Become Enterprise Administrator Expert - Microsoft 365 Certifications

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in this video I'm going to teach you how to become Microsoft 365 Enterprise administrator expert to do that I will help you answer three questions first what does it mean to have such certification which helps you decide if this is the right certification for you or not second what exams you need to pass because there are dozens of exams and it can be confusing at first and most importantly which certification path you should take to achieve this certification because keep in mind there are different certification paths and I'm going to help you find the best path that matches your skill set so let's get started before we start though I want to give you a quick overview about the new Microsoft certification program as it took me a while until I figure it out so I want to save you time and effort by telling you all about it in like five minutes if you want to take one of Microsoft certifications and you are wondering which one to take you could look at this situation from two different perspectives or views what is your role and how many years of experience you have managing Microsoft 365 services so let's start by figuring out your role are you a security engineer who wants to protect Microsoft 365 services is your job is to deploy Windows in your organization or perhaps you are responsible of the productivity and teamwork in your organization just answer this simple question and then move to the next dimension which is how many years of experience you have are you new to Microsoft 365 do you have one or two years of experience or are you an expert in Microsoft 365 and you have more than two years of experience like like five years of experience write down your answers and please try to be clear and honest with yourself as this will help you decide which path you should go through at the end of this video just to be clear when we talk about rule-based certifications we are talking about Microsoft 365 certifications not as your certifications for example now to help you decide which Microsoft 365 job roles are available in Microsoft certification program this slide lists them all there is the administrator role which is a security role I know why the name is not a security administrator so if you are managing security at Microsoft 365 this would be your role in Microsoft certification program now inside this administrative rule you can focus on getting the Microsoft security administrator associate badge and we will talk later about badge and what badges mean if you are an exchange guy then the messaging administrator role fits your persona as you can focus on getting the Microsoft 365 messaging administrator badge if you role fits the modern desktop administrator role you can focus on getting the Microsoft 365 modern desktop administrator associate badge now if your job fits the team work administrator you know SharePoint Microsoft teams onedrive in this case you can focus on getting the Microsoft 365 teamwork administrator associate badge and finally if you are a senior technical person with more than two years of experience managing and deploying Microsoft 365 and you are managing and enterprise level services then you fit the enterprise administrator role and this is why you might want to get the Microsoft 365 enterprise administrator expert badge which this video is all about also notice that we have four associate packages and one expert patch in the Microsoft 365 certification program now don't think about badges as exams or tests so there is no exam called teamwork administrate an associate or Enterprise administrator expert in fact when you pass one or more exams in a certification track Microsoft's thanks you for your time and effort passing these exams and as a reward for proving your skill set and mastering a specific role Microsoft issues a badge for you which you can then share anywhere in your social media or LinkedIn and other people would know what you went through to get this badge which again authenticates your skill set and a specific technology and a specific rule after mapping your job role to one of the top roles inside the Microsoft 365 certification rules now you need to ask yourself how many years of experience you have in at all and Microsoft 365 program gives you three level of expertise if you are new to Microsoft 365 then you can go after the fundamental certifications if you have two years of comprehensive working experience in a specific role then you can focus on getting the associate patch for that role like the teamwork administrator associate badge but if you have two to five years of deep technical experience in Microsoft 365 then you should or could focus and getting the expert level patch you can also see the number of stars in each patch so the fundamental badge has one star while the expert patch has three and by now you know your role and the years of experience which can help you decide what you want to achieve here if your job as the deploy configure secure and punish devices and client applications in an enterprise environment then you fit the certification role of modern desktop administrator next look at your experience level if you have one to two years of experience doing so then your badge level should be associate together this means you should get the Microsoft 365 modern desktop associate patch and this patch reflects both your years of experience and your job role as you can see here it tells people that you are specialized in deploying Windows and you proven to have skills that maps to one or two years of experience from the other side if your job is to deploy configure manage and monitor messaging infrastructure and mail flow in both on-premises hybrid and cloud enterprise environments then your badge role will be messaging administrator and if you have one to two years of experience then your badge level would be associate then your badge name according to both your role and use of experience as Microsoft 365 messaging administrator associate but if you have more than two years of experience and you are responsible of migrating deploying and managing Microsoft 365 in an enterprise then perhaps after taking the messaging administrator associate badge you should also try to get the Microsoft 365 Enterprise administrator patch which this video is all about self confuse about whether this enterprise administrator expert that is for you or not so if your job role is an enterprise administrator in Microsoft 365 technology and you have enough experience doing so then Microsoft 365 enterprise administrator expert patch is definitely for you to fight for so how other people look at you after you take this patch well this expert level patch tells other people that you were as a Microsoft 365 enterprise administrator is to evaluate plan migrate deploy and manage Microsoft 365 services and that you proven to have the following skill set first design and implement Microsoft 365 services you also know how to manage user identities and rules manage access and authentication plan office 365 workloads and applications implement modern device services implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management and finally manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance now that you know this expert level badge is something you want to get or not let me help you understand how can you get it and which path most likely fits your skill profile to give the Microsoft 365 Enterprise administrator expert badge you should first pass two exams the MS 100 exam which is Microsoft 365 identity and security plus MS 101 which is Microsoft 365 mobility and security in addition you should have one of these five three requisites depending on your job role the first one is to have the modern desktop administrator associate patch which is a recommended path if your role is to deploy configure secure manage and monitor devices and client applications in an enterprise environment and to get this patch you should pass two exams two exams not one of them MD 100 which is Windows 10 exam and MD 101 managing modern desktops exam after passing those two exams you get your modern desktop administrator associate badge after that don't forget that you need to pass both MS 100 and 101 exam and this qualifies you to get the Microsoft 365 Enterprise administrator expert patch or if your role is to configure deploy and manage office 365 workloads that focus on efficient and effective collaborations such as SharePoint Online and on-premises and hybrid onedrive and Microsoft teams then you can start by getting your teamwork administrator associate patch which you can get in two ways either you pass two exams both of them exam MS 300 deploying Microsoft 365 teamwork and exam ms 301 deploying SharePoint Server hybrid or you pass the MS 302 transition exam called Microsoft 365 teamwork administrator certification transition exam after getting your teamwork administrator associated badge remember that you need also to pass both the MS 100 and MS 101 to get your expert patch now if your role is to secure Microsoft 365 Enterprise and hybrid environment implement and manage security and compliance solution responding to threads and enforcing data governance then you can start by getting your security administrator associate badge which you can simply get by passing only one exam Ms 500 Microsoft 365 security administration exam if you roll though is to deploy configure manage and monitor messaging infrastructure permissions client access main protection and mail flow in both on-premises hybrid and cloud enterprise environment then you should start by getting the messaging administrator associate badge which you can get also in two ways either you pass both the MS 200 planning and configuring a messaging platform exam and the MS 201 implementing a hybrid and secure messaging platform exam or you pass the transition exempt MS 202 Microsoft 365 messaging administrator certification transition exam now here is a bonus for you if you have the MCS a Productivity solutions expert ouch then you don't need to get any of the previous four associate patches you only need to pass both the fs100 and MS 101 exams shown here in this slide to get your Microsoft 365 Enterprise administrator expert badge because having the mcse productivity solutions expert patch is like that you proven you have enough skills that you only need to pass the MS 100 and MS 101 exams to be qualified for the expert patch in summary you need one Microsoft 365 associate badge or to hold the mcse productivity solutions expert patch then you pass the MS 100 Microsoft 365 identity and services exam and the MS 101 Microsoft 365 mobility and security exam to get your Microsoft 365 enterprise administrator expert patch so one associate or being an MC SCN productivity and you need to elevate your skills by knowing identity service and mobility services and Microsoft 365 because this is what you need to be an enterprise admin that deploy and evaluate and migrate services to get your expert badge now the four associate badges are listed here and they give you all these droughts that match your specific skill set through your journey to Microsoft 365 enterprise admin expert patch the modern desktop admin associate badge requires passing two exams the teamwork administrator associate patch requires passing two exams or one transition exam the security administrator associate badge requires passing only one exam and the messaging administrator associate badge requires passing two exams or one transition example now the shortest path to get the Microsoft 365 enterprise admin expert patch if you ask me would be going after the security administrator as a shield badge as it requires passing only one exam but also it's not an easy example to pass or if you are lucky enough and you already have the mcse productivity solution expert patch then go after the MS 100 and 101 exams and take both of them to get your final expert batch now here is eyes different view to look at all these certifications from the certification level or years of experience point of view Microsoft certifications are classified to three levels depending on your years of experience we fundamental certifications the associate certifications and the expert certifications this video is helping you to get the only expert level certification and Microsoft 365 which is the Microsoft 365 Enterprise administrator expert it is like having an MCSE level certification and requires at least passing three exams or holding a previous mcse productivity solution expert certification and passing two other exams now the associate badges related to Microsoft 365 are a good starting point for you and you have four different associate badges to choose from depending on your job role you need only one of these badges to move forward towards getting your expert badge so choose yours now and finally if you are new to Microsoft 365 world then you can start by getting the fundamental badge in Microsoft 365 and there is one exam for this patch it's the MS 900 Microsoft 365 certification fundamentals exam keep in mind that this exam is not a prerequisites for any other exams which means that you don't need to take this example at all to get any associate or expert badges in Microsoft 365 now during this journey you will get badges in this order if your experiences with sharepoint and microsoft teams and assuming you don't want to go with the transition exam then you will start by taking both the MS 301 and ms 300 exams after completing both exams you will get the teamwork administrator associate patch after that you need to pass both the MS 100 and MS 101 so after passing for exams in total you get your Microsoft 365 enterprise administrator expert patch I hope this clears the picture for you when considering getting your Microsoft 365 enterprise administrator expert patch I want to wish you good luck in your journey here is some references to help you get started in your certification journey I will also make this presentation available on a slide share so feel free to check it out there and finally do you still think that this badge the Microsoft 365 certified Enterprise administrator expert is the right patch to go after and if this is the case do you know better now which certification path to take I would appreciate if you share your thoughts in the comments below and if you liked this video please hit like thanks for your time and good luck on your certification journey [Music]
Channel: Ammar Hasayen
Views: 45,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Certified, Certification, Microsoft Certified, Microsoft Certification, Microsoft365, Microsoft 365, Office365, Office 365, Microsoft 365 Certification, Office 365 Certification, Learning, Training, Learn, community, exam, certification path, Microsoft Learning Path, MCP, MCSE, MCSA, MTA, MOS, MSCD, Roll-Based Certifications, Enterprise Administrator Expert, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Technology, Information Technology
Id: 9h4yDF5EyPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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