Becky Lynch on 'shame' she felt leaving wrestling, depression, her journey to 'The Man'

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to be honest with you it was more it was more that i kind of went into this state of depression and and um got lost and i didn't know what i wanted to do [Music] and becky what were your early experiences like because obviously back then there wasn't really a great women's scene in wwe but you i felt like you were forging a good career for yourself you were traveling you were working in california canada with shimmer out of illinois you travel to tokyo france so i feel like you're making a good living at that point or like what are your memories from the early days so i wasn't making a good living but i was surviving uh you know like i remember i remember uh going to canada and getting paid thirty dollars and i was like what is this this is free money because normally i'd i'd pay to do it you know i would paid come over to england and train over here and do tours and and just do whatever i could to get as much experience as possible and i remember moving over to canada when i was 18 and and i'd gotten two roommates online and at the time that was so dodgy it's so crazy now we just jump into cars with strangers and all this kind of stuff but back then it seemed mad dodgy um but i was fine i was safe i survived here i am and uh i i had i met a guy called scotty mack who did um a show in ireland a few years ago he knows scotty maxx that's scottie mcmahon scotty mike's a legend look him up scotty mac let his gentleman and uh and he was telling me about how amazing the canadian scene is in vancouver and i was like oh i have a cousin over there that i've never met so i'll be safe as houses and these two lads that i've met on the internet so so i show up and uh i actually side note i i i taught kyle o'reilly's first wrestling class so that's a little that's a little bit i mean i bloody love a side note that was a brilliant side note great fact i had no idea thanks milan um and welcome emily and so then anyway i ended up um i ended up in this canadian promotion eccw and they didn't have a lot of women and it was me and miss chiff what's her name miss chip sorry miss chiff c-h-i-v it's chef ladies and gentlemen oh mischief is awesome of course i remember mischief she was great really i believe so oh wait i think we're thinking about no mischievous sorry oh miss chevious oh okay yeah these are two different people all right yeah yeah mischief was awesome mischief's serious not awesome you remember mischievous no i don't know oh okay we're really getting an insight into their home life aren't we i love this but anyway so it was me and miss chevious and uh and and and we had matches and they were actually poor mischievous she wasn't the best but uh we made it through we had we had decent matches and so eventually i made it up to 50 and uh but i still couldn't afford to to live in my nice apartment with the two lads from the internet so you know i'd have to sleep on friends floors and whatever but then i got um they they liked the matches so much that they decided to make an all girls promotion called super girls which is where i met like nadi knightheart and and then we ended up going to japan doing a tour of japan i ended up main event in quirk and hall at only 18 years old and tagging alongside asia kong and gran hamada and legends like that um yeah and and then from there i would just kind of hop back and forth around america and around canada and japan and whatever and then my visa expired in canada so i had to go back to ireland and then i was living with my ma god does anybody have an irish ma'am oh you know what irish mommies are like god bless us and uh so she was always asking she was like what's your plan what's your plan what's your plan and i was like well i'm going to go back to college eventually i wasn't and because i couldn't point to wwe and say i want to end up there because the girls were having brown panties matches and my ma is an irish mommy you know like we're very catholic we don't we we're just come always in body suits constantly um and so uh so so i i she i didn't have any answers for her and she kept at me and then one time i come back i get hurt in germany and i come back and my eyes and bits hanging out of the socket and i'm wearing sunglasses and a hat and she's like what are you doing with those sunglasses on i'm inside and i'm like well you know mom wrestlers and rock stars were allowed to get away with it so take them off and take them off and my freaking eyes hanging out and she's like what are you doing what's your plan you need to give this up and at that time i decided that i'd do a personal training diploma in um in orlando so i was going over there and and by the time that i got on that flight i was like oh maybe my mom's right maybe i shouldn't do this maybe there is no future so i call her from the pavement i'm like mom i'm sorry i want to come home she's like no you're not coming home you're giving up everything you're not sticking with anything you're going to go through this and do this so anyway so then i end up in orlando giving up wrestling and not having a plan so that backfired on her and i i think you mentioned it you touched upon it there am i right and thinking you had quite a bad head injury in 2006 yes i think were you forced into quitting so that was it like i'd gotten a concussion got in my head and messed up but to be honest with you it was more it was more that i kind of went into this state of depression and and um got lost and i didn't know what i wanted to do i didn't know and it was one of those things where i couldn't face it i couldn't say guys i i i don't i don't know i don't know if i can do this i don't know if i'm up to it and and i need to step away so i was just like ah world don't look me you know and just disappeared into the darkness and and that just haunted me with guilt for years even when i got signed with wwe even when i made it up to the main roster i still felt that guilt and that shame of of leaving this thing that i'd loved so much that given me so much that given me this identity um and that i just abandoned it uh yeah it just felt filled me with shame for years i'm sad that you felt ashamed oh well you know you kind of iron these things out and you you realize that if i didn't do that if i didn't give up at the time that i did then i wouldn't have come to nxt at the time that i did i wouldn't have had all those journeys i wouldn't have gone and and done acting and done stunt work and stuff other stuff that probably got me signed more than wrestling would have got me signed or if i did get signed when i was 19 years old i was such a loud-mouthed idiot i would have gotten fired in a week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gorilla Position
Views: 136,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WWE, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Gorilla Position, Wrestling, Interview, WWE RAW, SmackDown, WWE NXT, Depression, WrestleMania, Triple H, WWEGP
Id: 2Izpgy4lURc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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