압도적인 비쥬얼! 블링블링 산딸기 무스 링 케이크 / Beautiful! Giant Ring Raspberry Mousse Cake

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(Inside the cake) The process of making mousse Egg yolk + sugar Milk + sugar Dissolve the gelatin Fresh cream + Orange liquor Inside Mousse (Anglaise) Frame frozen (Inside the cake) The process of making raspberry jelly Raspberry puree Frozen raspberries Edible polish water Sugar + pectin Lemon juice (Inside the cake) Genoise The process of making Genoise syrup Raspberry puree + water + sugar frozen (Outside the cake) The process of making the outer mousse Raspberry puree + sugar gelatin Egg whites syrup Fresh cream + orange liquor (Outside the cake) Mousse frame Combining two types of mousse (inside and outside) frozen Glaze (Bottom) The process of making cookies butter Sugar + salt egg Flour + Almond Flour Bake in the oven Ganache Strawberry Sugar powder Edible polish Strawberry Dice
Channel: 푸드킹덤 Food Kingdom
Views: 9,301,230
Rating: 4.8220463 out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, 서울맛집, 케익, 케이크, 케잌, 무스케익, 무스케이크, Mousse Cake, Cake, Food factory, Raspberry Cake
Id: o4W8gOiu4AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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