Becoming A World Class Butcher...

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hello we are sorted food and this is fridge cam you've probably guessed from the title that today we are butchering a pig and we do respect that there will be a portion of you guys who don't want to see that so instead here is James Curry's favorite sausage video ever but the rest of you guys we feel as a food channel is really important for us to show you where your food is sourced and where it comes from and these guys are amazing we learnt a lot and I hope you do too firstly today we've come to North London it's after hours we're doing an evening class we get a Jane curry the choice to do anything for work experience week and he's chosen to chop up a pig yeah three weeks for this and it's gonna be great - lets go hey how's it going so jackets and trousers off that's up to you [Music] right [Music] you feelin strong yeah yeah always gonna carry that to the block yeah sure Mike just carried the peg to the block I don't know if he was looking to get this involved this quickly hi Debbie Oh so our first job was to divide the pig into its individual cuts each cut has its own benefits and therefore its own cooking method so the first thing you can do to take off the head okay this is a straight cut straight across no born come on mate you've watched enough Game of Thrones the next we do is we take this shoulder off the shoulder is divided into two parts the neck and hand ET their joint expose just go straight in put your knife separates two muscles and Liam told us our first insider secret about the handcuffed chef service you get pulled pork no salt it's normally dis the general public tend to buy the neck instead for pulled pork so why do people not go for that instead there's more fabulous right okay people see the fact they get scared that's so sad yeah this is neck end that's a neck muscle some people you get a poured on the road yeah quite simple just take off their backbone and then you just take it off the label we take the leg off normal rule of the leg is you go one finger in in the bowl but normally you could take the bone off again and ball and roll us I do have an order for us tomorrow for dinner you want a cup to finish because we're gonna burn out this middle as a whole why do you start here all the requests alone that's the pain you after this is the tenders cost on the animal hopefulness same as beef is oh just a casual kidney get that at home right now and coming up Eric and Asian flavors like maybe like a soy honey glaze or cheating with its toughest muscles back putting fresh herbs salt and pepper yeah like winning with love before next the chump or rump which is part of the loin of the pig great for roasting pork chops is is quite lean the straight-line process where and install and then ribs to get those we needed to remove a layer of the fat and cut around the ribs to remove them these were then divided into two sections this section here is called the baby back rib if you ever be right yeah yeah so the ribs off the line where these ribs for the downer off the belly then it was time to get competitive Liam showed us how to prepare a porchetta which is a traditionally Italian hog roast using the pork belly its moist and fatty and when done properly absolutely delicious you start by leveling out the cup you then remove the skin on oh yes score it season it fresh garlic mix herbs pepper salt rosemary or roll it and then tie it with the world-renowned which is not which apparently Liam had reservations about I take we have low two hours of hours to show you - that's buried Liam was right just love that better good as much as we were having a laugh with our feeble attempts at butchery there were some important take outs at the end of the evening that were reinforced when talking to Liam knowing what you know now and what you've learned how does that affect what you buy and cook and take home with you I think it's very important not just me for green grocers everything that they know lieutenant teal knows exactly where it comes from yeah I think that's very important is that like the standard yeah Cara yeah everything everything after they I'm not sure done was absolutely everything these speakers okay doctor as we all know as always all of us good husbandry all the firm but the way it comes out to was told were class I'm glad you brought me glad you forced me to come thanks man you're welcome [Music] click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 349,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to butcher, how to butcher a pig, ultimate pig butchery video, traditional butchery, pork butchery, how to butcher a loin of pork, the art of butchery, where does pork come from, how to butcher an entire pig, master pig butchery
Id: D3dVkW1aZJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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