Become a Web 3 & Blockchain Developer in 2023 | Practical Step by Step Solidity and Web3 Roadmap

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web 3.0 has the potential to change the internet as we know it forever you're still early in catching the trend and building your first blockchain application acquiring the skills to get a high paying job or creating your own web 3 projects that can make you money the future of the web isn't just coming it's here and it's growing fast so hi there and welcome to this video since the world of web 3 is entirely new i've decided to provide you with the entire road map on how we can learn it step by step starting with any new technologies can be overwhelming trust me i know this web 3 roadmap will guide you from bare beginnings to complete mastery we will cover everything from the essential building blocks of blockchain all the way to the most modern web3 technologies by the end of this video you'll know precisely what you need to do to become an outstanding blockchain developer alongside this video i've also prepared a complete web 3 roadmap and a solidity cheat sheet that covers everything you need to become a fantastic web3 developer it is linked down in description the guides cover everything in step-by-step instructions and even include blockchain project ideas that you can build deploy and put in your portfolio to get a job you can download these ultimate guides and use them as a reference on your web3 development journey whenever you're unsure what to learn next the link to these comprehensive guides is in the description and best of all it is entirely free so make sure to pause this video right now scroll down and download the guide still i'd strongly recommend watching this video until the end although the guides are excellent as quick reference points this video will provide you with everything you need to become a professional web3 developer [Music] this video is brought to you by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for anyone who wants to learn new skills as i was in the process of creating the ultimate web3 developer roadmap as you saw in the intro i needed to revisit web3 from beer beginnings that's why i browsed the courses in skillshare and stumbled upon web3 crash course by josh snow if you're a more experienced developer you'll love their more advanced courses if you sign up right now you can start learning for free with the unique free trial link in the description the first 1000 people to use the link on my description box or my code javascript mastery will get a one month free trial of skillshare web3 is a fascinating field to work in use this video as a roadmap that will lead you to become a web 3 developer before we dive into the roadmap first we need to understand what exactly web3 is and for that we need to understand the differences between web 1 web 2 and finally web 3. web 1.0 refers to the first stage of the world wide web between 1991 and 2004 we saw the first generation of the internet which was mostly a bunch of static sites the web looked something like this it was mostly just one big website including hyperlinks to different sites whenever you loaded up a site they just show some stuff and that's it we can say that it was a read only web there were zero interactions there were no things such as authentication comments and analytics it was just a one-way communication tool during this time internet users were just consumers they went to the internet to consume information then web 2.0 was born web 2.0 started forming around 2004 and it is still improving during this time the web evolved a lot the boring read-only pages were replaced by web 2's interactivity social connectivity and user generated content interactivity was the main change in the web now the users not only consume the information from the web page but can also interact and send information through the website the names like web 1 web 2 and web 3 don't necessarily correlate with specific web technologies rather they explain how the web is being used for example web 2 is all about interaction and collaboration in a social media dialogue as you know today we watch a lot of youtube videos like posts on facebook or instagram and perform google searches all of these are owned by centralized companies for example meta and google are collecting data about us so they can serve us better content which in return would make us stay longer on their websites so why do they do that well the answer is quite straightforward because they can make more money if we stay on their websites longer and that brings us to the biggest problem with web2 and that is the lack of privacy and the fact that total control is in the hands of middlemen the big corporations and to discard that whole centralized system web 3 comes into play web 3 is also known as the centralized web and it is the third and the latest phase of the internet web 3 is built on peer-to-peer networks of computers that talk to each other without middlemen all of the data in web 2 is controlled by the big tech companies such as google apple meta or microsoft in the decentralized web no single person or a company owns any data or information about any one or anything everything is completely visible and connected to the public the whole point of web3 is that data is shared rather than owned so why exactly is web3 better the centralized internet relies on servers that can go down at any time or they can be hacked whereas a decentralized internet relies on a peer-to-peer network built by a community of users their interconnected devices host the internet rather than depending on a group of centralized high-powered users in short if we really had to summarize this and dump this down we could say that web 1.0 was all about reading the content it was just about consuming web 2.0 was about reading and writing or rather about the interaction social media networks and so on but the data was owned by companies in web 3.0 we can read data we can write data but we also own the data that's the whole point now that we understand these differences let's jump straight to the roadmap unfortunately at the time of recording there aren't a lot of good resources to learn web3 and blockchain technologies and that's why i've taken the time to gather the best online videos courses and websites and put together the best web 3.0 and solidity development roadmap for you once again these comprehensive guides are linked down in the description pause this video right now scroll down and download the guide once you're done pull it side by side with this video and then you can press play the first step of our journey is that you should have web 2 skills most people make one mistake to dive straight into smart contracts without having a technical background in web development blockchain technologies are built on top of web technologies so you can't learn web3 if you don't have a solid understanding of what web 2 is so before digging deeper into web 3 better understand the fundamentals of the web in general if you're building blockchain applications you'll need to create web apps that will talk to these smart contracts so all of this is interconnected your web 2 skills like react next gs or just basic javascript will be hugely beneficial because you'll have to connect your decentralized applications to your regular web apps if you're new to web technologies in general below this video there's going to be a link to another roadmap but this time teaching you the basics of the web once you have the basics down we can move to our second step which is to learn the fundamentals of blockchain as a web3 developer you need to understand what is blockchain how it works and why do we even use it you need to understand the main point of why blockchain even exists and you need to learn the core fundamentals so a blockchain is a network of computers connected in some way and they collectively run what is called a blockchain client let me explain this in simpler terms blockchain is a chain of blocks these blocks are linked together using cryptography the chain of blocks can be considered a distributed digital ledger each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block a timestamp and transaction data blockchain technology is not only related to crypto coins to learn and master the basics of blockchain technology first we need to learn the fundamentals we need to learn the foundations of the blockchain and how the blockchain technology works we need to learn how to interact with the blockchain we also need to gain an understanding of the tools we can use on the ethereum blockchain we need to learn how to connect a web application to the blockchain how to create smart contracts and decentralized applications and finally how to deploy and test ethereum networks we're going to talk about all of these topics in this video i know this is a lot but don't worry we're going to talk about all of these topics in this video and also additional materials courses lectures and videos are going to be linked in the roadmap down below there you'll be able to find additional resources that you can practice your knowledge on now there are many different blockchains there isn't just one for example the ethereum blockchain is the recommended blockchain to start with one of the best reasons to start on the ethereum blockchain is that there is a lot of technical support for it its developer team offers great community support so if you're deciding which blockchain client to start with ethereum blockchain is the answer the third step in our journey is to learn about smart contracts a smart contract is a software stored on a blockchain based platform that automatically executes an agreement smart contracts are how you can program the blockchain to perform a specific set of instructions like you're telling the blockchain exactly what to do smart contracts enable you to exchange anything of value while also eliminating the middleman the self-executing feature of a smart contract is what makes it very important but you might think that this can also be done in web 2. it's just a self-executing piece of code why do we even need smart contracts and the answer is that the code in web 2 can easily be manipulated smart contracts are self-verifying self-executing and tamper resistant the smart contract code cannot be changed which in technical terms means that it is immutable smart contracts could be used for banking insurance copyright and many other sectors smart contracts are robust they can do everything from creating your own nfts cryptocurrencies and handling the back end of decentralized applications ibm had a great definition for smart contract so here it is smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met they are typically used to automate an agreement's execution so that all participants can be immediately sure of the outcome without any intermediary's involvement or time loss as you can see they are incredibly efficient and fair to all sides of the agreement if you want to dive deeper into learning about smart contracts i suggest learning about the basics the life cycle of the smart contract and how we can interact with smart contracts using web3.js oh and by the way i'm creating a javascript mastery pro course where i'll teach you how to build an nft marketplace application there we're going to create our own smart contracts in solidity from scratch the course is not yet out but if you're watching this video after quite some time after the release date it is possible that the course is now out so check the description maybe it's there but if it's not stay tuned it's coming really really soon the fourth step in our web 3 journey is to learn solidity because knowing how to write smart contracts is essential in every single blockchain application so which programming language can we use to write smart contracts it's solidity of course there are some other programming languages as well but don't worry because learning solidity doesn't mean that you are restricted to the ethereum blockchain only it will serve you well on other blockchains solidity is the primary programming language for writing smart contracts for the ethereum blockchain so understanding solidity is crucial solidity is also a relatively new programming language and it's a combination of a few languages the creators of solidity got inspired by javascript java c rust and many other languages therefore making solidity amazingly versatile and intuitive as you start to write code in solidity you'll notice that it is similar to javascript it's going to make sense almost as it is written in pure english so don't think that you have to learn a whole new language from scratch hopefully it's going to make sense immediately here is a small code sample of a solidity programming language as you can see in here we're defining a smart contract called hello world it has just one function which is public and simply returns a string hello contracts this is a really simple example but if you want to learn more about the syntax of solidity i'd highly recommend checking out the solidity cheat sheet down below the fifth step in our journey is compiling testing and deploying smart contracts that is an essential part because as we know once the smart contracts are deployed they are immutable so it is really important to test them out before deploying for testing there are three different testing libraries i recommend mocha chai and ganache and once you test these out you're ready to deploy them and for deployment purposes i would recommend hard hat infura or truffle once your smart contracts are deployed you are ready to move to the sixth step and that is to learn more about these centralized applications once you build and deploy your smart contracts you'll need to create a friendly user interface at the front end so that any user can use it remember earlier when i said that you should have web 2 skills before starting with blockchain development well that is it but what even is a decentralized application well in simple words dapps or decentralized applications are just applications that run on a blockchain they are decentralized they are free from the control and interference of a single authority they keep users data out of the hands of these organizations just like cryptocurrency is decentralized money dapps are decentralized applications a decentralized application can be a mobile or a web app in the current state of web 3 it's mostly a web app though the apps can cover various use cases such as social media apps where no big company is taking the user's data such as e-commerce for payments or even banking for example in a decentralized social media application a person can post an image on the blockchain and when the image is published no one can delete that image not even the owner or the creator of the social media application that's the power of decentralized web the web app is usually just like your regular web application with html css and javascript but when building a decentralized application there are two additional tasks the integration with the blockchain and the integration with the wallet so for that you can use a javascript library called web3js which is helpful and easy to use the alternative to using web3js would be to connect your smart contracts manually which is a bit more work but is also doable now that you know what the apps are we can move to the seventh step which is to learn about metamask or any other crypto wallet blockchain wallets help people exchange funds quickly transactions are incredibly secure as they are cryptographically signed a wallet is used to interact with the blockchain using a wallet is similar to sending or receiving money through paypal or any other payment gateway but you use cryptocurrency instead there are a lot of crypto wallets out there but my recommendation would be first to learn how to integrate your smart contracts with metamask wallet and then later learn about all the other ones metamask allows users to access their ethereum wallet through a browser extension or a mobile app which can be used to interact with decentralized applications now that you learned about blockchain smart contracts and wallets you are ready to learn web3js and ether.js to connect your decentralized application as we mentioned before you'll need to connect your front-end application and your blockchain smart contract the two popular choices that implement the ethereum api are web3js and ethersjs web3js is a collection of libraries that allow you to connect with a local or remote ethereum node using http websockets and all other communication protocols ether.js is a lightweight javascript library that connects your javascript front-end with smart contracts and essentially is an alternative to web3js both of these libraries are excellent choices the next step is to practice your skills by building a blockchain application after learning the theory you should get your hands dirty with the technologies we've just mentioned practice practice practice to keep learning effectively you have to challenge your capabilities take up a project well beyond your capabilities and stick to that project until you complete it by the end of just four to five such assignments you'll be more proficient than most other developers in the field once again if you're watching this video after the release it's possible that my nft marketplace application is now out that would be the best way to start your web3 journey from scratch all the way to building an amazing huge nft marketplace that implements smart contracts blockchain development from scratch all the way to deployment mark your calendar because i'll definitely keep posting about it once it's out and the last step is to build your portfolio when you're comfortable working with blockchain and decentralized applications you should consider building your portfolio because a portfolio website shows evidence and expertise of your field it can also help build trust with clients because they have direct evidence of the quality of your work a portfolio is crucial if you're looking for a blockchain related job so once again in the guide below you'll have a lot of different portfolio blockchain project ideas that you can start implementing right away with that said this was just a short introduction to everything that web 3.0 has to offer of course i couldn't cover everything in this video but as i've mentioned i've tried to include as many resources as possible in the guides below there you'll be able to find many other courses lectures and videos about web3 with that said thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and have a wonderful day [Music] [Music]
Channel: JavaScript Mastery
Views: 246,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: javascript, javascript mastery, js mastery, master javascript, ethereum development, blockchain technology, how to become a blockchain developer, become a blockchain developer, become a blockchain developer from scratch, become a blockchain developer 2022, solidity tutorial, solidity tutorial for beginners, solidity for beginners, web 3.0, web 3.0 explained, web 3 course, web 3 development, web 3 development roadmap, web 3 development course, blockchain programming, web3
Id: aVQJGr2J8io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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