Beech Duke N60NZ Flight to Simcom Orlando then Tampa and Home

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hi this is chris and welcome to my channel i fly a 1975 beachcraft b60 duke i bought the plane about five years ago and i absolutely love it it's a great airplane to fly and uh thought i'd take you on some of my adventures so here's the latest hop in and let's go for a ride on this trip i was headed to orlando i need to go to simcom for two day recurrent training in the duke you can see i had to cross a really big line of thunderstorms and a big front on my way to orlando and when i got to orlando you can see down there there was a huge storm that just cleared out as i was arriving so i was really lucky to get there and have everything move out for me here's another view of the morning in mississippi and that became that line of thunderstorms later on farther down in florida you see it was kind of a mess in the morning i wasn't sure whether i was going to be able to go or not but it finally uh cleared up at my home airport hotel sierra alpha and as i said it just became that one line of thunderstorms and some thunderstorms in orlando on the way back um here's the view of that severe clear i ended up this was my first ifr in the twin i recently got my ifr uh twin engine rating i've had my ifr rating for five years but i got my twin engine rating and i was able to fly back ifr and i was excited to do it so um so this video is going to concentrate mostly on my return home brooksville tampa bay regional airport automated weather observation one seven zero eight zulu wind zero three mountain northwest six six seven brookville ground duke 6-0 november zulu's at american aviation i'd like to pick up my rfr clearance to hotel sierra alpha duke 6-0 november zulu brooksville ground i do have your ifr clearance to hotel sierra alpha if you are ready to copy ready to copy remember 600 member zulu is cleared to the hotel sierra alpha airport via radar vectors to mommy direct jockey direct led then as filed maintain two thousand expect one four thousand within one zero minutes departure frequency one one eight point eight squat six zero six one okay duke 6-0 november zulu's clear to hotels here alpha radar vectors mommy jockey letty as filed two thousand expect one four thousand in ten minutes and i'm uh frequency one one eight point eight squawk six zero six one dude six zero november zulu you've done this before haven't you no actually i'm nervous this is my very first ifr in my twin well congratulations on that and you read it back exactly correct would you need the spelling on any of those waypoints uh mommy is the only one i'm not familiar with i don't think oh no nevermind i got it i got the mom a mic oscar mike india echo got it that is correct sir uh six zero november zulu runway three is in use the wind is zero two zero at eight and the altimeter three zero one seven advised when you're ready for taxi i am ready to taxi duke six zero november zulu taxi to runway three via bravo one and then bravo from american aviation okay taxi to three via bravo one to bravo 6-0 november and that helicopter is going to give way to you then he's headed towards american aviation via bravo one there so november zulu roger thanks zero november so you just got that the duke or uh you say it's the first one in that twin a bit of a long story i've had my half arm for five years but it was a single only so uh first time i've ever flown a twin or my duke and i or filed ifr ah i understand well one remember zulu after departure turn left heading two seven zero runway three declared for takeoff all right clear for takeoff left to two seven zero six zero this is zero five victor basically pilots discretion beach duke taking the runway for departure runway three cleared to land o5 victor cleveland runway three now one seven deliveries for us and uh right traffic i love traffic will be fined uh cessna one seven zulu okay let's talk to turn now thank you here's up flaps coming up left turn two two seven zero midfield left downwind runway three and there's gonna be a full stop since the niner four one seven zula roger number two fouling assessed not a mile final heading to the left report that traffic in sight number two look for the traffic duke 6-0 november zulu contact tampa departure over to the departure day zero so so [Music] to maintain one one thousand eleven thousand ident and up to one one eleven thousand six zero november zulu delta four eighty eight proceed directed baseball reason navigation correct nav delta 488 november six zero november zoo is radar contact mile north of brooksville position two zero beats jeff 400 x-ray raw male is with you 2 000 6. speech jet four zero zero x-ray romeo tammy departure radar contact i maintain one two thousand twelve thousand c direct ended twelve thousand direct ended 400 x-ray roadmap all right welcome on board everybody welcome to chris this is flying adventure today we're going from tampa to my home airport of stennis hotel sierra alpha first time uh this is my first ifr flight in the twin i've had my ifr rating for about five years and uh never had the twin ratings so i finally got that while uh if you watch my channel you saw that the right engine was out on the duke for a while so i finally got that fixed but while it was out i took that opportunity to find my one approach to get my license for my twin so when i fire uh twin ifr this is my first flight and a little bit nervous but i filed it worked and uh i'm on my way i'm over the uh over the gulf of mexico right now cutting uh cutting across florida from tampa to a waypoint called letty and realized they gave me this shortcut but they put me straight over so anyway welcome and i'm going to try to do more videos just a reminder i have a day job this is not my day job so i am not a professional pilot so i'm learning as i go and i'm trying to share my experience so learn and don't do what i do anyway i'll talk to you a little later one delta golf level four zero zero four seven seven one delta golf jackson roger so just wanted to take a second to show you around the plane a little bit uh duke six zero november zulu um so it's got the winglets and the strikes the winglets on the wings and the strikes are in the back and of course the vg's which it had when i got it i put the winglets and the streaks on the plane um inside on the right side got the uh a lot of the old steam gauges on the plane um but they did add the fuel flow i got that um then the color weather radar commuter 4296 turn left direct wire grass contact jackson center 134.3 it's right there and then below it uh kx 165 that i'm having problems with right now but i'm going to get that result 134.3 and then uh uh garmin 345 below it that's brand new southwest 5416 you got the field inside so when they uh when they when i bought this airplane it had it southwest 5416 clear visual approach runway 3-4 contact tower 118.95 had 80 sb in it but it was a gdl88 which is no good above 18 000 feet so i had the gdl-88 removed and i sold it and i put the 345 in the plane and then it came with the 750 which is awesome i love the 750. um and you see up here in the top left it does have the the sentry for autopilot but it has the gps steering so that little button right there is good toggles putting heading and steering um and that's a lifesaver it makes a lot easier to fly this airplane and then got the steam gauges over here with the call and stuff and then i keep my ipad um right here on the front and then all the other switches started up and everything else over here so that's a little tour inside who were inside uh november zulu um probably just keep making videos and uh of course i i update this plane um quite a bit number three seven on golf not trying to travel between you and foxtrot 95. you're better service terminal to maintain vfr freeze to change approved always doing something with it so anyway uh stay tuned and uh more flights to come soon maintain 5 000. down to 5 000.00 november zero november zulu maintain one thousand seven hundred all right down to one thousand seven hundred six zero number four lead to twenty one forty seven contact houston center one two seven point six five twenty seven txt five at least twenty one forty airport 10 o'clock eight miles portfolio field in sight zero november november zero november zulu clear visual approach runway one eight sentence tower one two seven point one five see ya genius landing departing runway one all right uh clear for the visual one eight one two seven one five six zero [Applause] clear land one eight six zero november doing all right today doing great coming back from tampa good day sure is a pretty day for flying roger yeah this our budget wait they try to go for joy they ride you proceed out to bravo then when you get that clip and take off southwest departure approved oh joey going to bravo thank you sir that traffic turning about a five mile final ideas all right my joey it will look far and we'll be well up as well thank you sir very green mixture in mixture crop brushes off noticed everyone runway pretty sick three green gears down mixture pro that's full [Music] the alpha for five years good afternoon all right alpha florida alpha alpha five you two win okay you
Channel: Chris PC
Views: 6,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a5NUkHmHmMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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