Becoming a WORLD CUP CHAMPION in Fortnite!

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and actually it's entertaining to watch it's actually entertaining to watch so entertaining i think that one land was like crazy apparently i don't know yeah that was because there was tents you were able to have tents why would they do that i'm still wolverine is that new yeah this came out in the crew pack yeah but i thought that happens like in the beginning of the month that's the 31st bro come on um 31 yeah it's right all right we got to win guys because if we win then we'll become world champions all right so you remember how this works right it's it's no placement besides the dub and then a limbs only okay yep so focus up boys this is it all right we are going our sleepy or where where are we going i think that's the spot where i'll go to that but i don't know honestly we should go coney we should go you want to go coney okay okay and then it's right here right yeah it sounds about right let's go i'm excited for this guys i've been waiting all week for the zero builds zbm tournament you're such a drone what do you mean i was actually like like i saw cypher and stuff get first and i want to get first too bro oh yeah actually that actually can someone push these guys with me okay you guys have a shield on one nice tg can i get something nice gets off nice should i blow off the gas station no please no god no and i guess so uh so low why is charlie in my room there 100 nice nice nights charles what are you doing charles and charlie charlie grappling let them happen let them have it yeah right post right close oh this guy's the best he's the best player i've ever seen buddy nice oh my gosh that was close all right that's good that's good we got good limbs right now we got to keep the limbs going though and you have a lot of medium no no i have the opposite of that don't ever ask that again you hear me don't worry i have to tell you you're dropping an auger for someone i need a bunch of one okay um so just side in brazil do they focus on the crown don't even worry about the ice cream don't even worry about the ice cream yeah i'm going to go to the awesome ice cream though any dog no i don't want a fish all right do they eat fish on full health at brazil yeah okay so i just want to let you know that i switched my cone i know we're playing zero build but switch my cone from my mouse button to my shift and i feel like a demon now i was watching yesterday yeah exactly when my muscle memory kicked in it was kind of rough but like when it was like flowing it was so nice wait a zero point finish that might be fire that's actually pretty good we should go we should tell them i'm dropping two catches i don't know if we need this but i'm dropping him no i'm not gonna know that it's probably not first game yeah do you somebody just spicy yes where is that oh the ice cream i love spicy ice cream nice good scandinavia great [Music] you guys your number one pro zero build in brazil bro come on you need to focus up buddy i just forget i guess oh no it's all right the house is burning all right they're over there they look kind of decent no they don't yes they do the bombs are also really good in squads is what i figured out hit the guy for like 80 80 on the back shots come over here come over here everybody come together all right let me five minutes i'm gonna find me solo get out of the open the team's fighting from uh risky uh okay all right don't see them they're coming towards us we gotta shoot the car shoot the car everyone play up [Music] oh right in the middle towards the rescue right in the mesquite right over here you see him can we drive over there we drive away yeah i'm getting our car dude whole team on the hill to the right oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna play up on right side on them look at that flare yeah that works all right okay just pre-shoot up let me get it towards we just got scanned maybe maybe scan right now do it high now there's probably got to push the left skin again again right in front of us let him play up on the building make sure you don't hit the ground here watch out what okay don't rush no they're on the hill they're on the hill well i'm gonna instantly skin above when you can't hear me she's training this guy no don't worry don't worry i gotta splash this flashlight oh i'm getting it up i gotta shuffle it down got it it only scans though grab me this guy pushing up on me oh let's get out just get out now i'm trying i'm stuck in the water uh one guy's looking og no nice try i'm i'm i'm good i'm good i'm like ready he's up on that building he won't be able to get to you in time yeah i don't think you should be able to see us here nice oh my gosh we gotta play zone we have to win this game we should not have pushed that oh my goodness yeah that was rough well we've seen it off yeah if we know where there is it's all good no problem this is a no sweat tournament boys come on there's a there's there's three dudes on my body in this one pass they have a grappler now okay they might push towards their own story we gotta like hide and bush or something how are we gonna win this typical game we have to just me go to gas station get heals and then come back for them after uh on my marker there's a god chest right there and a campfire okay very nice okay we need to get a truck and just like loop the loop i'm gonna go for this i like there's a shield cake there but i'm going for this because it's probably go to the loot here okay i'm gonna get the shield here i'll hear your car all right careful careful there's a chance of my demise i'm alive let's go come on come on come on nice memes can i miss porta for it uh okay okay no one has gone into me yeah i got an idea i got an idea we can we can move with this truck and he'll be coming i have members here if you want this you can't do that anymore you can't do that can't do that shoot i did it yesterday when did they fix it actually got this it's been patched for like like the whole season i thought i did in like yesterday's tg plays video maybe maybe it's back in yeah as well there's a mammoth right there you could be here and there's a can you carry a porta foreign [Music] rotten twinkies i recognize that guy's name yeah i know that guy you know that guy he's a what yeah bad guy yeah i recognized his name it's all good how bad he is right i have no idea his skill to be honest i'm just kidding i don't know it's all good it's all good all good trailblazers getting thoughts camo i have that why don't we do john cena why don't we do a camera skating zero build thoughts do you got john cena though that's the question i do but like come on come on come on come out yep i see you quinn are you going trail blaze see we get it you're on youtube okay we get that but i can't i can't i can't i know like you're not allowed to but but just for this tournament man oh my god there we go that is actually horrible bro what is why are you hitting are you hitting are you supposed to do that now i don't know bro let's put on the green skin yeah the green one looks cooler and think about it it's not shiny it's not it is quite shiny ooh i have it now wait are you there quintavious you guys are actually throwing with that skin i'm not even trolling put on the green screen put it on come on i'm not putting that on no no no no put it on bro focus up [Music] very nice strong with the skin we get blending with the grass and i know we're blending with everything bro we blend in with everything you guys just don't though you're bright green what do you mean what color are you seeing i'm seeing green what color do those glasses make you see huh tg green you see alternate colors nope this is green bro just green i'm back put on the green skin put on the green skin i got it got it you got one second you got one second no no i guess we're the only green ones in here [Laughter] we need to focus up all right i just want to say this real quick i don't know how competitive the solo one is compared to this but in solos i only got two wins and i got fifth okay no you need to get three or four you need three or four first okay okay okay and honestly you need to focus up yeah like look here first place got 283 on west point seven matches wait for real yeah wait second time also got 275 both cheating yeah second team got six six wins ron twinkies got third i'm just throwing that out there oh wow bro what [Music] oh oh great bro i had my wooting off i couldn't move for a second this that is the worst a brick accidental a lot of teams are here look at this job wow that's the best gun you got this i'm getting on the two shot but can you get all that all right we both got a shotgun by the way yeah what was that over here holy lagged oh my gosh no no this guy's one shot connected i just pickaxed him how do you get pickaxe and no bill bro yeah bro hp oh freak what are you dead i'm up at the end middle street yeah oh i just got fried [Music] i'm pushing up to you guys right karin stole in the car stolen the car he's trying to run you guys over maybe yeah firefighter oh my gosh one more one more team hey you guys got me i'm gonna die hey no no no a couple right here bros we're good there's three guys on the card they're dipping oh my god right like on the back right stick on the back i don't have an ar take the stick to stick this can buy mini buy minis i can buy my skate but i don't have minis someone had a message here you take this this is not a mini yeah got one tired yeah but like this is running okay that's fine i'm i'm coming with you i i just don't have any weapons right now so yeah i don't need i'm trying to get away from them and there's a kid in this bush but we can just leave him i guess i'll flare it i'll throw it which bush all right he was down by like the water you gotta let it go if you love something you gotta let it go okay oh there's a there's a shield cake nice let's get together yeah that was a really good off spot that was really good also yeah you should have seen the lag i just had i was literally on a building grabbing a gun and i teleported to the other side of coney like literally like that's not even an exaggeration i think i just heard someone breaking through a wall i'm with you i'm going to tell you he's right here in this corner he's right here he's upstairs i got him this is not all right it's not different you know the flare come here nice great flair you can buy medium in here if anyone has gold in this thing by a little bit what the heck yeah i don't see anybody else we should play for the win now probably and we'll just get a lot of kills i think yep you think we should still live a little bit more hundred percent hundred percent i don't have any shields to to this place a shuffle try and that dot and you're landing there i'm going to play this one more time we're safe does anyone need a greenhog pyramid what are your maps oh thank you i need your luck [Laughter] one time no i have no shields no cap okay just make sure zero builds yeah we are stacked this is out of his own but like we could probably get a heck of a leader hey did you get something from this uh no i don't think this is the same luke cool as a car someone scan it i'm playing i'm playing oh i'm fired good players another guy grappling dropping away shot him out can someone play that there's two guys over there you guys have no player i gotta fight that's gonna help the cards gotta shoot it higher another card another card another card guys another card i need you to pay attention i need a full car car full car okay yeah look at it look at it i'm running i'm running him right come on come back got it fine you're inside building inside building in here in here one shot one shot one dead you guys in car still right shot focus up focus up guys problem break the car put it put it on let him go let him happen i'm going up i'm going impossible another good no you're like lagging what the heck yeah i know it keeps happening i don't know i'm dropping minnie's three minis uh i think we got whites yeah guys i'm gonna say it i'm gonna say it i love the hammer yeah the hammer i mean it's good the hammer's so good bro here's the camera it's like probably less than 50 right alpha oh it's so good the combat it's always looks pretty good too i don't have an smg right now so i gotta rock it to be honest with you okay nice we got a bunch of splash boxes over here hopefully they don't have ice cream cones in them certainly i have six as well that's nice there's a guzzle if someone wants to carry the guzzle ones in you guys can get max you throw it in yeah southwest there's a team over there yeah i get a fish okay there's a guzzle right here yeah this is you guys yeah right here come on we've got a little dude all right you want that yeah very nice you should try to scan these guys we can catch them out in the open north of the southwest in a second i'm gonna do it again uh museum i can zero point fish into them okay i'm moving up moving up you guys start beating them start beating me okay they're they're in a car or something right that's good player i have shockwaves do you guys wanna i'm i don't know i need there's just too many how many are they're trying to get they're trying to get it right now we're trying to get it right now we're trying to get it right next time nice place uh clear no player if you guys can revive me here i can pick up this loot yeah i don't think there is one here we could do it right right like north now there's this one right here yeah dang i don't have lights i have some classes okay so you want to go back for that there's probably six impulses if you leave me the grapple and you go ahead i think i can survive all right that sounds like a good play i gonna fly towards them first or i'm going to fly towards no you just drop it i think it's faster yeah or you can shock drop it and i'm right here yeah oh grapple oh my gosh i'm like dead because of it sorry when i when i shock waved into them i landed right on all three of them yeah it's gonna this combative is so good you gotta tap what's up uh there's impulses right here yeah i mean yeah i can hold a keg just drop the keg without throwing it yeah mark there i got uh six watches yeah we should probably spawn regroup here hold up for a second yeah yeah i just gotta come back couldn't uh get everything i wanted oh there's a medkit here actually i'm gonna i'm gonna stay ice cream yeah and a med spray that should be good hey there's this joke right here all right it's your truck here oh yeah what is it already is there anything you're missing me yeah remember i'm not with you guys yet yeah yeah i think we fly we gotta we gotta aim for this pad over here and just flying and then we gotta get up on this right side ninety five late ninety six meters i got max light for you more chugs by the way you don't do it yet i'm holding one short hair there's another pad here but uh no i think we're gonna stay on the side until tj gets to us what do you do you guys have like an auger or something i can carry cuz i can drop a minute there's a green uh okay i'm gonna get these uh berries i'm almost there pop these jugs yeah and we have a car right here for you too yeah you can use the checks on max and chugs new grappler over there too if anyone's is it in the zone i know i can fish something too you guys need flops and then come back and we'll check there's a flopper down there and then come back up and grab these i have a minimus i'm going to pop anyways okay okay oh i did not need to bring that i saw someone just break something right here uh i don't know there's there's this green gun if you want that yeah i just need i need i need a dog right here anybody i'm 55 yeah yeah or else i can't shoot anybody okay yeah it's right there okay i'm gonna get into music but thank you anyone have splashes yeah yeah yeah five i'm gonna suck okay yeah once we get in down here that's the thing i have one impulse i thought it gave you like two yeah someone must have just dropped it earlier i'm just gonna play behind these rocks anyone else have a flare can you guys play that shout out i know there's nothing right too i don't know maybe drive by this guy on the right throw it down the right right right next to us another guy on the right you guys can't get cut off by that guy put pressure on it they try to shoot us hey it is the guy up on the hill on me we should we should overtake that uh you guys want to shoot this solo right here he's behind the log you can't build brought him in one shot how many impulses do we have yeah four to four look at the portfolio put a fortune out i can i can never stop i can have these things have you sniped the stairs yeah yeah that's open it's wide open now okay keep putting pressure on it i'm getting heavy sniper ready i found a guy in the floor the guy in the middle mobility okay yeah i could scan and how many impulses do we have i'm splitting i have three this is ours now don't worry this is still stuck behind the street you just put it forward into 50. 100 cracked yeah i don't have any more flares here kill this guy 60 in the industry in the trees can you knock on that tree does it fall it does fall he's moving with his teammate oh look at him in the bushes he's there's one enemy do we have a flare no no i think no one said i have 81.8 ar how much you guys uh i have 200 i have 240. and bush on me somewhere don't know where he went no that was me that was me in the shocker what is your shock because i i thought somebody's in the bush you see the crowd oh okay you know because someone shot at me from that direction i thought they were in the bush they're right here by the way they don't they don't know right here they're very clueless he's he's walking around yeah they're over there do you want dude do you want that that player it's on this one they're just walking around looking on the right on the right on the right on the right right 36 oh you never mind crack nice good shot nice shooting guys there guys i'm skating born here look over here quick before he gets behind you guys 60 90 crackers no you're above me you're okay full team over here full team over here i need a arm okay so again you're here splitting half yo look over here i'm gonna shut it down okay we're okay this guy in the middle the water forty forty one forty one nice supply drop guy in water twenty four white behind that wood i don't know what the supply drop guy is guys they all gotta move we're in a great spot you guys see they're me and i we're not scared yeah scan it one more time it's getting warmer it's getting my last scan all right you see you see him you see here you see me right here i need to be loaded i don't want to throw it 136 196 get on my channel you change on it keep going keep going he's running to the water he's running the water 19 on him right here right here is that enzyme or no contraction right here there's also a play nice yeah okay don't lose this we can't lose this we need these points nice there's portal forwarded again focus portal for sniper yeah swipe it up sniped it oh i felt i felt i just took a lot of fall damage oh my god yeah i just got boogied i'm okay kind of not pushing up yet here let's give me a double wrassler maybe no no we can't we can't if you're in front you can do world cup champions world cup champions world cup champions that we were lying we weren't lying sure that's a big game big game that's gotta put us in front right i'm not gonna yeah you are bro if there was like spawn protection that i instantly died did you say yeah there it is waiting for it i guess i i just want to put some props on quinn who is absolutely fragging on the corner there i don't even know what i just did yeah kept frying their overshield off i'd hit a different one for 50 like every like five seconds i'm like oh this is doing a lot wow we're first place now i think yeah let's go here one second big plays big plays that was goaded guys yeah there's there's skill-based matchmaking so it's going to be hard now yeah we're going to fight what is his name old twinkie runs old swing [Music] goodness gracious wow actually guilty we're mechanical for that i'm not gonna lie um we're looking mechanical right everyone just needs a combat ar that's it i was flying with that gun like the i was getting a lot of that gun pyramids or just letting it rip no that tap shoot with it is so insane it shoots the same speed and it's perfectly accurate it's broken there's non-stop 30s sweating and no sweats i'm not gonna lie like i prefer it over the hog dog it's good because it's further range but that gun is nice i like it bro it does the same damage and it's like you hit like eight times so good you guys got to put on the skin though come on come on come on put on the skin come on come on come on all right polarity where y'at blair you know i'm feeling like i already feel like my name is larry the turtle the turtle larry the turtle i like the gurgle wait on on portal the queen's got this thing for pokemon bro trust i do love pokemon pokemon's fire bro charmeleon stan noah um he's got the igo fit i like we need to talk we need a tog you're looking a little different than the rest of us is this like round two or something how does this work it's just the best team wins yeah i guess we are that team yeah think about it we just win realistically that would be that would be the play that would be the play i think we get like five wins here and we're chilling okay good eye john i'm not gonna hide you anymore he's got it i would definitely be chilling no more ideal i'm done with that igl whom oh we are first we need like 180 points to get first in this term i'm gonna attack on a clash real quick while we do while we wait for a queue i'm gonna go look for a pastry i'm gonna order some habits do so the hardest part about this tournament is getting into a game yeah area is it really yeah are you too high so we're when you complain see i complained and then back yep we just need to complain right now nope nope we can win so we can win so are you like a celebrity in brazil pyramids i wish bro like how's your portuguese portuguese i know he's been composed he's been exposed yeah you found it [Laughter] i knew it dang it we have guys let's go sleep go sleepy i think we should have played brazil and that's like i'm like on hyping bro yeah what is the ping i'm supposed to get uh purple i'm supposed to get purple pink 480 quinn did not hear what he said but no i knew it i just went with it man where were we landing now sleepy sleepy town i was using hog riders sorry all right uh get all the ammo crates don't get it twisted no we would land motel too okay buddy you know you'd have to land there again then in the next five minutes buddy wait what i'm spawning for a while yeah i got mine from bligzi you must have got yours from travis how unfortunate then you must have a travesty [Music] oh my goodness all right let's go wpm right now all right by the way oh wait what he's actually the best heels that's weird i just like shield kegs so actually like keep steel cakes with you uh there's a green och here quinn just be careful okay he's dead you're bounty eliminated he died they might should be trying to rotate out towards us so if you guys just want to keep peeking towards there yo this is actually sweat now so like focus up all right i'm so trust me i'm i'm more focused than than reits fortnite skin oh oh oh my gosh oh nerd nerd nerd nerd hey do i use this i have impulses a flare gun flare gun right here uh i would not carry um spider-man to be honest you're carrying a player already kind of it's better if everyone has it otherwise you can't like stay together really yeah it's just impulse portafort usually two weapons too you could just do smg just do it here yeah just do smg um smgar that's all you should carry for heals or whatever on our region yeah on your region yeah mark the mini yeah i need that i've no shield that's very nice yeah you guys all have no shield this wasn't popping did you get all that north side uh majority of it quintinius you don't know how to loot this properly didn't you that would definitely do not is it there's a check over here trying to carry it i have a keg it's way better just to carry it like i was i've seen tifa pick it up one over six minis and stuff like that mark you guys could do this and i got two right here and then i got it yeah i need to come to you because i found a cake you found a cake hey you wanna double it yeah where's the other one it's not a big marker all right you guys use that or no no no no do not use a charge smg bro he's like in brazil we use this do you use this here in brazil we use this yeah i have cow catchers uh shock waves shield kegs that's my utility i have two impulses i can i can hold i can hold the cow catchers that's the one i mark noah yeah yeah can i use the shell kick or do you guys want to use this one or do you want to you need to carry that one you have two stacks at least yeah i'm coming here yeah you just tossed it on the ground it's pretty like we're all pretty close how many impulses do you guys have four yeah i'm not nice guys you gotta focus up here on north side sleepy come on what's outside my bad south side sleepy come on you guys want to try to get a fight edge down right now we can probably just roll up on one i'm gonna be more separated like a child of birds by the way i have no mobility okay i got two impulses i have four does anyone carrying splashes i can drop two splashes and tgg yeah again again i have a big okay can you split me impulses and then i'm gonna go inside okay we should get tires at the gas station yeah no there's none there's none the other time he's defending there there was like does anyone else have a player no no okay uh there's an extra one there you just want to start we should rock two different cars we should rock two different cars [Music] uh very well this is unloaded i think we should just get as much ammo as possible i have 140 if you guys want to hold up hey can i give you these questions you pick it up hold up uh i can create and pause thanks man 18 my ammo hey dad yeah all right i know controller i'm trolling there's a heavy sniper here can i can i run it yeah good i'm gonna drop my flare i'm just gonna use it a little bit why can't we pick up anything in the car all right let's get this tires and it's combat air over there oh pyramid you want that combat again i have one okay hey do you guys want to hold this or no you want me to hold it where's that oh portaform we need that you need a hundred percent take that over something what do you have right now here miss what's going on or no i could i could drop your impulses oh i haven't done it i have 44 i mean if you want yeah do you want my impulses i'll switch it is so is there an extra one or is it just this one just one just one oh there's a truck you want to peek over beagle i think we try to peek into vegas right now oh you can do this now walk in the front buddy i need an smg i have a personal podcast podcast quick quick quick quick go go oh you mean my chest quinn park chest bro oh yeah i'm carrying oh actually do you want the heavy sniper tj you're looking out with it i don't know if you have anything to do we can look after can somebody let me get on the truck yeah you got a mantle on it you're good here we go i fell off bro [Applause] like bro what is this you got this it's all good you're actually near the pyramids right now you check the left side i don't know why but pyramids looks like he took forever to get to the truck i know it looked like so long he was like sprinting i know i know it just looked like he took forever it was fun i mean the pyramids did take forever to build i'm pretty sure so um yeah maybe it goes hand in hand yeah you guys don't like pyramids or something what's going on yeah i'm more of a square type of guy i like cubes all good i like i like spears so you like see like falls like circles uh i like the what was it that fall guy's skin what were you calling it elongated one yeah elongated one yeah that word i like it too very i want to play some more fall guys can you play it in a second though just to make sure you're not coming on anyone on the edge zone what though oh shocker is out there i'm going to go pick them up excuse me we can loot this quickly oh it's really laggy you guys teleport yeah there's also a camp for our left side uh we can't stoke it though yo primrose i just want to let you know that yeah they're waiting up here gg i want to let you know that pyramids has to see so yeah can we slash or what yeah hmm oh i think there's someone over here there's two cars parked you need a scan maybe they're in a bush i'm the world's best player gunner yeah that was a good that was a really good player i think we just use our cars now it could be imported forward over here i don't know pyramid's pyramid shots far uh they just i think they're are they in the port yeah no no they're somewhere a little bit more south i have a four to four i think we white line honestly uh yeah i can't wait this car i'm going to grab this truck with criminals oh wait uh yeah there's tires oh there's responding don't play reboot right wow someone with half of a brainstorm in this game oh my gosh would you look at that not nice whoa whoa whoa well that is how much gas are you sure your world champion of brazil yeah i don't know yeah we got friends oh they're shooting at us from the hill by brisky keep going here is it with heavy sniper they sound like it yeah yeah that is obviously okay we're gonna play i'm gonna play can you flare yeah good player i think we probably hop out here and keep our cars nearby bring him in bring him in i mean do you guys want to try to get this area yeah that would actually be a lot of people there's a lot we might have to flare one more time if you think no i'm not that's great that's a great player dude such a good player that was like top four players yeah four players at least at least top floor this has so many like hiding spots oh oh my god yeah because i got tagged okay i'm looking at them i have a heavy sniper out there the gun left i don't know who you're talking about right now uh red marker he's gonna have this on my wall it's like the biggest thing they could heavy snipe spray us all but they're in a really bad position there's like 18 layers of walls to protect us here there yeah yeah there's like lag spikes for some reason now there is nice things like spikes you messed up the car [Music] like why is he griefing look at this spot i'm in this is goated they can't [Laughter] one over here this guy might be out in the open red marker uh hard ping hey guys take this seriously because it's sweaty now oh we're good we're good here we go i think we uh we claim this right we just stay here yeah i think we claim this we should bring this as long as we don't give you layers you want to bring the cars inside then i can i can break this bring him in uh yeah that could be a play i i think we got to sort of like make sure we're on west side and we don't push anyone like close to us west if that makes sense like if we can like keep them on away from us west will be good yeah they have to pull off the hill so that's why i think we get both sides but i think we're good those guys like they're fighting over here yeah i brought in a car having a fight they're they're they're scanning over here west all right 24 50. nice 36 inc those aren't our biggest threat we don't focus on we don't focus on them we don't focus on them okay keep looking on the other side break this break is raised what do you need nice good place i found a very safe spot typical gamer yeah that's really good if you get flared you're going to need more impulses uh i have four can you focus your strength for a second this guy glide in this guy ready straight ahead no no oh this whole team what about us oh my gosh they they're scanning some flares towards western before 24 again crack this yeah careful uh if you got a player shoot at wes they're going to be looking at you yeah yeah i think we need to wear it to see where they're at no do you have a player yeah i'm playing nice good flair i don't think it's spawn maybe they're they're they're they're all my strong west i see them i see them yeah they're stuck there they're stuck there so just heads up all right i'm gonna throw fireflies just in case it like burns it somehow they're throwing their names okay they could be starting to play back good friend they have a snapchat it's on fire now nice yeah we keep claiming this and then we could fall back whenever they gotta run into us so just heads up i think right did you say they were actually impossible somewhere queen oh yeah there was another building they're pushing up one guy's left side about a nade guys here grenade he's gonna knock you guys down he's gonna play basketball crack don't crack them crack them nice wall left side left side this one i think maybe i'm gonna keep heavy sniping okay yeah i think this he might be buying this one or like down here somewhere i'm not somebody's healing right side too oh they're fighting each other right now they just pinched us at the exact same time that's crazy i don't know this is really unlucky it's gonna play placement bro the reds in there stay in the car and go to the passenger seat honestly uh driving the house before i don't think this is a good idea but we should have drove it in the kitchen if someone comes over here i can't like get out it's okay don't worry i'll get a stop to bear oh wow good good space i mean you have two impulses too but well i mean like here's the thing if you don't win this is so not worth the time yeah yeah but i think you can what's it eight times three four what's that i mean i think regardless we're right i don't know i mean if we get out right now we might be able to play three more games uh the games go pretty fast i think i think you honestly come into it right i believe you believe in the big nebula yes oh if you get scanned and that's rough though i think that i think that was the other team so i think we're okay if this team scans me it's actually just over there yeah i'm very glad the car was in the kitchen that sounded like a good idea until they started spraying the roof out car was in the kitchen the car's in the kitchen should i beat you guys yeah i think it's worth it yeah yeah it's a you drive there i'm down anyone could shoot you know nicer people are getting knocked i'd love to see it yes we do love to see that indeed oh right above too i'm getting another i'm getting a pastry bruh i'm getting one pastry pastry nice shoot him oh boy wow that's crazy so baby toys knocked too they got traded if you want a third party there's a knock but i don't think you do it i'm worried about how i'm gonna get in the zone with all these portaforce and there's like no buildings because yeah you're right probably just late rotate it hard abuse of the car this team's gonna rotate i'm gonna run him over bro if i kill one and then rotate yeah they got a red they're probably going to rift hopefully let's say i shock to the rift yeah that's for sure you but i don't i'm not sure if i'm gonna know where it's at but i guess yeah oh they're running they're like behind there's a lot of footsteps yeah they went that way i think nice drive and maybe calm wow you can you can shark and stuff like they know bro got a flare too nice good place bridge on my side oh my god what oh it's goated unfortunate that was the spot you gotta change your skin no that's why bro that's why i lived the longest yeah yeah oh oh oh oh i think the green skin is bad luck bro no what we won the game when i changed my skin to the green skin yeah but it's because i still had my skin you know [Music] interesting yeah we can get three three games how was there ammo that game though i am that's pretty good right oh my god yeah my ammo is good didn't really get too many people though yeah i guess i just gotta pre-throw the porta forts which you guys thoughts on that only had one i think it's nice to save always because say we made that that to the end of that like we would have needed one like all this other teams had one you know like her we were just in that i learned that in the other cup that i played at zero but one like if you save your four four to the end like you just have the biggest advantage ever because most other people use them early that's true i think we should just yeah this ball is bad we just gotta go deeper i guess dead side the portafort just kind of like uh exposed but there was a guy in our base below us that ran in from the other team no no i'm not exposed just kind of like made it where i couldn't get to you because like i can't edit the ball or anything i'm going to break through but then everyone was just dead before i can even get to like granulence me too it kind of made like a cocoon for me in noah and we were just dead very nice cocoon i i think i just stained a dead side edge as much as we can not engaging anyone unless they come close and we just jump them i don't know like this water barn could have been chilling probably if we just hide in there i don't think anyone would have gone over there no we oh but everyone what was that place south of them those are the other side of butter barn then i guess you know what i mean yeah i don't know what they call that it's like a reboot i guess it's low-key kind of like scuff though people start having sniping i say then i don't know it's true but i don't know if anyone would have done that is that how they do curls in brazil yeah i didn't even know what this email was i just used it i didn't know i had to call you though i have the how'd you get email did you get that email pyramids i watched your stream oh okay oh yeah that's good comes you stream yeah yeah it's actually switch that tv saturday that's the wrong one what email was that where is it oh here we go this is the way i like this one [Music] yo i'm a cat yeah yeah yeah yeah if you mess with me what's going to happen you're going to get scratched is that a song yeah yeah it's a rainy day with a chance of meatballs baby i love meat i got nice feet we're seventh place right now guys we're a failure to all our families for real i'm not gonna be able to eat tonight we have the same amount of games played we we have the exact same score as cypher like like kills and everything games played everything so you need to focus up all right guys what's if we wk do we win yeah the wiki little w key what about when you're on hpv [Music] [Music] random stuff is trends hi my name is um yo i'd like to power up i like to be fired up i like to hit them in the um with the coconut mmm coconut milk coconut drink hit him in the sink oh i was gonna build right now i don't care what you think my name is quinn aka quintavious [Music] man that's kind of outrageous um i want to use the i think that's as close as you're gonna get for remembering your time yeah yeah contavious you need to w key little w key bro there's a lot of sweats in this lobby we need to be number one get that victory royale i mean we can get the rave cave if you guys want to sort of like it's like do or die i think we just no i think it's two or three bro i think it's two or three we could play three games if we didn't this is democracy pyramid what do you want rave cave or sleepy buddy sleepy we go to the mark yeah what's that yeah that might be the mark on ray okay dude this is a weird bro but that's even that's a this is democracy yeah tell medkit guy to wear the right skin dg oh my god oh my gosh oh my god who's my kid guys i think you can figure it out i'm going for motel by the way well let's see bad because my drop is better unfortunately uh it doesn't look like it look you're quick dead quick dad quick dad i got a dm yeah you would have died that's crazy let's go would it be ready i have a rip nice all right so rift i wish we had that last game like how there's like some games you just don't get any of the root cause yeah we didn't even all have ogs we literally all had like you know and and pyramids had a shotgun and you have an smg like how do we i'm just i have an olive oil i'll go over here i'll go over here i'll go over here okay i'll go over here i'll get it what is north side oh yeah so you don't hey i have four boogie bombs i'm gonna pop a shield cake cause i can't carry it make one come here wait i can carry uh hey um you're gonna see you missed it you missed out on the american squad is just generally confused right now hey you guys want a sniper i have uh guys focus up boys where's the ice i have two riffs by the way that's pretty nice nice where's the og i dropped it over there like over there somewhere i need a nog as well i have four boogie bombs i don't have the og i don't i need shield uh i i have two spots there's minis back there he's on i have her minis thanks thanks brother yeah i'm getting a cow catcher i'm dropping a two-shot shotgun okay hey do you want this quinn yes there's minis another rift to go i'm dropping splashes here i'm going to use the big bar are you splashing and he's a big bar i'm dropping okay someone hold this big pop i threw it i don't want the big pot all right you can look at it and think about it i don't want to look at it do you want to think i can get it you don't have a flare no yeah and drop the flare right here you want this nope it's a chocolate why would i want a two-shot blue oh hey i have six boogie bombs by the way that's pretty nice that's good that's good yeah i have flare gun over here i'm the flare man there's a lot of shotguns you guys don't use them um i'm thinking no oh i need a plus ratio i don't know how they do it in brazil but that's just wrong i'm gonna use the big claw by the way i'm using the big plot use it up buddy you've got it what's the two riffs does somebody want that or you got it bro you got it i have one right i mean two porta forts for for dude we are still watching if we don't no you're not i mean if we don't win this game i don't know man wait wait you had two yeah two now yeah two four four okay could someone pick up the the extra portal for it that's on noah's marker there's two riffs six boogie balls i could i could drop like you're definitely yeah just drop your cow catches i'm confused is there is there an extra word for it okay all right can you perm a mark with your pink marker noah no thank you you can see me technically wait where is it at i see it can you inform the market please i'll put remarkable purple it's uh yeah i'm not over this i can't remember market it's it's like at the walk-in rv buddy i'm gonna march you up bro i'm gonna fly out i'll beat you up buddy i'm gonna mark the i'll mark it for you bro marked it wait hello i might meet it okay i'm sorry i can't see your marker it's in brazilian i'm a little confused bro brazilian marker thank you there's like the slider suppression that's from can [Music] they're on that hill somewhere like right over there i'm not gonna lie don't see them should i drop one rift to go or four shockwaves quick i need a decision i can carry shocks i can carry four i can carefully okay i'm dropping them here then okay wait can i hold three rips or no is that allowed no you can't you cannot that's illegal oh yeah can you can you play again no can i do what just like flare towards the other side because i'm pretty sure they're probably sneaking up we're trying to go for either one of the two okay hey one second closely no we have god blue guys we can't fail this yeah i can't lie is there cheaters in my game something is there nope nobody is there a new flag i'm dropping a combat here oh my god quinn i actually almost got a heart attack but i thought you're an enemy i'm not gonna lie utility roll call real quick i have uh two porta four one riff to go one shield kick two riffs six minis six boogie bombs i have two shock waves and four players you should be able to win the turnaround i have two shoes for splashes to uh put it forwards six impulses like two impulses yeah there's a player over here for you too oh nice do you have a car there no or no no i'm just stranded yeah there's actually impulses in here too for you it's flying away right here evan how about right here 97 120 dm3 oh team ominous three two one oh my god i think can i get somebody my stuff no you guys are streaming what kind of name is that playing at the wrong time 2 a.m that's fire how do you know there's stream simon's going that's just because i don't know i just know that guy's name and they were in our last game so i think they maybe saw us and played towards us those are so cringe yeah look at this storm fighting oh my gosh that's so cringe uh let's just chill in the back over here we're gone don't don't vote don't go they're flaring us or something okay you just like yeah i have a i have a rift if they shoot him i don't think of whites you don't have your overshield too since storm that's so unlucky oh yeah i have 34 of mine you guys have no whites you guys gotta find something i i found a medkit i'm hard marked as i can age it later there's a harpoon on the dock but i don't know if there's any fishing holes i found a medkit i'm gonna pop this i don't see them pushing up at least uh you guys are good i'm just gonna play cards now there might be a medkit in the vending too i guess i have a heck of a gold sir i think it might be worth getting cars and then drifting honestly he's using the rift to maybe get us rebooted somewhere like a coney or something like that it meant something any extra loot there you you well we had so much extra blue there and they got bugle on con or something like that are you rifting to you or no i don't understand what's happening you should get the cards oh i think you said a car i was like why would you get the car and then rip them i was confused yeah it sounded like it what did they oh they're gonna throw them on them where is it sorry yes you drop you drive i'm gonna rip this if anything goes bad all right if you rip this in a car and we get out are we do we just glide or like i don't know his impulses up there i don't know i thought you killed me though i thought you killed me genuinely what the heck guys the whites right now there's a campfire but i think you guys probably just ripped and play coney i can go revive you but with the zero point fish you don't want me to do it no no no no i mean in front maybe i don't know it's just we're just gonna be in the zone for a while but it's not much extra yeah i guess you guys this car to reboot and then you guys double crochet do you have two weapons only no yeah okay i want this fire hold up oh wait no that's worse wait how do i only have three shots i should have grabbed this but i just six already hey guys hello hello how's the storm going not great i'm probably gonna die yeah don't die i don't want it like a cooler down next to the review maybe you guys just go for coney i think you should go for the mission here yeah there's got to be whites there you have you'll see some barrels no no no it doesn't have heels no i have none now make it right there to the left uh towards the [Music] bandages got this where's the medkit no you go pop the medic and then revive them maybe bro i'm gonna go revive them now you bring them throw the medkit over the mirrors on the oh it's over here i'll throw it you get the car ready though all right i guess i'll just drop flare for a bunch of bandies we need to live yeah it's still worth it when you guys get in the car i'm going to pop this med kit real quick all right oh i had two kicks back there only go for the kegs okay okay i gotta pop this one back for the keg cause you guys just go ahead i have a car okay i'm in this med kit you guys gotta get in the car there there's no extra bandies how many bands you guys have sorry i have ten we just gotta move down we gotta move that gotta be two tick no we're driving a circle oh you got my babies yeah yeah getting going i'm dipping we'll speed to here maybe but it's our only shot we gotta like white line it yeah it's a small circle so i can rip if we need an emergency i i think we should probably just do that okay i'm going to get you guys guys monsters i'm right there right there right here make sure you don't don't take them no it don't move yeah i'm going hopefully i make it oh i just i'm not gonna make it i got it you're gonna make it you're in right now i don't know is there a portal for can we play that poor port or no no there's people in the border i'm gonna die yeah yeah i'm dropping them i might get knocked i'm alive with two health yeah spot it [Music] pretty nice you're not winning this game buddy there's no shoddy winds right why were they holding us unironically is that like a strat or something what are these kids doing i don't know we just can't lose anybody before the end game i guess yeah it's too rough i don't even know that we're rifting from that far away like that was so far yeah that's right i heard her stop visual audio gliding zone was so far away there's like it's gonna hang out here i think they're gonna play end game or something yeah i think we've got to play rave cave honestly let's hear it okay let's do it no i put on the sky man come on i've had enough i've had enough man i've been patient dude yeah you do i know you do i know you do i don't have it i know you do put it on buddy come on we get it you stream on twitch but you knew you grow up all right i don't have that buddy we all had like 10 health it was so funny yeah i mean good stuff i'm getting that one kill the dude's so mad he's probably swearing in korean right now wait he had a korean name what the heck he's mad i don't like that that kid had 2am in his name what what is that even for it's an org oh wait it's an org it wasn't it wasn't korean i retract my statement oh it's an org that's cool good for him there's mandarin mending that's very good all right boys this is going to be tough if we want to get the w i need you guys to focus up all right all right now i'm gonna do it all this hoodie hmm someone guard me yeah little whip little whip who's got the littlest whip i do um [Music] quinn focus up good i'm too smart you're playing too smart it's 200 a guy i mean i just can't believe that we're running out of sleepy and there's four dudes on my left side that just three two one man it's really fun that was cringe i instead died i i didn't even have a chance to react throw a porta fort do anything they took your advice it's so it's so easy to say what's best like after the fact those kids are screen typing they're cringe where'd they even come from like that's just random yeah they're just holding a sleepy players like where'd they even come from oh right wait so we're going rave right yeah we're going to rave cape you know what to aim for we're aiming for the head okay i believe like oh you're aiming for the head yeah okay where were you aiming for buddy the bottom that's what me and quinn did last time um you and quinn yeah what turned out yeah you have such a good drop i know i'm the best you're the best get him keep back down go go wt oh you would have killed all of us we would have died i'm gonna kill one i'm going to kill him i don't have any one dead one what do i do basically i don't have one following gwen i'm throwing a i can throw a cake down i'm not going to throw it down i can throw it down go whoever gets full health go go go where am i going down there they go oh they got the kill they got there right here ray's looting yeah i'm just looking at him with my pickaxe though plan on him 47 i'll lend on you guys for moral support for 31 47 again he's one shot he's one shot he's in the gun he's at the bottom he's upon 31 32. guys yeah there we go he's dead i don't know how i just go i'm the best bro i'm the best is somebody's healing underneath me forgive me i don't have a weapon i don't see it he's here you see me saying this to me i'm open i'm a nate and i'm nating them yeah nice guys where are you at gotta get a two-shot here thanks bro did this out in the open oh no there's got to let's be careful tgg got it left out of the opening oh there's multiple people multiple multiple i need help we know about nail polish i think i think they're gonna land on top of us can we drop down i can't we have a lot of limbs this is great this is great uh there's a healing mist over there can you grab it one yeah i think we got to push our way back though at the same time someone picked up come thrown down come throw it down no can we get deeper in before we throw it yeah i think we get further like ball you wanna go vote yeah okay move quick real quick there could be a team in here i'm gonna player i'm gonna play i'm gonna play it oh okay okay all right sorry i just went down i could boogie in oh we're good okay now we're gonna go again wow i can see something you don't need to make it i got i need any idea i'm getting gold okay we don't want to stay in here if somebody go up if you don't usually go up pyramids yeah uh no it's you're full it's rebooted i need a shocker name anymore all right thank you i need arm i have zero in my gun i have uh very little do you think you think we're good let's go push up on that let's get it big kill game here let's go i need another ar if anyone finds one i think we gotta fly out let's go fly up from this right side no no no oh you want this to shine over here did they scan us yeah they're still above if we fly on top and lane on top of cuddle then they can't do anything and we beat them can you guys play on you can hit me for 80. family play me god i'm going to run for it okay we just land on top of cuddle and then we just roll these guys he's ready yep go run i'm scanning after flying one guy's far in the sky ready too no one's down there they're going towards vault west who threw this i did i didn't oh he's gonna see him all the way over there he's like heck of fire 23. there has to be another team all right i'm gonna play one more time one more time down there probably right we need a full dude if we can we need full loot yeah i think we can win now i'm gonna scan left side yeah we're in zone two this is we're in the perfect spot yep nice time to dominate all right this one all right we're just leaving the bottom right yeah oh i got a rip to go and an og bro what a perfect chest i'm dropping uh a two flares oh oh okay i can hold it i have a six player actually [Music] i have no extra shield by the way wait if anyone's ever like set on loot you just set up on top of a cuddle yeah i'm not but my loot's getting that new shield so i need to look for this real real quick me too there there's like we need one person up top because they're gonna take it yeah i can i mean if the one person's up top they're just going to land on that one person yeah yeah but they can dip whenever they want i can just throw a photo for it too i can hard alpha as long as they don't know are you guys all next to each other yeah pretty close yeah i mean i don't see them i think you're talking lighting they're gliding they're scanning them i have it once that one's down with me with me yeah look at that guy it could be a solo fighter fighting friday careful bro i have no shield you get that lead you scan above one more time uh for where where just like a bump oh totally above the base like right here right here going you see him at all i i saw a guy dip one dude okay i need ammo and stuff did he have stuff for now i have like decent ammo um what do you need i don't have any more i don't do anymore you can you can swim noah please oh yeah okay yeah yeah if we roll a team we play aggressive on it together yeah we killed one somebody can camp their car there if we want yeah yeah we could all do this yeah that works yeah i'll just sit up on top yeah okay yeah just watch this side because we can die from here and quinn if like the people over there uh i mean i'll try to as much as possible all right because we're keeping the card and we're in a 44 at the bottom area so like the top is just open as long as they can't shoot you from the top you're chilling yeah we're chilling that works i have two more flare too so if you guys find a a new one let me know this is unloaded if someone one of you guys wants to go wait can you guys play on red marker we can kill this guy he's out in the open okay okay it's probably it's probably our trio but you guys all go red marker right now we can go for a play on these guys so make sure you guys fly up okay i'm going i'm going i'm almost there he's somewhere around run marker over here is he gonna be underground or no yeah no no he's not underground he's on the outskirts over here you see him right here out in the open i'm just gonna go for shots i'm almost there yeah hit him twice nice 22. them twenty white one shot not them don't know where that is i'm scanning i'm almost there i'm almost there i think we definitely play on this though i'm looking hopping hopping real quick right there right there over there um someone can go get that loot if they have impulses i have a rifle just in case and one shock waves yeah bullied okay where should we claim right now you guys want to get on top of that rift area if we get purple right now it's probably best i'm going further we can get there with the slipstream thing we should definitely do that i think i just heard a guy reboot right here you guys do not want to play on that i didn't hear it okay i'm gonna scan right now it's my last scan if there's a dude here we fight this not here not here okay let's just go right there pyramids look at me dude i don't know how you did that yeah skills to pay the bills yeah hey you guys ready let's talk let's all play which way do you want to go i think if we can get up towards this rivet up here we'll be chilling oh we want to get a car though um no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there's a team up there we can't go yeah gas station maybe i'm going off pulling off the gas and pulling off the gas we can go far and get in a log game area though if we wanted to it's unloaded this is unloaded i can't get out there we go gotta look you gotta look straight down to get out of the newsletter okay [Music] uh i'm carrying a chug braille and i have one riff to go i'm an open slot if you guys see like nades or anything oh uh here pull it forward i got it i got i got it i i can carry one two no if you i'd rather i basically had an open slot so that's okay you want to play for the memphis instead should i i don't know i don't have no ability sir okay i think we just playing here if someone plays weird on us we always we can just honestly i don't think we port here what's your thoughts no that's not dead side though we should just stay here somebody come to me now i could get shot through there i'm scared i'm a scaredy cat yeah they have a heavy snipe above us too meow meow meow meow what's our air account wait wait someone's flying right yeah yeah i think i heard that yeah it's a solo right there you guys see it yeah yeah i mean hop out everyone how about this this but this spot's pretty good i think we keep it now yeah they might come in here and we can just like yeah and then we just fought incognito they just they just put a little cheese in front of in front of quinn's nose and he's like cheese on his head yeah little skin cheese on a little stick in front of me they might see you pyramids that's the problem because you're kind of like in front if they walk in good who cares pyramids will die and then we all get the kills that's not nice among us are mongoose humongous all right what are your utilities i have one shotgun rocks coming in rule oh my goodness all right we just gotta maybe reposition or you want to stay here i think we stay bro there's nowhere else to go unless we go to the log game there's probably people there and quentin if you think about it nobody can build there oh no one can vote anywhere thanks quinn i give up why is everything exploding they're not even shooting it i'm so confused i don't know bro i see like a broken lambo over there do you see that oh oh no now they beat it over there i can hold that i have four you can't hold more i don't think things are awesome max dang okay thoughts we rift alpha this and then bully off the other team i mean yeah the team's yes you want out for this yeah yeah on alpha purple i'm gonna throw one quarter four there and then we're gonna bully off the other team and then we let it rotate onto them all right so then i'm gonna give you the rift then you okay i'm gonna rift with you and they wait five seconds to land on the portafort instead of just in the air you know what i mean yeah so so i should you and me will live together i'm gonna land on you they're gonna rift two seconds after and land on top of the port of fork yeah let's get some info on these guys real quick to see where they're at too i kind of like it up here though we can okay people flying towards us i think we go for a play now okay come on going hey you gotta come wait a second second okay go go go okay not yet not yet okay i'm i'm i'm diving you guys try to land on my portal port okay yeah you've got all right we're good i'm good good i got it nice nice okay we gotta make sure they don't have any snipe crack come on cracked one a outfit someone someone's breaking us someone's breaking us from far gas station look at gas station they're firing you guys can back off to this hill if you want this hill is actually really good yeah yeah it's back up shooting them you're shooting them shooting them you guys got to move they're so garbage and there's risk here for next guns i'm gonna go get some more uh cow catchers you guys keep pulling that team okay just don't get heavy snipes which which is mathematically hard look over here if you guys wanna they're right there i think they're running yeah they're going to gas okay we can is there any anyone else behind you guys check like water the guy by the pillar behind the boat oh he's gonna snipe you might push off that be ready another far i'm talking about hard did you get what heals do you guys have something what he looks like i have minutes two minutes two minutes i have four minis i'm coming to quinn to heal shooting out this boulder on a team shout it out not the guy not to have water what the heck nice i just tried that guy wait drop them drop them out drop them i got it can you explain me uh cow catcher you guys check your back real quick to make sure no one's coming up okay anyone got minis i have an extra slot i got my kill on the hill throw me minutes i'm talking about me somebody throw me minis i don't care who it is yeah thank you you guys want to how many flavors do we have five six uh yeah can you skin and just to see if anyone's like anywhere near us like maybe bushes or something down here wanna on this kid i don't know if you meant further down yeah that was good let's shoot down this boulder on a team hopefully everyone have a lot of medium at 50 totals yeah 50 total two i think there's a team in there but we have best all right so hear me out we're all gonna hit this rift right now together and we're gonna play on that mountain that those guys were just on that that we outfit off okay i think we can slide up there i'm not gonna lie okay you let me know i mean yeah no way i would have just i made it i'm good okay i mean i guess you're gonna want to rip i'm gonna scout with this riff too anyone have a big pot for tg no no what's our deals right now one minute one jumped off just fell down get that guy for 100 100 on that one guy they're screwed down there oh my gosh they're like little rats i'm gonna throw one these grappling that guy's the guy still let's play back a little bit more play back a little bit more in line aside him 20 23 46 you should not know scope us or something i don't know do you have a heavy sniper you gotta grief that team i don't have one it's not even it's not even yeah it's not in zone so we shouldn't waste i think we dropped down to the left and eventually like not right now though yeah that team's three players we can kill them too yeah how much ammo we can kill their truck here uh it's not worth it this guy on red yeah two one go twenty-nine white twenty-nine white how not to shoot him out try not to shoot him out shoot the wall instead i don't have any shooters one oh we shot him out right here they're open they're open they're open yeah let's get okay okay what how did he hit me bro here couldn't take this i'll switch you'll be weird don't think you know all right we're just gonna drop a little left here uh which one which one left that guy that's the guy they're going to hit ready again maybe 24. crack quack quack full squad right us one shot watch out i believe in him look at him looking around you gotta know he has no else no one shot one shot on mogum everyone playing porn four everyone oh my gosh she can keep shooting this with me keep shooting this with me get out of here hey i gotta get up there with my grappler right now do we have any do you guys have a porta fort uh no yeah i do i do hey you might have to use that portafort to get yourself up here if that makes sense does anyone have bed spray does anyone admit to it no no no no okay let's go we can go up to the right i think another tank didn't for today yeah yeah i got four chuck splashes for us all right okay i'm scanning okay we should check how many carpets do we have okay nice nice size i have one i have two i have two look at this team on this all right you're fighting your skates yeah we got to be careful with that too same richard bottom guy focus again he's landing on us focusing putting on dink nice he's about to die they're fighting right here they're fighting right here i think we're good there's a trio in my marker right there right here yourself oh my god did you get this knock bro man i guess he's got a pre-portal for that for sure that's so unlucky i i would have placed the earlier headshots nights as soon as you said to put places i i got free so i had to drop it appearance and then he picked it up and then he threw it so it's just late yeah oh boy we've got a lot of kills like emily's well my win is 25 points that one's huge of course i get headshots like nice oh cypher's team that played ago on us they were they were three though because we already killed one yeah we were three because i got headshot sniped so that's probably why they pushed that they needed to win so that was the winning play honestly off man tough we're 15th right now we're going to win this game we'll be chilling [Music] we need to win with like 50 limbs 50 bomb that's fine drop a little 50 bum a little one my dogs just passed out on the floor behind me it's nice there i can't see it how much damage is a headshot from a heavyset i shouldn't have given you the men missed we got this boys this format this format is difficult but i like it yeah it's fun just for for fun yeah yeah yeah there's money on the line that'll be kind of interesting yeah that would be pretty we would probably w key i think yeah legit legit just gonna hit the little w key oh hi oh okay where's charlie then oh man we were close there boys it was it i think that was just inexperience at the end you know yeah i should have not gotten headshot snapped oh i was frying that kid he's getting full pieced i can't lie very nice piece all right so glad you wore the skin noah yo um this turn ends in 60 minutes right so we can key this game like we can't end right there yep all right who are we who are we everything yep um griefing you gotta falls i think we got raped i'm gonna be honest bro i think we go rape cave i think if it's a wp game w key let's get it we rolled last time all right whoever gets uh the most limbs everybody else has to paypal them a hundred bucks okay easy let's see there's a typical cam in here uh and by everyone i mean just pyramids exclusively has the paypal area you're like a god in brazil come on bro what are you saying no no oh he's coming clean he's coming clean now he's just being humble who did we hire i hired pyramids on fiverr [Laughter] we won this though this is stupid i got it got it got it i got it i was doing it so he can open it look down look down quick quick look down a lot of people a lot of people all right crack them one shot watch out you guys need to focus up immediately man mean immediately he jumped down i don't know i don't know oh he ran he ran this way on me drop dying jump down don't go watch out one shot guys one shot that guy's one shot did you guys kill him does it drop down by the way yeah i got him i got him do you have heels no um i do not two impulses there's like a lot of solos i feel like marked by the way there's a lot of people fighting underneath us so if we want to fight them we have to get at a higher angle should we farm the icicles no hopefully what's wrong with you how are we doing w uh i'm getting some shield right now can i get a player i got a player wait wait don't break those yeah nice all right i'm not going to break him oh no no he's not allowed to have it i guess there's a one guy alone in vault right now that is departed alone we should press him really quick then if he should go go where is he there's a chest right guy alone involved right now i'm going to do another scan this is a double check he's oh three dudes good double check i got boogies i have grenades we need to go there now we need to go down pressure okay wait they're coming out of the vault i think okay i'm going there i'm going in hard i'm going in hard you need to scan one more time baby one more time baby i can't i'm gonna stand i'm scanning this might be a bad scan you might only get one or two didn't work can't scan he's above okay go up everybody up everybody up everybody up go go go go go go go go go oh my where is this player i can't even see anyone apparently night stream is nice oh it's one hp two of them are low two of them are low bro oh no way nice bro that is so cap it doesn't go through that window yeah i don't know that was a good attempt just some nice music i tried to heavy snipe one and there was just i don't understand how to see anyone that's crazy i got you guys so i'm gonna reboot you you blend in right now why yeah this music is kind of no way that marks me right think so they look like they run around like chickens oh that one that one definitely worked yeah this is it for me boys i like the commitment i feel like it didn't mark me get out your mom basement buddy wait he had 700 wins yeah no no no throw on the skin bro what do you this is the reason bro i know okay fine dude fine who is that who are you ninja is not in his mama's basement no he he bought his mom's basement yeah he bought the word basement yeah he bought the right suit and mom should we just land center map and go oh yeah whatever that means you know what it means bro you know what it means all right i know what it means yeah you know be different in some way a little w we've been trying we've been trying ctg are you happy now yes get that little logo off your chest around why you got the logo on this bro that's why me and noah didn't qualify for sncs because he had a little logo on his chest hmm wow it's crazy this is the whole reason yes it was all the logo had nothing to do with like very good zones from cpus yeah too bad this happens yesterday the best sleepy zoo yeah literally yeah oh wasn't that the same dance for that for the time skin win not a big dance for right you said that really quick you said that really quick what you said that word really quick like i was impressed you're like not a big dancer myself i like that i like the emotion little whippy little whippy hit him with the whippy cushion here [Music] hit them with the whoopee cushion whoopie whoopee hit him in the tushy uh we might actually have to play this game bro the keys are so cheeks you guys eat chips or hot cheetos in the morning yes i mean it's kind of eight o'clock are you eating them right now no no no [Music] do you guys eat like hot cheetos you just wake up and it's just burning hot in your mouth you're just like is that like something you guys would think about no no [Applause] are you ready you gotta complain about the keys this queue is so long if my grandma made a game she programmed the key would be so small and this this is trash [Music] gonna work look i can get i can do the curls two favorites that's a goated one what is that these are the biggest dronie modes i've ever seen oh what did you do i don't know what are you calling a drone quinn it doesn't work remember when i do this in the boat so we play ball guys after this or what i'm down all guys is fun on no are you gonna play come on come on i had too much fun last time i mean as long as as long as james gonna be the fourth i might have to see if james could come in james is like a hard carry but the opposite like you have to hard carry him you know yeah so it makes you a better player yeah yeah it does it boosts your do you not look like a medicaid guy yeah that's good yeah we we squeezed out a win by miracle though i don't know oh yeah what game mode did we win with was that the that was the falling one i know on it again oh my gosh no thought he died too [Laughter] yeah cause the game ended i thought they were like two still alive and all of a sudden no one's like jumping like on a normal platform he's like oh no it died i think james is a live one you guys won too and was there wasn't a 1v1 oh yeah oh yeah it was and james won public school yeah there's no shot james won no no b james but yeah that would be james yeah yeah oh yeah whoa look at me whoa yeah whoa [Music] w wk yes so if you guys actually uh buy my my special course it costs 50 right but in my course i teach you that if you use your referral you get 25 and i get 25 two people and then you make your money back basically that's a good idea it seems like it operates in some sort of pyramid structure [Music] wait wait pyramid let's kick him out of the group no so are you waiting no i like i need some clarity are you or are you not gonna play follow guys i'm trying to play the go game he's trying to deceive what we're going to do next yes wow dude those guys can't be bothered they had a pyramid scheme going on yeah all right guys let's win this game bro let's win this game yeah we we show them who's boss we just out for them get out you guys want to uh keg yes or no yeah down there down there nice tj very nice okay i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm okay there's two kegs i gotta have you seen this glitch stand right here like this and then look down directly at your feet hold on let me use the shields you can get it from there okay so stand here look directly at your feet yeah yeah why didn't it work bro this game is so broken bro i tried to wheel him off to his death no oh it actually did work i thought you don't take ball damage no no you definitely do i was trying to murder you actually oh nice perfect no oh i didn't know oh no i didn't know i get it i'll get your auger dude what the miku i'm on your side i'm flying so freaking huh i only have a shotgun by the way huge yeah thanks bro nobody landed i don't think anyone made it on us to be honest this is our key game we need to keep no no no like can't even queue again if we leave no we can if we die right now no no i don't think so nope yeah yo come get the vault bro come everybody to the ball everybody the vault last person here owes everyone else 100 people i don't even know where it's at dude i thought you were pro in brazil he must be a pro to see players yeah oh it's looking like luckily quinn's rich homie yeah otherwise it would be a brick you'd be a broke homie after this yes yeah definitely all right two of you can leave only me and no lou we have seniority it you got the first and second jazz noah drop it here take three big fights i don't care i don't care too hot in my office i don't care [Laughter] we don't care how many turtles greenhog is that nice is that a game you play with your friends i think me and my planets are really popular we like to play green on bluehog did you even have a rift i have a rift i've ripped i have one come get this blue hog in the porta for it what wow there's no way no one's gonna come get this yeah okay i just dropped impulses yeah i shall wait for you i got that i'm faster yeah i have the i have two rift ghosts so there are kegs i have two shield cakes as well so so the riffs ago will let me rift at any time that i i would like wow hey actually i'm not holding this big pop i didn't know i just said you know what pyramid i don't care i really don't think you said he was prone to brazil oh you're live why are you guys going out that way bro i don't know i want a gold two shot i'm not gonna lie do you have a do you have a heavy sniper no i don't have anything i have a heavy sniper i'm gonna carry it i'm dropping a gold two shot shotgun at the end of rape cave how are you are you or are you not a brazilian yo there's another port for it guys focus up there's another performance i'm gonna drop catches wait no how do we leave as long as you play north side we just gotta play shift you i'm gonna do this honestly i'm just gonna follow you bro did you try to jump for it yeah can you not do that well good you when you lose something i lost that time yeah you did yeah and then now it's time to win all right well we got the losing out the way so let's get the winning on the way exactly exactly yeah pyramid there you're typical gamer thank you for that one can we get a gas station here and just show a gas station loud noises there's gonna be barrels there uh noises oh noises thank you for that one he has four frogs four frogs oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my a don't yeah yeah yeah come get this come get us get the barrels for coin get the barrels for gun wow but it's still not healthy still not healthy there's bandages over there quintavious jones yeah i'll be chilling no i think you should stop them no pop them popping don't like the skin no do you like the skins bro no why because i was i can't believe i thought pyramids was a brazilian pro like wow i was physically forced to put the skin on bro you like let me drive my move are you not allowed on top is it different or not oh look guys i'm so i'm surprised we're doing this well because i mean like pyramids is noah's friend from like baseball practices yeah that's annoying that's not nice it's like it's like an nba team and they just put on some dude who's like in high school we should sneak up on him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna die you solo to the right beam them no full team in front of us which one everyone it's almost dead 25 crash back twice 25 25 okay behind us oh yeah okay so well i know can we go get that loot and then we ripped we there is someone on my marker look at my marker on the map okay oh my goodness i need pop i need can i throw that what is happening right after that uh i have two riffs up here i'm dropping wait i'll spray you guys i'll spray you guys yeah yes you guys all stand together like little chihuahuas i'm gonna pop this me out stand together stand together one of you ain't standing together bro grimace this isn't baseball crack just stand closer don't breathe look at it it's just i mean [Applause] 30. i'm scanning that why would he do that okay he's so funny let's just rip wait wait i need to pick up something should we do the thing again no no i think we just got a ghost too yeah he's doing anything what is that maybe we go up here we gotta claim with 44 right we just gotta like i'm gonna die i'm dead no no just dive in i am where do you want to let it quinn call it right side right side marker marker i'm dead oh i'm on hp let's see he knew it he's an idea everyone's coming home oh pyramids is just flying bro he's trying to he's trying this he's trying [Music] [Music] someone can't even throw a baseball at them oh my gosh there's going to be extra whites because of the splashes oh men miss i'm popping this is my last flare don't do that guzzle here i got an extra guzzle no what i got i need shield i need you no let me guess you have shield some of that yeah i have a shield keg that's all i have two shield kegs yeah i think he has one for sure yeah six minis does anyone have a lot of media give me a minute give me a minute so i won't pop my shield dude there's extra spots here can someone throw me a mini hello there's rails on me i don't know i don't have anybody here bro thank you okay roommates get over there let's get over yeah i don't want to pop it here here we splash we splash come on i'm right here gotta we gotta find some sort of flares too there's a campfire right here dude oh you need to show there oh you [Music] no that's not what i meant yeah i think it is no it's not i thought you were [Music] hey we can play we can play those trees we can also play purple but there's probably going to be people looking at us purple we we have portables so we just play wherever and then we riff later yeah oh oh hello that's the deal should we kill that i don't think we overcome it yeah you want to just go in the gas station you want to go in the gas station uh yes i'm going to scan it though but we play inside gas station i'm gonna play on top of it we use the porta pour here oh inside here they're inside here no they're not they're not they're they're outside they're looking for a fight down in front bottom one in the bush in the bush in the bush weak one one shot in the bush which one do not break it i'm destroying these kids one shot one shot watch it again word yeah one up one for 100. one book one one one this guy's one he ripped it look at this guy two guys one he's one kid look here i'm ripping i'm ripping uh he's laying on me yeah he's crazy real quick there's a dual in the bushes over there you guys see that focusing left side guy 20. you have to actually go there you guys win this money okay keep claiming this okay we gotta push up let's play on old porter fort no you have some nice stuff bro look look at my marker there's a team over there okay uh can i throw it on a keg i'm throwing another kicker there's an extra kick let's go to two bro nice okay how many portal ports do you have i have two i have no no no no okay i'm gonna play a quarter four right here play open it nice nice i'm gonna bring all the loot to the bottom okay i'm gonna bring all the loot to the bottom heavy sniper rift riff to go here pardon me in front of me breaking these tires i gotta open the door yeah how many ports do we have left on everyone uh i i have one well there's ships six shotguns here four cow catchers bring everything to that base bring everything to the base i don't think oh mine is four kids by the way i don't think we do that tgg we have to alpha anyone that's going to be uh yeah let's hop in that hop on that nice shot ted okay we're going to play back in our base god after oh flare got this bush in front of us east i can hey damn man oh i played a different one no no no this push in front of me right here right here they're they're in the bush dude they're in the bush okay we're gonna play as a trio and we're gonna do it ready three coming in two hold on right there three two one go looking straight right side right side one shot tractor okay there's two three four four there's only two people i have done i've done i've one i've wanted one how many do you have i have zero we're gonna have to use it yeah right i'm shooting this get ready to shoot this guy can we all play bush is there a team over there yeah yeah so we're over there 20 20 40. try that guy okay did we play that bush or do we just pre-ported for it because we're probably going to get scanned anyways please put it forward on corner like corner of zone just ping it and go and port afford it uh yeah there it is got it got it put in 40. can we shoot out that portal as much as possible i'm going for it you sure you sure know oh nice nice nice nice nice place and it scanned it blew it up he's he's alpha in your porta port don't fight it dennis other other team's far right and this team riften you saw it okay we're good i'm coming up yeah can you heavy snipe that that squad uh where where are we on the top when you have another flight don't fear up here guys you need to focus out there's dom battle whatever i'm crying we need you on you we need you on me i i'm i'm a cracked one [Applause] [Music] that's crazy it's all good you're up to bat next [Laughter] dude i shocked waved up and shockwaved them out of that porta port and he flew in himself i can't even lie i don't know how i got not one kill right there i all four of them i hit them for 120 plus goodness he actually clutched out i'm not gonna lie we were just like you guys that was weird i feel like i should have got one that's it you rolled those guys dude if i if i didn't i probably got way more kills that's unfortunately no no we got something we did great we did great what do we finish at 142 that yeah we had 142 points yep 142. let's go guys yeah isn't it nice i have it though yeah do you have it's free yeah hey do you have twitter nice right nice noises cg stop making noises oh my gosh we got what we got fifth place i think yay we're the top five no build geez wow world cup champions bro i'm i'm leaking bro i'm leaking i'm not even leaking bro i'm leaking why are you leaking this guy should not have been playing at this time though like yeah he was literally i don't know why yeah he's playing a long time that's kind of annoying dang we actually low key w keyed we did w how many elements are we at i know joe though you guys played that so good bro everything worked out for you guys in the end like you guys were flying everyone you had the porter for it i thought you were gonna uh combat so good dude i just fried everyone i saw at all i thought you're going to impulse the kid off by the way like when on the opposite border for it to you guys left or whatever they're going to impulse them off literally in the storm one of you one of you i tried dude i hit him and he flew past me back into like where old porter four was so i just killed him dude if i had more practice for that ar gun the combat one it's crazy i was i don't i was not messing with that yeah you gotta skip a baseball practice one day bro yeah how many uh limbs did we get we got 92 eliminations that's kind of crazy that might be 35 bomb 22 bomb 15 15. we had the third most eliminations in the entire tournament that's crazy we would just hit a little w key though i can't lie we're one off second in eliminations no crazy by the way the the seventh place team are the cheaters that were cheating on all other regions seventh place yeah they only played two games and they are 136. oh yeah oh yeah there oh yeah you see their average team i can help you fantastic fantastic so i'm assuming they got banned yeah why are they still on the boards that's true why are they on the boards right now did they just drop down in tomatoes i don't like that time are we gonna load up i mean i'm down i'm not gonna do anything i'm loading her up loading her up and loading it out you know yes sir pyramids just like they did bro we got pyramids who doesn't know how to play fortnite now he doesn't know how to play fall guys i know how to play as well did we play before or no wouldn't you have a controller for it or no i have a controller but i we have not played before i played it by myself i was having fun by myself is that how you usually have fun yeah it's all good though it's all good though that's all strange let's go chat yo w we got fifth place though that's crazy and pull up the leader if we won one of the other games we would have been second the game where we got fourth bro we could have won that one yeah yeah we would have got second if we won though in the snow mountain whatever next to the oh i lagged that hello hello you're here you're here man when i close my game it lags out i can't lie so the thing the thing is if we won that one game we're on the mountain the snow mountain uh we probably would have won for sure i think we would i don't think we win at all though one team was just too many wins i i want them to do a genuine tournament with placement it would be insane yeah you don't like these landing cups that they're putting with zero money and i think these lightning cups are trash quintavious okay look like i don't have money no you know what i don't i don't even bro don't even put money just make it a proper tournament though heck put a skin bro yeah 10 v bucks that would be kind of what's up actually wally told me that i was against this inviting quinn uh james is on i just want to say james is on yeah but pyramids is on so that's okay i think we give him a couple games when we rotate you know okay that sounds like no hate queen no hate pyramids no hate no no you you have to play with your friend it's fun oh mine oh you guys gotta bruh james is literally medkit man why do you want to play you're a mad kid man you're a medicaid man no he didn't even know how to grab but no that's it no no we'll play like i'm gonna text him someone text streams not james would go to the do you have pyramid you invite pyramids wait am i playing are you yeah am i hitting a little no i'm hitting the hey by hitting a little departure you know what this one's actually no you're playing you're playing each other okay bro there's how do i invite you uh on epic games i think right yeah i was playing it on steam last time i've been opening it from steam is that weird is that bad no but i just got it for free i have no idea is that bad i don't know how to invite you from epic you're all bad yeah you're all bad everything you're doing is bad larry if you guys go to the iron shop you guys can get your free v bucks like kudos oh yeah bro wait where um i scrolled down and it had on the the left side the kudo items oh no how about the daily oh wow i got 100 free goods i have 120 000 kudos what do those do they buy like the doodoo skins right yeah you can buy the dude i bought honey hands with it oh yeah i bought it today wait how do i search store fall guys i don't have it on epic i guess i'm just gonna try to get it we're just buying everything pyramids through epic but why do they put a comma like on the prices they're like five comma not 59. like grow up you know like grow up dude like come on bro wait i'm confused look at the real like the real prices fall guys free i'm gonna wk on this game get i'm getting it i mean like the 99 i'm on by the way wait no i think i can invite you bro yeah it's loading my order right now your order what'd you buy uh fall guys are zero dollars oh i'm a construction worker now i got flip-flops on yo what do you what do you think of this what do you think of this that's pretty cool i like it a lot yeah huh wish you could organize your locker in this game how about this that's kind of drippy right yes yeah oh yeah oh you gotta switch to the bottom epic i don't know how long this takes oh no it's quick we're good we're good this is a graphically intensive game wait pyramids are you in the lobby with them already no no how's that supposed to be how would i do that i don't know i was just wondering because you said you were going to invite me so i didn't know if i don't know my bad see i like that drip of the that fit you're not a big orange fan it's legit crazy though more tangerines you know well like this though i see it ah i switch it out bro i'm switching up i can do a construction worker construction worker my game is at 27 by the way it's very quick wow quite quick really flexing on us bro yep i got what is this when what is this fire though you see it it's not switching for me anymore how about this does it show wow that one's interesting looks like a chicken cupcake you're making me hungry a nice little cherry on top i love popping cherries [Laughter] you can invite him on epic there we go okay how do i okay oh yeah shift step three shift f you got your invite wow you are mechanical no pyramids no why are you always copying me bro oh since last time i don't want to hear it buddy i got the though i got some flips though bro here's the quinn skin remember quinn yeah that is the quinn skin what what the first thing you get or something that's funny i actually have stuff by the way you want to see yeah broke broke broke bro comfy socks so i get comfy socks oh my i clicked the wrong button i'm inviting you guys again bro let me okay never mind i don't wanna invite you again invite him wow i'm not going to lie i'm not going to be nice though he's kind of chill corn you need to get some real drip bro dude i like the helmet man wait i know like you want to be safe but like am i in here am i in there am i in there yeah yeah you're in there yeah yeah i want to get this ready i'm ready to dude you guys don't have this i'm go dude are there even actual like good skins in here even if i didn't spend money i was undertaking what's in the battle pass i forgot all right all right i'm ready to up pyramids right yeah wait dude this music is so loud i am ready dope [Applause] populating you know pyramids you got some drip now let's see i know do your chain hang low do a wobble they should have a fall guy skin fortnite what would it look like no they're like straight up the same model and everything so like it's an advantage they already have a guff bro yeah but he's like big like all guys would be like half the size oh i didn't change i didn't change it to squads did i no i think so all right well best of luck gentlemen maybe the best fall guy may the best bean win mm-hmm we like avoid the fake doors i bet people like team grief then you know yeah let's all hug someone bro like i have the cheese on his head or does it automatically go to squads it doesn't oh okay well good luck guys good luck pyramids if you don't make it then i know you were a fake breath yeah he was a was a pro brazilian no nobody player now all guys yeah the guy on the left bro i feel bad for him oh shoot oh my gosh last time no i know yeah oh bro this one's like difficult i don't know why oh my gosh oh my god i can't get through the hole many people why that guy one guy is a god yeah that guy's oh my god that we don't all right got his hammer hit this hammer actually i'm not going to fall what i got i'm not got it dude i'm not crawling bro what i didn't i know the reason though like uh you know it's a reason yeah yeah at least you don't damage you like you already know what the whoa a little bit yeah we were fifth place by the way confirmed locked that tournament was fun bro those tournament was fun yeah that was actually sick that was that was like the third time i played november oh we know we knew i thought it was third time you played fortnite though you can switch seats in the truck wow man poor favorite he's like this thing has wheels dang i said this did good in finals maybe this wouldn't have happened [Music] this is back in the past no more final calls again that's it there's your one opportunity nice that's like a solo casket final good luck buddy yeah probably not oh shoot i fell oh this game is hard i don't know what to do here oh my god are you bad yeah you get carried on my squad as well oh my gosh i'm the best oh i'm the best i'm gonna be the first to qualify a second i got a second one how would i do here i gotta get hit up i hit the hammer hit the hammer honestly i can't get on it like i'm the first one here i would hit the hammer oh there we go look at that you see that he just got sick i was doing so well you're good you know who didn't make it pyramids yeah i didn't okay i'm not gonna lie i didn't make it because i was like i was like wait there's no second round is there i was on my telephone like really is there a second round no i don't think or bling bling someone said there's the second round of the tournament oh no i got one i really like how good he's like my kid louie has cheese on his head oh you guys better run bro oh yeah you and noah you noah all right we'll see we'll see who was like if i ride the rhino if i put the saddle on he won't be able to knock me off couldn't actually like getting hit by the giant horn yep that's kind of mechanical though dude this looks kind of nice what what what he's gonna i'm gonna play on you this whole time tgg so you guys victory well you're running away from me where is your where you guys are you see him oh seen a lot of mechanical goats right now yeah no oh go away typical is like low-key playing a game right now why is it chasing me oh i'm actually getting targeted you guys are like rotating it's like a moving zone or something where is this i want to see you okay he's like technically get away from me i know i'm the veteran in this game bro we gotta just get away man oh that's a squid on your head i thought it was a beanie it's kind of it's a squid beanie homie oh okay chill yeah i didn't know i was chill like that i didn't know you're like that bro realistically oh my gosh it's actually it's actually giving me unwanted anxiety that i have to live for 20 more seconds and i just got knocked off that's something oh my you're so bad at this one quinn not gonna lie no no i didn't get knocked off bro oh freak did you fly into yeah what if there's a round two right like i think that might be a clip i'm like you're so bad at this and immediately i get rammed in the butt that was actually funny for my perspective because i saw you just get absolutely like thrown into the abyss wow i should have just shut up i should have just shut up yeah look look who's in finals now medkit guy all right make us proud medkit guy w key nah this is not finals bro you're gonna fail at this i feel like you're not gonna do well in this note like you know hey enjoy no hate interesting i want you to do well but i don't think dude i move the ball to the opposite side okay what is this what is this this is fire what it's like w king [Applause] oh cap oh that's actually nice little one on one oh sure one on one of him bro he hit the ball oh my gosh i have to insult you bro you're so bad at this you're actually so bad i didn't i've never done this before bro that's why i'm saying you're gonna be so bad at it oh my gosh you just liked it nice oh that guy's awful you're playing yeah that dude literally has squid in his head bringing whoa good games all right nobody's evil no that looks like that was dude you're actually so bad noah what do you mean there's a giant white circle that appears yeah sit down buddy no no this guy was piecing you dude come on bro he just pieced himself he pulled himself [Applause] it's all good damn i didn't know he was bad like that yeah i don't know you're both awful i just want to point that out like oh my god bro he's so bad he might actually be four years old eating and i accidentally bit my metal fork wow bro what is he doing wow you he gave you the leave he gave you the lead have you guys ever accidentally bit your metal fork what is he doing this guy's really bad like you just got saved bro it's like the dumb dumb olympics oh my gosh oh my gosh like play time right now play that man he went for an aggressive play quick a little one-on-one though it's fine quick little philippines oh my gosh oh what is this oh grab the tail of course it has to be the longest most drawn out thing pyramids is probably just biting his fork right now dude not this time i actually heard look at my fork and i looked in the mirror did you bend it is it like bent no no i thought i thought my teeth were going to be messed up so i was like happy you're happy that the teeth messed up not messed up no you're under the ground for me yes they're here wow where's the tail grab a tail only the person with the tail wins all right chad do you think noah wins yes or no there's only one winner of this one v5 but what do you think honestly quinn like no leaks do i think noah i think yeah i think he does pyramids what do you think i think he missed w key the tail oh you got it i got the play end game yes playing get into that cheeks go noah go what are you doing no you look like a fish out of the water [Music] wow how did you live that long that was kind of that was kind of nice though it was kind of greasy groves bro [Music] whoever has it in 40 seconds noah all right all right this guy's just out you guys are not catching him oh oh wow 30 seconds 30 seconds you gotta play in the game there's there's only three dudes behind you that's the fourth oh nice oh my god oh [Music] did you win did you win you won you i don't know i did not believe in you bro but you got that you you're crazy let me change the show you got a crown bro congrats what do i get with that you get a crown a life dude you get a life grow up all right buddy grow up he's growing up all of a sudden yeah i gotta get out of this yeah i can buy nothing with that what is this what is this i got some i'm switching my outfit up i need that drip though oh i'd be looking i'd be looking yeah be nice if i can get out of this menu i already do i quit i like your homework solos again what do you mean readying uh whoa back up back up no it's squad show it's the squad show no it's just solos for me i'm backing up watch over me i don't know i'm back i don't know i'm scared it's still so solos for me you guys like my it's just bug for you that's because he won no one's panicking bro he's like i'm leaving i'm leaving immediately yeah bro i like my skin it's kind of nice are you the elongator yeah that's yeah i think i have all the skins and he chooses the free skin yeah yeah i have i did this is free oh i didn't even know that did you like sleep put in your credit card or something how did you know that yeah i just bought that battle pass i don't know hey let's go it's a it's fine bro i don't know you're chill like that i was kind of i'm kind of chill like that target where are you from here with the crown from california hello are you zooping uh not zero ping i'm zeroing creative oh no not this i'm like i get like twenty ping pong we're in california california like um i uh if you guys know it he doesn't know riverside oh yeah yeah something like that no it's not exactly the area but yeah dude it's like the county so i could pinpoint what's your exact address so i know [Laughter] if it was my yeah he's like my one he's like my one crazy i'm first you're so lame no you're so lame you're so large you are that's why you tilted it that way and i died because of you get over here oh that hammer's going off bro we're on the same team we're on the same team guys don't forget okay okay grab whoever just want i'm gonna grab him behind you bro turn around turn around ruins actually like second place oh my gosh pyramids hugging that guy i was trying to like think it can only be last for so long you know already go on how are you on nice let's go to where i'm watching you bro what a rotation but it just like it's all good go bro i just don't think this hammers to play it's like mid the hammer is mid for sure i use the hammer it's pretty good it wasn't crazy though i didn't use the hammer i couldn't i didn't have to use like mobility and stuff yeah i didn't need mobility i could do it like you see where it's not you watching me know it's like it hasn't taken me anywhere i didn't know what he's laying that down where are you going quench is not going to finish bro i mean you guys were chilling so i was just trying to mess with the hammer uh you want to ride the hammer yep oh we got a second does it affect us if we get second like in the future uh actually it's placement points yes yeah if you actually only give them uh the points of the win did you guys know i want a hundred thousand dollars playing fall i guess you did yeah uh like a year and a half ago tears what was it it was a youtube tournament for 100k because me and everyone wow uh it was for charity though so ah shout out i have a girlfriend i have the crown though that's what's in my setup like behind my screen like in my setup that's a crown on the bottom a real fall guys wow interesting the whirly gig whoever finishes last out of us four needs to uh donate 100 to unicef i know you gotta like that bro i know you gotta like that i got it like that i know you gotta like that homie i've seen i've seen your private instagram bro yeah i've seen you i've seen your rib aside private instagram whole piece for eight hours it's not fun i seen your riverside instagram here my riverside oh no now we got this full guy's cheese i don't live in reverse life all right stop lying all right yo yo no actually follow me i want to show you the trick so you know for future rounds okay when are you watching me no no watch this i don't know where you're looking wow do you see that wow that is clean that's actually look i'm first i'm right behind you oh yeah but that move you need to learn that move all right so i'm not donating 100 bucks looks like oh it didn't try it again try it again you have time you have time just dodge this the first time why is this guy grabbing then yeah go for the corner there you go oh that's perfect that's like how to get the center easy oh my oh my you also you also respawn on it so it's good you used one yeah that's what i'm saying why wouldn't you just go over the main thing like that because it's it's harder it's random it's literally random it spins too fast for you to know yeah so that one's guaranteed can you make a fall guys tournament yeah honestly it'd be fun don't do it did this guy jump directly into the oh this why did you get zero i have it i don't know how i got it everybody look at me i got a big old hot dog in my face a hot dog in my face everybody look at me i got a big hot dog hot dog we're kind of like a squad though look at that yeah we're crazy yeah we weren't going to see our own row again oh yeah i know that but like we're on the same row you want to hold in yeah riverside represented riverdale 909. oh nine five one nine five one all right we we're doxing him for slowly doxing him yeah why are you guys doing that what's your kindergarten teacher's name why you guys like rotating on the side did you do the trick when you told people yeah because i'm i'm expert you guys are like baking junior cheeseburgers those are good look at that i'm hitting a rotate oh i don't even know where i am i just fell out that's looking nice i can't lie i am zooming if i'm gonna fall look how far i am 10 seconds dude i don't know bro it's actually cool annoying oh my gosh i almost i'm gonna try to cause i'm so far ahead i'm just gonna try this oh my gosh i got it what the heck bro i am so far ahead people dude how do you oh my god sexy dude i'm dead i don't know what i'm supposed to do no no first i got first i got like heavy first i know what that did that's good wait did you try to do the bounce up one yeah i don't know what that dude it's okay who's who's struggling here oh pyramid is doing well oh no out for now but your squads are still living here for nowhere careful enough that ball's gonna expand all right that's actually go what's the skill with the balls here just don't get hit by the ball i don't know if your daddy is let's just go with the balls bro [Laughter] yeah you didn't watch some speed run tell me dude i've seen the mr visa briefcase actually yes i had mr b mr beef about last win bro beef that was mr beastberger which last just which last one the last game that you're trying to win or whatever oh yeah i was losing my mind yeah i i would always just click on and it would be like one round it was like a bunch of impulses another one of this is i killed somebody they had 12 chakras and then everyone just shocked with i lost my mind i was so hot bro i lost it i told the world how i felt about shockwaves and two-shot shotguns really he's raging [Laughter] okay um you guys should just run for it i'm gonna hit the hammer because i'm experienced okay experience if if you guys want to you know just like i need like one of you not to fail i need one of you not to fail because i'll get first to the hammer how are you guys like probably conveyor belts oh my god i got pelted all the way up why are you guys playing the same side isn't it i'm oh this banana i'm literally first place what he's tarping for me did you hit the hammer he like did his tarp he got we got cut off by another team are we good we need to get a second we need a second back out no we don't get rewards we'll be back here you got to wait a second i already backed out rewards well now you're gonna no you're not gonna have any kudos now but i think that's actually that's actually yeah noise that's sad that's crazy honestly the top two teams did so well it's actually insane yeah because like i thought we did well too i thought we did well too it oh i'm almost at the among us cheese bro just like what happens i just know no it's lettuce down here can we back out yeah back up back up okay it's all good it's just no i let us down it's all good yeah let's focus up next time all right if you got a vital review do what you got to do right what are you doing this skin bro it's like a samurai guy it's waiting for other uh players by the way yeah i'm ready up i'm gonna be back it's i'm still in the game weird get to back out yeah yeah sorry it's also solo show wait so how many wins did we need to beat those guys in first i don't know we had to just be faster no i'm talking about i think oh oh yeah oh oh i got like 30 awards bro what's going on dude some of these skins are fire what i want that longest one bro yeah me too i'm almost there kinda what's here are you i don't know 26 28. i'm gonna put on like a nice one again okay no i didn't hit the hammer and i was first place that's crazy but then one banana stopped me and then it knocked out like four banana bro steamrolled i'm so mad i didn't perform my best it's like baseball practice all over again dang tickets back right me up the it's fine i don't even hear what you said said i'm on the bench now it's all good it's like good typicalgamer is a bully hmm what's your guys's baseball team blue jays oh what does that mean yo if you guys are from riverside stand up you gotta find this gentleman no it's what go to your local riverside mcdonald's hey actually i like the angels well please inform us yeah because we're going to the riverside mcdonald's right after this i think i've been to the riverside mcdonald's before at what location is it this is not nice he's taxing himself i wish he would say l.a or something is riverside big yeah no like it's like okay like what's in the plaza beside your house like what's there when you know it's not that big bro yeah riverside's together this is another spot yeah but you're gonna have like some 10 year olds actually need you to play fall guys they're going to be searching for you we're going to ask every kid are you pyramids let's start asking people if you guys see a triangular shape running around riverside you'll know who it is yeah hey look at that guy iron make your skin that's so sick i like that yeah i want that that's so sick oh i got that one i got that one ah put it on that's from tier 100 battle pass really that's so sick you're so bored bro you lost that's actually how tall are you pyramid dude i was going to say it i was just curious like are you six foot uh kind pretty much oh my god he's like 5 10. why do you say hey why do you say that quinn i'm not he said pretty much no that's what with timberlands on with timberlands on or what i actually wear like work all right so guys in riverside he'll be wearing work [Laughter] uh shoes peach watermelon peach there's nothing to white but strawberry tummy i just gotta head off dude yo i'm just gonna chill in the middle thing i like orange wait is is that what there's too many cooks in the kitchen bro chill i'm scared don't die don't know we're out elephants i'm going to throw up i think it's right under me oh i'm so good literally just standing [Laughter] no it doesn't matter what color it is i'm survived yeah why are you jumping though wait it does it does it makes you jump oh look at this like look at these guys trying to get over me i don't know where to go no jumping here from the bottom left bottom left oh that's actually cool i juked them i drew them oh my god oh i just i still alive i'm still alive boys queen he almost died i just cheated so hard everyone else got scared i don't know how is it i thought it was going to disappear like like wait did any of us die yeah yeah mean pyramids got hit off right yeah we got like killed it's fine how old are you now we know everything quinn write it down write it down i'm about to be 22 it's a august birthday i'm not telling you when though are you a virgo oh i want to see your birthday party i want to sing a birthday card okay we all got to survive we gotta go survive us up we gotta focus that we gotta focus up now you chill like that pyramids chill yeah oh dude don't die no no no no don't die don't die dude why is this guy holding me what's up it up yourself what's up bro you want to get held where are you at bro ah no quinn are you good no i'm dead oh my god oh no he actually died no what it's actually weird 40 seconds though oh oh my god i'm still in quinn look at that skinny ass that's actually fire you got to focus up you got to focus on it get him killed bro go get him killed bro he's dead ten seconds these rhinos were rambunctious today fellas dude the rhinos are hard man well i think what i see when some people hang out and you're like the bouncy things when the rhinos like going towards them they hit the bouncy thing and they fly so then the rhino doesn't hit him let's chill i'm hungry where should i go i don't know um what would you recommend pyramids why what's a local joint that you like going to do i like chipotle pretty oh good don't actually live there i don't really care i don't actually do that that's the that's literally the county bro i don't care ah chill nobody's gonna look for you bro i'm not worried about it uh yo quinn do you want to try to try with me this one yeah okay so you and me drop all the way to the bottom and clear it out okay from one side to the other why and then what happens when you clear it out then you're dead because everybody everybody will fall towards it so we clear out like the yeah i'm dropping off the side all the way down to the blue one a lot of people are doing that a lot of some guys afk okay i'm breaking i'm breaking this side over here okay i don't know why wait he said blue all the way all the way blue like lowest blue what the i'm scared are you breaking me i just looked down before you dropped it i'm sorry i'm sorry oh break the other side break the other side yeah keep like an edge keep an edge going okay just you want to make sure that if people fall down they die mm-hmm punish them oh no i just fell so far oh i just fell so far you are not on the last layer yes i am he is okay okay you're gonna kill me no don't drop that way no i didn't you don't jump back you're gonna kill me please please please please okay just just play chill now jump jump jump quinn like jump slow now jump slow no don't no don't no you're killing me you're killing me just chill just chill you gotta die you gotta die hold me up yeah there you go okay yeah you're good there quinn okay weapon of pyramids i think it says there's only three people dude okay i'm dead i'm dead dude i accidentally backed out i didn't know oh bro we wouldn't want quinn we were the i was like the last person was i know you were the second last i think we just noah fell a little prematurely and screwed us over round two i was actually so high up and they were literally i fell down like four stories because when i fell i felt like far and so it didn't let me get up after like i felt and so i fell again and then again and then again that one's good yeah i think a little one you're just gonna clear out like the center and then everyone falls through but you need to do it like usually like two people do it and then you gotta creep anyone who lands and those usually pretty good too so it's good if we yeah yeah you know what they just clutch i was literally like one layer down after that whole time and then i just felt like four or five layers what if we did double layers here like what if like two of us dropped ulti and then the other two dropped for once because they can see what's going on and they can see how many people like fall or if he's the highest right but it's just like if you're falling from the one above usually don't look down you just die yeah did it say what place we got we got a third i think or second like right after you died like we the game ended pretty much mm-hmm my pyramids in this one yeah okay promo i don't know i like this one kinda oh i never played this one this is pretty cool give us the tip quick strategies all right you guys gotta go on the yellow one my strategy's not due to bro no a pro fall guys made a video on it bro touch gas it's just super sweaty pro fall guys what you can go pro in this game 100 bro yeah there's you should see some of the nuts people like they're so fun to watch to the world record yeah how do they have fun doing that though because once they play this all the maps and maps of them all like how's that fun anymore you know yeah they stream their content same thing with one i guess there's new maps that come out all the time these traps you can always go for like a quicker run you know i'm getting i'm so good right now i'm super solid i'm like first with when i think yep coming oh yeah i'm gonna take a little slower there we go i got it 60 points baby get that second place quinn that's where we go baby replace everybody let's go baby this game is way too fun bro people sleep on it i i used to hate it i'm gonna be honest but i think this is fun when you play with other people they're fun let's go i made it heavy dude courage got 100 crowns in 33 hours that's crazy you like doing stuff like that must be fun too follow goals bro oh yeah easily he's been playing multiple accounts imagine yo this guy's flying in my screen do you guys see this captain scuba oh yeah he's he like lagged out or something right i don't know he's like mom i get broken he's lucky playing game i want the among us cheese bro what is that see these guys on the bottom oh that's fire yeah i'm almost there bro [Music] i'm almost there among us ranger text me he said sorry boston fell asleep it too we could have had everything ranger halloween content this one's fun though let's go i agreed just uh the best one for this is just go bronze the first one honestly just go to the end the end is like where you get most points if you can get gold in the middle go ahead i think you can like jump on the arrows too like that's what i did i like the pink arrow and just jumped into the golden ring and the very last one yeah i'm gonna jump in this middle thing same here i wanted to hit that thing i don't know if it would do anything oh i almost got it oh i just died i got it you got gold going to the first one uh did i no i didn't oh i just fully failed i don't get the first one just go for a bronze in the first one and then go for uh gold in the second one if you can if you're confident i got a gold one at the end let's go what's up i'm dying yeah silver what is this oh my gosh i'm we're not gonna qualify we gotta focus up boys bro i'm getting hit by like some other kid what dude what is this crap i'm dying as soon as i go to the circle i had another gold one in the middle let's go stuff oh my god my guy got elongated i got a silver one nice over there we got we how many points we got to on the right side like when we finished yeah it said pyramid zero yeah why you're too busy thinking about the chipotle at riverside on 8th and 14th bro do you want the location of the riverside spotlight because i don't know it myself you don't find it though don't worry i already have three pulled off on the right side huh you don't got to tell me don't worry clint's been playing on his mobile phone and he's driving it's actually a hard drive it's like an hour 30 minutes that's an hour for you he's reversed him yeah where is he from where's he from bro that means he's from like anaheim no wrong oh wrong wrong music park oh my god all right where are you from exactly we're going to be vanna creator all right fan made of a dreamhack let's go bro there's so many people alive on this one yeah is this last one no i'm dead no if you guys die here at all we lose by the way because nobody's gonna die yeah i think the floor drops here doesn't it i don't think i'm almost yeah like hopping up guard these times i didn't know that was a thing i'm gonna grieve people i think it's speeding up oh no oh no [Laughter] wait i might be dead actually oh my god i'm dead i'm dead you're not there yeah i'm alive i really got first we got first i'm dead i'm dead everyone's dead why is that so hard it just started it's like everyone's dying it's all good bro i know what i need to do all right i into the zen [Laughter] vp is that the noises that makes that's why it's in i guess yeah there's there's some cheats that if you hover over um it makes a beep beep yeah what do you mean when you hover over them you're like you can like see if they're like through walls and it makes an audio sound why would it make an audio sound that's not discreet at all what i mean they're probably not in the oh yeah and then half of them do stream and they're still not banned whoa they need to get banned quicker all right we gotta do this we gotta do this no shortcuts more shortcuts it is hard though there's a lot of hackers oh boy whoa nice we're doing good oh my god bro i almost just speed run it like fastest speed around the world no cat bro move these kids are in my way they're annoying they're griefing they're raping all of a sudden another shortcut cg i'm the bro i just i just took a mask i'm second place i'm third oh my god careful with the hammer i just took her to work oh my god be careful with the hammers yeah i think i'm just going to like zigzag it right i can grieve some people no i think we just get it i died wow we finished early yeah you got to learn like the two speedrun things there it's actually nuts like like the hammer bump up the hammer bump up you jump on like the middle of the hammer bump up and then like the just like some side jumps you do yeah i just do like the the side jumps before like you do the majority of the things it's so clutch yeah we for sure get it we're crushing it boys [Music] all right this is it wait what someone tied there's three teams left what some lucky i don't understand now we're gonna have to do another one or it might just be a three-way ending yes final round oh blast ball what is this so there's little balls that you can grab and they start cooking and when you throw them they explode but it's only when you start cranking it so like right when you pick it up it starts cooking okay okay and then you have the time to release stay away from all of them you should throw balls at people the floor also falls right yeah because that wouldn't blow up or does it just randomly fall [Applause] so you see where like the big ball things are uh like like that row doesn't fall apart i'm pretty sure let go of me bro oh i must assassinated somebody oh my i almost died okay focus up this up man oh doing good we're doing good oh [Applause] i'm dead ggs why would i die right there oh oh my dude so many people are dying they're doing good stay alive nice what does this rainbow ball do no nevermind rainbow ball i fell bro what it didn't even give me a warning i swear you guys got this you guys got this [Laughter] that is the single dumbest thing i've ever seen you do [Music] that was the dumbest thing i've ever seen right after i let how do i get my rewards how long enough to wait no you're not you don't deserve any just back out no i want my rewards you don't deserve anything you don't back it no you don't deserve rewards not for that bro i'm like okay me and i were together i'm over here like hyped like we have our own side and then i'm like no bro how long does it wait for my words actually though no you're done bro back are you good oh comfy socks oh you get v bucks for free i didn't get any oh no i meant like you're good but you don't deserve them bro all right no don't worry no if you go to the shop actually there's nothing ready no we're good we're good we're oh oh my wow i just full piece quinn that's crazy i'm taking 200 pumps literally guys i i changed my stance on something serious and fortnite too what i think it's not fortnite unless there's the pump shock in the scar attack i changed my mind ah yes i can't believe quinn do that dude i mean i could have i don't know i think you were just dead i perfectly just destroyed you that was someone else they would have it would have been fire but bro i saw it happening quinn's like oh no but i saw i saw some still believe that no i could win it did you noah was tumbling for the rest of the game like he wasn't he wasn't bipedal you know yeah oh no it's this one with the log quinn oh yeah i didn't know we were playing the seed and fall guys i don't know why i know robert can we actually play that like oh my gosh i want to play among us again i think this is better i feel like they're different you know they're not that different bro oh bro that strawberry just ran me over i just you need less people for it too it's only six you have to find 10 people and you actually get to talk i just got straight up punched like in just like i just i didn't even get phased the sides are so much better there by the way i got about to say like just hit me it wasn't hitting me if you go all the way right by the way you don't get hit by the fan just heads up we got our two little oh okay you got the pyramids i'm watching you oh dude i love how your caption is like your title is rookie mine yeah that's fire amazing is it yeah it is exposed yeah i don't you're you're struggling bro i'm not how did you climb that what i don't know that's that's actually impressive i did it like a little mental right there yeah you did a little bit you did a little quick mantle that was pretty chill though this guy's not about to donate on his back what is he doing bro look at colorful yak what is he he's going backwards throughout he doesn't know where he's going he's literally going the wrong way i think he's trying he got to be trolling right no i think he's just like completely let's see let's see if we got eliminated tom middle is loves to chill oh yeah you're right colorful yaki's dead that kid was lost bro no i said there's always a five-year-old in the games that was the best they need to add couch co-op like i don't know why they don't have it what is that like if you're at like a a party or something like four people i can play on one screen like that would be lit oh yeah they don't have that we're like two player like how about if like two kids want to play you know yeah i'll i'll send them an email okay yeah that's how i'm gonna give me like five percent of whatever they make from that for my idea that's my alligator he's kind of chill right i'm gunning it right through this middle door oh yes i like staying a little bit behind the pack yeah i'm not a big big lead the pack type of guy here here we go here we go oh not middle yeah i'm going right i'm going right oh i'm going left oh no we actually have to have to do good tg yeah apparently someone keeps pulling me you let go of me less rude man all right this is good we just clutched three in a row wow wow i thought we were supposed to hit the hammer oh i hit the hammer i thought we were supposed to that's what i tried to do oh wait what do you mean we are supposed to oh okay [Laughter] yeah wow i hope it's a penguin one oh no we need that one yeah you see epic will beat all those eu plurals there you go west part of this region confirm yep yeah oh wait should i try out the you sort of just chill towards like the the bouncy things and when one comes at you just bounce i don't know oh i want to try that oh [Applause] that's really bad we're we're probably gonna lose now it didn't work at all why did you try noah bro you said one person can do it i can't i didn't win because he invented it we can punch everyone we literally can't i think we can if people die i don't think they're dying bro why wouldn't they die we're 22 points away oh yeah i don't think it's gonna happen no they're still getting points and stay alive come on no i can't bro i i literally was not standing up at all dang the one time i survived the whole thing too that's crazy we just need you guys to not it knocked out instantly do this yeah i want to win man yeah this map is so cold when i want to win when i want to win okay how long do i actually stay for the rewards like actually yeah i think you just have to wait until the screen's over i got it i got rewards now i'm leaving let's go i can't believe that okay we gotta actually skip i mean i know you guys want to win but i already got my win sir that's why noah threw a bomb at rancho mcqueen dang i have the best skin quinn went back to his solo mentality real quick bro yeah i'm like okay all right let's actually get a win yeah let's do that bro i'm first nice congrats man holding yeah did you guys do that oh my god bro i'm in the middle of the pipes look at me but can you make it all the way to the end yeah i am i don't know just respond yeah just jump off but does it respawn you okay it responds too far back far back oh oh my gosh i fell too what that's so i'm dying inside yo why is this harder than it looks dude this is hard and it looks hard what bro it's like rocky it's like rock candy oh there we go no impairments you guys got to focus up whoa no what is this oh i'm crazy for that let's be honest focus up what is that online calls did we make it yeah we're very good oh wait someone saw that i thought all right i got this man you got 12 seconds you might as well just hold someone dude what oh eighth uh oh no it could pass oh wait one person can pass us pyramids what's going on bro you want to talk about it i don't know how to play i know homie we knew that that was the first time i played that that's actually it's all good look at the elongators the foreskins yeah yeah ah bro who do we who do we who's gonna be good defense here i wish james was here no it's good that we're doing it [Laughter] james i'll put you you want the balls on your side right okay yeah you want to board the balls bring the balls to our side nice i'm taking bluetooth oh yeah we lost all our balls yeah i'm pushing it back i got one back going back that's from yellow team pushing it in we're good i'm gonna focus on defense here you guys i think no matter what if we have two we're chilling right yeah f42 we should be i mean we're not chilling right now i got another one you got to bring it over the thing yeah i lost the ball okay i'm gonna try i'm gonna get the one that you lost i'll bring it there i'm the only one back and i got one no that's a yellow guy we need to focus up we need something yeah we gotta wait wait wait wait i got it comes columns pyramids i got another one i was trying to get the ball yeah okay we got two we got we got three we got three yeah we got we got yeah i'm holding down left side i gotta get it gotta go nice nice thanks good oh you gotta bring it back bring the back one teammate knocked it out keep this keep this up keep this up oh you're having ten seconds we've got ten seconds i got it got it why did her own teammate throw who was that someone just like back out just back out just back out to back out last one i'm playing one more i'm playing one more oh bro when you have like eight people on your team i feel like those are unskilled yeah cause like you know if it's s4 that's fine but like there's four randos just slapping their keyboards hold up i think we gotta sub in james for the last one i'm not gonna lie down jamie pyramids i love you i know we just met but i gotta get my boy in for one game before i dip gotcha it's nice playing with you though yep i wish you all the best all right you too bro brothers how do we kick him oh he just falls what the heck he just flew out we needed james james good luck this game's here he is now yeah james is you hello james hello hello yeah going up join up join up join us invite anybody yeah i'm ready okay let me see let me see so are you familiar with the grabbing technique now no i watch the youtube video i'm good awesome yeah james has just been watching speedruns on like repeat yeah he like smokes us all now yeah ready i need to change my skin hold on a second yeah my channel you can't get it though all right i want it bro the elongators elongators oh the pigeon's kind of drippy i don't know what the bottom is to this guy oh this guy's solid taco you like my guy thus far no i'm being a dogger oh bro my guys look at my bro all right i'm ready ready ready ready ready buddy oh mother talking ready yeah who is mother trucker ready hmm i'm a mother truck and i'm ready what is yours what pollywog or something no it's a taco it says his name's taco what kind of animals sorry i don't know it's a donkey you might be right you shout out to parker terry thank you for the donut i appreciate you and you the go bro uh ciao with the 51 months amen big shout out to you and thank you for the love coming to the upping house staying for the membership mason marshall uh team bambi thank you for the love dude carlos morales shout out to you as well aiden playstate for the two months aiden plays again thank you for all those donuts you dropped over 100 bucks let's get some hearts in chat holy smokes thank you aiden uh julius kaliku scary sniper with all the donors and the membership sponge cake with the membership as well julius kaliku uh alexander martinez with the 11 months pushing p kevin larue uh larouche uh with deborah cowsey unknown tony ashley gave me with the membership anthony with the 10 into the 22. keep your head up you're the best dude thank you dude big shot to anthony the one and only the goat himself anthony aiden plays thank you for the 10 great work on the tg channel thank you my man aiden please shout out to you as well for the massive donor you're the goat and that's the core thank you gaming do you think for the 60 months so happy to see charlie growing fast i love the new video with the kids pool i thought it was funny it was like a big drinking bowl yeah dude oh my gosh charlie thinks that the swimming pool is a big drinking surface for him and i i'm not gonna tell him otherwise you know i'm literally not gonna tell him otherwise so there's that oh my goodness oh wow oh my gosh nah bro hello yeah yeah but that thing is swinging across you oh my gosh open oh that's a process what is this i've never played this one there's tg here i just got second place am i here let's go i just made it i just made it to you no no not james james james i don't i've never played this one why are you still at the first thing jane this this wasn't on the speed run video you made it i did you guys it's gonna keep appearing to the left yeah and then no go you got it yeah go for it now jump to the right now it jumps all right again oh you're good okay do not step that let's do not step on that you just gotta wait you're just gonna wait here no no go in the middle in the middle no you go back go back oh i'm like stay in the middle he's like there's a wall there [Music] dude shout out to yt uh codepal uh lyle thank you for that 13 mil student hopefully tabitha with 70 months so excited for my typical year merged to arrive gear is the typical doctor you're ready to hold this typical last four baby let's get it it's good chandler pope's with the 50. let's get some hearts how's the other channel doing with you and samara are you going to play the force two swear when it comes out october do you know what the new dlc in gta 5 is dude i seen it um it looks pretty cool what do you guys think the new dlc in gta and uh that new channel is soon i'm i'm almost done setting it up took a lot longer than i thought but it will be happening soon probably september or hopefully august but yeah definitely september greg johnson thank you for that two channels 352. oh my gosh thank you man greg johnson with two months aiden plays dropped a hundred and everything else he said like for charlie dude there's like a lot of similar rounds but they all have like small variant differences so yeah it kind of catches me off guard sometimes because i think it's one it's like not i like it it doesn't make it boring like that you know i kind of wish four and i did that like some pys are a little different every time like they did that with um they did that with the uh no i'm not i'm actually not trolling just little things not a competitive competitive should be the same but that should be a completely different game but i don't know why still the same thing as regular bro like i want a pub i want a pub experience and then if you want to play competitive i want a competitive experience yeah like they should not even be the same i regret what i was trying to do oh my god i had the hammer right here yeah i'm gonna hit it too you guys getting good at the hammer i don't know nice perfect perfect yeah i messed it up i'm good i'm good with you quinn nice oh james how are you doing buddy alive i'm gonna make it how do you get hit by every ball james every single ball i don't know my camera cuts randomly it just says elgato no signal yeah it's so annoying why did you switch cameras what why did you switch cameras cameras no it's like the gameplay oh yeah this is your camera no my camera is fine i'm using like the super high quality one though why did you see this i think what i said why did you switch cameras though because the other one was poo poo quality seems fine to me but i guess well you got to open your eyes buddy you got to open your eyes up kiddo all right guys this one is super easy out what because the sea is a mixture of among us bro can you ban that kid okay focus up focus go up don't know what i'm supposed to do oh hoops we got one come on i got one i'm going focus up guys focus up for real for real fro we need this for real goat stuff only go stuff only oh i'm gonna go for the middle one i can get it i can get it oh i can get it i can get it no i can't get up here no we're doing so bad we're doing so bad guys we got to focus up i got one i've gotten two so far guys what do you what what james quinn oh i'm about three right now that's all i'm gonna say oh there's a gold one here i don't know how i'm meant to get that one that one i mean this guy just jumped in at the same time he got it i think oh yeah i'm gonna go for the gold one it's in the middle yep no i messed up bro i'm i'm a failure my family should never remember i existed we got another one let's go another one no one's qualified which is good sorry i don't think it's possible getting that peppery oh i got one that one this stuff got yes one team yes okay i got got one i can get another one i got a gold one oh let's go bro jump holy bro that's the biggest dive i've ever done it among us straight up yeah i feel i was like air jordan bro i was air jordan your best player thank you for the donut everyone else is pretty yeah are you guys enjoying your fall guys how many teams are there gg needs another pastry i like that sandra so nice everyone loves you oh thanks porsche it's so random this guy is so slow holy you just redeemed yourself thank you tyler what's up old school wrastlin i like your team there's 22. someone's got a goal like you have a four night thumbnail with the following ice cream willy i i did follow a fortnight at the start of the show yeah i'm a doggo i don't know who dog i'm a mother trucking doggo i hope it's a penguin one yeah please be full man ah jump showdown get me to the end i know how to grief ultimately here do you guys trust me when i say that do you guys trust me when i say that i do believe yeah so what you got to do is right before the pull hits you and someone's beside you you grab them for a millisecond then you jump and they can't jump um but if you mess it up you can't jump okay so i don't think that's worth 100 is worth yeah it is it is i'll do it i'll do it you don't have to do it don't worry your sweet little head no all right bro will these panels fall i'm actually i'm actually going to do it to notice here make sure we stay away from each other i'll stay away with on the side there's like no warning they wiggle yeah there we go okay yeah nice nose got that claimed over there yeah this is wiggling too oh no ours is breaking you're going to be looking good noah so this guy's trying to i just screwed that cat he killed the other guy because of it oh this is good noah this is so good that you're on that one yeah all right give me some space here i can grief give me some space yeah i'm gonna stay in the back okay i'm gonna grab this guy ready there was like no way to make that they were both like lined up with each other you couldn't let go above or under i killed your dick i killed them you got that i killed that guy dude [Laughter] look at the sushi james is killing right now too let's go james bro are you seeing this yep who's next who's next cg the cat the cat oh my god he got hit he didn't care okay here we go here we go all right nice nice all right james if you want them don't worry here we go here we go here we go oh no this is bad this is bad i killed him let's go i'm so good i'm so good i literally i just got a freaking chopper gunner bro i just got a chopper gunner oh my gosh that's crazy let's go bro wait uh what are you saying not worth that stress not worth i killed it i killed the entire lobby everybody you're good at it then sure it seemed like you just like wanted to try it you know no no no no we ain't talking rhinos ain't talking rhinos why did i get like nothing from winning that i got like three crowns for winning what the heck well that was fun i'm probably gonna have a stream but i'm gonna play another one is anyone else down [Music] with the w that last game was crazy bro oh it was there were there was 28 people in like that last zone like that was actually a stacker nobles are fun but like the only thing is that it's still like loot based yeah we had so much loot last game we did like 18 portables yeah we had four i think we had four portal four it's two riffs and then we had like i think we had six steel kegs so we had so many shields what do you think they remove portaforts and add shield bubbles yeah i mean shield bubbles are what like 30 second long quarter fort's like cool though just adds rng though to be honest portal 4's are cool there just because like there's some cover in like the open zones you know what i mean but i i think they need to make their own porta forts for like that mode like maybe they yeah like a like a i don't know they didn't have some skill behind getting a porta for something like i don't think it should be like uh something where you hopefully you just get a bunch of them me everyone should spawn with a border yeah this one is crazy for speedruns by the way this map it's nuts do it speeder on it i don't know do them all learn them all humongous this one's trippy by the way your brain's gonna be a mush yeah what the heck is this why is it so fast-paced bro what is happening [Music] [Applause] it's actually faster to go to the bottom by the way i don't know why this one's this map is crazy jump jump through the middle by the way jump through the middle and hit the big bouncy thing i just cut first for a second move you stupid frog oh you said the metal was faster more rhinos we didn't need more rhinos finish no go through the middle like the big bouncer oh my oh wow oh wow that the most unfortunate thing that could happen to you yeah literally you have to dive there oh my gosh no they're struggling no you're the worst really good dive dive gives you some more it's more room to play with now you know that right what what this like when you're on those just diving you go a little more forward yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't even know what i smell like got it see yeah well far guys is way too much fun predicting 24 hour stream honestly uh chandler with 20. how did you learn how to read so fast you would be a good auctioneer ps love your dog so much for the cuteness and tell somebody i said you scored typically human life will do schaller thank you man i don't i just reading chat for so long it's it's it's it's made me who i am you know he said i meant to tell somebody i said hi and he's co typically in the live shop okay we'll do chandler thank you so much for all the donors you do not got to do that appreciate your mom man and then we have jack mclinden with the four months thank you you said you're the best noah do you have a bind for jumping like uh for diving uh yeah i've been on like right click or something i think you go right right pipe right pipe it's easiest remind you guys oh no i hope i don't get clamped by these balls come first right now oh i'm solid first i was so chilling i got grief [Applause] i gotta wait for the whole class right now naked oh who missed that is that you queen yeah oh quinn you can't be missing those bro i was trying to beat you though focused up focus play [Applause] oh sorry what is happening i grabbed onto it i'm second i think oh i can't tell if i got first the second second i guess we're neck and neck no i just wanted silence oh look at james james jerry is going crazy james james oh [Applause] sponge cake with the 18 love your contact i have a fear of dogs i was attacked by a pool at a pool party when i was seven years old and from then i was terrified to hit the october little puppies beautiful and i fell in love with him say hi to somebody dude sponge cake that's so sad i'm sorry to hear that i actually was traumatized by dogs growing up as well and i was big scared of dogs like bigger ducks because of that so you could do it on youtube i wasn't but um like i was around kind of some scarier dogs so um yeah it was pretty fun yeah um so charlie's kind of like almost like a therapy for me because like i see him as a puppy and growing up to be a big dog and it makes me like more comfortable so it's kind of joined up it's kind of funny i i can relate a little bit so i wish you all the best all right seriously and yeah charlie's a cute friend no maps ain't in place thank you for that definitely i'll say hi to some more friends with the members of some like really good maps and other maps are just big dogs can be scary but oh wait what is this everyone's cup for level this is like slime kind but uh like futuristic this one's really hard i'm not gonna lie okay bro people are like not moving oh i'm like super first right now oh my god you can like glitch this one to like get up higher oh i'm not able to do it apparently oh no that's almost hunted off dude these kids won't move and it's like completely agree i'm going what is this i don't really know oh there we go i did it james is dead how did that kill me go ahead no bye i'm getting slapped around yeah i'm right next to you oh we're good we're getting rude what is this oh this one's long this one's hard this one it gets hard up here if this guy can try to grief you just be careful you have to max jump each of these there you go no i just got great am i dead i got four they got fourth you have to qualify quinn or else we don't yeah okay just focus up focus up you're good you're good you're good you're good can i stagger at like the max jump spot or no uh no i wouldn't i wouldn't oh the slime's right there get up i just i literally can't it really keeps knocking me you can get up okay you got this max you don't have to do that but that definitely works you did not have to do that for the first time yeah it's liberty slim he's a snake [Music] all right chad i'm going to wrap up the stream if you guys want to watch andy you can watch it on rich homie quinn stream or noah w plays on twitch uh appreciate you all aiden plays thank you for the 10. go watch the new video on wolverine in fortnite he is back on tg plays go watch it hit the like button enjoy the subscribe with the bell and i'll see you guys later daily streams don't forget thanks for watching hope you're an awesome day and peace out oh gosh we killed it last time do we sort of we were done bad at first uh yeah we i don't think we had a point for like 30 seconds or something crazy like that yeah okay i see
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 608,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cgbz9CaHbS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 51sec (14031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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