Beautiful Builds & Festivals 🎈 | The Sims 4 Save File Overview

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hi guys welcome back to the channel and welcome back to another safe file review this is the second one on the channel go check out the earlier one because it's a really good one but this one is another of my favorite save files which is the floralia Save which I have previously used but I used another earlier version and this is a new version this is a 7.0 version and the save has a lot of really beautiful lots that I really enjoy exploring and I want to explore with you guys here a little bit more because I haven't explored all of it and there are new families the families that come with the game are different and so I just want to start by giving an overview of the safe file and then we can kind of dig a little deeper into the Lots there are some lots that I've seen exist but that I haven't checked out in the game that I want to get into with you guys but we'll start with the overview first so starting with Willow Greek which is of course the first world uh we have a ton of stuff here so for the Lots we have a cathedral here which I haven't actually checked and I want to check with you guys it looks so beautiful then we have a lounge we have a gym and a library so all of the essentials I like that we have a vacation rental over here which is really cool I really like having more options to go on vacation with my Sims and so I really enjoy when safe files do that I feel like safe files have started doing that recently then we have a restaurant which is also always really nice for dates and then the rest is all residential lots so we have of course the Spencer Kim L family over here they are all different as you can see than the Wongs which I don't think they are a pre-made towy family so yes this says Sims created by so valon I'm sorry if I butcher that name and it says Chang and may are two very ambitious Sims they live for their work and help their daughter Lei will be just as successful as they are when she grows up Lei on the other hand loves to do arts and crafts and might be destined to become an artist later on let's see what happens oh I actually really like this plot line I should play with them I don't do that and I feel like you know playing with townies that are already come in the game I don't do that enough and I feel like I should because sometimes they have really fun story lines okay so here we have the homberg and it says rodri and Clarissa have both made it big rodri runs his business as a pro while Clarissa is shining on screen meanwhile the two teenage daughters couldn't be more different from each other in personality and dreams making arguments irregular in this household as the cherry on top Dimitri oversees everything from the attic while plotting his mischievous plans this Sim's chaotic and fun and I really like these Sims by the way I really like how they look and especially if you just add your skin details they look really really good I've been playing with the save in my um current household and one of my current households and they look really good these Sims so you have the gods over here as usual this is what they look like then we have the Merill family and it says Jamie and her wife Ayana just moved to Willow Creek after Jamie started her military career Ayana always wanted to be a mom with the adoption of little camaron complete they are happier than ever that's really sweet and by the way this safe file uses all of the expansion PS in maybe I actually don't have busted dust and it requires it as well but I just figured one doesn't really matter that much but yes I think this uses most expension pack so be aware for that obviously you can still use it but there are going to be missing features here this is the flex family as usual as well then the BFF family this is what they look like then the pancakes this is what they look like here then we have the connley it says the Conley are known for their lavish backyard parties their success is almost guaranteed with the very tasty barbecue food made by amazing coca and social like Michaela to entertain the guests will their large set of Offspring continue this family tradition next we have the Prescot and it says the Scots decided to move and settle in Willow Creek after the arrival of their first son Cameron now fully adjusted to the Suburban life and their family complete with the newest addition will the quiet life be enough for the ambitious Edison and creative VA or is the Buel of the city still at the Horizon okay so this is what Oasis Springs looks like and I don't think I've been here because I don't use Oasis Springs a lot but this looks so good I'm immediately looking at the land grabs their house looks am amazing and this is what they look like and then we have the Reese family which they look very rich as well and it says as a young and successful couple neighbors seem to be looking down on Alexander and Wendy they found their dream home to raise their growing family but will they eventually be accepted into the neighborhood so there's some conflict here then we have a trailer park for the roomies family which it comes with the game they come with the game this is what they look like here then we have the Cente is of course which look like this here and there is so much here truly we have the park of course we have a pool we have a restaurant we have a bar which actually looks really good and it seems to be a teen spot which I really like I always like teen spots in the game we don't have them enough I feel like then we have a lounge which is a movie theater and I'm going to show it to you because I really like it there's the spa there's another restaurant and there's a community space as well then of course we have space for a little house over here which doesn't have anyone there's this residential lot that is free as well and then we have other uh families of course we are missing Johnny he looks like this here but he seems to be doing better in this safe file actually he has a tiny home not a trailer park I'm pretty sure he lives in a trailer park usually in the game okay this is one of the new families it's the Hood family and it says Tell and London are both environment enthusiasts so when they found out a self-sufficient micro home Community was built in Oasis Springs they packed up and left their old home behind now living their Green Home dream they can truly settle down we have the parrot family which says Amir and Marco decided together that it would be better to have one of them stay at home once having kids with Amir having the best F job Marco was the lucky one to become a stay-at-home dad him having a strong bond with both of the kids leaves a mirror with waves of jealousy at times will this Arrangement hold or are changes coming so that's a really interesting family Dynamic then we have the blanco family which says after a few years of trying to conceive Vincent and Alicia decided to go for adoption and when they met little Branson it was love at first sight now a few years later a miracle happened with the arrival of the twin girls Nia and lla say hello to hectic life hectic indeed I don't really I'm not a fan of twins in the game they are very chaotic but it's kind of cute this is a Scott family it says Elma and Harry Scott were high school sweethearts since they were teenagers after the twins arrived love has been busy will their Love Remain the Denver's family and then lastly the comrades family so moving on this is what new Crest looks like it's completely different of course there's a little park over here which looks really good and I am probably going to show it to you I I don't think I've ever seen it before there's a cafe which also looks really good I also really like when Builders create these builds where instead of just having one build in the center you actually almost feel like you have a little Street it looks really good there's this free residential lot over here there's another Park which is the Spring Festival which looks so good and we need to check out there's a pool there's a spa which we can never have enough Spas honestly and then there's a vet clinic we have of course a bunch of different families we have the night family over here they seem to be a family Corin shares her love between her family and patients in the hospital whenever she comes home after a busy day Matthew is there to support and comfort her so they can both enjoy their little ones we have the Wilson family so there's a lot of families in this safe file which is really fun if you want your uh Sims to make a lot of friends maybe not as good if you want your Sims to find love but I think there are still quite a few options and we have a bunch of other families over here we have the Williams family the devony family and the Mosley family so a very Centric world over here and so then when we go to mnol prominade it looks very different but it looks so good we have a bakery which is owned by one of the Sims in the safe file and then the retail store which is owned by the Home Bergs and it looks so good we should check out both of these and then we have another fet clinic and a restaurant which looks really good too now moving into windenburg windenburg is probably my favorite world honestly it's pretty big and I like the families and everything so we have to show Gardens as usual we have the fires which look like this in here they look really good and then the Munch family of course they look like this we have the Villa real over here which they look like they're living in a castle so we need to check that out because that looks amazing we have a vacation rental over here which is always good the pool looks really nice which we should check out the nightclub so it seems to me like the Lots in windenburg are pretty much the same as usual but just Chang changed we had the library the nightclub o and then we have a park over here which is really small but it seems to be 14 I want to check that out this house seems really nice and the families seem to be pretty much just the families from the actual expansion pack with perhaps exception of this family which is the Anderson family and it says IET and Marshall have settled down in this quaint Cottage on the windenburg country side Evette has the aspiration to become a Master Chef will she make it happen maybe with some help from her cooking club that is really interesting that is another feature of this safe file by the way it has a bunch of different clubs which I love it's one of my favorite features in the game is the clubs as for S myu know the karaoke bar looks really nice and over here in the Stargazer Lounge instead of an actual Lounge we have a restaurant which I really like the location for that then we have The machino Meadows Park which as usual but it looks really nice and then of course we have all of the apartments which I'm not going to show you all of them but this is essentially what they look like just by looking at this you can see how well furnished all of these apartments are and how good they look so you can check them out if you decide to download this sa file which of course is going to be in the description box and then moving on to forgotten Holo so you have a residential lot over here that you can use we have a lounge and then let's see the vetor family this is what they look like they look really good actually I hadn't yet seen them while playing my game then Vlad had a change over here as well and then we have this family now moving on to brindleton Bay which is honestly one of my least favorite worlds as it comes in the actual game you know but this version is actually really nice so we have the park for the pets of course we have a thrift and bubble te store which we always love again I always love spaces for teams in the game we have the FED Clinic of course which is owned by one of the Sims in the sa file so that's so nice and then this place is is for the lighthouse which is really interesting and we should check out there's a restaurant of course you have the families and everything this is the family that owns the vet clinic and it says Sophia always had the dream to become a vet when she was a child and after learning the skill and say saving a lot of money she has taken over the local vet clinic will she be able to give up the clinic rolling with the help of little nugget so that sounds fun to play with and then we have a bar we actually have a wedding venue which looks really nice and then we have a residential rental which is so much fun and I haven't played with these enough honestly and I should this is what it looks like and you can see the bills are just amazing the decor and everything amazing moving on to Delo Valley which I actually quite like despite the fact that it's so small I just wish it was bigger but we have a cafe we have a karaoke bar a restaurant a museum and a lounge which actually think makes a lot of sense because this is supposed to be a l correct and then we have the usual families the Bailey moons over here this is what they look like and then Judith Ward with her little dog which makes so much sense and then we have a residential rental which honestly makes a lot of sense considering the fact that you don't really have a lot of lots at your disposal in this world so here is Vanessa with a little cat and then we have this new family and this is a vacant lot which looks so good and then we actually have a pool then for strangerville which another really small world but we have a restaurant over here with a gazebo and it looks so pretty and then we have a night club which looks really nice for this world we have a bar and a library and I'm going to be honest I don't really know the families from this world because I haven't really played in it and I should and I'm probably going to sooner rather than later later with the ult Legacy challenge but I haven't yet oh my goodness this is a family from The Sims 2 I love it so much so okay so this is created by Maxis okay that makes so much sense this is a family from The Sims 2 that they put in Strang reveal that is genius all right moving on to Sani one of my favorite worlds this is what it looks like I absolutely love this little Sani Summer Festival over here and then you have a vacation rental because of course you want to go to salani on vacation you have three actually one here and one here so one in each of the neighborhoods which is really nice you have a spa which makes so much sense for Solani you have the beach of course and then a restaurant for dates I love taking my Sims on dates to restaurants then a wedding venue which is perfect because hello beach weddings really pretty and of course you have the typical families this is what they look like now as for Bri Chester which is such a disappointing world to me because it's so extremely small we have just the bar it's just the bar but we need to check out the comments because they're different so we should check them out and then the library of course and then we have the Pleasant Family the twin sisters they look nice the elderberries as well but it doesn't look very different because it is what it is but they did add this residential rental over here which is really smart because again this is a really small world so this is what the family over here look like and and there's another residential rental here see this new florali save is just so incredibly smart because the for rent expansion pack really added a lot just by letting us do the residential rentals and so trying to incorporate that into the smaller worlds is just so smart this is so well done you really should download this say file if you can because it adds so much so many Sims and so much more life to this world like look at look at this build look at this house it looks so nice I actually kind of like Evergreen Harbor but let's face it it's not like the most vibrant world and just looking at this map it looks so good so you have the community spaces there's not a lot of different here it's just mostly the uh lots are different and then for Mount karabi another one of my favorite worlds you have the normal stuff up here with this park which I don't think exists and then you have a vacation rental over here and then we have a residential rental over here which is also really smart because even though I really like Mountain karabi it's also kind of on a smaller side so we have a residential rental over here that is very useful another Park so oh and another feature by the way of this sa file is that most places incorporate a section for kids so you don't have to be worried about you know going to the park and not having anything for like little babies or children or going to even a bar and not having anything for kids to do because most bills in this safe file have stuff for children which is so good to me because I do a lot of family gameplay and there are not enough spaces for kids so anyways we have a restaurant which is really nice you can go on a date to monom morabbi which I usually actually don't use monom morabbi unless because I pretend monom morab is actually Japan and so I have my Sims you know kind of go on a trip there I can just pop in whenever I want but still and then we have a tea house which is really nice which is a cafe of course for henford on magley another one of my favorites this is actually genuinely such a gorgeous gorgeous world you have a cafe which is new you have the typical bar which looks different but then you have a cafe which is new this is what the Scott feminine looks like they kind of look like the same and then you have a residential rental which is so nice we have space here to come and live in henford on baggley looks really nice actually I should I should use it honestly uh and then you have this new family the Nolan family and so moving on you have the a coners over here they are new and they are a huge family I really like how they look they look so cute and it says Liam and Sierra's families have always lived in Hanford on Bagley and to be honest they are expecting their children to do exactly the same will their teenage daughter Shauna follow her parents wishes or whisk away and pursue her dream to study at brester to become a famous writer really interesting storyline again this pist has everything another vacation rental so you can come to henford on Bagley I actually really like that idea to go on a family vacation to just kind of be nature and then you have the typical park over here and then for TSA there's this beach over here which has a section with lounge chairs which is so identical to real life and then there's this section with uh children things for the kids which is so nice and then the lounge is really pretty as well then we have a restaurant vacation rental again of course and TARTA is a vacation destination so that's nice too uh there's this family which I really like and I have had my Sims be friends with them and then we have the wedding venue of course and then there's these two vacant Lots over here and then copperdale which I actually really really love I love the amusement park especially there's a vacation rental over here which I should use because I like this place and then there's uh a new family over here which they seem to be friends and it says Mariah and Camille met each other when they were only children and were in the same class in cooperdale high they became very good friends and eventually moved in together to split the cost of maintaining a household at her work Camille met Phoenix who was having a hard time dealing with bullying in school and difficulties at home Camille looked out for her and eventually became her caregiver how will things go with a teenager in the house so that's really interesting there's a little Park over here and then there's the prize family then there's a restaurant there's the Thrifty and wash typical store that comes with the game the library copperdale High School of course and the auditorium then as for squa which again I think is a kind of underwhelming world still this say file makes it better you have a nightclub over here a library a vacation rental you have the community Recreation Center of course you have a restaurant with a gazebo which looks really beautiful and you have a bunch of other families which I'm not going to get into necessarily but they look so good and there are so many Sims to be friend over here and the houses by the way look really really nice I'm using this one for my current households which I am playing with which is with a widower father and I'm really enjoying the gameplay I'm probably going to do a current house video on that uh family in a bit you shall see how it progresses so for Chestnut Ridge look at this there's a spooky Fall Festival it looks amazing I'm going to show it to you then you have a Kim ground over here you have the families of course you have a nightclub bar a cafe which looks so good and then a lounge and of course you have then the uh other typical lots that come with the game this is what the Sims look like they look so good this family of course comes with the expansion pack already but this is what they look like and then finally tomang another disappointing world but still at least now we have a recreation center over here so there's stuff to do there's a residential rental here with a bunch of different units and families to befriend there's the park another residential rental another one so you have three residential rentals so many families you have this family over here which looks so good I love her especially then you have a restaurant and a lounge so all of a sudden in tomang you have so many more families and so many more things for your Sims to do in tomang especially if you're one of those people that you know don't like to have your Sims travel between worlds I do that I travel between worlds but I know that people some people don't and so you have a lot more to do in these little worlds now so okay now we're going to go deep into the builds I'm going to show them to you I'm going to start with Willow Creek I think from here I want to see the cathedral so let's get into that okay I want you guys to be ready okay because this is gorgeous this is what the cathedral looks like outside it's just simply so pretty and I love this space over here with tables again this is the outside and it fits well within Willow Creek over here as well which by the way I'm pretty sure this say file also uses the tool mod to change things on the outside of the builds which is amazing I I would not have the patience and I I really applaud people who create these sa files because I could not do it anyways look at this there's literally space over here in this little Tower to take pictures so let's go inside and see look at that it's gorgeous it's a gorgeous space with you know where you can have the view from the window from The Arches right but then you also have the flowers it's so gorgeous it's a great idea and then for the actual build you come inside right and then you have the space for the wedding over here and it's so gorgeous look at this space and the art and everything amazing you have a space with the piano over here to have the classical music playing for your wedding and then you have the space for the guests to be in you have a bar again more space for the guests to sit in and then the kitchen which sometimes I feel like people forget but you need a kitchen for weddings and there's one over here and then there's a seating area over here another seting area and then up here in the tower again you have a space for paintings which is so nice and again the space for the pictures it's amazing it looks gorgeous and again there's space outside as well it it's just so so gorgeous and I need I need to have a wedding here all right so we are now in way Springs this is the bar I mentioned I wanted to show you this is actually it is a bar but it is a bowling alley so you see the bowling thing here looks so good let's go inside I love playing here so here is the bowling alley you have a bunch of space over here with the bowling lanes your Sims can sit down and just chat and hang out I love doing that with friends and then you have the bar over here it's very simple but it's really colorful and I like it okay so we are still in away the Springs but I wanted to show you this as well because this is actually a movie theater look at this you come inside you have the tables to wait you can ask for popcorn and then you have the movie seats over here in a giant movie screen I love it so much and that's really it you have the posters and everything I like the outside as well it looks good but yeah I just wanted to show that to you because I feel like we are missing movie theaters which The Sims 3 had but alas all right so this is the park in New Crest this is what it looks like you have a little garden over here you have the chest tables of course it looks so pretty with these little streets and then you have a space to grill stuff and you just sit around I love these trees with the lights it looks beautiful then you have the section for the kids of course again look at this you can even take infants and todders here it's it's amazing I love that feature about the safe file just so much and then you have little Lake over here it looks so pretty and yeah that is the park in Willow Creek I might actually show you the Spring Festival as well this is a little Spring Festival it's a really small lot but it looks so good you have the lanterns and then of course the sa trees and then you come inside you have a bunch of seating places and you can take pictures you have vending stands and look at this you can come on dates here it would be amazing you have space for the kiddos of course so good look at that so colorful so pretty I love The Pastels it's just so cute so incredibly cute and a section here for infants and toddlers to just you know for the parents to take care of them it's honestly Perfection okay so this is mnol promad and we have the retail store over here it kind of looks like almost like a huge department store with different sections I'm going to show you inside so this is what the inside looks like you have a section over here to try on clothes and then you have a section for kids things then you have a technology section and a book section up here you have a section for your house then this is still the kids section still the clothes section and then you have a space for photography which is really interesting okay this is still Magnolia promade but I was really curious about this restaurant I think it looks really pretty it has so many sitting areas outside and the flowers I think it's the flowers for me honestly and it's a really simple restaurant but it's so cozy and pretty I love it I definitely need to come here with my SS okay for windenburg I figured I should check out the Villa Real's house because what is even this this is a little castle look at that by the way I love the trees here with the leaves but oh my goodness this looks amazing I'm not even going to get into everything that this house has because this is just incredible but oh my goodness it's actually insane you have an indoor pool seriously I actually you know this might be a hot take I'm not sure let me know in the comments what you think but I actually don't like playing in huge houses I just kind of get lost oh my goodness you have a gym over here and then a Recreation Area this is amazing but yeah I wouldn't necessarily play here but I think it's amazing amazing build okay so I am going to Chestnut Ridge because I really need to show you this spooky Festival all right so look at this space it's actually amazing so you have a space with animals over here and then you have a bunch of stalls of course spaces for sitting you have a little pumpkin patch of course a section for kids then a section to come skate another section for kids which is amazing and then you have a haunted house and now let me actually show you what this looks like at night because taada the lights are amazing look at that I love it I really need to come here like with teams are you kidding me okay we had the overview so you've seen how many amazing builds there are in the save of course I can show you everything but lastly I'm going to show you this little park over here this is in strangerville and it has a little gazebo and it's so beautiful for little cute dates so this is what it looks like the Gazebo is so gorgeous it has a bunch of sitting areas this is actually restaurant I'm pretty sure because you can probably request a table here and then again once again a section for kids another searing area and then this is the space with the bathroom rooms and the kitchen look at this it's so gorgeous such a great idea and even though stranger veille is not the cutest I actually still think this is a nice place all right guys that is it for this safe file overview so of course in the description you can find the link to this safe file I highly recommend that you check it out as you've seen there are a lot of families and a lot of Sims a lot of really nice builds and I actually really think this is a very good safe for family gameplay especially if you like it but even with the Vampire pack and the werewolf packs there are so many new Sims that you can play with that you can have your vampire and werewolf Sims be friends with I've also noticed while playing with the safe that there are a lot of mermaids as well so so definitely you should check it out I think it's going to very much enrich your gameplay so anyways that is it for today next week we are going to continue our differences in family tree Legacy challenge so look out for that and thank you so much for being here thank you so much for watching please like And subscribe if you want and I will see you in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: SimSyl
Views: 2,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheSims, TheSims4, Sims, Sims4, SimsSpeedBuild, Sims4SpeedBuild, TS4, TS4SpeedBuild, SpeedBuild, save file, sims 4 save file, ultimate save file, plumbob kingdom, simsyl, ts4 save file, sims 4 save file review, save file review, ratboysims, ratsave 1.2, fleuralia save file sims 4, version 7.0 fleuralia save file, fleuralia save file 7.0 download, fleuralia save, fleuralia save file, fleuralia, the sims 4 save file, ts4
Id: vGXvfR8SITc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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