Beato Book Review

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here it is it's the Miata book I had it printed at the end of the video there's a trick to the biato book that will make this review 180. what's the biato book now what is in it should you get it well Rick viato is the Dave Ramsey of Music YouTube he's the blues grandfather The Silver Fox the Wilford Brimley this is the oatmeal right that he's pimping for the beatas Rick has this channel it's one of the top channels for not only music but guitarists go to it non-guitaroscope for the music theory the song breakdowns the way he goes through the top pop songs and tries to find good things about them Rick has the best interviews of musicians like Sting Frampton Kiko Guerrero who's a channel friend Derek Trucks all the Seattle people he has great song breakdowns he has his Boomer side that people get a little upset about where he you know is talking about pop music's falling off there's you can't keep recreating the Beatles it's expensive you have to find all these personalities to work together and write together those guys are really good at it now today you can find some riders that can write great songs they don't have to get along with people you have them write the songs you have the formula figured out now so all the pop people have their songs written but you know by these you know handful of great people and I'm talking about Big Pop stuff with huge production Rick will kind of trash that Rick plays the YouTube game perfectly well that's what the record companies are doing right they're playing the game in the most efficient manner for them it's not the best thing for music but biato's Channel there are the click bait there's the I'm gonna have to do that too I'm sure so is it any different than what he's complaining about probably not now of course the problem with that is everything gets demonetized so I bought the be auto book and had it printed and bound but he cannot monetize uh most of his videos he puts a ton of work into these things he travels to get to these bigger artists he has to go to La I know horrible thing to have to go to La he's going to pay for that if you're demonetized all the time you need merch Rick's merch is a teaching merge so when I bought this book I thought I'm going to learn the stuff and it I was wrong the book is first of all chapter 5 is the last chapter of the book starts on page 496. I'm sorry 468 but in the last piece of that is 496. the last page number account I have 498 this back page 4.99 almost 500 pages see we don't need this we don't need Siri that's the thing should you get this book yes and no if you're buying this book as as a beginner to get going no if you're buying this book to support Rick's Channel yes buy the book the next year buy the air training it's the same as any other ear training buy it to support his channel so if you want to support them this is the merch the book is useful that's at the end because I didn't know this until I caught one of Rich streams pages and pages of net diagrams I'm not going to show you the book because you got to buy it there's not much tab if you're into that thing trust me you don't need tab that's not what this is about but there's no context it is all diagrams it's as if you bought somebody's Berkeley music theory notes this will cover Triad spread Triads modes scales let me see let me read the chapter list real quick Brett shull's not in here I was hoping so the first chapter is theory and Harmony Triads scales get some Shoal Triads scales Triads scales here's the triadic superins super imposition chart parentheses dominant seven we're going from intervals to chords in families and scales and chords and Himalayan salt lamps and uh I actually don't recommend printing this for yourself because there's color-coded major six major third perfect fifth and root those are color coded I can read them of course but when you have the color code you can find the red root quicker with the first 90 Pages you're going through intervals Circle the fifths building Triads it's all with staffs you have to be able to read music to get through it there's something I was missing and I caught a live stream where Rick was talking about the future of his channel which is a live stream he seems to do every 36 hours book is meant to go along with his older videos in this live stream he's talking about how his old videos are hard to find they're buried the way YouTube Works you're probably never going to see him that's where the context is and that's I think missing from most discussions about the Miata book somebody's screaming at me right now saying it's online now and it is it's online now and I believe and I've bought that too but I do believe now the pages have the corresponding video links in them that being the case that makes the book not only useful as a means to support Rick but it's useful in a means to actually learn so at that case you know the be auto books it's a great thing and you know you also could buy all this oh there's more now to confess you know one's the real book if you have one of the old ones like this is the 4-0 just before the online they're meant to go with videos so if you're gonna buy the auto book probably get the online one make sure it has the videos we do want to support Rick he's got a great Channel he is memeable you know it's it's fun to make fun of the bigger people that are always in our YouTube Pages Schultz got a water pipe burst over here Mary spender is upset because she's only getting the right songs with John Mayer or whatever Pat finnerty's off being funny you know Marty music's teaching how to play a Led Zeppelin song for the 50th time at the end of the day you know we need to support you know our people so Triads scales get some Schultz Triads scales Triads scales so should you buy the biato book
Channel: Holland Oats
Views: 50,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, music theory, beato book review, beato book, hollandoats
Id: RXcWi4ljJDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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