Becoming an Epic Red Baron Ace Pilot and Winning World War 1 in Ravenfield!

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all right everybody bear in here and welcome back to Raven field happy Sunday hope you guys enjoyed the Just Cause four videos that game is freaking awesome but today we're gonna be doing World War one theme so here we go let's get this gunner look at this all right so we've got French uniforms on yes we're gonna be on our smaller test map real quick for World War one then we're gonna enter this giant trench warfare we're gonna have tanks we're gonna have planes we're gonna have World War one bombers World one fighters different armored vehicles it's gonna be pretty incredible but right now I wanted to just show off this baby right here because I love the tail gunner the twin machine guns and look at them firing where you shooting at oh my god is beautiful isn't it play that so it's just incredible the World War one project in the World War 1 mod makers all right here we go I don't have any guns on this thing hit my wing so it's funny about this map is we have this plane here sitting it's part of the it's part of the landscape right it's just like a prop and we got the renault ft-17 and we got the mark 5 british tank over there as well I got my Webley revolver I got my Lee Enfield all right all aboard let's take this out again and so I need to watch out for the trees obviously now I have a tail gunner but I'm not armed with any offensive weaponry outside of my machine gun which you can see is actually like right in the engine block so it's synchronized to fire through the propeller which is pretty tricky but that was like one of the big advancements of the war was synchronized machine guns firing through propellers so we're gonna go on a little airstrike here come on tail gunner now you go left shoot him oh man but dude yeah oh my god we're going down almost shitty look hit the guy in the back he's trying to like follow and then he just pooped out blueberries alright so let's check out some of the tanks real quick I'm really excited and I love I love how the like there's three planes flying around to kind of give this map a bit of atmosphere let's see these work now there for fun so this is the renault ft-17 and it's also a problem but we do have the mark 5 out here someone's used that we've replaced the anti-aircraft gun with this which reminds you of like maybe battlefield one like in the style that it's done alright so I'm gonna take commander this mark 5 so look at that we've got four people in it we've got a machine gun on either side and the cannon on another side there might even be yeah there's well actually I have control of the left guns which is good but unfortunately this thing's so big and the map is set up in such a way that it's difficult to get over the terrain the terrain would need to be smooth out oh my god a Banzai little captured German ft-17 just came in let's take care of that oh and of course I've got the machine gun gentlemen I would really appreciate if you take out that guy so I see some friendly French infantry we have the a7v the big German just like Land battleships there's one over there right now see if I can switch guns look at that man can you imagine like world war 1 tanks we're just so goofy when you compared like how they evolved and what they became I like the yeah the terrain means this mark 5 is just really big and slow in real life obviously but like on this map you'd need to account for maybe like some smoothing of areas or maybe like have a default road would be great so this looks like kind of like a bog and there's actually some tanks that have like literally bogged down and sunk into the marsh here we go we get some Germans we're reloading oh we got hit by an artillery cannon we're gonna be attacking their base let's see it looks like they're like in a cemetery I see a cross over here or maybe that's just like the cross from the top of it that's fallen off oh no no it kind of looks like it could be a cemetery so we're gonna try to take this I've got five people here if we take this then you know what we've won the skirmish and then we can move on to the giant beautiful trench warfare system we're like there's gonna be like probably four or five planes on each side battling it up in the sky there we go we have captured the ruins which is the neutral one in the middle in the middle of no man's land oh I'm sinking into the marsh here gentlemen we need to abandon it everybody out I said everybody out of the tank I'm gonna want oh my god you actually do sink oh that doesn't even look like you're able to use it I love this Webley revolver alright one more and then we have to reload look at the reload animation it is just amazing so we don't really have anything to deal with that but I can be a pretty good sniper oh the gun sound is great hello there friend how are you don't look at me like that alright let's switch to the big-boy map alright so this map is absolutely massive now here is the British bomber plane alright good all aboard I need my gunner gentlemen Terry have a good day sir you are not being requested all this oh wait I've got ten bombs I also have a wrench ability sorry I can repair this in the air which is pretty cool we get any hits no we're a little behind there okay so these things are incredibly agile but also very fragile as you can see look at my gutter he's gone Terry oh yeah we left Terry back home oh we got killed by default flat gun all right let's try this again now I chai up the number of bots from 150 to 200 now to kind of make it feel even bigger alright there's an a7 V stuck on the trenches let's see Oh God that was a really bad bombing run but we learned we learned from our old look at all the tanks but I mean look at this hold on Oh Baby yes spectator mode is fix guys okay so it's actually not been working but look at these I believe these are the albatrosses look at those artillery guns up there oh my god it's beautiful we're gonna get a C epic trench warfare oh I've been waiting for this but look at this Oh baby look at that like all the guys rushing no-man's land is amazing they got some machine gun installations up there they're pushing for these Center flags artilleries being called and we've got bomber planes and fighters flying overhead these guys are moving up the right flank they're about to encounter the British gentlemen you may have when ready I tell you what I feel like Star Wars quotes in like Lord of the Rings quotes are some of the most quotable movies of all time what do you think is like one of the most quotable movies because I use Gandalf quotes like all the freakin time it's so good Terry things are in motion now which cannot be undone you shall not pass oh my god they're just they're just great but look at this okay so we're having some issues we've got these mark fives are they being used actually I just broke the game I paused it and we have the sky what all right yeah I don't know so I press escape because I had to sneeze oh look at this little goofy armored car kind of want to operate one of these it's just got twin machine guns on it Vickers machine guns let's see these guys look like they're coming in two so you need three men three men are walking to it oh it's got four that's awesome don't run into that trench you're gonna have a hard oh good it was at this point where they realized they messed up it literally flopped on its back okay so we we haven't gotten to see what that thing looks like I think all right so right now we're basically checking out the map to see where we want to attack and what we want to do Oh some of these flags are on hills which seem cool okay good there's a nice slope I was gonna say if there's no like path up to it that needs to be fixed and the terrain it's called like row or one trenches I think yours yeah where's just big trenches either way but like the modern vehicles and it need to be changed and like as you know the stuff in the middle literally need a little anti-aircraft spots there's no artillery stations here incoming enemy tank the enemy tanks like are not good at getting up these trenches there's only these bridges in the air like oh man I can't be bothered to use a bridge my home's out here smoking my cigar and using my Webley revolver even though they're German so the vid nine nine nine nines we must crush the enemy in charge over some trenches I love the German accent like my terrible attempt at it I just have so much fun using these like goofy accents cuz I know I think I'm like okay but also pretty bad at them and which makes them so much more fun to use I've thought about would it be funny to like try to do an entire video as like Hans the German like oh hello fritz this is Hans how are you doing in like I don't know I think it would be kind of funny to try out so here we go there's there's Jerry's the Germans over here the German plane looks really cool but they do have a secret weapon which I'm pretty excited to show off and look at the artillery just raining down above so the Germans have they're using four out of five right here one is actually not in use in here two out of three then we've also got this artillery area where only one out one out of two out of three are being used maybe one's a prop but it's kind of incredible to see like I'm surprised that I guess that's probably why red is kicking but it's because of all the artillery I've every could make this a defense man let's do that oh my God look at how many spawn points are on this map alright so we want want to take out all of these alright so the secret weapon is this look at that it's taking off right there this is the Tribeca or dry dekha oh yes okay so twin machineguns this is the red barons vehicle what he used so obviously since I'm a parent and we've got to we've got to fly it out and test it out this is what it would look like man oh are we there we go we're we got a leader there we go we shot down our first alright so in order to become an ace they said that the Red Baron was like the ace of all aces right so to become an ace we need to shoot down at least five planes we're at one out of five oh my god oh my god the irony there is beautiful so rumor had it rumor has it was that the Red Baron was killed by either an anti-aircraft gun on the ground or like a rear gunner in another plane like both very humbling given the just sheer prowess that the guy had in the air excuse me Hans what are you doing Hans this is my plane so we just got straight-up shot right out of that so we're also in defense mode so here we go that looks like a Brit is it dry jacket all right so we've got one enemy plane down hello Jerry I'm flying in formation alternating who takes up when I love it as beautiful so we gotta get are you kidding me all right gentlemen I am 20% to be coming in the ACE and I want to be the ace of all aces oh come here boy oh man I'm slowing down trying to anyway they got a rear gunner come on we want our second kill hold that gunner old man that gunner almost tore me up hold on oh we don't have do this thing smoking let's see all right so I want to like bail over friendly lines here oh that hurt there's my plane okay now we got to go get a new one ha ha we're okay though let's get some medicine all right so we're still alive right two out of five to become the ace of the races now you can also go against ground targets but hey we're the we're the baron of the skies I mean after all come on I'll do this the Fokker triplane I don't hear any sound effects for the machine guns oh I think that was some friendly flak guns we crashed in a swamp we're getting out don't worry and we're still at two out of five so here we go gentlemen I love the shadows of the plane as they fly overhead and look there's even my med kit it's kind of like have some schnapps before you go Hans get outs and do it oh my god there's parachutists how are there were there were three in the air all right we've got one in our sights oh he's a bomber he's got a rear gunner you could hear the little ten tenten tenten to tap speeding up here oh he's he's got my number for sure here we go yes all right that's three out of five look at the little bomber burning up and going down the tube Brits are bailing out gentlemen good luck they went in between the three wings oh man we're kind of smoking again so I think what we should do is fly over friendly lines again and look for a new plane and parachute a little earlier this time oh my gosh they've got a freaking tank right on our front lines oh no that's not good they took that oh shoot I've got to get it I've got to become the ace of all aces before they take over our lines this is not good they're literally taking off right here I got one of them I shot one of them out I think they'd be gutter all right the Red Baron is going up he needs his aides and then we can live to fight another day Oh something just hit me in such a way here we go we'll go after this bomber maybe I think it's a bomber something's hitting me in like it's it's a altering my course I wonder if our flaps have been damaged or something oh we're fine we're fine we're fine we're parachuting out so the scary thing is as we parachuted out and made it back to friendly lines is back then they didn't have parachutes like bailing out of a plane when you're going down it was not good man you did not want to be in that situation obviously you never want to be shot down out of the sky for obvious reasons but in World War one it was particularly brutal all right here we go Oh what is that come on oh it keeps smacking me off-course the flak they shouldn't even have flag maybe it's artillery guns yeah I've actually not a clue what's going on with that well here we are again three out of five boys becoming an ace in World War one was super challenging oh this this looks like we've got it we're kind of flying goofy right now there we go we disabled the bristol f2b we're circling back around we've got four out of five right now 80% done unless my map Oh collision hello sir Henry don't worry Henry I've got a parachute looks like he went down pretty fast his parachute that didn't kill me I swear totally alive and still fighting made it back to friendly lines looking for that oh there he is there he is there is can we go straight up I mean we wouldn't be able to do this in real life in one of these planes oh we nicked him a little bit or some one reason there seems to be more yes we are the ACE I wouldn't say we're the ace of all aces but we could be if we kept at it and kept fighting on the front here we go let's try to do some strafing oh I want to hit I want to strafe one of the planes when it's on the ground before it takes off all right here we go so this is a lot of times they would do missions like this they would would like strafe and like at one point bombers were literally people like throwing grenades out the sides of the planes as opposed to having any like like actual bomb armament and mechanisms to drop it there we go so that's another thing would you count that as a I don't think you've count that as a kill like if you are a fighter pilot I'm trying to hit like oh I can only imagine how difficult it would be to hit infantry when strafing then let's check it out see they're so small and it's not like the fire rate is that fast for this so I'm trying to hit that guy out there we just stopped because there's like I don't know how those aren't hitting him pull up whoo hey boys I'm here I just got to make sure he's down and he got me sturgeon well it's good to be back we're gonna mess around with the artillery here all right I wonder all right see that plane in the back we're gonna try to hit it with artillery they're getting in it like maybe right now if this works if I'm accurate ah yes look it's taking off while it's on fire until it blows up so their artillery is pretty cool and we totally have their airfield dialed in I'd have to say that this was pretty good so I want to shoot down one of the planes with your Co the anti-aircraft guns take out some of the British aces if there are any but yeah that's how you would it became an ace right is if you're a fighter pilot you've got to get five kills now it's much easier to shoot down planes I feel like in these anti-aircraft guns boom got them we had literally one shell left anyway guys this has been the massive trench system this is how you become an ace in World War one using the Red Baron's plane the Fokker triplane oh my god where are these guys falling from gentlemen what are you doing up there we don't even have any planes up there they all managed to survive giving their parachutes but yeah another thing is like we would not have parachutes I would love to see someone like Fitz male approach like a World War one trench system and like really get the scripting of like now our you know kind of makeshift scripting and objectives of the AI attacking and stuff like that that would be awesome anyway guys thanks for watching another episode of hope your Sunday's going well if you missed it make sure to check out the Just Cause 4 videos they that game is so much fun hello Jerry your name's not Jerry it's more like Terry right Terry the Brit and this is like the Canadian automatic rifle anyway guys thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video buh-bye
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 508,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ravenfield, ravenfield best mods, ravenfield red baron, ravenfield baron, ravenfield ww1, ravenfield world war 1, world war 1, ww1, ww1 red baron, world war 1 ace pilot, world war 1 trench warfare, world war 1 trench, world war 1 games, dec18
Id: WiZ1oCTsiTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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