7 Reasons Why People Fail to Get Fluent in English

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[Music] in this week's podcast we're talking all about the most common excuses and attitudes that prevent you from learning english whether you're a beginner intermediate or advanced learner this is a great moment to check in with yourself and think about how you can be a better learner and as always if you head on over to our instagram at reallife.english you'll find some bonus obstacles there so make sure you check that out as soon as you finish listening to this podcast oh yeah boys and girls citizens of the world this is ethan from real life english where we believe that listening to podcasts is a fun natural convenient and the bee's knees way to learn english so download this podcast and listen to it while you're catching some waves decorating your christmas tree or even doing your christmas shopping oh yeah i'm joined here in the cross atlantic studio as always by the lovely andrea how's it going andrew i'm great thank you how are you doing great and by the only man who's ever seen santa claus and live to tell the tale justin murray yeah what is up hey guys so justin do you want to let people in on what we're going to be talking about today i think it's we gave a bunch of things about christmas but this podcast is not actually about christmas we're just awfully close to it so it's on our mind well today's podcast we're going to be talking about using an article i wrote a long time ago called nine reasons why people fail to get fluent and just discussing some of the excuses that people give and also some of the real reasons that people give for not getting fluent and also be talking about some of the solutions and the ways that people can succeed and if you're watching this on youtube then you should definitely check out in the description link below the link to the podcast of this which a podcast is a free audio that you can download and you can listen to it in your convenient moments like we said maybe while you're out doing your christmas shopping while you're bored in line at the bank or any other time when you can have your headphones in so this is a really great way to make your learning super convenient and we'll also have down the description below linked our show notes so you can get a list of all the vocabulary and expressions that we'll talk about today as well as any resources so that said i think we can jump in to today's shout out which is very special because it also includes the quote of the day which this fan was nice enough to share with us something super inspiring so we'll do those two for one so today's shout out and quote comes from evie from italy and she's titled it ah yeah wanted to thank the whole real life english community for their hard and remarkable work that is really mind-blowing and out of this world by leaving them this eye-opener motivation speech made by denzel washington don't be afraid to go outside the box don't be afraid to fail big to dream big but remember dreams without goals are just dreams in order to achieve your goals you must apply discipline and consistency every day you have to work at it every day because hard work works working really hard is what successful people do so continue to strive to take risks because to achieve something you never had you have to do something you never did hoping this can also inspire many students around the world especially those who like me are scared to fail or make mistakes in english but the thing is that if you don't fail you are not even trying oh yeah so that was a hell of a recommendation that one of our fans left us over an apple podcast which if you're listening to this i highly recommend that you also head over to apple podcast stitcher or wherever you're listening because then you can help a lot of other people just like evie who says that if you don't fail you're not even trying to learn english with us to make lots of mistakes and to take their english fluency to the next level and if you go and share a quote that really inspires you like evie did then we'd be happy to read it and combine the shout out with the quote just like today awesome so that said i think that those wise words from denzel washington is a perfect point for us to jump into today's main topic all right so today we have several reasons that people commonly fail when they're learning english andrea what's the first one so the first one is when people say i'm not good with the languages and i've heard this many times as well and it is true that some people are better at learning languages than others but it's not going to stop you from achieving your goals when learning a language because some people are gifted but other people just want it more and will work harder and will strive to achieve and could even do better than those that are gifted in a way what does gifted mean so if you're gifted it means that you kind of have more of a natural ability at something you maybe don't have to work as hard you maybe pick things up a bit easier and it just comes more naturally to you you can also say uh to gift somebody something so he gifted me uh that book for example yeah i totally agree i like felt this a lot when i was younger because my brother always had a knack for languages he was like really good at spanish and we'd like just from taking classes in school anytime we'd take a trip down to mexico which we did a lot when i was growing up he would you know be speaking in the grocery store and just like always with the locals and stuff and i always felt like in my language classes i just like struggled so much with them and i wasn't inspired but kind of through my own journey of like getting to have different experiences traveling and learning i just became very passionate about learning languages and now my brother doesn't really he's forgotten most of spanish and now i've learned six different languages to different levels and stuff just because of that that passion and that drive so i definitely would say that compared to my brother i'm not as good with languages but i think having kind of that passion that drive that fire underneath it uh takes you so much further than just having that knack for being able to do something well knack like knackered out yeah if you feel knackered right but we say you have a knack for something it's the same to say if you have a talent or a gift for something right and that's spelled k-n-a-c-k right exactly and is it out is that is that something that we use in american english or is that just british well you said i've never heard knackered out but i've heard i'm knackered from from brits right yeah we use it a lot so when you're extremely tired we wouldn't say i'm extremely tired we'll just say i'm knackered or if you wanted to use some cockney rhyming slang you could say i'm cream crackered that's hilarious so in the us we might say for example that i'm beat or i'm exhausted you probably would use that one as well right i'm exhausted we would use yeah i'm beat you do hear it a bit more but i think that one's a bit more american but as far as this tip i'm not good with languages i think it's like anything having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset a growth mindset is where you believe that through hard work and effort you can improve and a fixed mindset you believe that natural talent is the only ability that really matters it's kind of like they say there's a lot of evidence that shows you guys as parents for example if you tell your kids like oh congratulations you're very talented it's not very good feedback for kids what you should say is like congratulations you worked really hard and you're rewarding that hard work rather than believing that talent is the path to success and really it's the same thing our brains are plastic our our oral musculature it's plastic too you can work out you can develop those muscles you can develop those skills you can put yourself in those experiences to have fun learning english make it fun natural convenient and really get to the point where you're living your english and you develop even if it's not perfect you can get to the point where you're communicating you're understanding natives and you're connecting to the world which is real robo valencia so this first one is a perfect example of what someone with a fixed mindset might say i'm not good with languages someone with a growth mindset as justin mentioned would probably say i just need to work harder so that said i think we can jump into number two which we also hear all the time what's that one i'm too embarrassed to speak yeah i think that this is maybe the the bane of every english learner out there right is feeling embarrassed to open your mouth the bane what does that mean the bane is like the enemy or like the the greatest challenge for someone it sounds kind of shakespearean actually right yeah i think it sounds a little bit like a like a superhero or like super villain kind of thing you might even say the bane of my life have you have you heard that do you guys say that the bane of my existence oh yeah that's another one i think that's very that's very common collocation right you want to sound really smart really poetic maybe quoting shakespeare i don't know so what is the problem with this andrea why is this a bad excuse it's such a huge stumbling block and i felt this as well when i came to barcelona and i was learning spanish there are so many moments where i felt embarrassed and i didn't want to speak and i would just be really quiet because i was so embarrassed and so afraid of making mistakes but then it got to a point where i was like i've lived here for a couple of years and i should be communicating i should at least be trying and it wasn't until then that i really then started to progress in my speaking because i was making mistakes and i remember those mistakes and would reflect on them and then that would enable me to improve my speaking and also to become more confident because i was speaking more so it kind of has like a knock-on effect the more you do it you kind of roll with it you get used to making the mistakes so you're less embarrassed and you become more confident with it too and then you realize as well that people don't really care if you make mistakes and if people do if people judge you it's you sort of inoculate yourself against that you realize that it might happen for some time from time to time it might happen that somebody might not understand you or they might not be so open to you but at the same time it's just like well you know what not everybody's gonna vibe with you ultimately there's there's a lot of vocabulary i want to point out for people so andrea you said it has like a knock-on effect what does that mean yeah so it's like if you another way to describe it is like if something snowballs so if you think of a snowball starting off quite small but then as it rolls it gathers more snow and it gets bigger so if something has a knock-on effect it's just going to take you from one place to the next to the next and you have some sort of progression it's almost like exponential right yeah exactly i've heard that expression before but i actually didn't fully know the meaning i couldn't have defined it but i think i sort of intuitively understood it totally and justin you said that people can inoculate themselves against something what does that mean well to inoculate yourself against something means to take a small dose of it and then that ultimately heals you for the rest so an inoculation for example like i don't know if it would make sense to use this for like the coronavirus you inoculate yourself against it with a vaccine right so a little bit of of pain sometimes or somebody rejecting you you realize it's not bad you know it's not bad if somebody has a hard time understanding you it's you just have to take his feedback and roll with the punches you have to you have to take that as feedback and and and adapt to it get better that's what role with the punches means i was going to ask but you already defined it so i think that's pretty much exactly it is that you have to kind of learn to laugh at yourself i think so many people out there are scared that i'm going to open my mouth and people are going to laugh at my mistakes and first of all that doesn't tend to happen i mean if that does happen then you're probably hanging out with the wrong people but if it does happen like learn to laugh at yourself i mean sometimes when you make mistakes it is quite funny and i think if you learn to laugh with yourself then you know it's like justin said you're going to be kind of building an armor for yourself for those mistakes so definitely learn that mistakes are your best friend they're kind of kind of like guide you on your path to english fluency and without them you're really not going to be able to make any progress i'd like to think that like like a child learning to walk ultimately they're a good model because the child learning to walk you know they stand up and they fall down they don't they don't like take this in like a negative light right they just like get back up and they continue walking and that's how they learn if they you know sat down and said i can't do it i'm too embarrassed imagine they'd be like sitting down their entire lives right exactly wouldn't it be great if there was some way to understand real english without getting lost and without getting bored well now there is with our real life native immersion course we will take you on a 41 week real life adventure of the english language each week exploring a different topic connected to our goal to help you understand and use real native english and make it a permanent part of your life in a way that is fun natural and convenient the best part is you can try it for free with our three-part power learning series we will send it to your email just go to reallifeglobal.com pod that's p-o-d to sign up now let's get back to today's podcast lesson so speaking of children i think that that really flows well into point number three what's that one andrea so it links really well because lots of people tend to say that adults don't learn languages very well and i guess people say this a lot because they think about how children acquire languages how maybe because they're immersed in the language from such a young age and they're just picking up these words they're not speaking but they're listening listening and then that eventually leads to them speaking it and people tend to think that this process is a lot faster but i think it's a flawed way of thinking because adults can of course pick up languages very well and there are many advantages to learning a language as an adult different studies have actually kind of like disproven that myth because although children's minds obviously they're kind of like in a stage where they're acquiring the language and they're very much like sponges they've shown that adults because we're much better at problem solving and because we have kind of like those critical thinking abilities and self-awareness of our learning that ultimately adults actually can pick up the language faster i think the problem tends to be more that you know kids they have all day long you know pretty much that they are immersed in the language you know at least with their parents or if they're living in another country or something they have all the time in the world to learn and most of us that work and we have busy schedules and maybe you have family and other responsibilities it's very hard to like find that time so maybe if you're only spending like 30 minutes or an hour per day learning then obviously your progress is going to be very slow when you compare yourself to a child who's you know 8 10 12 hours a day just being able to to focus on well not even really focus but kind of like play with the language so that's why it's so important that you really make a lifestyle out of your learning you're you're listening to a podcast you know everywhere you go you're constantly filling your life with opportunities to listen to english and watch things in english at every opportunity definitely kids do have the advantage of being able to become very native like in their pronunciation because their vocal cords haven't been formed until they're really like 14 15 years old so you see a lot of kids who've really like been immersed or spent a lot of time learning at that age they get really great pronunciation and a lot of people kind of mistake that for like the absolute fluency when as adults i think people kind of get embarrassed about the pronunciation sometimes but coming back to the idea if you're communicating if you're using a purpose if you can understand natives if you can communicate with anybody and you're using it for that real world fluency then you're on a good path so you shouldn't worry too much about that but again like like ethan was saying like andrew was saying like as adults we've become very goal-oriented we we can we can mold our lives we can we can um really do so much to achieve our goals and use this to push other areas of our life forward with english so it's definitely not um it's not a huge disadvantage yeah maybe you'll struggle more to get that native accent if that's something that you want then a child who like justin said they kind of are still developing and stuff so they kind of get that faster but at least like in your ability to get to a very good level of the language and to be fluent there's no barriers just because you're of your age i've seen actually videos of you know people who grandparents you know who are in their 70s and 80s who are learning languages and because they have like a lot of time they're retired and everything they're able to get to a very high level so i think like the only barrier is maybe your own fixed mindset in that case and i think that rolls nicely also into number four which i already kind of hinted at but the excuse that people say a lot for english learning and for anything else i don't have the time yeah so again this is a huge excuse for so many things and i think what it goes down to is that if you don't have time it just means that you're not prioritizing it so rather than you not having the time to learn english or to try new things it's just that really you can't be bothered and there are other things that are taking precedent that are more important to you in that moment and you're not really that bothered to progress in your english learning that's a really nice life hack that you just mentioned i think if you can really program yourself to not say to stop saying i don't have time start talking about priorities i don't prioritize this it's not a priority then you kind of become responsible for your choices so this is something i know when ethan was coaching people one-on-one i talked to some of those people and ethan was always like no excuses no it's not i don't have time it's it's not a priority ethan was very uh very uh rigid about that yeah i think that that's a really important thing to like erase from your vocabulary i don't have time i mean it's it's something that most of us have so habitualized to say this phrase but when you really think about it when you reflect on it the the whole thing like i don't have time is it's like not really something real and basically you have the time you you have um your time basically belongs to you and everything but really it's up to you to decide what do you want to prioritize in that time and obviously there's certain things that you have to make a priority like working like eating and like taking care of your children but a lot of times when we do have the time we're not making such good priorities we're not making such good choices or as justin said we're not really being responsible to be doing the best thing with that time so both of us just and i read a book i think it was maybe a year or two ago called essentialism which if you're interested in this topic on how to be more essentialist how to make better use of your time that's a really great read and i would come back to this idea of we always talk about you know make it fun and natural and convenient integrate it into your life a really important part of living your english is to making it a natural part of your life and so you can listen to podcasts as we say as you're you know shopping for christmas presents or driving your car or walking the dog so you can kill two bridges with one stone you can you know do two things and and serve two things at the same time and this is really important as well to do other things that you would normally do in your language in english so as you start doing that you start replacing different areas of your life with english you know you make friends from around the world you start traveling you start watching tv shows in english you start listening to music in english and then the things you would naturally do start becoming they start filling your time in english so you don't need to take extra time to study because it's what you naturally do it's who you naturally are i think that very nicely links to the next excuse which people say a lot is you know i have to actually go to an english-speaking country and be studying there or working there or living there in order to be able to become fluent a lot of people think that it without going to live in the country it's absolutely impossible so what should people really do justin well i mean this is kind of another big topic i think it's true that going to an english-speaking country or going abroad in general is going to help you learn english and speak english more but don't let that limit you if you're not if you're in your home country i remember for example in high school i studied spanish right and i studied in college too and really i had no fluency it was really hard i wasn't that motivated but when i traveled i went to mexico i was immersed in the language and it was great it sort of like took off the blindfold of my own language learning then when i went back to the united states it was like i started listening to spanish music i started meeting people speaking spanish and it was like part of my identity it was really part of who i was and so i didn't need to be in mexico to be immersed i immersed my life in it and what do you mean by take off the blindfold what's a blindfold first of all well blindfold is like something that you have in front of your eyes covering your eyes right and so for me it was like just realizing this whole other dimension of the language which i wasn't letting myself see i wasn't really letting myself experience before but it really helped me to go to that country to go to mexico to kind of unlock that inside of me but you don't need to do that you meet lots of people who become very fluent from their home country because they've accessed the culture and so when we have media and movies and all this stuff like english is is the global language and there's so much media in english so much culture there's so much information so you can unlock that dimension of english from where you are now and i think you said like there's a lot of people who are very able to be successful staying in their own country there's a lot of people too who fail going abroad going to whether they're living abroad i've had students who lived in the united states and they could you know they had all the opportunities in the world to speak the language but they still because you know they're with family and stuff and they just kind of get comfortable with other people from their home country or that speak their native language and they're not really getting out of their shell so you might uh go to another country and that's not really going to be the silver bullet or the magic of pill that's all the sudden you're going to arrive in the united states and all of a sudden your mouth opens and you're speaking perfect american english it's still there's so much hard work that has to go into it out of getting yourself out of your comfort zone meeting people making friends and taking advantage of every single opportunity that you get to you know open your mouth and speak the language to get over that shyness or that embarrassment that you have about speaking one quick story also about ethan like when ethan was in brazil and we were starting real-life english like he was learning portuguese and i remember he he met a friend on couchsurfing a french guy who lived in the city we were living in bel arzante and ethan started studying french he started doing exchanges of english and french in bel arizante and he was already starting to speak french we were living in brazil and it was amazing he was learning portuguese he was learning french and i was just really impressed with that during my very ambitious language learning days that's the thing it really doesn't matter that's just another excuse because there's so much that has to go into traveling to another country you know you have to be able to afford it you have to have a plan and when i first moved to spain in my first year you know i was picking things up just from my activities but i i wasn't speaking spanish or like a native or anything it depends what you come to the country to do because i came to teach in an international school and so i was paid to just speak in english all day every day i would come home i would speak in english you know i was getting used to living in another country as well so that could be an excuse you might say but for me in the first year it wasn't a priority and it didn't i you know i didn't learn that much spanish in my first year i was just kind of taking it all in and lots of people come here as well and you know they can get by speaking in english so they come to another country but they don't then learn the language and then when it's time to go somewhere else they leave without knowing the language and so again it goes back to whether or not it's a priority for you and and not making those excuses what does get by mean you said people they get by in english what does that mean so you don't necessarily have to know the language of the place you're living in because you can still encounter people that speak your language or you know you can use some body language and gestures and things to get by to be able to communicate what you need to do and to get things that you need to get done that's also a good response if somebody asks you know do you speak english if you want to be humble because it's really easy to say yeah i speak english but we're all learning and the truth is so you can say like well i get by in a humble way to say like you you survive you you get by that's a good that's a great one all right so we just have a couple more before we finish i think on what we were talking about of you know having to go live in an english being country there's something very similar that people say all the time is that you know i live in a small town i can't meet any natives because you know there's no native speakers of english in my city and stuff and this is something that if you're proactive if you're better about going outside of your comfort zone you can speak english with people like just like yourself in your town who are learning english maybe people who are in your english class you can speak with people online as well like joining some sort of english learning community like we have for example our fluency circle community and there's you know thousands of people from all around the world virtually every country speaking to each other in english so just because you don't have native speakers this doesn't mean that you can't speak english it's just kind of you're creating excuses for yourself maybe because it makes it more convenient than actually having to step outside of your comfort zone part of it is like actually cultivating your global tribe right so as you travel as you meet people in different areas you meet one friend and then you you meet another friend and then you make another and then eventually you have your network of friends from around the world who you can speak with maybe you'll visit visit them someday and it's kind of the same thing you're doing the same thing with your interests right maybe there's a podcast you listen to like our podcast or another podcast or tv show and so like little by little you develop that network of experiences that you're constantly doing and again making it a part of who you are rather than where you go exactly so i think that's a perfect place to kind of springboard into the last two and actually we'll have another final two exclusively over on our instagram at reallife.english so you should totally go check those out after but all of these have to do with different obstacles that you'll encounter so the first one what is it andrea so the first one is a lack of purpose so you need to think about why you're learning english and use that as a source of inspiration because if you don't really have a purpose you're not going to have a good direction and you're not really going to be motivated or have those clear goals in mind and that's really going to stop you from progressing and making making any kind of progress and there are many different purposes that you can have there's not just one purpose i think there are really deep purposes and there are superficial purposes like there's this psychological theory called maslow's hierarchy of needs and talks about you know the different levels of human needs on a very basic level we need like we have biological needs we need to survive we need to eat we need to actually have live in abundance and then there is connection and then there's like esteem like actually feeling like you're successful and then there's like self-realization on the highest level so learning english like you can learn english to get a better job it's a great reason it's a great why but it doesn't really go deep enough because oftentimes when you make money just earning money is not enough you want to connect to people as well you want to you you want to improve your your achievement in life not just your work but in other areas that you're doing as well and then to really become the best version of yourself uh and that's self-actualization so on the highest level learning english if you think about it really deeply and you like ethan maybe you want to talk about the the five wise activity that you suggested on the a recent youtube video on the global citizen youtube video but really when you ask yourself why why are you learning on different levels it always comes back to like this this deeper sense of who you can be yeah maybe people can check out that video in our show notes or down in the description below depending where you're watching this we'll link that and that's a really good exercise that i used to do with all of my students but i think definitely uh what we were just talking about with having a global tribe having you know people from around the world that kind of support your learning i think when you actually start to have people that you're using the language with this can add immense purpose to your learning so maybe at first it's like justin said you just want to get a better job but when you're able to kind of like find those people who are on that journey that same journey to english fluency with you i think it all of a sudden kind of gives a sort of sort of camaraderie that you will feel much more inspired to get past those really difficult times and the way i like to think about it is like english like english as the global language is the master key to unlocking a better life the best version of yourself and together everybody is global citizens because ultimately to recognize that no matter what divides us what unites us is much greater as a global civilization and even as a planet even including like the ecosystems and all the life really it's like we need each other to survive and the future of humanity really depends on that so and then that really greater sense that why is is unity it's global citizenship it's something that is much greater than who you are in your individual life and this is something you can bring back to your family too it's your friends it's an awareness of consciousness that we're all sort of like awakening to in the world right now so what is our very last point of the day andrea so the last one is having a lack of responsibility so lots of people tend to think that if they pay someone to help them learn english then that person is going to take responsibility for their acquisition of the language and that's totally not true because you can do that you can pay someone you can pay for classes you can show up a couple of times a week or a few times a week to your lessons and then not do anything in between and you're still not really going to progress much you know you have to really want it you have to take responsibility for your journey and you have to put in the time and by paying someone to help you okay that's great if you can afford to do that and you have a teacher there to guide you but you then also need to do all the follow-up work and do other things in your own time that's going to help you achieve your goals part of that is like a lot of people sometimes they think that paying somebody or following a system or something that they don't need to do the thinking right so if i'm following the system then it's going to naturally take care of itself and in some sense there's truth to that but you need to really be reflective about your learning process and understand how you learn best not every system is going to succeed for you and a lot of systems are just garbage so really it's important for you to take responsibility for your own learning don't give your authority as your own the the really the owner of your own learning process to somebody else be it an exchange program or a school or a teacher or us you guys need to you need to take it into your own hands be reflective and figure out what works best for you definitely i think a lot of people get a teacher i've had a lot of students like this who they think it's just like you're paying this person they'll make you fluent but ultimately a teacher they're more showing you the way but you have to walk it yourself you have to do that hard work that's involved in everything and otherwise you know you're always just gonna kind of like fall on your face in trying to achieve that goal you know fluency and i think like another thing that you kind of reminded me of here justin is like the alchemist that a lot of people uh which is a book a very famous book by paolo cuello and a lot of people kind of have this idea you know that there's some there's some point that they're going to get to and with english learners a lot of time like i'm going to get to this point where i'm fluent and i will never be scared of speaking anymore i'll be able to speak just like a native and i'll never make mistakes but when you think like that it's kind of like you're missing all of you're missing the point first of all because you know you're going to be learning your entire life and even us as natives there's still things that we can learn there's still no words and new expressions uh and everything and we still make mistakes sometimes when we're speaking quickly and we're not really thinking about it and i think also if you're too focused maybe just on that that end point or that ideal achievement then you're going to kind of miss out on the journey it's a journey not a destination right exactly so that said uh we have two more obstacles that most english learners tend to run into that will prevent them from kind of reaching this goal of english fluency but if you want to hear about those then you're gonna have to head over to our instagram at reallife.english and i think that those will be very helpful for you as well because you want to avoid those and you want to feel successful on your journey okay so before we end today i want to challenge you we want to challenge you to do one thing to really help uh fortify all this learning you've been going through today and i would recommend this on any process any learning experience it really impacts you so take just some time take take at least five minutes but take 15 minutes if you can't to sit sit down grab a piece of paper and do a brainstorm and maybe you can go back through these you can check the show notes out to see the different points we we made and just write down on the paper why do you want to learn english and just go deeper ask yourself five times like why are you learning english and then you get one answer go deeper why are you learning english and and then from there write down notes from everything we talked about today how can you cultivate a pleasure for learning english how can you make it a part of your life how can you make it something that is much more successful than where you're at now i think doing this kind of thing journaling can be immensely helpful because it's sort of opens up and awakens that curiosity that you have within and that reflectiveness can really help you to overcome these obstacles it can help you to identify kind of where those roadblocks are so that can be an immensely helpful habit if you haven't cultivated that already and if you're watching this on youtube or even if you're listening go to the youtube video and leave it under the comments just a part of your answer of why you're learning english we would love to read it comment it and give a heart on there awesome so that said we've had a lot of fun talking about this with you we hope that it's been helpful and we'll see you next week on the real life english podcast one two three uh yeah hey again i hope you enjoyed today's lesson don't be a stranger you can find all the notes like vocabulary links and more for this lesson on our blog at reallifeglobal.com and connect with us and on instagram at reallife.english for even more fun english recommendations do you want to continue your learning and get confident fluent english then i have a couple great recommendations for you first of all check out our youtube channel learn english with tv series where you can have fun learning to understand fast speaking natives with your favorite movies series and more without getting lost without missing the jokes and without subtitles second if you like our podcast then our real life native immersion course is perfect for you it is the next best thing to studying abroad in an english-speaking country try it for free with our three-part power learning series just go to reallifeglobal.com pod to sign up finally if you are enjoying our podcast then please assist us in helping more people go beyond the classroom and live their english you can do this by sending a link to this podcast to a friend or by leaving us a five star review wherever you are listening we might even shout you out on the podcast stay healthy and safe and i look forward to seeing you next week ah yeah
Channel: RealLife English
Views: 22,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why people fail, english conversation, english conversation class, english conversation practice, english lesson, english lesson conversation practice, english lessons advanced, reasons why you fail, best way to get fluent in english, fluent english, get fluent english, how can i get fluent in english, how to get a fluent english accent, how to get fluent english speaking, how to get more fluent in english, learn english, podcast in english
Id: bjkHG_wBpIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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