Become A Back End JUNIOR DEVELOPER QUICK! | A Step By Step Guide

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone cam Tech here in today's video I wanted to tell you all what you need in order to become a junior developer today um this video is going to give you a quick rundown and tell you everything you need in order to do this but first if you're new to my Channel please remember to like and subscribe share this with a friend or family member that you know is interested in development um it'll really help push my videos out to a wider audience and I would greatly appreciate it thank you guys want to do backend focus on just what I'm telling you right now for back end and if you want to do full stack which is what I do focus on what I said in the previous and what I'm about to say now we're moving to the back end back end you can use several different program you you have a lot of programming languages to choose from and a lot of different Frameworks to choose from um you can do this you can learn since you already know JavaScript if you did the front end or if you're starting from scratch JavaScript is a safe bet node has been around forever so learn JavaScript and then learn the node platform which is what you can write JavaScript within right um then you could use others you could use Python Django you could use you can use Ruby and rails you can use PHP and larabel um don't get overwhelmed this is a huge tip don't get overwhelmed which one to choose I would say this whatever area you live in Google around like indeed whatever and say backend Developer jobs or full stack jobs or you can say software engineer jobs look at what's popping up in your area the most my area there's a lot of and node jobs around here um different areas have different I guess pref references for what the stacks are um but most areas um you can work remote these days so it doesn't really matter a whole lot but look around your area see what what's popping up the most and if it's something that interests you go for that all right so I would recommend honestly I would recommend probably as a good first to jump into JavaScript and node just because it's so so so popular and it hasn't really changed a whole lot I've been using it for 7 years now now and it hasn't changed a whole lot so I think it's it's pretty stable and uh if you don't like it after a while you can jump into something else but at least build a couple projects with this so that way um you have something to show for it right so JavaScript node or other programming language these Concepts all trans translate over learn some type of request Library I think you can use something like axios um with node uh that this this will allow you to accept requests from the front end accept payloads from the front end do something with it I mean you can't really have much of a back end if you don't learn this um learn about databases so you want to learn about uh either MySQL or postgress or mongodb which is no SQL which means not only SQL so you can use SQL and and use the other way of going about it right but safely I would say learn SQL learn learn some SQL learn how to um grab something from a database table learn how to update a field in a database table learn how to read uh a field from a database table um and there's a certain Paradigm in most programming languages called MVC stands for model view controller and uh the model is what will model the data so say you have a say you have a car right you can have a model named car and then inside of the car model you can have color and then you can put what the colors you could have make you could put what the make is you could have um model inside of the model get it model and then have like cam right um and different things like that different properties on that model so it literally models what the data will be and that will map to the car's tail the car's table have several Fields make model color Etc so you can grab it from the table you have the program uh programming language modeled so it's like you know uh car. make car. model car. color and then that'll print out the different um values for the properties um Etc so don't don't get overwhelmed take it slow you don't have to be a genius to get this stuff trust I'm not a genius you don't have to be a genius to get this stuff okay um just take your time with it and make sure that you understand what's going on those are that's what's absolutely fundamental and huge with this right take your time learn it thoroughly and try and understand what's going on give you a different angle here give you a different angle so you got your sequel you got your database you got your backend language you got your backend framework I mean that's what you need to be a back in Dev learn learn those things there's other things that you can learn too you can get deeper with it I mean the sky is the limit with this stuff but as far as getting a job those are those are some of that's basically the Core Concepts that you need to learn right um uh oh I didn't even talk about so I said model view controller so the controller is let me let me explain the whole flow of the program real quick so model view controller right so say you're on the front end you submit that input um for ordering pizza that data so it's like first name last name address Etc goes somewhere well where it goes is the server right it'll hit the server so imagine the data is flying right in flying right in there right so it flies right right in and where is it flying into it's flying into the controller right it's flying well it's actually it's flying into the route right so you can say slash submit pizza right boom hits that pizza route right and this is a route it's just a little area where it'll be like slash get pizza right inside of this route you will have you're able to hook into the controller right and the controller is essentially an area where you can manipulate the data you can validate the data say hey did the user fill out this correctly blah blah blah um you can say hey let me take their first name and their last name let me put it to together as a as just name let me um do this thing and do that thing right and then let me let me also hook into the model which is what models the data to the database let me hook into that model within the controller too so let me validate let me hook into the model everything looks good here let me go ahead and call this model and insert the data into the database bam so that is a controller and the model is what I said earlier the view is the UI that is where the user is submitting the form right boom so now you know the difference between model view controller took me a while to grasp that concept and honestly I don't expect you to grasp the concept from what I just said um I can see this being highly confusing if you don't understand or haven't touched much code before um but I just want to give you a rough overview of that so you kind of have some familiarity with it so that way it's not completely foreign to you all right so you know your backend stuff right if you want to be just a back in Dev I would also say it's it's it's good to have something visual though during interview process so if you're just a backend de I don't know how you would go with about displaying what you know just as a back in De to an employer um outside of actually building something that they can see right so if you're going to be a back in Dev I would say just for my own opinion maybe build something simple on the front end so that way you could um so that way you can like show them what your back end is doing so maybe build like a simple page just a really really barebone simple page um so that way you could show them like what happens when you submit the form and what you do with that or actually you can do this better yet I don't if it's better but you could do this if you don't want to touch the front end have all of your backend set up so you have your routes you have your models you have your database stuff and you can use something called Postman and there's Alternatives too there's other things you can use too um you can use Swagger I think too another one but Postman you can hit different API end points right which are basically your URLs the routes that you've created um you could do like SL pizza right and you could actually put in some data some little fields and press the button and then show what it's doing you could show that it got a good response you could show open up your database and show that it was inserted correctly you can do things like that so I think that'll be a good alternative if you're just trying to stay the back end way now if you're doing full stack do what I said during this entire video basically but do it um in a way where you don't go super in depth with with all the stuff unless you have time time unless you say I have plenty of time before I get my first job and I want to get deep with this I want to become really good at this then go ahead take your time whatever interests you whatever these topics interest you the most focus more on right otherwise at least know some of these that we can put all the pieces together and connect the puzzle right um go to meetups uh join some slack groups join some discords talk to people in your area um form some connections um and try and put your am out there and uh this will be huge right um also try and build something for for freelance try and try and build something for a friend or family member that might be useful um so that we have something to show to during the interview process and you could say hey I actually built this thing for someone they love saying that and then you could also add it to your resume that you did freelance work right cuz if you don't do freelance work then you can't really put that you did freelance work right so that's that's part of it you can learn simultaneously while you're uh while you're doing freelance work and then it'll help not only it will help you advance your learning it'll help you maybe make a little bit of money you don't have to charge much when you're first starting off it'll help you add resume experience which will help you get your foot in the door so it'll help multiple things doing this don't need to be an expert at any one of these things you just need basic knowledge you just need to be able to do some of it have some sort of proficiency enough to get into the door as a junior developer right I know I know you guys can do it for sure I believe in you guys I know you can do it so do it um if you have any sort of interest in this please don't give up and keep trying for me and for yourself and for your family please try don't give up because that would that would pain me if if you're really interested in this and you give up um it's not that long of a road to get your first Dev job I you can you can get in you can do it um if this video was helpful to you please share it with a friend family member or anyone you know that's interested in development give it a like give it a subscribe um it'll help push this video out to a wider audience it'll be super helpful to me it'll be helpful to others too um more importantly um it'll be helpful to others and that's part of me trying to give back to the community is making these videos uh I haven't made a single penny from any of my YouTube videos so that's it um Catabus Tech here I will be posting more videos very soon and I hope to see you guys soon leave any comments that you have down below be really helpful and see you guys next time
Channel: Cadams Tech
Views: 5,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web development, Web Development, web developer, Web Developer, dev, how to become a developer, web developer course, web developer interview, software engineer, software developer, Software Developer, web developer tutorial, developer tutorial, web development for beginners, web developer beginner, cadams tech, become a web developer in 6 months, how to become a web developer, how to become a web developer in 6 months, learn, code, frontend, backend, hired, job, razer, software
Id: m_W13oEcQl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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