Beef and Pork Rib Chili | Home Style Cookery with Matty Matheson Ep. 6

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- Thank you audible for sponsoring this video. I love listening to audio books, mostly when I'm like traveling on planes, I'm driving to the city, to the farm, back to the city, to the farm. I'm listening to audio books. You know, what's a great audio book. Once you get yourself, 'Can't Hurt Me' by David Goggins. You put that on you. You listen to David. He's going to tell you what time it is. You can even listen to audio books while you cook. I love listening to audio books while I'm cooking. It is really nice. And you know what? You couldn't even listen to Matty Matheson, a cook book, on audible. You can listen to me, read recipes to you, while you cook your recipes at home. Wow! Go to or text 'Matty Matheson' to 500 500 to get one free audio book unlimited audible originals, and a 30 day free trial. Isn't that incredible everybody? Thank you audible. Let's have a great day. A chili. We're making a chili. Have you ever made a chili with born in product, and ground? It's incredible. (sighs) Home style cookery chapter six, page 194. This is totally inspired by the Sunday gravy that Carol my mother-in-law makes, but I made it into chili, you know, stewing meats and bones, and searches? How smart am I? And how smart are you going to look, when you make this on game day and show the whole family and whoever else was invited over to consume the greatest Chihli on the planet earth. Everyone always talks such a big game on who makes the best chili. And now you have the magic key to destroy everyone's ego and set yourself up for Chihli domination. Big chill energy is the episode today. And we are going to show you how to make it. Home style cookery. The home cooking show from me to you. (upbeat music) I'm going to do this in two pans. I'm going to do one because I want to do this quick. Once again, the recipe is the recipe, the recipe calls for mace. I don't even have any mace in the town that I live in, They're like, (bleep) And I don't have any mace. I'm gonna use a little bit of nutmeg. First things first, man. We want to get the so Frito going. We're going to be used in a blender because guess what? (bleep) These are hot Hungarian, yellow, long peppers. You just want two, just chunk it up, throw it in. I like it spicy. I'm going to add two of these guys. Yum, yum yum. Two jalapenos. Green pepper. No problem. Full red pepper, a little sweetness. I had one onion. Just quarter these guys up. Throw in like 30 cloves of garlic. No, I'm joking. I'm being fictitious. All right. Yeah. Cilantro stems. Absolutely put that in there. Close this up. Open this up. Turn it on. Blend it. (man singing) Our Dutch pan has been warming up beautifully. We're going to take canola oil. You just want to cover the bottom of the pan. Okay? I'm going to use about half of this. So you want to be sautéing this at medium high heat. You don't want to burn yourself Frito. You do want to take your time with it. Now I can start browning my meats, and we're going to have some chili. Here's another one. We're going to add a little canola oil out of my (bleep) squeezable. You don't get a (bleep) squeezable thing like that. Season up the pork rib, the beef rib with the little salt, little pep. We're just going to brown these up like bacon. Okay? Smells like it's Chili time. Oh yeah. Brown them up. Brown them up. Now we're going to brown up the rib. Look at this. All right. We're going to ground our beef and our pork really quickly. We're just going to mix this up. I could've got a bigger bowl. We're going to fry this up. I'm going to do this in two batches. So we can just season it with a little salt, this little salt and pepper. So we're just going to take literally all the meat. Put it all under the brown meat plate. And we're going to add this all to the chili. So we got right here, a fair bit of fawn. So get yourself a little beer. There we go. So once you deglaze that you can reduce it and then just turn this off. We're going to pour this in, in a second. Now we're about to spice up the chili. Cumin, Mexican chili powder, smoked paprika, ground coriander nutmeg, or mace, and cayenne. About a tablespoon each, a little more, a little less, whatever. Spices in. And now we're going to just wake those up, down here with our sauce Frito. And instantly guess what's happening? (upbeat music) We're making way more flavor. Now, we are going to add like three tablespoons of tomato paste. Nobody likes raw tomato paste. So we want to cook that out. Couple of minutes. Pour in your beer. Deglaze. Work this around. All the beautiful funds as a pureed tomatoes. One can, perfect. One litre of beef stock, pour it all in. Hey so, add just about a cup of water too. We're going to take all of this. And just slide it in. I'm going to add a couple of fresh bay leaves. Right before we put the lid on, couple of spreads of some hot sauce, little where's your Shire. You know, over the next two hours, this is really gonna, it's gonna become chili. We're bubbling. Lid on. We're turning it down to low. After this commercial break, we're going to be plating up some chili. Couple spreads of some hot sauce, (indistinct) Look at that. That's the chili. So this is what we're looking for everybody. That looks like chili. Do you want to help me? - Yeah. - Okay. Drop them all in. Put all those beans in there. Drop all of them in there. Yeah. Good job. So we just want to incorporate the beans now into the chili. We're at the right consistency. Let's get everything ready. Okay. I'm going to chop some stuff up. So you cut up your green onion, I'm going to cut up my green onion. So we slice this up. Take my cilantro. And we're going to just slice the cilantro too. We're just going to cut the onion in half. Grate it. There we go. Let's scoop out some chili. Okay? So this is your chili and you can put whatever you want on top. Okay? That's a lot of cheese. Here we go. I'm going to put a little bit of cheese on mine. A little bit of grated onion. I'm going to put some cilantro. I want, I want some, a beautiful green onion. I want some sour cream. I love sour cream. Now that's a bowl of chili to me. Look at your, your chili the most actually looks pretty fire, man. What do you think of my chili? Do you think it looks nice? - No. - You don't think it looks nice. What do you think of your chili? - It's nice. You've got all your toppings. - Here's mine. - Oh! Hmm! Chili. It's fun for the whole family. MacArthur? - Yes. - Who's the best chef? - You are. - Mh! All right Mackie. Thank you so much. Another special appearance from my son everybody. A round of applause for MacArthur. - Dad, I as going to say, your chili is the best. - Number one. Number one. Big Mac, big dawg. Pork ribbed chili with some beef rib baby. That looks like a hot mess. This looks like a hot mess. Hot mess, MacArthur. My favorite chef, nailed it. Nothing's wrong here. No egos. My book home style cookery, out September 29th. Get the pre-sale. Hit the link. Get on it. The food is exceptional. The cook book is the greatest. If you liked my first cook book, guess what, this one's better. And this one from me to you. All right, Mac's, on the hammock. I'm going to go to the hammock and jump on in. All right. See you soon.
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Keywords: retired bolt ears, matty matheson, matty matheson chili, matty matheson chili recipe, chili recipe, pork chili recipe, pork rib chili, pork rib chili recipe, how to make chili, matty matheson pork chili, matty matheson home style cookery, matty matheson homestyle cookery, matty matheson home style cookery youtube, matty matheson recipe, matty matheson munchies, matty matheson pork, chili recipe easy, chili recipe tasty
Id: aEaIEnKRZyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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