until the end of the stage right now these guys are thinking about the model stage points right here in front of me there you go one and a half back to two wide tops coming tops coming get up see that's the picture we're talking about with the spotters bret griffin right there is painting a picture for himricks that he does not have to look in the mirrors themselves he's letting them know where the energy is coming from [Music] new player at the front front josh berry in the eight just behind daniel hamrick here's team 11 radio boy that's uh 21 spotter is he's you and him not liking each other i don't know who's spot for him guys but i don't like anybody up here set my teammates right now what about it coleman are there any friends on the spot or stand hey like i said at the beginning of the broadcast you got to take care of your teammates that's the most important part of this game they're your best friends the ones you know can trust in house what i'm seeing right now though is you know we've got three wide race in there and it never let one lane really get enough energy to get away that gave daniel hammer the opportunity to work all three which is super hard on the spotter because you start got to start looking further and further back and see what's happening and what cars have uh the tightest line who's pulling a side draft so a lot of interesting stuff is going on right now and most of us because we don't have much loyalty with each other we have a lot of different manufacturers up there cannot be honest with you right now please be getting out of this pack i'm telling you that these guys are making some dicey moves right now and they're just tr they value the points so much but wow it's it's it's getting dicey yeah five laps to go this time by on the stage you've got to try to get up there and get positioned transfer points are so critical when you get to the playoffs you've got to try to get it but danny when you're when you're listening to your spotter like coleman you know he's up there helping us out today how much trust do you have to have in that spotter and how how quickly does that show up i tell my guys there's three things in life you can't buy trust love and respect so how how long does it take to get that trust with your spotter you know it i think it happens pretty quickly and if you look at my super speedway results it was the the we really turned the corner the day that we hired my spotter chris lambert he's just so very good at this type of racing that um you know we we value them and and i i really love the success that i've had on super speedways is he is a guy that when he tells me this is happening i trusted i don't have to go back and and you know am i are you sure i'm clear you know you don't have time for that so you have to build that trust did you guys go through a series of sit-downs and reviews to get that dialogue i would say chris lambert probably reviews as much film as i do yeah he is really a student of the game just like i am and he's up there today working with a 26 of ryan truex and we have another new face surfacing how about aj almandinger methodically picking his way to the front and now second behind his new team mate maybe looking for more down to the inside we heard the call of guys said the 16 isn't there yet we know aj has really got some great results on these types of tracks at the bottom if you need it and really biggest ally is that 16 right behind him so i think that he's going to be content to push him up until probably the final lap then aj's probably going to try to go get that stage win himself aj knows how important the points are because the regular season championship last year just keep doing what you're doing we'll be ready for the 21 to make a move got 21.987 out back so if you're the 16 car right now you're thinking in your head how am i going to make a move and a lot of that is dictated on the car behind him right how close is he to his rear bumper so right now he's thinking well how much can i lay back right now he's probably laying back a quarter car length at a time to see okay how big is the run i can get on the eleven it's still early in the day so i doubt he's gonna make a super aggressive move but i i wouldn't put it past aj to be thinking right now how he's planning to make a move on the 11 on the final lap keep an eye too on the guy running fourth riley hurst the lone forward almost in the top ten ryan sieg is back there in tenth where does he fit in and who is willing to dance with him because he's basically out there by himself yeah i mean i take well i think that team has an alliance with so they do yeah but just just knowing really in the top ten with them you know not as many cars up there as you see in regard to those chevrolets yeah but a fast race car always has friends that's right that's all it takes if you've got a fast race car it's going to get to these stage ends it's going to get to the end of the race and nobody's going to care what badging you have on there if you've got a fast race car yeah so the 16 has a couple options here on how he can build a run he either can back off the gas slightly he can use the brake to back off the 11 or what he can do is shade a little to the left or right and create a bigger pocket of air for that third place car to now get closer to his rear bumper and that creates the big run now we're gonna see it that's where it starts when justin drops down that breaks up the leaders that starts to change that momentum that's when it's going to start to get crazy 16 was just too late they're trying to block that final lap opening stage that's brett griffin talking his driver through what's going to happen here coming off at turn four daniel hamrick out front but they are closing in from behind all clear all clear all clear that 16 get a toe there the guy on the bottom is not going to catch you no chance he catches you at the line outside lane daniel hamrick wins it over his teammate that's three straight stage wins for colleague racing they swept the stages won the race here in august second caution of the day it comes at the end of stage one where daniel hamrick gets it done [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so so [Music] stage one complete for the nascar xfinity series here at daytona international speedway with denny hamblin chad canals i'm adam alexander daniel hamrick wins it aj almandinger riley herbst austin hill noah gregson the top five at the end of stage one how about some college basketball tonight the washington huskies travel to westwood for a pac-12 showdown against johnny giuseng and 13th ranked ucla the west coast action begins tonight 10 eastern 7 pacific only on fs1 and the fox sports app the beach is golden on this saturday evening as the buzz builds in daytona for tomorrow's daytona 500. we did have that caution in the middle portion of stage one where some drivers pitted others stayed out so with that i would anticipate another strategy play here right some of the guys maybe that came down earlier will not pit here for track position and those obviously that stayed out earlier in the race are going to have to come down here and at the very least add some fuel i think most will come down pit road and get four tires here i think much like what denny was referring to earlier the track is you know it's a little hot it's a little slick you could see they were starting to move around a little bit most guys are going to want four tires but when we get to that second stage it's going to be pretty dark around the perimeter of the racetrack that's when you really might see start to see some gamesmanship and i would guess too chad you get four tires here you open up the playbook for later right i mean that's the deal yes for sure 100 especially the guys that have will have two sets of tires left they can then start to do some things i'm a tire fan i always want to get tires on the car he's he's working over there yeah and i'm wondering too chad like as a crew chief are you building this all are you running this like a road course saying okay my last pit stop i want to happen then and then you build the rest of your earlier pit stops around that you're 100 correct that's the best way to do it you want to try to have the track position at the end of the race after your last pit stop but here we come down here road guys yeah the only guys staying out are those that were a couple of laps down they're coming your way vince well 98 crew chief richard boswell thinking along the same lines of chat canals they really like the race car but they're going to give him some tires anyway and a little chassis adjustment also to stay ahead of it the 21 of austin hill said the car is really good he said i'm just learning for later in the race regan the leader you're number 11 of daniel hamrick that car is good right now just trying to work back and forth with a new spotter in the 16 of aj almadagger they were trying to shorten strategy up as we said earlier happy with that race car sizing up the competition and we do see some varying strategies some guys get four but those that lead the way off pit road either got no tires like brandon brown who won last fall at talladega herbs gregson mayer and others who pitted earlier in the race come here get the other two tires and leave pit road and gain a little bit of track position didn't he well i'd like to talk to aj almandinger and kind of getting his head on what what was he thinking was he going to be willing to push or not so let's find out hey aj it's denny you got me so we were talking up here on the booth and we were thinking well surely he's got a plan there on the in the final lap was it derailed by the cars that came on the on the inside of you and turns one and two or were you really kind of content to keep your uh call of cards up front there i was content you know with uh about about two years uh especially in the first date there uh with with the 21 kind of duck and low i had to kind of defend there and all that but uh just overall to uh if you want to at the end of the first stage that shows how fast our collard great chips are nutrient absolute chevy is handling really well so so far so good well whatever you're doing is working those results speak for itself so keep digging appreciate it thank you i'd say it's been so far a bit of a career day for ryan vargas he's going to pit now but he spent some time out front or half after having his career best qualifying effort earlier today fun to see that happening for that young man [Music] [Music] three figured every day [Music] so is [Music] the excitement of everything you've worked for is to get to daytona that time is here it is now things heating up the heartbeat's going up things are getting intense what a move all hell's broken whoa big hit now he's a winner at daytona it's a special place the special day [Music] a lot of those highlights from last year's race and what it brings me to denny is it's a lot different working a race with you than it is clint boyer i mean totally different up here yeah i mean boyer's a different cat but i mean he makes it work that's for sure he's entertaining how about the day for joe graff jr you go a lap down you get the free pass you pit you stay out and now you're leading in the biggest race of the year i like it i think it's fantastic and you know you know what cole custer is going to be a part of this team this year this is bobby dodder ss green light racing they formed an alliance with stuart austin and look who's out to his right brandon brown who won last year of course at talladega such a special story and a great team family operation and he's done a nice job i'll tell you i've actually kept an eye on on brandon quite a bit and he is one of those drivers that i deem you know that really over performs maybe what his car is capable of and listen his team is great they really do a good job especially with the resources they have but he wields it he really does i saw him have a couple really good runs at charlotte last year that was very very impressive yep perfect you clear that bottom we are staying up we are staying up if you do will you see that 07. you can slow him a little bit yep get that door slow hip when you build your run get away from a little bit make sure you're listening to tj nigel's spotter yeah obviously he's tj's really good at what he does here at the super speedway races i think the most important part that what we heard right there on brandon brown's radios is letting him know that the nine cars clear and don't get slipped what that means is he don't want to get too far out let me run get built up and let the nine car get by them on the back straightaway obviously the knight has some help with some chevrolet allowance behind them so it's uh there's a realistic possibility so making sure you know when that person's clear and when that person may possibly make a move can i tell you what noah's thinking right now i can't wait to lead it's been a day for him i mean starts mid-pack drives to the top five gets the penalty on that first pit stop goes to the rear drives back to the top five and now running second and maybe an opportunity to take control of this race as we're about a third of the way through the second stage yeah i could just see he's weaving back and forth on the leader there he's trying to create that run and i i would say here in the next few laps he's gonna make a move and secretly we're all kind of rooting for him because he said on race day if i win i'm gonna go swimming in lake lloyd as long as it keeps his pants on [Music] well gregson looks good but not as good as the view for brandon brown what's their story vince well you know sometimes you just have confidence at a certain track like maybe denny hamlin the three-time daytona 500 winner likes this place and of course along the lines of what denny was saying about brandon brown we've seen an uptick in brown's career he made the playoffs in 2020 got his first career win last season his crew chief doug randolph told me we're as confident here as anywhere so why not and remember he was runner-up a year ago and right now look what's happened look at how many cars are in a row on the top line following brandon brown this is exactly what brandon wants and this is the stage of the race denny that i feel that the drivers themselves if they're in a semi-comfortable position they're going to ride they're going to want to get to that next stage weather adrenaline was at an all-time high going into that last you know to the first stage so right now is the time for them to just kind of catch their breath it's going to ramp back up here in about you know 15 20 laps or so towards the end of this stage but right now they're happy content that hey we're gonna make it to the second stage here uh we'll make our move a little bit later on one guy i'm noticing here in the top five we haven't talked about them today yet ty gibbs when and ryan sings up there too and having a great day out of the ford camp you know coleman you and i talked earlier today about the line of communication from the spotter stand to the driver when we get in the circumstance we're in now drivers riding the wall what are you saying what are you thinking here yeah that's a good point you know on tv and maybe here at the stands uh uh the the average perception is oh these guys aren't doing nothing but there's a lot of strategy going on right now if you look outside of the top ten the first thing that sticks out to me really fast cars the 16 the 11 the a 10. i think that's where your move is going to come from uh it may not be here in the next five laps but whenever it comes time to pay those points at the end of the stage i think what we need to be looking for is how they're building a gap and how good they are really working together to pick off one at a time and riley's in a painful spot right now so he had somebody jump down with him they started to try to advance his partner jumped back up into the high line puts the 98 stuck on the bottom all by himself and he's just like well anybody please come down here and help me out this team member's like i'm good i'm good daniel hamrick's led 26 laps but he's 11th right now all right i'm gonna start to start the plan here they don't have to go with me what we need to do is we need to and what these guys are talking about too when you go to make the move from this this highline train to run the bottom you want to time it so what you want to do is you want to back off coming off corner exit create a little bit of a gap down either one of these straightaways and then what you do is you get that person right behind you you get a huge run and then what you want to do is come down to the quarter entry use the person in front of his left rear then shoot down on the track you usually can pick off about three to four cars in a in a corner like that you just like to talk about you've got to have your teammates follow you down there though or else you won't be able to clear hey don't don't over share chad was writing notes down again on your knowledge his drivers know that'll be the hindering plan of our all right what's up vince chad's going to be busy up there today hey you know we heard coleman presley talking about the from the perspective of the spotter and the significance of that role ty gibbs had never run a super speedway race before today and his crew chief chris gayle told him at all costs listen to your spotter tony hirschman he's got more experience in this kind of racing than any of us if he tells you to move move do not hesitate trust your spotter tony hirschman might end up being the star for this 54 team before it's all said and done today the spotter might be the mvp but i like that guy throughout the balance of the season chris gayle one of the best and that's one of the reasons we think ty gibbs is a championship fable [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sun is behind the grandstands as it goes down on this saturday evening in daytona and here's the crew oh fisherman's wharf are you kidding me well it is great what is that a trout i don't even know what that is denny had a little weight on there that was like rookie well we're we're starting to see some changes yeah this started with the collet cars they talked about coming up with a plan and they all started working together they had three cars they weren't making a whole lot headway fourth car started following and now they started making a move towards the bottom and everyone started peeling off are you ever comfortable sometimes yeah but not right now i'd say i'm not comfortable right now from here yeah they you know they rode about 10 laps we saw that everybody kind of got their bearings and got got situated the sun has dropped down below the grandstand so the whole track is in the shade right now so it's much grippier the guys are going to have more opportunities more ability to maneuver their cars as they're going you know we're getting ready to come back to uh tend to go for the stage so it's going to just continue to ramp up the intensity as we go jeb burton 19th the heart rate is climbing and climbing the leaderboard the knight of noah gregson he goes around brandon brown he's leading for the first time today getting pushed by a forward that's ryan siege in the 39 and look who's back in the mix you talked about the colic cars and they are lined up and ready to pounce well i'll be honest with you it's really easy to make it to the front when you know you got your guys that's got your back right behind you and he's got aj almandinger right on him so aj's just following daniel's moves and trusting that the right ones i think those two are going to be good teammates i think that's going to be a good pairing for those folks at colic aj so many years in the sport so many different types of race cars so many race wins and i think daniel coming off of a championship he's still so excited and full of enthusiasm i think it's gonna be a really great pairing what do you see here coleman yeah um we've seen the collet cars work their way up to the front they kept their amigos the whole time now what brought that group up was justin algar he recognized it he held the key he was about the fifth or sixth car in line he brought that bottom line and helped them close the deal what i'm seeing now is the colic cars are just now getting unboxed so expect them to probably make the move to the bottom as soon as we get aj clear [Music] you know there's a few cars that in this race today i think have shown their hand because of how many other cars they have passed and the ones that stand out to me are the guys from junior motorsports noah gregson who is leading and also i feel like justin allgeier has been in front of it behind it and now as coleman mentioned he's back inside the top ten i think he's got a pretty good race car for late in this race up top don't get too pushed out here still too bad [Music] big run of that outside lane from brandon brown and a push from jade buford who hit slid back now he is making his way back toward the front [Music] gonna be nine to go in our second stage noah gregson in control we step aside but you miss nothing [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign foreign things getting dicey as you've watched here at daytona closing on the end of this second stage and so many times we come here we say if you're in it you can win it and all of that right the reality is when you look at the list of drivers that win here typically they're top shelf i mean hall of famers champions the best in the business the top three gregson hamrick allmendinger all three are part of the championship four last year and the guy up there with him ty gibbs was the rookie of the year and won four times it's not by accident there at the head of the field what about that nine regan we see the nine and noah gregson leading the pack right now he's been going back and forth to put the moves on and lead that pack he started working on this yesterday in practice purposely started making those moves even by himself just to know exactly what his car could do how much it could take said i am going to be very aggressive tonight even if it means i make the wrong move and fall back to 30th i want to learn my race car all night long so far so good he's playing an interesting strategy right now as you watch this he could make it a lot more difficult on the lower lane when they get up there on them if you wanted to instead he's keeping his distance he's running the wall he's keeping the momentum up keeping that track distance up there as that lower lane starts to migrate closer and closer to the lead if he wanted he could get down on the door of that inside lane those guys would inevitably have to lift and he would probably have a little bit more men more momentum gained off of those guys yeah a lot of times too these guys that are running up top they're protecting their right rear the the right sides of these cars are a little bit more sensitive than the left side so when you choose well if i'm going to get past or i'm going to be side by side with someone do i want to be on the left side or the right side typically that's just typically you want to have the cars be on the inside of you because like chad said you can use the right rear quarter panel to use a side drive four to go it's gonna start picking up yeah the run you know unlike the first stage where you had you know team cars that are one two and you even heard it from on almond digger where he was content pushing uh daniel hammer there to the stage victory now they're they're gonna gang up on the nine it they're gonna make a move on it there's no question about it um and and they're gonna be the ones that that start to make the move for sure that energy is building right there with ryan seeg and brandon brown you can see starting to push and what what the 16's gonna want to do is time that right he wants to get back on the 68 when the 39 pushes the 68 and then that's gonna allow the 11 to drop down and they'll just shoot right past the nine if it works out properly well it it again i agree with that it's just all about managing gaps and what happens is when they back up from the nine that also takes drag and puts it on his car as well so not only are you building and getting someone closer to your rear bumper taking drag away you're now giving the nine the distance in front to then slow him down and now you get your biggest shot we got a plan um i just can't fill you in until we get ready to do it he doesn't want us to tell everybody yeah because what happens is is a lot of these team guys someone from jr motorsports i guarantee is listening to the colleague radio trying to figure out when they're going to make a move so just tell me one thing on the radio i'm gonna use it to my advantage time's starting to run out two to go this time by and how long can you wait daddy do you wait till the the last lap coming to the checker going into three down the back straight away with these cars you got a little bit of time um you know if if it's the 11 and the 16 working together they can make a move they can back up to each other in the middle of three and four coming to the checkered um but i doubt they'll wait that far i think they'll do it call coming off the turn two on the on the white flag lap philosophy 48 into the 39 here ending a stage versus the end of the race and how much can you take from this to when we're getting ready for the checkered flag every one of these drivers are gaining knowledge right now on what they can do and um they're constantly learning and listen these a lot of these guys don't have a ton of experience so they're learning every life that they're out there and they're gonna notice start to feel oh this this pocket of air happens when i'm on this side of the car or that side of the car all those things create energy so we're going to do it down the back right here get yourself some momentum yep so the 11 is going to back up here but look out here comes the 39 orion saved by noah gregson hamrick driving through he's getting a push from c three right at the front wow wow all the help on the bottom you're clear mental note 39 is a good pusher i think huh look at gregson he's going to drop outside the top 10. he's bailing it's not worth the one or two points that he's going to get finishing you know 9th or 10th so he's bailing out of here uh just to save his race card towards the end daniel hamrick two for two a pair of stages and both times wow what a save it was interesting there because you had even heard that the spotter from for dana hammock saying we're gonna do it on the back stretch but i think what happened is the nine started slowing up trying to keep them from creating that run and the 11 saw a hole he went for right away catch your breath noah gregson [Music] stage number two hmm number let's take a look at this aggressive save [Music] oh is my incredible finish to stage two and the beef it's what's for dinner 300 here at daytona that's sam mayer he's got parts and pieces flying everywhere his teammate noah gregson went for quite a ride had the save of the day off a turn two aerial coverage today provided by goodyear anything can happen as long as you have the drive goodyear more driven the lights are on here at daytona international speedway and it's going to be an incredible final stage and while we've been feasting on all the great race action here on the track today fans have been having their own feast thanks to our friends at beef it's what's for dinner down on the midway these chefs put on a show with a grilling contest while fans got a chance at some roping all a part of the fun here at daytona one day shy of the daytona 500 look forward to that tomorrow i wonder if noah grax and daniel hammer have beef at this point they got beef they they they they had a beef you know yeah he looked at me like i was crazy well you know sometimes i i have to analyze political correctness you know on television just there's nothing wrong with a pause a pause a pause for concern a pause getting ready to come down pit road get some fresh tires on our race cars here coming this time by everybody pitch right no no brainer you got to come everybody pits this puts you in a good position what happens from this point forward now that's where it starts to get tricky i think you'll see some guys beyond this now start to consider fuel only you maybe see another right side tires but right now everybody's coming to get four tires i would assume because there were a couple guys that took primarily the 98 car took two tires at the last stage two left side tires they might go ahead and try to get two rights here we go daniel hamrick leading him down vince speed limit 55 miles per hour sam mayer number one hood flip uh hood flap issue it collapsed it was never really the same after that initial spin early in the race so they've got to tend to that with the four tires the 39 of ryan sieg p2 has had a really good run dropped down to the bottom and made up some positions reagan the 11 to daniel hamrick slightly worried about that bumper on the right front corner where they had that contact team told them it was fine and the 16 aj alvindinger his racecar handles fine just needs more outright speed [Music] a lot of two tire stops yup that's why i'm not a crew chief anymore first one with four ryan sieg lost seven positions brandon brown goes back four after taking four and the race off pit road goes to the man that won the stage that's daniel henry we're gonna have a penalty from somebody we've got a tireder going down to road yeah you can't do that no can't do that why don't we see if we can get our old buddy noah gregson on the line here please hey noah chad canelo's in the fox sports booth you got me buddy let's try again here noah chad canalis in the fox sports booth have you got a copy yes sir i got you hey man you've had quite an exciting day so far uh you had a little pit road penalty there early you rebounded from that went up there leading the race and coming around for the stage end you had an amazing save after that big bump down in turns one and two what uh what are you thinking yeah i feel really confident in our bass pro shop true timber black rifled coffee chevrolet luke lambert and the rest of the boys they got this thing dialed in the hendrick power man there's a lot of steam under the hood uh probably one of the best cars i've driven here in daytona uh but yeah looking forward to uh this third stage see how it plays out i i've seen the calling guys behind me and knew they're gonna make the move i just need to be a little better and uh learn each and every time so we're gonna shake it off and uh try and see if we can go get one today well you've done a great job buddy we wish you the best and obviously after this thing's over with if you get that checkered flag we're all gonna be watching to jump into lake lloyd maybe you can talk luke lambert into going in there with you thank you i appreciate it [Music] you think that was a a bit of an ego play crediting all that hendrick power with you up here doing the interview chad or what i'll take that our engine shop is amazing obviously we love what we got there at hms our engine department final stage on the way [Music] [Music] my so right in the series [Music] let's check in today for our pit performance sponsored by ebay motors this is what happened all these guys taking two tires at last time around best of the bunch noah gregson 7.9 good delivery by the nine bunch teammates on the front row for the restart that will come as we begin this final stage interesting strategy for the seven while we were away veteran move here by the seven car and jason burdette and jason justin all guyer because they a little bit further back in the pack they're like you know what let's take this opportunity before we go green come down pit road pack the fuel cell get as much fuel as we possibly can in there and their hope is as they get up into the top five everybody comes down pit road and they can take less fuel than everybody else and leapfrog some guys to get control of the race smart smart play smart play and everybody is going to have to pit at least one more time today no way you can make it from here yeah and i think you're going to see that start to happen about 73 how courageous are you are you maybe 75 it'll be interesting to see what these guys play because your caution laps are going to come into play so how many are they thinking they're going to have before the end of the race hammer takes the outside lane i bet he slides down in front of his teammate here they work together [Music] and what i think they'll do too is you know once the 16 gets clear if he gets clear they'll move to the top i don't think they'll run on the bottom so um you know you always when you're in the front and you're trying to control both lanes you want to control whatever lane is clear so the second car that's clear that's the most powerful lane so as you see he's moving down here to get back in front of his teammate and he's willing to give up the outside to the 54 because he knows he has an alliance with someone behind him that's going to stick to his rear bumper no matter what and we've seen toyotas in the top 10 today but not really together now you've got ty gibbs up there and down on the inside lane third in line brandon jones he's been in the top 10 as well this is the first time though we've really seen them in a position to get together and work well you see here the outside line has got the most energy those are the cars that are tightly packed together so they're probably going to clear the top bottom lane here at 2 car i haven't talked a lot about him sheldon creed won the truck series championship a couple of years ago just a few starts in the xfinity series running for rookie of the year driving for richard childress and remember that two car won the championship three years ago with tyler redick behind the wheel both those groups got organized really quick there get up get up get up get up get up get up pick him up take him out take him out take him out yeah we talked about here the 16 as soon as he gets clear he's they're going to the top and certainly that's what's gonna happen let's get an update from vince on that last cycle of pit stops yeah you saw that incident with uh jeb burton's jack man that was uh struck by the car as he was trying to get out around it chris zema just checked in with him he's doing fine okay got the job done and uh i'll tell you what chad canals can you believe you used to go over the wall look at this these guys they're they're true gladiators of our sport they go out there they risk it every single time what they're capable of doing at these pit stops are just amazing honestly i'm i'm glad i don't have to do that anymore because i don't have it in me and we all knew he was okay because he was carrying the jack and then the car went up so it's like he must be all right he's doing his job over there i was down in practice the other day with our guys practicing with the monologue stuff getting ready for the cup race tomorrow and they're like hey get down here and try that i was like all right i'll get down there and try it i just may not be able to get up you hear those crew turns monologue earlier in a break chad used the the phrase barometric pressure yes some believers not there yet how barometric pressure it's changing drastically right now and i'm sure maybe one of our guys on pit road could probably tell us about that they can feel the humidity probably settling in a little bit maybe coleman presley on the roof could you feel maybe a moisture a little humidity up there picking up yeah chad that's what i was going to tell you like you said we're uh what seven laps away from the pit window opening i'm letting you know that it's cooling down and it's cooling down quick i want you to make that last adjustment to help our guy you know make his move at the end of the race my question for you is what are we doing what are you going to do with your group at hendrick tomorrow to let your spotters know what lap we're going to pit on so we can coordinate it up here because if we're within three to five laps of a window we got to start getting together we got to start making sure we're standing together knowing we're going to tell our drivers so we don't let the other manufacturers know so talk about the relationship you and i need to have from a spotter and crew chief and how to organize that to make it as efficient as possible chad what are you all going to do and that's right coleman that's a great point because as we see right now we see a huge group of guys running on the top side of the racetrack as you begin to approach your pit window you and your spotters and your driver have to have some way to communicate without telling the other manufacturers the other oems or other race teams hey we're getting ready to start to pin you need to migrate down towards the bottom of the racetrack and that could be something on uh maybe a second radio channel or that could be a code word that you possibly use there's a lot of different ways in which you do that hey we're going to pit in 10 but that really 10 means 15. you know so there's there's a lot of ways to go about it and that's where the education between the driver the spotter and the crew chief is so critical i talked to jeff mindering this morning crew chief for brandon jones and i asked him do you know the plan right now for that final stage because we all anticipate there will be a green flag stop here he said oh yeah we know exactly when we're gonna pit unless the caution comes out which obviously could change everything 49 to go they'll be on pit road soon let's crank it up from daytona we're gonna stay bottom now regardless no matter what [Music] what'd you pick up in in that radio we were listening to chad i don't know what spotter that was but he said we're staying bottom no matter what from here on out that means they're getting ready to pit they're getting ready to come to pit road just heard the 11 cars gonna come into pit road and they're gonna come in for the gas and go more than likely thing to be aware of real quick guys watch the pit road entry there's a lot of accidents a lot of crashes a lot of spin outs that happen here on pit road well these drivers just don't practice pit road entry as much as the cup guys do you know because they don't have it that often so you know who knows how this ends up the veteran's got a a spot where they always go to the young guys really don't know so tense times call it cars pitting 47 laps to go so much to manage here regan smith well adam a couple laps ago i saw chris rice running from pit box to pit box and then on the radio you heard daniel henrik's radio they said get to the bottom stay on the bottom that was because they had a plan formulated as soon as they felt like they could make it to the end of this race they wanted to bring all three of their colic racing cars in you see it right now gas and go the plan work into perfection saw that hand of aj almandinger down the back straightaway out the window signaling i'm gonna go to pit road the plan appears to be executed perfectly and not surprising you look at recent years daytona talladega some of the best in the business coming from the colic stables and there goes the spinner coming on to pit road i believe that's the one of sam mayer he lost the bumper cover we stay green can he gather it in yes he does fired up and come to the box here he stops with 45 to go and now he's gonna have to take tires on top of that chad do you think this is a little early i mean there's been so many green white checkers at the end of these xfinity races i mean they they're right on the number this thing goes green but what happens when we have a caution with a couple laps to go more green white checkers then you're gonna have guys really starting to look at that fuel to see if they can make it the whole way i think that those calling guys right now they're banking on the cautions coming and being able to save fuel before we get to the race extension we just saw it we almost had we may still have a caution there's a bumper cover laying on the racetrack right now we could get a debris caution and that is exactly what those guys want to be the first ones off of peterbilt with all the fuel they need to make it to the end there goes mayor this time a bunch of toyotas and fords coming to pit road previously all chevrolets vince it's a traffic jam there on pit road and there you see the 19 of brandon jones the 54 of ty gibbs is coming in as well remember it's gibbs first ever super speedway race and he has been running inside the top five gas only for the 54 as most others reagan justin allguy are in the pit box they wanted to pit one lap ago with their teammate noah grexson didn't get the message to him in time gonna lose a little bit time because of that communication from so many corners of the world is the end-all be-all when it comes to racing here bit of a problem for anthony alfredo who exits the pit lane it's josh berry in the eight leading this group on to pit road these stops will come 44 remaining 43 now to go in the race that was jesse iwuji in the 34 coming grass yeah i can relate wait is that a replay from thursday night right only he avoided the grass that's jeff burton in the 27. his dad wore the winner 20 years ago the daytona 500. and it all cycles through leading this race the 36 of josh belicky tommy joe martens is up there bailey curry and ryan vargas the teammates at jd motorsports so what's interesting too is that with the guys that come later even though they come with a smaller pack they gain so much time on entry to pit road because they're not having to navigate traffic now what would be interesting to see is where the eight comes out because now he won't have drafting help as he leaves pit road and you know we really underestimate having someone on your bumper while you're accelerating how much time you can really gain on pit exit and these are all drivers that haven't pitted they have to come but they're not really close to needing to be in a position to make a pit stop everybody else said window opens we're getting on the pit lane these guys playing things a little bit different yeah they're taking a different approach what's going to be interesting is when this thing cycles out when they pit the 21 is going to be leading the is going to be right in there so that says that those guys actually got to pit road better had cleaner pit stops than the colic teams did but now colleague has caught them down right now and they're right there in line but that's it that's an interesting little uh cycle of pit stops i didn't expect to see that happen this is pretty much ninth on back eighth on back and these are guys that obviously have already been on pit road for what could very well be their final stop of the night and by the way he's going to have to come back in and put the bumper cover on and we saw jesse iwuji hot coming to pit road he was speeding so he'll have a penalty as well yeah that really wasn't the one's fault the two just came down a little bit and of course he's got a pit as well so he's got to get off the racetrack but surprisingly enough when you come to pit road you don't want to desell or break on that line that paint has a little less grip your car doesn't quite stop as good as it would if it was on pavement [Music] looking at josh belicky leading through strategy driving the 36 for mario goslin takes me back to a couple of years ago when alex labay who was driving that car then will drive it next week at california they played this exact same strategy and led a bunch of laps and because of cautions late parlayed it into a pretty good finish yeah so this i mean we've seen varying strategies a lot so the disadvantage for them is while they are leading um you know well actually an advantage while leading is that they could catch a draft off the cars that have already pitted now since they took fuel only they won't have as big an advantage 40 laps to go and right now it's josh belicky out front [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] fourth caution of the day here at daytona for the nascar xfinity series and we believe it might be the one of sam mayer having some parts and pieces fly off one more time so with that we're gonna see the top five come down pit road because they had not yet made a pit stop under green there's mayor and likely everything will cycle back through to austin hill being the race leader he is currently first of the group that made pit stops under the green flag that stubborn bumper cover and chad brought up a great point during the break that you know the great part about the strategy is that these are the cars that are that stayed out they were vulnerable to losing the draft through a pit cycle you know so this actually works out well for them now they they're on the same they're actually gonna have more fuel so if we get into green white checkers they don't have to pit anymore and now they're part of the lead pack heartbreaking for anthony alfredo who went two laps down with the window blew out like five laps into the race and we just kept saying he's gonna get his chance gonna get his chance he'll get the free pass he hasn't gotten it all day because jeffrey earnhardt got it once you had joe graff jr get it once and now jesse iwuji who got that speeding penalty is in line for the free pass betting by the end of the night and back on the lead lap is anthony alfredo let's hope let's open this this could be an interesting pit cycle here once they open pit road and get all of the number one cars bumper covers off the track here you can watch the number one cars bumper cover come off now remember they just put this back on the car per nascar rule you have to have the bumper cover on your car and if you look far right you can see the one that fell off his car the first time um do they have three well we'll find out shortly um i don't think this is like short track racing we're three cautions and you're out so i think you're in a good space from there but the the thing that might be interesting here is you're going to see some of these guys i think i think the 19 brandon jones the 98 of herbs these guys come down and potentially get four tires right now get a better handling race car these guys on old tires and shoot up towards the front for the end of this thing it's going to be exciting end [Music] i would [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] february 19th here's what happened on this date did you guys know it was national tug of war day i think we're fixing to have a game of it right here thomas edison entering his name in the history books mr rogers neighborhood debuted 1968. you know you put a sweater on chad you could you could be mr rogers i'll wear i'll wear a sweater vest and a heartbeat bro bobby allison won the daytona 500 1978 and that's what happened on this date and right now pit stops let's see who comes we know the front five have got to stop anybody else vince what a great day it's been for that six car and that team jd motorsports driver ryan vargas the 21 year old from california career best qualifying effort he's run inside the top five today pitting from second daytona's all about memories he certainly had some today regan a bit of a surprise here that the 11 of daniel hamrick is pitting right now afraid that he flat spotted the left front tire on the last pit stop they wanted to play it safe they're also going to fix the nose of that race car from earlier if they've got enough time and they ate of josh berry had to handle and go away right there the car got loose he was fearful there was a tire going down they wanted to get four tires and lower the track bar to try and help him out and be safe sign me up for this two of the fastest cars at the back restart about 30 to go i like that i'm here for that [Music] i think it's a good play i don't think it's a bad play at all and a reminder it is never easy at daytona right [Music] [Music] uh um [Music] look at what just happened earlier [Music] [Music] [Music] to the point [Music] jamie little and michael waltrip have been hanging out at the wendy's pit stop this weekend jamie's bringing the heat and michael's bringing the sweet as they team up to have some fun with fans while trying the all-new wendy's hot honey chicken sandwich you know you guys were talking about all kinds of friendly race fans hello i want to go get a snack ah i love that idea let's go race to the director let's go [Music] mikey team he wants to go [Music] imagine that michael's late to the party you know just hanging out and enjoying the perks getting a snack all right we saw daniel hamrick pitt he was caught speeding but they spent so much time on pit road he's gonna drop to the rear i'm not sure that's significant we get the restart here 30 laps basically equivalent to one of the first two stages so what do we anticipate here one thing i think can't be overlooked is they have some nose damage i think putting the tires on the car is great but they took the opportunity to fix some damage they had i would assume from bump drafting and that could really help the performance of their car so their car could inevitably have better speed now than what it had prior to the caution and four fresh tires well people underestimate what four fresh tires are on super speedways now you may be able to hold it wide open whether your tires are new or old but it gives you maneuverability to make the move in the gap that you need to hit you know when you have fresh tires you're able to do that here it doesn't slow your car down or it gives you the confidence to make that move so i i like having fresher tires at the end of the races typically i would say this too his crew chief alex yance alex has been incredible at both daytona and talladega his success line is remarkable so the plan that he puts together you got to believe is going to equal success here's the lineup for the restart austin hill noah gregson allmendinger and castle row two gibbs and buford there in row three row four jones and herbst and another forward back there in row five ryan sieg with that we get to you today's ford performance track facts here at daytona ford's have won six races chad little did it back in 1995 and the last time they got it done a season ago when the reigning champ austin centric delivered could it be danielle hamrick that follows suit today as we pointed out he's got some ground to make up in the last 30 laps you know don't discount landon castle he's been around a long time he's raced a lot of race cars he's been on this track a lot he could be he could be a force to be reckoned with in that color card you can see the driver starting to try to organize when they're gonna go both of them are putting their hands out the window so they know that whoever can stay attached the longest has got the best chance to clear here [Music] you can see the bottom lane they're they're the most organized the tightest from front to back so more than likely 21 yes he'll clear here and the question will be will the 16 be able to clear with them if they do i think they move up well there's one of them yep we heard from nascar the restart is under review not sure exactly what they're looking at great shove there by the dinger austin hill the rookie out front keep in mind he won here at daytona in the camping world truck series so he understands success in the draft that's time we got a wreck and there they go back behind the leaders brett moffett involved tommy joe martens and several others i was looking for the 11 i think he made it through there that that's the bad part about having a a problem in the middle of the race or towards the end it's and i said to you is he going to avoid the wreck nope the tails ripped off the back of the 11. flapping joey shane lee jeffrey earnhardt wouldn't say this is the big one but we lost a handful of pretty good cars including our defending champ who won stage one in stage two we haven't lost him he'll likely be able to continue but he's banged up and probably not going to be able to pull off the victory tonight oh man cj mclaughlin just got shot out of the draft there and when he came back up all bets were off yeah he got loose and when he corrected it just it just went the other way that's the thing about mistakes at this racetrack if it happens early you can overcome it typically because the field is not really intense they're not really pushing it so that's when you make your moves and can get back to the front but at this point the race everyone's trying to work towards the front nobody's sitting right now and riding so that's when the wrecks usually happen is when the intensity comes up for everyone towards the end of the race you know the grass can get you but we haven't had a ton of rain here recently i'm surprised it was that soft and that's what tore up the front end of brett moffitt's car but i believe tommy joe martin's in the 44 caught it just right watch him spinning out of control but he slides pretty cleanly across the grass and i don't know how bad he got it but it appears to be pretty decent for tommy joe there you see him going in that 44 [Music] and we knew it was going to happen late stages of the race cautions breed cautions those drivers coming down pit road doing a really good job of starting to manage your speed early keep it safe on pit road for everybody out there [Music] great work once again by the amr safety team who arrives on the scene take care all the drivers all the window nets did go down and these guys will have to take the mandatory ride to the advent health infield care center so they're fortunate they didn't have to uh well they're cutting the bumper bar off there if they get that tail reattached securely this day's not over he may not be in a position to go out there and win but he can at least go out there and get some valuable points as we start to continue to eliminate drivers from the top you can get yourself back up into the top 10 and get a good point stay and he's already had a pretty good point because he won stage one in stage two salvaged something out of what could be a disappointing finish it's our fifth caution of the afternoon first big accident of the day at daytona 28 laps remaining the rookie austin hill your leader [Music] [Music] move forward is [Music] as well lot of cars [Music] so [Music] tomorrow it's the most iconic day in all of motorsports the daytona 500 the great american race kicks off the 2022 nascar season at 2 30 eastern 11 30 pacific on fox and the fox sports app coverage begins with race day 11 o'clock tomorrow morning eastern time right here on fs1 we move to fox at one o'clock looking forward to a huge day as we celebrate the 2022 great american race my man denny hamlin going for his fourth win in nascar's super bowl and and your first was incredible over truex it certainly was a a great final lap for me to come from fifth to to win that one uh everyone had a special meeting to me you know 20 you know we've been winners of the two closest finishes in daytona 500 history but um yeah we've been very fortunate the other day at media day chad i asked denny you know which when was your favorite and then he's like well you know when we won the closest here in 16 anyway he went on to tell me about every one of them my point is you know as well as i do if you win this race tomorrow it just means everything the significance it sets up your season it could set up a career this is a career victory for a lot of folks but to be able to win it three times is just unimaginable for a lot of people in our industry so it's it's a big deal it's a big deal for the team you get to stay over you hang out your car goes into the museum they take a bunch of photographs they do the cool things when you win this race and it carries that momentum and it gets you into the playoffs it is a big brief breath of fresh air it's a relief when you walk out of here with that trophy i've got a nugget for you okay well i love that i know right so did you know on this date in 2006 chad canels and jimmy johnson won the daytona 500 but chad took the day off where were you i was sitting on my sofa to be honest with you um i actually had a really interesting trophy that i gotten from um the lowe's group it was the couch chief award for uh for helping the guys win that race well done i wondered why you said earlier it's boy it's easier crew chiefing from up here at home i wondered why you said that and now we know the rest of the story uh you know coleman what's happened up there man we need a light for you it's getting dark on the spotter stand hey it's a dark it's dark over here on the spotter stand but the the tracks really lit up right now i think we're going to see a lot more sparks here tonight i think the interesting thing that i'm looking for right now is what is the uh uh unseen friendships that we're going to see uh now we have a college car out numbers are starting to get in favors as other people we got more uh teammates that have more numbers who knows you might see a ford work with a chevrolet we've seen the 39 and 98 fords tonight be fast so uh they might be developing some unlikely friendships and i think i'll start to see them develop behind me i don't know that we really bet against one another but but maybe we should should pay you off here because guess who the free pass is on this caution he stuck it out he worked his way through it he got himself in position and who knows what's going to happen here at the end of the race for anthony there you see the the drivers that were involved in this crash with just under 30 laps to go and here's what's on the line cendrick won here last year and every picture the rest of the year was him in the cowboy hat after winning all the beef who gets to don the cowboy hat tonight more importantly who gets to put that on the grill we find out when we return it's the xfinity series from daytona [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] your photos [Music] you feel a little bit of vibrations [Music] what that is [Music] we go past that restart zone right there like we can get a violation of not restarting the race don't try to restart the race outside of that box like we'd be reviewing as the 9 and 9 kind of jump the stars there a little bit yeah i don't know that they'll get a violation but it gives the right to the other car to go so you definitely need to stay in the box and make sure you restart uh in that box to not give the advantage to the other car you you're in the lead you want that advantage young driver you want to coach him up in this situation big restart here 23 to go that's austin hill on the inside lane the nine noah gregson i think noah's gonna get a big pusher i think the 21 saw that coming as well look at the 10 and 16. teammates working together landon castle drops down to push aj holmendinger yeah we got some the pushing is just going to get more and more intense as this race goes on because people look their spotters are letting them know 20 to go 15 to go like it's that's that's when you start to see the driver say okay well i'm not rotten anymore and and when you see a hole you got to take it and a lot of times you know you find when you're in the middle of the pack a lot of the moves you can make is through the middle um the middle has got actually got the biggest pocket of air but you need to have somebody behind you pushing you through that because you can't do it alone obviously and a little something to know with all these caution flags everybody will have enough fuel in their car if they want so they don't have to come back to pit road if we do go into overtime so this is really an interesting spot right now no fuel savings everybody's going for it at this point all the drivers that went to the infield care center have been released and those drivers that were banged up in that last crash that came down went on the crash clock they have met minimum speed so everybody is now all good and hey look on that inside lane back behind the two colleague cars nose to tail teammates at joe gibbs racing brandon jones ty gibbs they will be a factor here could be i should say yeah ty listen ty's the student of the game this is his first super speedway race so certainly he knows the success that the calling cars have had so he's going to want to follow them because he knows more than likely they're going to find themselves up front by the end how about this last time gibbs won here on the oval matt kenseth 2013. last time they won on the super speedway 2014 elliot sadler it's been a bit 101 wins joe gibbs racing has had in the xfinity series since the last one at daytona how about that i mean denny had a nugget on you and you bring that about joe gibbs racing you are solid over there and i studied bro i mean i've got to be responsible for at least five or six of those hey even if you're not just go ahead and take credit and you had mentioned earlier denny your next xfinity race and only xfinity race for the year is going to be at darlington again that's one of your favorite places it is i listen i love racing xfinity series it's it's as competitive as any and oh chad got three lines going now so business picking up what's up vince hey you guys were talking about ty gibbs in that 54. remember he had not started a super speedway race before today so one of the things chris gale talked to me about before the race was how important it was for him to run all the laps or at least run to the end and uh he's done a good job of that he's run up front gaining some great experience that's going to pay off for him as he runs for the championship this year ironically he said the same thing to me last year when gibbs made his career debut on the road course here just run all the laps comes out and wins the race trying to do the same here tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] 16 laps to go for the nascar trinity series at daytona six of the top 10 have never won in an xfinity car and the guy out front is a rookie so many great story lines as we go down the stretch of this one yeah i mean we're starting to see that the pushes get more and more aggressive and what happens is that you know these drivers early on when they get a push they don't push you know they do come out of the gas they use break because you don't want to get too aggressive and take yourself out early now they know if we want to get up front and we want to win this race we're going to send the person in front of us into something we just don't know whether we're going to clear it or not is the anxiety level going up on the spotter stand coleman adam i'll tell you this is more exciting than actually spotting the race i'm so nervous up here watching these people first thing i'm noticing if i'm ajinger spotter i'm letting him know that the seven cars went middle of three for his last four passes that's his go-to move number two thing i'm looking for anytime we go three wide that's hurting this bottom lane so if i'm third fourth fifth on the bottom and i see three wide going on behind me i'm trying to force my guy up to the middle then to the top let it regroup but first off we just gotta go back to the point how just now guys make these moves and that's going middle of three and i think it's going to continue happening i know you'll draft with anybody here but you love to have a teammate our motorsports they've got two in the top ten it's jeb burton and anthony alfredo that is incredible because they've not spent really any time there today gotta love anthony alfredo and me to cut you off with man's tenacity staying in the game not giving up getting his lap back solidly in the top ten right now is just fantastic effort by those guys aj allmendinger pushed out front he slides up high in front of the 21 of austin hill and i think coleman called it the seven of justin allgeyer is going to be a player as things tighten up down the back straightaway so what's happening too is is the guys that are up top say say you're 10th you're fifth on the top line or maybe you're on the bottom the middle is where the avenue to move forward is and a lot of times the top and the bottom line collide because you have two cars wanting to get to the middle to advance their position 13 laps to go vince i love how the spotters got to play part psychologist as well derrick nealon is the spotter for austin hill in that 21. and when allmandinger went past hill and slipped hill into the second spot nealon came on the radio and said we're fine don't panic we've got a lot of race left it's uh that spotter's got he's got to be the eyes but he's also got to help the mind of that driver especially a young one like austin hill things settling out a bit so we'll step aside but we'll keep it side by side so you don't miss anything almandinger hill gregson the top three at daytona [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] inside of 10 laps to go aj almadinger is the race leader austin hill noah gregson riley herbst and sheldon creed your top five a lot of youth up there as we hit nine laps remaining and you would think at this stage of the race that heart rate has got to be climbing not bad now for henrik and burton yeah but keep an eye on it it's gonna get higher so as we can see it's already creeping up into the 140s so it's gonna get higher and higher i mean you know once these guys start dicing it up that's when it really goes through the roof but as they're single file right now there's not too much anxiety going on but you know chad where where's this run gonna come from i mean i think the top five are content to let's see what happens up until one or two to go but seven eight they gotta know that they're going to win it from there on the final 100 percent correct danny i agree that energy has got to start somewhere and it can't it can't form up on the last lap if you're running 7-3 so these guys are going to start to poke their nose out see if they can get a little energy from the car behind them and it's going to be about i really think that number two car of creed the 31 to snyder i think those guys have enough speed in their cars they're gonna be able to work together drop down that'll slow down the guys ahead of them and they'll pull some with them saw on the graphic five of the top ten have never won noah gregson not in that category all right so they're talking about it sure i hope you maybe maybe and if i feel like it's going to benefit me i'm with you buddy they asked me in the media center earlier this week they said you know what do you think you know you help your partner help yeah i help people but i got selfish reasons behind that every driver does yeah what's up coleman hey yeah so uh here's what i'm seeing we just heard that radio audio i've been watching the two car the last two laps he gets in the middle of one and two he drops anchor he backs up to his help tries to build that energy i can see something playing out here and a couple left where he gets that run down the back straight away he's gonna pull to the bottom his teammate's gonna pull in front of him to help him finish that suck it's gonna help even more now that we see justin algar back there at eighth place who's always an aggressive drafter the more cars we can get to go with them the easier it's going to be whenever he takes that big run but i think uh i think what you need to be looking at is our turn two to turn three watching the two car and then watching him suck up to his uh teammate there the 21. and you have to give yourself enough time because if it doesn't work you've got to recoup right you got to have an opportunity to get back up there if the 2 or the 21 drops back there you got to come back 68 with a big save here oh he was using the left rear we talked about it earlier when you want to get a run on that top line and pull down you use the left rear of the car in front to either create a gap that you can get back in or slow him down so the energy and things are going to get tuned up by the seven and the in the ten here those are the ones that are know that they can't win from where they're at currently so they want to get this group riled up and and great create some sort of side by side so they can make moves so they're the ones picking these guys off one by one here comes justin keep this in mind with the 16 out front just over five laps to go two of the last three races here have been won on a last lap pass the guy on the wrong into that deal both times aj allmendinger i mean he's got to feel like the place owes him one and inside the car i mean it's gotta be he's gotta be thinking about that right he's thinking right now what are those guys plotting behind me i know they got something up their sleeve with five laps to go you guarantee every lesson that he has learned every position that he's put himself in in the past is playing through his head and you can see right there third place cards getting ready to back up a little bit noah's starting to plan his run he's starting to think about okay can i give a big shove to the 21 make him take position on the 16 and then can i take position on him and capitalize so this it's playing out someone's got a real chance to have a magical night here austin hill riley herb sheldon creed jade buford josh belicky these are drivers that have never won in the xfinity series to do it here in the biggest race how special would it be and they are all in position with four laps to go so there's a way aj can defend this but he's got to be really really quick about it what will happen is that he will knows that the 21 is going to back up to the nine he has to be really quick to react to that and back up to the 21. what that does is then creates the nine pushing the 21 and likely when the 16 backs up to the 21 the nine won't make a move it'll put them side by side that allows aj to have more time to react to which lane do i want to choose now if he if he's delayed and gets out there too far and doesn't back up to them there will be a run that he just cannot stop three to go here's nine team radio our 21 is talking about maybe making a move now another 21 to wait until three to go oh there you go [Music] uh there's the bottom yeah but you don't want to wait till the last lap right because if you wait to the last lap caution comes out it's over you've got to go earlier than the last lap i would guess yeah i mean if i'm six seven i i'm racing to the white flag it's not the checkered flag because you know at that point oh he's better he's got position no help with the nine the two is too far off to nine twenty one is with you gonna be two laps to go there with the nine still there is you'll get a third lane that's gonna form up on the top side and that'll break up that outside group and that'll give the lead and the advantage to the guys on the inside and watch for the guys in the fourth and fifth lane of this two by two start to shoot middle they're gonna try to force there there's that outside line that third lane you're talking about still there they know they can't win seventh race so they're going to try to get to the middle the guys on the inside line have to protect that right rear quarter panel from getting three wide bottom which is no man's land get to the bottom almond dinger back out front slides and there the inside lane broke up going down the back straightaway coming off a turn four through the tri-oval and back to the white flag one lap to go one sponsored by credit one bank next flag will end the race the caution over the checker aj's gotta manage his gap here he's doing a good job of it yeah he's got to get to the top the top is going to have the biggest energy here 21 is going to come with a huge shove they are two and three wide behind him crossover big crash up and over caution is out that's maya snyder looks like he's moving around winning that down that's a good sign i believe austin hill's got this and the leader austin hill but keep this in mind we freeze the field when the caution comes out on the final lap so nascar will have to review to determine who was leading when the caution came out and we'll do everything we can all the video we have available to make sure who was leading was it the 21 or 16. and it's great to see maya snyder climbing from that race car again these race cars are so safe you just gotta gotta give it to nascar once again for the safety provisions they just enforced consistently on these race cars it's it's nice to see him walk away we saw it coming that top plane was gonna have a huge run we knew the 21 was going to get a big run the top lane typically on the final lap gets that big push and i and i think he he is the winner first career victory first start in his rookie season it's austin hill who gets it done at daytona and here's what happened behind him that's just a bad scenario once you get turned around backwards if he doesn't get hit in the front end it probably doesn't get airborne but it's just you got that other car wedging underneath the front to get the lift there but it's great to see like chad talked about the safety innovations of these cars you know to see mike just walk right out that's a great sign and i would be anxious to see how close it was at the time of caution because look right here looks like the 16's out front whoo it had to be really close the caution wasn't out at that point when they left our screen so he was clearly ahead by the time he left the bottom of your monitors on television but unfortunately anthony alfredo getting into the back of the 31 and creating that issue wow i mean look at that car and look at the grass that's flying and where is the engine oh wow the engine's gone i mean this kind of like a michael waltrip wreck that we saw in bristol where it's just or the jeffree bodine right larson front straightaway here at daytona years ago [Music] austin hill having a good time on that turf down there i was commenting on earlier what i'm talking about boys that's the way you do it man i came to rcr for one thing and one thing only baby that's the wind racing love it love the enthusiasm austin hill is such a deserving driver to have a great team like rcr behind him really really proud moment for that team just had a new baby boy at home oh god that's great and he gets to bring home a trophy and here comes his team out to celebrate with them at the start finish line this is a photo that these guys will remember for a lifetime and now three of the last four races decided on a last lap pass and once again it's almandinger who had the top spot and saw it slip away you know when they signed austin hill and sheldon creed a pair of rookies they said we don't have rookie expectations and not only does he win at daytona where he's already won in the camping world truck series but you put yourself in the playoffs as well that's great and quite the night for rcr his teammate sheldon creed unofficially was filmed [Applause] one thing we haven't commented on tonight in front of a great crowd really really great crowd here in daytona international speedway tonight watching this xfinity race gonna have tears in the eyes there there it is there's the engine here's regan smith on the front straightaway austin hill moves up from the truck series this year full-time xfinity for the first time in your career austin second uh start at daytona it ends in the best way possible you're a daytona winner yeah um me and me and derek neeland worked really well and i'm a spotter we uh i was learning all night i kept telling him i was like hey i'm just putting that in the bank i'm putting that in the bank you know i'm just putting that in the memory bank to uh remember for late in the race so we timed it perfectly i mean obviously that caution came out but we had a heck of a run so who knows what would have happened there but uh i was able to drag back 98 gave me a heck of a push we were able to get by him and this is so crazy i mean won it back in 2019 with a new team now now we're with rcr our first race with them we were able to get the job done uh our bennett united rentals uh chevrolet was just as fast as expending internet so uh man i am uh i'm speechless uh andy street uh richard childress just all these guys back at rcr for believing in me um it's been a fun offseason and uh now we get to go race for a championship austin hill your daytona xfinity winner [Applause] [Music] well there's always the other side of the coin and uh for aj almandinger so close again he was leading on the final lap and it didn't work out for you i don't know what you got to do to get this thing in victory laid man but but uh that was a tough one how did that play out for you in the final uh final half lap i gotta keep asking my my son justin haley some more questions obviously because he knows how to get it done first of all congrats to austin hill and rcr shows the the ecr horsepower that we have in these camaros so i don't know i mean i'd have to go see the replay study i'm sure i will um kept trying to block both lanes and it looked like austin moved up there and timed it perfect where he just got a massive shove and i i probably could have tried to really block but i think i probably would have wrecked this if i'd done it you know it's seeing there i i got to be better sometimes not getting too far out in the lead um i don't know i just keep working on it man it's uh it's disappointing i really wanted to get nutrient egg solutions into victory lane coming back with the team first time on on the 16 here uh but man proud of everybody at caller gracing these chevy camaros were fast they're always fast hammerick and myself the first couple i had uh landon castle it shows that you know you put the right right team together like we've shown over the last three or four years here at these racetracks that we can have a shot to win it's just uh i don't know man third straight top five for you here at daytona for somebody that supposedly doesn't like super speedway racing you're pretty darn good at it i don't have to like him to be good at him like i've told you that i've told everybody that i hate these races but at the end of the day matt collick says we go trophy hunting they give a trophy at the end of these races so i'm just uh i'm happy with the with the night anytime you you get out with the top five here at daytona two top fives in the stages really good points but damn it man that was uh that's close but great thing there's another race we'll go get it again next week well done austin hill becomes the eighth driver to get his first career win at daytona and that 21 car 27 wins all time by five different drivers and luckily everybody appears to be okay after a last lap crash that we'll be talking about for a long long time [Music] is just trying to catch their breaths has been unofficially declared inside the top five describe your run here tonight and uh [Music] um [Music] thank you very much austin hill making his way from the start finish line back to the mortgage victory lane you'll hear from him coming up shortly i want to go back to something that baggy pointed out uh it has manipulated or hurt the fencing back there and so they will work on that overnight we'll be good to go for the 500. the fencing here at daytona doing exactly what it's supposed to do we'll talk more about that in a moment as we go back down to hear from a guy that wishes it was only 119 yeah no doubt one lapser would have been a whole different finish for aj hey you know i thought everybody was actually pretty calm there for most of the race uh obviously you're gonna be aggressive at time track position so critical here but i thought everybody was was you know fairly calm it was it was happening at times but um you know i like that we kind of ended up there i was just trying to be patient and you know i'm still not afraid [Music] spectacular last lap crash at daytona in the xfinity series maya snyder up and over into the catch fence the engine shoots out of the car luckily he walked away this race ends under caution it had to be tight and it's austin hill in front of aj almandinger who gets his first career victory on a saturday night at the world center of racing keep in mind these results on official nascar will continue to go through the review process but look at some of these names in the top ten anthony alfredo up there and josh belicky it's great to see them come back and have a nice run ty gibbs finishes 11th fellow toyota ryan truex back there in 12th jeffrey earnhardt comes back to get a top 15. maya snyder unofficially [Music] just outside the top 20. and now we get into those cars that finished one or more laps down it's great to be in victory it's great to be celebrating with richard childress at this point in the bee oh yeah he's ready hey what do you think tonight i mean i'm so thankful for for the way that last lap crash ended and everybody being able to walk away beyond that though austin hill runs an incredible race and wins for the first time in his career just another spectacular xfinity finish right we've seen so many close ones over the years this one was no different glad everyone walked out okay from that last wreck uh it was crazy we knew it was coming chad yeah we talked about it from the start of the show that we knew at the end of this race there were going to be a lot of cautions and a lot of opportunity for somebody new to take the checkered flag home but i commented earlier about the safety of the cars after i was watching that right there i want to say one more time about the race tracks and the safety that they put into the tracks the catch fence did a great job your man michael jordan he's got a good nose back there that race car up in the fence right there if that could have gotten outside that could have been you know been detrimental to a lot of folks so a lot of safety advancements here at dis i'm proud of that i'm proud to be part of this sport and what an amazing opportunity to sit up here with the fox sports booth and call this race today what a lot of fun yeah you can see michael right there him and his whole crew they said they've got debris in their area so uh it's crazy he's been here since thursday he's he's a big race fan loves watching these races and he said it was it was the sound and and the the wreck itself was just crazy when it came into his area there you guys were outstanding tonight and and how about coleman presley our spotter analyst up on the spotter stand all night long your takeaways from this one coleman yeah you know we talked to the beginning of the broadcast about how i was going to be your offensive and defensive coordinator the driver the quarterback of the 21 did a great job tonight the 21 team crew chief down on the box executed adam you were a great cheerleader tonight biggest takeaway they executed it they planned their run they backed up enough to get the run get the lead before the caution come out so it's a fun race it's fun to be a part of looking forward to the daytona 500 tomorrow and uh hopefully i get to be in victory lane tomorrow so maybe danny if you could help us out a little bit more stay a little more loyal with the 22 we'll take it hey and you're resourceful up there we understand you're using your your iphone as a light is that right i mean you you pulled out all the stops great job good luck tomorrow in the 500 with joey logano denny your thoughts on racing 500 miles there tomorrow as you go for number four yeah it i think it's going to be a learning process i mean we raced a little bit on thursday but not with the whole pack so we're gonna be learning quite a bit i think uh this race is it could look a lot different than ones we've seen in the past but we one thing we've seen for sure there's one thing that has been common is we've had last lap passes in both duels right so no telling what we're in for tomorrow i think we're definitely going to see some of that remember new pit stops new things happening on pit road fuel flow all of these things are going to come into play from a strategy standpoint with the crew chiefs and then once you get on the racetrack it's all all you know nothing nothing barred it's going to be everybody going after it had a good time tonight good luck to both of you tomorrow should be another good one on what is expected to be an electric day at daytona austin hill wins it more post-race coverage from daytona we're back to our charlotte studios next
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 51,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar cup series full race, denny hamlin mad, NASCAR Cup Series Full Race Replay, tempers, angry, spin out, crash, wreck, nascar playoffs, playoff race drama, NASCAR, NASCAR Cup Series, nascar full race, nascar full race 2021, nascar 2021, nascar 2022, nascar highlights, nascar youtube, #nascar, #NASCAR, daytona 20220, daytona 500, harrison burtn flip, burton flip, the big one, daytona big one, Beef. It's What's for Dinner. 300 | NASCAR Xfinity Series Full Race Replay
Id: bxwH73SuaEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 46sec (9226 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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