Become FLUENT Like a NATIVE Speaker | Speak English with Tiffani

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so let me know if this has ever happened to you you decide to start something new like a sport or playing a musical instrument or maybe learning a new language so you buy all the gear you need you gather the best resources that you can find perhaps you even sign up for an online class and you get so excited about it that you can barely sleep at first it goes great you feel like you can spend hours practicing and you don't get bored but sooner or later you get busy it becomes harder and harder to find the right time for your new hobby and it just doesn't light up your passion like it used to before you know it months or even years have passed by and you are stuck in the exact same place you were before i totally know how you feel i started learning guitar this year and at the beginning i was so excited i learned some songs but lately i feel like my shiny new guitar has just been gathering dust however in this fascinating conversation i had with teacher tiffany you'll see that it doesn't need to be like that my main desire is to help other people i feel like i'm on this earth to help other people flourish and to do well and my job at nasa was great my boss was amazing the situation was great it was a very good job and i liked what i did but i remember one day i was sitting at my desk and i finished a project and and i was like there has to be more just like my new hobby of playing the guitar i have often felt stuck in other life situations as well some days it's still difficult but i figured out how to break out of it and so has tiffany from speak english with tiffany in this lesson we'll share the things we learned that may help you if you're feeling stuck in your english and wondering if you will ever be able to speak this language like a native speaker you will not want to miss this lesson packed with incredible insights to help you move out of your comfort zone and become an advanced speaker so without further ado tiffany welcome to the show thank you it's an honor to be here tiffany i thought i'd start by asking you what do you recommend learners do so that they can start breaking out of the intermediate level there are a few things that i suggest yes it's based on the same idea kind of get out of the books and then experience and explore more real and natural english conversations so watch more english television programs um i also encourage students to start more conversations um and i know sometimes english learners again you're so focused on making mistakes that you don't want to or you're shy too shy to start conversations with native english speakers it's not about starting a conversation with the purpose of i need you to be my english partner instead i try to encourage students for example if you're interested in cooking if you're interested in sports if you're interested in art whatever your interest is facebook is a great place to go go to facebook find groups related to those topics don't find english groups related to those topics not like for english learners find the groups where actually native english speakers are and then observe the conversations that are being had under certain posts and you'll kind of understand the flow like okay this is how native english speakers talk about this subject and then join the conversation no one has to know that you're not a native english speaker and you don't have to tell them that you're not a native english speaker just start talking enjoy and join in on the conversation so it two things happen first you gain a confidence and moving from intermediate to advanced one of the main things students may not realize is confidence is super important because you're already very intelligent i i try to emphasize this as much as possible because i have had so many students even students that have been crying in front of me because of their frustration that they've studied english so long and they're they feel stupid they feel like they're not smart and i say stop you do realize that you know your language perfectly again we know that you're always adapting and learning more now you're learning a second or a third or a fourth language being english you're far more intelligent than you realize you're telling your brain to switch to learn another language so that fact when students realize that wait a minute i am intelligent wait a minute this is amazing what i've done so far it creates this confidence within them and once that confidence is there suddenly they start to access all of the english they've already placed within their brains because there's a confidence they start trusting themselves so as english teachers i feel like our job is to guide students basically the student is a focus you and i as the teacher we're literally as teachers we're literally just guiding them along their path their journey right so i try to tell students don't lean on me let me teach you something and you run with it you move forward remember that you are awesome so again moving from intermediate to advanced you must have confidence in yourself when that confidence is there you'll start trusting what you've already learned the vocabulary the expressions yes the grammar rules the structures you've learned and you'll start putting them into practice a lot faster so by going into these facebook groups or whatever group you find again with english people english speaking people you'll gain confidence to join the conversation and the more you do that the more you realize wait a minute i'm already moving to the advanced level and i just didn't realize it exactly what you're saying going out and saying what am i passionate about let me go find people who are also passionate about this and we can discuss it in english so you're not asking people it's really we go to the point of being an english learner to an english speaker because you're using that english for an end goal of connecting to your passion i like that i like that phrase yeah it's very true very true i hope you're enjoying tiffany's recommendations our goal is to help learners just like you to become confident fluent speakers just like real lifer pollock sharma who has binge watched our videos that's why every week we create lessons so that you can understand fastbook in english be understood by anyone and connect to the world so make sure that you subscribe so that you don't miss any new lessons and if you want to listen to the full interview with tiffany and follow the transcript make sure to download our app for free now check out this golden tip that she gave another thing is to recording more videos this is something that when you're not around a lot of english speakers um you feel like ah i somebody else has a better event bigger advantage than i do because they live overseas no it doesn't matter take your phone out and record yourself you'll be amazed the psychological stress that students go through when they first have to record themselves it doesn't matter if you're intermediate or advanced you have to record yourself i experience the same thing it's like you you lose your words you feel uncomfortable and again it goes back to that confidence it's okay to make a mistake even native english speakers make mistakes and we just keep talking it's okay so recording yourself is also another way to improve because you can build your confidence trust what you're learning and what you're saying and then you also have a catalog you can look back hey this is how i sounded before now a month later this is how i sound what happens you build confidence in yourself and you realize i have improved alright so at the beginning of this video i mentioned how sometimes we want to start something new but we keep postponing it just like happened to me with the guitar earlier this year taking the first step is especially hard for perfectionists i asked tiffany how she was able to put her perfectionism aside so that she could move from intermediate to advanced and korean before you listen to her insightful advice let me know down in the comments below do you consider yourself a perfectionist which strategies do you use to deal with that be sure to see what other learners have said maybe some of their advice could really help you i think that learning a foreign language especially one that is different from your native language like korean is from english requires making a lot of mistakes in order to progress so how did you overcome that perfection and get comfortable with making mistakes you know i chuckled because it's a great question um on a scale of one to ten it was a fifteen it was extremely hard um a lot of the things i teach and the principles that i base my lessons on come also from my experience learning another language i was 27 when i started learning korean so i was an adult learning korean and it was difficult so i mentioned before with the grammar i don't focus on grammar and i try to focus on creative thinking that also comes from my experience learning korean because i hit this plateau because i was only focused on grammar so what i teach students and what i say is because i've literally experienced it and i feel like i totally understand my students emotions once i got to about level four or level five around the intermediate levels and moving into the advanced levels i hit this plateau because i was so focused on the structures i wouldn't speak unless i knew the sentence was correct and then of course as you mentioned you're going to make a mistake but i would get so frustrated with myself when i would make a mistake i'm spending all of these hours and yet and still i can't speak korean fluently i'm getting embarrassed or i feel shy and i'm not a shy person because i can't speak this language properly so again it goes back to why i don't focus on grammar because that was holding me back even though it's important so i changed and i actually started focusing on listening more listening to my korean friends when they were having conversations watching more television programs korean dramas and paying attention more to their conversations so you're actually learning grammar inadvertently as you're listening to the conversations and paying attention but you're learning it in an enjoyable environment that makes sense so what i noticed happening was my my friends started saying hey you're sounding more natural now hey tiff hey you don't sound like you used to sound simply because i was trying to mimic what i was hearing and what i was seeing while watching korean dramas now i was at the intermediate and advanced level so it was okay for me to do that to stop focusing on the grammar books because i did have a foundation i knew the structures um but again as you mentioned i'm a perfectionist so that was very difficult that transition from stop focusing on the books and just focus on people's conversation trying to mimic them when you're an individual who likes structure i love structure i love organization to leave that behind and do something else even though it's structured it was very difficult so again i understand with students how difficult it is when i may say hey stop focusing on the book and let's do it a different way it is a very difficult transition i hope that you enjoyed today's tips hope your friends also feel inspired by tiffany's advice by sharing this video with them i also recommend that you watch my interview with gavin roy next you'll see that achieving your fluency dream can be possible if you start with just one simple step let's watch a clip of gavin's advice on that the nike slogan just do it i've heard so many so many people saying i'm so afraid for my first conversation can you give me tips and yes i can give you tips but at the end of the day you are gonna have to do it and it won't be easy that first conversation will probably be the worst conversation you've ever had you know the awkward you're going to feel bad about yourself there's no way to go around it but there's so much good that comes out of it and
Channel: RealLife English
Views: 27,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speak english like a native speaker, speak english like a native, how to speak english like a native speaker, how to speak fluent english like a native speaker, sound like a native speaker, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english fluently, english fluency, english speaking, speak fluent english, become fluent in english, fluent english, how to become fluent in english, how to get fluent in english, reallife english, speaking english, beyond borders with ethan
Id: yswkZQCwvHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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