Beautiful Jesus. Beautiful Love | The Power to Change Today | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the power to change today and i'm really thankful for you and me being able to connect in this way and today i want to share with you what i consider the most precious teaching that god has ever revealed to me and it he revealed it to me during covet it's all about the beauty of jesus let me read to you part of what song of solomon says in chapter 5 verse 10 in the passion translation it says he alone is my beloved he's altogether lovely one translation says he shines in dazzling splendor yet is still so approachable wow without equal as he stands above all others outstanding among ten thousand and this scripture goes on to say so much more i want to share some of it during this teaching but there is no love like jesus there's nothing more beautiful in this world than jesus and i want you to experience his beauty and i want you to experience his love and i'm believing that it's going to ignite and stir up a revival in your soul and a greater happiness and a joy than you've ever experienced before so enjoy this special word that i have for you and i'll be back after to pray with you check this out [Music] matthew chapter 13 verse 45 and 46 and this is the story jesus told about the kingdom of god kingdom of heaven being like a merchant right who's seeking beautiful pearls not average pearls not just pearls because they're pearls but beautiful pearls this is how god sees you he doesn't see you as the way you see yourself you might see yourself broken you might see yourself i'm such a work in progress as we all are and we all have a humble attitude about that but the way god sees us is this he sees us as beautiful pearls this is not a parable about us finding god it's a parable about god finding us it's not a parable about us trading in everything we have for jesus what we have would never be a fair trade it would never be enough to trade you would we would never be able to trade enough to get jesus in return there's not enough money in this world there's not enough time there's not enough any there's not enough of anything to be able to deserve the the greatest riches of all which is knowing jesus amen so this is really a parable about jesus or the father sending jesus the father and the son conspiring together with the holy spirit to find you once he saw this priceless pearl the pearl of great price is actually translated as a priceless pearl he went and sold all that he had and bought it that's how much he values you that's how much you matter to god that's how great your worth is that's why i want to continue to teach you and inspire you and and create an atmosphere in our church family that we're not here to con condone people's lifestyles we're not here to condemn people's lifestyles we're here to cultivate people's worth because when you when you understand your worth when your worth is cultivated when you realize and you dig around and understand what's really inside of you that god put such treasure inside of you we have this treasure in earth and vessels the bible says that he put such treasure in you when you cultivate that treasure it affects everything in your life your worth and your value is so much greater and so much higher than what you think so much higher than what anybody else thinks about you but what god's the way god sees you is you're the beautiful you're the priceless beautiful pearl and it's worth everything to him you are worth everything to him you are everything to him god spoke to me earlier in this pandemic tell my people they're everything to me you're everything to him god doesn't have some bigger purpose than you you are his purpose you're his family you're you're his son or daughter we're a part of his family there's no greater purpose the purpose was family from the beginning of time the purpose was family from the beginning of time there was the father son and holy spirit from before time began there was the father son and holy spirit there was the trinity there was that was family that was god god was family from the beginning of time family has always been on god's mind throughout the bible look at everything's about family in the bible everything god creates the first family adam and eve and then they have children even after they fall god still is the god of family and everywhere we see abraham's family and noah's family we see david's family and we see the family of god in the new testament we see the first family the first family of born again people was actually mary and john at the feet of jesus as his blood dripped over their souls he said woman behold your son john behold your mother he started a new family the church and we're a part of that family we're part of the church we're his family this is the goal that god you would see your your everything to him he's been seeking these no's he sees you as beautiful he's been seeking you and he trades everything he sells everything he has he sells the farm he gives his son he doesn't give his nephew his cousin his neighbor he gives his son he sells everything because he values you that much oh if we could understand that we're the beautiful pearl if we could understand our worth and our value if we could understand how how vitally important that we are to god that god that i heard somebody say you know god doesn't need anybody i heard somebody say recently god doesn't need anybody and it's true he's not needy he's not needy in the sense that he needs anybody to survive but he needs you to complete his family he needs you to complete his family he wants you it's better than needing he wants you he now and he goes beyond just wanting you he he desires you he goes beyond desiring you and he chases after you and he goes beyond chasing and he finds you and he goes beyond finding and he loves you and he goes beyond loving and he washes you and he goes beyond washing and he makes you a king and a priest in him why am i talking about this again because the beautiful pearl that you are you need to realize you're a part of something bigger than yourself we're all a part of this beautiful gate this beautiful temple called the church the family of god and we're called to introduce people to our beautiful savior our beautiful love you see the reason why you're a beautiful pearl is because you're made in god's image the reason we're a beautiful gate is because we're the body of christ and so where true beauty comes from where all that beauty originates from is our beautiful savior you see so often the jesus that people hear about is not the jesus of the bible it's not the jesus of heaven it's the jesus that man made it's the jesus that fits into people's theology and people's mixed-up distorted view of an old covenant god in a new covenant age and even even the old covenant god was the same god it's just that he related to people based on a old covenant based on what man had to do which was woefully deficient because of adam's sin nobody could keep all the commands that were laid out because god wanted everybody to know you there's no way to be saved by your perfection there's no way to be saved by your obedience there's only one way to be saved by christ's obedience the beautiful savior the beautiful love that this this we get to call him our big brother our savior our lord our king he's beauty jesus is beauty god is beauty beauty in this world is unmistakable beautiful people beautiful landscape beaut everybody's beautiful by the way beautiful people you me all of us everybody but my point is people are beautiful the landscape is beautiful the earth is beautiful the galaxy is beautiful the stars think about it everything you see is unmistakably beautiful everything god made is unmistakably beautiful how is that even possible you think it's random you think it's coincidence that everything god made is beautiful are you kidding everything god made is beautiful because god is beauty there's nothing more beautiful there's nothing more perfect there's nothing more there's nothing greater to look at all of the preaching that goes on in the universe all the preaching that goes on in the earth should be pointing to the one the most beautiful morning star the lily of the valleys the prince of peace the king of kings the lord of lords if we miss this we've missed it all folks we're not asking people to come to a savior that is a sorrowful savior we're not asking people to come to a savior that's impotent without power incapable we're not coming we're not asking people to come to a savior that is hard to live with hard to be with hard to serve hard to walk with he's everything that you've wanted he's everything you've ever dreamed of he's everything you could ever imagine and so much more he's beyond comprehension he is all together lovely it says song of solomon chapter 5 verse 16. it's the description of jesus he is all together lovely there's nothing about him that's unlovely verse look at verse 10 he alone is my beloved he shines in dazzling splendor yet is still so approachable without equal as he stands above all others outstanding among ten thousand he's altogether lovely this jesus is beyond comprehension the the vandalism of jesus needs to end people have vandalized what jesus looks like they've painted on the art the most beautiful work of art is jesus he's the artist but he showed up and manifested think about what jesus did when he came to this earth he never took from anybody he gave he never condemned anybody he forgave he never killed anybody he raised them up from the dead the way he leads me is divine his leadership so pure and dignified as he wears his crown of gold upon this crown are letters of black written on a background of glory he sees everything with pure understanding how beautiful his insights without distortion his eyes rest upon the fullness of the river of revelation flowing so clean and pure looking at his gentle face i see such fullness of emotion like a lovely garden when fragrant spr spices grow what a man no one speaks words so anointed as this one words that both pierce and heal words like lilies dripping with myrrh see how his hands hold unlimited power but he never uses it in anger for he is always holy displaying his glory his innermost place is a work of art so beautiful and bright how magnificent and noble is this one covered in majesty he's steadfast in all he does this is your savior this is your savior this is what you're a chip off the old block of you're a beautiful pearl because he's so beautiful his ways are the ways of righteousness based on truth and holiness none can rival him but all will be amazed by him most sweet are his kisses even his whispers of love he is delightful in every way and perfect from every viewpoint who wouldn't want this beautiful love in your life you know well i'll just finish this verse he says he is delighted in every way and perfect in every viewpoint if you ask me why i love him so i would say because there's none like him everything about him fills me with holy desire and now he is my beloved my friend forever you know the jesus that people get political about is not the beautiful love we're talking about the jesus that people threaten others with you better get right with god before he comes back he's going to wipe you off the face of this earth there's no judgment in him what makes him so beautiful i'll close with these thoughts what makes him so beautiful is that no matter how it's going in your life he refuses to let it end badly he refuses to let it end for you badly you know in john chapter 11 when lazarus was sick and jesus said to martha and mary in john 11 verse 4. he said this sickness will not end in death do you know that he said that like lazarus lazarus was dying and jesus said this sickness will not end in death and yet it did but it didn't end there right it's it seems ironic he said this sickness will not end in death and then lazarus dies but that's the whole beauty of jesus is that it doesn't matter how it's going what matters is how it ends it doesn't matter how it's going what matters is how it ends what is so beautiful about jesus that i want you to take away with you today is that he never lets anything end in death he never lets anything end in defeat as we sang about today john chapter 12 verse 20 there were some greeks among those who went up to worship and they came to philip in verse 21 who was from bethsaida in galilee and they said sir we want to see jesus boy this is the cry of the world they want to see jesus they don't want to hear about the jesus that religion paints this picture of the judgmental the austere the unapproachable no they want to see the real jesus the beautiful jesus the one who the beauty of jesus means it doesn't matter how it's going what matters is how it ends the beauty of jesus means that you're going to end up no matter how many demons have been attacking your life like the man in luke chapter 8 you're going to end up like him in luke chapter 8 verse 35 where it says he was sitting at the feet of jesus clothed and in his right mind what makes jesus so beautiful is that you end up clothed and in your right mind you might have started out demon-possessed you might have started out with a legion this guy had thousands of demons inside of him how bad is how bad are things for you not that by not that bad you might think they're bad in your life but that guy had thousands of demons living inside of him they weren't even just knocking on the door they were they were on the inside when you knocked that's what you get a devil and this guy ends up clothed and in his right mind because that's what the beauty of jesus means the beauty of jesus the beautiful jesus means it doesn't matter how it's going what matters is how it ends it's always going to end better the beauty of jesus means you'll always end up clothed and in your right mind no matter how you start the beauty of jesus means he's going to make everything right no matter how wrong it is right now i love what he says in isaiah 42 verse 3. a bruised reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not extinguish he will faithfully bring forth justice i love what he says in isaiah 42 verse 3 in the message bible he won't brush aside the bruised and the hurt he won't disregard the small and insignificant but he'll steadily and firmly set things right he won't tire out or quit he won't be stopped until he's finished his work to set things right on earth that's your beautiful savior jesus and finally i'll close with this thought in john chapter 5 verse 45 jesus says something very powerful he says do not think that i shall accuse you john chapter 5 verse 45 do not think that i shall accuse you to the father wow so jesus isn't going to accuse you before the father the one who accuses you is moses in whom you've set your hope he was talking to these jewish religious people and he was saying i'm not even going to accuse you though i didn't come to accuse he said the father doesn't judge anyone back earlier in this chapter i think it's in verse 25 or 26 he said the father himself verse 22 the father judges no one john 5 22 the father judges no one instead he is given absolute authority to to the son all judgment he's given to the son and what does the son do with his judgment he says i'm not accusing you in verse 45 there i i'm not going to accuse you the father doesn't judge anyone you see we got so much such a mistaken view of of our heavenly father he doesn't he's not going to judge anyone he's given all the judgment to jesus and jesus said i'm not going to accuse you of the father so the father's not going to judge you and the son isn't going to judge you so what judges you all that's left to judge you is moses's commandments and that's because you haven't accepted jesus but the moment you accept jesus christ as he says back in verse 21 or 24 of this chapter he said look i tell you the truth whoever listens to my message and believes in god in the god who sent me has eternal life they will never be condemned verse 24. they will never be condemned they will never come into judgment why because they did everything right no because they believe in him who was sent and they believed in him who did the sending [Music] well i am praying and believing that the beauty of jesus and the beauty of his love will be forever seared in your soul and the beauty of jesus means you'll always end up clothed and in your right mind no matter how you start beauty of jesus means he's going to make everything right no matter how wrong it's been he is the most beautiful thing in the universe our beautiful savior he offers you the most beautiful love in fact maybe you've never received this beautiful love of jesus pray with me right now just pray this out loud heavenly father just pray that out loud you want to be born again you want to know this beauty you want to know the savior say heavenly father i believe jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead the blood of jesus say that out loud the blood of jesus cleanses me from all my sin from this moment forward i'm a child of god say that from this moment forward i'm a child of god wow that's all it takes to receive jesus and be born again the christian life is not as hard as a lot of people make it it's all about his love and what he's done for us so congratulations and please contact me i got a special gift for you if you prayed that for the first time to receive jesus as your savior and lord and before i finish today i want to invite everybody to be a part of something really special i'm on a mission to see 30 million souls saved and lives transformed but i can't do without you so i need your help today and the need is really pretty urgent because we have an open door to reach 30 000 more people in haiti in india the middle east it's going to take us 50 000 at least to send several thousand of these solar powered audio bibles to precious people who can't read and i'm believing god for many of you right now to recognize the urgency of this need i want to ask you to stand with me one can put a thousand to flight two can put ten thousand of flight if you could make a gift of 250 or more if that's in your heart or the holy spirit put something else on your heart please respond and do it as soon as you can pick up the phone call the number on your screen and i want to believe god with you because when you support this great cause i'm going to get some other great material into your hands a book called changed by love along with this digital jump drive of so many great teachings that my announcer will tell you more about and in fact i'll be right back to pray for you check this out right now we are working to send several thousand solar-powered audio bibles to the people of haiti india and throughout the middle east in their native languages creole hindi and arabic but we can't do it without your help with your gift of 25 or more we will send you pastor dickhouse brand new teaching series beautiful jesus beautiful love which includes today's teaching in its entirety ask for offer beautiful one with your gift of 50 or more to help provide solar powered audio bibles to reach 75 people we will also include gregory dickow's popular teaching collection the beauty of jesus ask for offer beautiful too with an extraordinary gift of 250 or more to help provide solar powered audio bibles to 375 people we want to send you your very own solar-powered audio bible as a reminder of your support of helping us reach 30 million people over the next five years plus if you call today for offer beautiful three gregory dekalb will include a copy of two of his best-selling books more than amazing grace plus changed by love and if you call right now we will include everything you see here plus a digital jump drive card of all these teachings and more please don't wait gregory dickow needs to hear from you today live operators are standing by to take your call or you can go online right now to well i want to ask that you listen to the holy spirit to inspire you to do something in the next few moments that will matter for eternity remember our christianity is best expressed when we share with others but especially when we share with others who have been persecuted the helpless the forgotten the minimized as you know jesus said whatever we do for the least of these we we're doing it unto him so that's why i need your urgent help today your gift makes it possible to get these audio bibles solar powered audio bibles into the hands of precious precious people that have been forgotten and we're not going to forget them and by getting this into their hands they can hear the whole bible they can hear the plan of salvation some of our greatest teachings and it'll change their lives forever now let me pray for you father thank you that each person connected to me right now is receiving your wisdom your favor your affirmation and approval that they sense your love that they sense your goodness they sense your grace towards them and they feel your power to power them through whatever they're facing in jesus name amen well listen thank god for this connection don't forget to connect with me online i'm there and do my very best to respond to you and i love you guys i can't wait to see you in our next broadcast see you then [Music] you
Channel: Gregory Dickow
Views: 281
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gregory Dickow, Pastor Dickow, Gregory Dickow Ministries, Fast From Wrong Thinking, Power to change today, Life changers church, gregory dickow sermons, pastor gregory dickow, FFWT
Id: HAZ0Hm1k9Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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